2 days of cold break in for Lada motor – for what purpose?

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okay so here's what we're up to in this one we've got this lovely motor it was in a car for 10 years and it was neglected smokes a lot and we want to take it apart inspect it and bore it out for a set of new pistons and we want to try making a cold break-in stand see what it's about as well as how useful it is I mean it might prove to be useless but we'll only find out in the process of setting everything up and cold breaking in the engine so let's rebuild it theater a new set of Pistons we can try doing a compression test before the break-in and then afterwards we all see how difficult this is to make and how useful it is okay let's get to it do you enjoy sports cars racing and pretty girls well then hit the link and subscribe to our new YouTube channel drift tax e54 where we take ladies for rides in Six sports cars we are currently filming new episodes in Sunny Thailand so make sure to keep up with this juicy content and subscribe to the channel by following the link in the description two days breaking in an engine cold why translation and voice over by BMI Russian [Music] foreign [Music] this engine apart just by looking at the Block you can tell what condition it was in here we have the cylinder head and it looks like they were often behind on oil changes the Pistons well the rods the inside of the Pistons look horrendous and if we take a look at the oil rings there really aren't any yeah these are severely worn hey it is what it is the Caps the Rockers as well as the connecting rod caps everything is jet black I can see some shavings in the oil pan a lot of metal shavings in some sort of washer we also found this inside the pen which used to be a tensioner not much of a surprise that is a lot of residue like on every single part well I mean this is obviously an older motor I think you get the point it looks like we're going full oversized with this one anyway let's clean this up send it to a shop to board the cylinders out buy some new Pistons Rings assemble that stand put the engine on it and break it in let's do this [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] check this out guys those cylinders have been bored out we're looking good we've machined the deck a tiny bit the cylinders were bored to the size of each individual piston and now we're going to break it in cold time to assemble everything set up the stand Mount the motor and begin the break-in let's get to it [Music] yes [Music] [Music] okay so look here the crank and the Pistons are all in place we fitted the oil pickup we need the lubrication system to be fully assembled for this one or the oil pan and friend cover to be in place because we're going to be filling the engine with oil now I should mention that the oil pump has to be rotating too generate pressure in to supply oil and so we've thrown on a chain in order to get the sprocket to spin and set the oil pump into motion we've modified an old tensioner attached to Spring and everything works take a look the rotational speed is not going to be too high so this setup should do us well I reckon so let's finish assembling get the engine onto the stand yeah we do that and get it a spinning let's do this [Music] [Music] okay guys so we've it's almost we've cobbled together a machine and we've attached a lot of stuff to the block wheel filter pour a bit of oil in now we didn't have any big electric motors so we'll be using the smaller one which we've connected to a frequency converter to be able to adjust the revs but then you know what we are running a large diameter pulley on the engine and a smaller one on the electric motor so there's a reduction gear right there that cuts the speed in half so this motor is going to spin at 1 360 RPM that is an interesting motor we got there it's just some random one that you'll find in pretty much any garage we've got oil inside the engine and I've hooked up a manometer to keep an eye on the pressure this oil channel right here we have plugged since we don't have a cylinder head on this block we plugged that to keep the oil at Bay this weave taped up to prevent the chain from spraying oil yeah and that's about it we've hooked everything up we're looking good now let's try starting it switch it on yeah now the motor is a bit weak listen to it saying whistling and here we go you needed a bit of help to get things going because this is obviously going to stick with the components being new look at it go is it going full blast it is we forgot to check the reading on this though you gotta be distracted how many bars what are we looking at we have an oil League switch it off and I'm gonna check the pressure it's a good thing we're running that frequency converter the pressure is dropped okay switch it back on and I'm gonna be paying attention this time it needs a bit of help well I give it a hand oh excellent pressure begins to climb immediately look at that very nice Okay so that's a solid 1.5 bar that might even be around two [Music] so the pressure is about two bar that's good and given that this is running at relatively low revs that's like Idol since there's no oil going into the cylinder head the pressure is on the high side but if the cylinder head the cam and everything else were in place that would mean more losses and reduced oil pressure but I reckon this is more than enough to ensure that the bearings are in good health we've also got proper lubrication for the drive mechanism so we're gonna allow this to run for a while and in the process we should start to see I mean certainly some of the cylinders are bound to start you'll see the piston rings or not he had broken in obviously we have oil splashing around in there because we do have pressure and some of the cylinders are just bound to start spewing it 100 so we're gonna let it run and observe [Music] so we've brought over a tachometer in order to measure the exact engine speed we're going full blast 50 hertz what's the reading 666 let me set it to this speed okay it is going to have a hard time getting it to spin how many hertz how many hertz 33.75 we can call it 34. 