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amen first samuel 28 15 to 25 the title of this message is fighting the wrong battle part two fighting the wrong battle part two now in part one of this study we saw how king saul was fighting the wrong battle against david that the real enemy the philistines had invaded the land of israel so far that they had boxed them in according to verse 4. so saul gripped with fear decided to inquire of the lord in verse 6 but god wasn't talking to him so he decided to inquire at a medium a witch in the area of endor he disguised himself because he had previously put all of the mediums and spiritus out of the land according to verse 9. so the woman asked saul who it was that he wanted her to bring up and he said the prophet samuel in verse 11. so she started her seance and up come samuel in verse 12 and it shocked and surprised her to the point that she knew that this man was king saul i don't know when samuel came up maybe he says oh what do you want you know and she knew it was saul some kind of way so he asked her in verse 13. what did you see and she said that she saw a spirit ascending out of the earth and so when saul made further inquiries in verse 14 she told him that she saw an old man coming up as we talked about last time god in his infinite knowledge and wisdom allowed for samuel to come back not to approve of seances and witches and other tomfoolery like that but this was in god's infinite wisdom he allowed for samuel to come back so what did samuel say when he came up look at verses 15-19 now samuel said to saul why have you disturbed me by bringing me up and saul said i am in deep distress for the philistines make war against me and god has departed for me and does not answer me anymore neither by prophets nor by dreams therefore i have called you that you may reveal to me what to do then samuel said so why do you ask me seeing that the lord has departed from you and has become your enemy and the lord has done for himself as he's spoken by me for the lord has torn the kingdom out of your hand and given it to your neighbor david because you did not obey the voice of the lord nor execute his fierce wrath upon amalek therefore the lord has done this thing to you moreover the lord will also deliver israel with you into the hand of the philistines and tomorrow you and your sons will be with me the lord will also deliver the army of israel into the hand of the philistines wow what a powerful and sad word samuel gave to saul the first thing that i want to bring to your attention is in verse 15. samuel asked saul why have you disturbed me by bringing me up oh i totally get it here is samuel in paradise and saul in his foolishness and folly bring samuel back up to earth to deal with his shenanigans and his sin i'm telling you i want all of you to hear me even those online whether you're listening here or around the world now when i am gone don't you even attempt to try to bring me back because the first thing you're getting are these hands you gonna get these hands for bringing me back to this stinking place this covet written stinking place you gonna bring me back i'm telling you you're getting these hands hey a similar thing was done in acts 14 when they stoned paul in the city of lystra they dragged him out of the city dead according to acts 14 and verse 19 however the disciples gathered around him in verse 20 praying and praying oh god he'll paul bring him back to us and paul rose up and went back into the city if anyone does this to me i'm coming back fighting i'm not coming back to the city of newport news i'm coming back fighting hands to swing whoever's around just getting it whoever whoever is near who prayed me back because i don't know who had the faith to raise me back up so i'm gonna make sure i get everybody just start just swinging so saul tells samuel that he was in deep distress because the philistines were making war with him and god had departed from him the second thing i want you to see is what being deeply distressed will cause us to do seek a medium horoscopes and seances to seek direction in life i mean calling bloody mary in the mirror or that that new movie with that weird dude you know i've got his name i've got i meant to look him up and some new movie come out you say his name in the mirror he's coming out to get you that's the kind of foolishness that we do when we're in deep distress why did paul do it because saul was deeply distressed and god wasn't talking to him anymore well we got to ask again then why is it that god wasn't talking to him because of his sinful lifestyle god wasn't speaking to king saul by the ways he spoke in the old testament god spoke either by the prophets he spoke by dreams now this is interesting to me because in verse 6 when saul inquired of the lord the lord didn't speak to him either by dreams prophets watch this or by the urem now paul strangely leaves out the urem when talking to samuel why because the urum and the thummin it means lights and perfection in in hebrew it was the way that the priest could discern the will of god for the people's lives you know that he had that breastplate on in the old testament with many kind of gems uh and jewels and things on that represented the 12 tribes it is believed that these lights these these jewels will light up they will light up that means yes it will light up a certain way which meant no according to exodus 28 and verse 30. it is believed that saul left this out because he didn't want samuel to know that he killed all the priests in the city of nob in first samuel 22. see living in constant constant obedience to disobedience should i say to the lord will send us into being deeply distressed and when we're in this deep emotional condition we would do terrible things to the people around us i i get the news that is going on around the u.s and especially around the world it kind of gets sent to me and i kind of just glanced through the articles and i am just shocked people are and i know it's not politically correct to say people are nuts today covet has kicked in some psychosis and folks are just out of their minds doing some terrible things now people have always been doing terrible things we know that today the things that people are doing i'm just i just my head you know what it reminds me of the reminder of the scripture in the book of revelation that talks about how satan was cast down to this earth because he knows that his time is short he knows that he is short and so he's just going to just go buck wild just