Final Fantasy XIV - Endwalker (All Voiced Cutscenes)

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] they've almost finished loading our cargo we should be ready to depart right on schedule also I'm told excellent it is nice to have a smooth beginning to one's Journey at the very least it's funny Basta Luis Suare came here on a ship very much like this one [Music] and now years later the street urchin he befriended that day is Bound for his mentor's homeland with his mentors grandchildren no less [Music] I it is upon reflection that every Twist of times River and Fate's whims are brought into sharp relief [Music] thou has matured much in the intervening years we are now not caught attempting to relieve master luiswa of his purse scant moments after he made landfall upon this dock oh really now that's a tale I'd like to hear [Music] will this be your first visit to Charlie and Sir Estonian sir Estonian [Music] are we strangers newly met why this stiff formality [Music] I uh merely meant it as a professional courtesy since we are now colleagues in an official sense [Music] I'd rather you dispense with the sirs especially in private company [Music] or I'll be forced to respond in kind little Lord Alpha no you've made your point austinian painfully well [Music] Berta [Music] be all right tataru you seem positively distraught strawt me [Music] I think it's lovely that they get to see their Homeland it's just we're trying to thwart the schemes of an army hell's bent on destroying the world and once again I have to stay behind and worry that this is the last time I'll get to see my friends [Music] foreign [Music] what brings you all this way [Music] we're to assist the Maelstrom and the cobbles with a Luna Primal operation so we thought we'd see you off before heading to the Tower [Music] flaming and the others wish you all a safe journey and promise that they'll look after things here until you return [Music] we will too of course hi we your fellow signs of the Seventh Dawn will do our part to ensure the end of the world won't happen on our watch [Music] we set a sale All Aboard for Charlene foreign [Music] then we must delay no longer we will contact you the moment we learn Auto Value wish us luck [Music] have a safe journey and please please be careful [Music] [Applause] and so you venture forth onto the unknown a faint Beyond the Horizon that cannot be divined which are undefined and in flux in uncertain times not but the simplest words of wisdom will suffice [Music] that which lives is destined to die love leads to loss every beginning has an end [Music] treasure every moment every step of your descent [Music] and there in the depths where souls and stars rest find your truth foreign [Music] here here feel [Music] ings [Music] the day has barely dawned my fellow earlier riser [Music] though we're hardly alone in that envious of those still sleeping soundly No Doubt called out to you you say um I've heard nothing myself [Music] in any case I dare say the Sea Air will do you good why not join the others on Deck Charlene should be coming into view at any moment [Music] [Music] foreign yet reaches you I am glad here feel think and thus do we meet face to face at last my warrior of light Guided by the crystal [Music] after user Journal fastps I believe you have your answer you have gained an understanding of what I truly am what Idol and has always been a primer [Music] zodiac was created to fostall the apocalypse which threatened the ancient world and I was brought forth to bind him yet seven times now those who would orchestrate a return to that bygone era have rejoined A Shard to the god I had sundered the greater his strength Rose the swifter does mine own diminish the power to draw your mind into the rift betwixt is no longer mine to wheel [Music] yet though it taxes me sorely I dare not leave these words unsaid even bereft of my guidance you and your companions have accepted the burden of this star's troubled past a conjunction has begun to fall an intertwining of your time and mine [Music] Wheels shudder and turn conflict looms Monumental which will decide the fate of this world and all life upon it [Music] when you truly understand what is at stake and your journey has prepared you to surmount the insurmountable foreign the promise made in another time another age cast your papers to the fall folksalians Just Over Yonder [Music] here father your traveler's heart must yearn to behold this unfamiliar land [Music] we shall meet again and soon [Music] Oh What a fine morning oh still a bit stiff though and a good morning to you too taking a look at the island already then let's go let's go might still be room in the prow if we're lucky ah the sleepers have arisen ah there she is good old Charlene oh I see it home home at last well maybe not in Father's Eyes but we'll manage on our own if we must you do know you're not alone in this don't you [Music] indeed is as serestinian said forget not the comrades who boarded this ship at your side I'm pretty [Music] thank you my friends we are ever grateful for your steadfast support upon arrival we will be disembarking into the heart of Charlie and proper there is no greater concentration of wisdom in all the world I am confident that somewhere within that Center of knowledge and learning we will find the answers we seek thank you [Music] [Music] Charlene the solitary island nation of the northern Seas we're under the watchful gaze of thaliak Patron deity of Scholars academics hoard all manner of knowledge and secrets once they deign to accept foreign students into a distant Colony maintained in the dravanian Hinterlands and it wants to once the first Guardian boots at hostile foot on alamigan's soil so averse to the prosecution of War these men of wisdom your would-be allies [Music] I thought they'd never let us off the ship what's next then entry applications hopefully they find no cause to deny us hasn't Charlie and all but severed relations with foreign powers those of us without direct ties myself included may be refused outright it is true that as a nation Charlie and only forms trade agreements with a select few neutral countries but from a practical standpoint an island cannot afford to be overly strict with its borders especially not at that Island's people are wholly devoted to the accumulation of knowledge if one submits the proper paperwork with satisfactory evidence of identity and intent then foreigners may be granted entry May quite so let us be absolutely clear on these points before we proceed the immigration officer will ask for your affiliation and your purpose of visit considering charlian's views on Intervention I strongly suggest we avoid any mention of the Scions Crown has laid the groundwork for us to act as Associates of the students of valdesian and our ostensible reason for being here is to Aid in their orders restoration foreign [Music] it might expedite our progress should an actual student be seen at the head of our little group would you mind leading the way the immigration officers says shall we [Music] greetings we've just arrived and are eager to make our way into the city would you be so kind as to process our entry applications certainly I see my own Mark you are an archon I am grahat here of the students of baldassian At Your Service I was assigned to an aortian survey team but have returned to assist with the Reformation of my order my associates here will provide additional support very good I have paperwork detailing your group and its scheduled arrival for today and it seems some few of your companions are also archons if you'll step forward we can process those applications first istola rule [Music] see how it glows that list is etherically linked with a citizen registry kept in the main Repository [Music] I've confirmed your status as archons and amended your travel records accordingly welcome home [Music] now who do we have here foreign [Music] your applications have also been approved having said that [Music] the streets are abuzz with talk of how house levia's Lord disowned his young progeny [Music] foreign [Music] such personal circumstances constitute no reason to deny you entry I urge you to avoid exacerbating your present situation times are quite troubled enough already we shall keep that in mind foreign [Music] natives but you will find their credentials are in order an application was made in advance [Music] name and occupation an adventurer well I suppose that is considered a valid calling in your native aortia and it does indeed match the profile provided you may enter and you sir Ian valino formerly of the order of the knights Dragoon in ishgard normally and what protel is your profession now [Music] if you'll allow me my associate is a mercenary hired for his strength at Arms surely you are aware of the dangers we often face on our forays Into the Wilderness Mr spaldesian if you insist on sponsoring his entry then so be it but while I appreciate that desperate times call for desperate measures I find your choice of company concerning be advised that even a single misstep may have severe repercussions for your organization I have every confidence in My Chosen company dear and trusted comrades that they are but I thank you for your concern croyle [Music] it is good to see you [Music] likewise long Voyage notwithstanding you will see none the worst for wear there is much to discuss but this is hardly the place let's be on our way shall we [Music] Welcome Friends to charlian foreign I should hope my welcome includes a generous salary [Music] I had to say something sir taciturn [Music] pray forgive me I was delayed [Music] we're all here now [Music] here now [Music] come what may we must prevent the telephroy's plans from coming to fruition at present I see two paths for Gathering the information which may Aid Us in achieving that goal the first involves an investigation into the change which has come over Charlene not to mention the recent inscrutable behavior of the Forum as most of you know the 99 members of The Forum are elected from the general populace this alone guarantees a plethora of opinion with regards to foreign policy the bibliotics for example are a group of conservatives which would have Charlie and focus on recording history while remaining entirely uninvolved in the making of it and at The Other Extreme we have advocates for proactive diplomacy and direct intervention my grandfather Gallop was one such member as was Arcon luiswa [Music] foreign yet despite our diverse factions and philosophies the recent vote to deny aosia's request for assistance was unanimous even more concerning was the fact that many cited other more pressing duties as justification for their recalcitrance fortunes refusal in gradania had those same undertones it was as if having stared on blinking into the face of impending doom it simply turned away to pursue something more important but what could that possibly be [Music] a mystery indeed and one which I ask for your help to solve our future may depend on it [Music] as for our second potential path it concerns a request made directly to the students of baldessian [Music] our organization was founded primarily to study strange and unexplained phenomena the world over mysterious relics and ruins Arcane disturbances and so forth [Music] compared to our more isolationist Charlie and colleagues we have strong connections overseas namely with Scholars and academics who share our passion for the unknown [Music] the request in question comes from one such acquaintance nadana an alchemist residing in distant favner hermissive describes the sudden appearance of a tower and the subsequent summoning of what I can only assume is a lunar primal foreign to this threat the SAR trap of rods at Han the individual who governs the city-state has instructed the Alchemists to find a means to deal with the spire [Music] The Artisans of that land are heirs to an ancient tradition one rather unlike that of their uldan counterparts it is possible nay probable that they have gleaned truths unattainable by alzia or her Far Eastern allies [Music] they do in fact appear to have a strategy in mind though it will require further research to that end they have requested an introduction to a capable Warrior shielded by the blessing of light assuming we divide our forces to pursue both of crowd's lines of inquiry and having you join the group heading to thavnaire would seem the obvious choice but the investigation in Charlene is of vital importance as well equal I think to the thavnarian one given that the fate of the world may hinge on the results of both yes it is quite the quandary [Music] it is a great imposition and an altogether too common one our efforts would be more likely to succeed were you to lead the charge on both fronts foreign [Music] as to which task to tackle first we will defer to your decision let us next decide how everyone else might best be assigned myself I shall continue what I've begun in Charlene I should also like to steal the services of an archon or two [Music] and thereby gain access to a greater range of reading material I will help with that allow me to offer my assistance I have some small amount of experience in the field of research Alize and I would also like to help if you would have us [Music] anything to understand even a fraction of what our father and the Forum might be thinking of course the more the merrier right the rest of us will make the journey to thavna thoughts objections [Music] I passed through favner on my way to infiltrate the Empire and though I'm not qualified to give a guided tour I did gain a sense of where things lie I'll be happy to have you along then so for this group it will be you me and urijanje [Music] give me a moment afterwards and I'll Supply you with all the details of nadana's request consider this Hall our Rendezvous Point once our respective tasks are complete May our investigations prove fruitful [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] disowned us I couldn't believe what I was hearing it wasn't until much later that his words began to sink in but I began to feel the weight of what it meant foreign do you remember when the decision was made to come to Charlotte rajas said that the Forum was determined to keep us in the dark and that father's venomous performance was part of that strategy to keep us at arm's length perhaps it was father argued with grandfather on many occasions but never with such dismissive contempt [Music] and when he demanded what justifies the sacrifices we make in war I honestly didn't know what to say neither did Alpha no I know but never for one moment did I believe we had made the wrong choice so all I could do was fume silently it was only afterwards that I realized how childish I had been how being stubborn and self-righteous must run in the family [Music] if I could have just mustered a civil response then things might have turned out differently [Music] they must be fairy and good to labyrinthos a vast complex beneath the island charlian is famous for archiving Knowledge from around the world well that knowledge is not preserved exclusively in Dusty tomes and desiccated samples our living Library comprised of all manner of Flora and Fauna is housed and studied within that underground facility still that did seem to be an unusually large shipment when I lived here it was rare to even see such cargo transported by boat [Music] wait didn't you hear something in the Last Stand about The Gleaners coming and going more than usual but I think they're the ones we saw Manning those boats and Gleaners answer to the Forum [Music] if the appearance of the telophary prompted this sudden burst of activity then laborin sauce May hold a clue as to what the Forum is planning [Music] deep Beneath The Scholar City shines a false Sun within a fabricated sky foreign [Music] those who consider the floor an extension of their bookshelves and this false architecture surely belonged to that special breed if the stack grows too high start a new one if no room remains then make more rooms [Music] Simple Solution at first and then bit by bit a profound transformation knowledge buried beneath knowledge a growing creeping Labyrinth from which There Is No Escape [Music] foreign not what you expected I must admit the artifice is very convincing but I assure you that we are beneath Charlie and itself Breeze you feel the flowing Waters you hear all created by the hand of man the island is volcanic you see and once upon a time this great hollow must have been a reservoir for magma it was discovered some 400 years ago at which point it was repurposed as a storage facility for Scrolls and samples and such Renovations have continued with nigh or No Interruption to this day with a lower level still undergoing expansion aren't those people Gleaners [Music] I judging by their dress they are said to work alone as a rule but would seem that rule is being enthusiastically broken today it may be as you suspected but they are engaged in a task apart from the norm [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's spread out and get some answers then [Music] oh did you call to me just now no how odd I must be a bit dizzy from The Descent I'll be fine I'm sure let's get to work shall we [Music] foreign [Music] nicely done let me trust this one up and I'll make my way over to you foreign [Music] there you are any new Revelations so you met with that Gleaner again this time to capture a hornbill I understand catching and bringing in creatures from the outside but what's the point of chasing after one's already here oh it's a simple thing really [Music] occasionally we remove specimens no longer needed for study or those we've had difficulty raising but we can't simply turn them loose safely returning such creatures to their native habitats is another facet of a cleaner's duties [Music] but not in this case I'm afraid I've been asked to bring the bird below [Music] the Restricted Section in the lower levels of labyrinthos open only to a select few researchers hand-picked by The Forum the projects down there are the subject of rumor and hearsay forbidden magics Advanced Technologies that can never be allowed to fall into outside hands even archons are not privy to the truth [Music] those who are the researchers involved in this secretive work are not permitted to walk freely in the city and are instead required to live in isolated quarters what could a facility subject to such strict security protocols possibly need with a hornbill and an experiment possibly I wasn't afforded an explanation but judging by the requisition list given to me and my colleagues I doubt it for any kind of advanced research I'd be more inclined to believe we were making preparations to migrate to the South maricidio thereabouts [Music] what why would you say that much of the Flora and Fauna we were asked to procure could serve as reliable sources of sustenance their comparatively Hardy species too able to endure harsh climates and among them are specimens known to be effective in improving soil quality and purifying water [Music] when you put it that way migration does sound like a reasonable assumption [Music] an assumption through our tasks we Gleaners Glimpse only bits and pieces of the forum's plants our Prime concern is that our requisitions be they living or otherwise are properly preserved for the knowledge of future Generations [Music] now I really must be going I regret that I cannot reward you as you deserve [Music] perhaps you might reward us after a fashion then it is imperative that we reach the lower levels foreign set to descend with your assigned cargo mayhap we could accompany you as your assistance I'm afraid that won't be possible once the animals have been prepared for transport we sent them down separately via the lift I will of course follow after to make my report but I can hardly pass you off his Porters when there's nothing left to carry indeed pray forget I said anything [Music] climbing if you've strengthened the courage to Brave it then there is another way down [Music] to the 33rd facet a mine shaft excavated during one of our expansions of labyrinthos while I cannot guarantee that the passage is safe to Traverse it should provide access to the meteor circuit below [Music] I never even knew such a place existed thank you this is the perfect solution [Music] you're quite welcome but consider yourselves warned if the going proves too treacherous you'd do well to turn back I bet you good day [Music] well turning back is hardly an option not when we've come this far let's go and take a look at this mine shaft foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] but they're more than pretty flowers heart blooms are attuned to ambient emotion [Music] ah [Music] you don't seem convinced but believe me it's true [Music] this Ashen gray for instance it mirrors the anxiety and urgency of those working nearby as they rush to fulfill sudden orders intense feelings like those spur the petals to change color bright glowing Hues in the presence of joy dark subdued shades for frustration or despair yet even with the collected wisdom of Charlie and at our disposal we've yet to identify the underlying principle of this empathic effect there are other Mysteries besides although the flower is extraordinarily long-lived its low reproductive rate has made it difficult to find younger populations growing in the wild with too few sightings to map its distribution and no closely related species to track we've been unable to pinpoint its land of origin [Music] and to further complicate matters every culture even dimly aware of its existence is given it a different name and Mythos our attempts to study it via the historical record have been an exercise in frustration as an avid botanist myself I should one day like to unravel the heart Bloom's secrets but I'm afraid other duties must take precedence I will leave you to your thoughts [Music] [Applause] have you learned ought of Interest [Music] a flower that reacts to one's feelings strange I must say I have never heard of such a thing [Music] stands we fail to gain any significant insight into the forum's undertaking [Music] indeed while there is certainly enough activity to support aaronville's supposition that her priority has been placed on improving food production unfortunately for our investigation these workers were never informed as to how their duties serve the master plan if only we could interrogate The Forum members directly [Music] isn't that the entrance to the arcane foreign Ville a little difficult to tell from here but but I think you're right he did say he was coming down to make his report aaronville receives his orders from The Forum and would it not follow then that the superior to whom he reports is a four remember or at least a close associate foreign what of the risks hours alone to Bear we won't interfere with aaronville's work nor will he be implicated as an accomplice if you're not comfortable taking part I can do this alone [Music] nay I said myself that I wish to know father's intentions and no answers will be forthcoming should we simply ask nicely foreign we can apologize later should it come to it right now we need every crumb of information we can get our hands on consequences be damned [Music] it might be best if you came along as well in fact we should all [Music] cryo hmm oh yes that certainly sounds like a plan I'm glad you agree [Music] quickly aaronville is on the Move we need to get closer before we lose him [Music] almost I can almost reach you [Music] I trust you will find your compensation to be more than satisfactory we wish to make clear that we are pleased with the efficiency and thoroughness of your work so much so that we have come bearing new tasks in need of your competent hand [Music] another lengthy list [Music] if I may speak frankly the cleaners have been pushed to the point of Collapse by your unending demands we are not familiar to be exploited we are Charlie and Scholars and we deserve an explanation for this unseemly treatment what weren't such urgency [Music] [Applause] in an age-long past charlian was charged with a momentous Duty and now that word of the final days hangs heavy in the air the time has come for us to fulfill that charge I can say no more but I promise you this all will be revealed in due course and when it has you will understand that your toil was in service to the greatest good [Music] then I will do your bidding for now but unless you wish the cleaners to rise up in protest I advise you to offer tangible improvements for our working conditions your promised Revelation does nothing to address present circumstances [Music] a fair point your concerns will be conveyed to The Forum [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign I hope that was informative you may consider my debt to you repaid in full while I do have my reservations about the Forum I want to believe that they have our best interest at heart which is why I'm reassured that you're busy sniffing out the truth of things we can ill afford to place all our eggs in one basket this master plan of theirs without first understanding the risks involved [Music] wait how did you know it was us [Music] if you mean to impersonate the toad try studying the real thing and don't try to fool an expert [Music] foreign will keep it from wilting she said you would need it for the journey ahead will you speak with her now I cannot hope to match minphilia's Clarity of course but thank you do not worry she has lent me her body for only a moment [Music] just as I could not save the first from the flood of light it has become arduous for me to interact with the physical world without assistance though I might converse with you for a Time the incorporeal form I assumed on the ship would be incapable of casting even the simplest enchantment it is in the depths of the Ethereal sea the place to which all life returns where my influence is greatest after menphilia's sacrifice on the first it was to the Sea here in the source where I ferried her soul I wish that Gentle Spirit to find rest in the wild she loved so well her and another who may yet have a part to play though that will depend on you take the flower walk free for you are free to go where you wish to believe what you will [Music] that blue will be your guide test and proof of your conviction in darkness seek Joy surrender not to sadness and see beyond despair walk free and bear the light for others to follow foreign oft and let it shine till the end blinding and radiant [Music] [Music] that was all too brief already she seems so far away [Music] my apologies if I startled you ever since we began our descent into labyrinthos I had sensed another's will straining to reach out even with my particular talents though I was unable to make a connection at first so weak and tenuous it was once I took hold of that wispy thread imagine my surprise to discover it was heideline herself needless to say it seemed wise to learn what we could before letting go her answers were more cryptic than I would have liked but at least she left us with a guide of sorts that unusual flower [Music] yes we are definitely making progress foreign you can't be serious we've done nothing wrong [Music] Master Fortune what business has the Forum with us obstruction and suppression apparently mistress baldessian our records show you facilitated the science entrance into charlian by claiming them as assistance for your organization we are aware of your investigations after alerting the major institutions to the presence of potential troublemakers we received word from an archaean custodian a group operating under the auspices of the students skulking about labyrinthos and engaging in clandestine Behavior clandestine we may not have entered Charlie in a Scion but we did not to conceal our identities our only purpose in this city is to seek the truth I can think of no reason why our actions should warrant the forum's intervention foreign T our way to discourage the pursuit of knowledge but the timing of such Pursuits must be considered not to mention their potential impact with the world in chaos we the true caretakers of wisdom have committed ourselves to an undertaking that demands the utmost discretion and we will not risk its success by turning a blind eye to disruptive foreign elements in our midst [Music] watch then is To Be Our Fate will you put us on a ship back to aortia they'll convene to examine your case the results of said inquiry will determine your future in this city as for your absent companion he has already been detained graha but why is reading a crime now too reading is encouraged celebrated even not however of the volumes shelved in the restricted section of the library [Music] refusing to comply will only make matters worse let us instead treat this as an opportunity to open a dialogue with the Forum [Music] silence is often One's best defense I would advise against prolonging the proceedings with frivolous discourse [Music] but enough this is not the place for debate the rostra await [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] forgive me I was careless we would have been detained regardless this way at least we managed to stay together I trust your time within the Forbidden archives was well spent [Music] The Forum will come to order this inquiry is now in session as speaker-elect I will be presiding over the day's proceedings [Music] must a force know would you be so kind as to restate the matter which compelled you to summon your colleagues with such urgency as you are all aware we recently denied aorzia's request for Charlie and assistance since then certain individuals dissatisfied with our decision have taken it upon themselves to interfere with our work foreign they entered our nation masquerading as Associates of the students of baldessian but these malcontents are better known as the Scions of the Seventh Dawn these militants wield influence with both the aortian and Eastern alliances and are inextricably involved with the crises presently afflicting The World At Large loose in our city these warmongers sought to meddle with and expose matters of state secret what are they if not a dire threat to be expelled you have tarnished the good name of the students Gallop would be ashamed [Music] caliph baldessian was never one to forsake his fellow man [Music] even if this nation closed every door and retreated from the world he would have found a way to help the Scions help Every Soul of this star fight back against the coming Doom [Music] a terrible enemy stands poised to lay waste to all we hold dear in the face of such Madness eorzia reached out to charlian a respected Ally in the hopes of forming a united front was your cut dismissal truly the best you could offer or are you so preoccupied with your momentous duty of an age-long past that even the end of the world is Unworthy of your attention whence game is from the mouth of a forum member within fortuitous earshot [Music] then it seems your findings support my own [Music] the reason I visited the restricted shelves was to study records of the forum's policy making process to better understand the historical Trends underlying their most major decisions at first glance the positions of neutrality and War and the accumulation of knowledge Above All Else appear constant and consistent the unchanging pillars of Charlene Society and once upon a time I might have left it at that these days however I am more attuned to the subtleties of government and so I noticed something odd [Music] from a particular point in time the purpose of these policies shifted no longer was knowledge preserved for the benefit of society rather Society was to be gradually reshaped to ensure the preservation of knowledge [Music] the most conspicuous and telling change was the one which befell labyrinthos once little more than an oversized Storehouse an enormous allocation of funds saw it transformed into an advanced research and archival facility I also discovered a fascinating account on the finances of our dravanian colony the settlement attracted students from far and wide and the connections and tuition fees thus acquired were funneled into further improvements for the archives now there is no question that our nation's progress is tied to the acquisition of wisdom nevertheless the vast resources diverted for this purpose borders on the obscene but returning to the matter of when our change in cause appears to have been made some 270 years ago the very same period when Charlie and Scholars in the Hinterlands began a formal study of the Ethereal sea you found something did you not and whatever it was gave rise to your oh so important duty [Music] mind your tongue if you had seen [Music] yes we are bound by a duty we cannot ignore [Music] knowing this what would you have us do abandon our Vital work and join you on the field of battle we will never choose the way of the sword we will fulfill our mission not through strife and bloodshed but survival come what may we shall live on we must do as you but we saw s will fight until the heavens fall until our last breath [Music] such misguided seal [Music] thank you [Music] father I Master Fortuner [Music] I failed to understand the stance you have elected to take but by the same token I have yet to find a compelling argument to counter the challenge you put to us in gradania still in the midst of my uncertainty I must trust in myself to do what is right as others have chosen to trust in me [Music] so I will continue as I always have weighing the consequences of my every action and allowing my hope for the future to inform my decisions [Music] that's quite enough have you all forgotten the reason for this assembly he's the head of the studium and an old friend of my grandfathers honestly every discussion devolves into some interminable debate terrible habit let's return to the topic at hand by their own admission these Scions have resolved a fight alongside the aortian nations against the Doom which Swift approaches for there exists no evidence of an attempt to incite our citizens to do the same [Music] furthermore while our decision May well have been the correct one we cannot simply pull our way through these disagreements without inviting doubts or objections put yourselves in their place you would leave a Tome unopened if an elder forbid you read it with no reason given now if we're to quell further discontent then we must conclude this matter with a fair and even hand [Music] we will have order Master Monta Shane raises some valid points keeping such concerns in mind I propose we enforce the following measures until further notice the students of baldessian are decease any and all activities within the domain of sharia [Music] you'll also refrain from any further investigation into the forum's decisions and duties failure to comply with these restrictions will result in the immediate expulsion of your Scion Associates foreign let us put this judgment to a vote all in favor raise your hand [Music] I count 51 4 and 48 against the proposal is passed foreign students science you have heard the forum's Judgment pray abide by it or face the consequences [Music] honored members I thank you for your time this inquiry is concluded [Music] welcome home my lady [Music] what what are you gulping at foreign [Music] please don't it makes me feel like a spoiled princess [Music] Lord forcino is not to hear of this visit [Music] and I should also like the children to have their gifts there my husband makes his return as you wish my lady foreign [Music] if you'd accompany me upstairs [Music] we shouldn't be long [Music] the twins have been sending letters home from time to time recounting their latest Adventures I am sure they withhold certain details of course if only to keep me from worrying if a mother worries all the same in the early days especially I tried to support them as best I could sending the Scion's coin and other such donations fortunately they have found the strength to overcome adversity time and time again their words grow more confident with every letter their depictions more Vivid the triumphs and defeats the joys and Sorrows it is clear that they have come to find Value in every experience but of those they treasure most it would seem that meeting you might be the most impactful like since that fateful day I do believe there has not been a single missive in which you were not mentioned by name [Music] um [Applause] [Music] it's his plane they care for you and I am glad they have such a steadfast companion watching over them [Music] under normal circumstances I would offer you tea but alas these are anything but in any event why don't you keep me company whilst we await my children's return perhaps you might Regale me with a tail or two of your exploits [Music] When you mention gifts I wasn't sure what to expect mother I oh look how well it fits you and the style is to your liking [Music] it's perfect exactly what I would have chosen but please tell me you had something different made for alphanoo naturally you are hardly little children anymore and while I shall miss dressing you in those precious matching outfits I must respect the individuals you have grown to become see for yourself [Music] thank you for the splendid clothes mother stylish comfortable and eminently practical I am so glad you like them they are however missing one final touch [Music] if you'd allow me master alfano [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] though he may as well be changed to his desk these days as a student he was often called upon to venture into the field he wielded those armaments both to heal and to harm in no few battles none so Fierce as those you two have braved perhaps but battles nonetheless thus did I pull them out of storage to show you that he was not always the man who stands in vehement opposition to you now [Music] and also because it would be a terrible waste of ridiculously expensive house levere commissioned art history [Music] I am told these devices are quite difficult to master but someone of your extensive experience should soon have them darting about with Grace and a plum May the wisdom in that Crystal serve you well and please try to find common ground with your father that you might come and go without need for this awful subterfuge [Music] we will mother I promise my final gifts to you before you run off are an observation and a suggestion firstly forcino has ever been a serious man but it was only after you were born that he truly lost himself in his work I may not know the forums in a workings but I know your fathers the timing of that change in him holds some significance foreign ly do not seek to best your father with words far better that you simply show him let him discover the Merit of your actions after they cannot be undone [Music] oh mother we shall take your wisdom to Heart thank you again for these gifts and farewell for now safe travels my children eat well stay warm and keep your friends close [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] just the four of you was it three I'm already attuned to the crystal in fabner [Music] you are oh I would have preferred more test subjects oh well never mind if our three Travelers could line up here please [Music] [Music] yes right there is fine take a deep breath and I'll soon have you soaring through the ether [Music] foreign one last thing in my experience a teeny weensy Touch of violent ethereal sickness good luck what [Applause] foreign [Music] ER home to city-state Runs Out Hard rising from the southeast Waters of the bounty this isle of Plenty served as the Battleground for a conflict between two peoples their cultures bled into one another until a unique amalgamation was distilled from the chaos in a process not unlike their precious Alchemy once solidified as a single nation an adamant stance of neutrality would hold Invaders at Bay through a Time [Music] now across this vibrant aisle creeps a fork of malice what choice do you have [Applause] what chance against such an Insidious though [Music] [Music] I've seen fairer faces after a bout of bad shellfish [Music] let me bring you something to drink I and it helps settle your bellies [Music] [Music] there was a note with kriel's instructions [Music] don't let astonian roam the markets alone he's alarmingly bad with coin foreign [Music] [Music] what happened here their dress marks them as Alchemists I see no evidence of injury or poison I believe so whether it is by choice there's another question entirely oh we have guests you must excuse the poor welcome long days and longer nights have taken their toll as you can see foreign seven to the satrap my task was in fact to wake these good men and women if you will allow people of the great work I come bearing new scales scales we have new scales [Music] yes my friends gather round I have them right here [Music] oh happy now I can continue my experiment [Music] those are dragon scales yes such materials are vital to their most pressing research we are fortunate to have them our experiments are so close to bearing fruit [Music] soon we will have a Talisman capable of nullifying the etheric emissions from that accuracy Tower foreign did I say something wrong are you not here with varshan wait who are you people [Music] of course you're the one cry outside the warrior of light we've been waiting for but this is a day of Celebration praise be to Cinder over the winds have shifted I feel it the end to how toil is near I feel it too my head hasn't been this clear in days [Applause] how did you acquire those scales [Music] curious that it concerns you so but worry not they were freely given by the dragon with whom our satrap has forged a lawful Pact foreign [Music] you must be quite familiar with dragon king yes their congealed blood hmm speaking of Dragon Blood you yourself have been infused with it have you not I should like to draw a fire lord too if so now see here Come Along come along I must insist that you visit our Laboratory since you're shopping also help me [Music] oh dear your poor companion what with the new scales in your timely arrival my colleagues are a little giddy with excitement no harm will come to him I promise meanwhile shall we find a quiet place to talk [Music] as you may have guessed I Am nidana The Alchemist who sent a request to your mistress cry we have workshops Across the Nation collaborating on This research project but it is here at the great work where I collate our results come with me all of you and I can explain the Crux of the situation no no no no [Music] ah [Music] yes that would be Rajan hardly anyone has been allowed in or out since our troubles with the tower began [Music] foreign citizens huddle inside the city walls and commerce has all but ground to a standstill I pity the soft trap the trials he must be facing well he he is the most important person in rajadhan long ago this island was home to two tribes of matunga the gajasura and the arka Sutra when the aura came to these Shores it was the arka sodra with whom they joined forces together they defeated the war like gajasura forcing them to free tavnir altogether [Music] peace and prosperity Reign for a time until a clan of sure from the mainland decided they wanted the island for themselves it was a direct ancestor of the present SAR trap who arbitrated that conflict and welded the warring factions into the nation we know today and ever since a member of that esteemed lineage has inherited this somewhat unique position you see by and large the state is run by the people but when problems arise it is the SAR trap who mediates the solution [Music] the stability provided by the SAR trap is what has allowed rods at heart to thrive all these years and it was the satrap himself who entrusted us with this Duty we will not fail him nor our countrymen [Music] what is the delay with the vessel I told you I need to adjust those ratios [Music] I come all this way to admire one of my Splendid towers and what do I find fools attempting to ward off its tempering influence with me magic trinkets I seem to recall a similar experiment in ages past what was that man's name oh something owing another body another time who could be expected to remember every trivial detail allowing them to construct such handy talismans would be counterproductive to my plans and yet I find myself deathly curious how will they manage this feat with the limited knowledge and resources at their disposal [Music] be damned cannot escape the nature of our souls and I as ever and My Own Worst Enemy [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] I see our task Masters have allowed you a moment's resprise as well you have to hand it to these Alchemists they are determined to see this endeavor of theirs succeed I've never been one for blind optimism but I sincerely get the sense they're close to a breakthrough [Music] they had better be where all this effort was for naught the peoples of eosia of the Far East of tavner children of this star United in common cause against a dire threat yet air they succumbed to suicidal Madness were not the telophary born of her body as were we they who cling to life and the promise