Final Fantasy XIV Is A Serious Video Game

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Hey before this video starts a little announcement I'm going to twitchcon Berlin if any of you are going there I seem to have a meet-and-greet session at 3 p.m. on Saturday I'm a bit nervous but that's happening cool all right maybe see you there may-maybe bye hello how's it going twitch baby baby a lot of you guys don't care for final fantasy xiv I'll try and get back into for variety soon keyway if I have to listen to your freaking music for any longer do you know it I'll do what first I'll smile and listen then I'll tell you how much of a disappointment er for picking up music just like my dad is oh I can also play this right I've learned this from a very good friend [Music] stop playing meme songs or I'll kill you Bobby shark do-do-do-do-do-do baby shark do do do do do do do sorry I had a big dumb [ __ ] juice this morning no let me show you guys what my play time is my play time is 23 days 1 hour and 10 minutes in two months let's get out the calculator 552 hours played in two months that is four hours that I've ever put on Hanzo and overwatch oh sure I still want to do that get away by the way at some point I know I just don't know what to do for it or a picture content issue how is that gonna be an issue with how far I haven't stopped hey get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready good alright Oh Archer but if you want some ain't a guy mean good for you my God how many times must we teach you a lesson old man don't walk with me Mandeville on you oh god don't even talk about monastery we have to do monastery tomorrow I mean the ring is cool and all the people in it not so much weeping city of nuh Burnham nap-nap struck no of yeah that one all right you go ahead you okay why would they make the hell debrand questline suddenly a normal sidequest make it blue anyways a high nah shoo it's been a while time to find [ __ ] Hildebrand I guess I mean it's I still know it's Hildebrand dead or not I can't tell I do not know his name only that he is here by invitation of Lord Edmund what way if you like it you may retire to the gate gazebo and wait for our guests to depart a gazebo aren't those dangerous then again you see my responsible well text dangers about a gazebo I don't know okay there you are inspector I've been looking all over for you is that even knob dump it's godred aha I found yet last heretic what who are you yeah I pray to God Burton everyday [ __ ] huh the unmistakable scent of heresy what do not forget to dress probably further mother I mean it's all the way over there [ __ ] damage he's going [ __ ] insane confound it they've this variation oh that looks awful IRA joined the scenery time oh my god only rocks you can see if masters I'll be red now buddy you are right in there Oh [Laughter] Oh No but of course who else would mentioned to us inhospitable climate and the way curry for my summer sweet but my beloved fans why do I feel as though I've stepped through a portal into an alternate reality unbound by the laws of logic I hate that I hate everything that just happened or not she was just always that's the whole world gone mad can you stop talking like that you remind me of Cory on Jay only worse yeah confound it off you are my dad you're my dad you're my dad oh my god so what we so giegi got [ __ ] annihilate by a snowball I must have learning the limit yes geeky I love and hate all this all one's [ __ ] clotheslines oh so happy Dabra has no clothes on hey Chris where you at I see you your bright yellow yeah he's so talented oh no I should not ask you again come forth grant sirs name yourselves an answer for your misdeeds I don't know whether to laugh or cry maybe both do my eyes deceive oh just like every old man wait I've seen this before ultra recently yes anyway he's only mostly dead if the master of meditation them awesome here acts with all haste the men may yet be saved [Music] [Music] is it just assumed that old people like garlic oh no oh no and me but you asked me Oh Oh impossible no magic can truly return to their to us at best if there was a baby we gotta talk they rebound for the churning miss a place called Zenith to kill a great worm named nidhogg Wow uh sir about that my dear wife I know you mean well but leadbox our headland what there's a pod personal boundaries got my body in oil as you have done many times time before purchase on I know this is gonna look weird but please this time and time again Oh me up man we know lay your hands upon me massage me with all your might what amount of gay is this oh I don't like that her younger self is actually really pretty Oh oh my god oh thank you you have to stop if you keep using your power you're dying