Sylvester Stallone on Why He's Selling His Patek Philippe Grandmaster Chime & More | Sotheby's

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I was passing this guy once on the street and I was wearing a Rolex and he goes wow man what that watch cost I go I guess at that time $11,000 he goes my watch cost $3 and we have the same time and I go wow that's the point it's not about the time it's about the sense of accomplishment that you said okay I'm going to reward myself or perhaps doing something right in my life and that's what watch collecting to me it's not about keeping time it's about keeping in step with where you are in [Music] [Applause] [Music] life I don't buy anything unless I really feel uh drawn to it the one thing that seems to be pervasive over all these watches if they attract me emotionally I think they're uh rather bold statements and they just strike at the right time I said you know what I need that kind of watch or I need I need this heavier type watch or maybe I need a sporting type watch so all of these basically track the different moods and the es and flow of what I'm feeling at that particular time oh the 5711 what can I say this is the Mac Daddy this is the one that started the mall the whole knotless movement this is green-faced very valuable I don't know why I'm I'm selling it cuz I'm stupid I guess but I'm going to do it anyway for those fact hungry people this is the first time they use diamonds on steel so it makes quite a statement this is the mac daddy if you're a serious watch collector and you want to make a statement this one doesn't whisper it screams and this is his cousin from New Jersey he's pretty valuable too 5711 again this is getting back to the B 6 if you want to be on the front line of of a trend this is when this watch came to the Forefront and hasn't slowed down since it's probably the most iconic watch PCH ever made in the sporting genre you know sometimes you just do it right you nail it perfectly and you go oh what can I do to make it better the answer is nothing you did it so just enjoy this is actually a recent acquisition I think it's gorgeous it's a beautiful blue wonderful wonderful beautiful watch but I thought you know I got to share the happiness with other people so I'm going to put it up out there for someone else to wear there's something about a blue and a green doll it just it's attractive some people may prefer gray or neutral or black but for me these are vibrant they're earth tones in a sense this was a fantastic acquisition I love it I thought it was just pure beauty this is really a piece of gold this cardier watch was given to me I was at the uh duville Film Festival I don't know maybe 10 12 years ago and I was having dinner with the president of cardier and we had a good time we're talking about horses and so on and so forth and the next day at the hotel was this extraordinary piece watch making again there's a pattern here you can see there's a sort of a rhythm that goes on with all these watches they're a certain size which at that time was you the heavier bulkier watches as I get older I tend to shift my preferences but this again marks a certain period of time also this big door knocker here it's engraved uh to commemorate that moment so this is the real deal folks I started collecting when I finally came into some money I had just finished Rocky and there was Greg almond of the Almond Brothers and I guess he was very tired so his arm was hanging in the aisle and on his wrist was very something very similar to this this is a Rolex tropical but it's very much like this actually it was all gold just like this and it was the most beautiful thing I ever seen so when I finally got a few bucks together I went out and bought this gold Submariner and that was the beginning of my love affair for Rolex watches in general and that was it but thank you Greg Alman for sleeping and hanging your arm in the aisle it's changed my whole trajectory you've cost me a fortune gray to say ah what a surprise green this watch provided hours and hours of Cho it was just a beautiful non-stop complimentary Roman numerals just different unique just pure class just pure class oh it says slly on the back so I can relate to this watch a lot and uh it is just a a beautiful Conversation Piece can't go wrong with that this one here this is from Expendables too I mean I put this thing through its paces underw above water in the sand fight scenes you name it action now this panai is bronze it's very unique it just struck me as being so architectural masculine military and it's almost a throwback to like Titanic if you want to say or Port holes and I thought yeah I have to wear this in the movie this this is going to make a statement and so it did this is again like a door knocker it's solid also it's 000000000000 zero this is it this is the first one that's never going to happen again so hope you enjoy it I had many many hours of wearing this in the jungle in the air in the water it was uh my companion throughout that film and longer than that here it is the slch I'm sign Ed on the back slide Tech was kind of an interesting concept at that time the watch was not considered that modern it was made primarily for World War II for underwater demolition so they needed a watch with a large face so they could see it and when we brought it into the modern era which at that time was the '90s they thought oh it's more technological let's throw Sly in there Sly Tech and I thought not bad now I'm kind of a robot slch how are you uh-oh this is a fraking statement trust me on this one because I started a whole panai movement they thought okay let's do something commemorative for slide well they decided to make this solid block of gold there's only one of these in the world only will be one of them I suggested why you going to go through all this work make three or four I go no there's one and done and then we break the mold you've never worn anything more solid in your life this will never go unnoticed let's move all these children over here and get ready for the big brother this is something let me get this right because this is the PEX 6300g Grandmaster chime what I'm going to show you here is a watch that's never been touched this is it this is the uh most complicated wrist watch ever made on the planet this is it it doesn't get any better than this so when the time came for me to say what is the finest watch in the world I'd like to own that this is it and this is not easy to come by I had to appeal to certain powers that be write many letters to the board and eventually it was determined that I was going to be the owner of one of these magnificent pieces of art this is only available to certain customers so you have to be with them for a while you're just not going to walk in off the street go hey I'd like to have one of those no this is also double-faced two magnificent pieces of art Untouched by human hands I bought this as a collector I I didn't want to you know wear it around and bang it up this and that I thought this is the way you would treat a a painting a Monet a work of art you just don't thrash it about that's for something else this one here is you just look at it and it's a a real sense of accomplishment only this say okay I arrived I guess I did something right in my life and this is my reward to myself it also comes with many other attachments to make owning this watch a rare privilege now there's a book that comes with this well right here show them the book yes please do this book has your name on it yes and uh and the box also has my name engraved on it everything so it's custom made this of course you know without going into detail is everything you'd ever want to know about this watch it's beautiful it's a collect this piece in itself so s when we talked about sending out your collection you know we went through the whole collection and we tried on things and I remember seeing a lot of these on you either out socially or in films and I think it was a it was a great opportunity to really look at the collection and see what was the right thing to let go at this time exactly right and I had always thought of this as something to just be admired I wasn't going to covet it and keep it forever that's just not my personality I tend to enjoy things and then I like to share them and that's the truth I I do there was a famous comedian once his name was Flip Wilson I don't know how many people remember but I was admiring he had a a a horse and Stallone means Stallion and I was looking at this beautiful charm had around his neck his Ivory and gold I that's beautiful and he pulled it off said here you can have it I what I don't deserve this he goes yeah because I've had it for a while I've enjoyed it and it seems like now it's time for you to enjoy it and I never forgot that and this is the situation especially with this this particular watch they look at this I just got to show they leave no stone unturned they just put down your name everywhere engraved it's it's really been an honor to fly at this level in the World of Watches so if you want to experience Perfection there it is [Music]
Channel: Sotheby's
Views: 1,158,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sotheby's, art auction, auction house, fine art, contemporary art, luxury, global, sylvester stallone, sly stallone, rocky, watches, patek philippe, sly, sly tech, celebrity, celebrity collection, watch collector, timepiece, celebrity watch, collectible, rolex, challengers, stallone, oscar winner, famous, art collector, rambo, expendables, panerai, daylight, grandmaster chime
Id: Yi9H2vKukVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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