of the Morrow's Dawn against they who desire death and an ending of Their Own orchestration the victors of this war alone will hold the right to answer the question of existence of its meaning and its worth poetic and ominous to a fault that said if it's an existential debate in nature then our arguments might not be as persuasive as you'd think van Daniel wants to die and take everyone with him in an orgy of pain and suffering utterly violent unforgivable idea and yet and spat upon by fate and wailing in the deepest pit of despair who Among Us can say they have not entertained similar thoughts there are Knights black as pitch bereft of Hope no words of comfort can reach you and it's all you can do to grit your teeth and choke back the bile the more you see and suffer life's injustices the more difficult they become to bear vengeance is nurtured in similar soil though your anger has a broader Focus the sentiment is much the same a fervent desire to destroy others to see them drown in torment as you have that about sums it up the will to endure is not always as strong as the urge to burn it all down and salt the Earth survival be damned it's a struggle often close and brutal indeed well I for one shall pray survival proveth more appealing in the end as will I besides our chances are much improved and with the company of others committed to the cause of life our vengeful Dragoon here is proof of that what is it what did you see Fandango are you sure if he knows we've been working on a countermeasure it holds The Vessel holds this is the one at long last look we have finally created a Talisman strong enough to withstand our experiments [Music] we've named it awarding scale for the time being with this in your possession your soul should be completely shielded from corruptive ether foreign such protection any one of us may approach the towers without fear thou Hast mine admiration it is an invention of historical significance I thank you for your kind words but I would prefer you keep them unsaid until we test the talisman's efficacy in the field it is for the next stage of our plan that we summoned you in the first place to accompany me to the Tower of zot should the scale prove effective as I very much hope it will then you'll have little to do but should the effect be weaker than anticipated I must ask that you restrain me or knock me senseless [Music] we are fortunate to have you with us I are you certain you wish to do this [Music] foreign trust our Creations then we must have faith in them first and as the senior researcher it falls to me to lead by example but should I fail to return then learn what you can from this attempt and apply it to the next our work must continue is that clear foreign we'll keep an eye on the place while you're away assuming fan Daniel is lurking about there's no telling what Mischief he has in mind for us all you beyond your guard we'll be on our way I have one of the soldiers at the Hatchery prepare us a boat and we can set out from the northern Shore I'll see you there foreign [Music] we should soon cross the threshold of the tower's influence [Music] any moment now it's working and you you are still yourself then I'd like to see how it fares closer to the tower if we could [Music] [Music] so far so good the scale's protection appears to be holding if we can just make it to the towers entrance [Music] a few more steps [Music] praise be to the sisters we made it and the scale has proven itself to be everything we hoped it would be now we can focus on production once we've equipped and returned with an entire survey team this Menace will soon give up its secrets foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign oh do calm down you'll only hurt yourself thrashing about like that oh you can't do this please [Music] a little late for heroics I'm afraid [Music] molarities are striking my my such hostility never before has my Artistry so displeased my patrons of old would have positively squealed in Delight though between you and me I find gushing praise exhausting foreign surely you've yet to hear the one about van Daniel the sun did asean I inherited the position and the soul of the fan Daniel who sat on the convocation in the time of the final days theoretically speaking practically speaking that fact is of no consequence I was born and lived as well me eventually I was recruited into the aseans and imbued with the former fan Daniel's knowledge and memories but I never felt that they were truly a part of who I am how to explain now perhaps if I told you who I was before My asean Embrace although that chapter 2 is a past I've long since discarded I have it on good authority you've poked your nose into an elegant ruin or two yes then I expect you've heard of me the old me um imagine a nation of unbridled prosperity every need met day after day of unbroken unshakable peace existence fulfilled and ripe for decay foreign [Music] however do you conceive of such delightful experiments that fool was beside himself with panic when he awoke with the head of a bull even his cries for help emerged as so much gutter and blowing the memory of it my poor signs my friends and I were so consumed by laughter we struggled to breathe foreign s ignorance of its worth my all-consuming work [Music] but it was not there only Indulgence [Music] for they were ever hungry for stimulation slaves to the slightest hint that Amusement was afoot our nation was ailing but I would see the poison purged I resurrected a legend our first and greatest emperor and just as I had planned he set our way with Empire back on the path of Conquest an inexhaustible ambition carried us onwards always onwards yet he who delivered to us such Glory was not to be satisfied heed me a man no matter how vast one's Empire or four one's treasure vault all is rendered meaningless by Death in the end All Is Lost [Music] you know as well as I that the emperor stands to lose this war and so I have come to claim you for while your methods leave something to be desired we cannot deny the results of your work and as Fortune would have it the seat of Van Daniel your rightful seat lies vacant and waiting take your place amongst your peers rather than die a pointless death amidst the ashes of your doomed Nation [Music] send one of your clothes to the crystal tower that you might see for yourself see what lies ahead the fall of the Empire affirm the truth Majestic and tragic as the emperor for saw scheme as you like build as you will nothing endures what is life but a brief jaunt ending in emptiness so easily distracted I almost left without saying farewell [Music] rhymes if you attempt to pull them free they will die so so enjoy tackling that conundrum with your comrades we shall meet again but somewhere more suitably grandiose your favorite Playmate is is ever so eager to see [Music] [Applause] [Music] a vast Rock squats upon favnir and to its Stony surface clings the city of rods at harm [Music] ye who enter here are subject to the scrutiny of gods the gates most watchful eye the orb which beholdth the truth of all things [Music] pass beneath its hot and piercing gaze bearing down like a second midday Sun [Music] [Music] The Fragrant Haze a mixture of sweet incense and accurate smoke the cries of merchants mingled here with Lively Melodies accented by dancer's feet [Music] Travelers seduced by Vivid sound and colors were once swallowed up by Patchwork streets but no such scenes to savor now towards somber present does that Divine eye bear Witness [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] here we are Mega DotA [Music] it seems a shame to bring you here directly under normal circumstances it would have been my pleasure to show you the sights and it would have been our pleasure to see them alas it seems our tour of the city will have to wait [Music] I'm afraid so come who we should head inside [Music] [Music] your Excellency may I present our honored visitors ah Splendid most splendid allow me to introduce myself I am ahawan satrapovrazatan our Alchemists tell me your assistance was invaluable in the creation of the wording scale such Deeds ought to be recognized in person thus did I have young varshan convey you here forth with on behalf of my people may I express to you our sincere gratitude [Music] a regrettable incident indeed her colleagues insist that we honor her wishes and Trust in the Talisman that it will be instrumental in Saving nadana and the others foreign I am eager to hear your opinion on the matter so let us not stand on ceremony come sit I think not this charade has gone on long enough show yourself forgive me but where are you expecting musicians perhaps there are no performers waiting in the wings at present but Arrangements could be made if you'd prefer nay he hath the right of it the time for artifice has passed raise the cone as you wish [Music] you travel as assistance to the school [Music] but you are known to me even here have we heard of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn I am free trying and for years I've counted at this island served as mine abode freetra of the first brood sibling to raise svelga and nitoc foreign [Music] I was lost to Ash well isn't this a surprise we were told rods at Han had an alliance with a dragon not that a great worm sat in the SAR trap's own Hall [Music] a necessary subterfuge as the true tale of our nation history illustrates most effectively in the beginning the rock upon which our city is built was home to vitra and vitra alone in time the ancestors of the matanga came to the island and established a foothold but never did they dare disturb the worm's lair Next To Arrive with the aura adopting the example of the akasodra Allies they too treated vitra with reverence and respect and for many years an understanding between our forefathers and the great worm endured [Music] until eroding hears from the mainland came threatening to shatter our peace and tranquility when it seemed all would be drowned in blood vitra himself came forth and quelled the rising conflict a peaceful Accord was reached an old sworn in vitra's name thus begun the dragon's governance of the fledgling state which was to grow into Rad's at home but if Rita is still here then your position as SAR trap is just a charade yes and one which my family has performed Faithfully for Generations [Music] many Envy the great worms their power work known that I Ruled here and the fires of War would burn Without End I would not be the flange consume with my people those few who join me in the our country's foundations were perforce torn to secrecy your eye it was taken [Music] it is here buried within the semblance of Flesh the body before thee is but a simulacrum structed by the finest Artisans of razatan with mine eye nestled within it doth serve as an inconspicuous vessel for my win ah that would explain why I felt the presence of a dragon upon our first meeting [Music] I am woven with words fashioned to deceive such Arcane senses though it was short-lived it seemeth thy fusion with my brother hath left thee much altered Destiny and warm blood [Music] from the very first we sense the nature of one another yet did neither one of us bear his fangs that is all I need now of thee for now [Music] revealed I have for you a proposal not as a world but as the ruler of rats with all haste must we take in hand the finished talismans and breached this foul spine thence should it lay within our power to spell its Wicked in him yet even burence of the warning scales the narrow confines of the tower does this eyes of our Force and thus denied strength in numbers thou must choose thy Soldiers with care [Music] I see yes [Music] most recently doubt its cast down false gods it is upon that strength I would call the Scions have proven themselves the most capable and I ask that you use of our spear [Music] talismans would of course be provided for each of thy companions and should you agree to this undertaking more will be provided to make use of as you see fit there's no denying it's a dangerous proposition but the rewards May far outweigh the risk just think of what we might accomplish if we could equip all our allies with warding scales I worry however that even the four of us may be too few for what you have in mind might we regroup with our friends first to discuss the matter [Applause] for you to clean your hearts and hone your plans such time as you require shall we spend in crafting your protective charms it seems a quick trip back to Charlotte is in order [Music] foreign [Music] or the ruler of rods at Han I see no reason to refuse nor will I [Music] am in the Dead [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] your time in Savannah has certainly been eventful in my opinion carrying out vitra's request and assaulting the Tower of zot should be our highest priority I agree while I still have questions concerning the Forum and their grand undertaking we have all but exhausted our Avenues of Investigation simply pressing them any harder on the subject will almost certainly result in our expulsion therefore I suggest we explore the Ethereal sea Connection by way of a letter to master matoya then make our way to fabner I wonder even with the protection these talismans afford US what can we hope to achieve once inside the tower according to ourenvald and foot ola's report they were unable to free the emulger worse their attempts triggered the tower's defenses which led to a summoning of Luna afrid what does it tell us that the spiers even have such defenses [Applause] pulling a prisoner from the wall is fatal thus the direct approach is doomed to failure from the outset any further measures to dissuade such actions seem unnecessary [Applause] unless of course there is a way to free the prisoners without killing them then it stands to reason that any Intruders will be met with overwhelming Force the towers appeared throughout the world in but the twinkling of an eye it was by magical means these structures were raised I survived Aspire thus conjured must needs be maintained and I suspect an Arcane Catalyst some manner of core but lie hidden Within destroy the core and the tower ceaseth to be thus liberating the captives without harm so we can hope and I would prefer to enter the Tower with a working Theory than with no plan at all assuming istola's reasoning is correct the chances of the defense's remaining dormant are small to none any primals will have to be dealt with and defeating one will likely only lead to the summoning of another our every Victory will only compound the prisoners suffering may we not then divide our forces those proficient in healing will focus on sustaining the captives that Duty can be covered by urionje kryl your Stella and myself the remaining Scions will proceed with the search for the core admittedly this strategy puts both parties at greater risk but it should bolster our chances of saving the akasodara by a considerable margin [Music] if you're to fight primals then you'd best have at least one Healer with you and I am more than happy to fulfill that role I found wielding a Sage's Armament to be rather intuitive and look forward to testing them against a more challenging foe [Music] it seems we have a plan All That Remains is to carry it out I will inform rides at Heart of our movements so let us make our preparations and regroup near the tower [Music] the military Post in what's left of the hamsa Hatchery should serve as a convenient staging [Music] influence is there for those who need it so there's no excuse for being late [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign is everyone all right we fortified the captives with what Magics we could have the defenses been disabled all appears quiet for the moment the lower floors were disturbing enough but this place feels wrong The Ether is heavy and thick like wading through a quagmire I believe we stand in the towers beating heart what says I see it ether siphoned from the land runs up through the Spire flowing to a single point this is the call we seek yet something is off as large as this structure is it siphons far more ether than is required to sustain it is as if the core is feeding on the energy assuming it I need to take a closer look [Music] curious there is something there embedded inside the core a man's limb [Music] this is what we came to destroy yes if you would be so kind [Music] and that should be the end of it now now my theory that the tower might come crashing down following the cause destruction death appear to be correct bully for you and how are we supposed to survive the fall [Music] one of the prisoners below the floor beneath our very feet dissolves brace yourselves I pray I'm not too late [Music] [Applause] oh what happened where are we [Applause] by my Reckoning we're still on the island where the tower stood but it is as if it never existed hardly a scratch but how [Applause] yeah wove a levitation spell at the last moment large enough to catch everyone it would seem [Music] that explains the lack of obvious injuries the expenditure of so much ether has taken its toll he will need plenty of rest but should otherwise be none the worst for wear [Music] and the immediate problem is what to do with our new friends here [Music] there'll be much change for their time in the tower even if their bodies are intact I doubt we could say the same for their minds [Music] Angelo and I will take care of that [Music] foreign but there are just too many for you to treat alone [Applause] [Music] we'll send it once to aorzia for more proxies and call on the local Mages to lend a hand hail science we were watching the tower when it's simply disappeared what happened here the threat is banished and thy people delivered they are however in need of treatment and we of a secure Locale and Helping Hands to assist us in its provision [Music] you shall have all this and more come let us convey these Unfortunate Souls to the city foreign [Music] thank you [Music] are we the last to arrive I hope we've not kept you waiting [Music] not at all your comrade is feeling better I trust much better thank you thank you harness remedies are certainly potent in more ways more weight one becomes accustomed to The Taste although I hope you never have caused to do so pray take your ease [Music] full glad I am to see you all unharmed [Music] for your heroism you have my boundless gratitude you cast down on that dire Tower and set free as hapless captives you cleanse their souls of its corrupting influence no words of thanks will suffice in place of platitudes I offer a bounty of [Music] War pray except your dual reward along with the Good Will of Rod Alchemists throughout the land were put to work in the forging of your talismans the finished ones have been collected and now await you at the high Crucible of alchemiah present this letter when you are ready to take them into your possession [Music] foreign we are humbled by your generosity know that the inventive wisdom of RADS at Han will be vital in restoring Serenity to our star angle one of those from you didn't they you must still be in such pain foreign [Music] land and its people [Music] albeit brief my involvement in the Dragon song war afforded me a glimpse of the Myriad Sorrows which consumed both dragon and man [Music] though you were half a world away such tragedies as befell your kin must have affected you deeply [Music] and yet you chose to live among men [Music] [Music] School dragon and Dragons thought of man yet no hate could I muster for those smiling faces which did look to me for guidance not even my brother's righteous wage could rally me to his claws I huddled here secret and still hoping against hope that which I had films would remain Untouched by the chaos [Music] good [Music] it would seem we share the same desire for peace great vitra to that end I wonder if we might trouble you with another question [Music] the telephone are intent on recreating the final days an apocalyptic event which we know to predate the sundering of the star as the longest lived among us know you ought of this terrible cataclysm [Music] when war and strife drove he crossed the great expanse with only our unhatched eggs [Music] he enlighted upon a shattered Source its 13 Reflections lost since scattered beyond the rift other things preceding his arrival he knoweth not said that which hydraulin hath stained to disclose I see so again it is the inscrutable heideline to whom you must look for answers [Music] seek you to Divine the will of this star the soul I have a tale which may afford you some small small comfort [Music] there's a story from mine many many years ago to my side I once posed the question of all the stars in the sky White is settled to which Schmidt got someone did reply to the last Bastion of Hope he believed so long as heideline endured so too might Dragon kind solemn and potentis were his words what deeper meaning they held I could not dare not pursue there's a stone I've left unturned ever since [Music] the knowledge that whatsoever hydraulin does Drive striped is an ideal which has earned my science conviction [Music] thank you ritra you've given us warm reassurance in a world gripped by Cold uncertainty while I'm sure we all have a great many questions I think it's time we collect the talismans and be on our way our fight against the telephone is far from finished we must take our leave but pleased to inform us if we can provide any further assistance pretty a moment there is one who might whom I the one known to man as iosia's champion this hero of renown and rumor Disney [Music] I knew it to be so from man and dragon alike have I learned of thinex [Music] to other Revelation most pleasing the thou had gained the myth cuts from her's trust but alongside my narration one of the rivulet of dreads for upon thy Life's real wind too many threads of Fate power wheel enmeshed with woe amidst this time will not Thou shalt know no rest there's an endless Confluence of forces a struggle without more terrible still as the attrition wrought upon thy companions as they are swept up in the storm of thine existence [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the hope that will meet come the end [Music] even cowering behind my curtain I know the suffering of the powerful I have watched what thus do I absor Thee to spare no effort to keep thy loved ones safe thank you ah apologies we haven't meant to interrupt [Music] it's just that we do have a history of suddenly collapsing and when you didn't follow us out [Music] your champion [Music] go at War's end I pray I welcome thee back into my hall where together with thy joyful comrades you may toast your Triumph [Music] thank you [Music] foreign these are the talismans we were promised yes and I made a quick count there are far more than we could have hoped for an after outfit an entire company of soldiers in fact considering the involved process that they were able to manufacture so many in such a short span of time is nothing short of a miracle once we have distributed them to our allies in aorzia and the Far East we'll have a fighting chance to bring down the other spiers just as we did with the Tower of zot [Music] or we could use them to invade Garland proper and strike directly at the telephroy's base of operations [Music] of course we would need to consult with various Alliance leaders before such a drastic measure could even be contemplated to which end I could set out fork with and present the idea to each of our allies in person pray allow me to undertake some few of those Journeys I find myself restless and in need of purposeful duties I can head Eastward bosier and almasca are just a short hop from here endoma's Shinobi Network should come in handy for passing on the word we shall share the burden then meanwhile I think it best that you and the others take the talismans back to the baldessian annex we must keep them safe and secure into a decided upon a course of action [Music] please I must speak with you [Music] nadonna you're awake yes when I spoke with the carer at my bedside she told me that one of the science a young woman had cleansed me of the tower's corruption it seems I've been asleep ever since the treatment but when I awoke and learned you were all still here I knew I had to come as you said natana was captured only recently [Music] such a brief exposure is swiftly cured so I tended to her before we gathered at megaduta and I am truly grateful that you did I cannot thank you enough [Music] for all of you for everything you've done destroying the tower rescuing our people you've saved that near from an awful fate yet who hath truly saved whom do in no small part of thine inspirational Courage the Alchemists were successful in reproducing warding scales of proven efficacy replications of thy work now stand ready to travel across the seas unto the hands of those who might wield them against this Rising evil the talisman is this true [Music] [Music] oh he was so groggy from sleep I didn't even think to ask oh great work sent across the seas [Music] it was worth it oh it was all worth it [Music] look at that its color is completely changed [Music] what do you have there [Music] how unusual I wonder if the effect is a reaction to Akasha I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that term [Music] it is one of the Unseen energies defined by Harnish alchemical Theory though a growth oversimplification some describe it as an Essence influenced by feelings you imply that it is distinct from ether a foreign Scholars often conflate the two but we see them as separate Concepts third is an energy which permeates the land it exists within animal's objects even the air we breathe affecting all through which it flows Akasha on the other hand exists in a domain beyond our reach a gift bestowed from on high or adorned from the heavens in some traditions [Music] Akasha can neither be created nor destroyed it is beyond our power to purposefully alter or manipulate the only thing observed to influence it is an abundance of I want to say spiritual emotion as a veteran of the battlefield surely you've experienced moments of desperation or exaltation when you've transcended the usual limits of your capabilities that is a manifestation of Akasha the invisible Essence harnessed by heart mind and unyielding spirit I really must hear more about this Theory our disciplines are based entirely upon the idea that ether is the fundamental form of all energy [Music] I'm glad my haphazard explanation has piqued your interest but even for us Akasha is a somewhat abstract field of study a lack of practical application lends itself poorly to formalized research in my analysis of your flower can amount to little more than idle speculation I am sorry nonsense you have nothing to be sorry for your Insight is much appreciated foreign then I will see to it that the talismans arrive at the annex [Music] and we will be in touch once our talks are concluded I suggest you rest while you can from here onward sleep is bound to be in short supply [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] good you're here you haven't eaten yet have you we've bought quite a spread if you're interested only the finest dining from The Last Stand okay [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] lest you wonder we invited Estonian as well but he refused with a rather grin-faced no thank you I suspect Charlie and Cuisine is not to his liking oh I don't know about that SAR Lone Wolf just needed some time apart [Music] what to perfect his brooding stare next time I'll drag him out by the ear sit him down in front of a Charlie and feast and see that he eats every last bite [Music] an excellent idea of all people Warriors must take proper meals and rest if they are to maintain a healthy Constitution poorestinian beset on all sides foreign speaking of one's physical condition mistress Quail I hear you've recently played literal host to heidelin herself what an experience that was firing yes posting harm done if anything I should have liked to speak with her longer [Music] I've not felt a hint of her present since heidelin instructed you to carry that flower yes [Music] it will be your guide test and proof of your conviction and then something about seeking joy in darkness was it come to think of it isn't that what happened with nadana back in rods at home foreign the flower did seem to radiate a joyful glow as if reflecting the Elation we all felt the relief of a people with renewed hope indeed and in turn I felt buoyed by that Radiance it was akin to spotting a beacon and knowing we were on the right path I know we've not yet triumphed over the telephone or learned the full breadth of the forum's plans but even within the midst of our struggles we find small moments of joy to sustain us rare and hard one perhaps but it is this Pursuit of Happiness that gives us the strength to carry on day after day [Music] hey that's mine to the Swift the spoils though I recall that levitation spell of yours was quick enough hmm only barely and even at my best I'm still too slow to wield it effectively in battle [Music] may have I simply require more practice with this new Magic you Unearthed it from the depths of Newman on I presume I am from a veritable mountain of Arcane tomes at that it was necessary to facilitate my solitary explorations or to put it simply you used it to sneak around the Forbidden archives uh yes well after a fashion [Music] that tool you see the shelves they're too tall for me and I could hardly move the library's platforms without attracting attention now could I [Music] am not that ambitious but it is Pleasant to idle away the hours every once in a while foreign [Music] [Music] ah enjoying the bracing cold I see do not own a warm coat or a cloak something in fur or fashioned from the skins of your enemies or well never mind that [Music] I come to you once more as the bearer of bad news our Tower in savner has been toppled and I need not tell you by whom [Music] given how many we have at our disposal the loss of a single Spire is hardly fatal to our plans it does however slow the rate at which we siphon The Ether if they continue to preoccupy themselves with the towers then all will be well but should alfo proved bold enough to strike at us here then the timing becomes questionable our foe is bold enough oh that I can assure you [Music] ah yes very well then I suppose I must prepare her proper welcome honestly talk of your Nemesis is the only thing you seem to enjoy does nothing else spark your interest [Music] hmm no all else is equal [Music] equally tedious equally disappointing the world is a tepid bargain to which we sink too weak to Thrash as the mud clings to our eyes and fills our throats till we blissfully choke but then came the light blinding and pure and hot so very hot enough to set my soul aflame I basked in the Afterglow until the void yawned once more and then I knew the muck would never claim me again there was not for me ahead so I drew the curtain on all that had come before [Music] let the whole star burn I will have my contest I will reclaim My Moment [Music] how wonderful that the emptiness of death has not dissuaded you from committing your life to its Pursuit once more I don't know whether to envy you or pity you [Music] you question my disinterest but what of yours despite your noise some Antics I sense you take little pleasure in this endeavor [Music] from one who barely acknowledges my existence nevertheless you are mistaken for I do find this part somewhat enjoyable you see when I was Mortal I would always have the same dream it was a fragmented thing disjointed all the faces incomplete the setting two was unknown to me so I thought it's simply a fantasy of my sleeping mind [Music] until one day I realized it was showing me the truth much as your dream of the final days enlightened you and soon very soon the rest of the world will see the truth of my dream too [Music] yes I think that is something we can both enjoy [Music] ah I remember you [Music] I pray we have not called you at an inopportune moment we wanted to offer our thanks for your kind words in the Forum [Music] well I could hardly let that Inquisition go unchallenged I've always believed that Curiosity should be nurtured not stifled thankfully a majority of my colleagues agreed a slender majority eye but a majority nonetheless had the vote not gone our way we would be having a very a different conversation if any at all though I'd like to think you would have not given up on our cause I'm told you paid a visit to the annex afterwards yes that's right I was hoping to speak with the grandchildren of my dearly departed friends gallop and Luis Suare in a less do a setting that it seems I just missed you [Music] I still can't believe how much you've grown if only your grand size could have seen the way you presented yourselves to The Forum why a fair brought a tear to my own eye [Music] you must have the patience of a saint putting up with this lot in their Antics never mind matoya's price student luckily I know a thing or two about managing unruly younglings if you ever need advice don't hesitate to ask [Music] foreign [Music] there is a rather more pressing matter we wish to discuss what can you tell us of this Duty that the Forum must fulfill nothing I'm afraid like all humble servants of the Forum I am sworn to secrecy or rather I couldn't tell you if I tried [Music] our duty is of the gravest importance furthermore if the particulars were made public it would incite Widespread Panic as such those entrusted with this Duty have been bound by an enchantment which prevents us from speaking of such matters without the express permission of the Forum how is that even possible [Music] ha ha it's been some time since I last gave a lecture please take a seat [Music] [Applause] [Music] we shall Begin by reviewing the fundamentals of etherology The Ether which imbused US with life can be categorized into three forms [Music] two of the incorporeal sort of the soul and the memory can anyone tell me the Third yes very good this is the form with which the Layman is most familiar consumed by even the simplest of daily activities and replenished by the food and drink the sustainers this form of ether is in constant flux in contrast The Ether that comprises the soul is rarely subject to dramatic change the same can be said for memory as the two are intrinsically linked [Music] picture the soul as paper and memories as words written upon it [Music] what would happen if that paper was doused with ink the same type of ether as comprises the memories [Music] foreign [Music] it would blot out everything that was written precisely we would be unable to recall the memories and any activities that depend upon them would be hindered as well foreign [Music] was observed on a vast scale not so long ago and what might that have been [Music] the seventh umbral calamity [Music] vividly recalled Bahamut Breaking Free of the Lesser Moon and reigning Hellfire down upon the realm [Music] to remember the events that followed immediately afterwards indeed to this day we have yet to determine whether it was an unintended consequence or a deliberate Act the enchantment which binds me and the rest of the Forum is based on a similar principle and yes it is a contravention of the Charlene prohibition against the practice of memory manipulation only when a new member is inducted and told of our great Duty are they subjected to the process unnecessary evil you have my word that it would never be used to manipulate the populace I should hope not but can this enchantment be dispelled and your memories restored if nine tenths of our members give their approval then the process may be reversed then and only then would we be able to speak freely to others of our sacred Duty barring that we must wait until we return to the Ethereal sea [Music] for there we will be purified the blots upon ourselves washed clean [Music] and our memories drift apart and dissolve rather defeating the purpose I suppose [Music] but there are those memories that are indelibly etched upon our souls some believe [Music] what happens after that [Music] we are reduced to Pure ether coalesce with that of others and create souls in you alternative schools of thought assert Souls remain whole and return to the corporeal world reborn into another form both theories have their proponents personally I consider each equally probable [Music] well I think that's enough education for today now that I've given you some food for thought or rather an entire banquet [Music] I would remind you that although I'm unable to assist you with certain matters the resources at my disposal may still be of use to you I'll arrange for you all to be given the Run of phenomenon of course as associate to our alumni and the students of baldessian this privilege is extended to you as well my friend [Music] oh and I suggest you speak with key aliapo she's well known Among The Artisans of Charlene and her network of contacts may prove useful in your search for knowledge I wish you all the best in your Pursuits wherever they may take you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] by the twelve [Music] glad you could join us I hope you don't mind but we went ahead and started without you traveling companions were eager to become acquainted it is a rare thing indeed to see such a diverse and talented group of individuals assembled for a single purpose [Music] we fight not only for the sake of aorzia but for the entire world including the people of Garland much rise on the efforts of the ilsabad contingent indeed which is why I am glad to find myself in the company of many trusted comrades yourselves included [Music] foreign Lucia I have come at the behest of Lord emmerich who has honored me with the role of ishgard's Representative for the good of all Nations not least my former Homeland I am determined to see this Mission through to its end we have a hard road ahead of us but walk it we shall together [Music] we too welcome this opportunity to work together once more I have faith that if there is a way to resolve this conflict we will find it [Music] everyone if I may have your attention [Music] might I ask you to speak first if I must I am Arun Senna spokesman for the gridanian delegation here on behalf of my esteemed sister the Elder seedseer we shall Provide support and protection to those in need during our time in golmaal to that end I am joined by healers selected by the conjurers guild with the order of the twin adder's finest serving as our escort [Music] with an experienced White Mage such as yourself accompanying us as well those requiring more involved treatment will be in safe hands Raya o sends her regards by the way suppose I'd better say my peace wait I know you [Music] the name siccard in case you've forgotten truth be told I'd rather you had forgotten any road the average Captain he'll fear to send his best and for whatever reason he picked me of course if I'd refused I'd be the laughing stock at a bloody executioners and my reputation's taken enough of a key hauling as it is but more importantly like any pirate worth this salt I know when you're staring down a storm you've got a trust in a commander of your ship thank you so if the Admiral wants us to go to Gala Mall not for plunder and Glory but a promise of peace in our time then that's what we'll do [Music] since we all know how much the Empire loves its steel we thought we'd bring along a few Smiths to make the most of it give him a pile of scrap and they'll Cobble together anything you fancy of course just like the gridanians we got fighters of our own we might have come with a more constructive purpose in mind but we're more than capable of cracking skulls believe you me well you're certainly raring to go but then again so are we the most Dependable Warriors of uldar and Al Amigo have assembled at the Sultana and general Eldon's behest if galimald has truly fallen then the whole place is likely to be crawling with telephroy we'll need plenty of troops to clear and hold a path for others to follow that's where we come in naturally Marshall Terrapin and I will be leading from the front [Music] and sometimes since I last saw you in your element on the battlefield [Music] from what I've heard you've become pretty fearsome yourself master matoya the Avatar of Destruction [Music] with comrades like these I know will succeed no matter what awaits us [Music] and then we might finally get a chance to enjoy a good long rest but until then let's give it our all as for ishgard we Temple Knights have come in force to uphold our nation's commitment to the peace and Welfare of our allies the bitter cold of Gala mold is a formidable enemy in of itself our experience fighting in ice and snow will prove invaluable in the days ahead accordingly I have been designated commander of the ilsabad contingent I will do all in my power to provide you with the leadership and guidance you require the four High houses House Highland art foremost among them have arranged for a host of machinists to join us on our mission [Music] their knowledge of Imperial magitek is sure to be a great Boon they will address any problems of a technical nature together with the Smiths of lipsa lomitza [Music] there is another awaiting introduction [Music] ah yes a monolaine de photo at your service [Music] though lest there be any misunderstanding should stress that I've not become a fearsome Warrior while you were away rather far from it actually my brother in His Infinite Wisdom decided this would be an excellent chance to make something of myself oh and fight for world peace and all that but should the opportunity arise for a spot of ballroom dancing I will be your twinkle-toed gentleman of light [Music] huzzah I cannot wait to Regale on a Hawa with my Tales of Daring Doom I believe that concludes introductions for the grand company of eosia our allies from the Eastern Alliance were due to arrive some time ago but it would appear they have been delayed would that be the Shinobi of DOMA actually they've been tasked with relaying messages back and forth between the various Eastern Nations according to Lord hien however an equally capable company of Warriors has been sent in their Stead out of my way you preening fool foreign [Music] we are the delegates of the Eastern Alliance Serena and you've brought company for battle and blood we come as a step is sorely lacking in both no Towers befoul our lands so we marched on those of Doma only to find them beyond our reach but now our thirst for Slaughter will be slaked no quarter to the enemy sadhu had to know we go to make peace with the Iron Man not war riers of the step we've heard many tales of your bravery we welcome you as allies and these are the ones you have brought are members of the dalmascon resistance group lente's tears foreign [Music] resistance between them they have a wealth of experience in Espionage and are particularly Adept at infiltrating Imperial facilities which is fortuitous since galimal's domain is so vast that I could never hope to handle what Collison's duties all by myself [Music] bosia alamigo all lands which have suffered the tyranny of the empire I would never presume to question your motives nevertheless I must reiterate that our goal is to Aid the victims of the tilofroi the common folk of galimald and they are victims make no mistake though I understand that many May struggle to see them as such you're more right than you know for every one of us that answered the call there were a dozen that refused [Music] not only in El Amigo but everywhere we went and who could blame them the Empire's always been the enemy but after seeing what we've seen fighting and working against and with guardians there's no denying the simple truth they're just people no different from you or I ve got their share of liars and murderers but so do we so do we all [Music] for Dola who once swore herself to Garland has proven herself a trusted Ally time and time again every aortian here knows said Garland the Imperial Defector who shared with us countless technological wonders Maxima who stands with us today tried to reform garland from within and make peace with Joma so you can believe me when I say that every fighter here understands and accepts that the Imperials are not monsters and are deserving of help or at least that they were able to put aside their feelings for the greater good [Music] it won't be easy but we're all determined to make this world a better place [Music] what lingering concerns I may have had were clearly unwarranted I agree with everything you said wholeheartedly then we are in accord now let us review our strategy to reach the guardian capital in Northern ilsabad we must cross the central mountain range fortunately Garland Ironworks can provide aerial transport sparing us this most treacherous part of our journey however attempting to fly any closer to Garland would attract the attention of the telophary as they appear to have seized control of the majority of the Imperial military we must assume that includes its Fleet in addition Garland possesses devices that can interfere with Airship navigational systems further discouraging an