Final - European Catan Championship @ Barcelona 2017

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I can't believe Orange lost that game. He had the insta road with the 6 and was not building roads.

After the initial placement I counted blue out of the game but he played smart and used his resources to snatch the win.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Whereyoursisterwent πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Excellent game! IMO red's roads's "bad placement" on her second settlement was a trick, she places the first road as a diversion to white, who spend resources on a risky move to settle on 810 of pure sheep and leaves space open to red settle on 510 of sheep and wood, a move who will contribute to her later settlement on the wood port. The second road! The second road made orange spend way more resources to stop her and then blu gave a final blow taking the 311 spot, the move absolutely worked. She played a beautiful leading game, but the decisive move was probably made in the settling of the second settlement, where blu thinks if he will settle 9411 or 843 and leaving the other to red, he kept cool and suceded in playing low like a good development player. I really liked watching this game, thanks OP, I would have not searched this by myself. I want to apologize for grammar mistakes but I'm still learning english (and Catan)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/alessandrond πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Really weird unbalanced map. Seems like it was created purely randomly. I would expect a championship final table to have a pre-made and balanced map.

Really weird initial placements as well. The 2nd road placement of blue and white were quite stupid. When you place your settlement one step away from the shore, you NEVER place the road going inland. The road will be blocked off 95% of the time. And that happened to both of them. White road towards wheat port and blue road toward sheep 8-10 would have been so much better. Red placing the second road towards an obviously blocked direction was another stupid idea.

Also, since wheat seems to be rare this game, it would have been better for the first player to try get 5 wheat first and not go for ore so hard. Or try to go for a port strategy. Or not go 3-4-8 but 4-6-11 instead to have at least a little bit of wheat.

From the beginning I was thinking that orange would win based on the good starting position. He was actually ahead by a lot at some point but the other players ganged up on him. Then blue just got the best development cards he could get. That eventually made him win. Also some late game stealing not from blue but someone else was what probably helped blue win too. It is so obvious that blue is at 9 points. Why steal from red? Also in a similar way the next turn after that, why steal from orange?

edit: On another note - when are they going to stop using plastic pieces in the tournaments? Wooden pieces are much better and easier to recognize.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sande24 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hello here we are at final European Championship here on the red TV I have my my side Joe how are you Joe well thank you great to be here well do you have participated on the tournament yes so I qualified as the UK champion and played in the first round yesterday great so they didn't make it to the semifinals and finals today but it's great to be part of this great competition sure now we have four people that they are gonna try to be the best guitar player of Europe right now is sitting around the table now they are from four different countries I think we have Netherlands also we have Serbian away and I miss one John I think from Lithuania listen you're great maybe we can have the names of the guys we have them here kazoos how are you doing very well we have a fascist here as well a person that's very implicated on Catan things here in Spain he has been on all Spanish Catan final national listen vs. tournaments we have a salma the resting from Netherlands that has a color red we have as well a Valdes root cows cows from Lithuania and blue militant Nicollet from Syria with color white and marching gays from Norway orange and they are just setting up their fists cities colorada started what do you think about it done so I'm not surprised at that first placement the the double or is a very strong spots mm-hmm it's a there's a reasonable balance of resources on this board maybe a little light on the grain yeah but that that that double or was always going to be a very attractive spot and I don't know what position each of the contestants chose to sat in um but I think some were qualified as the highest participant so she got to choose first and she's all that spot and decided that was the spot for her or gauge you had a allele a bandage then yep strong weave but there were there were a number of other good spots on this board so I think we set up for a close game great color blue is tired as well really near from red I think the participants take their time to think this first setting up there are having tables that took like half an hour yeah I thought I'm surprised how quickly we're seeing these go down in the final having seen the length of time sometimes it takes to decide and we've got our third set something going down now so someone's jumped on that five grain which again is not a surprise it's the best marine heck's on the board yeah and whatever strategy you go for whether you're going for development cards or cities or expansion grain is essential to all of them mmm I think I think see-through has made a good move there have you been making making again with any of the participation in the tournament John yes I play again he'd sell me yesterday how great so she was very strong in that game it was the one game I did win yesterday so it was nice to play against and nice to have her in the final and I did not play against any of the other three finalists great not in the competition anyway me and Martin enjoyed a late night game of Catan I agree well I think the feeling of all the