FILTHY Engine Bay Detail on a 200k Mile Honda Civic | Start to Finish

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what's up guys it's all the anthony welcome back to the civic vlog that you hopefully know and hopefully love and in today's video we're detailing a filthy engine let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys so here is a look at my 217 000 mile engine that i don't think has ever been detailed in its lifetime and as you can see this thing is absolutely filthy so i'm going to walk you through my steps today on how i detail something of this level of filth using a handful of products using a handful of tools and yada yada to hopefully make this thing look a ton better just to give you the basics here we're going to be cleaning the underside of the hood since this is filthy and actually i don't know how well it's going to clean up but we're going to see what happens and then this right here obviously the heart of the beast the d16 y8 v-tech motor so jumping straight into this the first thing i'm going to do is pre-soak this entire engine bay with a wheel cleaner yes you heard that correct i'm using a wheel cleaner from coach chemie it's called magic wheel cleaner it is a wheel cleaner that has a built-in iron remover why am i doing that because this is probably so contaminated that it'll put on a good show and i think it'll actually do something and actually help clean this thing then from there we're going to be rinsing this with a pressure washer and then taking an all-purpose cleaner it's called koshkini green stars we'll be using today and then going through with a handful of brushes agitating everything rinsing agitating rinsing agitating you know yadda yadda so um one thing i want to do before i get started though is i'm going to be masking off this distributor here because 90s hondas don't like wet distributors so i'm going through masking that off but honestly i'm not going to be forcing a ton of water into areas that i don't want water to go so i'm not going to sit there and soak the battery or the fuse box or anything like that i'm going to lightly go over those areas and then let most of the water run off do the work for me so so anyway we have a lot to do today let's get started all right so i'm using a bag that is probably far too big for this task but it's gonna do the job and it smells like mint i'm gonna try to go through and wrap around the wires around the top of that if you get your spark plug wires it's not a big deal that's all gonna be fine to get wet but i just don't want the distributor itself getting absolutely soaked and forcing a bunch of water in there with a pressure washer so i'm gonna kind of tuck that up like it's a little baby get it nice and tight underneath there and obviously you don't want to do this on a hot engine so let it cool off for at least a couple hours before you get started so so i'm gonna knock out the underside of the hood first why am i gonna do that i'm gonna do that because a lot of that runoff will fall onto the engine i don't want to do a clean engine then clean this then have all that dirt fall down so working from top to bottom here so i'm going to pre-soak the underside of this thing pressure wash it and start agitating it with a couple of different brushes and that should clean up pretty good we'll [Music] see [Music] all right so taking my bucket of brushes here we're going to come over here and i'm going to take this soft gristle brush here and this is i mean this is pretty soft guys this isn't a a scrubbing brush by any means it's meant for wheels and whatnot but i'm going to load my brush up with this wheel cleaner and then to come to the underside here and start oh my god oh my god that's that's filthy i don't think this has ever been scrubbed or cleaned ever wow this is building up a pretty nasty froth dip it back in my bucket a little water on here kind of the other side so see how much stuff we have on our brush here and on the front of my bumper apparently we're going to rinse this off i'm gonna hit it with a little bit of water i'll most likely end up using that whole bottle of wheel cleaner on this job now if you want to be cheap which you obviously can you can pick up some like super clean or purple power for something like this especially if it's this level of filth if it's not this bad typically you can get away with using soap and water and an all-purpose cleaner but this is something where if i didn't have this wheel cleaner if i didn't have some nice fancy chemicals and i absolutely would use super clean or purple power because it's just it's just cheaper i'll rinse it one more time before i finish um but honestly i think it's just the quality of the paint that they used on the underside of this a lot of this might need something super strong or it might just be primer i have no idea all right so now we're going to start focusing on the engine so i'm going to put on some gloves for this because it's going to get pretty uh pretty grimy you can see a lot of that dirt is already breaking down just from the pressure washer and the water hitting it so i think once we do a pre-spray with that wheel cleaner it's gonna do some serious work all right here we go so you're gonna apply a ton of whatever the heck you're going to use to clean so whether using an all-purpose cleaner like i said like super clean or purple power you're just going to be spraying a lot trying not to get trying not to get it into all the electrical connectors and trying to avoid anything that looks like a sensitive area but it's already so dirty it's like you know how much worse could it get well could not start but we're not going to talk about that this is doing some pretty serious work guys i'm not just saying that holy fallout it's all over this thing all right so we're gonna let that soak for probably i don't know two or three minutes and then rinse everything [Music] all right now it's time to start rinsing i'm going to start probably in this front area here and start working my way back you can see how purple this has turned from all the iron contaminants on here it is crazy man crazy crazy now one thing i want to point out is that typically i don't pressure wash a whole lot of engines it's not something i like to do so i'll use steam most the time or i'll use like a rentless wash it's just when it's this level of filth you have to knock that down you have to pressure wash it either that or you're gonna be sitting there with brushes uh and a sprayer of water or something for hours and hours and hours and it's just not worth it at that point but you could see that that already looks what sixty percent better with just a rinse and a soak with a a very a very good wheel cleaner so from here what i'm going to do i'm going to take this brush right here it's called an easy detail brush and this is going to be my kind of getting to the cracks and crevices brush so i'm going to spray more of that wheel cleaner and i'm going to start getting in here and agitating areas that i wouldn't be able to get to with a larger brush now next up i'm going to take a little detailing brush a small one i'm going to start coming through and agitating a lot of these larger areas [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so