Presidential Food Tour! Duterte’s Favorite Carendaria and the MOST UNIQUE food in Davao!

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oh and just gave birth hi 40 mission in Davao in the Philippines has been a huge success over the last eight videos I've tried some of the most unique food in Asia from crocodile latrone and seafood stuff glitch oh this is like the most ultimate bacon-wrapped shrimp you could have we're wrapping this shrimp with a whole pig to mountains of fresh seafood including tunas today I'm with Devon native Sam who's gonna teach me how to eat like a local right of the demo thank you so much your whole life you've been in SL fouling never win you don't bow and you will be sampling famous local food that you could only find here the meat is all caribou caramel curv al we'll try the Philippines president's favorite lunch spot they are a very longtime friends of the prisoner and will learn why this seafood feast is delivered in a trash bag Oh check out that reveal so hold onto your butts and let's get ready to feast [Music] our iconic day of dining starts us off here lewis camilla where the 77 year old owner is dishing out loads of seafood tuna and chicken loose vanilla is owned by lucy burger man though it's almost 50 years restaurant Villa del Sur in davao this is grilled meat heaven last time i stopped by here they cooked us up some be hood or tuna eggs mm-hmm now it's time to see what else they're hiding in the meat closet we've got like a whole meat closet here to Nejad there's chicken there's squid but we're focusing on this one today this is the tuna tail you got to let your kind of primitive instincts kick in I like this one no this is heavy we're eating like five dinners today and this is just one course look at this beauty with the tuna tail hitting the grill we're meeting up with the owner herself she's the inventor of every recipe here including the dish that started it all Kenny laughs thank you so much for having us today I'm very excited nearly 50 years ago Lucina or lose bought a weathered old lot near the coast for 200 pesos or about 50 dollars in today's money through continuous reinvestment and sheer determination even surviving a devastating fire just a couple years ago Lou's is still here today doing what she does best first she put up the debris list she will put the onion next ginger without a computer without you yes did you do that just for me most Camila includes cucumber but lucina's own signature recipe is cucumber free we've got the tuna cheese mixed in the salt the ginger the onion and then now soy sauce putting in the vinegar then this is what we call the Philippine chili is very tiny but she's mashed up some of these chilies she'd put some of the column on si juice on top the citrus has been kind of infused with the chilies now adding a little bit of heat and then mix it up and this is it thank you so much Solomon and I can't wait to try this out thank you with our Filipino ceviche in hand it's time to check on that tuna tail [Music] the food has arrived but first I know you'd like to make your special sauce you've got the chilies in there squeeze in a couple of color Monte put in some soy sauce and maybe a little bit of vinegar for some sourness I just want to point out tunas are huge this is just the tip of the tail and it's as big as fish that are that size this could be its own fish don't you think yeah very simple things to canula my first time having guinea Lau let's go for it I love that we're so unbelievably fresh and the ginger the ginger is almost spicy it's a bit pretty powerful between the Kalimantan the ginger and the fresh kind of rawness of the tuna it is just a explosion of citrusy freshness of my mouth well this is one of our felucca you know palooka like a drinking food yeah my drinking food is like peanuts but this is a right way to do it right here we got this tail staring me in the eyeballs all this comes off super easily a huge fatty chunk of tail there put a dip it in our sauce that we just made this is unreal beautiful smokiness to it from the grill its fatty it's a low firm but not chewy but you know the story of the tuna they all started with there's some other countries we ordered our fresh hardness or fresh catch then they will cut the pain and the head did the body they will put into some other anybody they left it here the bow is very resourceful that's the story of some of the best food around it comes out of necessity and resourcefulness making it work you know almost half a century from its inception this seafood eatery still stands proudly today an icon under Vow boulevards our next food is one-of-a-kind and only found in davao containing a protein not often used in the philippines it's called full kitchen the meat is all caribou care about care about why are people eating care about more here and not other places in the Philippines Davao is a very huge CP maybe women feel like is there anything I should expect some unique flavor or texture maybe you have a sticky lips sticky