players here it's very very good very fun people is enjoying the tournament it's amazing how quickly you build a community yeah unexplained all across Europe people you haven't met before we Catan brings people together and bond now we have another commentator here very desired one Ventura how are you doing I'm doing very good very excited for this last time around to play yeah looking forward to see that well I have you seen those players play on the tournament before what are your feelings about them if you haven't talked to Selma for quite a while yesterday and she seemed very determined and he got to win and I have just watched me l'm from serbia and playing and i was also a nice place i think we have four good players here awesome people start to set up the first cities now we have orange player well I do a thing about this movement so the orange players managed to get a combination of six on wood and clay so the orange player will be getting a road every time a six is rolled so I think from position for orange who is Martin he'll be very happy with that with those spaces being left for him to go on when developing games we call this a road machine yep yes okay we are trying to have live chat on if you want to comment anything we will be we try to be able to answer you so only well white player hasn't done anything yet what his jumps on the the 810 ports the 800 I see yeah okay see this some people in Chad same things hook said that he is amazed about the wide decision I understand why it's thinking why it started with stopped strong grain and really need some all to combine that with and also on the nine of clay starting on the clay port I think is a strong move and I doubt any of the players would have wanted to leave that space open for Selma in red to develop too so I think that's a I think that's a good move great yeah I agree also who knows maybe the 9 gets wrote often and then there will be a lot of brick so she has a big hammer yeah hello to everyone who's looking the final one says that the weed will be expensive yeah and I think Martin from Norway with orange has set himself up not only on that five week but with the fruit as well so he will be the weak King he'll be able to draw some good trading with that wheats the first said that bids almost done I think he's done something a Vadis will be disappointed with where that final settlement of Selma has gone down on red obviously he put his road hoping to build there himself so I think he will probably be the least happy of the players of these starting positions this what do you thing about this setup it's busy now no problem and semifinals has been had been hard yeah took a long time and we had two Spanish players that all we didn't have anyone and their City but this happens well the Netherlands have been competing in many European Championships yet there they are strong then they're never surprised to be in the finals that is true but Spain was playing very very strong yeah yeah yeah and they had also some fans here that were supporting them the home advantage yeah a bit beside the atmosphere that has been here has been really fantastic this weekend having members the public coming in to watch and having the prize draws it's really made an event of the final and I think that's really helped probably for the Spanish players but for all the participants it's felt like a really special experience sure yes from sides of organization I have to I cannot agree more actually this organization of this European Championship thanks for the beer and all the team has been wonderful thanks to you has been really special and the place is amazing a lot of people is here right now looking the final more than I expected then it's a very cool environment right now absolutely so some roads has been placed I see yes both orange and red have managed to build a couple of early roads and there's some good spaces to do it still develop two on this board muffin um certainly in the foreplay game of Catan after the initial settlements go down there's not a lot of strong spaces left but there are some good places for both red and orange certainly to build into on this board again I think blue is probably a little bit more limited with their expansion options hmm probably has a vid stucked we have selma fans in our chat she told me she said that my fan club want to know where is broadcast cool you want him NSA said maybe the the white it's the best settle has the best position you agree the source the white is interesting but i think all of them has good position in the beginning I also think red is very interesting with the or that's a lot of or and or a scarce apart from the eight and four there's only the two so it's right in between them yeah some people said on the chat that red has the best position to get Ruettiger Murphy al I don't know I mean English what the longest road yeah yes that is true yeah for certainly grads first road placement on their second settlement was interesting because that road is not going to anywhere that a settlement can go on the end so I think summer has probably already been thinking about that longest road in the long term sure it seems and I think the success of orange in this game will come down to how much the robber sits on that six would to be talked about the the road if that can get going I think orange or compete well but I said that rodents Edelman's a stretch seem a bit better in this match since there won't be much weed around what do you think about it well no meat no wheat means defeat as an old saying no it means if it is something about it I think there will be a fight for the longest road for sure at least two players will compete I assume that could be red and orange orange yeah yeah it's interesting question yeah I think certainly whites and probably red will be looking at the development card deck with their with that all on their grain yes be a bit more difficult for red as red as it starting on sheep so it may come down to how quickly white can get through the development card deck compared to how quickly we see the roads being built yes absolutely race yes why red actually so Selma has