Coilover INSTALL on my $900 Honda Civic! | Low and Slow

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what's up guys it's all the anthony and welcome back to this civic vlog that you hopefully know and hopefully love and in today's video we're getting low [Music] you never know [Music] all right guys so we've done it once before and we're doing it again because in today's video we're installing the trueheart street plus coilovers on the white honda civic now if you've been a long time subscriber you'll probably remember the install video on the red civic which was meant to be a little more entertaining whereas in today's video i want to focus more on the educational side of things and show you how i was able to get the perfect ride height on this white civic right here now granted the only main difference is that i don't have wheels yet they're on order it's just everything in the world seems to be back ordered so i'm hoping to be able to have those soon to really finish off the look but in the meantime i'll be low i'll be low and i'll be on hubcaps which is exciting so anyways jason is on his way over right now to help out with the install but there's a couple key things i need to do first i need to get this car up into the air i need to pull back the trunk liner on the carpet there i need to pop the hood get everything prepped for the coilover install video and i also need to show you what's in the box [Music] i'm gonna play and go down you're gonna go down the slide that sounds like a lot of fun you dude you look super cool you got something what transformers did you tell anthony what we did yesterday what'd you do hey was it your birthday yeah oh my gosh i have to go get you a birthday present i completely forgot i'm so sorry maverick another birthday you have another birthday that's maverick he's awesome but anyways back to the install here so we're gonna unbox the true hearts kind of show you what they look like out of the box some of you guys have seen this before but we're just going to walk you through what the fronts and rears look like and then talk about the adjustment settings that you can do straight out the box to hopefully get you where you want to be but other than that we got to take off the wheels obviously remove the old suspension before we dial everything in so let's get after it [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so the coilovers out of the box we're going to kind of walk you through a couple of the adjustment settings here on the true hearts because it's easier while they're off the car so what do we got jason uh so what we'll do is we'll start with we'll put them next to stock ones we can adjust our ride height um with twisting this up or down then you have your lock collar for that and then next we have two more lock rings right here that will adjust your preload you got your spanner wrenches right here big one for those small one for the bottom so really simple this is a pretty straightforward design guys i mean so there's no dampening adjustment on this set so typically your dampening adjustment you would have it up here or if there was an external external reservoir um then you would adjust it somewhere else you know within that fender well but on this it's about as easy as it gets and so when we were adjusting the ride height on the red civic we were just basically lowering the lower body here on this two piece and then going through finding our adjustment and then for our preload we're not going with a crazy amount of preload right because we don't want this bouncing up like a typical honda boy where you know the rear is bouncing all over the ground we want it to be we have the handle good and what i found is that once we kind of dialed in the preload where we wanted it along with the right height it rode as good if not better than stock i mean it runs it rides fantastic it really does so um pretty straightforward pretty simple all right guys so we're gonna drop the lower fork here so the idea is basically we're gonna drop this this is going to come down we're gonna release the bolt here on this be able to slide the coil over up and then down and then out of this area all right guys so the update so far here so we removed this lower bolt here this is a this is about a 17 here from the lower of the fork and then from there we jumped up to the 14 removed it off of this fork tensioner here so the fork is going to be able to drop down and then we're going to push down on here to relieve the spring and strut so once that's pushed down we'll be able to drop it down out of the bottom after we knock out these two 14s right here so we already broke these loose zip them off bam and bam like a pro jason we've done this before so there we go pretty simple guys it's it's not that hard if you have a friend obviously it helps doing this by yourself would probably kind of suck right jason thanks for helping me so pushing that down and then it's we're going to feed the new one in the same exact way so i didn't really explain this in my first video but once we find the adjustment on where we want to be we're going to put the other coil over from the front right next to it figure out where we want to be at say if it's two inches lower we'll kind of start there feed it back up and into there and then if we have to