Buckle Up Here We Go!!

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[Music] just a good old boy all right ladies and gentlemen it's go time we are mowing hay today finally let's get this thing started up here open up windows that way y'all hear it i always love to hear them start up first time listen that beast come to life oh that is a sweet sweet sweet sweet sound this time of the year by the end of the year i'll be ready to not hear it anymore oh man um but we have just started hey season 2021 it has begun it has been a hectic start to this year i am extremely late um if y'all been watching for a long time y'all probably been wondering when is he gonna start posting videos and cut hey he's gotta be cut hey it is this truck thing's charging so let me pull up my calendar so that way actually it is the 13th of may so i am three weeks behind today or tomorrow i'll be three weeks behind uh where i normally start we normally start the last week of april we're at the end of the second week of may and we are three weeks behind i said a while ago i was a month behind on everything and i guess i've caught up maybe a week but we're still chasing our tail right now it has definitely been a hectic start but hey ground-wise i've got more hay to cut than i ever have at this point uh the way things has worked out the last several weeks i have not recorded anything in the last two weeks i think i've already talked about this a few weeks ago in another video uh the ground situation we picked up some more ground uh it's just worked out that we are going to have more than we have ever had um and i'm starting three weeks later imagine that so it's we are not starting like we normally do normally i would have started the last week of april we'd probably build square bales done a handful of round rolls um it's typically what we do but the weather has not cooperated uh we had some we've had some dry weather uh but it has also rained quite a bit when it was warm enough to bail it was raining when it was dry it was too cold to get it to cure out um so we haven't been able to go yet i mean it's just basically where we've been uh they some other guys that's in our area hats did start that third or the last week of april um they went ahead and cut several people cut a lot of hay then i don't know how they got to dry out uh because the window was about four days and it was in the 60s and low 70s every day so i don't know how they would ever got it to even dry enough to put a preservative on so i don't know that's why i didn't go in i was sick as a dog too at the time but we didn't go then because the temperature has just not been where it's normally at right now we're basically at the this month is basically april for what we normally have normally by this time of the year our temperatures are floating around mid 80s every single day it's hot not summer hot but it's hot but at night you'll get down into the low 70s and if a rain shower comes through you'll see some 60 degree weather we have still been floating in that 40 degree range honestly and it has been like loads it's been tough um we've been kind of in there in that that area at nights at 40 still some and you cannot do anything with hay in that kind of weather it's just not feasible uh it won't dry if you have a wrapper ain't nothing new up here wow that's all you can do hey if they uh bring that fuel um we're probably gonna need you to bring us some later well if they they do bring it you call me and uh we may need some all right but uh i'll get into that i got something else i want to talk to you all about a little bit well several things to talk about today um but uh see where was i at my grandpa called me we're dealing with the fuel crisis is going on right now i don't know when y'all see this maybe after it's all over but i don't know that's what we're dealing with right now um anyway it's been a hectic year and uh well it's good to be cut we ended up with more ground hay ground than we've had we're still looking for cow pasture land though that's something that that we need bad right now i need a good sized farm really one one good sized uh police but just can't find no no more man that's just part of it um everybody i know a lot of other people deal with the same thing i'm dealing with the guys that's out in the midwest who hate hate it being uh i don't know there's a from my understanding from people i've talked to there's a kind of a reputation out there that people out here ignore them because they are rule enjoy it i guess is that my best way to explain it or whatever enjoy it don't don't wish don't wish it away i promise you that um because you regret it when it is gone man uh it's just it's a different world when you live near a city or where everybody's at it's just another world this hay is heavy oh boy and when there's no land and there's land values out the door and you're walking far it's hard it's difficult you cannot find land uh we are one of the fortunate ones that still left most people around here has quit hung it up moved or something and we're one of the few that still hang around that's still farming a pretty good size um a good amount of ground but it takes it and a lot of people probably think well if they knew how much land we were actually farming there's reasons i don't tell it it they would probably be like well i've got a lot of land well it takes a lot of land to make everything work and to make this thing profitable for free families and that's what's living off this farm is three families and uh there's my grandpa my grandmother there's my mom and dad and there's me and uh my gang that's there's five of us now that's a lot of a lot of uh money to be made and my grandpa's not getting any younger he's 80 years old or fixing to be 80. and my dad is i think he's either 60 or fixing to turn 60. um and i'm the only young one around who does this i have a sister but she don't have nothing to do with the farm never has her husband doesn't care anything about it for the most part um they're they're just not involved in it and it's all on me to try to take care of all this and basically keep everything going the older they get the less they can do and provide for them and myself so it's it's not easy and then you throw in on top of that all the land crap i have to deal with and trying to get we're trying to keep enough land for us to make a living and then you got to try to compete in the market and manage all that on top of that and do everything it's a lot uh i mean it's a lot to deal with and it's not easy anybody that says you don't learn what you got in farming you ain't farm long or you don't know what you're talking about one hello the fuel company just called and said that they ain't gonna bring us no fuel today they're supposed to be here yesterday then they're supposed to brought us fuel today and now now they're saying it's going to be tomorrow they were supposed to get 100 000 gallons of fuel in they only got 7 000 gallons of fuel in so no fuel so what do you do and it could not have been a worser time for our tanks to run out and i ain't got a drop left and that's and now i'm up here we're trying to get started and hey i had to go yesterday and and scrounge up enough and fuel cans and buy our own road just so we can do what we got to do is that could not have been a worser time because we literally ran out and then all this mess happened i mean that night i mean you could not have timed it any better better to be a mess for us because normally i mean you don't think that about it you get low and then you'll catch it when you've got about a quarter of a tank left and then you'll order the fuel well that's what we did and then lo and behold this all happens so this is what we were stuck with i mean it when we ordered the fuel none of this was going on uh we literally ordered it the day or the night before all this happened we ordered it late that afternoon they said yeah we'll have it there the first of next week um it didn't or middle next week i think it was first the middle of next week never showed up okay and then that night all that crap come out of the news about the pipeline and everything else and that's something i want to talk about with fuel in this country and here in the southeast why why well i mean it's a crucial thing to industries all over this country is having fuel clearly it is um why in hell would we put all of our faith into a computer system i mean given it it's not hacked and just say something goes wrong catastrophically wrong why would we do that why would we not have it to where it could be manually overridden because from what i've been here and they've been told it's all because the computers are shut down and because of the virus and there's no way to there's no way what the heck is he doing there's no way to get everything back online and that is a problem that is a major major major problem um i mean look at what it's done to the southeast i mean it's stupid to have that much crap on our lines and don't even get me started about politics in general with our wonderful president this regime if you voted for these people i hope you're enjoying this you're probably one of these dumb asses that's run into the gas station opening up your trunk on your little car and taking a grocery bag from target walmart wherever it may be and filling it with gas tying it on in it and dropping it in the back of your car that's how stupid these people are i mean stupid you dumb ass do you not realize that that fuel will melt that plastic within not a long period of time just a few minutes and you will have gas all in the trunk of your car everywhere not in a container i mean people are dumb dumb anyway thank you all for watching please comment rate subscribe and i'll see you next time
Channel: Bagwell Farms.
Views: 1,677
Rating: 4.884892 out of 5
Keywords: Agriculture, Hay an Forage, Equipment, Farm, Ranch, georgia, Tractors, Men, Men working, Farm Animals, Cows, Horses, Goats, sheep, pigs, chickens, dairy, Farmer, 4H, Massey Ferguson, Claas, drone, dji, gopro, McCormick
Id: B5PNBAquH8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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