all options open currently with development cards and longest road building will depend on the dice yep hooks say the cities will be difficult because orange has the wheat and red the stone they will have to do a bit of trade or something yes and again this is where we had some comments about what's position being strong why it will not need to trade in order to get their cities from the outside perspective I've realized that people trade a little bit less often in this championship then we trade at home for example yeah no love games instead how do you see that as a participant so I would agree with that I think in the UK championships there's there's a lot of trading that goes on and I think often the stronger players will take advantage of that and we'll get better trades against those who maybe haven't played so much kind of at the European Championship level where everyone is a strong player there's much more reluctance to give an advantage to your opponent so the trade really has to work for you to be something that you detected as well it's more it's harder to treat because everybody know what I'm doing and the trade would be more clear for everybody to happen by the way I think we had a player from Portugal that was really strong on on first round he was the only one that won three games and I've heard that he trade very much and very hard victory my assumption of katanas about trading in the end that's correct who says what about the ships blue has eight or on eight and it orange and orange has on twelve that's all and we've got the whites on the $10 White has number 10 yep and I think that's blues big advantage in this game that a cheap we were talking about blue yeah maybe having less space to develop but not not huge amounts of grain but that a cheap is again they'll be able to drive some good trades from that sure I also read built a city right now will have a city the Priscilla raisin that is good mmm a lot of stone that will speed up yeah then in the in the weight and bricks okay first city the robber hasn't done much it seems for now not many sevens so if we can count points how they are going yes a red is currently leading with three points mm-hmm together with orange having three points equally and blue and white have two points with two starting settlements and there's always a tension when you're in a strong position early on do you try and become even stronger and dominate the game oh yes knowing that the robber will be on you the rest of the game or do you try and hold back and avoid that attention it's it's harder when you're it's harder when you're building roads and settlements to do that I think it's easier to hold back when you're buying development cards and just keep them facedown I'm low-balling strategy true but people in this tournament I think they're the best ones of all Europe so they see potential yeah the difference between playing at home and playing here different really Wow by the way I saw a lot of people laughing at tables in the tournament but yeah that was good and everybody should have fun and I think everyone had a really good European Championship so far sure absolutely so he's going to whoo so red built the next settlement and thus leading by four points by now say someone has definitely gone for the go out and dominate oh yes yeah so where will she go next will she connect the old settlement with a new one will she go to the nine - she go to the Harbor maybe mm-hmm so I think she'll be keen to connect her roads before orange has a chance of hunting in between I think yeah the longest road battle is looking like it'll weave between red and orange here so I think her first priority wanted to be block-to-block orange from building across the center of the board and join her roads up but I expect every 7 to be firmly on red from here on in even though it could be risky as she could also choose to build the road along the desert because there she won't be fearing an to intervention of orange coming to the 9 - so will she be faster than or ensure will she avoid this risk Sandra said now red can go for development cards what do you think she's reached sheep she makes a position even stronger it's just if the 11 on her grain is rolled or if anyone will trade her grain that will be her that would still be her limit on development cards grain supply yeah my personal strategy would be trying to get the second city building on the 1194 yep even knowing that the rubber will be there living also they say on the chat that the white maybe he should go to for development and cities if he's settling on the eight and ten I imagine because he's trying to build down to the 810 there so I think the comment is I understand building to the 8 and 10 because anyone have have the double yeah yes but long-term absolutely development cards is the only strategy that Y has yes certainly and it's I mean eight and ten and eight and ten there's it's risky it's risky and that's risky but we saw at the World Championship in Durango last year that uh-huh this risk can pay off it was the winner I think who won with the nine Wow and that was rolled very often and I was good for him sometimes risk big or go home yeah exactly and there's also people the things that orange is out I mean it's been hard to follow all of the dice rolls but I don't think I don't think the six engine is really got going as quickly as volunteered hope here it's too soon to say that but let's see what happens well I assume orange would love to change position with a white settlement on the brick harbor assuming this position with a six and nines but three two one half I can also change things so I assume that will be the next move going there white player has also a CD the second one in the game more people is complaining that it's difficult to see white in the video sorry it's it's hard for us to of the same problem we didn't expect that so what our viewers may not be able to pick up is the development card situation no so far we see that blue has managed to get four development cards and white has one so if Y is going to get the largest army it's likely they'll have to do some catching up we expect