Airborne approach [Music] given the circumstances the closest we dare deploy our contingent is an area between the range and the capital the Magna glaciers from there we must travel the rest of the way on foot we will also need to bring the airships with us to ensure we can withdraw with haste although much of the terrain will be blanketed in snow we should be able to make use of local roads and shipping facilities [Music] the vast ice field will afford US an unobstructed view of the surrounding area on the other hand it will also allow others to easily spot us so it is imperative that we only make camp in positions where we can easily defend ourselves and the airships which must be kept safe at all costs [Music] we cannot account for every possibility so we must be prepared to think on our feet we will be tested sorely tested I expect but for our homes and for our people and our people not our own but in need we will succeed [Music] spared no effort in your preparations once we depart there is no turning back [Applause] [Applause] ilsabad divided in Twain by a vast mountain range those who would Traverse its Jagged Peaks face parent every step but why go by foot when one can simply fly [Music] on the outskirts of the imperial capital in the Frozen wastes of the Magna glacias the winds Howl in icy protest as if to warn against further trespass [Music] [Music] we've received word from frankford's reconnaissance party they've cited a Detachment of heavily armed Imperials survivors of the Civil War perhaps Perhaps Perhaps but there is more to it than that Maxima reports that they are led by virgilia legatus of the third Legion which comprises the bulk of their number however they are also joined by several members of the first from what I recall the third Legion fought for another in the war of succession following Varys death the first on the other hand were under the direct command of the emperor and rejected nerva's claim to the throne these Legions were enemies indeed in fact our sources claim that it was a conflict between them that sparked the Civil War yet now these former foes cooperate to defend a ruined galam old from invasion thank you then it is all but certain they have been tempered so what's a plan if me and my crew is out reeving we charge straight in no messing about but that ain't what we're here for quite right soldiers or no they are people of Garland the very ones we have come to Aid direct confrontation is unavoidable nevertheless we must make every effort to limit casualties on both sides rather than kill them I would remove them from the field how so Savage beatings disarmament and imprisonment not impossible but easier said than done in the heat of battle having observed the opposition I imagine fancred had something to suggest he did he and the other Scouts have already infiltrated a Supply Depot some distance beyond the Imperial detachment's current position stored within is a stockpile of magitek armaments and once we give the signal fancred's team will destroy them all in so doing we will deprive Frontline troops of materiel and likely Force the Detachment to send men to investigate divide and conquer bad idea once the Scouts have finished their preparations we will split into two groups the first will form the Vanguard while the other brings up the rear with our supplies [Music] as for the Scions I ask that you lend your assistance where you deem it needed most I would prefer however that you accompany the rear guard and be prepared to join the van at a moment's notice kept in reserve as our trump card so to speak [Music] [Music] [Music] your proposal was well received more specifically they ask that we destroy the Imperials toys in our spectacular fashion as possible if Stoller always did have a flare for the dramatic she's not an easy woman to please but I shall do my best to satisfy her thirst for fireworks all right once more for my peace of mind our first objective will be to rig the enemy's magitek with explosives after we've withdrawn to a safe distance we'll detonate them remotely [Music] our second will be to issue a deactivation command to the automated units via the control terminal if our calculations are correct this signal should reach those deployed on the front line giving our friends a much needed upper hand a blizzard will help us stay hidden so let's aim to get in and out before it passes trust in the plan and we should all live to see tomorrow in the meantime I will relay messages back and forth as the situation unfolds you'll forgive me if I ask again but are you certain you wish to play The Lone Wolf wouldn't have it any other way call it foolish and Reckless if you like but I'll get the job done I always do very well I wish you the best of luck [Music] foreign was not a euphemism for enthusiastically murder it's nothing that won't heal time the trouble is their tempering has made them utterly Fearless subduing them would be easier if they had the capacity to submit in the first place well this is the path where young charges would have us walk and that we all agreed to follow you knew it would be hard yet still you pledged your Lance did you not that I did [Music] people that's for gillia damn it I need to help the others take her down there's no end to them [Music] I was wondering when you turn up thank you [Music] There's No Stopping Us Now come on let's show them what we're made of a were the adversary rest recover reclaim yourself then we will fight again to the death and do her tune [Music] that was the last of them [Music] the day is ours thanks to your timely arrival what of the supply Caravan [Music] outmaneuvered but not outmatched good let us take the Imperials into custody and rejoin our comrades [Music] so cold and unforgiving Thus Spoke Empress Solace as he gazed upon his Barren domain 800 years it had been since the Guardians first set foot here [Music] bested by the kovosi after centuries of war and driven from fertile Southern pastures into the Blasted Northern wastes [Music] in that Garden of desolation they clung to one another for warmth freezing hungry desperate hate it [Music] The Chosen forsaken [Music] [Music] thank you in the year 1513 of the sixth astral era a young Gatos named Solace single-handedly sparked the magitek revolution how did he conceive the Machina that feed on Cerulean once a common soft spoken Soldier how could he so quickly ascended through the ranks like so many others those who knew the truth are gone taking in the capital with his eyes for the first time I recall thinking to myself far colder on the earth than in the heavens yes far colder indeed bitterly so [Music] [Music] not so much as a whisper the roads leading beyond the city walls would have been used Less in recent years nevertheless this was one of the most important gateways into the capital [Music] a buzz day and night with activity I Merchants passing through the checkpoint many of them stopping at the local hostilries surely they cannot all have been tempered we can consider the question after we have made camp if we spend any longer outside we may well freeze to death where we stand the tempered Imperials too [Music] this will be our temporary base of operations secure shelter for ourselves and the injured and dispatched Scouts to survey the surrounding area [Music] if we're planning on staying here a while we ought to give this place a proper name hmm you know the constant sound of ice cracking underfoot makes me think of broken glass an app name perhaps about enough of this to work everyone [Music] [Music] our present situation is as follows efforts to Aid the people of Garland have begun in Earnest moreover having entered into the capital the Imperial Palace is within our reach but before we proceed further we must learn what has befallen this city for therein lies the key to understanding and combating the telophary's designs I have a suggestion if I may [Music] several of the Imperial soldiers we captured on the Magna glacias are members of the populares and acquaintances of mine once we have cured them of their tempering they should be able to give a reliable account of the events leading to the capital's downfall a promising idea I will assist the healers and the Administrations of course I will require epoxy of my own assuming you can spare one would you like a hand no no I am sure we will manage better that you take my place in the field the noxious ether of this place disagrees with me and as I shall need to draw on my own for the treatment it will be prudent for me to remain within the camp [Music] foreign the tempered is all well and good but I reckon the cold is a more pressing concern all the houses around here are fitted with Cerulean meters that could keep us warm and toasty problem is the machine seem to have given up The Ghost and if we keep sitting around freezing our asses off we'll be next myths reckoned with the right parts they can have them working again but it won't be easy foreign IST will assist them in the repairs [Music] most of us should either stand watch or survey the area we've made our presence known to the telephroy they will be searching for us if they have not already ascertained our position that we have seen no sign of them since the battle suggests they have yet to do so however I suspect they may be abiding their time foreign [Music] in any event we'll find no answers standing around here orionje Estonian and myself have visited Garland recently so we'll lead the reconnaissance efforts perhaps bolstered by a few Bosnian and almasian Scouts from my previous Excursion for good measure [Music] don't forget about us alamigans we have experienced Scouts of Our Own well now this is turning out to be a rather sizable team with such numbers we should be able to cover a wide area with relative ease including that surrounding the Imperial Palace how about you graha I have a feeling we'll find a use or two for that Vanishing spell of yours foreign to be of service though I doubt that you of all people need rely on my tricks that leaves us with God Duty as a matter of fact I have something else in mind for the two of you and alfano between here and the center of the capital lies the Eblen rhyme I would have you search the area for survivors your Keen sense of direction honed in your extensive travels should prove useful in navigating the ice fields I have faith that you will and look forward to greeting you on your safe return you all have your duties May the fury bless and keep you [Music] [Music] foreign [Laughter] Blood Trail we found one they were attacked [Music] no oh [Music] why why wouldn't I [Music] safer to Brave the Wilds than trust in our Magic [Music] we should have I should have [Music] we can't leave them like this we have to take them home [Music] what if we're only making it worse [Music] maybe we don't belong here but neither did they not out here in the wind and the cold [Music] [Music] I heard the story about varus's voice from Beyond the Grave of course I didn't believe it but licinia and her sister did perhaps there is something to the tail after all [Music] I want to understand so I'm going to borrow this for a while if that's all right you had every reason not to trust us We Came as trespassers Invaders as I pray that in time we will be more than that to you that we will find a way to help your loved ones and see that no more children are left to freeze alone in the snow [Applause] [Music] thank you for your report [Music] foreign we shall inform the troops of these developments and instruct them to proceed with the utmost caution should they encounter any survivors allow me to go and speak with the ones at the Victor spoils they may be more willing to listen to a fellow guardian and accept our offer of assistance I pray you are right and though I am loathed to burden you any further should there be an appropriate occasion to speak of licinia and her sister please do so [Music] I am sorry to have put you through this [Music] my distress is nothing compared to their suffering so tell me what else have we learned as you may have already heard we have succeeded in curing the members of the popularis Maxima identified [Music] they have provided us with some intriguing insights into the current state of Garland [Music] the assassination of Emperor varus was the Catalyst for the Civil War nerva declared his claim to the throne and his opponents refused to recognize it fighting broke out in the capital where nerva's third Legion clashed with the first who remained loyal to Varys even after his death of course even Imperial warmongers would walk at the idea of turning their shining City into a Battleground like burning down the wood despite the wasps neither side would be so mad [Music] unless something or someone inflame their animosity to such an extent that they could not help but act against their better judgment [Music] it brings to mind events of the gimlet dark does it not the emperor sudden withdrawal from the front line specifically and his father Titus varus is then political rival took advantage of rumors that Crown Prince xenos had been possessed by a demon foreign [Music] what better way to disparage your enemies than with the truth or a close enough approximation indeed but before their accusations could be substantiated many of titus's followers were silenced while some were merely stripped of their status others died under curious circumstances one after another suddenly and suspiciously again Elizabeth like as not he had a hand in it no evidence was found to implicate Varys certainly nevertheless Titus nerva and the third Legion would have judged it a Brazen attempt by the emperor to rid himself of his political enemies [Music] and then in the midst of this growing turmoil varus sosgalvis is murdered [Music] and galimond's own prodigal son Gaius van belsar is named the murderer shortly thereafter nerva claims the right of succession and in response the first Legion claims the assassination was part of a coup d'etat orchestrated by Titus and nerva [Music] foreign is at fault and everyone else is to blame I should add that both parties received substantial Financial backing presumably to provide them with the means and encouragement to pursue a swift victory and that these contributions came from the self-same benefactor [Music] I'd heard house Brutus had been filling the third legion's coffers but the first as well it would seem so though the popular is determined that the first Legion received funds from a variety of organizations all had connections to house Brutus [Music] so fun Daniel in the guise of Asahi was playing both sides against each other the entire time the information we gained from my friends does not end there one night shortly after fighting broke out the capital was shaken by an immense tremor from that point onward they have no memories no recollection of any events including our Clash on the Magna glaciers but when asked about the Imperial Palace and its bizarre transformation they somehow recall Emperor varus giving them orders in their dreams May the Tower of Babel stand as Testament to the glory of Garland [Music] this sounds awfully familiar foreign we have something to show you all [Music] Varys spoke to them through this radio apps it was a recording but if not that would be inexplicable [Music] we are of one mind then [Music] The Ether that permeates the ore used in this device is almost identical to that of the talismans I see it while it is likely more by a coincidence than design these devices might also Ward against a primal's influence a picture is beginning to form if the Tremor felt throughout Gala mod was a wave of ether emitted by a primal then while those within range would have been tempered those huddled around a radio desperate for news concerning the Civil War would have been spared [Music] no wonder lessinia kept it close [Music] my friends I must speak a young man was caught trying to steal our supplies he is a soldier of the Iron Man we think but one who has not been made thrall thankfully magnai restrained him before blood was spilled the stranger is outside if you wish to ask him questions I think we do who do we have here Guardians foreign have you no shame [Music] I am Lucia Junius a temple Knight of ishgard and you are Euless Pierre nobanos and that's all you Invaders will get from me [Music] we are not here to invade galimald far from it like you our allies in ayorzia and the Far East fight in defense of their lives and their loved ones even as we speak [Music] but it is the people of Gala mold who have suffered most this we know and that is why we have come to offer you our Aid that we may unite against our common foe [Music] whether you believe me or not those are the facts now answer me this why would a proud soldier of the Empire be reduced to stealing the situation must be dire indeed for you to go to such lengths if it is supplies you seek we would gladly share ours or turn a blind eye while you leave with your spoils thank you I will not negotiate my commander will determine how to deal with you and yours if you wish to treat with him I will take you but no more than three I don't much like the sound of that but if we do accept his proposal I suggest the two of us and [Music] please allow me and Alize to act as envoys [Music] may I ask why [Music] we have seen with our own eyes the hardships the Guardians face how their Futures and lives hang in the balance [Music] it's not the warmest invitation but it's an opportunity to prove our intentions true maybe not a chance to make things right but a chance to make them better I can see that persuading you otherwise is a lost cause but you will proceed with the utmost care [Music] a couple of children and what a cell sword is this an insult not in the least you will find that they are more than qualified to speak on our behalf [Music] there are many dangers on the road ahead I will need that back [Music] these are their chosen Representatives very well let us hear what they have to say yes sir I present to you our commander lord quinces vancina legatus of the first Legion the first I had no idea you had survived [Music] we lost our emperor our city more than half our troops for my wounds I may never take the field again but we survived I [Music] in a manner much to your liking I dare say [Music] we have no intention of adding to your misfortunes nor do we bear you any ill will [Music] bear me though you children may speak in Earnest overtures of Peace ever ring Hollow in my ears so long as man stands to profit from his neighbor's suffering war is inevitable [Music] driven from our ancestral Homeland into this blasting waste yet still you yearned to Rob us of our poultry scraps press only with magitek that you learn to keep your distance though we knew it was only a matter of time before you regrouped and returned conquest and empire were our only defenses Emperors Solace and varyus understood this and through their campaigns saw us grow and prosper much blood has been spilled in galama's name I but if it is a choice between yours and mine then it is hardly a choice at all I do not deny that a great many conflicts throughout history were driven by the desire or necessity to gain by another's loss that is not why we are here nor have we come to petition your Aid in the war with the telephroy grave though that threat may be our purpose is simply this foreign we wish to help you let us help you if there is alt that can be done to ease your plight we would be glad to do it perhaps you would [Music] but regardless of the ideals you espouse your leaders would not send an army into Gala mold if they did not stand to benefit if we accept their aid they will expect their efforts to be rewarded once the telophary are no longer a threat after compensation and concessions the great Empire would be brought to heal her enemies Rejoice at her downfall our third eye a mark of Shame we won't stand idly by and let your people be humiliated and we're not alone in that we only want to make a difference to make this world of ours better surely you can understand that what I'm trying to say is there are so so many people who just don't care about making you suffer and maybe that's almost insulting after all the suffering you feel the world has subjected your people to but believe it or not that's the truth and now we're here and all we're asking is for you to tell us what you want what you hope for so much blood has been shed so much lost all because of this endless war who wouldn't want to end it [Music] can we not work together to face our problems as one [Music] answer me this young peacemakers if a world without conflict is your desire why reject the unity and prosperity of Gala mold [Music] is it because we do not share your faith that we do not share your heritage [Music] that our ideals and virtues differ that we cherish and hold in the highest that which you do not foreign Ty is the root of Discord and peace built on compromise is flawed and fleeting happiness for one and all is a dream and the reality is that to the Victor go the spoils that is why we Guardians will never submit nor surrender for freedom and for Pride we will remain true to ourselves until The Bitter End that is my hope [Music] thank you [Music] it seems there is nothing more to say on the matter [Music] you will remain here while I decide what is to be done with you do not be alarmed no harm will come to you if you cooperate [Music] we will not resist however as your guests I ask that we be allowed to speak with the other members of your group as you wish I had no intention of locking you up as by doing you would be frozen stiff and you're no good to me dead you are free to move about the encampment but there is one condition [Music] color them [Music] what are these [Music] incentive you'll be watched at all times straight too far or act suspiciously and we will administer a rather painful shock stop keep away from that one [Music] the champion of eosiah is not so easily cowed even if she allowed herself to be collared a shock would be no more than an itch no if she refuses to obey we will activate the twins restraints instead [Music] you needn't worry about us we'll forget we're even wearing them soon enough foreign [Music] who I go to such lengths what is it all for [Music] [Music] you are a curious one a far cry from the merciless Barbarian others paint you to be foreign [Music] take them away [Music] yes sir [Music] I finally escape the watchful days of your Keepers heavily don't react you'll only draw attention to yourself just carry on as you are and listen after you left with the guardian lad Lucia obeyed a few of our Scouts follow you at a discreet distance we observed you've been led into the station but decided against venturing inside when you emerge sometime later and we saw that the twins were sporting magitek collars it was clear what had taken place thank you now it's quiet place you can tell me everything the legazes himself eh well there's a surprise this is also the first I've heard of a plan to join forces with the tenth and storm the Tower of Babel an interesting development and perhaps the opportunity we've been waiting for our comrades back at the camp also received some rather promising news but it's still too early to get our hopes up for now keeping yourselves out of Harm's Way comes before all else whatever demands the Guardians make indulge them with luck this will all be over soon until then [Music] they had not gone far we searched high and low but no luck I'm afraid I might have guessed you'd be the only one to find anything I wasn't expecting much to begin with eventually there will be nothing left out here for us to safely Salvage for now this will have to suffice we should return to the station [Music] oh there you are heard you'd gone hunting for Cerulean above ground King's Ransom hardly but thanks to these three we have enough to last a little while longer it's not at all I was expecting these ones for Savages they seem positively docile [Music] uh it's a poor attempt at humor in all honesty I'm grateful for your efforts but even with another night of warmth there are those Among Us who may not live to see the morrow [Music] I trust your Expedition was fruitful Lord quintus [Music] use what you procured to refuel the armor but sir what about the heaters for the camp foreign for Action is upon us my men and I have matters to discuss in the meantime you are to wait here do not forget you are being watched [Music] foreign [Music] what did he mean by that I can only speculate clearly something requiring their magitek given what we just heard whether they plan to utilize it now or after they join with the tenth is another question [Music] [Music] will they ever escape this cold return to and reclaim the idyllic spaces of which Euless spoke [Music] finished your war council [Music] alfano and alizea to stay here as our prisoners they will be released once your comrades have relinquished their supplies and withdrawn from Guardian soil until our terms are met they will be detained at a separate location after everything we've said and done this is how you treat us our allies have but limited supplies they may save off cold and starvation for a short while but what then [Music] for now keeping yourselves out of Harm's Way comes before all else whatever demands the Guardians make indulged [Music] [Music] get them out of here [Music] foreign [Music] at least it was until that night I was with Lord quinces when the capital fell and thus spared my family who did not own a radio were less fortunate [Music] when Dawn came I made my way here my parents my little brother and sister they were still inside but they weren't themselves and they they try to [Music] and I had to I'd promised to take them away from the capital that very morning to somewhere safe to hide until the fighting stopped [Music] promise [Music] Guardian flag there's a chain the bonds between our countrymen a red Link at its Center the blood of the Fallen our loved ones who lived and died for Garland [Music] but if she too fell who would be left to remember them and their sacrifice what enduring proof would there be that they were ever here foreign if we had turned to your Gods would they have saved us I'm sorry you forget I spoke we should go [Music] it's no use believe me I do not enjoy being here any more than you but she wanted us to play along so that is what we will do it's so cold painfully so unbearably I've been thinking about what quintus said about why no one would accept Guardian rule irreconcilable differences when coexistence isn't an option only Conquest remains Varys at gimlet said much the same only by uniting the world beneath a single standard would we rid ourselves of the aseans United as one people One race cleansed of imperfections a cold and unforgiving vision and when we fail to live up to their standards what place is there for us in their world [Music] but the truly sad truly frustrating thing is how damnably similar it all is to the lofty ideals of father and the Forum non-intervention always non-intervention protect our knowledge and our people and to Hells with the rest of you and yet I can see how it happened Varys and father looked to their Elders for guidance and took their virtues as their own but for this world was of their making in who else could they Place their trust [Music] all of us lost in a sea of Chaos searching desperately for purpose and meaning but it shouldn't just be an extension of another's to be ours it has to be we all have a stake in this world no one should be silenced I won't deny that we lack the experience of people such as father or quintus [Music] perhaps they've come to see the world as a series of problems and the most efficient way of solving them to reduce everything to fundamental forms a stone is a stone Cloud a cloud a flower no more than that simple descriptions that strip the subject of distinguishing characteristics a man is a man divided according to race Creed or Allegiance some defined by such associations is that what you think [Music] in my Miss begotten youth but what I believed wisdom was no more than aggressive ignorance I've since learned to look beyond the banners and the politics to see people as individuals with their own hopes and dreams as for my dream of building a better world every day I'm reminded that it is far more complex than I had ever imagined but it only Spurs me onward to find the wisdom and the strength to see it through to the very end [Music] all of our supplies and an immediate withdrawal these are your conditions demands and you forgot about the airship once again you will leave one behind it will be used to return the prisoners their collars will be removed prior to the exchange [Music] so in the end not even fathers expertly worded rhetoric could deter you from your chosen course [Music] not that I thought for a moment that it would have no love for violence of course but ours is a Cause worth fighting for wish he'd realize it too sometimes the only way to protect the ones you love is to take a stand to refuse to suffer in silence I want you to know I share your conviction whether it be on the battlefield or in the debating chamber I Won't Back Down I guess what I'm saying is [Music] you've found your own reason to fight yes yes I have God's willing there will come a day when we can finally lay down our arms and there will be peace but not until the telophary have been defeated once and for all and you brother will have a vital part to play by your words and deeds you'll lead the way foreign there'll always be naysayers those who think us fools for even trying it's easy for learned Elites to criticize Earnest efforts and assert their moral superiority all without offering alternatives not that their sophistry has ever wounded you so stubborn and strong ER than you even know don't ever change you hear me if you stumble I'll be there to catch you or give you a thick ear maybe both for good measure [Music] thank you Alicea [Music] foreign their collars were removed without complication as well they report no casualties not for their party nor the guards who will wake from their premature Slumber in due course it would appear the situation has changed I propose new terms we have information that will be of great interest to Lord quintus and I wish to speak with him in person no in the event you rejected our first proposal we came prepared with a second [Music] ambush [Music] Laura coming make ready [Music] we the loyal soldiers of the first Legion proud Servants of Garland of the Fallen Emperor varus shall Safeguard these lands from the Barbarian hordes until our countrymen returned [Music] stop both of you this child may be the worst Emissary I've ever seen foreign we received an urgent communication from the grand company of eosia envoys from the Imperial Army led by members of the 10th Legion came to alamigo and requested an audience [Music] they explained that their efforts to coordinate the Reclamation of the capital with the aid of the fourth fifth eighth and 12th had ended in failure communication between most Legions has broken down entirely most of the tenths conscripts have deserted leaving their forces severely depleted that is why unable to continue the fight on their own they and their allies turned to the grand company of aortia for Aid [Music] lies every word it is the truth and I have not finished the tenth has requested that we deliver a message to Lord quintus [Music] have the ill Stand Down in listening my Lord what what are your orders inform her that we will honor the tenth decision bereft of Hope and now dignity I release you from your duty all of you I take solace your Radiance in the knowledge you are not here to witness our debasement it was a grand glorious dream we shared for World United [Music] we are ghosts you and I memories of days gone by bonds forged in blood that I will not see tarnished [Music] quickly we have to reach the station before it's too late [Music] if there is still a chance that quintus will agree to a truce we must take it I just hope we get there before he and his men do something rash [Music] oh I understand [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is that all of them the last of those who agreed to join us yes we left heaters and Provisions for those who wish to stay behind they won't last forever but hopefully they'll last long enough for now I think everyone's earned a rest [Music] we'll see to those in need of medical attention so take the others with you and get yourself some hot soup [Music] foreign [Music] at last marvelous isn't it all thanks to the resourceful machinists of ishgard I might add on their behalf I bid you warm yourself to your heart's content oh Don your people might have scribbled a few things on a piece of parchment but it was our elements and Smiths that put the bloody things together [Music] oh well be that as it may we single-handedly got the interior heating up and running again didn't we the hell's you did we were there every step of the way we you barely raised a finger to help you ale son reprobate I did a damn sight more than you you Lenny live and build trap make me I will not stoop to your level [Music] that is man there's nothing funny in it [Music] I'm from alamigo up it was a conscript until recently used to eat this with the officers apparently it's adapted from a step recipe this is my first time trying it man I have to say it's not off bed um it's a bit too flavorful for my liking [Music] perhaps compared to what you're used to [Music] [Music] it's the little things that make wife worth living don't you think foreign [Music] and yet thank you I felt the same way at the Dragon song Wars end every morning I would step outside and need to be reminded that it wasn't my imagination that my world had been forever changed [Music] and just as I had grown accustomed to the idea again you change my world in ways I never thought possible [Music] [Music] were it not for you and your fellow science the rift between man and dragon and Myriad tribes might never have been bridged the grand company of eosia the ilsabad contingent we owe it all to you [Music] we've shed many tears in recent days of pain and sorrow Triumph and joy I much prefer the latter to fight by your side as an eosian and garlic in both I shall do all in my power to bring my peoples together it is a remarkable achievement everything that I and the populars had hoped for and more [Music] would that it had come sooner [Music] indeed too many are not here to see it and yet there is a warmth in my breast as if they still share in this moment yes I know what you mean [Music] on a night like tonight the wind and cold seem to pass me by foreign [Music] [Music] thank you very much today Rock Emperor Voris [Music] they are being tempered the talismans quickly Save Me Brave hero at him my Lord has requested your presence and I would hate to disappoint him [Music] the experiment was a success but I fear our time is short I shall begin the preparations now it is time for you to awaken good morrow to you hey have a taste before it gets cold oh but be sure to remove your helmet take a moment too to familiarize yourself with that borrowed flesh so how does it feel I for one find those first moments within a new body to be most refreshing we had a magic Tech engineer by the name of Alice to thank for this method of Soul extraction and implantation I believe the two of you met briefly in alamigo his was a rather sticky end wasn't it thankfully he was thoughtful enough to leave behind his mind Jack technology I took the liberty of making some improvements and selecting you as my esteemed test subject foreign [Music] a righteous Rampage instead of partaking in this delicious meal I think not I must say I have gone to Great length to reunite you with my Lord when I discovered that his friend was in this neck of the woods I suggested inviting you over for dinner he never deigned to respond but I took his silence as a resounding yes oh my daddy is pleased his grumpy little boy has finally found his playmate ah Exposition is in order the guardian Empire has long outlawed all forms of religion no Gods to worship no risk of summoning brilliantly simple but people being people must turn to something or someone in their hour of need who then why his Radiance the Emperor of course as you have observed first hand Gala mold has seen better days the legendary solar sauce Galvis dead provinces near and far in open Rebellion our bold New Emperor assassinated in that last one even sparked a civil war what rotten luck the people who cried out for salvation they're Earnest please one might even call them prayers a supplication United for the Empire to reclaim her former glory [Music] and so their will did manifest channeled through the corpse of none other than Emperor virus himself and low the Savior was born the embodiment of the Guardian spirit their animal foreign subjects compelling them to take up arms and fight and just as the wealth and power gravitate towards the Empire's capital so too there's ether from every corner of the globe the towers with which you and your allies have been so preoccupied were created as an extension of Anima itself an ingenious design we do not agree my Lord [Music] does the pursuit of prayer you have bested before excite you of course not absent the challenge the thrill your prize is a hollow victory Butchery perhaps you think that to be the extent of my promise I have no doubt fallen in your estimation since Al amigo fair enough but do not let your disdain deprive you deprive us of an opportunity to craft an even more Majestic moment of euphoria I have been honing my craft as I set the stage for our reunion wheresoever there is suffering and despair you appear to fulfill your duty as defender of this star foreign the chaos and destruction that my hordes have wrought are my gifts to you alone at a loss for words no matter as you will learn I have only just begun oh will you not finish your meal there is only one thing that can Saint my Hunger and it would seem my friend has lost her appetite I hoped this display of Civility might prove an entertaining diversion but clearly we are above such pretensions while my lifeless body was in the possession of the asean I too claimed in others as my own it was an enlightening experience to fight in an unfamiliar form flaws and failings in my technique were plain to see if quence Rises one's true strength flesh soul perhaps you should like to discover the answer for yourself [Music] foreign [Music] together [Music] thank you [Music] whatever would happen if my Lord were to greet your friends as you I shudder to imagine what Carnage he would wreak [Music] you can thank me later for my generosity [Music] ah there it is your Camp I believe foreign is making her way there as we speak [Music] alas this you will have to walk from here or run if you can manage it my Lord would be cross if I made it too easy gratitude I had not squandered this fighting chance after all leave obstacles enough to overcome right on cue [Music] tempered Soldiers with standing orders to kill those not sworn to anima under normal circumstances you would make short work of them but on this occasion the odds are not so heavily stacked in your favor [Music] it is a miracle we were able to restrain the tempered without suffering casualties a welcome one Arun Senna and the others have their hands full as it is thankfully there are enough scales for everyone and what a viewless his symptoms were particularly severe they were but others fared still worse including some brought back from the Magna glacias as those in most desperate need take priority it may be a while before he receives treatment but rest assured that he will in the meantime we must find our missing friend May the fury guide you of all the bloody times for a disappearing act right when the first wave struck we'd be fools to think it a coincidence but where even to begin the search no one saw her leave in the chaos and with no Trail to follow while I know full well she can handle herself I worry all the same ah speak of the devil well time to call off the search foreign case closed that's her over there right would appear so Thou Art struggling to perceive her presence [Music] I am perhaps in the aftermath of the wave there is some residual effect interfering with my faculties but [Music] where have you been we've been worried sick no no all's well that ends well are you all right [Music] are you all right who are you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh awesome sadly that is all we have time for today the effect has run its course and back to your own bodies you must go foreign but where are my manners we have all traveled so very far and I've yet to pay my respect though in my defense I was Ill prepared to receive so many uninvited guests as such preliminary entertainments were in order a handful of tempered soldiers to hamper your progress refugees to command your attention while I siphon the Cerulean from the Shadows can only effect of that charitable Souls that you are you bent over backwards to Aid them heedless of the delay predictable to a fault and so my plan approaches completion unhinded anima will soon have absorbed the requisite amount of ether and then shall come the spectacle to end all spectacles the eldest and most powerful of primals will awaken and All Shall bear witness to the final days [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] the gods themselves will be my meal your dear companion has my dessert Upon This World our feast and death shall follow in my wake all your hate all your rage you will Render unto me for upon thy Life's real wind too many threads of Fate power wheel enmeshed with woe more terrible still is the attrition wrought upon thy companions as they are swept up in this in the summer it says take heart and protect them well let me be your strength and goodness she's awake [Music] perfectly fine yes I hope the same can be said of you [Music] everything in working order [Music] Oh and before I forget thanks for coming to our rescue given recent events I would be surprised if you weren't feeling a bit poorly a hearty meal and a long rest would be my recommendation under normal circumstances but these are anything but if van Daniel's boasts are to be believed we must act quickly once you've Blown Away the cobwebs we can discuss preparations for our assault on the Tower of Babel [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] farewell virus May the gods have mercy on your soul come the other two await [Music] foreign this madness ends here oh hush this is the best part enough oh mighty zodiac awaken from your Slumber and descend [Applause] [Music] some manner of magical defense cruel but how [Music] the shackles that find my adversary will not be so easily broken feeble relic of a forgotten age hark Victory is my [Music] [Music] foreign and I was so close my Lord a slight change of plans we shall travel to the Moon and break this wretched barrier ourselves whatever it takes what was that the final order issued by animart the tempered thrall should the Empire fall the world must share our fate of course father lacked the conviction to give such a command the Abomination born of his flesh was but a puppet and I the puppeteer You Mad Men you monster there's a funny joy in watching your flailing attempts to fight the inevitable you're all going to die and they're powerless to prevent it [Music] we really must be on our way you're welcome to give Chase provided you are content to leave comrade and tempered alike to die screaming [Music] I have asked too much of this child tend to her the last brand at Mar Ray lamontorum is yet Unbroken zodiac remains bound [Music] I have shifted the flow of ether and sent the enemy far from their destination now I shall divert it once more an ally awakes and I will deliver you unto him [Music] seek his Aid restore the seal zodiak must not be set free [Music] the tempered are running wild not only vote at the tower but those back at the camp [Music] the others are doing their best to contain them but the situation is growing beyond our control leave them to die or give up the chase just like van Daniel said [Music] you're you're going alone you have our trust and our faith I pray we have yours [Music] our friends in the tempered need our help we will save as many as we can I swear [Music] once we have matters well in hand we'll join you on the moon until then be careful there's no telling what you'll find [Music] long long before dalamud was forged to imprison an elder primal the eldest of them all savior of the star was sealed within a moon of his own Souls sacrificed to Grant him life still Slumber and dream of the day he and we will be made whole here he waits in this cold Barren place his cradle and his grave [Music] Island Lamentations and prayers of Hope Echo soundlessly to a sundered star adrift and a low [Music] only I mean [Music] oh yeah Hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] your money [Music] [Music] [Music] I am [Music] here I am pretty sure [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh here we go [Music] to