Film Theory: Finding Nemo's UNTOLD Story! (Pixar Finding Nemo)

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AutoModerator ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I don't think Disney is ready to make a kids movie with possible trans and incest elements if they want to release in China.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/hawker101 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I see and understand the realistic fish sex stuff. It does make sense if there is a trilogy that marlin is the one to be found, but the whole concept is a bit of a stretch to me. Honestly I would've been happy without a sequel. Finding dory while gave a bit of lore was mostly just made cause the first movie was amazing. Anything more would seem to be too much in my opinion. and this is coming from someone who loves toy story 1-3 (I'm iffy about 4 but woody's my boi so I respect his choice)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/deliciousdave33 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

If that research about Clownfish was done in June 2019, then he couldn't have known that detail while he was making both movies?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/tundrat ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 20 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Sweet Home Alabama...

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ashmaster667 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] so you see doc um sure they may have found me in the end but did I ever really find myself Melissa Nemo I'm really disappointed in you Oh No why because that joke was god-awful a real pile of carp I thought you were supposed to be a clownfish all right good session today see you next week buddy thanks for ending it on a good joke but I wasn't joking hello Internet welcome to film Theory home to the most sophisticated fan series on the internet with Pixar back in the news for its newest film tale of two guys living in a gritty urban world filled with magic called bright airy lives don't matter today no idea is everywhere these days isn't he oh wait no no sorry got it confused with the other movie about two guys living in a gritty urban world filled with magic this one is called onward which I'm being honest as an equally non interesting non descriptive title as bright so really the two movies are practically the same thing anyway none of it matters cuz I haven't seen it yet not talking about it yet nope today we're flashing back to Pixar's past with a deep dive into the Finding Nemo franchise to explore a plot point that may have some significant implications for our dad son duo as well as the eventual third movie and the franchise cuz we all know it's coming now obviously animated movies with talking animals are expected to take a few liberties going in the audience understands that not everything in the movie is gonna be a hundred percent realistic it's why most of us can watch the circle of life seen from The Lion King without needing there to be a zebra getting its throat ripped out by a hungry cheetah however there are some people out there who just can't stand a movie with factual inaccuracies like that and no his name is not just Matt Pat's or at least I mean I'm not alone case in point the director of Finding Nemo Andrew Stanton who's been very vocal about his need for scientific accuracy in the Finding Nemo movies when he watched The Lion King it rubbed him the wrong way so when developing Finding Nemo Stan very intentionally sought to present animal king with truth even when the truth was unfair or brutal stam explains quote nemo is working with the real world the real predatory world and was definitely a response to the Lion King I liked working with the limitations of the rules of nature supposed to breaking the rules and saying everything's in it for the circle of life end quote as a result the Nemo films are chock-full of marine biology facts and truths what you want to do is follow the EAC Australian current yep totally a real thing that exists and that fish used to migrate let's name the zones of the not just too catchy song but also a nice way to remember the different zones of the ocean French North even this is housed in some level of fact there are certain species of shark that are able to survive on a mostly vegetarian diet but just how truthful was Andrew willing to go because Nemo and Marlin are clownfish and clownfish harbored themselves an interesting anatomical secrets you see in the absence of a female in the colony a male clownfish will become female that's right according to everything scientists currently know about clownfish if Nemo's mom had truly been killed by a barracuda like we see in the opening of the movie in Marlin Nemo's dad would have immediately begun the process of becoming a biological female that's because clownfish are what's known as protandrous hermaphrodites which means that they're born with immature reproductive organs the male organs develop first around the age of 2 and the female organs only developed later should the clown fishes colony need him to step up because clownfish colonies have themselves only one female at a time and she only mates with the dominant male if and when the female dies the dominant male then steps up and turns into the dominant female but that's not the big reveal I'm talking about when it comes to Finding Nemo no there's one last twist of the story with our dominant male in this case Marlin now female it leaves the role of the dominant male vacant means that one of the immature males from the colony has to move up into the role of the breeding male but an emos colony there's only one other fish to fill that role nemo himself meaning that when Marlin transitions into a biological female Nemo would then biologically be required to move up into the role of the dominant male in other words in a completely realistic version of this movie Nemo would then procreate with his own parent Marlin I know our unofficial tagline is ruining your childhood but seriously this one is really gunning for that title no in all seriousness surely Disney doesn't intend for their animated family franchise to be interpreted this way right I mean we see a whole lot of Marlin after his wife quarrel dies and everyone including Marlin himself only ever identify him as being male without question a year later during the events of finding dory Marlin is still being referred to as a he and there's certainly no evidence that Marlin & Nemo are you know taking a role in the anemone in finding Dory the two of them still live alone without any signs of tiny clowns around sorry tiny clowns led to a scary visual their tiny underwater clowns are the stuff of nightmares let me rephrase that the two still live alone without any signs of tiny clownfish around thank you said Andrew Stanton I liked working with the limitations of the rules of nature as opposed to breaking the rules probably regret making that comment now huh then again Stanton very very clearly did his research on clownfish he sought to show the animal kingdom in a realistic light and it appears everywhere you look coral and Marlin embody the typical clownfish family dynamic to a tee as the most dominant member of their school's female clownfish are the ones who venture out of the anemone and defend their homes against predators while male clownfish tends the children and rarely stray far from the anemone Coral in true female clownfish fashion does not back down