Filling the radiator with diesel fuel – what will happen?

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all right so we've moved into a new facility it's all good and today we'll be experimenting with this automobile this is my very own winter drift missile which i really love it's great well it used to be anyway we've gotten requests to try pouring random fluids into the cooling system such as diesel fuel kerosene brake fluid dexron motor oil and oh so many other things right now we're at the point where we can try some of that out and not just try it but also attain some positive benefits in the process i've actually heard from a few people that if you were to pour diesel fuel or kerosene into the cooling system once the engine warms up well it'll evaporate and lead to the whole thing exploding i think we need to give it a try so with the drifting season coming to a close during the penultimate race it so happened that we blew a head gasket and the cooling system got contaminated with so much oil that it is pretty bad as for why so much of it made it through well certain cars come equipped with heat exchangers right that cool the motor oil with help from the engine coolant well they are very much prone to that type of thing sometimes it's the gasket while on other occasions the radiator is just so old that it's corroded resulting in an engine full of emulsion because as we all know when oil gets into the coolant it turns into this awful disgusting crud that is very hard to expel from the engine that's pretty much what happened in our case right here i've got the cooling hose that used to be fitted to this car and you can clearly see what's in it now i'm gonna stick my finger into the cooling passageway on the engine itself you see that the entire engine is full of this crap and so we're gonna try filling the system with various liquids checking to see whether the engine gets hot and we're going to be flushing the engine while we're at it here's what we'll be using for the purpose i've got some diesel fuel a bit of kerosene and just for laughs i've also decided to buy this bug cleaning solution i mean after all this is grease right bugs are also greasy so this has to do something right so in this episode we'll see if any of this helps so yeah let's try flushing the engine with kerosene bug cleaner and diesel fuel wait have you seen our new freddy style t-shirt if not hit the link in the description if you're still here you should know that aside from a new t-shirt we offer a lot of other different merch bearing the garage 54 logo past payment issues have been solved and now you can send payment for your order even via paypal so if you'd like to treat yourself a friend or a relative to some awesome garage 54 merch hit the link in the description to head on over to our shop and don't forget to use the promo code for a solid discount now back to the video now a lot of stuff in here had to be dismantled me having removed the gasket and taken the head in for resurfacing with it being a bit warped all of that is now fine it's back together now the biggest bummer is that the head is nice and clean right now but you can only imagine what's happening inside the block radiator heater core as soon as i finish assembly i gotta set up some kind of quick drain system to effectively flush all of the components we intend to clean after that i put the radiator back on then we hook everything up and try starting the engine okay so we assemble everything fill up the system and fire up the motor filling the radiator with diesel fuel what will happen originally uploaded in september of 2019 translation and voice over by bmi russian here's what i'd like to try experimenting with check this now the main problem with washing out this sort of emulsion from the radiator block and so on is that well under high pressure and temperature oil when mixed with coolant turns into emulsion right and the problem with emulsion is that it is well oil mixed with water which you can't flush out using water with oil being water resistant as for using gasoline kerosene diesel fuel or some sort of solvent for the purpose we're gonna try but i don't think it'll be easy given where you're dealing with water basically emulsion being water with oil isn't water soluble because of the oil while the water prevents gasoline diesel fuel solvent or kerosene from diluting it i'm now about to show you how all of that works using these containers i have plenty of this emulsion to go around it's in the radiator the hoses it is literally everywhere now i'm looking to flush the engine and of course see if it'll go kablammo with the diesel fuel what do you guys think by the way so much oil has found its way inside that is a lot of oil okay guys so we have five containers with emulsion and five substances we'll be trying to dissolve it with let's start with the degreaser shall we i'm gonna fill up all five of them and we'll see what happens well there you have it the emulsion is still in chunks in the degreaser nothing's really happening to it the reason being the water is preventing it from dissolving but then again you know what something actually does seem to be happening i mean for example if we were to pour it into pure motor oil then it'd dissolve it in no time not quite the case here though some 646 grade solvent nothing happening whatsoever