Filmmaker Reacts to CRAZY ROBOT CAMERA Techniques!

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what's up everybody Peter beginning here welcome back to yet another video it's so great to have you here and see all of your smiling faces today we are reacting to some epic cinematic robot awesomeness your minds are gonna be blown your faces are gonna melt nothing's gonna make sense and watching these on my iPad I've got a couple bangers lined up if you thought you knew anything about how commercials and behind-the-scenes cinema goodness is made think again mustard made pickles everything's flying mid up but Oh lands on up plans how would it possibly land all that had to be done like 1300 times let's see that again everything lands it's cool seeing it all splash into the air but then it all lands perfectly Wow I can't even bite a hamburger perfect I can't even how would you even begin to shoot that hey guys I just want all of the pieces of a hamburger to be flying through the air then I want it all to land stacked if you could just do that for me that would be great so we got a macro close of a pencil an exacto knife through the paper wow that shot underneath is dope oh that's a sewing machine needle goes down bobbin thread Oh what is this this is incredible wow wow wow that was insane that was absolutely incredible [Music] you want to pour the water nicely to keep that even extraction going like just in an all-in-one pour like a like an all-in-one platform you get some nice aromas if you just do this when you smell great customer service 24/7 customer services that's what I'm getting here yeah oh my goodness how easy that was anyone can do it hmm I'm getting notes of award-winning templates what do you call it it's a what's the name online store yeah you can sell things now you can sell products with an online store get a little bit of that and then a very strong undertone of of 10% off 10% off using code McKinnon a checkout that's what it is yeah nailed it it's very strong it's that hmm bold the links are listed below should you need them if you care to if you care to dive in to the rich rich experience of Squarespace [Music] now you even think of the series of things you've I've always wondered how those types of scenes were shot I think instead of watching a couple more videos let's just go to this guy his studio because spoiler alert Steve draw reached out after the first video that we made on filmmaker reacts to invited me to his studio where he has all of his cinema robots cinemates be right back he's gonna fly to New York real quick and I'll be back tonight I'll be right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay everyone this is Steve throughout the master since cinema box in Abbas cinema cinema camera what do you are you a let's do a robot store oh boy what we call Bob the bolts this is a bolt cinema robot it's super fast super awesome super accurate and on here we have the phantom vo 4k camera I'm gonna show you the other two robots this way so this is one of my favorite robots this is called Johnny five for those that you know know that reference enjoy it but I could push this little button here and I could actually move the robot by hand and then come down here and it will actually remember those positions so it's really fast a program app or of coffee or a beer he actually does a lot of booze right now he has a motorized conveyor belt on him to make from stumble off here we have Robby we use him to do a lot of light movements and drinks as well we recently had a coke bottle on here for a shoot that was really cool it was boring to coke and pouring the Jack Daniel's and it was really cool he's on a track that we custom-built on this that's actually bolted to the roof so he'll get from this side to the track to that side and have a second which is scary then we have our crazy lighting rig this is all hand-built by us yeah these are 2000 watt LED panels 2 feet by 4 feet and then this is actually the really fun thing which is the liquid cooling system so there's a pump that's bringing water to this water chiller and then there's a pump that's pumping it out to the lights to chill them and then it comes back here returns I think it's chilled again and this keeps circulating and circulating so keeps our lights really small so you see this is actually a light itself is just this little tiny piece right here so the water goes into this piece of aluminum comes back out and takes with it all the heat this guy here is just making his own water-cooled lights because he needs them so that's what he does so you guys ready for this so we have a balloon filled with what looks like juice and a scalpel blade that's gonna make the balloon pop but keep its liquid shape and then this fruit up here is gonna fly up into the frame and it all is gonna collide all at once and beautiful phantom slow-motion the timing between the fruit and the balloon is like usually like a point oh one second thing that we got to get right we have control of that on the computer but it's kind of interpreting the footage to see oh is it Oh point oh five seconds or is it 0.1 seconds difference how do you make sure the cameras in focus when it's moving through these moves like you don't have someone pulling focus no we actually programmed that move in with software you know it's funny because sometimes I set up a tutorial at my house or at the office and I get a couple lights boom the mic do all those things takes me like you know 20 minutes to dial it in nicely and I think that's just too much work that's just too much setup for one shot then I came here and met these guys but we would basically spend usually a day sometimes it's a week it all depends sometimes you do some