make any adjustments we'll make that adjustment the lower portion of the body um and then obviously when we come to um adjust our preload we'll figure out how much preload we want on the car i like to go kind of just where it's nice a little bit of tension on there but not towards the loose if that makes sense so okay so we read the instructions so they recommend at least 30 millimeters of uh threading here that you need to go up on so which comes out to a little about an inch and a quarter you said yep so what we're doing taking a sharpie and we're marking this just to see how far up it goes keep in mind you have all this threading even up into the area of preload it's all built into the same system here so starting to spin this thing on here you'll see we have quite a ways to go i wish i would have measured the red one but hey we get to start from scratch here dialing in the perfect height right off the bat so at this point right from thread to thread we're already what's at about an inch lower about two inches long about two inches lower okay so we're gonna notch to that notch yeah so while this is tedious and while i know people are excited they just want to get the coilovers on the car this is what makes it so much easier because then it gets even more tedious because if you're once you drop the car and the springs settle and obviously they work in over time you may actually be even lower than what you thought and you also may have different adjustment based on each corner of the car due to weight distribution and everything like that so um that's where it gets really tedious if you're crazy ocd like me you might sit there for an hour trying to get the perfect height once the car is on the ground on the wheels that you you know that you want to go with flying bracket wants to be uh i don't even use this okay so this is only for the i think integras use this brake line bracket um but they're not on the way because your threads are there so you don't want you want to make sure this isn't going to be in the way of your correct yeah yep so i had on the red civic backed towards that way so we'll go from there and then what we're going to do is we're going to match the other front because that's our starting point so we're going to match that with this guy right here and you just want to eyeball it or you want to be exact uh we'll get exact so we're dialing in the second coil over right here on the front and so this is spot on once we get the adjustment on this i already measured these so from the top hat down to the bottom of my spring seven and a quarter so i have those matched okay now i'll take a measurement from here down this collar to the top of this cylinder here match that out inch and a half all right another key thing here is we're using the jack to relieve tension off of the spring and off of the lower front control arms here so we're kind of jacking this up that way when we take out the bolt we're not zipping it out at an angle we're zipping out as straight as we can possibly go and so you're best to soak everything down with pv blaster i didn't do that jason got like a little what why didn't you do that anthony i don't know laziness and we have an impact that solves all the problems right not usually that could usually result in a broken bolt so if you can pre-soak everything as you go along so uh 17 here on the lower 17 i don't know i lose everything i set it down i forget where i put it [Music] this will be for the driver and what we're going to do is when we fish this up into the fender here and up into the engine bay what we want to do is we want to put on these top two 14 millimeters to have that hold itself in place once we get it up inside there we're gonna push back down on the hub get it to where the fork here on the front it's gonna go slide up into there then we can put the lock nut on the fork here on the base tighten that up and then bring the whole assembly up to match it to the lower front control arm here so that makes sense that sounds right sure okay cool all right i'll be the nut boy again last time i was a nut boy situation was a little different hi kitty what are you doing all right hey uh-uh not by the evo so guys this is not even my cat it's like a neighborhood stray it's really nice it's like the nicest cat you could just pick it up hi what are you doing doing car stuff we doing car stuff yeah i don't know whose cat this is but it's really really nice hey why do you have why do you have to go over there hey hey hey all right so this is going to seat all the way into the fork there's a little tab right there that you're going to hit on here so basically you have a channel but you actually need to go further than that channel and that's going to be able to drop the coil all the way down into that fork assembly there so um from here we are just going to be tightening down the lock rings on the coil over so this preload is pretty much where i want it to be i can if i want to really crank it by hand i can and i can kind of get a little bit of wiggle room there um we might drop it down just a little bit i've always gone until there's tension turning the spring see how i can kind of turn that a little bit that's where i want to keep it we're going to tighten down this lock ring right here talk to tight down this lock ring we'll