Final judgement read at Nuremburg Trials (1946)

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this is the government british news the trial at nuremberg eagerly awaited in every part of the world was the climax to the long and strenuous months of the nuremberg trial while the judges were considering their verdicts the military authorities were redoubling their security precautions armed guards were greatly increased in number both in the courthouse itself and in the surrounding areas of the city once again comes the familiar scene the crowded floodlit courtroom with the 21 nazi leaders taking their places in the dock day after day for 10 months the same routine has been observed but now the atmosphere grows tense with the entrance of the british american russian and french members of the tribunal the allied judges shared with the president of the court the reading of the fateful words of the nuremberg judgment mr francis biddle speaks for the united states war for the solution of international controversies undertaken as an instrument of national policy certainly includes a war of aggression and such a war is therefore outlawed by the fact for great britain lord justice lawrence in connection with the administration of the concentration camps the ss embarked on a series of experiments on human beings which were performed on prisoners of war or concentration camp inmates these experiments included freezing to death and killing by poison bullets for france lucia don all through the day the quiet and solemn reading continued while court officials translated into four languages the 50 000 words of the judgment and 25th of august during part of this time hess appeared to be suffering from one of his attacks of stomach cramp and eventually had to leave the court not until early evening was the reading of the tribunal's judgement complete mr bruno will now adjourn next morning the judges again shared the reading of the individual vedics with the evidence on each accused examined in detail before his innocence or guilt was declared first to be dealt with was hermann goering found guilty on all four counts of the indictment and he participated in the conference of the 16th of july 1941 when hitler said the national socialists had no intention of ever leaving the occupied countries and that all necessary measures shooting de-settling etc should be taken rudolph hess guilty on counts one and two was followed by joachim von ribentrop guilty on all four counts he took part in a conference between hitler and horthy on the deportation of jews from hungary and informed horthy that the jews must either be exterminated or taken to concentration camps it was because hitler's policy and plans coincided with his own ideas that ribbon crop served him so willingly to the end conclusion the tribunal finds that ribbon trop is guilty on all four accounts wilhelm keitel former chief of the high command was found guilty on all four counts and fun neurot former protector of bohemia moravia was guilty in the same degree former governor general of occupied poland was a willing and knowing participant in the use of terrorism in poland in the economic exploitation of poland in a way which led to the death by starvation of a large number of people the deportation to germany is slave laborers of over a million polls and in a program involving the murder of at least three million jews conclusion the tribunal finds that frank is not guilty in count one but is guilty under counts three and four julius striker he was responsible for the demolition on august 10 1938 at the synagogue in nyrenberg and on november the 10th 1938 he spoke publicly in support of the jewish program which was taking place at that time striker's incitement to murder and extermination at the time when jews in the east were being killed under the most horrible conditions clearly constitutes persecution on political and racial grounds and constitutes a crime against humanity conclusion the tribunal finds that striker is not guilty on count one but he is guilty on count four a surprise verdict for helma finds that shot is not guilty on this indictment and directs that he should be discharged by the marshal when the tribunal presently adjourns another acquittal this time for france von puppen can be held guilty only if he was a party to the planning of aggressive war there is no evidence that he was a party to the plans under which the occupation of austria was a step in the direction of further aggressive action conclusion when the tribunal is presently adjourned later gerring led his fellow conspirators in congratulating shark von poppin and pritchard on their newly gained freedom the former president of the reichsbank talks to the press files on purpon diplomat of two wars seemed to take his release with philosophic cop in the afternoon by order of the tribunal no cameramen were allowed to be present when the guilty men receive their sentences but recordings bring much of the drama of those historic pronouncements by the president of the court hermann wilhelm guri on the counts of the indictment on which you have been convicted the international military bill sentences you to death by hanging very soon after the last sentence had been read the people of nuremberg were rushing to learn their former leaders fate perhaps as they read they remember the appalling cost of the second world war 30 million killed maimed or missing a terrible total which may have echoed through the minds of those who planned and brought about the greatest catastrophe of all time soon the guilty men will receive their just reward but behind them they leave a legacy of sorrow and suffering that a thousand years will never wipe out in this momentous trial now ended the world itself has been the judge may the lessons of nuremberg remain forever in the conscience of mankind you
Channel: British Pathé
Views: 22,361
Rating: 4.839416 out of 5
Keywords: British, Pathe, Reuters, Archive, Licensing, Gaumont, Graphic, Empire, News, Bulletin, Paramount, Visnews, britishpathe, History, Historical, Newsreel, Vintage, Footage, Old, Films, Video, Videos, Humour, War, Military, Fashion, Funny, Interesting, British Pathé, British Pathe, Pathé, Library, 20th Century
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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