things like the same day like our bottle cap challenge we just did that all in one day we just came up with the idea shot it in [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay Steve with every new person that comes on the channel I like to do like a really fast Q&A like 10 to 15 questions I don't know if it's ever actually 15 questions but a little rapid session over a beer one sip per question I got a plane to catch okay so number one how did you get into robots humans are too faulty and no do things the way I want them to when I want them too so robots do exactly what I want them to do what I need them to do it every single time and they're never late that's a great answer how many robots do you actually help we have three robots so far I want more do you love your robots more than you love maybe like your spouse how long you've been working for were like big brands commercially like shooting all of their epic epicness how long do that been about 12 years I've been shooting commercially as a still photographer doing video for the last four which includes visual engineering what cameras are using on these robots because you're not using DSLR or mirrorless cameras two cameras phantom vo 4k amazing thousand frames a second 4k and the red epic dragon Wow how much do those cameras cost like what does that run you how much do you pay for AC every single month with all of the you have in here our electrical Bowl is ridiculous between the lights the heating the ovens the robots we use a lot of electricity I need to talk to the Elon Musk you're in the middle of New York City how did you get that robot to the 12th floor we actually had to have the robot base custom-made to fit in our elevator in through the door and came up in pieces and it hasn't left yet but someday it has to come out favorite project you've ever shot with a robot that's from like the burger drop that I did that was definitely my favorite first proof-of-concept shoot and I always had a little special space in my heart you dog person or a cat absolutely the dark person my dog Humphrey comes to work with us almost all time that's fun is he here today nope you stayed home today how do you get into robots how do you get into doing what it is that you do first and foremost I'm a visual storyteller so as much as I use robots and I use cameras and phantoms explosions I went to flood photography school learn film and the story drives the technology so always keep that in mind what are you starting a YouTube channel grow we're planning on it it's coming really soon what's in your pockets I got keys and I got my iPhone car key and my wallet here's a little Paris day in a city bike pretty simple carry simple guy no Knight no pocket knife that's just that's all you got it dude thanks so much thank you Manny's a pleasure [Music] hey guys good luck with the shot okay so we hired a driver to take me from here to the airport but there 30 minutes late and they were an hour and a half late picking me up from the airport so I've lost two hours of this trip which kind of blows because I'm only here for like five and a half hours so it really cut down my time shooting and hopefully I'm able to make it back to the airport don't want to miss my flight oh well that was a long day that was a long trip but it was absolutely phenomenal just goes to show you the work that goes into some of these shots that we just don't even think about but we just see an ad or we see a commercial or we see some beautiful cinematography like the leather going through the lace going through the stamps and the suppressor foot to do pitching the bobbin fire burgers and lettuce and if you just tuned in right now to that specific section you like what is this guy talking about but it just goes to show you the amount of work and effort that goes into a lot of this stuff behind the scenes like they'll spend two days just setting up a shot just to start trying to get the shot for maybe one part of a camera it's just it's why I love this it's why I love it is why I love this serious filmmaker react see because it really sheds light on the people that are making the stuff that we love we get to see that you know they're their fruits fruits of fruits fruits labor of fruits little ape fruit of their labor fruit fruit of Loom underwear we really get to see the hard work that's put in behind the scenes that typically is never shown that's why I love this series of guys thank you so much for watching Steve thank you for having me check out Steve work below I've linked his Instagram account and whenever he gets his YouTube channel going I'll announce that here and we'll all go over and smash that subscribe that is that hit the like button if you like this video smash it if that's something that you're into 2018 style subscribe if you aren't already and and I will see you in the next video I think I've had too much today I think I'm I think that last sip was the line and the line was crossed is that stress you out watching me spit an iPad like that like stop it do you stop it [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peter McKinnon
Views: 897,340
Rating: 4.8990064 out of 5
Keywords: Peter McKinnon, Peter McKinnon photography, Peter McKinnon Tutorials, Photography, Cinematography, Learn Cameras, Learn Photography, Learn Video, Video tutorials, Camera basics, Filmmaker Reacts to, Filmmaker Reacts, Reacting To, React, Reaction, Filmmaker Reaction, Peter McKinnon React, Crazy Hollywood Movie Techniques, Cinema Robot, Cinema Robot Moves, Kira, Bolt, Reacting to crazy hollywood camera moves, Movie Magic, Behind The Scenes Hollywood
Id: J-fuoh0FJu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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