be good to go all right so it's pretty much the same thing on the other side so sync up the uh the lower fork assembly up into the bottom of the coil cinch down the bolt on the fork and then we're going to go down the lower put a little bit of pressure on the jack a little bit tension and then meet that 17 millimeter on the bottom all right guys so the front end is officially done now so everything's tightened down up top here on the lower collars everything's been cinched down so one thing i want to point out is that on the lower front control arm there you have that 17 millimeter bolt if you want to tighten it down all the way make sure you have pressure coming up from the jack stand so you're tightening it so you don't shift that bushing within that lower control arm if that makes any sense and so you could also tighten it down once it's on the ground but it's a little bit harder to get to it because it's on the ground and it's lowered and you can't really do that so best bet is to jack it up just a little bit put pressure on the coil and then tighten down that 17 millimeter and you're good to go hey guys you you forgot about me you threw me out and i'm back now damn it dude you're cute you're cute i feel bad kicking out of the garage but just don't get near the evo you know that back again for more yeah what are we doing you guys are drinking cool you guys got any milk for me [Music] dude how did you get under there don't don't jump under here because this thing no no no no oh my god [Music] i don't know what your name is done deal [Music] all right so one quick thing to note on the rears here so the rears are automatically going to be sitting way way lower and at your minimum thread pitch here you're going to be dropped down several inches at that point so we're kind of finagling a little bit to get to where the height i want however we never know because once you drop the car we'll see where it sits so doing a quick measurement here we got one dialed in we get the other one dialed in uh and then we're gonna throw it in the car pull out towards you oh actually that's it that might not be too bad dude i mean you're only two inches from the holes yeah so i don't know cool all right guys had to figure out a quick lower control arm bolt situation we got it all figured out here so um jason's tightening down the uh collars on the coils both sides everything's all buttoned up looks good i'm going to crank down the tops the 14s inside the trunk there but everything zipped up relatively well like i said we had an issue here with one bolt not breaking loose we just dropped it from the midsection there dropped it down swung out pulled it out so um it all worked fine i just i have no idea who put on that bolt there but it's like it's beyond seized so i'll hit with pb blaster some more again i think i might just do it just to help the next owner of this car whatever it may be but yeah that's the plan all right guys it's wheel time now throwing back on the cleanest set of hubcaps you've ever seen am i right sheesh things suck it's it's more disappointing this time around jason because last time we were putting the wheels on and the suspension this time it's just well there's stock wheels that's what it's gonna look like i don't know what do you think do you think it's gonna be pretty low because right now the way i'm looking at it i don't know i really don't it depends on how much the springs are i think yeah because it's going to settle too so i don't know it's kind of a guesstimate but i think i will probably dial in the rest of this at work if i want to make any changes but i mean what we know though is that on these coils you can definitely slam them yeah go for that hot boy fitment all right guys so wheels are on at this point we have no idea kind of no idea how this is going to look so um this is the exciting part when installing coilovers because once you lower it for the first time kind of one of those how do we do situations so i'm excited to see how this thing's gonna look so yep we're gonna get it off lower it down uh torque down everything uh see how it's sitting and then however it sits now is how it's gonna be for a little while until i can get it on a lift and maybe make some more minor adjustments but i think we got a spot on jason i think we i hope so i i felt like we did i feel like we did way more measurements this time around than we did on the red honda so i have faith that it's going to look pretty good so uh let's get it down the ground [Music] well guys here we go this is how the car is currently sitting and uh yeah it's it's it's tucking some tire man it's low but it's not i guess it's not ungodly low and what i mean by that is that i i kind of was expecting it for it to be lower but keep in mind it's on the 14s right now and so it will be on 15 inch wheels and i think with a tire width and everything like that it should look relatively good but um still looks good to me what do you think looks like a honda looks like a typical honda now on a typical fishbowl honda from anthony hubcaps yeah dude this is looks pretty good it looks pretty good once the wheels go on i think that's what's going to tie everything together but in terms of the overall [Music] height man i think i think that that's where i want to be on this civic i think and