it is still very much transparent it's not even slightly dissolving the emulsion what about the gasoline look at that it's already a bit murky but overall not much of a difference compared to the degreaser well it is murky so it has to have dissolved something all right now the kerosene it is oilier which tells me that it might be able to do something there is a chance that it might start dissolving it let's see the kerosene has also gotten slightly murkier still the results are not all that great okay now let's try this solution just for the hell of it yeah by the way in my experience dishwashing liquids such as fairy are quite good at what's the right word dissolving oil my neighbor has actually tried using very laundry detergent and after seeing where that went i just gotta say do not use fairy to clean your engine because flushing out the leftover foam is gonna be quite a nightmare anyway now let's try the bug cleaner it is supposed to be a cleaning product right well surprise me i guess not doesn't want to surprise me okay so the bug cleaner is useless the solvent it's totally useless there is a bit of residue in the degreaser but check that out it is doing something this right here is the gasoline and the chunks are still very much present what about kerosene well they are quite similar in their properties except for the gasoline being somewhat less oily and that my friends is why washing emulsion from the cooling system is such a serious issue we are going to try the following method now we keep hearing that diesel fuel is going to work wonders but pouring diesel into our running engine i mean i'm sure you can imagine that first of all it is highly flammable and who even knows what might happen uh whatever let's pour it in try it out and see what happens okay well the whole thing is ready we're looking good now honestly we've done the factory thermostat a bit wrong we've decided to cut and drill out all of the baffles and so on effectively rendering it a t-piece for the liquid to circulate around the engine block the primary radiator and the heater core i do think purging the heater core is going to be an issue though bypass it it also has to be cleaned man oh you want to replace it that's a brilliant idea nah dude i don't know how but we have to clean out the entire system time to pour in the liquid [Music] okay guys we've started the engine and we're pouring in some liquid we're about to see the whole thing either explode or go up in flames or become clean the latter would be nice diesel fuel 20 minutes later [Music] the filler neck has definitely gotten cleaner when you look in from up here the radiator looks like it's filled with milk it appears that the emulsion that a lot of it has been dissolved so when the diesel fuel gets up to engine operating temp it turns out it's got a lower boiling point than water i'm not sure why that's the case but here we are why don't we drain the system and see what's up oh no look some of it is actually water that is a nasty smell the hot diesel fuel but then nothing exploded it didn't catch fire everything is just fine now let's try regular water see if it cleans anything out i really doubt it would but in any case something is bound to come out perhaps some of the emulsion that hasn't been dissolved with how much was in there and how much has come out i'm not quite sure whether that was all of it okay that's water coming out time to close the valve and so now after we've safely flushed the system with diesel fuel we're pouring in water so then start the engine warm it up once again [Music] it seems to have come to the surface with it being oily lighter and having less density see there's the water there it is right there something even seems to be happening that's nice are we actually gonna make it clean did you flip the heater on was it warm when you tried it because the whole thing was so horribly clogged up that it was 27 degrees celsius outside as soon as the engine started to get warm i tried the air coming from the heater and it was ambient temperature i went in to feel the hoses they were boiling hot but as for the heater core there obviously was circulation with both of the hoses being hot but the tubes inside the heat exchanger were clogged with grease so badly that there was barely any heat exchange happening in there if any at all now ivan tells me the air is at least starting to get warm which is quite nice let's see where this goes so after running on water for another 15 minutes let's drain it and have a look it's definitely not clean it seems to have mixed with the emulsion even though you'd think it shouldn't oh my goodness did it really do that good of a job and nothing caught fire that is very nice indeed there it goes how many more times do we have to do this before it's all clean [Laughter] looks good close the valve and now in order to give the system another clean with how much grease is still in there we'll be pouring in we've decided to try the kerosene now [Music] okay we've now flushed the system with kerosene we seem to have avoided burning up the place we're good though the scariest part still awaits we still have to check and see what's with the radiator yeah that appears to be the reason the reason for what about on this end oh there we go still coming out okay taking things up a notch and pouring in some gasoline