crazy and he is getting in people's lives and just really running a muck it is just people are in some serious deep emotional conditions and they're causing them to do horrible things to their spouses and children and neighbors and folks are just they're they're they're they're they're i mean their attitudes and their it's just short-tempered any other thing sets them off and they just go into this this nutty kind of behavior and and this is what we this is the world we're called to reach we're still here so as a church we got to do our job which is the business of the lord to seek and to save the lost and this world is just lost they have just lost their minds and this see we have the only remedy for their lost condition and that's the gospel of jesus christ because when a person gets the gospel truly get it watch this the bible says god has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and love and a what sound mind you see that god gives power love and a soundness to this mind but folks are just nuts out there just off their bunker and they it's just a a a satanic psychosis that's out there because the deeds that they're doing are just diabolical it's like whoa what and what made you do that and the enemy is busy so we must be busy about our father's business as well but it seems like everyone has come out of the closet and the church went in and and we should look around watch this we should look around in the darkness of this closet and say what are we doing here we need to be out even more because everybody is out the theme song of this generation is i'm coming out i want the world to know and they letting the show there is no shame in anybody's game today none none see y'all knew that something for y'all somebody y'all still want to keep going with the song you know so here here when we're in this deep emotional condition we would just do terrible things terrible things to the people around us saul he tells samuel he said because i am deeply distressed and god is not talking to me this is why i'm calling you because the last time a prophet talked to me it was you maybe you can give me a word from god or you can get god to talk to me once again this is why i believe he he had samuel come back up he said last time a prophet spoke to me with you and i know you're in contact with god either you can give me a word like the last time we were together you gave me a word from god or you can get god to talk to me again this is how the people around us will respond please please hear me with when i say this they don't want to hear anything about god but as soon as they are deeply distressed by the death of a loved one a cancer diagnosis or a covet scare they're trying to get in contact with us don't fault them for this because i you know i'm talking to myself as well don't fault them for this god is bringing them to the end of themselves so that they can come to the beginning of him don't look at them and scold them by saying oh now you need god or now you want to hear what i have to say about the bible know love on them and share god's word with them i i ing i'm learning this i'm learning this because i just when god saved me he he soundly saved me and and and i just been going you know you hear me say it all the time my deep concern is for the american church you know i i just i just my heart breaks for the american church and just the condition of us that we're in as a church and and people who call themselves christians and how they how they are responding to world events and things so my heart breaks and so i i'm i'm real hard i can be really hard and i know that and then god just kept reminding me of romans 15 1 you that are strong bear with the scruples of the weak and not to please yourself and god said you just have to bear with people's weak scruples the scruples that that greek word means the weaknesses deal with the weaknesses and people have legitimate fears and concerns and um you know and i can and i can be a little hardcore and and i know that so my wife and others are trying to you know pray for a brother and you know that that i just just chill a little bit you know um you know on top of it being in the marine corps didn't help it just it just kept me you know like that so i i know i have to i have to deal with the weaknesses of other people and the people are have legitimate concerns and and and i need to care about those those concerns and weaknesses and help love them through it and and i'm pray for a brother i'm learning this it's a hard lesson to learn but you know i'm just like hey give me you because one of my gifts what my gifts are leadership exhortation and teaching well exhortation that means to give people a kick in the rear end to keep to get them going so that that that that gift can be maybe the kick can be a little hard sometime so i'm just i'm trying to i'm trying to learn i'm trying to learn some new things covert has has put me back in the classroom where i'm just prior to 2019 or so you know and back oh i just give you a swift kick and you kick right off the stage and boom you know get up and run but now i just i'm trying to learn how to be a little sensitive and you know trying i'm just so pray pray for a brother looking for look you know verse 16 is i i i thought was very interesting that then then samuel said why do you ask me seeing that the lord has departed from you has become your enemy i love saul's answer samuel's answer to saul he said if god isn't talking to you then why are you asking me seeing that god has departed from you and watched this and have become your enemy two sad statements samuel makes number one the lord has departed from you what a sad statement it reminds me of samson in judges 16 and verse 20 when delilah said samson simpson the philistines are upon you he said i will go out as before and shake myself free and then that verse goes on to say but he did not know that the lord had departed from him this is what saul is experiencing god departed from him but god also had number two watch this has become his enemy whoa now we talked about last time in the first part of this chapter that we have three enemies number one the world number two the flesh and number three the devil can you imagine god as our enemy that that that's mind-boggling to me james 4 6 says god resists the proud but gives grace to the humble see when we allow pride to fill our hearts god will oppose us the greek word for opposes anti-toxo and it means to watch this to range and battle against to set oneself against to square off it also