Film Theory: Captain Marvel's Big Twist - Who is an Undercover Skrull? (Captain Marvel Predictions)

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a portion of today's episode is brought to you by the Google pixel 3 hello internets and this is film theory the show where we always expose the so-called heroes for the Psychopaths that they really are today we're talking about Captain Marvel can she be trusted no no she cannot therefore we must band together and Bram what's going on here look it's a scroll impostor of me me yes the the real mad bat no I'm pretty sure that I'm the real matpat I think the viewers are smart enough to tell the difference right you very clearly understand that this is me you can tell based on that buttery smooth voice this other guy's voice is all kind of obnoxious sounds like a Green Goblin ripoff look at him over there with that smug grin you know that this is the real mad Pat because of this voice my voice is annoying to a large majority of the internet and you can tell that because my voice is quite annoying right now I mean look it's me I'm even holding a diet coke looks like he's drinking a mountain Dew or something I don't know I don't I don't drink a mountain Dew at the very least it would be a Diet Mountain Dew diet sodas are just what I prefer when stomach doesn't really adjust all that well to fully sugared sodas it's just the fact of the matter you know that he's the imposter does he even wear his hair that way no no he does not probably not listen to these episodes more his podcasts I'm not some evil doppelganger how dare you suggest that he even said hello Internet and this is filmed that's not the phrase he doesn't even know the phrase oh how could you possibly go with this guy that is not what I say every episode oh come on [Music] hello Internet welcome to film theory the real film theory accept no substitutes and how do I know you're not a scroll now you're kidding as we prepare for the upcoming release of Captain Marvel had become obsessed less with her as a character and more with her foes the shape-shifting Scrolls as the trailers have shown anyone even a kindly old grandma the Metro can turn out to be a highly-trained deadly Skrull warrior well there's your first clue Captain Marvel this is on the Los Angeles subway no normal human being rides that thing that's not a statement about people who ride it it's more about Ellie's lackluster public transportation system anyway if you think Kevin Feige and the team over at Marvel is gonna be content with revealing one random little old woman as a scroll then I don't think you've been paying attention Captain America's best friend killed Iron Man's mom Loki has been written off as dead multiple times oh yeah the entire good guy team of shield turned out to be controlled by their arch-nemesis Hydra twist reveals are as integral to this franchise as shots of topless men so with Captain Marvel being the only movie left before we head into the endgame in the next phase of MCU I think we can all expect one or two last big gut punch reveals that some familiar face we've been seeing over the last 10 years might just be an alien in disguise so today it is my goal to predict where the secret scrolls are hiding in the MCU while also exonerating any of the key suspects can we see the twists coming before it hits feeders probably not based on my track record but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna try using evidence logic and solid narrative structure gosh darn it oh and in case it wasn't obvious yet spoilers for all the MCU movies up through ant-man and blossom before we start let's all review our Skrull basics to ensure that we're working with the same set of knowledge because the scrolls haven't made an official MCU appearance yet even if they have been there the whole time in hiding it means that we're not a hundred percent sure what features of these characters will be used from the original source material but it is still probably the best place to start the scrolls were an ancient race of green skin humanoids with pointy ears who were initially peaceful when interacted with other civilizations due to their genetic instability they are blessed with the ability to shape-shift making it easy for them to facilitate trade and conduct diplomacy as a result their civilization grew and prospered well at least until they met the Creed you're a pre a race of noble warriors heroes you sure about that Captain Marvel it must depend on who you ask since our only exposure to the Kree up to this point has been guardians of the galaxy in which old purple eyes blue dragon Ronan the accuser over here was of the Kree race which should give you some example of their disposition I believe for 1,000 years of Kree justice on Xandar someone's angry before the scrolls and Kree go to war for hundreds of thousands of years changing the scrolls into a warrior race and from there on out it's basically never a good thing when either the Kree or the scrolls show up on earth as I mentioned the scrolls main ability is shape-shifting and usually it's just limited to that shape able to copy practically anything organic like a cow or inorganic like a lamb able to copy inorganic