now since the sun's coming out i don't want this wheel cleaner to dry so i'm just going to kind of soak it periodically as i go along all right so this looks like night and day difference already i'm like flinging water all over the place um so what i want to do now is i'm going to take green star here so green star is my all-purpose cleaner of choice for this job and it's an alkaline based cleaner so it's got some good strength to it it's going to help break down a lot of that extra gunk so i think for here i'm going to pre-soak this by the fuel filter power steering so you can see how much product i'm using i'm not being um not being very conservative with this i'm gonna try to blow through a lot of this bottle just trying to get this filth off so i'm gonna get back here by the firewall and start scrubbing a lot of this because this is like the most unsightly thing i think this area was probably one of the dirtiest now this is going to be a hard area to get to that's why i have this brush to get behind these lines [Music] so this valve cover here still has some grime on it what i'm going to do for this is i'm actually going to use a stiffer bristle brush so i have a in here floating somewhere a little nylon scrubbing brush got this from harbor freight and i'm actually going to really get in there with this guy oh my gosh i can almost see the d16 y8 symbol down here almost guys this is honestly i thought this was going to be way more intricate i thought that this was going to be just a nightmare of a detail job but honestly it's not that bad it was just a lot of surface dust a lot of surface dirt oh my god that looks so much better so so much better a few brushes a little bit cleaner a little wheel cleaner looks fantastic so um i'm pretty happy with how this looks i'm not going for perfect i'm going for just a lot better so i can actually work on the engine and then from there i can go into more intricate details if i want to do that but but really this engine's staying stock and i want it to stay and look stock so i'm pretty happy with this so what i'm going to do for the last step here is i'm going to hit it with some more magic wheel cleaner basically do one more dowel anything i missed i'm going to have that break that down and then do a complete rinse and then call it good [Music] so [Music] all right so the final step now is dressing the engine this means that you're basically adding a little bit of shine making it look a little bit newer um in this case i'm going to use the coach chemi motor plus special engine conserver what it says is that it actually protects by putting like some type of it's like a kind like a sealant if you will um and protects your electrical connectors and all sorts of components and stuff so it kind of coats everything and makes everything hydrophilic so basically water just doesn't stick to it and it falls right off so i'm gonna use this today it uh yeah just spray it on so i think i'm just honestly just just gonna start coating stuff it's not gonna hurt anything it's best on plastics but you can pretty much put it on not everything so i think from here we're just going to let it bake so i'm going to close the hood let it do its work on a water-based dressing you apply to a wet vehicle or apply to a wet engine bay and then it kind of mixes with the water and then creates a perfectly flat finish so it does all the work for you so it's going to look even better than than this after it sits for i don't know maybe an hour or two so you don't want to drive it after you apply this you want to let it just kind of sit and soak in i think it's gonna look awesome so we're gonna close the hood let it soak and i'll be out here in maybe an hour or so to check it out a few moments later all right guys so it's been about an hour hour and a half or so since i applied the motor class and i can't wait to show you what this looks like now one quick thing i want to point out is that i did use a leaf blower to blow out a lot of the excess water out of the bay uh mainly for the fact that i had a lot of that stuff kind of sitting there near electrical connectors and sitting near the fuse box and whatnot i didn't really feel comfortable doing that so i blew out a lot of that extra water but still left that motor plus sit on the surface area so let's check it out i'm excited this is like baking a cake and looking at the cake after it's finished oh wow holy smokes that that looks good man wow that looks so good i can't believe it still have a little bit of some excess dressing here that i can clean up with a microfiber towel but wow everything is nice and smooth to the touch that's crazy that is night and day difference guys that looks so good so i'm going to take a microfiber towel here and kind of wipe down a little bit the excess dressing that was still left on the surface kind of flatten it out a little bit you can see i have some that kind of built up in some of these corners here but just kind of wipe it down level it all out i wouldn't say i mean it wouldn't i wouldn't go as far as to say like new but this definitely doesn't look like a 200 000 mile engine anymore that's for sure guys i'm super pumped with this so hopefully you guys found this information useful if you're in the same situation uh again if you're using that much water like i was using be careful make sure that you're not spraying into areas that don't need it mask off your distributor mask off any other sensitive areas and you should be totally fine but just kind of be cognizant that you are spraying a pretty exposed engine bay and so and then depending on what cleaner you use you also want to make sure to rinse off your panels rinse them off so that a lot of that cleaner will fly out from the engine bay and land on your fenders will land on your windshield will land on your hood your bumper and all that and so make sure as you're going along to rinse those areas and wipe them down as needed so they don't ruin your paint um stain them or anything like that so i'm super happy guys i'm pumped so i'm gonna try to put down as many products in the description as i can and some other cheaper alternatives that i think will still do the same job all right guys so that's gonna wrap it up for this video hopefully you guys enjoyed the process maybe learned something or just found it entertaining uh and as always if you guys like this video make sure you give me a big thumbs up subscribe down below for more honda civic content and stay tuned for the after shots saw anthony peace [Music] [Music] you
Views: 144,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Honda, Civic, transformation, before, after, budget, build, em1, ej8, d16y7, d16y8, sohc, vtec, chris, fix, detail, geek, super clean, engine detailing, engine bay detail, super clean engine bay, degrease engine bay, how to detail a engine, honda civic detailing, filthy engine bay detail, engine bay detail restoration, engine bay transformation, pressure wash engine, disgusting detailing, filthy detail job, sohc vtec egine, eric car guy civic, chris fix civic, engine detailing tips tricks
Id: ASMbTBcndew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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