so i mean in terms of clearance here i have a whole hand with so i think i think this might be it dude i think i think we might just leave it throw the new wheels and tires on can i want to buy it now i know it's dirty it's dirty in a good way in case you want to know what natural camber looks like meaning that when you drop a car right it's going to naturally camber inwards this obviously doesn't have camera kits on it so you can see how the wheel is at an angle like this right so obviously it's really tucked but on the wheels it'll actually pretty good i think and so i don't think i can fit camera kits into my 3 000 budget on this car but i could fit the coils and that obviously changed it quite a bit so i'm playing this from here jason's gonna take off he's got a dinner date i am going to kind of look over everything tighten the last few bolts i need to while the car is on the ground try to get under there see if everything's tight see everything's buttoned up i'm going to take it for a quick drive see how it feel we'll see how it handles see if there's any weird clunk slumps bumps or anything like that um and i think we'll be well on our way all right so i thought this would be a good spot to take it out here you can see a couple turns and wines and things like that and this road is kind of uneven so it's a little bit bumpy and i thought this would be a good place to test it out so we're just going to take it for a quick rip make sure everything is working as it should i will say though that on the drive here car felt good guys felt really really good nothing to report but i thought that if anything were to happen might as well get it on camera oh yeah man this thing is driving straight as an arrow too i'm telling you i think that just the small adjustments me and jason did and just taking the extra time to measure things i think it makes all the difference in the world and so um just something i highly recommend doing but i think for the price man this suspension it's hard to beat for a civic especially at 900 civic it's just hard to beat there's obviously cheaper options out there but this is what's kind of tried and true for myself i've obviously done it once before and i've been running those coilovers for over two years with literally no issues and so i wanted to make sure that the future owner of this car had something good that you know would hopefully last them quite some time what do you call this maneuver the drunk driving maneuver feels good i will say though i miss the s2000 steering wheel it feels a lot like the red civic a lot less stiff because the red civic has a lot more in terms of the other suspension upgrades but in terms of just the overall straight line writing it feels very very similar to the red civic so straighten out the wheel here see if it wanders at all no that's just the road dude i think we nailed it guys getting a little bit of fender liner rub but i think that's just due to how low i am it'll probably get worse once we throw on the wheels and tires good feels good we should do a toga run once this is done take both this and the red civic out here okay we got a bump coming up probably gonna get some fender liner rub no this is all uneven road here i'm going over it i'm a happy camper all right can the suspension go off-road i'm kidding all right well guys i don't really have much else to say i've told you again i i went with the suspension for a reason i like it i know it's gonna last i know it's gonna be good for the next owner um so i'm really happy with it i think the install went really well so anyways i'm excited to drive it for at least another couple weeks or a month or however long i have this car um i think it's gonna be really nice so things to look forward to in the upcoming videos um interior detailing video all of the paint work on the exterior uh mounting the new wheel and tire setup uh that's coming up and then i might do like a small like budget accessories video something small just to kind of add some final touches because again i am on a budget i can't go crazy with this car and i have to stay under that three thousand dollar price point so um the coilovers are my biggest purchase so far 500 bucks or a little over 500 bucks whatever it came out to and so uh 900 car over 500 suspension makes sense right so as always thank you for all your support we're almost at 100k which is just mind-blowing but again i i appreciate all of you so if you guys like this video and want to see more civic content make sure you give me a big thumbs up subscribe down below for more i'll catch you guys next time it's all the anthony peace [Music] you
Views: 48,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honda, civic, transformation, before, after, budget, build, em1, ej8, d16y7, d16y8, sohc, vtec, chris, fix, coilover, truhart, install, honda civic, coilover install, honda civic coilovers, honda suspension, cheap vs expensive coilovers, budget coilover suspension, lowering a honda civic, lowered honda civic, honda civic transformation, how to install coilovers, truhart coilover install, alldayanthony honda civic, slammed honda civic, best cheap coilovers, best civic suspension, 90's honda civic
Id: tdd8Qmq-5jA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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