you were never broken Giggy you were never have been and all he wanted was to set you free oh [ __ ] oh oh my god oh my god his babies can't help this baby Oh such a fine day never have I squat up at such a perfect form I may have well reached my physical peak I was occurred when I was young but now that I'm old I'm not afraid to say things like I love you Doris what whoa I hate they use the Final Fantasy main theme for this moment am i proud of you too mother for finally coming to terms with the informal nature of physical beauty and allowing yourself to age gracefully Oh Mike where is he going to the inspector yeah sorry get excited when I see one oh my god oh he has a better ville outfit yeah I'm so proud of him what a good good man I love you seer oh what a cutie I'm so excited yeah don't you love dumbass I was about to say nobody knows boxers and then I realized how [ __ ] untrue that is I can finally take hardship on where he belongs nice I love her shut up Jin oh well I mean five hundred people like fit in the FCC so if if y'all want to [ __ ] do Jesus Christ there's so many people in here I can't believe [ __ ] a magnet Himself is here well I get it I'm so hurt you found me looking like an idiot because I had to update him aren't you foot I'm sorry please forgive me it's for the greater good holy jesus Christ there's a lot of people this is like an entire house party it's just so many [ __ ] people in my employment I'm like I'm like packing an entire server so yeah guys welcome to my house party I didn't even play in this fight [Music] hmm for some reason something feels different I don't know what it might be but something feels different II II also this bird gives me heavy deer sorry I thought I'd died there for a moment hello gamers it is I boxer I have power this is unspeakable power hey someone who's in my FC could you come here and die for me just so I can use my Mac Cup so basically you just press one button and the game does it for you it makes rezzing a lot easier and a lot faster you know to play minecraft there's a here in the hot spring that says sexy stupid sexy Robi did and then when you talk to this guy stupid sexy rogue and dip hey I'm not all too bad at jumping puzzles I did the Kouga no jumping puzzles in the first 10 minutes of doing it like this big one right there this is giving you a heart attack well we made it up we're here there is no place to go but stay here folks have climbed a building please don't jump it's not worth it vo XE r we love you [Music] Wow real ninja hours I now have bragging rights for the next 10 years boy yeah Dragoon boy yeah Dragoon boy you can't see this tap dancing can you - goon boy wait a second what are you guys doing at my apartment [Music] huh so strange I don't think I have an apartment anymore I suddenly don't have a house anymore mm-hmm it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make the most wildest accusation I've ever gotten when it came to voxer and achi so voxer has been a character of mine that has been with me ever since Kingdom Hearts 2 and someone said to me on tumblr you can stop acting like you slapped bird wings on Ryuji and Akira shoving your Oh scene and passing it off as your own story my eyes are playing tricks on me a ghost actually this is a mod I downloaded and it automatically makes every Lalla foe invisible just so I don't have to see them but I'm gonna have to make a glamour for shadow bringers it's gonna be a wild but yeah if you're if you're like a caster and don't have a big stupid hat are you truly a caster I love you [ __ ] thanks a bunch man not monastery oh no I got doom wait I can [ __ ] the suit out for myself please I don't like 14:14 is a great game 14 is a fun game it makes me think of all the things that I can do and can't do in this [ __ ] video game the thing with 14 is that the game starts off incredibly slow because not only do you not have a lot of abilities but you also have to deal with the server tick the higher level you go the more abilities you get the more hectic your gameplay gets I always do this from how do you call it a war your standpoint so when it says left hand gun I go left can I be real this is the most stressful monastery I have ever run okay so you know I knew those guys thank you so much for watching and thank you for joining and all of you guys being soaked so kind I probably strip again tomorrow hopefully a different game probably not goodbye
Channel: Shenpai
Views: 656,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy, FF, Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy 14, FF14, FFXIV, Warrior, Scholar, Hildibrand, Heavensward, Stormblood
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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