things maybe the time stone was actually a scroll in disguise but that's not all they also have the ability to copy memories making them even harder to spot the scroll had her appearance her voice yes but it also had her memories she was a perfect copy in every way once you reveal a scroll the fights just beginning well they're no problem for heavy hitters like Thor or the Hulk scrolls do have some serious superhuman strength and a healing factor that's far beyond that of a normal person there's also a special species of so-called super scrolls that can even absorb super powers in the cancelled MCU tie-in video game The Avengers there were even super Skrulls that seemed to have absorbed the powers of Hulk Captain America Iron Man and Thor all at the same time that pretty much makes everyone in the MCU a suspect no super-powered rage monster or sorcerer supreme is fully safe from suspicion but we do some logical deduction to reduce our list of suspects as bold of a move as it would be I think it's pretty safe to say that Tony Stark the de facto main character of the MCU up to this point is safe from being a Skrull if he was one it would be coming out of nowhere and it would vastly cheap in our entire experience so far with this universe a twist for twist sake just wouldn't be worth undercutting a decade's worth of emotional investment into this guy the same can be said of Captain America who's already dealt with multiple imposter situations in these movies between the Hydra reveal and the [ __ ] as a killer reveal the trail is just part of his everyday life so for him to pull off the proverbial scooby-doo mask to reveal himself as someone different would just be unmotivated bad storytelling next we can reasonably eliminate the victims from the snappin in infinity war up sorry according to the novelized tie-ins it's now called the decimation lame I like dripping on terrible horror movie names when the trees are out to kill humanity what no hash tag snapping was happening well regardless if they're going to all the trouble to remove someone from these movies just to bring them back they're probably not gonna be a Skrull reveal stacked on reveals just feel kind of cheap from a storytelling standpoint or if they did come back they'd come back and scroll form in which case your Gong sounds Franco are also included in the group killed an infinity war would be Loki who you know definitely isn't dead yet but being a Skrull would just be too many things that Loki is on top of not being dead twice Clint Barton who you may know as Hawkeye seems to be making a return in the persona of Ronan and endgame avenging his snap to a family based on them saying nice family right before showing him in his new outfits it's not impossible that he's a Skrull but it would greatly cheapen his dark vengeance arc also safe from a storytelling perspective his black widow who was about to get her own movie going into a solo movie as a recently outed alien imposter is gonna really strain fan acceptance of that new IP so it certainly seems like she's gonna be safe and lastly her beau Hulk who was certainly acting strange and infinity in the past Bruce could never remember things that happened when he was the whole who's Ashley kind of runs you actually did today's house for a while I did yeah what's happened you and I had a fight did I win no I won he's that and yet an infinity war he remembers both Thanos and the Infinity stones as banner he's also the perfect candidate for a scroll take over a generally confused professor type who after age of Ultron goes missing for years meaning there was plenty of opportunity for the old switcharoo with above-average knowledge of the universe and a best friends list that includes a bunch of superheroes but I gotta take him off the list too since Hulk as a separate entity inside banner would certainly reject the imposter and not in the way that we see in the movie but even with that big chunk of candidates out of the way we're still left with a number of juicy options first Thor the juiciest of the bunch Thor just went through a massive character change going from dark and brooding and thoughtful at the end of age of Ultron to a big old goofball in Ragnarok sure that was a course correct for a character who is struggling to resonate with audiences but still that change could be explained through a scroll take over you no one else could be explained through scroll control his ineptitude when it comes to finding Infinity stones at the beginning of Thor Ragnarok he outright says this and I went searching through the cosmos for some magic colorful infinity stone things didn't find any oh you didn't did you that's odd considering at the end of Thor the dark world even this Asgard grunt knows the location of two but if I may ask why not keep it secure the tesseract is already on us God is not wise to keep two Infinity stones so close together seems like not even Taika Waititi director of Ragnarok was able to get through the entirety of Thor dark world and lastly let's be honest here it's a bit weird that the god of thunder is repeatedly taken out by an electrical collar shock suspicious right that said I'm gonna have to knock him off the list for two