430 430 reps very nice everything works there's a massive leak next to the gauge why don't we just remove the hose altogether we know there's pressure might as well remove it so check this out that's the oil dripping you can hear it plopping which is nice and that's what I was talking about earlier look at how much oil is coating all of the Pistons it's actively making its way up here that tells us the crank is splashing the oil around and the oil rings can't yet remove all of it the compression Rings barely remove any oil at all and so it's finding its way up and this my friends is why a freshly assembled engine is gonna smoke totally normal for the engine to smoke the first few kilometers and there's the reason for it oil that makes it into the combustion Chambers and the problem with that should be fairly obvious when you have oil in the hot combustion Chambers it's going to burn and produce residue and that is going to accumulate around the Rings and so now you have a situation where the Rings are gradually the point is they get stuck with the grooves getting clogged up the Rings cease to turn and they're no longer doing their job effectively well I mean that'll only happen when you have a lot of oil going through but you are going to have build up in that area which is not ideal at least I think so so we want this to become mirror-ish for the Rings to settle in properly so that the oil doesn't find its way up here the engine is deemed fit for further assembly and startup I'd want to find a way to hook up a water supply or at least pour some in for the sake of cooling of course this is a cast iron block and this obviously isn't going to get hot it'll take a while for the heat to transfer through the block but a bit of water should keep it cool for longer so let's cook something up turn the thing back on and continue the break-in now I am very curious to see how long this is going to take to see the results of the break-in and how many I don't know minutes hours or days it's gonna take or the oil to stop planning its way up now I expect it to take a couple of days though it could just take one there's really only one way to find out so let's set up the cooling spin this up and wait for you it'll be quick for us it's going to be a couple of days [Music] so here's where we're at with this this was running for quite a while about two days probably even a bit more than that and at the end of the day and we were switching it off wiping everything down I mean wiping off the oil we were able to sort the cooling that was all good now obviously we didn't have the head on that was to get a clear review I mean we don't have a professional stand with a ton of hardware at our disposal that can sometimes even tell you how much fuel the engine is consuming we have a simple setup here anyway so if before a ton of oil was making it past the Rings now well a tiny amount is still finding its way up but I mean we were running it for maybe about half an hour and we did see a bit of oil but not too much meanwhile the cylinder walls are becoming shiny like a mirror now the point obviously wasn't to remove the hone so that's still intact anyway so if the oil is no longer making it past the rings that tells us that everything is more or less broken in that'll make for a serious increase in the engine's longevity the reason being that nothing was getting hot there was no cooking the cold break in made for a nice mirror surface without any evidence of wear I mean that would have been wild so this did take a little while but the quality is definitely there and now I suggest we do the following install the cylinder head adjust the valves hit the starter motor and all that and do a compression test in order to work out exactly where the motor is currently at and how thorough of a job we've done that'll also tell us overall how well we've done with the engine rebuild as well as the break-in the key thing here is for the compression to be the same across the board so after assembly we'll do a test and that should tell us everything we want to know okay time to get to work foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've assembled the motor everything's looking good we decided not to bolt down the valve cover but the valves we did adjust and now we get to the interesting part which is to do a compression test time for the compression test that was the whole point of this from the beginning we are doing very well almost 12. 11.8 Maybe I think we can round that up to 12. can we not yeah let's call it 11.8 whatever foreign let's check number three now it's just that our screw-in type manometer is broken so we're in for a bit of torture can't quite keep it in Bay hit it 'll do well that's about the same maybe a tiny bit less duck three or two this is two lettuce you see this hey you are the one focusing the camera and that's another 11.8 looking good yeah now number one yeah we seem to have done very well indeed the results are very good and there you have it guys this didn't turn out half bad I mean granted things might change when we start this but there really wasn't much oil finding its way up and we were wiping down and degreasing everything whatever oil was making it past the Rings I mean there was some left on the cylinder walls but it wasn't an enormous amount by any means it's definitely not enough to boost the compression but the results are solid readings were even the deviation was at a minimum like the results were actually close to perfect this was pretty interesting using such a tiny motor and it is quite compact so this is the setup we were running the motor a belt a frequency converter for adjusting the speed I mean you don't really even need it with the reduction we already had time and we got it all to work the compression in all of the cylinders is about 12 kilos which is just fantastic and the cold break-in procedure made it so that the oil that was making it past the Rings wasn't coking up around the valves or the Rings and the way I see it that'll make the engine last longer because the traditional break-in would have resulted in um the burned whale clogging the grooves for the piston rings that would have made the Rings stick increased the wear and significantly reduced the engine's lifespan so yeah I would recommend doing this when rebuilding an engine this is a fantastic solution it's been around for a while can't imagine why people don't use it this works tremendously well and it's very easy to pull off I think anybody can put something like this together in any sort of garage we saw the cylinder walls attain a sort of mirror shine with a honing finish intact everything was good lessened less oil was making it past the Rings and the compression numbers were great we wouldn't have seen that sort of result right away with overboard Pistons I'm confident this engine is going to run stable yeah this one is a winner go ahead and try this out this will provide some extra longevity for your engine and that's all I got for you watch us subscribe send in your suggestions comment give us a big thumbs up all right catch you later
Channel: Garage 54
Views: 96,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage, garage54
Id: syR2GkBxsSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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