Final Fantasy Tactics Best Characters and Jobs

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hey guys j7 Jace here bringing you a video on the best characters and classes in Final Fantasy Tactics even though a lot of characters and job classes are viable in a variety of situations there are some that are Just A Cut Above everyone else let me know if I missed out any in the comments I'm curious here we go starting off strong we are going with the notoriously powerful sword Saint or holy swordsman sedolphus Orlando having access to Divine holy and fell night skills means he can destroy enemy equipment take up multiple enemies and even heal himself his stats are amazing in all areas from HP physical attack a base move stat of four and even speed with little to zero grinding his starting equipment and abilities will one and two shot most enemies and turns the game into easy mode despite being a knight he can also equip things like hats and clothing making him far superior exclusive only to the war of the Lions version and the ever popular lion War mod is the sky pirate balthier on top of having a passive Safeguard ability he has good stats with exceptionally high speed and 4 base move and jump his plunder abilities are better than that of Thieves he can equip heavy armor clothing hats and a variety of weapons from bows guns and even night swords although not as flashy as the skills from the holy swordsman barrage is one of the strongest single target attacks in the game for these reasons dothier joins Orlando as being the best in the business next on our list is the main protagonist romsa balve his unique abilities like Tailwind steel and Shout are great support abilities and although not as overpowered when it comes to straight up killing enemies they are extremely strong in their own right providing in battle stat bonuses while his stats aren't nearly as good as balthier and even Orlando he does have male and female stat growths making him well-rounded and is the only character in the party who won't leave if his bravery gets too low or if his faith gets too high making him the best Treasure Hunter and a very competent male Mage he is also the best character when it comes to permanently increasing not only his own bravery stat but his allies as well even though not as deadly he is still one of the best characters for all these reasons next I feel she is always overlooked and forgotten but it's mellidal at her Divine night class while not as strong as Orlando she is amazing with skills like hellcrae punch and shelba stab which not only destroy enemy equipment but do massive damage instantly and it's ranged in War of the lines she gets even better since her attacks Now work on Monsters however human enemies with Safeguard will be unaffected by the time you get her though most of the enemies you will encounter won't be having this support ability equipped allowing her to Wreck anything in her path she also has wonderful stats and a basement of four she is one of the best characters in the game and I highly recommend her in anyone's party next on my list is Fan Favorite Eva Lisa is the next top model considered by many to be the most beautiful and most popular character in Final Fantasy Tactics it's agraias Oaks even though her physical attack speed and move aren't as high as rest of the characters already mentioned her Holy Night sword scales like hollowed bolt and stasis sword are among the best in the game and in War of the Lions Tyner Rouge makes her even more deadly and beautiful just ask stadio the bartender at the tavern Rosales and even the ninja in disorder in the order I feel like he often gets overlooked but Beowulf and his template our class solid overall stats base move before and his spill blade is instant he doesn't have the killing power like a grias or milital but petrify on enemies and draining a quarter damage off of the strongest late game bosses is still strong damage definitely the best party members to sleep and disable Targets in any fight especially when you're looking for those hidden tiles in mid light steep joining Beowulf is his fiancee raise despite being very limited on equipment she has outstanding stat growths to build as a passive tame Beastmaster and Beast tongue give her a strong secondary to complement her High M.A like draw out or math skill and she can wipe the floor with groups of enemies and with good RNG her holy breath is destructive before I wrap up the best characters I'll give an honorable mention to lusso Clemens similar to ramza but with less magic he has a passive poach ability making him one of the best poachers now for the best generic classes for physical attackers monk Dark Knight and ninja monks have better than average speed they hit hard can attack at range and can act as a support with chakra and revive Dark Knights are like Orlando but minus the steroids they have an awesome PA multiplier meaning they have high physical attack while you're in this job and sanguine sword does insane damage while also healing you ninjas have good attack high class evasion a passive dual wield great Mobility with four base move and jump and amazing speed allowing them to get in their turns faster to kill most enemies with relative ease for these reasons they are the greatest physical attackers lastly arithmetics or math skill as a secondary action ability on classes with awesome ma like Summoners black Mages or even Rays I've seen people say the arithmetician or calculator is the single most overpowered job in the game but honestly it's their abilities on other job classes that makes them overpowered not the Base Class itself as its stats are just poor that about wraps up today's video thank you all again for watching and I'll see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: J7Jase
Views: 31,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy Tactics Best, Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions, Best Characters, Best Jobs, Best Classes
Id: R77qB7VeIkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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