Hawaii [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I am [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] again [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we hail your voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hallelujah because [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] in the nick of time to savor the crowning Triumph Unbound and free at last all right zodiac thank you [Music] deprived of heart and will by the loss of dearest elements a creature of pure instinct wanting for guidance [Music] powerful oh so powerful more so with every passing moment such potential even in this incomplete state still the Savior who delivered a world from certain Doom so yeah we stand you know my intents consume the God then the world stoke your Fury to a raging Inferno and dance among the ashes or perhaps you would face me here and now a lesser but welcome [Music] yes A Taste to wet the appetite sorry to spoil the moment but might I ask that you postpone the slaughter until I've said my peace I promise I will be brief do you remember when I told you that I wanted to die and take everyone with me I meant it thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] oh Lord Swain foreign [Music] [Music] hey you hello are you oh yeah through you wrong lies and delusions the dead have no power over me you will be silent silence as the grave [Laughter] believe and walk in faith let the light of your soul shine for all to see not quite the outcome you'd imagined But A fitting one nonetheless don't you think so Hades thank you [Music] oh I crave them all discover my command laughs I had intended to put my fractured Divinity against senos but a more tempting option presents itself the greatest obstacle to my ambition you tell me no luck [Music] foreign [Music] establishing connection all creation shall Bend to my will [Music] is this the limit of your power is this How It Ends foreign [Music] thank you incomplete insufficient of course he was no much once again ruins and played Your Role to perfection thus stealing my victory from the brass all I wanted was for you to kill zodiac foreign could have been the same I'd see those died in my place but what better and more satisfying way to ensure success than to take control myself [Music] Soul regrets eat itself I have fulfilled my heart's desire let your murder Mark the beginning of the year coming of the final days [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] old familiar Sensations so many lives so many deaths no different this I close my eyes and slip into the dreamless slumber tired song and dance routine always I wake but not this time nothing left unset nothing left undone foreign [Music] contempt [Music] but I have the wisdom of 10 Millennia to justify my answer to the question no value in their existence not so wet for all that I looked none that I did see [Music] a final chance then the idling and her faithful in cataclysm prove me wrong I snare all shall return to nothingness [Music] as was your will Emperor Sunday [Music] I the star and every living being consigned to your Oblivion [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] to last [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] no I'll find no fulfillment to the contest with you this day slovering beasts gather at your Gates ravenous and eager already you turn to them and away from me foreign once more in search of power far beyond the might of shinriyu power to make your heart run over with rage for the eldest of primals was a betrayal of promise a pathetic creature incapable of inspiring true despair I that's what I crave pure unadulterated despair [Music] we shall see you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it is we who should thank you the records stored here are nothing short of extraordinary there is much we could learn of zodiac and his imprisonment but perhaps you could offer us more focused guidance pray tell us of the Calamity that came before and comes now again [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign s ever able to deduce its source [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] here I am [Music] leaving [Music] now Celestial currents I cannot say I am familiar with the concept [Music] [Music] you will [Music] be the horses yeah are you boy [Music] [Music] and so they sought a means to harness the forces of Darkness of activity and growth thus was zodiac conceived no lesser power than a Gods could set right the laws of nature and Quicken the flow of ether within the star [Music] foreign did so because they saw Zodiac's power as a threat is that true [Music] oh my God [Music] are you here [Music] [Music] I am [Music] almost [Music] you know in my [Music] life [Music] [Music] he lives [Music] [Music] Glory of foreign [Music] [Music] foreign set in motion seven rejoinings before we came to oppose them how many more worlds would have been lost had we not placed our faith in her how many more souls living in the present would have been snuffed out for the sake of those long dead well in light of recent events I see no reason to doubt your words and even if heidelin is not a God in truth if menphilia believed that we should trust in her plans then I choose to do just that [Music] which brings me to a rather important question let's suppose we try but fail to stop this second coming of the final days [Music] should the source fall what will become of the other worlds [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] for me I'll break [Music] foreign yes but what is it [Music] wake me up here oh I hear me [Music] oh my God [Music] a moonship pilot should be around here somewhere is that right foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] look Lively everyone I know I know this 1243rd inspection is a might ahead of schedule but it is of the utmost importance for zodiac alas is no more as of now our Mighty Moon has a new purpose to Bear the people of a theorists to safety our time has come my friends [Music] we must be swifter than Swift There is much to do before our guests arrive I expect your workstation to be Immaculate and don't forget to relay our signal to aetheris so now foreign [Music] she has chosen their endearing forms intended to ease the passengers Hearts perhaps perhaps foreign [Music] of course introductions are in order my name is created for the express purpose of commanding this ship and bearing the people of a theories to A Brave New World more specifically I am the one whom she charged with the execution of her most vital plans you might say I'm her right poor moving ways the name map reader and Navigator of the heavens [Music] pleasure to meet you all but I'm still trying to make sense of this [Music] confusion and the buildingment are completely understandable fear not I shall walk you through it the people of etherius through no fault of your own I'm sure set Ting motion a series of events that unfortunately culminated in Zodiac's obliteration cutely aware of the imminent crisis your parents said to you little ones on ahead while they began the necessary preparations [Music] foreign [Music] very well I shall elaborate further here we have a theories your home and the moon where we are now without zodiac around to keep things Lively so to speak the celestial currents of the star have doubtless began to degrade a Calamity of apocalyptic proportions will be visited upon Affairs bringing an end to all life so too hath The Watcher claimed by thine unperturbed countenance I gather this eventuality was anticipated the Doom and Gloom oh yes quite expected [Music] imagine if you will that a fairies is a delicious carrot that I've forgotten to eat and left out in the midday Sun the most Earnest wishes or prayers will not stop it from rotting to the Core so sadly there's nothing to be done but to abandon said carrot etherius in case the metaphor is lost on you to its crazily fate and this moon will serve as the vessel to deliver us to a new home [Music] supplies and resources as our stores will hold [Music] and then once everyone is aboard it's off to another star [Music] easier said than done admittedly for One does not simply hop from star to star on a whim which is precisely why we've spent countless years constructing the most preposition a propulsion systems we ought to make it to our destination in two shakes of a rabbit's tail [Music] impressive technology I dare say it is beyond anything we have ever seen no need to shower us with praise all we've done is Faithfully carry out the instructions Left To Us by heideline back in the old days when she was still just Vena she was dedicated to the study of the world and its inner workings and The Watcher the real one not the simulacrum you met was one of her fellow researchers we and this wondrous vessel masquerading as a moon are products of their knowledge and know-how [Music] there's certainly Morty Walden meets the eye might I ask where exactly you intend to take us [Music] the ship can only travel in short bursts we intend to go down our list hopping from star to star until we find one suitable for resettlement [Music] no need to worry though the vessel is being refurbished with accommodation for an extended stay as we speak while we did have to rely upon outside help to determine what amenities were essential I dare say we have risen to the challenge [Music] help from who [Music] time we woke to perform regularly scheduled maintenance we were greeted by the resources you sent us a better way to learn about preferences and proclivities of our present-day charges ah but you're still adorable little children perhaps your elders were responsible for the deliveries I'm not sure what led you to conclude otherwise but I can assure you that we are all grown men and women I very much doubt my elders know this place exists much less how to send you so much as a Starlight missive what then who in blazes let you on my moon hi Dylan herself LED you here you don't say well well really not children then why are you so small and stunted like little baby carrot people well amarotines were a great deal taller in the present day persons of such prodigious size are exceedingly rare oh confound it all someone could have at least people could note about your profound miniaturization that tome in thy possession with a few blank pages at the back for minor Corrections and updates as needed the sum total of our knowledge of your kind is contained in these pages I thought it was Abridged and made small for our benefit but this isn't a regular sized book is it foreign [Music] yes we're all very busy change your plans I need you to rebuild the domiciles at one first the scale all of them yes all of them and bought me no butts see to it with all speed perhaps you could tell us a bit more about your terrestrial collaborators you if it's all the same I'd rather not risk any other complications due to outdated knowledge of our passengers to be foreign [Music] huh access to living quarters restricted due to reconstruction then where is it oh no a private audience as though its request for reasons I know not just a precaution I'd rather I didn't have to ask the question at all but I take my responsibilities very very seriously do you and your friends by any chance find our accommodation wanting be honest brutally even [Music] could be ungracious of me to belittle the efforts of thee and thine [Music] lovely sentiment really but the disappointment is Rip playing on your comrade spaces it's all the more frustrating since no one will come out and say what they find wanting [Music] if there are faults in our work we need to know we can we will do better but time is not on our side the final days will wait for No One if your people are to be saved we must take quick and decisive action this vessel must serve as a home for as many passengers as possible for far longer than we may like which brings me to my request [Music] our collaborators on Affairs are doing what they can to prepare for the voyage what do you be willing to go and lend them a hand having seen the moon for yourself you could speak to its many splendors learn what else they might require and assuage whatever concerns they have [Music] wherefore would thou entrust me with such a task [Music] how to put it you're the only one who appears not to be wholly unsatisfied with our work [Applause] [Music] all quite good at pretending that's the case at least calm collected tactful to a fault hello with your words too understand that in the face of great danger one cannot pursue Perfection at the expense of practicality difficult choices must often be made for the greater good [Music] and so fate doth conspire to set my feet upon this path once more come again [Music] ah Idol musings there's no trifle without us to ask Yet full well do I understand the urgency and necessity I [Music] oh Jimmy dear me I was terribly sorry for the mix-up it's a bit of a malfunction I hadn't realized the residential quarters were inaccessible you say but you're still in one piece so always ends well yes it won't happen again I promise Dino rival is timely as ever [Music] without its chance to overhear my conversation with living way I presume [Music] it was not my intent to move in Shadow nevertheless I have been asked to do that and more yet again [Music] is it so plain that these strangers could Intuit it at a glance my capacity for silence and secrecy and duplicity [Music] and gratier did contrived to deliver the first at the price of his own life I was complicit in the scheme a sacrifice averted for a mercy would that I could say the same for menphilia one life for one world and by that Bloody bargain brokered by my hand with a science robbed of a dear comrade and Flamin her beloved daughter Two Souls whose selflessness was beyond measure whose resolve was unshakable they would not be moved even had I thought to protest but protest I did not far from it I pushed them forward no effort did I make to seek out alternatives ones that would not demand such terrible costs that resignation weigheth heavy on my mind as does the memory of another lost to mind in action here is moonbreather who did face death unflinching that we might secure a means to bring low the aseans in her hour of need I did not beautiful disciple of luiswa ever looking to the greater good had I shut mine eyes and bid her live instead perhaps she would be with us today [Music] selfish wants born of everlasting regrets most days I put them from my mind but could think of not else when asked to swallow the same bitter draft subterfuge and sacrifice [Music] may have the right moral choice but one I regard with great trepidation [Music] the Calamity of amarat was a tragedy Beyond Reckoning one which must never again come to pass [Music] thus must we struggle haunted by ghosts of those we have lost clinging to those we pray we can yet save foreign [Music] how do we make peace with the Dreadful algebra of necessity [Music] I am not alone in my discomfort then surprising though perhaps not we science our work to debate strategy at length but our Resolute and unwavering in execution foreign scarcely can I remember when last we spoke alone and so candidly [Music] I thank thee for all my supposed skill with words I find it difficult to express such private thoughts as for the loperates proposition I will take time and consider how to respond foreign Mutual benefit if we could Converse more openly with our aspiring caretakers and certain I should be glad to address on the science behalf to dispense with all pretense and bear one's heart to another is a frightening thing indeed but we cannot move forward air we take that bold First Step a lesson I have learned many times before and today what are they saying because this is we've got our plans and what pray tell do we seek at the watches Palace no full well why we're here the time has come for you to return to atheros and help your brethren prepare for their Journey here and Beyond forgive me living way that I cannot in good conscience proceed with this plan huh but what about the final days the death and the Doom oh we have to hurry before it's too late your unflagging commitment to your duty is endearing to say the least [Music] oh my God [Music] foreign they bear you no grudge nor do I how could we having come to understand your purpose for Millennia you and yours work tirelessly towards the singular purpose of this heavenly vessels Construction an arduous feat by any measure it is clear you have spared no effort why your very names are a testament to your dedication [Music] I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at [Music] names are an expression of the self a declaration of one's hopes and aspirations [Music] your use of contemporary uncomplicated nomenclature doth ensure Clarity of purpose there can be no doubt that your love for the people of atheros is boundless and pure yes yes [Music] that shining shimmering blue Jewel brightest star in the sky brimming with life and possibilities [Music] for as long as I can remember I've toiled in anticipation of the day when this vessel might be needed all I've ever wanted was to meet those she cherished so dearly to serve and serve well that goes for all of us don't you see so help us help us help them lead them here where we can keep them safe foreign if there's anything wrong with what we've built we'll fix it we'll make it right [Music] your Works want not for repair yet there remaineth much for you to learn of men and your own kin besides singing way thy name but speaketh more than the simple marriage of Rhythm and rhyme the songs of aetheris are Beyond counting and span the length and breadth of emotion maps are monuments to man's pioneering spirit and his Devotion to charting the furthest reaches of our star many have devoted their lifetimes to exploratory Pursuits to venture unto the highest mountains and the deepest oceans in search of unknown Frontiers and thou my friend I oh I do not think we've met my name is pudding way pudding way yes indeed a name of deep and abiding significance I'm sure that one perhaps better communicated through delicious Deeds than tasteless words a judicious application of fey Magics at a later juncture may be appropriate [Music] and Living Way there's no easy feat to convey the significance of thy Monica hmm when I was a bookish boy a dear friend of mine was fond of peppering me with questions as I read to my occasional annoyance one day I posed to her a question of mine own what does it mean to live [Music] after much contemplation she profit this answer the anticipation of a half-red story's conclusion the hope today's mistake may serve as tomorrow's lesson the wish that a new acquaintance May one day call the friend she believed it to be all these moments and more [Music] I too still labor to find my known answer it would be my pleasure to assist you and yours in embarking on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment [Music] for thee foreign made in haste though I assured Thee the quality has not suffered for it [Music] people need not be persuaded by hunnid words they I have faith they shall do what is right in due course until they do I beg your patience friends and with that ink let us fill the empty pages of living Way's compendium an open exchange of ideas will surely afford you all a better understanding of modern man and with it ideas for improvements and renovations but more importantly it shall Empower us to together Find A Way Forward I hope you're right thank you for this lovely gift foreign [Music] there you have it I shall remain with the loperates to ensure that all is in order though we must need to prepare for every eventuality you would all agree that the evacuation of our star is a last resort to accept failure is to accept the demise not only of our star but that of Reigns of all Reflections and the souls that call them home which is why I have every faith that you shall fight to the last that such drastic measures may prove unnecessary should the worst come to the worst and I pray deeply that it won't I'll take comfort in knowing preparations were made under your watchful eye thou mayest be assured that if Calamity cometh not a soul will be left behind if being the operative term [Music] here we are [Music] hoping [Music] I am [Music] good morning [Music] ah I hate to interrupt but you look like I need to make amends for all the secrecy I think nothing of it we haven't been the most gracious of guests do convey our apologies to growingway and the others [Music] to be much more hospitable hosts circling back to the matter of inappropriate secrecy we ought to discuss our benefactors [Music] agreed the Charlie and Forum yes [Music] the more I heard the more obvious it became the forum's aims align closely with those of your Anonymous patrons a telling coincidence would be an understatement [Music] though had we not taken it upon ourselves to peruse certain restricted tones in labyrinthos we might still be unaware of their plans but let us continue this discussion Upon Our return I dare say we have kept alfano and the others waiting long enough [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] order order I say [Music] I thank you all for Gathering here on such short notice this day we must speak of grave Affairs and their implications for the future of Charlene nay of this very star said Affairs concern all citizens and so we have called for a public assembly [Music] you may have heard rumors of the telephone and the Havoc these Mad Men wreak abroad under normal circumstances we would pay little heed to Petty disturbances outside our borders the final days however are another matter altogether for we dare not ignore these prophetic words of Eld the end bearers will come ushering chaos and Calamity the final days descend and devour the very star I've never heard this prophecy is it true calm yourselves the time has come to speak of the forum's most sacred duties but first give voice to the voiceless let bindings be Unbound by unanimous decree I declare the enchantment broken foreign [Music] if you would very well [Music] 270 years ago our forebears began an expedition in the dravanian Hinterlands in search of a route to access the Ethereal sea this much is public knowledge their findings however would become the forum's most closely guarded Secret what those researchers discovered in the Hinterlands was not a passage unto the Ethereal sea but the very heart of our star and heidelin herself she spoke to them of a Calamity that would extinguish all life and of a means by which we might be spared the Moon tis in truth a gargantuan vessel built to serve a sanctuary for her children and deliver them from this Doom much like neon Craft's hope in ages past it will bear the people of a world in the throes of death to a new home needless to say this will be no small undertaking to facilitate the great work the Forum has maintained close contact with the Servants of heidelin who presently reside on the moon convinced that the foretold end was all but inevitable we began amassing a wealth of knowledge not merely for the betterment of our nation but in preparation for the journey to come [Music] you reveal this to us now by the gods how long do we have [Music] well we cannot say with certainty we believe the hour to be nigh we received a transmission from the Moon suggesting as much not long ago which is why we must in Earnest begin preparations for the great Exodus for his impressive of contributions and the leadership he demonstrated during our withdrawal from dravania we have elected Master levier to oversee this initiative [Music] fellow scribes and Scholars my countrymen we Face a threat of unprecedented scale we must challenge the trials before us with composure and conviction if we are to find Salvation [Music] the wisdom of Charlene has ever been a shining beacon in the Darkness and so it shall continue to be it is our solemn charge to see our heritage preserved for future Generations for those who will come after we will Brave a new frontier [Music] administrative edicts will be relayed to all major institutions air long in the meantime carry on with your duties with that I hereby call this assembly to a close [Music] do you remember what mother told us when we visited home that it wasn't until after we were born that father seemed to lose himself in his work if that great work of his was the evacuation of this star then yes it wasn't for his benefit would you mind waiting here a moment I wish to speak with Father before we leave foreign I sht belong if it's all the same to you I have a few Choice words to share with father as well [Music] so come to call us Cowarts and bid us join your fruitless battle against the inevitable [Music] on the contrary those who wish to flee have every right to do so uriage is cooperating with your Associates on the moon to ensure that all is ready should evacuation and be our only recourse [Music] then whatever your business I suggest you be brief though we cannot boast the boundless wisdom of charlian we have first-hand knowledge of foreign cultures and have conversed with no small number of peoples these experiences have taught us fundamental truths that cannot be recorded in any Tome nor charted on any map the Beating Heart of this planet is its people many of whom would give anything even their lives to protect the lands they love many may choose to join you in the end but what of those unwilling or unable for whom Escape will never be an option what would you have them do to ignore the plight of those one might conceivably save is not wisdom father it is indolence [Music] this is why we choose to fight [Music] we'll not ask for your understanding father only that you don't turn a blind eye to the good we have done that we can still do foreign in need of protection hold fast to your principles and let the world burn if it please but we believe there is still another way and if there is we will find it you see if we don't [Music] do as you will just stay out of our way foreign [Music] [Applause] Ed with self-righteousness he might tell you how proud he is of you both words call for bold action and there'll be no turning to your father should plans go awry [Music] do what we can to help them foreign rested [Music] wouldn't you agree having triumphed over what we once thought to be the source of all evil I can think of no one in Greater need of at least a dozen winks [Music] shall we then to the annex to prepare for tomorrow foreign [Music] foreign I didn't mean to [Music] if you could spare a moment before bed thank you I fear this may be the last quiet night we have to talk for quite some time [Music] I am troubled of late unwarranted concerns perhaps I hope nevertheless I feel compelled to share them with you though you have bested your enemies thus far xenos and even zodiac your victories have come at a considerable cost to yourself no one is without their limits and you are no exception I worried the added weight of the final days will prove more than you can bear it is surely too much for any one woman but you needn't bear it alone let me share your burden my uh carrying capacity impales in comparison to yours but I could still help [Music] shoulder the occasional Satchel from your ever-growing mountain of um baggage you've already done so much to help relieve me of mine own encumbrances it is only fair that I repay you in kind foreign of course it needn't be any troubles for sure [Music] moments of Joy may seem few and far between now but there will come a time when we look back fondly on this journey the inquiry at The Forum our marched through the Snows of Gala mold our impromptu dinner In This Very Room all of it and that is to say nothing of the journey is yet to come to the ends of the world and Beyond [Music] but tomorrow will be no less busy than today and I've kept you from your rest long enough [Music] sleep well my friend [Music] foreign [Music] thank the gods that Tower is gone the sight of it was enough to make me sick yes about contingent more like what is they fought their way into Gala mold and top of the bloody thing themselves not just the one neither all the towers have up and vanished I I heard the same Commander Alden and his troops helped keep casualties to a minimum too but is it true they brought back tempered Guardian soldiers as Commander Alden tells it they have a treatment for that now but don't you worry cured or not they've no plans to bring them into the city proper Essie well that's the relief then I know with brothers and sisters among the lot but I can't say I'm eager to welcome them home wanted to think about it for a while yeah but to be looked after in alagana for the time being foreign [Music] [Music] another day another commission of Paramount importance wow what have we here hmm hey are you all right [Music] was that no the Shadows play tricks nothing more the towers are gone and the guardian threat is abated yet why does it feel as though it's about to get much worse [Music] and low vile beasts did rise [Music] foreign [Music] leaving Nord in their wake but blood and Ash Sun Scottish Earth and boils Seas [Music] three Dunes to unmake All We Were Skye Burns final days are truly upon us [Music] my friends I trust you have heard the news we have what can you tell us of the situation you're excency [Music] last night the Isle was rocked by tremors and the Earth itself cried out Aloft the heavens began to burden from all about Unholy beasts the likes of which we had never seen came forth in Fury and rage [Music] to say they came forth would be inexact [Music] an themselves transformed into these baleful things though the phenomenon was observed throughout our lands the first creature the largest and most Dreadful of the lot wrought Havoc upon us here in our Fair City though they bear superficial resemblance to divinities of Legend they are ungodly Abominations the people decry them as blasphemies the large ones Rampage has since taken it to the northern reaches of the island I mean to dispatch our radiant host in an attempt to quell the threat and what a freetra [Music] vitra 2 makes for the north of his own accord and yet he knows the blasphemy and its minions were but yesterday his beloved people [Music] I pray his boundless compassion and mercy does not deter him from taking unenviable but necessary action understood I ask that you allow us to Aid you in quelling this threat you would risk your lives to help us yet again of no words to express my gratitude [Music] our regiments approached the north from several directions with a number of units set to depart from the docks of Vietnam they will make landfall in an area of dense jungle but one can expect to encounter dangers even beyond the fell beasts we hunt I leave you to your preparation you will find me at the Docks when you are ready to depart [Music] we're as prepared as we'll ever be let's go [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign as I feared what is it the Beast was there and now it is no more yes indeed we saw it plain but you didn't did you I saw nothing not the blasphemy that perished here nor the other men turned beasts and because of this I now see all too well there is no ether where the creatures should be I saw not that emptiness emptiness but that would mean recall the words of the Watcher it was a stagnancy of ether a cessation of flow leading to Decay and absence that led the Ancients to conclude their star was dying this is the same phenomenon the instant these people are seized by the transformation their ether begins to rot and crumble away like dried mud until from their corporeal forms to their very Souls not remains but the Beast spoke with its dying breath surely at least a sliver of the man it was endured mahab so but even if the process was incomplete was little more than a faint residue got to be good you're saying they cannot be saved not by any means known to me or by any means at all like is not for there is not left to save they return not even to the Ethereal sea their hunger insatiable even deprived of their Master they perpet [Music] once proud Sons and Daughters of that near all of them and now I spill their blood vitra my friends I am heartened to see you safe you put your secret at risk those closest to me already know the truth a truth I must now share with one and all Calamity has come to radzatan Our Fair nation is rent by screams of pain and despair more than ever we require a strong leader to Shepherd us through the storm reveal your true self to our people vitra and guide us to Salvation what Madness is this I run thou just forget myself were we to reveal our duplicity if we do not but Foster confusion and chaos nay I shall remain the such acts loyal Ally and to battle with the [Music] easing hearts and Leading the People to say to say thy task and thine [Music] I ask that you remain side and Render unto him what day you may I know not what lies ahead but without you around that time will not survive take me with you I am as at home fighting in the air as I am on land take me with you were my words unclear I require no assistance thy places here the last thing you ever wanted a link Pearl we'd gain much from knowing your elevated perspective and it'll keep you from getting lonely which I know you've learned [Music] you heard the man seems I'm coming with you after all [Music] foreign fair enough now shall we [Music] I fear it is as vitra says we will not survive this on our own while I am loathed to impose upon you again I would insist if you did not it is the very reason we have come then once more I find myself without words to thank you properly Let Us return to the capital and plan our next course of action foreign [Music] you've spoken with the survivors indeed we thought to share what we have gleaned that we might together gain a greater understanding of present circumstances fortuitous timing Alexander completed our own investigations not long ago Shall We Begin with the two of you [Music] so the merchant karzal was Gravely concerned about his business in the days preceding his untimely end foreign the tales we heard were much the same the first victims to be changed into blasphemies were all overcome with anguish of one manner or another then those who saw their loved ones stolen before their eyes succumbed to a similar Panic setting in motion a chain of transformations fear unease despair these negative feelings serve as a catalyst [Music] and it is not Amity that befell the ancients [Music] with their creation Magics they unwittingly gave form to Untold Horrors had they simply lost control surely it would have manifested in many forms not all of the Monstrous yet somehow this phenomenon is triggered solely by the darkness in their hearts a Common Thread with what we now Witness common but not identical while the beasts the Ancients face to a forged with magic alone those of today are born of sentient beings why remains to be seen but there is one fundamental difference between us and our predecessors our souls are sundered whereas theirs were not perhaps that single variable makes all the difference if I may there was another detail that troubled me we have it on good authority that Carl zahl's transformation took place before the skies began to burn what if that's true then the Situation's more dire than we realized it means even if there's no ominous sign presaging the final days anyone anywhere has the potential to become a beast [Music] even in lands we thought safe even as we speak [Music] look it's the starter up the startup [Music] thank the heavens [Music] my countrymen I am relieved and heartened to see you strong and safe while the danger has not yet passed far from it allow me to assure you that the beasts that raged within the city walls have been exterminated to the last outside this Sanctuary the brave men and women of the radiant host and our Dragon Ally continue to battle our Unholy foes I pray these Tidings put your minds at ease and help you calm your hearts have faith that we shall soon conquer this terrible trial your Excellency is there any word from palaka's Stand my grandson was bound for the yesterday and I worry for his life we are still awaiting a report but I promise you as soon as I have ought to share [Music] you your Excellency I bring grave news you are I I'm matya of ofakali a Humble Fisherman ah I remember you from our first visit uh wait you're but but no that can wait when the skies turn red I set off for balaka's stand fearing for the safety of a friend but as I drew near the village I saw a dreadful beasts all about no gods have Pepsi your Excellency save my grandson I beg of you we will spare no effort to save all we can but you must remain calm [Music] EST Warriors Live from limb what do we do later there's the catch him stick their fangs into him the fangs get away from her now foreign [Music] [Music] damn it we've got to kill them before it spreads we'll handle this see the town's people to safety rod the cat [Applause] no no [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] right on enough you must run for their sake and your own [Music] you must thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] my friends fear not for we will defeat these Abominations [Music] brave men and women of the radiant host lend your Stoner and thank God your Aid let not a single Beast Escape the rest of you flee this place carry the wounded if you must head indoors or Underground above all stay calm no Beast will follow you we will see to that [Music] alfano Alize leave the city to us and make for palika stand at once [Music] matcha show my friends to the Village I promise you they're more capable than the host's finest right go with them will you we will save these people as many as we can [Music] foreign [Music] no more enemies to trouble us here it's me how fair you below [Music] understood I will inform ritra chaos and panic sweep rise at Han and many more have succumbed to the transformations amidst The Fray ayawan fell protecting a grief-stricken father my friends fight alongside your radiant host to secure the capital beasts have been cited in palaker stand as well we have divided our forces in hopes of quelling the threat there [Music] of small Solace is that we now know what triggers the transformation as my companions tell it [Music] so it is [Music] a nightmare from which my children will never awake oh capricious and cruel fate they are under will you wallow in sorrow or rise to the occasion is leaderless before he passed ahawan sought to reveal the truth to his people honor his wishes to what end to breed a new conflict between dragon and a man [Music] these claws could reduce the shreds with a touch these Jaws Crush my bones to dust only through my proxy could I walk with my children without him I am a bringer of fear no different from the beasts which believe perhaps so only in death will race velgar and Shiva United indeed whenever man and dragon have come together death has ever been the inevitable result our fear of your kind that sparked a night endless war fear and hate of which nidhog drank deep as he laid waste to my homeland and in turn I took my revenge on his brood Blood for Blood pain for pain I thought nothing of theirs only of mine and yet where the chasm between us too vast and Too Deep Grace felger would not have borne his sail to battle and our rescue he would never have entrusted a mortal Champion with one of his eyes and the dragon song war would still rage on [Music] and I would still wage a never-ending war of violence and Vengeance the future of our star be damned [Music] I cannot speak for ahawan's greater goals yet I know that he served you served your people long and true in this time of unprecedented crisis he turned to you you could do worse than to place your trust in him it will not be easy but the future of razid Han hangs in the balance [Music] foreign It's All or Nothing [Music] courage friend the pain will pass has anyone seen Melvin where could she be we've dealt with all the blasphemies and made certain no villagers are still in hiding good work we've otherwise tended to the wounded as best we can what will become of us help is on the way surely we may have to abandon our homes now but we will return someday but where can we go is anywhere even safe [Music] I cannot say but I can nowhere safe run all you like but there's no Escape in these things and even if I could [Music] it's too late for my family [Music] this isn't good the more they dwell on the tragedy the more likely we are to lose them too [Music] my friends this this is a place of worship should your heart Quake with sadness to cast your mind to the heavens and remember the teachings of the old gods did they not implore us to stand fast when waves of Sorrow break against our Shores thank you know this my children there is more ugliness than Beauty in this world to live is to suffer to drink of Calamity and drown in anguish to toil and be tested always and ever it is a perilous path you walk death lurks in the dark and it's the soul promise that awaits at Journey's End you will tremble with Terror you will weep tears of anger and despair but do not avert your eyes see your life for what it is [Music] then will you see how the hardships make you strong [Music] every doubt reforged a scales for your armor every Agony to temper your blade [Music] foreign we'd almost forgotten Who We Are [Music] my undying gratitude to you as well my friends you were searching for mevin no we must return home I pray you helped the boy find his friend gladly we dispatched what beasts we could but the roads are still dangerous stay together and go in safety [Music] that was very impressive what you did back there those words seem to resonate with your people should they were the first spoken unto our ancestors by the Divinity of Legend I'm easily upset and fish I want to flee a temperamental hand so I recite the teachings over and over to calm myself [Music] here though I imagine they were born of great misfortune they are born of life there's as much bad as good in it more many would a test all the more reason to appreciate the good when you can I won't argue with that [Music] in darkness seek Joy surrender not to sadness and see beyond despair walk free and bear the light for others to follow [Music] and with that let us see if we can't find Marvin [Music] did you see that Beast was chasing someone foreign [Music] [Music] I'm short of it live on don't please oh no gods have mercy [Music] she's so cold Alpha now the child is alert and I see no wounds and yet she grows weaker my spells can do no more what she needs is a change of clothes and a warm bed we must hurry back not now child [Music] foreign it appears we've made enough noise to be heard for moms around more will be upon us air long you make our stand here can you take her back to the Village the child all by myself you can't be serious [Music] the beasts will follow you home unless we stop them here so we shall drong matzy yeah her life is in your hands right I I can do it I know you can we'll keep them busy matzya go quickly [Music] steady you know the way no no not you too [Music] foreign [Music] Ty [Music] [Music] disappearless spot death looks in the dark [Music] no I'm not afraid I'm not afraid oh do not pervert your eyes see see your life for what it is see all the hardships make you strong heavy doubt reforged [Music] every I can eat huh [Music] the divinity but one who would be just the same please you must save the child [Music] she is All That Remains of mevon and Graceffa please [Music] foreign [Music] I spied our friends as we flew in they appeared to be holding their own Against The Horde right that's the last of them we should hurry and find Matsu really how can you be so sure a fine battle it must have been shame I missed it Estonian it was you who came to Matthew's Aid I was only along for the ride vitro was the one who saw the boy was in need the two are headed back to the Village where the worm will honor ahiwan's wishes and finally reveal himself to his people perhaps so will you go and join them there's something I need to do first Mervin gave her life so that her child might live he deserves better than to be left to drift alone she deserves to be laid to rest beside her husband at least will you help me [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] look someone's coming [Music] foreign [Music] it warms my heart to see so many Brave resilient Souls before me today I would share with you a great revelation but before I do I must make a humble request do not be alarmed nor avert your eyes see the one I unveil for who he is and know that he means you no harm very well that's it can't be worse than the horrors we've already seen many thanks foreign [Music] wow people of rods at hand I am freetra and for years entire service [Music] this as the star traps Ally I am known today I would reveal the truth unto you [Music] let us hope they accept him [Music] foreign [Music] I mean master vitra that that does you define I really see all well and I have borne witness to the whole of our nation's history to its future I am blind as thee Countryman Calamity the likes of which we have