reasons first his actor Chris Hemsworth has hinted that there's more for to come so doing a drastic character upheaval like a scroll reveal would risk reverting a character back to a more boring version of himself when he'd finally found the popularity he was looking for with audiences and secondly from a lore standpoint until the hammer breaks and Ragnarok Thor carries it around with no problem lifting the OL near isn't a matter of strength or super abilities but worthiness a scroll pretending to be Thor wouldn't be seen as worthy by the hammer and thus shouldn't be able to lift it therefore Thor is safe so who's left who are the secret Scrolls or are we just looking for reveals that'll never happen I don't think so the first candidate I and a bunch of other online theorists feel really confident about is general Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross who I hear he asking well Ross made his debut in the second MCU movie ever released the oft forgotten Incredible Hulk where he did what general Ross always does in Hulk stories he helps create the Hult and he fights against the Hulk then he lets the Hulk go before hunting him down yet again he creates the Hulk in his obsession with Captain America's Super Soldier Serum then he uses Hulk to fight against abomination but come Captain America Civil War Ross is singing a totally different tune the general has quit the army and has now risen to the role of Secretary of State but what really stands out here isn't the change in role it's his change as it regards enhanced humans he's a strong advocate for the sokovia accords which puts restrictions on superhero activity practically the opposite of his views in Incredible Hulk he explains this change viewpoint by telling a story after 13 hours of surgery triple bypass I found something perspective it's one of those oddly specific moments in a movie that's either lamb shading the clear retcon of his character or its setting up some oddly specific details that will pay off once the change in perspective is revealed to be a Skrull takeover anyway he is now the driving force that's trying to restrict the actions of heroes he's the one responsible for a bill that drives a wedge between the team thereby weakening the Avengers and scattering them across the globe making earth vulnerable to scroll attack he has a high rank not just in the military but also in the government at a national and international scale and his reintroduction in Civil War and shoehorning into infinity war after eight years of silence in the MCU is suspicious without measure especially since his involvement in the former movie was initially teased as being quote a new general Ross and he don't have to take my word for it from the mouth of the actor himself quote what they've done is they've taken a character who was the Ross from the older film and made a new version this is a much newer Ross a much different Ross and quote we're on to you new general Ross gonna surprise anyone when you reveal yourself as the little green man you are on the inside so general Ross in my opinion is almost certainly a Skrull but that reveal isn't gonna be all that impactful on anyone is anyone really watching at home clutching their General Ross action figures close to their chest being like I can't wait to see more from this guy no I would assume not but there is still one very interesting option whose impact might have a little more Rhodey aka war machine James Rhodey Rhodes is Tony Stark's best friend and as one of my earn man's closest and oldest advisors he'd already be a fantastic target for any intelligence organization but Rhodey is a double-whammy because he's also a high-ranking Air Force officer with the ability to call off strikes on hostile aircraft that's a pretty handy ability should the scroll be looking to attack and that's before he even start considering his possession and mastery of a heavily armed mech suit he also disappears with the Iron Man mark 2 armor for a suspicious long amount of time in Iron Man 2 before he takes it to his superiors in the military we know that Tony lives in Malibu California and we are expressly told by the movie that Rhodey flies it to Edwards Air Force Base which is close enough that you could drive between the two locations in a matter of hours and yet here it is night today where were you that whole time Rhodey may be given that suit to your scroll friends for an inspection from a narrative standpoint Rhodey is one of the best possible choices he's an important enough character that he's a familiar heroic face but he's not so important that him having a secret identity would undermine a lot of the emotional stakes that we have in the more well-established characters plus the reveal of Rhodey as a scroll would be the final blow to Tony who's already undergone so many changes throughout these other movies he's changed his motivations his morals he's lost that arrogance and swagger with it being replaced by paranoia he's connected with a son surrogate that he then loses and he's been forced to question almost every belief that he had back in 2008 when this whole mess started so for Rhodey to go and betray him reveal that he had been body swapped somewhere