a number of those development cards that blue has to be White's yeah and blue we haven't seen much else from blue yet nope on the board so that seems to be the focus currently mm-hm more options yes so as you predicted Benjamin orange is trying to get to the the three-to-one ports mm-hmm and Retta starting from the other side and going that way up so she keeps the options open of competing the one side or going to the other side and avoiding orange which is which is sensible given how strong oranges on the roads I think well the cards are now on the screen someone asked if they are playing just using the base rules yes I think so there's no difference between they are playing the basic game routes yes there's a difference there tournament rules do specify some things that people normally would maybe play different at home mm-hmm so this is a very fixed rule set also depending on who starts these questions get more of importance probably our contestant can tell more about how important it is to be the first one or the last one in the setup yeah it's I think you can use the the harbour in the same tune that you build them yes you can those are the main differences but it's more or less the same and thus that's the nice thing about tournament play that even if you've already qualified there's always something to play for because you get to play for which starting position you guess yes in the next round hmm that's where tournament play field was quite different there is to teach it sounds yes and there were situations where in order to increase your ranking you might build some additional points even if that isn't gonna get you the victory just yeah increase your overall point total for the tournament yeah yes and in fact I think it was OMA who achieved 11 points in the very first game I think so yeah and there was the question whether you can have 11 points to increase your ranking and the scoring but 10 points is the maximum because the game is won with 10 points so that one was cleared but in a case of a tie that would have count as the tiebreaker okay something happened there okay even says that he thinks that red player needs to go to the wood port if he wants to win what do you think about it they're talking about Selma from Netherlands I think the good thing for sama is currently that she has many options open I totally agree that the wood part would be a good strategy considering she's very well distributed with numbers she has the three the ten the four she has a city under three even so yeah that could be the one trait that can make a difference at some point yeah I agree totally that would be my next spot I'd be looking for first settlements in sounds position she's very safe also in terms of the numbers there I mean we saw the rubber being placed at the four but three ten-four it's not the numbers you go for first you go for the big ones four six and eight nine maybe yeah you can remind the name of the players we have some interesting from Netherlands red one a Valdez root cows cows from Lithuania blue militant nikolic from Syria white & Marting gays from Norway it's color orange there are no Germany there are no friends nor England or Italy cool we have seen a rise and participants from from many European countries lately people are playing professionally and the roots are growing growing and the more people participating in a national championship the better the quality of the European Championship and the waltz as we have seen yes I think our winner from last time in the European Championships was from Poland we have a new city or village village stir I'm you can ah here Oh color red builds a new village so that fight for the longest road between red and orange is really coming to a head now yep oh yeah if orange can pass through that will be strong for him to connect to the other part of the settlements yeah that will be a strong move because Reds cannot connect afterwards mm-hmm I think Martin will be very nervous at this point to get that road built because that that that's his game strategy right there if he doesn't get that road built it's hard to see how he can compete in this game he must have had many cards on his hand probably because otherwise he would have saved these yeah and this break to surprise or use it otherwise and around later in case it's erm I did that road before and it's again noticeable in tournament play there is a almost a power know about having more than seven cards no one ever likes losing their cards to the seven whereas in social play you might take the risk he might hold on to a big hand is doing a big move later on but you see very little of that in tournament play people often willing to trade free fun or even four to one since that color blue has not good luck or something he's a bit so the last time we looked blue was on for development cards that I know if we have an update so as far as I can see we have five victory points for sama yes from the Netherlands being play a red and then had to head for victory points each orange Martin and white me lutein and Blue has another deaf cards you must have played two before so let's see what's underneath these deaf cards I'm excited to see that yeah and I think if I was involved us the blue one from militant militant from from Serbia I think I'd be hoping for Martin to complete his road at this point I think if I was in their position I would see Selma having longest road and those two cities at the ball yes it's being unstoppable so I think everyone apart from Samba will be hoping Dean Martin did it he's done it I can't he's done it Wow he blocked her big moment in this final Oh auntie build us a city whoa Laurent is debating the whole board I think we probably have a new target as leader on the Chad we see people that else is freaking out with orange movement right now yes I assume the six has been rolled a few times now we know if there's any night night Sandra Oscars by the chat if there's any night played yet it doesn't seem so nope no knights on this city hmm so what options do you think right now all colors have so I think I think orange will be very happy having cutoff Reds opportunity