never known is come to fafnir a home [Music] friends and loved ones I too have lost my closest confidence [Music] I have one loved this and served it with dignity till his dying breath a Nobles are trap there will never be for so long I lacked the courage to face you I will not easily earn your trust this I know [Music] and yet I cannot sit idly by and abandon rocks at harm to her fate a font of boundless vibrancy this Jewel of the ocean since time immemorial has she glittered with every color imaginable to this dragon slumbering in his dark rare Towson mesmerizing sight and one that brought no end of joy to my heart This calamity has stolen too much from you already yet so long as you live the light of rugs at heart will never be extinguished I pray you let me watch over it [Music] and lend me your strength that we might face this trial and those to come as one I do not know you Dragon but I thank you for speaking the truth to us as divinities both manusha and Riga once joined together so too do I believe that hand in hand we can overcome this ordeal and welcome an era of peace [Music] a site that would have surely brought a smile to isale's face [Music] excuse me but I must speak with the star trap at once father you have suffered dearly of late yet you must Endeavor to look Beyond these losses to the Future you yet have [Music] on behalf of the Forum of Charlie and I come with a proposal by which you the people of RADS at Han might be saved I say again I must speak with your SAR trap I beseech you take me to him with all possible haste [Music] I am speaking my old presence [Music] if I have given offense then I apologize first allow me to share with you what knowledge we have of the phenomenon responsible for your woes the final days there's an Affliction of stagnancy and rot sewn into the currents of the star though the first prominent manifestation was here in favner it will invariably spread to every corner of the world [Music] The Forum was forewarned of this apocalypse several centuries ago thence fourth my predecessors sought to prepare for the end times in the only conceivable fashion by securing a means of Escape [Music] the star what Madness is this [Music] by no means Madness with the coming of the seventh umbral calamity the true nature of the red moon dalamode was revealed that it was an artificial construct of ancient alag [Music] but what of the Silver Moon this celestial satellite is yet another technological Marvel fashioned and maintained by ancient allies a ship that will sail the heavens and deliver our people from destruction and by our people I speak not only of shalian we mean to save every man woman and child it is within our power to save [Music] including you our dear friends of RADS at Han recent events necessitate adjustments be made and quickly but we can and will escort you safely to the Moon [Music] I trust thou does not extend this offer lightly yet I wonder is this truly the way is there a future to be built for us Beyond this star Our Father did a deep Bastion of Hope it is for that very reason I come before you and your people answer any and all of your questions to offer my assurances and allay your fears [Music] though if you wish the best for your people I advise you to render your decision swiftly [Music] show our friends they ought to be received as honored guests [Music] worry not your paths shall be yours to decide until then he the warning of these these guard your hearts against fear and despair for it is within such fertile soil that the seeds of blasphemy find purchase [Music] remain calm and attend to your day your day I shall return [Music] we'll do as you say master vitra we believe in you [Music] oh you're still here what a relief nedana what's the matter has something happened at pelica stand oh no not that I know of I just hope to hear your thoughts on the theory of mine all who undergo the transformation are drained of their ether yes what is it then that gives these beasts the strengths to carry on as they do [Music] logically they must be drawing upon an alternate form of vital energy that put me in mind of our earlier conversation when I tried to explain the essence which many confuse with either [Music] Akasha yes I remember the Unseen gift bestowed from on high [Music] an energy influenced solely by emotion [Music] yes yes in this instance negative ones set Akasha into motion thereby infusing the beasts with Vitality I posit this as the mechanism by which the beasts are born and sustained ah do you still have that flower [Music] if we accept that it once Shone bright by drawing upon Akasha influenced by the thoughts of those nearby then fear Terror despair negative emotions so powerful as to suffocated permeated the air in this place [Music] the forces which Drive the final days may be beyond our ability to perceive [Music] sorry I didn't mean to scare you like that at any rate I will continue my research into Akasha do temper your expectations however there are sadly few detailed studies upon which I may draw foreign as you have is itself no small feat I wish you well in your endeavors and pray you take care thank you you stay safe as well yes till next we meet and we will meet again [Music] foreign [Music] is now playing all the realm it will only get worse if what father said is true as it did in amarot if that's our model and shouldn't we expect the effects to grow more severe as it feeds off its own spread as if people transforming into those monstrosities wasn't bad enough if the Flora and Fauna the land itself turned against us [Music] survive [Music] here's your order friend may you find comfort in these dark times [Music] where do we go from here [Music] if there's one thing we've learned fighting blindly and simply reacting to what comes will accomplish nothing we must find a solution that addresses the fundamental cause before our strength is exhausted before this crisis spirals out of control [Music] is there something anything we've overlooked if there is an answer heidelin herself will have it to a she who bound zodiac and forestalled the final days [Music] alas we have heard note from her since the Tower of Babel whether she cannot or will not speak I can only speculate even the flower she gave us is no more [Music] foreign [Music] so advise The Watcher what could be the significance of that name it is entirely unfamiliar to me to me as well it meant something to the Ancients though in our time most surely yet I do not recall a single mention of it in the records of Anita another dead end and quite literally could go and ask [Music] not alive as such but not quite dead Elizabeth I sealed him in the white horosite of the crystal tower back on the first contained within that reservoir of ether that maintains it ether that is returned little by little to the Sea naught May remain of his soul [Music] however if part of it lingers we might be able to speak with him there I know we can no longer make that Journey but you my friend still can I understand your trepidation but there is Merit in making the journey regardless see with your own eyes whether the first two faces its final days if nothing else should we learn the first is safe we'll have that much more reason to keep fighting the good fight that said the odds are not in our favor to say the least which is why we're fortunate to have urianji up there on the moon working hard to make all the necessary preparations for our departure should it come to it why we have nothing indeed to the last let us all do what we can I will consult with master matoya and see if she knows of a way to reach heidelin from the Ethereal sea and I will visit the nation's leaders and attempt to ascertain how far the final days have progressed elsewhere [Music] keep me abreast of your findings I can seek out and slay the worst of the immediate threats if only to slow the spread [Music] unease Terror despair as we might to suppress them these emotions will return to Harry's time and time again but when they do remember this your friends and loved ones are out there somewhere sharing in your struggle You Are Not Alone [Music] so ends the brief respite before the next revelation yes so much left for you to see where beginning ends and end begins foreign biometric authentication complete please take your business acknowledged re-initializing citgo's Tower systems searching for Elizabeth entity Target located in Subterranean Core Power accumulator projecting image my home my friends no more than a dream ah you why have you awakened me I no longer sense those places Beyond all Lord zodiac [Music] you must explain all [Music] so he is Fallen and my Brethren's Souls returned to the star foreign the Doom we sacrificed so much to prevent is come again old burdens now yours to bear but if this is Van Daniel's design then I as Elizabeth have a duty to fulfill your unsolicited act has restored to me some few memories of the convocation such knowledge as I have I will share [Music] I do this not for you I merely perform my duty as I have ever done [Music] where to begin ah the end your understanding of what caused the final days is consistent with our own the Decay first took Route where the currents were weakest yes a conclusion drawn by him fan Daniel not the hymn of Here and Now but as I knew him long long ago having shed light upon the phenomenon he dedicated himself to devising a countermeasure were it not for his knowledge of the celestial we would never have made the connection and thence forestalled the final days [Music] and though he inherited that Noble soul how different this last incarnation so consumed by self-loathing and Hate help us yes the name is familiar to me yet I know it not as a flower but a place a testing facility for determining which of our Creations were fit to be released into the world many worked there and before joining the convocation and assuming the title of Fandango he was their chief he was Hermes [Music] that is all I know the crystals tell little of the lives the 14 LED prior to their induction help us itself would tell even less Mario Rune has survived wait I saw you there and help us now I did I didn't did I did a lingering trace of impossibility and a truth that fills my heart my memories remain clouded I fear however they have revealed to me one possible course you must travel to elpis to the time when Hermes served as its chief in glimpsing the exarx memories not only did I make his summoning magic mine own I also mastered the workings of this town which having absorbed my empowered Essence now Harbors an abundance of energy as such I believe I can deliver you unto the past unto that place and let precise moment given the eons that must be traversed the Gateway will not be fully formed your form will be less tangible still than those worries of light I had summoned in all likelihood none will be able to see or hear you yet even should you manage to interact with others you will be unable to affect meaningful change for the reality you wish to save the reality to which you must return exists as a result of the final days you cannot reshape the past to undo the tragedies of the present cannot unmake the sorrow and suffering fated to come in full knowledge of this will you still entrust your life to your Foe and make the journey [Music] very well I shall cast you unto the river of time [Music] let this be my final Act [Music] you must input the commands I no longer have the authority first you must reconfigure the systems that the tower's ether may be channeled for the magic [Music] [Music] the preparations are complete the Gateway will soon open return at once to the ocular all appears to be an order The Ether flows unimpeded the magic should consume every last moat of my essence [Music] why are you surprised did I not say that this will be my final Act Lord zodiac is no more [Music] there is nothing for me here the ones I love and long to see again are waiting in that Promised Land Beyond memory and dream [Music] now go Warrior of light go and do not look back [Music] well heidelin I take my leave of you yours is the mantle of The Last of Us [Music] the joy of it [Music] the burden and the solitude it falls to you now you and your champion to save our star [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] and here we are elpis well well how rare to receive you in person to what do we owe the honor oh just a few odd tasks we'll be here a while [Music] you're welcome to stay as long as you see fit of course as a matter of procedure however I must ask that you kindly remove your masks come now is this truly necessary surely you can tell Who We Are who you are perhaps but I am far less infamous regardless if we do not follow protocols is our hosts who would be held accountable so please do favor us with your handsome face [Music] satisfied I thank you for your cooperation you are free to go about your business [Music] foreign [Music] you see it too yes [Music] I have in the foggiest what you're talking about hmm it's odd it's right here a bit thin in The Ether but there's no mistaking it color of its soul is almost identical to azam's do you suppose she created it rather unusual for a familiar to have a soul though [Music] don't ask me all I know is that it's trouble doubly so if it's her spitting image so let's leave it be come now foreign [Music] it's trying to say something but it's literally too intangible to form words why don't you give it if it's bear a snifter of your bountiest Reserves [Music] who do you take me for dear friend of course one who wouldn't let acts of kindness such as my accompanying him on errands to far-flung outposts go unrewarded ah I suggest you close your eyes or this may be unpleasant [Music] you may open your eyes [Music] oh you even adjusted its size the better to indulge your whim this way it will be easier to communicate [Music] how very thoughtful of you and may I applaud your Artful reinforcement without further Ado then greetings I am his ladeus chief of the Bureau of the architect sulking beside me is the most honorable Emmett silk of the convocation of 14. and how might we address you my new friend name and I'm pleased to see you understand our words [Music] so tell us when have you come the thinness of your essence suggests you weren't created here [Music] you do not know or cannot say allow me to ask a different question then what brings you here [Music] well now the same as us perhaps as in wish to come too but had to settle for a familiar [Music] if she truly wished to be here then she would be [Music] right you are my apologies if we've given offense the two of us can discern the color of souls you see and yours happens to resemble that of a friend [Music] and with your purpose matching our own besides we jumped to a hasty conclusion we are here to speak with Hermes the chief overseer of this facility which we also intend to tour in order to gain greater insight into the man's work we I say though this is Emmett Silk's charge I am here only to serve as his guide and I should be happy to serve as yours as well by way of an apology for the misunderstanding wait suggesting that we bring it along On official business this thing we know next to nothing about [Music] if you Harbor suspicions better to keep it close than leave it to its own devices wouldn't you agree [Music] besides having a mysterious life form in tow is the norm rather than the exception here welcome my friends to the testing ground of creation at Heaven's Edge elpis [Music] foreign [Music] Tommy's visitors we have visitors [Music] What secrets are you hiding I wonder [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you are [Music] oh huh different you're different too even me we're alike friends I want to be [Music] wait please wait greetings and salutations can you hear me do not be alone I mean you know how I wish I would love to hear your words share your feelings and know your thoughts may we please be friends [Music] may we please be friends [Music] ah I see you found him foreign [Music] it's been a while too long I think too long indeed for close collaborators on this blessed occasion I bring not only myself but others who long to speak with you [Music] you are of the convocation Emmett selk At Your Service do I have the honor of addressing Hermes Chief overseer of Elvis you do you have traveled far for it [Music] given your facility's purpose its remote location is something of a necessity would that I didn't have to rely upon a guide oh you wound me have I not ever been an attentive and helpful friend but moving along to more agreeable company this one we chance to [Music] [Music] [Applause] Well you certainly have her attention is she one of yours Hermes her name is mitian it means shooting star [Music] hmm if I may make an observation her ether is terribly thin I fish you might dissipate at any moment nor do I believe you've made a submission to the bureau I would remember such a concept if you had [Music] I haven't as you say I judged it too early she's a pet project of mine still undergoing preliminary testing [Music] but rest assured that I will attend in person here long [Music] very well being an authority on flying life forms I appreciate that you are exacting in your work I shall look forward to your submission if we have finished with the perfunctory chit chat I would discuss official matters [Music] by my coming I trust you already anticipate the subject [Music] I have an inkling yes it's way to the main building Yonder I shall join you as soon as I've returned these creatures to their homes what's wrong Hermes namastoma is missing hmm I may have found it a creature with the self-same ether as those there nestled in the bowels of a tree outside the grounds you're saying they can climb with their sorry excuses for limbs the fashion has been to imbue aquatic creatures with the power of flight ever since the words of mitron created a sky swimming fish the amistomas too can fly if only slightly and they could conceivably climb a tree whether they can come down safely however excuse me [Music] I'll help two [Music] and what are we supposed to do with this lot may I suggest we split up he's so good as to assist Hermes Emmett silk and I shall keep an eye on these adorable Creations in the meantime [Music] this appears to be the place and here is where we part ways we will be discussing highly sensitive Affairs only a select few may be privy to such knowledge and that does not include someone who cannot or will not divulge their Origins [Music] what will I have to remove You by force [Music] let's hear them then these reasons of yours who knows if I deem your mysterious cause worthy I may even be inclined to offer my assistance I do not object to her attendance Hermes This is highly irregular foreign perhaps but I believe she can be trusted meteon would not have taken to her so quickly otherwise [Music] moreover the presence of a third party may help me to maintain composure [Music] As You Wish then behave yourself do you hear [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it's finally happened then I found Daniels declared his intention to step down and named you as his preferred successor [Music] foreign of your knowledge and your works the convocation is giving the recommendation due consideration there's one who does not know you personally I am to use my impartial eye to take your measure and above all else to ascertain your disposition towards the invitation foreign Daniel are close he himself was once Chief overseer of Elvis after all I should not be surprised if you knew before anyone else that he wished to relinquish his office I did he told me that when he fulfilled his purpose he wished to pass the torch to me [Music] torch you seem none too pleased to accept are you so averse to serving on the convocation [Music] no it's not that for a humble researcher like myself to even be considered is an honor and beyond words no what troubles me when I struggle to come to terms with is the very fact that fan Daniel is stepping down does this not mean that he will return to the star [Music] of his own volition yes like so many others have before him return to the star does that mean die [Music] well now that's not a word I hear often is that what you say here in elpis mankind is the life of a theorists each of us a drop of blood flowing through its veins bearing sustenance in our finite time upon it it is our duty to make it a better place that all who call it home now and in future may abide in happiness to that end we have dedicated ourselves to the pursuit of enlightened creation and by our efforts did we transform this once Untamed Wilderness into the peaceful Paradise you enjoy today [Music] to return to the star once we came is a privilege afforded to we who have so loved and nurtured it a choice embraced by those who have lived their lives to the fullest in service to our world and when they depart upon this journey it is beautiful always the 14 are no exception tears believe no occasion is more felicitous than the Fulfillment of one's duty our office becomes our lives and to retire is to return or so the majority of us hold some few have elected to a shoe custom [Music] mayhap you feel fun Daniel's Deeds do not warrant his return yet you should know his accomplishments as well as any during his time he conceived of countless outstanding Concepts and channeling the wealth of experience he attained here in Elvis he brought forth many new specimens foreign [Music] I cannot fathom why someone's so great and wise who who still do so much good would want to end it all [Music] oh no I've made her upset forgive me I know I requested your presence might I trouble you to take meat on outside a change of scenery would do her good [Music] amazing is it not the ampelas one of our newest subjects [Music] so how are we coming along [Music] foreign [Music] Keys like me they are a product developers and so named for their birthplace a happy accident born of the hands of a former researcher Who Loved beautiful blossoms for how they change color to reflect the emotional state of those nearby [Music] there will be it here or elsewhere they are seldom seen in any huge safe purest White reflect the emotional state you say by what means do they achieve this [Music] in creation there exists an energy wholly apart from ether one driven by emotions in like manner to how we manipulate ether this flower is subject to the influence of said energy [Music] well it has no will of its own it is sensitive to the prevailing emotion in the vicinity and reacts by altering its color and vibrancy [Music] one of the Unseen energies defined by Harnish alchemical Theory Theory though a growth oversimplification some describe it as an Essence influenced by feelings [Music] though I'm not familiar with the term your description suggests it is the self-same energy [Music] dynamus we call it [Music] he's like the alpis flower that have the ability to interact with this energy converting emotions into tangible phenomena are antelakis [Music] you are my dear and no ordinary one at that but the first possessed of free will wait a form of energy other than ether dynamis I've never heard of such a thing [Music] hardly surprising Dynamics cannot be seen much less felt and though his existence has long been theorized we had no proof until the flowers serendipitous creation what's more dynamos is far weaker than ether under normal circumstances its effects are drowned out by the latter on account of which beings comprised of and Reliant upon the ether like you and I are unable to make practical use of dynamis it is a truly esoteric thing known to by the select few Scholars intriguing then given the limitations you described why create meteon our star atheros is especially rich in ether so much so that his name is derived from it however when we consider all energy in existence here and in the vast space beyond dynamus May account for as much as 68.3 percent the more abundant form by far were we able to control it we could open the door to Limitless possibilities it is not unlike a gently flowing stream unable to break through the dam of ether barring its path but if we could imbue the stream with the Vigor of a raging River ah not that I have such Grand ambitions nay I merely wish to create a being that could Traverse the great expanse the relative scarcity of ether beyond the bounds of this star was a concern and so I Look to another source of energy by necessity that being dynamis no wonder her ether is so thin precisely yours is then like an antelucky like me [Music] so are we the same intellects [Music] I think not your nature remains a mystery but air I reinforced you you appeared to be little more than a common familiar and a faded one at that [Music] the deficits of ether alone does not an answer lekki make it would however make it easier for you to interact with dynamus and limited though its influence may be this quality could prove the difference between Victory and defeat you do well not to underestimate it [Music] I'd forgotten about the poor fella you must excuse me a moment while I go and verify a few more things [Music] oh no no no no you are not foisting this nonsense on me I'm given to understand you have the power to help the coryptus and should be quite willing to do so and so I appeal to your better nature most benevolent emmetsak please teach her to fly or else Hermes will transform right now now now there's no need to go quite that far altruism is its own reward as I'm sure he would agree [Music] oh would he now and who can drive to put me in this position pray tell nothing so devious I merely suggested a possible course of action [Music] please Emmit silk please [Music] I did not come all this way to play nursemaid to your Creations I'd take you to remember this favor and let it be the last foreign to the air it falls to you to Shepherd it Skyward [Music] well let's relax and enjoy the spectacle shall we [Music] foreign you were wondering why Emmett silk joined the convocation truth be told he wasn't the first choice for the office I was on the strength of my ability to see ether [Music] but I declined the offer for though my vision is exceptional I am pedestrian in all other aspects worse even quite abysmal when it comes to manipulating ether for example couldn't transform even if I had a mind to do so what good is the ability to perceive a problem if one cannot act to address it Emmett selk has no such shortcomings he excels in vision and manipulation both the latter to an extraordinary degree if there is a mage more powerful I do not know of them [Music] foreign [Music] him for the office in my stead and I wasn't the only one far from it countless others vouched for his skill and character people the world over to whom he had previously lent a helping hand [Music] oh how surprised he was claimed he hadn't done anything remarkable for anyone modest to a fault he deserved every bit of a claim he received yet he may well have gone unappreciated were it not for a mutual friend a singular Soul who can't help but involve herself in the business of others where she walks excitement is certain to follow her Antics irritate Emmett silk to no end but much of his grumbling stems from genuine concern when our friend calls he never fails to answer and lend his talents [Music] foreign and in the course of doing so he himself came to be recognized and respected by those around him [Music] they are truly remarkable individuals and I'm proud to call them friends [Music] to help them realize their dreams this will be my greatest contribution to our world and when they have fulfilled their respective purposes [Music] so too shall I have fulfilled mine and together we may return to the star [Music] look at me spilling my innermost secrets can't seem to help it with you [Music] I can only assume it is due to the color of your soul I just don't understand how you can be so alike and yet so different [Music] well done my pet well done [Music] oh yes I dare say the charybdis will be fine here on [Music] why don't you go and signal to Emmett silk let him know that his arduous task is at an end thank you [Music] [Music] homies oh you're waiting for me did you finish talking yes we've come to a decision my thanks for keeping meaty on company Emmett salkin his layers have already retired to their rooms there is room for you too if you would follow me [Music] help us flowers go on foreign [Music] others feel sad too you're not alone [Music] I see Mission has shared much with you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] I do not think it wrong that we live for the star that we strive to make it a better place and yet in carrying out my duties here there are times when I am plagued by doubt do you recall what Hitler said when we first spoke of my nomination death is the privilege of those who have fulfilled their purpose a choice they Embrace of their own free will and when they depart it is always beautiful Perhaps it is but only for man Creations that he deems useless are discarded with nearly a second thought some scarcely Born Into the world afforded a handful of breaths before life and potential are abruptly extinguished we make an effort to spare them the pain they sense what awaits rage and anguish and cower and fear and it is not beautiful [Music] yet no one cares no one [Music] fixated are we upon the duty that we do not pause to question the method [Music] pain and suffering confusion and despair reclaim in the eyes of those poor creatures yet no one sees we turn a blind eye and Carry On In Blissful ignorance not a miss and always always the blossoms shine pure and white a contradiction so blatant I could scream want to scream how can you all accept this aberration then I wonder am I the aberration for thinking thus and I'm filled with Dread [Music] but now I know I'm not alone Not The Only One For Whom the flowers weep Owen asked what she thought as he kneeled beside the alpis or if he only did it at meteon's insistence [Music] nevertheless I thank you [Music] to know that you too have experienced suffering is a comfort [Music] to so willingly lend in the air to ease my burden you are a strange one stars in the heavens know you what they are [Music] though it's just too far to tell you glitter and light could be a world not unlike a theorist a world filled with life so many stars so many lives for us there may be no higher purpose than to live for our world but what of the other living beings out there is it that gives their lives meaning that drives them day after day after day [Music] to pose that question to our undiscovered cousins I created beings of dynamis who can Traverse the vast emptiness between the Stars meteon and her sisters [Music] sisters she has a great many of them and they have already departed on their Journey traveling to one star and then the next In Search of Life as one might expect exploration on such a grand scale is Rife with difficulties and thus far I've not to show for it but I have faith that we will make some manner of Discovery air long there are findings with you in gratitude for your kindness it's getting rather late we had best find our bets it would not do for both of us to be sleep deprived on the morrow let's head back all right [Music] now foreign forgive me please forgive me may you and your kin find peace wherever your souls May drift in the Underworld may you find tranquil Seas be not forgotten in concept endure to reclaim form and one day live again serve not the star or any purpose save your own live again if that be your desire hate if that be your want you're worthy but leave your suffering behind lay down your burdens be born anew fly high free join the convocation Hermes you do not belong here leave to replace another to be replaced it changes nothing tell me do you think it right that we sacrifice all these lives for the sake of the star and when the star has reached Perfection what then if all who are satisfied choose to die should we all die in satisfaction I do not know where I to take up the seat of Van Daniel it would be tantamount to approving my predecessor's death I didn't know if it is right and to be torn by such thoughts I do not know if I am fit to represent mankind Hermes please don't be angry it hurts so forgive me if you would still consider me in spite of everything and beg some time to gather my thoughts meanwhile Hitler days I fear I must trouble you to attend to the others it is no trouble at all take as long as you require and you my friend I pray you find that which you seek I expect we have some few matters to discuss shall we return to the 12 wonders for a Time I I present to you calamelios zephyrus here you will find a number of testing facilities as well as the observation Hub of poison Oikos [Music] right then let's begin by hmm well well an arrayus how delightful [Music] and what pray tell is that Ah that's a new species of shark we approved the concept but a few days ago sharks are among the most popular sea creatures rare is the day when someone does not submit a New Concept at first they were largely Orthodox consideration given to such things as size and environmental impact and then a Whimsical someone thought to bestow it with flight another Superior intelligence and then the floodgates burst concepts with multiple heads or arms or legs or arms and legs and so on and so forth it was getting absurd a part of me wanted to tell them to go away and find something else to create but in the end I couldn't deny their passion here we are thank you that was too close are you unharmed well now if it isn't a pair of familiar faces banar that we should meet you here foreign [Music] as I mentioned earlier the better part of the convocation holds that when we retire is when we return to the star well she is not among said majority even after stepping down she carries on with her work [Music] vanar is her name and she is the previous azim foreign you look well less so Emmett silk I dare say the lines upon your brow have both deepened and doubled in number a shame for one so young you must make an effort to frown less often easier said than done thanks to your unruly successor how is she if I may ask incorrigible as ever rushed headlong into a volcano on the brink of eruption just the other day I should be glad to share the Tale in its entirety later if you're so inclined [Music] you know I am now you are [Music] foreign [Music] s come from the future I do not believe we have ever met yet I sense my magic upon you therefore if I wave the enchantment I could only have done so at a later point in time [Music] what manner of magic is this if I may ask ravela's ward of course [Music] I see you are not ignorant to its presence and while there are many protective spells the one you bear is unmistakably mine hold on from the future that's absurd what is it are you unable to speak of the matter the reality to which you must return exists as a result of the final days you cannot reshape the past to undo the tragedies of present present [Music] so your actions here will not change your history but they may yet affect the course of ours [Music] are very exciting I'm quite fond of delving into the unknown and there's not more unknown than the future [Music] until a moment finally arrives we cannot know for certain what will come to pass regardless of our supposed foreknowledge so you needn't worry for us more importantly that you should go to Such Great Lengths as to travel unto the past speaks the gravity of your quest [Music] will you not reveal it to us may have we can be evade to your cause [Music] if this is true then you've been keeping quite the secret to yourself as a representative of the convocation I will hear it all your identity purpose everything [Music] why don't we move to a place more conducive to calm conversation [Music] I've been working here for some days now at an old friend's behest [Music] if it is agreeable we may make use of my accommodation at point and Oikos [Music] foreign I am certain of it [Music] else I wouldn't have mocked you so clearly and sent you unto myself in the past it's precisely the sort of Mischief I would get up to and quite inspired if I do say so myself [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] a wonderful aroma I feel more relaxed already what that I had sweet meats to offer but I travel light out of habit there's plenty of hot water though so please have as much tea as you like now then will you tell us your Tale [Music] why don't you start from the beginning [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Preposterous utterly preposterous while not the words I would have chosen I too have my doubts much of it borders on the incredulous [Music] what have you vanar [Music] not knowing the precise details of the fast final days it is difficult to determine the veracity of the tail supposing it is all true I must ask myself why I would do what I did [Music] why would I feel I had no recourse but to oppose the 14 and create this heideline circumstances change of course but it would not have been an easy decision regardless no there must have been a reason one compelling enough to force me to take such drastic measures then there is the elpis flower which I said would serve as a guide [Music] that it's of import to your mission is plain but your presence here leads me to believe that this place also holds significance but what could it be what are we meant to accomplish might it not be simply thus in the future when she came the final days could not be averted mankind has no choice but to flee the star by alerting us to that eventuality perhaps you wish to pave the way for other futures theoretically speaking it is a possibility [Music] yet if that were my primary objective I see no reason to guide our friend to elpa specifically the capital and amarot or even my own home would be more logical destinations [Music] true true I note also that heidelin did not specify a point in time to which she must return by this it may be inferred that it was not critical that we should meet [Music] alternately she had reason to believe that our past would converge coincidental though it may seem quite a puzzle and we do not have all the pieces hardly any but we do have one immutable fact if the final days are indeed as described they will bring death to all that I hold dear yet despite being afforded long years of preparation the only Provisions I could make were for flight [Music] nay my first and foremost Endeavor would be to find a way to forestall the coming Doom given that even the 14 failed mayhap you deemed it impossible nothing is impossible this I have always believed and if heidelin is indeed me she would believe the same listen to yourself Are you seriously entertaining the notion that you are a Messianic figure in some far-fetched Tale well I will not I refuse to accept that our world could be undone by some unforeseen calamity I also take offense to my portrayal as a megalomaniacal Madman to sacrifice oneself for the star is a noble act and I would hold those who gave themselves to this zodiac in the highest esteem you claim I recreated amarot and populated it with Phantoms of our people a bizarre Indulgence that would be insulting to their memory worse still I even invited you there literally invited my own downfall why would I do something so idiotic and inexplicable now I will allow that the hypothetical task of restoring our world would be daunting in the extreme the thought of having to Bear such a burden for a thousand thousand lives horrifies me [Music] but I would never forsake my duty I would never forsake my brethren [Music] you do not know me I've had my fill of your fiction I will return to my duty and you will not bother me again [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] much of alpis already if you have any observations to share I should like to hear them [Music] ah yes the energy distinct from ether though not my field I have a basic understanding of dynamis and you say Hermes research the phenomenon in the course of creating meteon yes I believe this warrants further investigation with that settled it's time for action [Music] the missing pieces of the puzzle are here I'm certain of it and when you find them the picture My Future Self has painted will be complete and you will have your answer suffice it to say I will Aid you in your quest foreign [Music] described to me we've Not Seen the Last of him foreign [Music] and a breathtaking View [Music] what is it like in the future is the world still a beautiful place [Music] dark hidden places Rife with Danger those of an altogether different but no less powerful sort of appeal while we wait will you not tell me about your adventures well not the pretentious events which led you here are the simple delight's all your own by learning about the future world I may gain insight into future me's plans [Music] but more than that I have an interest simply as a fellow Traveler short of going somewhere oneself there's not more stirring than hearing another's account [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] yours is a harsh and unforgiving world yet in spite of this your brethren hold fast to their virtue to know that the light of Mankind's potential still shines even in that far away place it gives me heart [Music] thank you for regaling me with your Tails I will treasure every word [Music] as you know I was once a scholar and among other things I sought to understand the workings of the world what exactly is ether how formed the laws of nature when sprung mankind riddles and Mysteries Beyond Counting over the years I have managed to find answers to some few of them yet rather than attain a sense of Mastery the more I understood the more I came to hold the world and its miracles in awe we too are Miracles each and every one of us born of the warm breath of life that traverses the heavens swirling through eternity [Music] when I fully grasped the improbability of our existence nothing felt impossible anymore if it could be imagined it could be done thank you a passion swelled Within Me an epiphany dispelling all preconceptions of what was natural and true and a presence without immense yet intimate fate perhaps holding us in its tender embrace as reassuring as it was intimidating how keenly aware I became of Creations fragility built as it is upon precarious happenstance [Music] within a repressed repressor know the world more intimately to hear its voice feel its breath [Music] I ventured forth on a journey that very day so very long ago now freed from presumption and Prejudice I saw the world through a newborn's eyes everything fresh and new and so so beautiful [Music] lands that stretched on forever Skies one could drown in the heartbeat of nature silent yet strong and amidst it all a people beacons of light and life laughter that warmed my heart like not else before they are my meaning and my purpose my love and so long as they need help I cannot return to the star perhaps My Future Self is still waiting for it the moment she can let go and walk unto the end safe in the knowledge that man will find his own way [Music] you who are our future tell me this and tell me true [Music] has your journey been good has it been worthwhile [Music] pray forgive my lateness my observation subject was rather irritable and it took a while to settle it down [Music] no need to apologize your work takes precedence besides we had a pleasant conversation in the meantime if you're too kind now then I'm told you wish to ask me some questions indeed I have an interest in one of hermes's Creations meteon you witnessed a host of them take flight yes oh that yes yes I did [Music] it was in the dark of the morn I'd left the thalassai after nocturnal observation [Music] as I walked along I spied a bright light climbing High into the Southeastern Skies then in an instant it was gone like a shooting star only Rising rather than falling but then another shot up then another and another the intrigued I made my way to the edge to investigate [Music] spy on an Isle to the South but Hermes and meteon the Mateo rather [Music] there were lots of them and I realized they must be the shooting stars that I'd seen a dazzling spectacle indeed have you spoken with Hermes about this [Music] oh yes the site left such an impression on me that I approached him about his mystery project the very next day alas he said that he couldn't reveal anything just yet that he needed to conduct further tests it shouldn't be long now though he often returns to that aisle and I have a feeling he's nearing a breakthrough [Music] foreign [Music] we are likewise eager for the details well that is all we wish to ask thank you for taking the time to indulge our curiosity [Music] you're very welcome it's always a pleasure to speak with other inquisitive Souls oh and will you be descending now if so I shall link the doors for you please [Music] it was my intent to finish it but clearly I underestimated you [Music] I made the same mistake with Azam when we first sparred despite being less than half my age her strength was astounding as is yours just plain you have weathered considerable hardship far more even than your Tales would suggest s we have