Figma Interactive Components For Beginners (2022 Tutorial)

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in this video you will learn how to create interactive components like a pro make sure you stay till the end to see how we can nest these interactive components and create even more realistic prototypes now let's get into it okay so before we get into the tutorial i just want to suggest two videos for you to watch first my video on smart app because we'll be using smart animate in this tutorial also my video on component properties will be very helpful for this video so go check those out and then come back to this video yeah now let's get started so first of all why do we use interactive components and the argument is pretty simple you'll be able to go from something like this to something like this so from this hot mess of i don't know how many artboards or frames for like 16 24 bunch of frames to just one frame and then what you can do is you create things like buttons accordions dropdowns whatever you want in the form of an interactive component once you've created them in one page you can take those components so regardless if it's your buttons or tabs or whatever it is you can take those and then reuse them all over so you can reuse them in your file in different pages even within different files you can search in your assets panel and find the button or the accordion or the drop down whatever it is take it drag it onto the canvas and start making your magic first of all let's start by creating a button create a button call it button i'll add all the layout to it and by the way if you want to know how to use all the layouts i have a video on that as well i'll add a fill color maybe something like that give it some rounding even give it a stroke maybe something like this all right so we have a button i'll call it button and for the sake of having this tutorial short and sweet i will just have two different states for this button so we have the default state so that's what it looks like when it's just in its original state and then we have the hover state which is just going to be maybe an opacity so i'll take these two i'll create a component set and i don't create a component out of these because if i do that and then i go to my assets panel and i search for a component because it's called that right now i'll get both of these when i drag it out we want just one instance right so we're not gonna have this be one single component we're gonna have it be a component set right now we have the two different states but we want interactivity when we hover this it should become this so i'll go here i'll add an interaction while hovering change to property default so now both of them are called default so let's change that it's going to be state this one is default and this one is hover so now if we look at the interaction again it says while hovering change to state hover and we have smart animate 150 milliseconds sounds good and then while we're not covering it we're going to go back to this so not on click on mouse lead we're going to go back to default smart animate 150 milliseconds let's try it out drag it out the component i could also go up here search for button drag it out here i'll add a frame and maybe we'll add a fill color to that frame and we'll add prototype flow starting point click play zoom in a bit hover and it works awesome so this is our first interactive component now we're going to create a tab item component so once again i'll add a text saying tab then we'll have some sort of a underline i'll add another layout tab set this to fill container and this to white so we're gonna have one state where it's hover and one state where it's default obviously and one state where it's active so actually this is the active state but we can duplicate this three times create a component set once again so this will be the default state right so state default and we have state hover and state inactive so the first state default i don't want this to be visible so i'll set that to zero opacity and i want this to be maybe a bit faded out and then we have the hover state which is gonna be we see this underline but it's not as evident as the active state and this is also still going to be faded out and then we have the active state that looks correct all right so let's add some interactivity to it again so when we hover it i want it to go to this on while hovering change to hover smart animate then on click i want it to go oh sorry this should be called active and this should be inactive so inactive hover and active let's go back to the prototyping settings so while hovering change to hover for this one and here on click change to active smart animate that looks about right so if we drag this out here we can go to the assets again what is it called it is called tab search for it drag it out and we'll add it to a frame give it a full starting point play it all right so when we hover it we get that thing when we click it it's active so that works awesome this by itself will not be enough for the example that i want to make here i want to be able to click one of these tabs and when i click that tab i want all other tabs to become inactive so how do we do that i'll actually take this tab component but we can go to the assets tab or assets panel i'll drag it out i'll duplicate this component three times i'll add an auto layout to this and call it tabs plural this will be tab one this will be tab two and this will be tab three i want one of these to be active and the other ones should be inactive when we click this tab 2 this should be inactive when we click tab 3 both of these should be inactive so i need to create a flow for that so what i'll do is i'll create a component out of this and in this component i will add some variants so let's add a variant in here we have the variant where tab 2 is active then tab 1 is inactive we also have the variant where tab 3 is active and all of the others are inactive so when we click tab two prototype on click on this one i want it to go to this variant so on click change to variant two and to make it a bit simpler to read this stuff let's say state or not state maybe let's say variant this is going to be tab 1 tab 2 tab 3. once again when we click tab two it's gonna go to this one when we click tab three it's gonna go to tab three tab two from this one it's gonna take us back to tab two tab one from this one it's gonna take us back to tab one tab three from the first one you get it so we need to reconnect all of these so that makes sense and that it works now if we go to assets search for tabs find the tabs one create a frame give it a color play the flow we can see that works which is pretty amazing now let's go into our explorations file here which is a different page and actually use it in practice so we search for tabs we'll drag that in here and i'll search for button we'll drag that in here place it outside here let's take this frame let's add a flow starting point let's play it and just see how it works like magic i'm just astonished like i mentioned before you can check out my videos on smart animate and component properties over here if you want to help out subscribing commenting liking hitting the bell notification button all of these things really help guys now until the next one have a great freaking life and we'll talk soon ciao
Channel: Tim Gabe
Views: 14,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ui, ux, product design, ui design, ux design, figma, figma tutorial, interactive components figma, interactive components figma button, interactive components figma 2022, create interactive components figma, figma interactive components, figma interactive components tutorial, figma interactive components variants, figma interactive components button, figma interactive components animation, interactive components figma not working, figma components 2022, figma for beginners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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