for longest road and as as orange I'd now be looking to either trade to get all and get my points through cities all of the wood and clay keeps coming in just expand further and maybe look to build five sacraments longest road for - yes but now we see that blue is just seems to attack the orientation there's a third road built up to the same point and actually Sam I can also still come to this point and snatch away that's settlement space so blue blue was not happy just to lay down the fight and let Martin have that longest move yeah out any positioning on the brick field surprised everyone with building two roads yeah wrong nobody expected that it could be having with the longest road with a development card road building and it's when you're collecting development cards looking for the largest army and victory points and you're not expanding it can sometimes be a frustrating card to draw the road building card yes very well - to extend the game it was the red moment for that card white city like what is doing his own and I'd still be happy in White's position at this point it's yeah we were in the chat say dad the blue thing it's a nice blocking but he won't personally both benefit from that do you think so I think blue will think they will benefit through extending the game blue needs the game to go on a long time to again take on the development card DAC so while the move itself I don't think blue will end up with longest road because they blue does not have any clay yeah I think it was it was a long-term move on Blues part yes is it exactly that way it was a good move for all players or everything and especially for blue to make the game longer if he gets the settlement space there which the other players are probably interested in that will slow the game down yeah the robber hasn't been moved in a long time so many development carts and apparently no Knights so how many points has its player right now the orange five for the Red five also for white and two for the blue yes both blue and orange need one Roche for the longest route which would result and extra two victory points it's near it's coming I personally don't like to have the longest wrote at the beginning of the game because people will judge that you have two more victory points but they don't count much at that time yeah yeah but we're getting in the mid term of the game red just built another city has six victory points and getting the longest route now as soon a strong position and finally we've seen the robber go on - that's a tour of Reds yeah Robert travels to the mountains so this we have new people one night one night finally so we have new people on our chat and telling us who is playing we will remind it cemetary stain from Netherlands color red they Valdez red cows cows from Lithuania and a color blue militina colleague from Sevilla a color white and Martin gays from Norway ranch hmm moved again the rubber yes tonight was played how would the first night layer white played the night so the white player clearly still sees orange as the main front hair with the night going on to the sixth clay of orange mm-hmm do you think this is a good option I might have looked to hit red at this point mm-hmm yes especially after orange just lost a settlement spot yeah and a good potential for the longest road Ellis I agree the the experience of playing in a tournament is all of the players who are in this final have played hundreds of games of Catan in their life and probably at least 50 or so competitive games of Catan and they know the game inside out and they would have made these kinds of decisions throughout their playing career but you do feel a different pressure who do you feel you have to crowd around got you've got the tie to that stake and it can affect your thinking and often the player who can keep their head the coolest you can keep thinking well still be the most successful player in the final they asked how many victory points Blue has I think we said three blue currently has three victory points that is correct that also has four development cards which haven't been revealed yet so there may be a number of victory points in there that no one in the room and except if I us knows about at the moment oh we see blue now moved the rubber played the first night so it seems my expectation would be there are some more nights and he thinks the game is it's time to play out these three nights and he got the army yes for it finishes for me yeah and white again on the 8th of the mountain coming back to the mountain we did a little giveaway a few minutes ago in Selma won and he took cotton base game I was a bit freaked out she said that she didn't has it I didn't believe her I think she was just needs to have the Catalan edition that's what she wants oh we talked actually before and she already said that she will have problems carrying all the prices home that she will receive among the first four places as a lot of game boxes she needs to carry so now she has one additional one well good luck in the customs if the problem is that you have many prizes well I don't know why don't we have to see this yes why don't have to see this by now I think some people in the chat says that blue color can make a surprise soon the earth integers the movement to close the route for the yellow blue is in the game yes not before that and when when you are playing you're always thinking well what is my path to ten points so blue will be thinking how can I make ten points for this position and if I was in blue seats I'd be thinking of the largest army for two of them I'm probably getting to one more sentiment place or a fourth point on the board which is six hopefully drawing some victory point cards from the deck where are those last two points then come from is unclear mm-hmm maybe they get some good roles with the wheat and can get a couple of cities blue can get a city soon blue is definitely back in the game yes I think blues advantage and maybe potential lies and that other players don't seem to invest much in development cards currently so blue is leading there yes he could this moment two more development cars white just