Filipino Beef Salpicao | Erwan Heussaff

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i'm gonna show you how to make today one of my favorite filipino recipes we're making a beef selfie cow using a glorious fatty ribeye just so you get those crunchy crispy bits of steak and all that really umami flavor comes out a selfie cow is very traditionally made with things such as soy sauce some sweetness and some sugar very classical filipino flavors and obviously a lot of garlic that placed on white rice is a dream come true to most filipinos and i hope you guys all try this at home very simple start off by mincing some garlic my garlic is now properly minced up i'm going to grab my ribeye steak here we're going to make nice manageable cubes out of it trying to keep everything more or less of the same size so it all cooks through very quickly and at the same rate what's really important here is that we don't over cook the beef that's when you usually happen to have really kind of tough subject depending on the kind of meat you use obviously meat's all cubed up go ahead and add in a little bit of salt and some pepper we like our black pepper here so just be generous with it and we're gonna let that stand just for about five minutes until those flavors kind of marinate quickly get my wok nice and hot a little bit of oil take half my garlic place that inside here and just really wait for that to kind of soften up not to get too brown and i'm gonna chop up my spring onions right here with my garlic i'm going to add in a little bit of salt and then we're going to go ahead and throw in our rice so with filipino food there's usually no real standard of how to make things the recipes will vary from person to person which is why when you come to the country and most people ask you oh where do you find the best filipino food most of the time they'll say their grandma's house or their mom's house just because it's such personal recipes so this is my way i like to eat it like this it's actually quite tasty all right fry up our garlic we're going to really quickly make our sauce i'm going to use a little bit of soy sauce i've got my white sugar here just to caramelize a little bit some of my chili flakes and finally the sauce i never knew how to pronounce worcestershire worcestershire let's just call it lee parents for now couple of teaspoons of that just make sure that sugar dissolves and mixes in in my other pan here we're gonna go ahead and add in a little bit of my olive oil and then a tad bit of butter once that's getting hot go ahead and place in all that meat i'm gonna let it cook one side for about two minutes kind of just mix everything up so that it goes all over the place everything gets coated with that butter add in the sauce and we're pretty much done halfway there we're gonna throw in all the garlic now we can go ahead and start tossing it you'll see that it'll have a beautiful brown crusty color on some sides now this will take about two more minutes to cook and it'll be good to go so at this point slowly spoon in my sugar soy and lee parents mixture i'm gonna start with one two tablespoons taste it see if that's enough or not enough then add more if needed and you should do the same thing at home right before it's finished i'm going to go ahead and grab mostly a mix of the white parts of my spring onions mix all that together rice is ready and then we're going to go ahead and place that right on top of the rice and that's how i make my version of very easy simple yet delicious filipino style selfie cup
Channel: Tastemade
Views: 714,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tastemade, recipe, food, cooking, how to, cook, bake, grill, sweet, dessert, savory, travel, filipino food, filipino cooking, beef, salpicao, filipino beef, garlic, erwan heussaff, erwan
Id: -9g7y_wyK6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2017
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