from the Barracuda and dies defending her eggs likewise Marlin is nurturing and over cautious about straying too far from home clownfish are basically the only fish in the sea that don't get stung by an anemone and the films are sure to toss that factoid in there too even when we get to finding Dory the aquarium is littered with marine biology facts so just how far were they willing to push the scientific factual 'ti of this movie well come as a surprise the very few of you and I have myself a theory a film theory I think they're doing it I think this is exactly what is happening in these films not the part about Nemo obviously that would be aligned too far but I do think that Marlin may in fact be changing biologically to a female clownfish right in front of our eyes just hear me out on this as you might assume it's gonna take some time for the dominant male clownfish to fully change biologically into a female in fact a 20-19 study found that a dominant male clown fishes organs can take years to fully develop into female parts but they also found that the change from male to female begins first in the clown fishes brain before any actual physical changes are detected in their mating organs meaning that a dominant male clown fishes behaviors will turn female almost immediately as soon as the death of the female clownfish happens in the colony so again to summarize because this is important the behavioural changes happen right away and that physiological changes occur later so what does this mean for the character of Marlin well it means that Marlin should be exhibiting female behaviors shortly after we see coral die and wouldn't you know it that's exactly what we see happening let's create a timeline shall we Marlins transformation begins the moment coral is killed by the barracuda we'll call this day 0 at that point Nemo is an egg that's just a couple of days from hatching after the Barracuda attack leads Marlin with only one viable egg to raise we leap forward in time to win Nemo as a juvenile clownfish which would put in between ages of nine and fifteen months old at this stage efficient Marlins physician should be exhibiting a fully developed female brain and we'd expect to see Marlin exhibiting female clownfish characteristics and behaviors like issuing warning calls or even launching attacks while remaining cautious about venturing too far from the anemone and as the film's progress we do in fact see Marlin becoming assertive in brand new ways he's been backing sharks and jellyfish all sorts of that can't be here he's sure what was his name that's some sort of sport fish or something tuna good trout that's it Marlin the little clownfish from the reef [Music] I heard he took on three and Marlon certainly does remain cautious about venturing too far from the anemone even throughout the course of finding Dory which occurs one year later so this means at the conclusion of finding Dory roughly two years from day zero approximately 9 to 15 months at the end of the first movie plus 12 months in the second movie or about 24 months total Nemo is now two years old and theoretically Marlin has been undergoing this changing process for two years does this theory hold water based on the timeline of events yes you see the two-year mark just so happens to be the pivotal point in time for both Nemo and Marlin for Nemo he's reached the end of his adolescence clownfish reach reproductive maturity after the two-year mark so Nemo is on the very cusp of this moment when finding Dory concludes this means that the next time we see Nemo he's finally gonna be able to step up into the role of the breeding male but as we all know it takes to two underwater tango and at the two-year mark Marlin is still likely going through his transformation in that 2019 study I referenced earlier researchers observe the changing clownfish for a three-year period with the study concluded after those three years only three of the seventeen males had fully completed the gonad all changed to females so all of this is to say when finding Dory concludes we wouldn't expect clownfish and Nemo and Marlins positions to be rubbing fins but we would expect them to start the process in the near future so this feels like a smart place for Disney to end its family-friendly franchise because from here on out things are gonna start to get hashtag awkward so there you have it folks this is why we're never gonna get Finding Nemo 3 because if the director is truly committed to scientific accuracy in his movie then there is no world no world where a Nemo 3 could happen surely nothing could convince Disney to undermine its commitment to entertaining broad family audiences with base level entertainment not even money rights rights well just how much money are we talking about here exactly because from a financial standpoint the Finding Nemo franchise is an absolute cash cow the Finding Nemo duo G has made more money than any other duology and Pixar history in fact when adjusted for inflation Finding Nemo and finding Dory are pics number one and number two highest-grossing films ever and from a creative standpoint director Andrew Stanton hasn't ruled out the possibility of a third Nimmo movie here's another quote from him I really do feel like this was the missing piece emotionally for the first movie now I've stopped saying never for anything because there are a lot of characters that get introduced and we've broadened the universe for this movie again I'm very used to seeing that world continue to open up from the Toy Story movies so I've learned is just saying to my knowledge I think everything that was born of the first movie is wrapped up we'll see anyway but let's take a look at that last comment shall we everything that was born in the first movie is wrapped up not quite Andrew you see I'm thinking the strongest argument for a third Nimmo movie is from a story standpoint the three main characters in both these films are Nemo Dory and Marlin first Marlin found Nemo in Finding Nemo then Marlin found Dory and finding dory and up next naturally we would expect Marlin to find Marlin this won't be so much a physical search for Marlin as it is a story of internal discovery as Marlin shoulders new gender roles made his own biologically mandated role change it's like a marine biologists version of transparent he's discovering himself as a new fish as the fish that he was always born to be I mean that'll be kind of tough to cut out for China they're Disney but then again some things are bigger than China Disney could definitely use the P R after being pummeled in recent years for its lackluster portrayal of LGBT+ characters let's face it a story like this is still rooted in the real world science that Andrew Stanton founded these movies on in the first place but hey that's just a theory a film theory and [Music]
Channel: The Film Theorists
Views: 2,711,637
Rating: 4.8511391 out of 5
Keywords: finding nemo, finding dory, pixar, pixar theory, the pixar theory, disney, disney theory, marlin, dory, nemo, fish, clownfish, the science of fish, the science of clownfish, angler fish, angler fish finding nemo, turtle in finding nemo, finding nemo end credits, finding dory last scene, onward pixar, loop pixar short, soul pixar, pixar trailer, finding nemo trailer, finding dory trailer, finding nemo 3, finding dory sequel, film theory, film theorists, matpat, film theory disney
Id: EJbelcQxpQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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