bought two more development cards okay maybe surprise before yeah yes yes otherwise I would have recommended blue focuses on building a city and therefore getting more resources to then build even more resource development cards agreed red player I think hasn't done much since he was good she was good in Steve yes and her very promising age or mountain is blocked mm-hmm so if now they're not the right size roads that can block sometimes and then players don't seem to trade much with her currently yeah which is another problem of being strong when you start your this yes well one chats people says that blue also can take longest road do a surprise Lou has four roads just like orange right now however orange has the potential with two settlements on the six and city on the on the wood so in the long term it will be much easier for orange maybe also for red yes I'd be very surprised if blue finished with the longest road very surprised who knows how many Road building cards there are among his cards we have new carcasses neo development curve in this case for the orange and we've just seen seller roll a seven and get to move the rubber offer a tour and she's targeting white so it's coming here number five it's blocked and we said that the start that was a critical critical hex is the main grain producer in the game oh yeah and someone has decided to shut it right down and she blocks yellow and white which are the two ones I would see as opponents to at this moment green no wheat means defeat there's even a t-shirts to it yeah we you know we treat defeat like it you have a cool one yesterday you what four sheep one yes yes good for heat you see the play is very concentrated from here has been a long weekend people has been playing very much yes and the later in the game the longer it takes yeah a monopoly was played Monopoly was blessed by a veil DOS and we're hearing that he played the monopoly card on the wood would monopoly from blue oh the to victory points for longest road and Janice handed to eval dose he took it and the welders can give a real surprise yes second night for white some people on chat says that blue player has a victory points now maybe so I think we've now only got to face down development cards for blue so I think the maximum blue could be on at this point is 7 yes however as orange I'd be looking to take that longer Road sooner rather than later yes to stop a surprise move by blue I agree and blue needs to yeah build us one road to get to the three-to-one harbor or maybe have another settlement space over there I think blue will be disappointed the White has been able to play that the second night card so often in the races for the largest army its who gets to play the cards first two who gets the two points yeah so you actually want to be the person who who placed a third night first so you're leading by one takes a lot of lots of time to overtake that that that could raise the suspicion that blue has other cats tonight I'd agree I mean we can be fairly we can speculate still fairly certain they might be victory points at least one yeah hmm hmm so I still very much like White's position here in a strong position to take mm-hmm largest army yeah some AIDS rolls some fives maybe and then goes fast as you can think we haven't seen much from from orange or red in the past year round so be interesting to see how they respond to the threat of white at this point they are trading wood for stone Oh writers building two roads going getting to the wood part yes some spectators maybe already suspected yeah so red has a very long road down still not longer than blues no but also a little bit more potential with all this wood and brick this is now the fight for the largest army is open to knights against two knights who will have the third one blue still has two covered cards yep while White's has none as far as as one Caballero [Laughter] so the situation it's very open right now I think anyone can win you think or not yes yeah it's good man yeah it depends how they incorporate unfortunately we can't hear the conversation no I'd be interested to see how much trading is happening how much patterning how much complaining pointing out emotions this is all part of the game we don't know complaining is it for yeah campaigning UN says that White has a really difficult game at this point I think it really comes down to the race for the army I think if white can stay ahead why it's got a chance yes why it would need a port with all that sheep coming in for the 10:00 the robbers coming back to the montains yeah there's no help yeah but if there were blue or yellow that would obviously be my hexagon of choice yeah there's a lack of stone right now yes and it still seems to have worked out for red having three cities which can also make a big difference if the right numbers come up in a row you get a lot of resources yeah Selma hasn't construct well the long road in few turns ago yep and we've been seeing quite a large number of 11s being rolled so gosh I ended up with more grain in the game than we were expecting with with both grains on the 11 yes which has helped Selma very much the players are serious we saw we see them from here they are not doing jokes I don't understand why okay so we see that why did not have the third nights whoa all the ways they should have played it instead it's an invention or is it a road building I can see it from here no it's an invention two cards of your choice you can take new city for white as you said Benjamin why would really love somewhere to trade all of that sheep but there's not not an obvious place well I'll get to the two roads and then the three two one harbour but it's a lot of work for a three to one however that's part of the game and five roads to the sheep harbor yeah sternum pretty far there are trading summer has a lot of cars I see it from a year as for those of you listening on the livestream and you hear us saying things like we can see it from here as a commentary team we're situated quite a long way away from the game table itself it's clearly we can't be making suggestions and comments that are going to influence the play so