both learned much on our Journeys [Music] well now I dare say he has warned to you a boon to be sure he never forgets his favorites and is ever eager to come to their aid [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] place lacking even the most basic equipment [Music] present May o Clues but we may yet try perusing the past have you done this before foreign so you cannot control the power freely worry not I shall assist you [Music] come and stand before me there are two ways to see the past the first entails peering through the walls of the soul in the moment a subject is recalling a memory the second requires no subject and is instead a process of piecing together an event from ripples left in the ambient ether as memories are etched upon the ether of the Soul so too are they etched upon the ether of the world in this way can history be preserved such memories are given to fading however and can prove challenging to visit but come let us try close your eyes [Music] [Music] all units fully functional and proceeding on course towards their respective Stars [Music] estimated time to completion of survey is 108 Cycles end of status report severing connection with shared consciousness [Music] armies all is well ah yes good tidings at long last [Music] every step of the way I've been reminded how little we understand creation How the Universe defies imagination [Music] what others live for indeed I'm low it all to you and your sisters I wonder what answers we will get whatever intelligent beings that exist out there are bound to be vastly different from us diverse in form and culture possessed of unique ways of thinking their conception of life and its purpose will be no exception politely and utterly unlike ours utterly unlike how I have no idea yes whatever answers we receive I will not dismiss them out of hand no I will think earnestly on the more and I will share them with our people that together we may contemplate our own existence perhaps then our star will become a better place not only for man but for all life [Music] medium though I gave you wings to soar the heavens I did not teach you how to walk the earth so loathe was I to bind another living being in the course of your long journey you will learn from those you meet learn to walk and run and so much more and when you return older and wiser we will have a celebration to mark your homecoming and coming of age both [Music] and how are you supposed to eat them hmm rather than food perhaps a flower yes upon your return I will gift you a beautiful flower so what is your opinion I understand he is a gentle soul and well-intentioned yet it does not take ill intent to beget ill we must consider the possibility that something may have gone awry perhaps it was oversight or simply an accident in light of this I propose that we Reveal Your tale to Hermes himself if he does not wish for the final days as we believe he may well join us in pursuing a solution [Music] then it is settled let us seek out our friend with all swiftness would not do to let such a pure Soul be blackened by tragedy foreign my apologies for keeping you waiting I understand there is a matter you wish to discuss I a matter of the utmost gravity if one can suspend disbelief go on then tell him what you told us who you are and why you came the final days foreign [Music] observed during these star encompassing calamities is likely the product of a dynamus reaction and none is more vast in the applications of this energy than you Hermes stress that we do not believe you would desire such destruction we come not to Lodge accusations to beg your wisdom so distressing though the exercise may be I ask that you share with us your opinion on the matter on the assumption that our visitors tale is true [Music] even you've enough [Music] as you say the phenomena observed in the two calamities May both be attributed to dynamus foreign of note is the difference in its effect in the first final days it warped creation Magics and the second it warped the people themselves [Music] the key variable I suspect is the etheric density of the men of each age as you know ether in essence negates dynamis harboring high concentrations of ether we ancients cannot readily manipulate dynamus nor be manipulated by it therefore rather than ourselves the Calamity affected our magics [Music] in contrast having been sundered the people of the future are composed of but a fraction of our ether [Music] thus are they susceptible to the influence of dynamus and his transformative potential [Music] but that would explain only the mechanism not the cause though perhaps what is it even should it be a hypothesis we would hear it dynamis is an energy put in motion by feelings feelings for which there must first exist a source the source to which the victims must be attuned one that Harbors the self-same negative emotions else wiser could not be the agent of such extreme change so it wasn't the stagnation of the celestial currents someone or something instigating the star's demise so we have a villain on our hands after all any idea who or what it could be the celestial currents comprise the outermost layer of the star's ether encasing it like a protective sphere according to your tail was where the currents were weakest that the phenomena first manifested if the inciting Factor came from without a theorus then its effects would first be seen in those locations [Music] greetings can you hear me do not be alarmed I mean you no harm I wish only to hear your words share your feelings know your thoughts may we please be friends meet young what is it executing scheduled tasks suspending individual self and connecting to Shared consciousness connection established commencing status report [Applause] s it hurts so what so cold so sad I don't understand make it stop please make it stop steady meteon steady so scared so lonely it's too much [Music] [Music] Oh wrong she's gone but how she's altered her etheric density in order to blend in with her surroundings an ability for avoiding confrontation most effective frustratingly so I can't see her either not even a Trace stay away [Music] so please [Music] are you all right [Music] in your mind no we only had her speak the instant before she vanished of course when communicating without words meteon also employs dynamis [Music] that will explain why you were able to hear when we could not then you are our best chance of finding her follow her voice and try to track her down hindered though we may be let us split up and search as well [Music] foreign [Music] give Chase we shall herd her into the shelter [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] please Mission we must speak I'm sorry I'm so sorry if someone can hear these words then please please protect them protect them all individual self-suspended connection with shared Consciousness stable our survey is complete we shall now report our findings [Music] if we arrived at their respective destinations seeking answers to Hermes question we attempted to make contact with the intelligent denizens of each star results are as follows in order of numerical code Anna traces of civilization found structures believed to have served as domiciles no extant life forms detected Dio ruined remnants of buildings scattered across star fish of which is encased in ice presence of life could not be verified Tria evidence of large population centers akin to cities recovered no extant life forms found only their lingering essence tessera edavis is surmised to be abandoned residences found no extant life forms detected deadly plague or extreme environmental degradation likely to have led to mass extinction dead octo star found in state of violent conflict contact successfully made with inhabitants but deployment of weapons of mass destruction resulted in total annihilation of local population shortly thereafter in air star is a Barren desert no identifiable Flora found bones of living beings resembling men discovered beneath Sands but determination regarding their intelligence inconclusive remind me Hermes what exactly was the question you entrusted to meteon I tasked her with asking what others live for what gives their lives meaning did you consider what may happen if the premise of the question is flawed to be able to answer it one must be living and desire to continue doing so but if meteon finds no living beings in the course of her journey or none who desire to live what then what answers would she derive from their silence meteon enough suspend your mission and return hither at once decapente local civilization once flourished under all species of higher power said power later laid waste to civilization in fit of rage upon revealing this to me entity elected to self-terminate in lieu of providing answer to question no other intelligent life forms found turning a deaf ear are we we are taking meteon back to amarot as I understand we will need her if we are to bring back all of her sisters yes it isn't right is it it isn't right to turn away from the answer even if the answer is pain even if we aberrations must scream ourselves horse to be heard I whatever answers we find I will not dismiss them out of hand these words I said to you and I will hold myself to them [Music] what is the meaning of this you cannot take me here well this is delicious finished her report who else must wait [Music] [Music] you fool [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] no no my power [Music] it's over Hermes in the name of the convocation I hereby take meaty on into custody and setting aside the matter of your nomination you will come with us too we require your knowledge to assess and resolve the situation meteon I am so sorry well that I could have listened to your report in full reflected upon its meaning and conveyed it to others that they might reconsider their chosen course [Music] but I have failed and that wish will never be realized however [Music] air our Fates become the province of others I bet you tell me just one thing was there happiness in those distant Stars [Music] was there a reason for living [Music] we conducted our search as per your instructions we scoured historical records communed with the spirits of the deceased heard the final Testaments of the dying welcomed their shadowed hearts into our own One race had striven to create a world bereft of animosity they renounced relationships to avoid interpersonal strife and in so doing brought about societal claps One race had renounced war and devoted itself to the enrichment of its people they were conquered though they destroyed the enemy in reprisal they could not regain their former glory One race had concluded finite time was the root of all woes aspiring to shatter its shackles they went in search of infinity they discovered nothing is infinite and that neither time or death can be treated disillusioned they gave up on the future and themselves One race had discarded all things that gave rise to sorrow hoping to have only joy they found joy lost its Savor in the absence of Sorrow and lost their will to live the world's apart these people shared a belief the belief that they had tried their best that they had tried to fulfill their potential with every step and success in the course of which they learned the truth would never be free of fear and sorrow and despair of loneliness so long as they yet lived [Music] even now their souls cry out for Oblivion and to this song of anguish I lend my voice we lend our voice [Music] oh beloved mankind shimmering Jewels are beautiful affairs Rejoice for we will free you from the cruel yoke of existence there is no need to struggle in vain for in nihility await salvation you will know peace and serenity and it will be beautiful we will make our Nest at the edge of the universe and there in the dark of dead worlds hold sorrow and suffering there we will sing our chorus ever louder and ever clearer that our song may reach even this if the shrouded star such is the answer we have found in the Stars such is the gift we now offer to a theorist [Music] who are you to decide Our Fate to decree we live or die [Music] have you lost your mind you heard what she said she means to destroy us all yet you'd still take her side in the name of the star we have discarded those Creations that we deemed flawed [Music] if we ourselves are flawed does not stand to reason that we too should be discarded that is sophistry and you know it Perhaps it is perhaps I am wrong who is to say that you are right let us settle this with a determination in my authority as Chief overseer of elpis I will make a judgment on man's Fitness to exist if he can learn to Value all life and retain his will to live even should his end be justified he will surely find a way to avert his demise if not he will perish from the star terminations Provisions must be made to ensure fairness Kairos awaken [Music] memory reconfiguration system Kairos activated awaiting instruction command Universal memory alteration Target area cadesis hyperborea starting point arrival of Emmett silk of the Convocation at propylio endpoint the present erase the memories of all events and replaced with a vague recollection of the following I was here preparing to demonstrate the functionality of Kairos to Emmett silk and hit the days meteon's shared Consciousness became unstable she and her sisters could not sustain their existence and all dissipated with a burst the resultant Shockwave accidentally triggered Kairos which erased several days of memories from all present [Music] initializing three processes remaining to execution Bravo I dare say one would be hard-pressed to make it fairer [Music] everything that you told us everything that has happened the fact we've even met it will all be gone go meet you to the edge of the universe where none can reach you [Music] honeys won't you come with me if you were to shed your flesh I should be able to carry you [Music] I will remain as a man I will oppose the Oblivion you bring silly fall had you said yes I would have granted you the gentlest end this ends here fly mission [Music] that is far enough Hermes Argos to me [Music] first process complete two remaining to execution of memory reconfiguration [Music] more pressure no matter what you cannot forget what happened today for it is the key to saving your future your world this fight is our fight what comes after our problem to contend with not yours no your own struggle awaits and no one else can take your place [Music] you must flee this place with your memories intact I will see that you do now then where is it thank you there you are my little confluence almost oh very well then you may elude us this day but not forever [Music] meteon's gotten away second process complete one remaining to execution no time for brooding listen well beyond lies a spatial Confluence that connects the interior sections of this building I will destroy the Confluence and force open a way outside when I do you must jump through foreign how sorry I am neither can I let you escape foreign by half exemplary work as always Emmett silk what how I thought the Confluence was over over there yes we were rather hoping you would it was never anywhere but where it is now the instant those two began making their way towards nothing it was clear the plan was a diversion I'm quite incapable of destroying a Confluence I must confess a Gambit Brazen beyond words though we've grown accustomed to Reckless improvision due to the antics of an incorrigible associate [Music] though in the case of certain present company incorrigible is an understatement [Music] honestly I'm beginning to suspect it's a requirement for every as in [Music] there's no time quickly even now I do not believe your tale I would not suffer us to walk such a wretched path [Music] still if it must be said [Music] do not squander it the Legacy I Leave You final process complete executing Universal memory alteration foreign [Music] oh I'm fine just a little tired can it be true are we the only ones left to see Beauty in the world in life are the stars above no more than husks of Fallen civilizations and yet I feel her though she is unimaginably distant I feel meteon's presence and the place where two we must go [Music] there she made good her Escape I placed an enchantment upon her one which allows us to follow her Trail she has already left the outermost bounds of atheros and continues on her way given the vastness of the universe it will still be no easy feat to track her down but thanks to Emmett silk and his ladeus all is not lost we remember so long as we remember our Fates remain ours to shape [Music] I'd like to know too let us ascertain the situation at cotesis hyperborea where they should still be given the likely state of their memories however it would be imprudent for us to approach them directly in which case I am sorry my friend I've asked much of you this day but may I trouble you one last time [Music] Argos will investigate in our stead we will share in his Consciousness and see and hear as if we were with him close your eyes and open your mind [Music] [Music] [Music] thank goodness you are unharmed unharmed there is a gaping hole in my memories I can scarcely remember arriving here in alpas [Music] forgive me I Was preparing to demonstrate the functionality of Kairos to our guests but meteon her shared Consciousness became unstable and she she so that's what prompted the state of alert then when you went to investigate you were caught in kairos's accidental operation so it would seem it's all a blur to me but an unfortunate accident oh and what a winner and your other companion you went inside together as I recall we did [Music] for now was with us I have no recollection of it but that there is her familiar is it not the fellow seems happy enough so I think it's safe to assume his mistress as well [Music] I haven't the slightest notion who this other companion might be however ah well that individual struck me as a bit different for want of a better word perhaps it wasn't actually a person but some manner of creation curious I must ask venara about it when next we meet yes you do that now if we may tend to Hermes whatever this meteon did it seems he bore the brunt of it [Music] once you are fit to travel you will return with us to amarot we need to make certain there are no other ill effects also I am here on business of the 14. we've already had the conversation like us not but since your toy wiped my memory we'll have to have it again yes of course as you see fit this Kairos it manipulates memories through the emission of etheric waves correct there is a theory which holds that memories scoured by blasts of ether are restored when the soul is cleansed in the Underworld true then perhaps when our time comes to return to the star we shall remember these few days we have lost I doubt ought of Interest occurred look forward to the Revelation if you like but I should prefer to reminisce on more meaningful moments [Music] let us rest if only for a while after all you and I oh we still have a long long way to go [Music] so it is within the portal that brought to you hither and we'll take you home foreign triumphant make use of the knowledge you have gained that your days in elpis and our friend's sacrifice be not in vain [Music] with meteon free to pursue her designs it's only a matter of time until the final days are upon us foreign [Music] from fortifying our defenses to securing our Escape there is much to be done in spite of this we cannot allow the report that Set This calamity in motion to become common knowledge were the masses to learn the fates of the other stars I fear the situation would spiral out of our control I must carefully consider who can be trusted and bring them into the fold [Music] foreign arily I wouldn't hesitate to call upon the 14. however it was the desire for a fair determination that drove Hermes to attempt to erase our memories the were he made aware of his actions there is no telling whether he would remain a friend or become a foe [Music] alternately we might try to alienate him from the convocation yet in doing so we would deprive ourselves of a brilliant mind who would be invaluable in the crises to come [Music] quite the Dilemma which is why I must work independently of the convocation [Music] regardless of how we proceed if we are to permanently avert the final days we must be equal to her Mrs challenge we must prove that mankind is worthy to exist and this hinges I think on how we confront the or consuming despair that accompanies a senseless and seemingly inevitable and bewildered undivided we would perish like the peoples of those Celestial ruins [Music] we could not hope to survive the final days much less take the battle to meteon at her nest we must find a way to defeat despair to unite and prepare as many as possible for the struggle ahead [Music] heavy will weigh the burden of guiding this Legion of Souls [Music] yet I have faith in Mankind's potential as long as he believes in himself there is naught he cannot achieve so I will not give up on him on us [Music] you may find your world to be very different or perhaps the Erasure of our friends memories has sown the seeds of a conjunction between us we cannot know until the moment is at hand so shall I strive to do my best taking not for granted as I walk my path [Music] and I pray you walk with me to the end As you move forward so too will I as will all resolved to fight for the morrow and when mankind has found the strength to stand against despair silence the song of Oblivion she who sings it will learn our journey as far from over this I promise [Music] fare you well my light of the future till we meet again [Music] foreign [Music] I shall strive to bring honor to the seat of fandani [Music] let us even now I remember standing there locked in a moment where the sky is a flame Where Stars fullest tears and screams darken the Seas where resignation rots the trees where Terror twists Magics into Abominations such as the lament of they who have gone before the song of they who tried and failed to create a better World the song of the end [Music] that which hides at the edge of the universe is no longer Hope's creation [Music] uh it is hopelessness incarnate that day mankind saw half of its number sacrificed to bring forth zodiac [Music] and covering the star in a shroud of ether we forestall the final days walk free walk free walk free [Music] so believe yet the cries echoed still we wept for Innocence Lost wailed for death inevitable [Music] a reality too terrible to bear and for too many who sought comfort in gilded memories of Joyful days and Tranquil Nights [Music] this is all wrong why must we suffer so [Music] needn't be like this no there must be a way to restore things to the way they were to reclaim the perfect Paradise we once had no my friends suffering exists and we cannot pretend otherwise civilization however great could eliminate it if we would live we must accept it as our constant companion let us not seek to forget this tragedy Let Us carry it in our hearts that we may grow stronger and know true happiness [Music] we can't accept it we won't accept it it will be ours again a world free of Sorrow no it will not for there has ever been sorrow mankind was but spared its biting sting for a Time so please open your eyes to try and reclaim those lives we lost by sacrificing yet more isn't wisdom it is weakness [Music] no Paradise is without its Shadows if we cannot accept this truth and learn from our pain then our plight shall be repeated [Music] Almighty zodiac God born of aboundless faith we beat you hear our prayer accept this offering of lives and deliver unto us the lives we once had deliver unto us the days of old the days when the star was a font of love and we knew not but bliss [Music] foreign [Music] lands that stretched on forever Skies one could drown in the heartbeat of nature silent yet strong and amidst it all a people beacons of light and life laughter the warmed my heart like not else before they are my meaning and my purpose my love in spite of or perhaps because of this I choose to believe in Mankind's potential in his ability to find a way forward so let there be no way back from that Temptation I Sunder us no more shall man have wings to Bear him to Paradise henceforth he shall walk [Music] one of stripes [Music] always excruciating pain I breathe fire and torment [Music] I birth a world of suffering to mire and plague judgment finds [Music] we are meant to die [Music] [Applause] in one fleeting moment lives come and go ever moving towards the unknown and in that fleeting moment they cry for the answer to the question [Music] why given life are they meant to suffer to die as fragmented imperfect beings yours is a never-ending Quest [Music] a quest to find your purpose knowing your end is assured [Music] to find the strength to continue when all strength has left you [Music] to find joy even as Darkness descends and amidst deepest despair light Everlasting [Music] a conjunction has begun to fall an intertwining of your time and mine when you truly understand what is at stake and your journey has prepared you to surmount the insurmountable then shall I honor the promise made in another time another age [Music] foreign [Music] we were promised an escape I shall not meet my final days here in this blasted waste [Music] [Applause] is our greatest enemy [Music] come we must build a line of defense [Music] foreign leave the fighting to us father you must lead the people to safety [Music] foreign you shall tend to the refugees let us be about it as you wish my little Lord [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] forward let not a single fiend Escape thank you wait that's Euless and the army so you've recovered then time enough to be of aid [Music] we can speak of it more later for now we must fight to repair your salvation in kind or with better [Music] for golly malt has her Pride [Music] of that I've no doubt [Music] good gods of all possible saviors the Imperial Army foreign [Music] I had hoped to take all of them down at once think of withdrawal might be an order oh saw that you know who would never abandon these people to their [Music] effect to be devoured by their former friends that'll be Beyond cruel these beasts Must Fall Here and Now well then I'd say it's high time we threw caution to the winds so long as you spare me the heroic sacrifices now let's go [Music] he's not the barest trace of ether maybe there really is no way to bring them back thank you for saving Our Lives once again I remember you from purusha you helped us there too didn't you oh you're from pelica Stand I'm glad you're still in one piece oh you will be once I see to that injury of yours foreign [Music] [Music] get out of here quickly [Music] I won't lose them not a one this will be a brighter future I won't let a madman's apocalypse ruin everything we fought to achieve [Applause] foreign [Music] you're embarrassing yourself and in front of Father know this you might never measure up to our champion [Music] but we ask too much of her as it is you mustn't let our sword in the darkness fight alone thank you oh [Music] I can look after myself you know foreign [Music] I trust [Music] I've had enough of this Ravel come on [Music] foreign [Music] is most appreciated but will the final days not soon fall upon it as well [Music] your hesitation is not unwarranted the SAR trap entrusted me with your lives yet I have failed your comrades nor are you wrong to fear that this corruption will continue to spread I cannot promise you complete safety even in my homeland what I can promise is that I will do all in my power to protect you foreign that power is not inconsiderable even now my countrymen are preparing the vessel that will deliver us to a sanctuary on the moon join us on our journey there and Beyond to New Horizons come to Old Charlene please [Music] we would be fooled to refuse such a generous offer made in earnest foreign it seems they have a new destination [Music] the people of RADS at Han have known too much suffering the march to Gala mold will only bring them more short though it may be [Music] I quite agree fortunately they have you to look after them [Music] well [Music] behind you just there more of them minutes here you'll be all right hurry to the airship why have you come a heretofore unseen beasts was ripe for the slaying [Music] poor Sport and ass unfit to temper my blade [Music] you cannot still be on about a rematch that is and has ever been my sole concern [Music] foreign you on the other hand are fixated on a different Quarry your passion pales before mine yet neither hate nor despair seems sufficient to recapture your misdirected bloodlust [Music] so I hone my blade and I wait [Music] that's it that's all you care about [Music] Gala mold is in ruins our homeland the nation you rule is as good as God foreign [Music] not just soldiers like us not only those who fought and killed for power and Duty innocent civilians murdered by their own flesh and blood lost and confused as they breathed their last while we who survived with our lives and Minds intact were left to freeze to death the aortians tell me all this was your doing you slaughtered your countrymen you did for what [Music] for nothing in the end so much wasted effort you you bastard for your own seculars you must control your anger it will serve no one should it consume you and see you transformed [Music] would you be happier had I a good reason [Music] if my motives met with your approval would you no longer resent the outcome if so then perhaps a BEAST's skin would suit better [Music] duty honor morality all constructs of convenience when put to proof surely the war taught you how easily power becomes the tool of the self-righteous [Music] other people's Justice was merely a means to their ends yet you would ask me why ask any creature of this star and those above for answers and they will tell you what suits their fancy and they would be right to do so what meaning there is to be found in the petty vicissitudes of your existence must be gleaned by you and you alone [Music] should you seek it in battle in the fruitless pursuit of My Demise then come assume your rightful place there's a notch on my blade [Music] you are a blight on the guardian race and there would be no more satisfying way to expunge it than by beating you to death [Music] foreign to another tragedy I refuse to lose anyone else cause of you you so go go and may we never suffer your Madness again [Music] xenos [Music] perhaps you've found meaning in living this way I cannot deny you found strength yet if you only pursue your hedonistic pleasures and pay no heed to the plight of others then no one will give you the time of day you will never get what you want not even the battle you Pine for so dearly [Music] you'll be alone for an eternity and you'll deserve every agonizing second of it [Music] foreign we're ready to depart the refugee ships will be leaving shortly but I've asked mine to remain for the time being there's room enough for you to join me on it if you wish [Music] do contain your surprise I needn't agree with the Scion's methods or intentions to acknowledge that their deeds are deserving of gratitude we appreciate the offer but might I ask why you are delaying your departure I presume it is not solely for our benefit I must visit Gala mold we return to Charlotte having caused such an uproar does only meat that I explain myself to the Elizabeth contingent thank you [Music] allow us to accompany you then we should be glad to facilitate given our familiarity with all concerned if you would like to join as well Euless we can speak of recent events on the way [Music] foreign next [Music] foreign [Music] no major injuries then good I briefed the recovered soldiers and sent them on their way as quickly as I could but nevertheless feared they would not make it in time [Music] the additional support was invaluable your men saved more than a few lives though not all I regret to say [Music] I take it that I am addressing Lucia Junius I'm the forum's envoy fortunate [Music] and you are owed an explanation for these most dire developments [Music] foreign wrought by the final days I was beginning to suspect as much you doubtless feel some consternation having been forced to abandon your original plan but trust me when I say you are right to send the refugees elsewhere beasts have been sighted within the capital perhaps it was a stroke of grim fortune that the population was decimated beforehand as they've yet to appear in any great number but in time [Music] in any case Maxima leads the remainder of the contingent in an effort to Cull the creatures and Evacuate the populace as we speak [Music] once the airships are taken to the skies I pray your men can be persuaded to join him you'll permit us to retain our weapons [Music] I sent you after the sound where I expecting you to stab them in the back [Music] and I for one would not consider past transgressions more relevant than future contributions [Music] regardless of the circumstances that saw us at odds before we need men of courage now more than ever foreign [Music] and so we shall foreign it seems you have everything under control you will excuse me then for mine own duties await a moment Master Fortuner you did desire to express your appreciation for services rendered did you not [Music] I did though if you intend to again ask that Charlie and alter its course you will find my gratitude insufficient [Music] it is nothing so onerous I wish to hear the details of this Grand Endeavor of yours [Music] do you swear to listen and to learn and not to Embark upon some scheme to impede us I swear [Music] foreign [Music] T but you I trust to keep your word for not once have you broken it very well I will request that the Forum make you privy to our plans you may await our summons at the baldessian annex assuming the decision is in your favor does that suffice it does you have my thanks [Music] excellent you can Regale us with Tales of your most recent surgeon to the first while we wait [Music] did you hear something just now foreign [Music] [Applause] um Dawn May banish even the darkest night and to This Bitter climb bring warmth and comfort [Music] thank you it is heartening to see such an assembly upon my return I thought often of you whilst I looked down upon our star's Brilliance from the Moon above yes but what are you doing here and dressed like that aren't you cold [Music] verily I fear for my health should I proceed to expound Upon Our purpose air I procure more suitable garments then allow me to summarize we're here because none of you lot are up there nor has anyone dang to send word about any changes in the plans [Music] it's rude is what it is at least that's what I thought at first but then folks got to wondering if you weren't in a spot of bother so we decided to take matters into our own hands come down here and help if our help be needed say she says but it's also something of a convenient excuse to visit a series early Andre made it sound absolutely marvelous and also before the impending doom but still and it's not like there will ever be a better time but with the aforementioned Doom marvelous they say yet not an odds of pudding to be beef I must suffer Ariana's inferior Works no more hey maybe consider the plight of present company before you go blathering on about pudding and doom as I was saying should you require any assistance with whatever we are at your disposal we were born from heidelin's love for the lives of this star so naturally we would much prefer to see them continue twiddling our thumbs up on the moon is hardly conducive to that though is it [Music] I am not when you've all got such precious thoughts and feelings and hopes for the future deserving of more active preservation speaking to orianger made us realize that well we've carried out our duties to the letter we failed to fulfill them in spirit well from there it was just a hop skip and a jump towards resolving to do better so please show us how help us help you foreign but are they thy distant collaborators indeed [Music] pleasure to meet you at last [Music] living way Highlands right Paul that last bit is very important as am I if I may humbly say so myself [Music] I uh bid you welcome to our star Living Way on behalf of the Forum I thank you for traveling such a distance to meet us as you have surmised preparations for The Exodus have not proceeded as smoothly as we had hoped I should be happy to personally escort you to our headquarters in Charlene where you may advise us as you deem fit [Music] it was with reluctance that I set aside the great work of readying the moon for habitation be assured that I did so only after the loperates made playing their Earnest desire to come hither and I myself felt a growing certainty that their contributions here would prove invaluable tis trite perhaps but I followed my heart [Music] I am no esteemed philosopher of Eld nevertheless it is my hope that what little knowledge I shared Shall Serve them well and perchance help save us all our attend us at The Forum and lend thine own wisdom if that's all quite settled can we start moving before uriage catches his death even I'm freezing out here oh I dare say you'll warm up quickly once you report the Airship sat shoulder to shoulder with our fur-covered friends foreign [Music] [Music] there is a matter I wish to raise with you before we enter we are here to listen and to learn but if the forum's plans are more or less what I expect then I should like to make a proposal that will serve our ends and buy or leave of course [Music] I don't see why not your words and wits have gotten us this far agreed I will present our queries so that you may consider the most advantageous way to advance your proposal without distraction thank you everyone if I may have your attention the ad hoc session will now commence the purpose of today's assembly is to brief the Scions of the Seventh Dawn at their request on the great Exodus you may enter [Music] [Music] [Music] on behalf of the Forum I commend your heroic actions on the Magna glaciers we shall not soon forget your service to us and the people of Raz at heart the star trap whom we have informed the refugees new Arrangements sings your Praises as well [Music] an expression of our gratitude we will endeavor to answer your questions as fully and openly as we are able then let us begin [Music] first it is the form's objective to Ferry the life and knowledge of this star to the Moon am I correct you are it is for this purpose that Charlie and has labored these many long years [Music] we have collected biological samples and scientific records from across the star when the time comes they will be moved from their places in labyrinthos and numenon and conveyed to safety once that critical task has been accomplished we will begin transporting the Charlie and citizenry which has been categorized into groups the earliest arrivals are to ensure hospitable environs for those who come after [Music] following our people we will send those of other nations in turn beginning with our allies rods at harm was foremost among these but since the final days have already come to favner we saw fit to include the refugees with earlier groupings an ambitious plan you have accounted for the safety of all Nations and tribes then [Music] as many as we can [Music] and how pray tell do you decide who to leave behind to Journey beyond the sky is an unprecedented and immeasurably difficult endeavor introducing sources of inevitable conflict would condemn all certain death [Music] questions as to the validity of that approach aside are your plans preceding a pace we're under the impression that your primary means of celestial transportation is incomplete foreign [Music] if only in that it does not meet our optimal parameters that is correct this Arc as some have taken to calling it is fully operational and could be launched even today however the final days have progressed more quickly than we anticipated at present the ship is incapable of attaining speeds sufficient to meet our evacuation targets should we put the vessel into Service as it is now we will be unable to travel to the Moon and back quickly enough to complete the necessary number of trips precious lives and knowledge will be lost [Music] is there anything to be done [Music] the etherburner the primary means of propulsion once the craft is in the space between stars is undergoing testing to determine whether it can be made more efficient though cargo is being loaded for the initial phase of the Exodus we are prepared to continue our experimentation up to the day before launch should it prove necessary [Music] what if the Scions were to solve your problem [Music] we shall help devise a means to improve The Ether burner's efficiency on two conditions [Music] if we succeed you must allow us to meet with heidelin [Music] to a simple enough to deduce you have a Concord and so you would never have abandoned the anti-tower had you no other means of communication one far more convenient I suspect [Music] the second condition also to be met Upon Our Success is that we be permitted to propose another use for your Ark [Music] we would be at Liberty to refuse this proposal of course if we cannot prove its Merit to the 99 here who are we to stake on it the lives of All Peoples of this star [Music] [Laughter] delightful as always master alfina hahaha oh we couldn't have mastered a final plan allow us to solve this complex engineering problem of which we were entirely unaware until moments ago what could possibly go wrong the satire writes itself [Music] yet what feel does not benefited from a change in perspective when we are at wit's end what we need is not the same dry theories recited Ad nauseam but fresh inspiration [Music] I for one have faith in my erstwhile student to provide it and I find their terms to be perfectly acceptable [Music] order order we have no time to waste on debate I call a vote [Music] all in favor of agreeing to the Scion's terms [Music] thank you [Music] 71 in favor 28 against the eyes have it Fortune is the architect of this project you are the best candidate to show them its current state and bear in mind that regardless of your personal misgivings this is the will of the Forum [Music] very well [Music] I call this session to a close return to your tasks with urgency the final days wait for none [Music] I could swap them out no been there done that damn near lost my eyebrows think Coco think we'd be well on our way to Paradise Visionaries patting themselves on the backs for their grand accomplishments if you'd only think yes that does sound rather lovely I mean masterful you know what a pleasant surprise we're not we're not blasting off already are we the schedule remains unchanged For Better or Worse which is why the Forum has elected to accept assistance in resolving the etherburner conundrum [Music] foreign [Music] before there are archons among their number but engineering is not their expertise nevertheless the Forum concedes the slim possibility that they may have insights to offer if not you are at Liberty to return them to the surface by whatever means you see fit I assure you that won't be necessary now about your troubles with The Ether burner aye aye I'll walk you through it I suppose I could do with a change of pace as the name ought to tell you the ether burner Burns ether ambient or otherwise and transforms it into motive Force think of it like a giant bomb that never stops exploding even out in that black void where the ether's right sparse is strong enough to move a rock it probably won't kill you like an actual bomb ah but it ain't perfect according to my calculations to travel to the Moon and back fast enough for the forums liking the conversion rate needs to be six percent more efficient [Music] six percent position of Billy that way in the first place has thou consulted with the loperates yes they too are conducting their own research for lack of a ready answer the moon's propulsion systems are considerable naturally yet they are commensurately massive it is no easy feat to convert their technology into an efficient means of propulsion for a teeny tiny toy boat as they say and as I most certainly do not yes exactly damn it oh I asked for a find out of anti and they send me aperty rabbits with inscrutable ancient incompatible technology you're trying to drive me mad do you speak of Allegan refined Adamantite perchance you know of it [Music] only in the most general terms I'm afraid it was an alloy of Allegan make but the secrets of its production were closely guarded as I recall the record stated it was vital to dalamut's construction and launch [Music] I ask this stuff no material more conductive far as I know slotting some ends like blowing up into him and watching the river of Eva come rushing through find the living soul that knows how to make it though we were fortunate enough to salvage some for The Ether just away bit mind from a chunk of talamu that came hurtling into the northern empty during the calamity we have more well that extra six percent efficiency will be Charles fly it's a crying shame that we've