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Let's cook a very quick to make but special meal. This is Beef with Mushrooms. Let's start it by soaking our meat. So I have here 1/4 kilo of beef tenderloin, you may also use sirloin, the sirloin slice is just thin or if you have steak over there that you are bored on frying with oil already. You may slice that thinly and then you make it Beef with Mushrooms. So I'm going to season my beef tenderloin with. some salt, black pepper, a bit of Worcestershire sauce. This one is too closed. So there, a bit of Worcestershire sauce and cornstarch. We are putting that cornstarch so that while you're cooking the beef- I will open the flame already. While you're cooking the beef, it won't become watery. Right? So the finished product would be more moist, more tender, more juicy, right? You just soak that for 2 to 5 minutes or if it's late afternoon now and you're gonna make it for dinner, you soak it already, cover it with clean wrap and you just put it in the refrigerator. So I will wait for my pan to heat up and then I have here some mushrooms. I'm using fresh Shiitake Mushrooms, I'm using about 1 cup. But you can also canned mushrooms if you want. Let's check our pan, you need butter. Just put butter, so there, it's hot. And then you just put your beef. This is a one-pan dish so you're gonna cook in here and you may just have this upon serving, there it is, right? For example, you want to serve something special to your loved ones one night but you don't have the time, you don't have the ingredients so this kind of dish are those you can prepare. "I don't have beef, can I have pork?" It can be. "I don't have pork or beef, can I use chicken?" It can really be. There it is, right? If we really want to make our loved ones feel special, we find ways. There it is, right? Do not keep on mixing because if you keep on mixing it, you will prevent the beef from becoming, having it's sides brown, from crusting. So you just left if there, right? The maillard reaction. So that the sides and the outside would crust. Your meat would become more delicious and more flavorful. I maximize the fire. Okay. And then I have here garlic, this is All-purpose flour. Broth cube, 1/2 beef broth cube. If you don't want, you any put a bit of soy sauce in replacement of the broth cube. This is heavy cream, you can use All-purpose cream. And water. Let's set it already. So there as you can see, the other side have browned already. CONCERT !!! When we are sizzling, it's like we are having concert in the kitchen, right? You can actually call it also as Sizzling Beef with Mushrooms. When you see that the beef is already almost cooked, you put the mushrooms because mushrooms can be just easily cooked. I will just open it for I maybe not be shown in the camera because of the smoke. Let's maximize it a bit. A little bit of salt for the mushrooms and then you put the garlic. This is just very quick. The broth cube. You just crumble the broth cube. The flour. And then when the flour disappears, you put the water and the cream. Water and your cream, just as simple as that. Bring it to a full boil until the mixture becomes gooey and then that's it. So I'm mixing the bottom as you can see because those crust that, stick of your beef a while ago when you are cooking the beef. those would be the one that will give flavor and then of course, we are gonna taste it to see if we need to adjust the seasoning. I will just put a bit of black pepper. Okay. Do not overcook your beef because if you overcook it, it would also get hard so I am going to move this for a bit on this side and then I'm just gonna put corn on this other side. Just put the corn. So in here. And then some toasted garlic... and parsley. So it wouldn't be if there's no partner so I will open my second flame in here and then I have here some cooked Spaghetti. That I will just put a bit butter, let me get some butter. So this is just your Butter Spaghetti. Just a bit butter. It can also be rice because rice is life, right? But pasta is also delicious. Just until your butter melts, until it can coat your Spaghetti. There it is, right? So just look at it. Oh! It's too hot. When you are too excited, right? Don't be too excited for you may just get hurt. It's hot. I'm already got burned. So let us repeat. So just look at it. So it's also nice to picture if on this one, right? My towel have even designs. So just look at it. There it is, right? It's really sizzling and then you just toss this one. It doesn't also bubble, I'm just shocked. Sometimes when you are burnt for a bit, it really seems like you are waken up. Okay. So you just toss it like that. I'm using salted butter so no need to put salt. If you want, you can put some parsley. Okay, that's it. And let's try, let's try it. This is perfect with pasta, perfect with rice. It can also be if you just want bread, it can really be. If you are on diet and you want those Quinoa or any alternative like Adlai. It can really be, no problem. So see, look at the sauce. Put some mushrooms. So our dinner is prepared already, right? So our video is real time, we don't have any cut. If how long is the video with our matching conversation, that's just also how quick it is to do this pasta. Look at it. It's actually not a pasta, it's actually a viand, right? I just want to make a bit alternative so it would be more grandeur. You can also use mashed potatoes as an alternative. So let's try the beef. It's very juicy. Very tender. And it's sauce is really good. I will have some a bit of corn. The corn really adds texture and natural sweetness into the dish. What we only lack is wine and your date. So check your ingredients already if it's complete so that you can prepare your loved ones with this very delicious Beef with Mushrooms. Happy cooking, take care, and I'll see you soon :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 472,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Gk2__MI9fK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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