if you're wondering why we're sometimes not able to tell exactly what's been rolled all exactly what's been traded it's because we're we're situated away from the board and watching on the same a stream that you're watching on more or less I think yellow built a new settlement yes new settlement for yellow at the to and the nine of Oran brick so finally we see some movement again here yep and it always gives you a bit of a boost of morale just just to do something sometimes when you're when you haven't built or you throw in a weakest position yeah it's just getting give you a boost of morale yeah so who's the player who has more points right now so this blues turn will he play the third night the third night even though actually if I were blue I wouldn't because the rubber is not on his fields and no one else has to the threat they are asking if there is someone that stole the road cart so not yet it looks like both red and orange are waiting for their moment to take that longest row card off blue but we've now seen that blue has also got the largest army so I'm sure the players will be looking to shut down those two points on the road sooner rather than later absolutely a few rolls very quickly yeah it was important for Sam and the red player to get the would Harbor first yet two-to-one trade can be powerful I assume the the race for the longest road will start very soon yeah and we see the orange or Sabo a city on their last turn so we now have seven points for orange on the board yes we have seven points for bread tree for blue on the board it was both the largest army and the longest road currently and white on six so if Eva red or orange are able to get hold of that longest road card everything that you wanna do that will take them to nine points mm-hmm blue has more points now this is very interesting yeah and he has many cards in his hand currently there's a lot of people here watching the screen expecting thrilling if blue was able to make this then I'm honestly surprised but in the end this is yeah this is Catan and it actually fits to what Joe said before sometimes the rubber will be played against leading players and you can't do much as a leading player and then you're coming from three victory points up to up to winning yeah at the beginning it seems like seemed like blue wasn't inside mm-hmm and now he's leading he built another road so having six roads now leading by one and it's still that one unplayed development card yes so blue could possibly be online here yep you very surprised if orange and red didn't create some trading situation here to allow you take the longest road yes they should at this point new billet for white no however the ghost yellow plays an ID card night card mm-hmm Martine we'll get rid of this rubber on his brick filled with the nine so you will need it for building roads yeah I'll be interesting to see where Martin puts this rubber because so far it's been going on that eight of war but I wonder whether blue will be yeah blue will be targeted at this point yeah people on the Chad says that the orange must stole the road to blue either orange or red but yeah they're both good if not maybe we are close to the end mm-hmm if orange gets the rote he has nine points as well as well yeah this won't be in the interest of red neither so I could still see it change many hands before the end ends many times well as expected the robber gets back to his home and the eight mountain yeah robber likes eight modern which is bad for me lutein who just build a new settlement there yeah I think Malou Tim who will not be feeling wonderful about his position anymore I think that Stepford Development card he bought he would have been really hoping that was a night I assume yeah or we just think that are the possibilities of Playa red Salma I think of it if Martin doesn't win on this turn I think some will be looking to take that longest road herself yes but imagine just build a city yes I see so he did not take that road may be forcing Rhett to take it off blue rather than doing it himself or he does it next turn because he would have eight points as well you know eight and then he would have yeah but dangerous if blue can get one more points which only takes one draw from the development car duck yes mm-hmm so I wonder if you just simply didn't have the resources to build the roads despite his setup mm-hmm orange and blue can give a surprise I mean orange would have needed three roads that's not him yeah a little amount of fruits and I think someone has just rolled a seven so the rubber never will be moving mm-hmm I'll see if she has enough to build two roads she'd need it's between Martin and avowed us and uh would with the six which is a place it hasn't been before right now yeah that's true someone lost half of her cars with the seven a city go down so you very points at 50 points yes the victory point card that we assumed so at one more point with the city and the two points for that just I mean two points for longer strokes then finally I was a winner of all those good cows goes from Lithuania the terrain yeah yeah so blue color one and others from Lithuania is the winner of the European Championship of Catan here ngratulations congratulations has been I think a great match because in a great match yeah we didn't see it coming at the beginning I think it shows the beauty of the game doesn't have that is what do you think has been funny very nice gang and at the beginning we cannot beat for the blue but what's a big surprise at the end of the game was very tight between yellow also red and blue was very nice game do any for the wind it's very good yes and thank you Benjamin thank you John thank you guys for coming here and commenting with us this great match thank you for hosting us has been great fun spending this phone with you yeah absolute pleasure to be here great well keep on playing and see you said season
Channel: Devir TV
Views: 345,327
Rating: 4.54215 out of 5
Id: oTwVZmJ9uRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 38sec (4298 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2017
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