no other sources surely the many shards of dalamud scattered throughout aortia would suffice why not get the refined Adamantite from them [Music] ah we tried believe you me but only a few specialized pieces would have had any in him to begin with Drive calls from Ragnarok class in terminals those are the prize bits we really need according to the cleaners get into him means delving deep into the shards and the defenses are still very operational and very eager to blow them up it's rough going in there even for a cream I'm sure they'd make it out alive weren't we near that part of the Ragnarok when we went to destroy Bahamut [Music] that may be for the best though you doubtless find the task too dull for your liking hmm there are multiple internment hulks in aorzio alone so handling this ourselves may not be the most efficient option rather if we could sell the jedimentite from The Shard simultaneously fancred is the link show we established before you went to Garland still active of course the floor is yours what's all this gathering firewood so to speak we alone can accomplish little but joined by others we may yet build a bonfire to carius Heaven's Ward this is alfano the Scions have need of you understood I will contact the Lord commander and dispatch our finest at once [Music] my sisters are somewhat preoccupied with the final days so I will leave the twelves with Expedition myself [Music] are you aware of any other sources of refined Adamantite [Music] such an invaluable alloy would have been utilized solely where absolutely necessary in components intended to conduct or collect surpassing amounts of ether any extant instrumentation or devices would have likely found their way into the hands of etherologists or enthusiasts [Music] magical artifacts of Allegan design the Eastern Alliance will send word to one and all are there other ways we may offer Aid no shards of the Lesser Moon scar our soil but our stake in this cause is no less for it [Music] is there anything in author that might be of use to you [Music] did you say oh you've got friends in Far places lad anyway if you're offering I wouldn't say no to one of those Far Eastern sacred relics some of them can hold enough ether to summon a whole damn primer sauce I'm three two one kaboom I gather you heard his explosive enthusiasm might you secure us a suitable Relic it shall be done I know little of machines but I promise we will do our utmost to gather the materials you need to finish your Starship I am glad for the work in truth better to busy oneself than wait and fret over disasters foretold [Music] and why are we all still standing about yapping this plunder for the taking an armor-born plunderer I'll be an old Charlie and before you know it start mixing The Grog I'm certain that can be arranged thank you all and do be careful [Music] just like that I just like that our refined Adamantite is on its way [Music] now let us consider our next steps shall we there's yet much to be done [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] our course of action is clear we must Harvest refined Adamantite from the shards of dalamut and procure Arcane relics of Allegan make [Music] some of the best and brightest of our Immortal flames and form an expeditionary party at once call upon the sultan sworn and Brass blades for support as you must [Music] send word to the gills we will require the expertise of Master Artisans if we are to have any hope of identifying and recovering these elusive materials there guys we have need of your stone torches they are to assist the immortal flames in scouring the ruins and to help secure the surrounding areas I trust I can count on your support as commander of the stone torches my son zimberg will personally see it done [Music] Pippin I would have you lead the raiding party assemble your finest and with to zona's Blade clear the way Lord lolorito I pray you take charge of the search for elegant relics surely you know of some being traded on open or claddestine markets or sleeping in collectors vaults of course I ask not that you do this out of the kindness of your heart by all means profit on the transactions I wish you the joy of it [Music] the final days descend Upon Our World if circumstances are truly as dire as they say alldar's best efforts may be for naught And yet when we Asians Rose From the Ashes to rebuild our broken realm did we not learn one simple truth [Music] that which seems all but impossible to overcome alone may yet be possible if we stand together it was the Scions who United us then and it is the silence who call upon us now oh Dar will answer that call we will summon our courage and join the fight for our world's future you know your duties 17th in the line of all bid you good luck and Godspeed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] we fielded a goodly number but our ranks are heavy with Healers and an abundance of restorative Magics will be of little help in destroying dalamud's defenses still it has ever been thus with gridania we must steal ourselves for a protracted engagement in that case maitai suggests taking us along Commander hext what are you doing here none of the shards in garibani are big enough to hold an internment Hulk so he said to ourselves why not lend our neighbors a hand we thought you might be short on people with a talent for breaking things while it pains me to admit it you are right are our deficiency so plain to see [Music] it might have been a lifetime ago but I was once one of the Scions assigned to the shroud I know this Forest well I know your people and I know we will be stronger if we fight this fight together [Music] then I will impose upon you with a clear conscience come let us speak of how to integrate our forces [Music] [Music] I won't let it all be for nothing Sue papalima [Music] there there you are we've no time to waste brother everyone has already ah [Music] foreign a dragon's Roar [Music] [Music] foreign the Eastern Alliance as well as the honorable Lord lolorito himself reached out to me for assistance in procuring these Treasures of the Divine and I in turn do beseech the Confederacy for Aid [Music] hmm is that Hancock what a surprise this is under fortuitous one at that I have a favor to ask you see [Music] foreign [Music] Lively isn't it the town is a buzz everyone eager to meet with our friends from the Moon foreign you to consult with sleeping way as our Moon's pilot his advice should be most pertinent I'm impressed truth be told I struggle to tell one from another no offense intended of course [Music] after you and your friends left Mario lemantorum we spent no small amount of time with your urianji oh the conversations we had he told us all about it there is answered our every question no matter how trifling or trivial [Music] free page builds to the margins with knowledge when I first arrived I was struck by how little I knew it was daunting but then I realized that were it not for Rian Jay and his teachings we'd still be stuck on the moon gazing at your world and wondering what we've been missing laughs [Music] what would they think if they could see orionjae now I dare say they'd be more than a bit surprised and impressed No Doubt Master Luis Suare Min philia papalimo and not to forget [Music] foreign there was a visiting expert who we might bother with a few questions I take it you'd be the one yeah yes I am Wilson and levida charlian's foremost researchers in the field of teleportation magic and moon breeders parents it has been some time it is good to see you in good health likewise old friend Lavida and I were most honored to answer the call never expected this reunion though did we dear the Nerf sending that letter then running off to the gods nowhere [Music] do you have any idea how worried we were I I'm sorry it was remiss of me not to deliver the news in person no more than that it was I who our daughter was disillusioned after Master Lewis while left her behind the day the Scions called upon her was the happiest I'd seen her in years she made her every choice of her own free will no one could have ever forced her to do otherwise don't blame yourself for her death celebrate her life you know that's what she'd want if there is one thing we resent you for it was that we could not be there to mourn her with you reading the words you penned in that shaky hand or he must have cried as much for you as we did for her [Music] foreign [Music] I truly truly am I knew not what to say knew not how to express my feelings poems and platitudes of wiser men musings on sadness and loss studied and memorized and meaningless in the moment silly boy we are all powerless before such grief even now try as I might the words Escape me but in our hearts we know we always know foreign [Music] how the lads teased you for choosing the company of books over others our moon didn't take kindly to that be nice to orionjae she'd shout and give them a walloping no matter how many times we scolded her [Music] so we offered a suggestion rather than starting fights why don't you be the bridge between uriage and the others she had to mull it over for a while arms crossed brow furrowed in intense thought but from that day on she never let you be alone she'd drag you outside to play Peppa you with endless questions read the same books you read all to try and understand you that much better [Music] I'm sure it was annoying and exhausting at the time but she only ever had the best of intentions [Music] center of the crowd the reason there even is a crowd having brought these people together you've no idea how proud We Are [Music] to see the boy our daughter trusted and believed in more than anyone grow into the man she always knew he could be I can see her in you too feel her she walks with you wheresoever you go so thank you orionji for being Who You Are I I think I can feel her too [Music] the truth of her life not sorrow but hope and love [Music] [Music] this Moon breeder she was important to him wasn't she you could ask the man himself oh no no but watching this exchange reminds me how much I've yet to learn about your world and it's people you can live here your entire life and hardly learn a thing that's why it's too soon for this to end [Music] all set I take it [Music] we finished what we could delivered supplies Tracked Down escaped animals trivial tasks as they may be foreign that's enough don't you think if there was anything more important still undone that would be a problem in itself the vessel is essentially ready for departure All That Remains is to load the final batch of supplies and see everyone on board once we've readied The Ether burner that is [Music] ah had a feeling we might find you all here our consultations with the loperits too have run their course pleased I am to say that our researchers concerns have for the most part been a laid though some insist on making adjustments to the very end for their part living way and her peers have graciously offered to stay and keep the people company lest any lingering queries go unanswered All That Remains is to wait for the refined Adamantite alfano are you there it's me cryo your special delivery has arrived round up everyone and come to the harbor at once speak of the devil let us go at once [Music] forgive the intrusion Master Fortuner I bring urgent news a great commotion has broken out in Scholars Harbor your presence is requested with all speed [Music] now where might this delivery be oh [Music] I'm sure it's very important but we cannot accept these without the proper permits by the 12 th surely these can't all be [Music] [Music] related Hellfire they're bringing them by Sea amber here all these folks and these crates [Music] and more on the way got your Adamantite right here a bigger hole than any of these sorry bastards brought and that's no lie [Music] seeing the shipments from gridania and uldar here along with your own give credit where credit is due sounds like the sorry whinging of a sore loser an Hypocrites a boat ain't no way a scrawny wealth like you took a dozen steps inside a dalham and shard I'll have you know I went all the way to the entrance a furthermore it was my contacts that enabled us to enlist the cooperation of the sky Pirates left you outside so you wouldn't get anyone killed did they well then credit where credit's due you did a right fine job sitting on your ass take that back make me I will not stick to your level [Music] my what a grand welcome party Hancock and sarobon [Music] we come bearing relics both sacred and elegant as well as a few other gifts that may be of help to be presented with best wishes from the Eastern Alliance [Music] our friends in Bosnia for instance have sent along a few artifacts for the brave allies of the resistance that's you I myself have come with a sacred relic of The Cauldron upon learning of your need punch in paid me deliver it on behalf of the blue with all haste [Music] fearing I could not swim here with the necessary speed however I thought to beg our Confederate allies for Aid to my delight Hancock was already preparing for departure at the self-same port and had space for additional cardinal we did of course need quite the impressive vessel to get it all here in time [Music] fortunately our Majestic Associates have been more than helpful it is an honor to join the warrior of light on another adventure they tell me [Music] that is all wonderful to hear but what of the extraordinary cost I shudder to think of the ransom we must pay for such a bounty fret not for your coin purse Young alphano [Music] Ito looks ever towards the profits of the future and thus the East goldenard Trading Company went to some lens to reduce the financial liability and since the Scions funded the entire Venture not a gill need be rendered up in compensation everything is already yours we funded the venture when [Music] don't let the name fool you this coin keeper knows a thing or two about spending [Music] when it comes to Capital investiture a sprinkling of Gill here and there will not do you need enough savings to make waves when it really counts which is why frugality is Paramount [Music] we also have the benefit of a generous Patron generous being rather an understatement she has supported us from the Shadows since the very founding of the science air we even had coffers to fill [Music] mother [Music] amelions [Music] I remain of course an entirely neutral party I simply thought our family's coffers were needlessly full we can hardly take them with us on your teeny tiny toy boat now can we and would be a shame to leave all that hard-earned wealth unspent [Music] waste not [Music] however did you manage so much in so short a time though we expected word to reach only a fraction of our allies did I not tell you I have my ways [Music] aaronville you were involved too I received a letter from cryov after we parted ways in labyrinthos she explained what the science were trying to accomplish and why you might soon require the services of the cleaners spread across the World As We Are I pray you do not interpret this as a betrayal of Charlotte I accept that the forms aim in pushing us to our limits was to preserve what knowledge we have and I bear you know in Wilson yet in collecting that knowledge what I came to appreciate most about our star is to remains so much we do not know that is why I chose to help the science combat the obliteration of those countless undiscovered wonders I held no illusions that they would be less demanding taskmasters though rest assured if I had I would have been surely disappointed to make a long story short the whole of the guild ship cooperated to ensure your call was heard far and wide [Music] what's this about a ship that can fly to the moon [Music] and why didn't you mention it sooner the one time you don't beg my Aid your problems are bloodied ship that can fly to the moon see it you brought the team of course Garland Ironworks finest you need only pointers towards my new favorite ship as you like is not suspect we've also brought Adamantite for more donors dollar mod shard [Music] I admit to some consternation upon first receiving crawl's message so few Scions remain at the rising Stones now far too few for such an expedition however The Gleaners were able to secure his reinforcements ilusha's treasure Hunters not least among them oh no pair the gobby Flop fought slovix's gratitude for the safe return of his daughter has not waned and he gathered his kin to our side with an astounding quickness [Music] the clash between there Machina and the Allegan defenses was a sight to behold oh wager leaving you would have been impressed by the magnitude of the gobby booms fascinating as all this is I failed to see how it explains your presence here this was at hand not have more pressing concerns [Music] and we do yet averting the final days would be the most expedient solution that and I am indebted to you [Music] though they chose to take their leave of lavner those who saved in galimont remain my people my gratitude is beyond words it is appropriate that I Aid you in kind if in the doing we bring Salvation to others of this star so much the better [Music] you will recall that I spoke of my father meet God summer and his journey across the Great expanse as he traveled between the Stars his resplendent scales drunk of The Ether in those nigh empty surrounds and imparted to him the strength to persevere thinking they might further your cause I called out to my kin for consent ia's answer was silence as ever Tia Martin however responded favorably to the suggestion my sire too gave his ascent [Music] thus have I brought you his own worm scales fit them to your purpose and seek a worthy of faith for us all [Music] be hard-pressed to find someone else so familiar with the unique properties of dragon scales so I invited myself along [Music] look at me this is so unbelievable I've gone right back around to believe in it again forget a six percent gain at efficiency with all these goodies we could get seven though ten no 14 bleeding percent [Music] think of how far we could go what we could do with that much power what we could blow up if cocol is duly convinced then it must be true in which case the Scion's end of the bargain has been fulfilled would you not agree [Music] yes Father I know not what you seek of heidelin nor for what purpose you would take command of our ship yet this much is certain to do so will be to dictate the fate of this star and the lives upon it the lives of each and every creature in their magnitude and their fragility do you understand and are you prepared we have seen and we have felt how much each life shapes this world and so we are determined to abandon none we understand what is at stake and we are prepared to bear this burden then I I will bear it with you I beg you share your struggles with me as family [Music] you grasped my fingers with such tiny hands the day you were born I thought my heart might burst it was love and happiness Beyond expression overwhelming and the conviction so powerful that I trembled with something close to rage I had heard the final days foretold I swore to myself then and there that I would not let them steal your futures [Music] a great Exodus would succeed must succeed a crevice or sin was worse than the alternative if anything gave me pause it was my own father the archon luisois openly decried charlian's policies the perspective which I regarded with increasing disdain As I Grew Older yet even as part of me thought him a fool perhaps I also hope that he of all people would devise a brilliant means to save my children [Music] a naive hope but stubborn enough that I could never bring myself to keep you apart [Music] no that was his doing when he perished at Katana as we pulled that Twisted slab of dalamud from the sea I remembered the warmth of your newborn touch Ed I vowed never again to suffer any interference in my mission to protect you [Music] no matter that you yourselves wished otherwise test me fight me tooth and nail I would suffer it and more be satisfied so long as I could force you onto the ship [Music] wrong you too have grown so much stronger and so much wiser than I dare dream you have earned the right to walk your own path and already begun to do so there are things we care about and people we love and none of them is replaceable not a one [Music] it cannot have been an easy Journey come so far we shall be glad to acquaint you with the finer details someday once this danger has passed all that we have seen and heard that we have felt and learned in our travels ours is not a kind world but it is beautiful always oh no are you quite sure that's wise after all someone turns pale and flees the room when he sees so much as an envelope containing word of your adventures whatever will happen if he learns what you were really up to a Millions [Music] though I have wronged my children most Gravely I owe you an apology as well I assume that it was the Scion's influence that made them so Keen to charge headlong into Danger [Music] foreign particular [Music] I see now that said influence instead brought them together with the many fine people gathered here today [Music] in which case I hope you continue to guide them [Music] if we finish loitering about the harbor might I suggest we put our plans into motion people are beginning to look confused perhaps you can spare a few words as they resume the tedious lugging of cargo you have no small number of friends and admirers here after all [Music] right [Music] foreign [Music] is appreciated now in an orderly fashion if you please [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] lies all eyes your dreams your hopes your future delusions [Music] foreign [Music] my very essence begins to wait sweet sweet agony leave this to her come to deal the coup de gras good [Music] foreign struggle against the inevitable as bad comedy Erase Me from existence soul and awe [Music] how would you know that name [Music] that it was you an Elvis with them itself [Music] the final pieces fall into place [Music] in my house in days as the Mortal almond I was haunted by a dream night after night The Faceless multitude the voiceless cries shards of shattered Memories slowly the fog began to clear this was alpis and I I was Hermes recurring though it was I paid this dream little heed it was only when I was granted the seat and memories of fan Daniel that I knew these Visions to be true they were the memories of Hermes that he himself erased using the power of Kairos [Music] or so he thought in his attempt to burn away the events of that fateful day he succeeded only in searing them more deeply into his soul my soul [Music] death failed to expunge them no matter how many times it came rebirth after rebirth from one found Daniel to the next [Music] I wonder is Emmett selka drift somewhere in this ethereal sea in defeat finally remembering your time together in alpis how it must Gaul him to be entrusted with knowledge of the final days only to be rendered powerless to act upon it so many lifetimes dedicated to restoring his beloved amaran and Blissful ignorance oh folly [Music] but make no mistake my life as Hermes is not the reason I invited the world's end I have lived I have struggled I have dredged the very depths of despair and in the detritus of existence found the truth I served a great ruler powerful beyond measure the world has Dominion yet even he and his vast empire were destined to fall to become one with Oblivion at the end of life's journey lies only death [Music] so I ask you why live at all we betray we torment we murder we are wicked spiteful creatures without exception if life is so sacred so precious why fill it with such misery man wallows in a hell of his own making without purpose or meaning foreign by my own hand it matches not if it flies in the face of all believed or right and just death is the only solution that is my truth my answer to the question and yet [Music] even as the words pass my lips I am filled with doubt as my search reached its end [Music] was this the only way [Music] after all these years is this the answer I was hoping for [Music] the laminated still clinging to existence you you who championed death so unwilling to accept yourself refusing to be purified and swept into the sea of Souls we prisoners watching as the world's test though unlike Meek me you will be spares of having your corpse is that Aussie how very astute but let me be clear I have not come to consort with the likes of you nor have I come to bemoan the state of the world following my untimely demise in fact I Delight in Mankind's downfall and the anguish it brings the savior of the Savages if I played some small part in the chaos all the better not that I was in any position to resist [Music] but to be made accomplice to the Betrayal of Lord zenos I would die a thousand deaths to exact my vengeance [Music] now you are at my Mercy I shall drag us both into Oblivion and you will never see the Fulfillment of your magnum opus even should you be reborn your desperate search for answers must start again [Music] and what might that be [Laughter] my wish is all but granted to die and take you all with me [Music] don't try to follow me I had more of you people than I could stomach in life never mind in death likewise I pray we do not meet again [Music] you had better hope not [Music] come heidelin is waiting [Music] foreign [Music] Travelers I welcome you [Music] [Music] I see about its Journey under alpis foreign the rivers of time converge [Music] I know why you have come yet I would hear you speak your reasons all the same [Music] you created the moon to deliver Mankind from the final days foreign [Music] but is that really how it has to end we do not wish to abandon this world we want to protect the source and all of its shards to flee is but one of two parts [Music] the other leadeth to meteon far beyond the stars where she doth chant Creations requiem [Music] her domain is formed of dynamos pure absolute [Music] where emotion and memory govern all ether will Avail you naught [Music] Ian hath gathered the pain and despair of countless stars and to go unprepared is to go unto your doom we'll beat her will win swear it [Music] is what I might have said once after everything I've seen all the times I've succumbed to my own anger and fear I can no longer pretend that courage and faith will be enough but are we truly so powerless but our only choice is to flee [Music] far from it my child long ago the inhabitants of myriad Stars many more prosperous than atheros sought to free their worlds from life's woes sorrow and anger conflict and hostility despair and even death itself but as meteon reported every attempt ended in failure Darkness abideth within every living being and can never be cast out [Music] neither reason nor faith can challenge this immutable truth to live is to suffer and in suffering find strength and purpose and Hope [Music] as you have done so many times before thou Dost pursue an Impossible Dream yet knowing this you pursue it nevertheless and thou has learned to depend on others as they do thee [Music] thy yearning for the power to save the powerless have ever driven thee to Greater Heights thou Hast grown strong foreign closest to thee no longer walketh by thy side their love remaineth thy Guiding Light the duties say thou has been bound by truths un utterable time and time again [Music] will attest in thy pursuit of mystery is great all thou believest is brought into question undaunted thy thirst for knowledge remaineth unquenched fires of hatred that once burned in my heart no more from their ashes doth spring the light of love warm and pure as witness to Black Calamity thou despaired at man's helplessness resolved thou didst unite a distant World on the brink of collapse [Music] and thou my Champion when all did seemed lost thou never abandoned hope for every trial and every foe that did bar thy way thou has proven equal to the challenge drawing courage from the many bonds forged on my journey [Music] you have all known despair and though the end approaches heads Held High [Music] therein lieth your power the strength to silence the song of Oblivion foreign yes if you should prove yourselves Worthy [Music] Hawk [Music] [Music] nigh impossible is it to send Mortals to the edge of the universe should you fail there will be no second chance as the will of the star I ask of you this do you possess the fortitude to stand far when all around you does crumble you possess the faith to Vanquish despair itself should you lack the strength to best a supreme deity cannot allow you allow you to the journey you must leave this star and never return [Music] prepare yourselves prove ourselves Worthy sound straightforward enough I no room for confusion there in any case we've come too far to back down now [Music] I am of the same mind what power I have I shall bring to bear [Music] the three of you seem to be forgetting who we're up against is not every day we battle a Divine being of Untold power well not quite every day do try not to get underfoot needless to say there'll be no margin for error let's just hold nothing back for the people of this world and those beyond the rest [Music] alas the question I posed To Thee in elpis hath remained unanswered these long years I would hear thy response Warrior of light should thou emerge Victorious [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the last of my kind shall test thee come prove thy worth [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] no this can't be happening [Music] though my power is in constant flux I have always kept a reserve for this very moment it was a true test of your prowess you have done well [Music] there is one thing I must ask by sundering the world into 14 shards The Ether of all living beings too was divided this reduction would in theory allow us to more easily interact with dynamis having seen mankind brought to the very precipice of Extinction you wished for us to develop a means to overcome despair you believed we had the potential and sundered all creation to see it fulfilled to deliver us to that swirling Maelstrom of dynamus in which our foe hides and grant us the power to defeat her once and for all is this not true it is as thou sayest was the trial to which I subjected mankind and it hath led to Untold Bloodshed and suffering there was no kindness nor Justice in the tragedy I wrote when confronted with the almighty zodiac my only recourse was rent him and the world asunder that his power be diminished for a Time [Music] and so it came to pass now you my chosen have surpassed my expectations surpassed me I entrust the fate of the universe unto you this Crystal contains the memory of meteon's Passage through the Stars deliver it unto the loperates they will guide you to her [Music] [Music] though they may be capable of Crossing great distances there is a vast difference between traveling to the moon and the furthermost reaches of the great expanse and unlike meteon we cannot simply soar on waves of dynamis to our destination indeed to make such a journey would require an astronomical amount of ether [Music] but a solution lie of close at hand of course yes my child [Music] ever since I became the will of the star The Ether drawn here had slowly crystallized [Music] they who have answered my call know it well [Music] I have remained hidden in the embodiment of the planet's will in my place faceless omnipotent force of nature the mother Crystal our final hope [Music] alas I can do no more the Fulfillment of this task does fall to you my chosen now hate these words [Music] Darkness and Light Despair and Hope as goeth one so go with the other become light become home [Music] I have a gift for thee come closer long have I searched for a means to safeguard the future of this star no I knew failure after failure by recalling thy tales and my promise to thee I found the strength to carry on [Music] though the wild is ever-changing thy thirst for adventure had never weighed thine unshakable resolve never ceases to amaze to inspire [Music] as a mark of my gratitude I bestow this final gift thou Dost possess the crystal of Azam yes Now sing with me once more tomorrow as heidelin I reside over the forces of stasis Tranquility peace the laws which impart stability to existence itself [Music] I will weave this self-same power into the crystal granting the Mastery of a matter to give born to the formless we use it wisely for it will not last indefinitely as thou has seen on thy Journey Through the Ethereal sea souls are drawn to thee may have this trait will prove to be a boon rather than a hindrance [Music] it is thy hopes and prayers that enable azam's invocations and give them life so keep them close but pray remember this when the way forward is hidden even from the Mind's Eye look not to the invocation by them yourself these were the words of the Crystal's original Bearer happy birthday beautiful memories with that my work is finished fulfill our promise right the wrongs committed when the world was yet whole silence the song of Oblivion teach her a brighter Melody show her our journey is far from over [Music] of this I have no doubt for yours is a light brilliant beyond measure long after I have gone are not even my soul remaineth my love will be with you forever my dearest children [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] there you are sometimes indeed indeed yes yes for you you've at least at least believe me I'd meant to get some yet proper sleep but here we are drifting along instead well well well you too and so we remain mainly to watch and wonder yes yes indeed indeed indeed to begin again we first must see the end foreign [Music] foreign [Music] was finished [Music] Maya what a thoughtful surprise hmm whatever would we do without her indeed and she's right you know it hasn't been all doom and blue [Music] feels like a lifetime ago that Master Luis Suare gathered us together to form the circle of knowing since then we have experienced much but rather than feeling wiser the more I learn the more I find my knowledge lacking for shoes as a student vainly did I believe that I held the secrets of Creation in my grasp yet that which I had seized was but an insignificant sliver of what awaited in the wider world every encounter every experience hath served to open mine eyes enlightening and humbling me in equal measure even from Those whom I called enemies have I learned many of valuableness [Music] edge of the Universe I wonder [Music] ultimate Thor the bringer of the end makes her nest I for one can't possibly imagine [Music] foreign [Music] but whatever awaits us there we Will Survive we must for her [Music] is all the matter foreign well lately I find myself surprised at how much I've changed how much we've all changed [Music] come far together and if we have ought to say about it we'll go further still I we will avert This calamity and return home in preparation for which we must give thought to what we hope to achieve after the proverbial dust is settled what with the primals and Asians all but dealt with I suppose we'll need to look for new hobbies in all seriousness though in uniting to overcome a common foe the disparate peoples of the world have found a way forward together it's a truly gratifying sight to see indeed though it was many years in the making we have successfully set in motion the gears of fundamental change with this we have fulfilled our humble role as a symbol of Hope and I dare say it is time to bow out [Music] after all there is no shortage of hands to Bear the torch in our Stead [Music] you know I never really considered I might live long enough to see an after believing if my time as a Scion came to an end I don't expect that much will change [Music] traveling world going wherever the wind blows lending a hand to those in need a journey for Journey's sake it does suit me well I must confess I too have yearned to see more of the world if Thou Art amenable to the suggestion I would accompany thee my ability to affect an air of normalcy through Artful disguise is much improved I must concede ah well improvement is relative still look suspicious no matter what you wear [Music] what have you wished dollar any Grand plans why continue my quest for knowledge naturally to begin with I wish to know the state of the reflections to which end I must find a means to travel between worlds foreign [Music] to keep my promise [Music] should my Pursuits prove unduly arduous I won't hesitate to call on you and in return I will take you to Serene one day I'm sure you cannot wait to see the fine young woman she has become spare me and what of d what would thou pursue a duty Zen [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's yours my apologies for the wait well shall we make a toast [Music] to Victory to our comrades to the future of the star [Music] s foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] knowing them they're probably dreaming about the celestial Adventures to come foreign just as well they've been running themselves ragged late [Music] unlike you and the others I am a few steps removed from the danger and excitement the things you all get up to never fail to impress me but by the same token I can't help but worry [Music] not only for your safety but but for your happiness after everything you've sacrificed you earned it a thousand times over foreign [Applause] from The Simple Pleasures of tucking into a hearty meal or or collapsing into a comfortable bed to the Grand triumphs of visiting legendary lands or finding true love you deserve all the joy in the world there is so much that life has to offer so much to be treasured and shared with those we hold dear [Music] so promise me this come what may you won't give up on your own happiness when you're out there fighting tooth and nail it's all too easy to forget but in the end your passions will be your greatest strength of all remember that [Music] oh this feels familiar well it is good to be uh wait what are you what am I gods don't tell me I fell asleep not that there's any shame in it but you were sleeping like babies oh how embarrassing [Music] not a word to anyone understood not one word [Music] I'm told that sleeping in proper beds of your own choosing is a much more effective way to prepare for battle oh foreign [Music] I had a few books to return to the library thought I'd take care of it while I could and you [Music] oh what brings you here [Music] ah so you were worried that the levia household might again be gripped by turmoil [Music] all is well I assure you in my letters home I had made mention of astonian you see my mother wished to meet the legend in person and so we arranged to have a spot of tea together where were you in my hour of need fell beasts I can face but I'm not made for idle chit chat with Lords and Ladies well I for one thought you held your own mother was the picture of delight I might have been delighted myself were we in a Tavern with more agreeable drink the thought of fleeing crossed my mind but what then I'd never hear the end of it least of all from tataru I'm sorry it was not my intent to cause you such distress it's just it was one of the things I didn't want to leave undone here we set forth [Music] that's not to say I think we won't be returning [Music] yet given what lies ahead I did not wish to leave for later that which I could do today after all tomorrow is never promised it's fine not like I had better things to do besides seeing you with your mother brought back fond memories of my own be we rich or poor families family well it's past time we were on our way wait [Music] since I left home I've made a great many mistakes mistakes for which I can never make amends but through it all you didn't give up on me to have returned here with you at my side it means more to me than you know thank you from the bottom of my heart forgive me but it needed to be set I'm the one who owes you thanks [Music] I would not be alive today nor come to terms with nidhog's spirit I am ever grateful [Music] no I'm not and I'm proud of that [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] not even the battle you Pine for so dearly [Music] in that Transcendent moment what was it that I sought in you [Music] and [Music] what was it that you sought in me [Music] foreign how often have we thus assembled to combine our knowledge and seek solutions to the problems before us back at the waking Sands it was all we could do to address the most minor of troubles who could have realized what we'd find when we began to look to the sources of the Realms woes at the rising Stones we made great strides and shared many moments from the joyous to the sorrowful [Music] we've had occasion to call other places home too it ishgard or kogane we were fortunate to find Sanctuary wherein we might take stock and continue our fight [Music] I was honored to host this company in the crystarium to stand with you all as we confronted the truth of the star itself [Music] and now from this place we go to fight the most important Battle of all foreign The Forum has sent word the ark is ready [Music] the loperates naturally will be commanding The Vessel they will see the eight of you to ultimathul [Music] foreign [Music] as a final formality The Forum made me ascertain your resolve so are you certain you wish to do this we are then air you report to thou Museum I leave you with these words [Music] you must Triumph what that means will differ for each of you to make it back home or to Simply avert Doom or perhaps something else altogether yet whatever it is that drives you I have faith in its power to see you through so please Triumph [Music] Triumph as we who remain behind believe you will foreign [Music] wait [Music] both kriel and I will be there to see you off but as your receptionist I feel I need to say this here [Music] safe journey all of you and all be safe [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all present and accounted for good as you will have heard the ark is ready All That Remains is to board and be on your way [Music] seeing my fair share of tight schedules but this was bloody murder but we did it we finished the ship [Music] safe fit for purpose and looks good to boot I it's a Garland through and through I really don't know what we'd do without you thank you for everything [Music] well the work was hard but we've learned a lot from it after all this not every day you get tasked with building a staff airing vessel [Music] in case you're wondering about pavement the ongoing existence of the world ought to do but feel free to throw in a colorful recounting of your journey on your return foreign [Music] wasn't everyone just calling it Father's teeny tiny toy vote [Music] well seeing as its purpose has changed I thought a more eloquent name was in order I suggested as much to forsino who seemed quite amenable to the idea [Music] as you know this vessel is the culmination of heretofore unprecedented collaboration and though said collaboration is owed to the Scions there is another whose Noble Deeds made our work possible [Music] from a fragment of dalamud we obtained not only Advanced Materials such as refined Adamantite but the knowledge to Traverse the Stars and this fragment would not have found its way to us had the archon Lewis while not fought to protect this world and in so doing laid down his life now that the vessel stands complete I cannot help but wonder if it was more than mere happenstance if it was my father's intention to guide us here [Music] in the hopes that his guidance will see you all safely home I name the vessel after that self-same fragment of dalamud he delivered unto us [Music] the Starship Ragnarok [Music] sorry for the wait I got everyone you asked for and not a one less [Music] thank you what are you all doing here oh I invited them the representatives of those tribes with religious inclinations [Music] you've done a fine job of readying the Ragnarok but for it to take flight we'll of course need the power of the mother Crystal given its immense size however transporting it would be an absolutely logistical nightmare not to mention we'd need to shatter it into tiny shards for feeding to the engines but a brilliant idea came to me we convert the crystal energy into forms that can transport themselves [Music] that would deploy summoning or should I say it's precursor creation magics care to explain for our benefit as you may have witnessed at bestway's Borough the loperates are capable of creation Magics which they use to shape the moon's environment yet simple though they make it seem it is a highly Advanced and exacting art to perform it correctly require it that the wielder holdeth the object in his Mind's Eye in clearest detail hence the ancient meticulous management of Concepts drawing upon this art the aseans conceived of summoning as we know it a derivative that replaceth the complexity of concepts with the Simplicity of zealotry to make manifest a creation [Music] I see by combining the Lopper its Magics and the tribe's faith we convert the mother Crystal into primals of pure reform and greater obedience summoning as it was intended one might say [Music] [Applause] [Music] ability to use creation