live when bars close at 1 a.m. bull kitchen is the perfect hangover cure with tipsy patrons packing this place out into the wee hours of the morning well unfortunately I'm not drunk but we're gonna eat it anyways boo goo chung starts with caribou meat boiled for about 2 or 3 hours until the meat becomes sticky and tender season that with some secret spices + lemongrass flour green onion a ton of ginger and one ingredient I've never heard of what is making an orange could absolutely what food coloring Oh am I supposed to know that they put a sweaty in my food I'm a sweaty - and there's some sweaty in our soup is it adding any flavor or just color just 490 pesos are serving or just under two dollars we're ordering up two heaping bowls of the good stuff they've just brought out this fresh boiling steaming pot tons of meat in there vibrant orange salty looking broth there it is this place is filling up quick and there's a creepy guy in that window so um let's go eat making our sauce we're actually gonna be dipping some of the meat in there really go away in this we love to have so you take something out of your soup and then dip it for me that was unheard of in the USA the soup was the soup I'm gonna fork out some of this meat here dip dip dip and then let's go for it oh wow I did not expect that but that meat it's extremely tender very tender this is like a big piece of tendon so you can eat these tendons too right yes sir we're gonna get it all salted up here [Music] mmm it tastes very similar to be the broth is very salty and I can see why people would want the rice but also I can see why they're not like drinking this sauce tell me gaya lament God how do I say that self in delicious I don't say that current areas are scattered all around davao humble open-air eateries with mostly precooked food and this place is perfect for our third lunch here at saunas current area she offers a halal menu specializing in Caribou tapa and beef bowl alone diners from all backgrounds come in droves including the now president of the Philippines is the president the ace of 49 or 39 years old who used to frequent this very spot sana will tell you all about it we are very longtime friends of the prisoner first time he came here maybe you like some food so he often come when he came here to eat what would he eat most often that's one Papa Papa does if he wanted food of our president that is made from cut about that writes me went from me from God I'm excited because I've never had this kind of top up before sama is totally gonna let me try her famous tapa right after she walks me through her family lineage of her about twenty more minutes and then this is my son that was during doubt twelve years old the confirmation of my son now that I'm all caught up it's time to top up the president would come here most often to eat this right here right yes and this is the carbo flakes yes carbo flakes do tear days favorite food starts with boiled carabao that is later fried and reduced with vinegar lemon juice garlic salt and pepper until being slowly pulled apart into these small crispy morsels Yoplait secure is that all one portion do I have eat all that that's a lot that is a little okay this is only for you okay this one just for me that is beautiful caramel flakes guys forget your corn flakes have I made that joke before we've got cargo flakes thank you so much I'm gonna sit down now and try it out Joe dirtay would order this very meal when he came to this restaurant you know I learned a lot from sana I got a full kind of history and food lesson in one shall we try that first we put some hum-hum it looks awesome thank you else we're gonna mix it up get that citrus in there you're gonna just get a big spoonful let's try it out mmm that is very crunchy very salty I can't imagine eating that just alone it's a little drawing cuz it's very really cried and crispy I got to get some rice to pair with it when I was told we're gonna go eat car about flakes I was like what in the world is that and here it is and that's really a good way to describe it this soup is full oh yeah so we've got some beef here bone marrow corn beautiful colors in here so we're gonna just get some of that beef off there while eating sonna sneak some dial or pungent smelling fish sauce onto the table I know why you're laughing I mad something may be exactly the same in Palawan called dial missus fermented fish guts I want you to just really get it on there so I'll go first I'm not afraid I'll get plenty on there you ready my friend yes let's do it I love it this beam is super tender it's been boiling for a long time this mixture here just gives it a nice kick it gives it some edge this is the vice news of condiments I wanted to finish off by trying some of this bone marrow I'm gonna put on the plate and just knock it out more light more I don't want to break the plate oh it's loosening up a little bit actually oh it just gave birth I'm gonna split it in half oh it's so tender this one is real it's just been boiling so long it's become