Final - European Catan Championship @ Barcelona 2017
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Devir TV
Views: 345,327
Rating: 4.54215 out of 5
Id: oTwVZmJ9uRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 38sec (4298 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I can't believe Orange lost that game. He had the insta road with the 6 and was not building roads.
After the initial placement I counted blue out of the game but he played smart and used his resources to snatch the win.
Excellent game! IMO red's roads's "bad placement" on her second settlement was a trick, she places the first road as a diversion to white, who spend resources on a risky move to settle on 810 of pure sheep and leaves space open to red settle on 510 of sheep and wood, a move who will contribute to her later settlement on the wood port. The second road! The second road made orange spend way more resources to stop her and then blu gave a final blow taking the 311 spot, the move absolutely worked. She played a beautiful leading game, but the decisive move was probably made in the settling of the second settlement, where blu thinks if he will settle 9411 or 843 and leaving the other to red, he kept cool and suceded in playing low like a good development player. I really liked watching this game, thanks OP, I would have not searched this by myself. I want to apologize for grammar mistakes but I'm still learning english (and Catan)
Really weird unbalanced map. Seems like it was created purely randomly. I would expect a championship final table to have a pre-made and balanced map.
Really weird initial placements as well. The 2nd road placement of blue and white were quite stupid. When you place your settlement one step away from the shore, you NEVER place the road going inland. The road will be blocked off 95% of the time. And that happened to both of them. White road towards wheat port and blue road toward sheep 8-10 would have been so much better. Red placing the second road towards an obviously blocked direction was another stupid idea.
Also, since wheat seems to be rare this game, it would have been better for the first player to try get 5 wheat first and not go for ore so hard. Or try to go for a port strategy. Or not go 3-4-8 but 4-6-11 instead to have at least a little bit of wheat.
From the beginning I was thinking that orange would win based on the good starting position. He was actually ahead by a lot at some point but the other players ganged up on him. Then blue just got the best development cards he could get. That eventually made him win. Also some late game stealing not from blue but someone else was what probably helped blue win too. It is so obvious that blue is at 9 points. Why steal from red? Also in a similar way the next turn after that, why steal from orange?
edit: On another note - when are they going to stop using plastic pieces in the tournaments? Wooden pieces are much better and easier to recognize.