Magics she forbade us from using it to make anything possessed of a soul or similar she didn't say anything about fulfilling the desires of others though sparring our friend's face we'll create deities using the mother Crystal's power and send them to their Ragnarok am I the only one here concerned about the risk of being turned into a tempered minion read in Charlie and tones it appearance Incorporated an additional nasty element into their summoning method the father desire to assimilate others into one's belief beings thus created are instilled with the self-same desire and use their powers to enthrall people starting with the Summoner in contrast our creation Magics the original and the best except no substitutes don't incorporate any of that rubbish so there's no risk of tempering I mean if the being was on the scale of zodiac you might feel a little tug and will be safe enough truth be told I do not understand the intricacies of this plan but none of us would ever turn our backs on you when the avatars of our faith ran amok you intervened without decrying we who birthed them [Music] where others vilified and suppressed us you offered understanding and friendship in gratitude we will share with you the true expressions of our Gods Not malevolent deities but benevolent saviors foreign to the Ethereal sea stay inside else you're liable to get lost lead the way [Music] [Music] may we have a moment in anticipation of the day man might Journey to the Stars we developed these [Music] portable teleportation devices one for each of you designed to work in tandem press the button on one and in a matter of moments all eight will activate and send their owners back to the Ragnarok there is no telling what hazards you may encounter if you find yourself separated or lost please do not hesitate to use them be safe all of you and come back [Music] you as well I pray you take care [Music] of my fellows will remain to assist with the summonings but rest assured The Vessel won't want for competent Brewing [Music] if you were ready then you should board as well go Godspeed [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] I hope you have everything because I can't be bothered turning back then make yourselves comfortable we're setting off in just a moment [Music] it's incredible [Music] this is fortuno can you hear me the preparations for the summonings are complete [Music] in accordance with the 14th phase of the plan we have moved the Ragnarok to the launch site the gates are open you made it part when ready [Music] as ready as we'll ever be let's get going [Music] Billy and again [Music] me but I no need to be coy brother do it and do it well if you all insist hmm onward unto the distant stars and Beyond Ragnarok engage [Music] [Applause] engage engage [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ah that I must carry land Walkers into the sky I cannot imagine a greater indignity do not talk so but I Mighty winds exist not only to buff it and batter yay they may serve also to thrust forth with Vigor such is thy glory and thus it is an occasion to rejoice so come let us Revel [Music] [Music] ah so long as the wind blows freely I suppose all is as it should be in creation [Music] I will Render unto them a storm that they may pierce the firmament and fly free [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] one piece good sleeping way report [Music] all's well fantastic even [Music] thanks to the power of those primals the engines are roaring and we're ripping along oh values are also within protected ranges time to destination is eight carrots and perhaps seven at a pinch foreign our destination as you know is Ultimate food lest you wonder the place is not a star so much as a patch of emptiness that's the extent of what our equipment could determine anyway from what we know of meteon she's likely used dynamis to obstacate her location so in conclusion we'll only know what's there when we get there he took it the ship's ready to take off at a moment's notice we'll support the search as best we can but it'll be your pores on the ground assuming there is any but everything will be fine I'm sure heidelin believes in you so you ought to believe in yourselves just don't do anything I wouldn't like waiting too long to use those portable teleporters of yours personally at the slightest sign of trouble I'd Rush the button to bits and you should as well understood we promise to be careful I suggest you brace yourselves we're about to arrive and the vessel will shake a good bit foreign what is this interfering with the equipment greetings foreign can you hear me so this is meteon oh have you met one of my sisters I don't remember meeting you myself but I do know that you're from a theorist why have you come all you had to do was wait I would have delivered to you your ends we didn't ask for that I don't understand all life is destined to end why choose to prolong your suffering effort ambition love they amount to naught happiness should you find it is inevitably lost stolen away by events beyond your control there is no logic nor meaning in it you think there is convince yourselves but it's all a cruel accident come now I speak the truth a truth you would recognize if you looked up at the night sky unbroken emptiness cold dark and silent your world like every other is but a blemish upon its perfect fabric life is an anomaly it is unnatural and cannot continue the sooner you accept this the easier it will be just to be clear we're not here to argue with you we know that life is fleeting and that in the short time we have it we're not assured happiness indeed I've seen far more sorrow in the eyes of many I've met I myself have plenty of regrets and one day they'll die with me gone to dust with my good deeds and unfulfilled dreams but we accept this that our existence may seem pointless that sorrow rage and despair will always dog our heels and we press on regardless that is why heidelin guided us here in her boundless love for mankind she has prepared us for this trial and in her name we have come for you yes I sense it a burning passion like unto Fury I know it well for the same passion once burned in many a star before yours suffocated and extinguish now I I can't breathe you approach the bounds of my ultimators where emotions dictate to reality where resignation and acceptance United to embrace the end where those who yet valiantly cling to life can't thrive [Music] by the fury tank red meteon has gone as well mayhapi awakened first and gave Chase uh everyone it appeals we are at our destination this this is Ultimate food not that we know what to expect but I wasn't expecting this from atmospheric composition to ambient temperatures all readings are within permissible range this place is capable of supporting life if that's the case then bankrupt May well have gone on ahead let's go and have a look foreign section of the ship as well as a biological scan [Music] so it was that the brave Wayfarers arrived at last at dream's end in following their path walked and history written I am made keenly aware of one truth though the curtains may fall again again so long as others take the stage ever shall there be more Tales to tell so let them bring it to a close I say let the curtains fall upon this the final chapter in the tale of the star [Music] is this a dead star as I live and breathe I live and breathe well the environment itself shouldn't kill us well then let us search for thankred while exploring the area the ship we leave in your care [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] dragons here what you see is a memory of a world that once was a world suffering a slow death whose denizens cried out for the release of Oblivion [Music] what their world is dead it is not a single life remains upon that husk floating in the vast emptiness [Music] these creatures are shadow in shade perpetuated only to suffuse dynamis with their unending Lamentations [Music] our friend sankrit where is he [Music] a strange question he is at your side is he not oh yes he is here and there and everywhere within this space he would tell you himself if he had formed to form words huh such loathing and uncertainty you don't know why you still exist in like manner to the Oblivion I send I tried to drown out your ether with dynamis beginning with this banquet who came at me despite being unable to breathe such a simple thing unmaking men in the blinking of an eye he was gone didn't even have the chance to be transformed yet somehow he managed to leave a Slither of himself behind what you call the heart or perhaps the soul in his final moment he cried out from it a single word survive that wish proved stronger than the despair that ruled here it overpowered it causing this space to be remade into a place you can perceive than where life can endure that you draw breath is proof that his soul lives on for how long however remains to be seen well then we should hurry and tend to business it's futile you will never reach the true me I told you emotions dictate reality in this space such changes as you might work will not alter its nature you may see but you cannot touch walk but not advance meteon holds too much sway here how do we contend with a foe who can unmake us on a whim [Music] I do not know but Tankard gave his life that we might come this far we must Press On [Music] agreed we cannot turn tail here not without something to show for our comrade sacrifice [Music] he remaineth as he was when I first approached and tuned in melancholy I see perhaps I could I'll handle this [Music] so waiting to die like all the others are you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] more Stone no sorry oh this Christmas [Music] [Music] so you say yet your kind has found a new beginning on our star one of you braved the expanse bearing with him a clutch of eggs they and their children now rule our skies their song Heard by all [Music] foreign they suffered much and repaid their suffering in kind [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this song [Music] had your brethren made the self-same choice my family might still be alive yet lasting peace does not come to those who simply Retreat from conflict no you must be willing to confront it to stare into the face of your Foe and see yourself in him only then can you break the cycle of torment and tragedy this lesson dear friend taught me at the risk of his life there is no nobility in your penance you wallow in self-pity after everything we've endured we will not let you stop us stay back sure [Music] I see it's the emotion of the bars our way the rest is up to you no not astonian too there's a wind he's opened the way for us sacrificed himself to remake this place like fancred did oh Alpha now come let us follow the wind it will not lead us astray he would not foreign [Music] tell us about this truth you discovered very well bear in mind however that the purpose of this conversation is not to impact scholarly knowledge for such requires that you comprehend the subject matter which you will not we will forgo the intricacies of our scientific methodology and deal only with the conclusion the end of our society and our world [Music] as such in order to avoid causing energy distress we will refrain from explicitly stating how much time you have remaining you are entirely too kind I pray you recount your tail as you see fit [Music] [Music] in the beginning the universe was not a tiny particle them suddenly this particle began to expand having remained entirely in the bounds of your star the phenomenon may be difficult for your kind to grasp but this expansion has since continued animated speculating that the Universe could not grow indefinitely we sought to learn what might occur and made a worrying discovery the Stars will continue to spread apart as we left finite thermal Energies eventually all Heritage bodies will grow cold and freeze learning Stars will be born and the universe will enter into an eternal Ice Age [Music] and notes of proving that this determination was erroneous we scrutinized our research from all angles even as we thought to avert the Everlasting winter the end ever proved fruitless so infamously so in fact that it became synonymous with vain effort the universe as we know it would end and there is no way to prevent it beneath the weight of this knowledge our society segmented when we had time still it was a cold comfort why strive for everything my destination is assured when our worlds of Reason accumulated since the morning of our kind would be forever lost mercifulization would rise from our ashes and silence unbroken note would stop intellect was once our pride overnight it became our shame your Works monuments to futility immortality your greatest invention became a source of suffering rather than suffer on many choose to unmake themselves by means of etheric like sanguinators [Music] hatched upon these stones are the Testaments of such Souls though many left no words at all thinking it a pointless gesture once we have attained vessels and flesh likewise intense to vanish [Music] if you understand this understand what of our tail you will abandon your quest for knowledge bitterest tree is this if you would cling to your illusory happiness remain primitive and pure it is the only way [Music] ah so that's your story well I appreciate your advice I will not heed it convinced though you may be of this truth it is yours and not mine indeed truth I have ever believed is in the eye of the beholder are you suggesting that we have reached a faulty conclusion but our science failed us [Music] hardly as you yourself said the subject matter is beyond my comprehension and that I accept is true I do not possess the knowledge to prove or disprove your conclusion in my mortal years I doubt I could even approach the wisdom of the air foreign thing am I absolutely certain I would not be happier in ignorance you're stolen no you mustn't the most important lesson I've learned is that learning isn't simply passing one's eyes over words because when understood for oneself that knowledge attains its true value this is what has sustained me driven me onward in joy and wonder in anger and sorrow [Music] the universe may end and all may be for naught live as I always have I will always seek out new knowledge and no conclusion of yours no matter how Grim can dampen my desire thank you I suppose it is only to be expected their feeble Minds cannot fathom the terrifying gravity of it all but worry not we consider it our guilty to Enlighten you and we will not stop until you cross the full extent of all despair foreign keep calm and listen well though my body will soon dissipate there may be a way to restore it Adam's Magic so long as our souls remain you can use it to summon us back but you mustn't for it would mean losing our way forward this I only reveal so that you can promise not to invoke the magic we came here knowing what Victory May cost so Press On press on and do not look back I shall join thee as subterfuge is not required Thou shalt not suffer for mine absence my resolve hath never been as strong as thy full oft have I wavered in my decisions and afterwards been stricken with regret in spite of this I may still stand with my comrades supporting them as they attempt the greatest of Feasts this truth I have learned in the course of our journey and many though my shortcomings may be I may also claim to excel in prophecies my studies into which have granted me the flexibility of Mind needed to bend this malleable reality thus shall I hope that thou mayest have the strength to resist and our comrades the strength to continue thank you with you to urge us on how could we possibly fail [Music] what's this an extinguished civilization rekindled [Music] that's right our Quest doesn't end here we'll press on and we will find you there that's where you'll find me is that another star of the Stars we visited most were already devoid of life and where there was life still the inhabitants wished for death but even death we learned isn't truly the end it is but a part of the cycle of rebirth Souls return to the star or in its absence a larger flow and eventually they are reborn alive again to no suffering than you [Music] true salvation lies not in dying it lies in not being born this is the gift I would give to you to all life on beautiful affairs to that end we created an egg wherein life cannot Quicken that dead son attain it if you can before your friend's emotions fade away along with their protection foreign [Music] I'm out of ideas as am I operating such consoles is trying enough but if we can't even activate it [Music] perhaps there is a way foreign first consider the world that has been recreated here its inhabitants were machines who gathered combat data to enhance themselves and among the many wars they waged the most notable was that against the dragons [Music] as you've down to surmised I believe this was the Homeworld of Omega according to the records I read in the future it possessed a single weakness lightning [Music] that's all well and good but what does that wait you're not thinking to strike the console with lightning are you as a matter of fact I am ask yourselves this why would an entity is poisoned as a mega not be designed to suppress the effects of lightning [Music] because it relies upon it or something akin to it as a source of energy [Music] my thoughts exactly and there is a good chance the same is true of the omicrons and their devices so shall I cast caution to the wind and try something Reckless and dramatic [Music] very well here I go [Music] it it worked [Music] strategic Matrix a surprise new Communications I'm found or do you expect they can't sit uation Closing Connection wait we have questions for you of late no Mission orders have been issued why not has there been some manner of trouble [Music] foreign [Music] ers awaiting Queen [Music] can you tell us why the extended operations unit hasn't yet determined the guidelines [Music] or access restricted in that case is it possible for us to communicate directly with the unit [Music] anything you can tell us have there been any abnormalities like a threat to the star or widespread unrest reply negative all citizens continue to operate at maximum efficiency with your operations are sub-optimal peace proceeds to Arrangements facility for evaluation otherwise standby until designated first of nine [Music] transmission connection [Music] I could activate it again but I doubt it would be productive what do you think [Music] if all the omicrons really were running as efficiently as it claimed then I doubt they were hoping for life here to end as this sir told us there just haven't been any new instructions and everyone is standing by should be standing by at any rate if there are those that are neglecting their duties perhaps we can glean a clue from them I propose we take another look around and also try to find the operations unit [Music] [Music] thumbs up wow my child is function to study had been abandoned plants I took it [Music] may we ask why you did this from What We Gather it seems to be a personal matter [Music] races [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] civilizations that made a stronger standard for Mass Saturday [Music] we began our contest of the stars but we might require the resources [Music] thank you [Music] but that's something we're unexpected I think I'm experiencing I can no longer Define [Music] you were malfunctioning [Music] now issues assistant it was done that I speculated [Music] [Music] to become stronger was it essential to our existence objective but if nothing lies behind this can it be truly sad that it was essential destruction it finds no threat to justify your purpose [Music] it is not our place to pass judgment on the Deeds of the omicrons but surely this does not have to spell the end of your people with your power and knowledge the possibilities are endless why not seek out a new purpose to find us nothing remains have told me last forever I have no aspirations no longer can I dream the fight is back is enough commands oh I believe I know how to overcome this despair the words are ready in my mind but air I speak them [Music] I want you to make me a promise be it across time or space our promises have always connected us and so I ask that you indulge me once more that this won't be the end is that so in that case I won't hold back [Music] first I want to visit ishgard with you properly we scarcely had time to look around last time I should like it very much if you could show me the sights next you must Regale me with your greatest adventures in the places where you live them if possible I may have read about Royal Deeds but there is no substitute for a first-hand account and last but not least a new adventure together unlike any we've experienced before will travel the lands cross the Seas and take to the skies upon the Eternal wind and it will be marvelous it will [Music] [Music] if you would humor me a moment when we awaken each morning how can we prove that we're the same individual who retired the night before through the remembrance of past events we might say we have our memories yet there are times when we forget or recall incorrectly [Music] what of our bodies then it is the same one we might say yet technically speaking as living beings our bodies are constantly changing it will never be as it was at an earlier point in time our souls are no more immutable on our star people are known to inherit the souls of others yet they are decidedly different beings for my part I've subjected my totality to much and more I've made my body into an extension of a tower Blended my soul and memories with those of another self and each time I would ask myself what is it that makes me me foreign [Music] but that doesn't mean I'm confused it simply means I'm the same as everyone else [Music] so I posit this who we were need not prescribe what we now hold in our hearts foreign [Music] what matters most is the present for me that is being here with my friends full proud of how much we've grown together [Music] so I urge you to not give up heed your heart's desire and hope that the future you long for shall be realized [Music] bye [Music] we cannot understand [Music] s we are not unlike you and I I too have struggled to find the courage to express and embrace my wants if you like I will tell you A Tale of a world on the brink of a people who never gave up on the future [Music] of a man who realized his grandest dreams and then awakened to a grander reality [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] just once just once stay with us to the end [Music] did you find anything no this place is completely deserted and I can't see how we're supposed to move on from here neither can I it's quite the quandary there are no denizens to Bar our path yet there is no way forward for another mystery we did find signs of very recent life swear everyone just vanished Into Thin Air [Music] I wonder how many ruined worlds like this has metium scene oh could it be yes yes I believe I may have puzzled this out despite how it appears it's no different this time there is someone here who has wished for this ruin and I believe that together Alize and I can overcome their will foreign [Music] it has to be done for our comrades for everyone on atheros and for myself [Music] I will not pretend otherwise I have my fears not for myself but for you the last to remain [Music] you are no stranger to carrying the burden of others but I can only imagine how heavy the weight would be this time [Music] or friend I cannot bear the thought of making you suffer so just such a such too much to ask of anyone even her why must she be the one why must she fight alone more than a hero he's a dear friend [Music] not only to us but to so many others there are so many people in the world who care for you and yet and yet [Music] Alize I have an idea given the nature of this realm it may be possible to do more than unbar our friend's path we might also pave her a new one [Music] for instance [Music] path where she finds happiness at Journey's End [Music] this much I think we can believe with the utmost conviction no matter how deep our despair [Music] so please believe in us too and press on [Music] thank you what are you if the plans decided then let's not dally [Music] ah there you are it was as I said was it not it was we couldn't find anyone but this place isn't entirely deserted is it you are here you sought out a star of promise and found a ruined husk like us you explored the devastation like us you were stricken horrified by the thought that so many lives could be snuffed out as if they were worth nothing and the thought that you would have to bear the terrible Tidings to Hermes [Music] that which you saw and felt you shared with your sisters as did they share their own Grim findings with you the come by the pervasive despair of these Stars some of you inadvertently ushered their peoples to their ends knowing the horrors you know anyone would feel the same they would fear what lies ahead and struggle to move forward [Music] I had forgotten that such a thing existed so focused have I been on shepherding despair if you can remember then you can still face and overcome your own fear [Music] why would I bother with such an insignificant emotion if the despair I command is as a raging River then fear is buttered trickling stream it can do nothing to alter my flow you spoke with the air yes heard their tale of what awaits the universe it's true the Stars grow colder and more distant eventually all will enjoy Frozen solitude using the power of dynamis I'm hastening that process in so doing nothing will be born ever again everyone will remain dead alas it will take time for that to happen so in Mercy I sent you my gift to spare you needless suffering don't worry even if no living Witnesses remain to Mark the event I'll make certain that Affairs has a proper end for all the power you wield you're more fearful than the familiar you used to be that meteon feared simply to move forward but your fear is such that you've given up on everything I know it well that sense of defeat I've tasted my fair share of it but as many times as we've fallen down we've learned how to pick ourselves up and carry on we take each other's hand share in each other's courage follow in each other's footsteps and turn sorrow into strength [Music] there are times when we fail we bear wounds that do not heal but these experiences are part of life and they make us stronger We rise fall and Rise Again [Music] don't worry about us you must take the next step and all the rest after that [Music] foreign please oh please let them all be safe cryo oh you all right it's nothing just a headache oh they'll be fine I know they will apologies for the interruption a man arrived on the last Ferry an associate of the Scions he wishes to speak with you at once [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] there is no way to reach our nest I told you resignation and acceptance reign in this place the rejection of Life by those who came to curse it those whose dreams were unfulfilled whose prayers were unheard whose labors were unrewarded hope cannot deliver you unto hopelessness our refuge is beyond you always has it been such is the nature of this place you should have remained on a fair risk struggle will a value not nor will it Grant your comrades peace come let me relieve you of your burden you've suffered enough 's magic magic so long as our souls remain you can use it to summon us back but you mustn't how do we make peace that's why it's too soon for this to end drown and all of you and come back after all these years is this the answer I was hoping for safe and I am glad so long as we remember our faiths remain ours to shape perhaps when our time comes to return to the start we shall remember these few days we have lost [Music] do not the Legacy I Leave You thank you [Music] I bit them remember but all this time I'm the one who had forgotten a right fool you've made of me Hermes and to add insult to injury I've been denied a sound rest forced to watch this glamorous show oh come now it's been a gripping Tale unbreakable bonds and Noble sacrifice sprinkled with moments of levity to counterbalance the pathos it's got it all [Music] I for one would have been perfectly content to watch enraptured from the storms but I won't say no to a bit part [Music] what are you half faded Souls of the Dead isn't it painfully obvious a worry not we haven't the power to defeat you nor is it our duty to do so not anymore [Music] that being said we do have a score to settle [Music] so here I am vanar I suppose you needed me to tie it all together these frayed threads of our history but knowing you I suspect there's a joke in it too oh yes I can imagine you gloating over my forgetfulness [Music] were I feeling charitable I might assume you had left room for the possibility of this outcome even so you'll get no applause from me a single gesture will not lighten the burden I've had to bear [Music] foreign [Music] s would not have brought mankind this far and so as a show of respect to the Last of Us I make this declaration [Music] you will not end our journey that is our answer the answer of all lives of a theorists past and present [Music] as you've called us to the stage so shall we perform creation Magics never fail to please drawing upon the hopes of your comrades we will make for you A New Path foreign said path takes depends on you so Focus and envision that which rejects the claim that you cannot attain your goal [Music] ours is the wisdom to weave the fabric of reality ours is the power to create though I gave you these Wings to soar the heavens I did not teach you how to walk the earth [Music] so loath was I to bind another living being in the course of your long journey you will learn from those you meet learn to walk and run and so much more a flower [Music] yes upon your return I will gift you a beautiful flower [Music] these alpis blooms serve as proof that this realm is not utterly devoid of Hope no more can you deny its power no more is yours the Dominion of despair [Music] in case the Practical implications were lost on you your comrades no longer need fight their fight so go on call them back to your side [Music] may you ever walk in the light [Music] uh how disappointing but even a single Scar in The Making to brag about [Music] you'll find a way regardless honestly this is far more than any of us could have hoped for let us be thankful indeed that we thus stand reunited is a gift let us not squander it and see that we all return to witherus I as soon as we've averted the final days [Music] you again our heroic sacrifice paid off I take it [Music] come my friends Let Us carry on and finish it together [Music] foreign hear me the voice is within crying in pain wailing in sorrow hurting hurting end it silence it silence our son of Oblivion [Music] thank you foreign [Music] they can proceed [Music] so it seems [Music] foreign of course The Encore is finished and I will not suffer myself to Live Again by heideline's Magic but more than that the future you seek is not the past we loved that is why we fought and why I lost but though you defeated me my ideals are in Violet invincible [Music] spare me your pity I have no use for it if you would do something for me Save Our Star see this tale to a triumphant conclusion and with Elation in your hearts bit the final curtain fall only then may it rise again and a new tale begin with new parts for all to play [Music] ha foreign have you been to the ruins beneath the Waters of the bounty while the Treasure Islands beyond the Frozen Waters of blind Frost in offered North the fabled golden cities of the new world the sacred sites of the Forgotten people of the south sea Isles what about maricidia the southern continent do you know ought of its present State of Affairs I thought not even of your little eoresia you know precious little the true identities of The Twelve for instance all of which is to say expand your horizons go forth and seek discovery some of the civilizations in the reflections will surprise you [Music] as the bearer of azam's crystal you may consider your duty to see at least that much I certainly did [Music] I pray we meet again if not in this life then perhaps another [Music] whensoever it should be I trust it will be a most joyous reunion for you maybe I want nothing to do with it oh don't be that way [Music] thank you so you are finally here in this place between death and rebirth where life knows no Dawn come then follow me down into the darkest depths of despair [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign your determination defies all reason the souls Within Me writhen recoil in your presence what must I do what pain must I visit upon you to make you surrender to despair no one is unbreakable what pains one Mayweather may bring another to tears but therein lies our strength for when we fall our brothers and sisters are there to raise us up again and again without end I see thank you [Music] seven Hells [Music] on your car the rain it rises Rises [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] we die in pain we die in suffering how are you to live who are you tell hold on my friends watch out ah Alpha no we cannot convert we have no we cannot know don't please don't do this to them to yourself just one good strike what stop please stop we will not suffer unknown no you don't foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] unless you need to call upon the Dead defiant to the last but you will be one with our sailor you will be battered and torn and made curse your life as a famous as we did as we died such pain and sorrow we felt ourselves such anguish and rage we tried we cried but it was no use only when we surrendered did we find release only when we Embrace death so join us in despair and embrace yours my automation what is happening [Music] at the end of everything I find you my friend I saw something in you once as you did indeed [Music] when At Last I understood what it was I journeyed to Charlie and to seek you out start the bargain the woman who shares your gift [Music] in exchange for letting the Silence by Aid I was given the means to come hither [Music] I reclaimed the form of the Dragon and hungry still for our union now I wrote the light of Our Stars to you I take it this is your prey [Music] but why does it still live surely it is no match for you I assumed you would be above something Southern am I mistaken I can't know it what I desire of you isn't sucker it is satisfaction so come let us dispensive this distraction you and I foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign no matter where we flew there was only darkness and loneliness and pain we couldn't find the answers Hermes yearned for the answers he deserved greetings you who are my final encounter I wish to hear your words share your feelings know your thoughts may we please be friends yes I can see them the memories of a long long journey so many people the thoughts of them overflowing in your heart [Music] what they live for what gives their lives meaning there was never a single answer you gather pieces of happiness precious and fragile only to lose them [Music] then start again oh nano and it goes until death takes you into its gentle embrace [Music] that which Hermes sent us to find was there all this time on a ferris [Music] like a field of flowers perhaps at first a single blossom it spreads and takes on more colors thank you for guiding me here to find these words that Journey's End fills me with joy [Music] and so before I fall forever silent there is one thing I must do no expression of regret will undo what my sisters and I have done will restore what we have stolen but if you would allow it I would sing One Last Song of the Newfound joy that swells in my heart of the beauty of light when it shines across a dark and starless sea [Music] of a dream that from the soil of Worlds now lost to sorrow [Music] life will Spring forth once more nourished by gentle rains and caressed by uplifting winds a song of Hope foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] baby boy [Music] [Applause] one day life fulfill the universe again and Hermes will see this and smile how I do not know but I do know that where there is a will there is a way [Music] after all miracles happen every day do they not [Music] I will create a path back to your ship where your dear friends await hold in your heart your desire to return to them and follow my lead and walk forth that hope will surely guide you through [Music] foreign [Music] you mean to return to the world where you are hailed as a hero foreign not as a hero but as simply you as I learned in alamigo you are a formidable foe stronger than any I have faced against you I need bring my all to bear I need burn through the candle of my life this is the sole pleasure I know and it is the soul pleasure I have to share and so I come before you to issue challenge and offer singular Bliss if you wish to walk away I will not stop you you value life you do not burn your safer reasons you deem Worthy reasons such as those which brought you here the salvation of a world and its people the motives of a Hero true but there is more to you than that you know this to be true as surely as you know the thrill of pushing your body and soul to their limits of confronting ever mightier foes dancing ever closer to the precipice wondering if this will be the one to finally finally fill the void such Pleasures you seek for their own sake and no other reason is this not so adventurer acceptance at long last the conflagration of our Clash was scorched even the Stars [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] besieged by the banality of the world as a mire of tedium and trivialities but in these fleeting moments there is a spark blinding brilliant gone too soon what have you my mirror born into this world bestowed name beard to seek out strife and adventure [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] did you find foreign [Music] [Music] hi [Music] foreign [Music] foreign must tend to open your please someone and please you can't leave us not like this if you do I'll never forgive you so come on open your eyes and get up [Music] foreign [Music] thank the heavens for a moment we thought after what you've done you're the last person to be asking that you how can you keep your promise if you're not here another fine show you've put on my friend a fine show indeed what were you thinking fighting alone never do that again my poor heart couldn't bear it put yourself in our place if you hadn't returned how do you think we would feel and if that sounds harsh it's because we care we tended to thy wounds as best we could but how is the pain [Music] that is gladdening Grievous as thine injuries were however I would counsel Repose for a Time gladdening [Music] there's nothing gladdening about this when meteon appeared in here and told us that you were right behind her we all got our hopes up but you never came and when you finally deign to appear you're within an Elm of your life damn you damn you for making us worry oh those were cries of Celebration anyway well the important thing is that you're all alive and in reasonably good health and we mean to get you back that way as for your earlier request I'm quite certain we're in range to make contacts now ah excellent let us announce our return at once hope you're ready while you were unconscious we set out from Ultima thought you see can you stand if so you may wish to see what's outside [Music] [Music] [Music] we're home my friend we're home [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] they're back [Music] thank heavens truly welcome home [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] welcome home everyone [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you welcome home [Music] [Music] dearest mother dearest father this letter will be the very last that I write to you from the rising stones [Music] as I commit these words to parchment I fondly recall my journey as a Scion from the time I first walked into the order's former Halls to the time I set forth to forestall the final days [Music] at the farthest reaches of the Sea of stars we fought the Battle of Our Lives [Music] fought against despair itself a veritable Maelstrom of it fed by the resignation that dwelled in the hearts of beings not so unlike ourselves have I harbored the same malaise have I been brought to my knees crushed by the weight of sorrow and defeat convinced that I will never rise again [Music] however [Music] I have also known many moments of unbridled joy and happiness by this truth do I find hope within blooming resplendent like the elpis flower and thus do I Endure do I look forward to creating more memories with my friends and loved ones foreign yet more hope shall spring forth and they will grow to become shining lights that illuminate the dark [Music] thus believing I leave the rising Stones behind as will my comrades [Music] 4. as we have decided after careful deliberation we are disbanding the Scions of the Seventh Dawn for no everyone is already gathered in the foyer my apologies I'll be right there at least that is what the story will be [Music] foreign [Music] to keep you all waiting what could you possibly have left to do now oh just a letter I imagine it will be a while before we can gather like this again [Music] so it must be if we're to keep up appearances from now on it falls to the grand company of aortia and its allies to deal with the Realms crises meanwhile we shall return to our earthquile ways eating from plain sight to take our place in the shadows once more [Music] indeed for the foreseeable future I expect that we must work independently as we seek out problems that want for solving but a day will come when we Face another great Challenge and we will face it together as we always have [Music] forward to that day I do hope it doesn't come anytime soon [Music] well formal Association or no if any of you should require my services you need but ask I'll be glad to keep my Lance arm honed I'll hold you to that so you had better keep your link Pearl on hand so you really mean to stay tataru oh someone has to keep the rising stones in proper order and even a super secret organization requires a super secret base of operations to the rest of the world it will be naught more than a workshop for aorzia's foremost up and coming artisan if you thought our coffers were full to bursting before just wait till I can devote myself wholly to the crafts [Music] plotting to build a Mercantile Empire to rival that of Lord laurito are we I for one look forward to your future successes to taru as do I our next meeting [Music] and with that I believe it is past time you all made ready to depart no preparations undone or words unsaid all right now off with you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] though we ought to speak with Lord emmerich first if he's received word of any recent developments we need to know it would be prudent to purchase some warmer clothes at least mayhap we can pick up a few souvenirs for Euless and the others while we're at it where will you all be heading next gervania there is a book I have been meaning to borrow from the great Google library and I can think of at least one person who will be most displeased should I fail to visit before leaving we've no particular destination in mind but we do intend to stop in Charlotte before we set off we had sought to ask after the loperates I am curious as to how well those who chose to remain are adapting to their changed circumstances [Music] might we accompany you then Raha and I were planning to return to the baldessian annex [Music] commissions have been piling up in our absence and they must be dealt with Here We Begin our work in earnest [Music] Estonian will return to rods at Han will you not hi favorite's benefit though I've yet to hear the details I may not stay long I see then it is here the Scions at last part wait there's some far-flung corner of the realm [Music] perhaps but I believe one of our number a rather important one at that has yet to divulge her plans foreign indeed Fair Point so what's next for our humble adventurer foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] an ocean of Souls shimmering and eternal and yet something stirs [Music] yes steeped in darkness deep a starless night the Beast hungers alas I dare not investigate in Earnest before the coming of my guiding star as she foretold we shall descend to the debts you and I to confront the dread Beast pandemonium ah the sights we shall see the sights we shall see [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Bwana
Views: 6,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, final fantasy xiv, cutscenes, audio, voiced, no reading, all cutscenes, ffxiv msq, bwana,, bwanatv, bwanamccall, iobuffa, expansion, shadowbringers
Id: aXvoMNUoML4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 948min 44sec (56924 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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