so tender if you hit it only 28 times that will come out add a little punch to it and let's go for it mmm it's so rich I need some rice unbelievably rich fatty just smooth Wow I could smear that on toast in the morning both of these dishes I understand why the president used to come here when he lived just on the road sonnez cabal want an enchanting owner and a stimulating menu but if you ask her about her pictures make sure to block off most of your afternoon Ringo nah son be gone here with bringin our son he brought big green bananas down here to be my friends to eat their favorite food of yeah are you guys still watching this video nice well I guess we'll hit you with one final location to keep you entertained and avoiding the realities of your life it's time for seafood this final location it's a little confusing we're eating something called seafood in a bag the anti-aging food can you explain more instead of cryptically creepily laughing because because if you allowed a joke stop Oh we've come to blue post boiling crabs and shrimps to experience their seafood medley and garlic fried crabs both served in a bag but why that is to lock in all the flavors all the garlic the spices the flavor of the seafood gets trapped inside the bag beyond the unique presentation you also get to meet your meat at the table oh and then they bring the crabs right to you yeah that looks very fresh how do I pick a healthy one how do I know which one is best you squeeze it and then if it's firm all right oh that's pretty hard so this is kind of like buying avocados that's a little Oh okay I trust your judgment I think maybe I want to eat the one that scratched me but otherwise we want two of these and we're gonna do the garlic fried version after this Filipino mud crab is sectioned and doused in batter it's headed to the fryer this fry it's custom-made for us I've never seen crab prepared in this way of course so many people have seen crab boil before so dumping all the crab in the basket and about how long will that fry it's about 45 minutes 45 cooked perfectly after frying it's tossed in a garlic sauce and assembled in a plastic bag with some corn potatoes and Hungarian sausage it's important to wear protection is a sound okay still with a business Oh check out that reveal we have a seafood medley and no and then did you order this yes okay that's for you to accompany a seafood medley full of corn bustles tuna shrimp and crab doused in a Cajun sauce and ready to eat Oh slogan it's fun to be messy and I agree oh right here it just comes out so easily look at that oh that's a better bite you wanna try it that's ridiculous they're sweet it's juicy maybe a little more oily but I usually would be eating this with a bunch of butter anyways so it's like that's already just permeated the shell and made its way to the meat that kind of delicious oiliness paired with the natural sweetness of the seafood can we eat this I think you can try to eat anything hmm that's really delicious that had me a little different super crunching fatty it's got that fried garlic on there that's kind of a livery taste to it this is the best head meat I've ever had I mean oh it comes your bar so easily so they have a hammer on the table you ready do you need glasses safety glasses I smashed all the meat I did a terrible job here I mean here we have some mussels and inside they have some crab bits right there scrape it out like a nacho chip with cheese Oh no we're gonna dive into the rest of this food but for now I want to say thank you to you little pound boom if you're interested in doing a similar duvall food tour Sam is part of a local tour company called eat ORS featuring a variety of experiences in and around davao thank you to all the amazing restaurants that let us come and visit today showing us their recipes and their food in a bit of their culture and finally I want to say this video was made possible by one trip Vietnam one trip is the highest rated tour company in Vietnam doing tours from north to south right now in Hanoi Danang hi Ann and Saigon you can experience food tours adventure tours and more to learn more about one trip check out the links in the description down below I will see you next time a piece how do you say Peace Center 9 beside me I'll tell you now you know I think that wasn't right at all let's just get let's go let's cut the humiliations too much give me a chance [Music] just let us keep [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 9,807,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davao food, davaoeno, philippines food, filipino food, bolalo, caribou flakes, duterte, deterte food, sana's kabawan, luz kinilaw, luz kinilaw davao, blue post, bulcachong, bulcachong recipe, caribou bolalo, best ever food review show, filipino street food, philippines street food, sonny side, tapa, sana tapa, kinilaw, kinilaw recipe, best kinilaw, where to eat davao
Id: YmemLL-_G24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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