before Iron Man 2 when Don Cheadle took over the role then truly Tony would have to question the last thing he has left his faith in even his closest of friends but for actual evidence we turn yet again to Captain America Civil War he's one of the very few Avengers to actually sign the sokovia accords helping to ensure the superheroes are restricted in their actions he's also badly hurt during that movies Airport showdown when vision mrs. Falcons wings and instead hits roadies power supply causing him to plummet hundreds of feet seeing the scene the first time I was shocked then I was shocked again that we were told that he was still alive and only just paralyzed a fall like that would kill any human especially a human in hundreds of pounds of armor no question but an alien that's slightly stronger than a human and has healing factor definitely a lot more believable and speaking of that healing factor roadies recovery is equally alien in just two years in movie time he's strong enough to fight in the battle of Wakanda I don't buy it sure Tony builds him artificial legs but look at famous stuntman Evel Knievel who fell from much lower and broke no less than 35 bones in his body his recovery time was often years with himself reporting that he spent more than half the years between 1966 and 1973 in hospitals in wheelchairs on crutches there is no way that rody is back to fighting for him that quickly without some scroll levels of healing so unless Rody's about to reveal that he's been hiding wolverine in his basement which I gotta admit would be a pretty hilarious way to explain where the x-men have been this whole time we may need to start considering that Tony Stark's best friend may not be who Tony thinks he is but hey that's just a theory ah film theory and cuts can we seriously talk for a minute about how excited I am for superhero movies at this point into the spider-verse was so good one of the best animated movies I've seen in a long time the far from home trailer has me very hyped to see my boy Mysterio on screen and curious about where they're gonna take that story not from a literal standpoint since obviously it's all about a trip through Europe and endgame is the climax of a decade of incredible superhero crossovers and you know when he comes back from being dusted Peter Parker's gonna be all about that epic superhero selfie now that he's an official Avenger except there's one problem here how do you cram all those capes and broad shoulders together into one epic selfie there's just too many of them especially when one is a giant green rage monster well it would be a problem if it wasn't for the sponsor of this portion of today's episode the Google pixel free white literally the superhero of phones and nothing shows this off better than the phone's camera have too many Superfriends in your shot well the pixel three has dual front-facing cameras that enables super wide shots turning the selfie into the groupie no longer you depended on the guy with the elastic arm power to take the picture make sure that you're getting your whole cell or the superhero fight that's going on behind you into the picture every time and we all know that superheroes like to work at night which leads to some terrible photo ops typically the low-light would produce something that looks like this muddy and dark but with pixel threes nitesite which uses a combination of algorithms and machine learning the picture becomes this not a moment of copyright neutral crime-fighting will be missed seriously though this mode is like magic and use it a lot during the holidays who was incredible eat your heart out sorcerer supreme and last but certainly not least there's Top Shot where Google's machine learning can process the frames before and after the shutter was pressed to find the best image of you possible ensuring that every picture gets smiles and not blinks which is a great feature for family photos and slightly less relevant if your face is covered in an expression with superhero masks to hide your secret identity all the time so whether you're a teenager looking to grab some great shots during your international field trip struggling to fit your whole superhero self in the frame or just looking to put some better selfies on the web of the world wide web that is check out the pixel 3 quite literally the superhero of phones for more info check out the link in the description now if you'll excuse me need to go see spider-verse again there are so many Easter eggs those are all theories for another day film theories and
Channel: The Film Theorists
Views: 3,817,355
Rating: 4.8698297 out of 5
Keywords: captain marvel, captain marvel prediction, captain marvel trailer, skrulls, predictions, endgame, avengers endgame, endgame trailer, avengers endgame trailer, avengers 4, ant man skrull, kree, kree vs skrull, skrull avengers, captain marvel trailer breakdown, end game, avengers end game, iron man, caotain america, nick fury, hulk, thor, bruce banner, marvel theory, captain marvel theory, captain marvel post credit scene, film theorists, film theory, matpat
Id: MqZmyyEfMcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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