now gasoline is not diesel fuel in that it's more easily combustible plus we might see how hot it has to get before it starts boiling right in any case we need to be very very careful [Music] we flushed the system with gasoline now let's drain it still contaminated aim yeah look at that pretty nasty it's still not quite clean is it should we drain the radiator as well yeah look at that it's cold what's up ivan well this looks nice and clean want to remove the thermostat and have a look inside what's up wow it looks pretty clean actually i mean there is still some gasoline left in there i guess we need to drain and purge the whole thing well the system is clean at the end of the day nothing caught fire or exploded though it does begin to boil a bit prematurely as for the emulsion inside the hose is the engine block and so on i'm pretty sure we've cleaned all of it out at this point but what about the heater core and the radiator that's an unknown the tubes in those are quite thin and so there has to be enough circulation to push it all out we still have no idea whether they're clean inside and we still have this liquid right here i mean it has to clean off grease right flies are greasy so are butterflies and whoever's had them splattered on the radiator grill or the windshield knows that cleaning them off is a bit of a nightmare okay let's get the hoses back on pour this in and see [Music] the car has gotten nice and warm it's all good let's see what comes out of the system now yeah it's still coming out apparently ivan meaning the system is being washed there is less and less of it coming out though i think it might have even done something oh man that is an awful smell now we drained the radiator oh my goodness it seems to be cleaning the radiator the bug cleaner isn't useless after all you want to try it again yeah sure it end whatever we have left and top it off with water so that is the plan then operation bug cleaner [Music] okay so we flushed the system a second time after experimenting with all of that as for the leftover bug cleaner we had in there no that is pretty odd anyway we poured it in it isn't bubbling or anything like that and it's doing something i can't say we're looking at an ideal picture but things are way better than they used to be there is not nearly as much of this emulsion swimming around on the surface [Music] okay fellas we've experimented with the diesel fuel the kerosene the gasoline the bug cleaner is basically water the point is nothing horrible happened as long as you're not playing around with matches anywhere nearby i actually had no idea these fluids had a lower boiling point than water because with water the temperature gets up to 90 degrees and you're all good the needle on the gauges as for the other liquids no matter if it's kerosene diesel fuel or gasoline the needle wouldn't even get to operating temp before they would begin to boil if you know why that's the case let us know in the comments though i'm pretty sure i can simply google it they probably just have a lower boiling point now let's have a look at how clean the cooling system components are these hoses that used to be totally clogged up with emulsion are now nice and clean so is the thermostat the hoses are all clean fantastic but since everybody recommends using diesel fuel for this sort of thing well we tried all over again and saw that it does indeed do the trick the main problem being that diesel fuel is all waxy and oily meaning you have to clean it out as well i'd imagine you could use ordinary water like if you have decent enough flow from your tap we went a different route we poured in kerosene after that we added some gasoline which isn't all that oily and was quite effective at cleaning the system then we decided to have a bit of fun and pour in some bug cleaner of course what's curious is that it actually flushed some of the filth out after using it we didn't see any of that oily residue around the radiator filler neck so it does work to some extent though i wouldn't recommend you try using it we were just having a bit of fun after all so yeah that's the experiment we saw what had happened if you were to put flammable fluids in there and we tried a few cooling system cleaning methods we were able to flush everything except for the radiator if you were to look because though the tubes seem to be quite thick i'm sure that over 50 of them are clogged with that emulsion that's going to be an entirely different story altogether overall the experiment has been a tremendous success we've saved the engine block cleaned out the hoses and we now know how these flammable fluids behave themselves the kerosene gasoline and diesel fuel so it's all good we are going to try and find a way to save the heater core and the radiator but i mean we can always buy new ones what really matters is we flushed the block which is quite nice in itself and that's all i got for you watch us subscribe send in your suggestions comment give us a thumbs up alright catch you later
Channel: Garage 54
Views: 101,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage, garage54, cooling system cleaning, cooling system flush, cooling system flush chemicals, cooling system flush car, flushing radiator
Id: tv0cAblBQOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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