means to reject the entire makeup of something god despises pride and arrogance uh proverbs 16 verse 18 says pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before fall stop misquoting that verse probably come before a fall no it stop that's misquoting it pride comes before destruction a holy spirit before fall and when we're prideful god will oppose us he will reign in battle against us can you imagine it was no different in king saul's life in in first samuel 15 and verse 12 saul was really filling himself as the king of israel so much so that he set up a monument or a statue to himself be careful dear people when success and promotions come your way i many of us come from a community where accolades success promotions titles degrees is highly looked upon because of the past of how many of us or many in our community were not allowed certain things or allowed to do certain things or allowed to to seek certain higher things the history of many of our communities was like that so so many of us become what we would term overachievers and we will seek these things and these degrees and these these plaques and these promotions and these titles and we insist on being called by titles and things because we want to acknowledge that we have reached the status and we are no longer down here now we are here and and i understand all of that i i really do but be careful when success and promotions come your way where you begin to set up monuments to yourself either on your wall or on your shelf because it could be could be a sign that you're feeling yourself like saul which like saul was and you would be on your way down god is about to oppose you and become your enemy now let me say this i am not saying if you put a degree on your wall or a trophy on your shelf that you're prideful no but it could be a sign that you're getting prideful so just be careful always watch yourself i'm thankful for the wife that i have and the family that i have because the family is a product of me and my wife and if anybody starts feeling themselves a little bit oh we're going to bring you down a peg or two a couple of wrongs on the ladder and let you know you ain't all that what you think you are on a bag of chips you you you think you are that we ain't even gonna give you the bag of chips we're just gonna tell you ain't all that see my wife will let me know when i'm getting started to feel myself a little bit and i can i can i learn how to hide it real good but nobody knows me like her and she bring me down a peg or two you think you're talking to did you bring me down a peg or two just be careful when success promotions there's nothing wrong with seeking degrees and stuff you always want to better yourself something wrong with that but just be careful because pride is oh watch this first corinthians 8 1 says knowledge puffs up but love edifies when you begin to stack on the degrees and certificates and diplomas and all these sorts of things just be careful because knowledge can puff you up just be careful nothing wrong with seeking that as long as you you realize uh john 15 5 without him we can do nothing as long as you keep you stay and you got a spouse that's similar to mine that recognize that that a sniff that arrogance and that pride like who do you think you think i'm somebody at the church or something what's wrong with you bring you on down a peg or two just be careful be careful i i didn't plan on spending this much time on this but i i think the lord wants wants there are some people that need to hear this just be careful because if you've accumulated some things and you're starting to feel yourself you start as we used to say back home you're starting to smell yourself just be god resists the proud the word resist anti-tasso it means to oppose it means to set up battle against it means to square off it's like the lord said oh okay it's time to put them up it's it's it's time to get get with it and we don't want the last thing we want we we already got to fight the the world the flesh and the devil we don't want to have to have god oppose us we don't we don't want that so we got to stay humble we stay humble by being in his presence in prayer we stay humble by being in his word to see how god used humble people and you know micah 6 8 to do justin to love mercy and walk humbly with our god god we we got to walk humbly with god god knows us he he he knows who we are and we need to walk humbly with him because he knows the real dust so just just just stay somebody needs to hear this to stay humble if you're pursuing something you know the reason why i'm gonna tell you this just just a personal testimony i because when i got saved i um a year after i got saved i started no few years after i started going to calvary chapels and the teaching of the word i never heard teaching like that in my life verse by verse chapter by chapter book by book from genesis to reverend never heard anything like that and never heard i just i was blown away and we had a little bookstore in our church and so i went in there and just bought up everything so i was taught to read the best the experts in all of these subjects of christianity so when i did any kind of bible college kind of stuff i just i just breeze through it because they say read this book and do this paper or read this book answer these questions i said i read that already i read that one read that one too and i just breezed through i got a doctorate degree jim's within a couple years hey just nothing nothing and then i was going to pursue another doctorate degree and god knew and said no nah brah you know why you're pursuing that you want to show off you want you want to think more highly of yourself than you ought to and i won't let you do it it's been 20 years between me wanting to pursue that second one and god has not freed me to do it now i love studying i love all that kind of stuff god said not that nope because i know your your pride and if you got it you'll be strutting around here like a peacock no god no i just you know god no you know it's who you think you're talking to god knows us now i'm not saying i won't because i have an opportunity to pursue not another doctorate degree but another degree with some of the top pastors in the entire country i've been invited to do this program and i'm trying to see if i'm if i'm going to do it or not not because of any pride thing matter of fact i'm a little nervous about it but that second doctor it was a phd that i was going to pursue 20 years ago i said no bro your anger so if i did this other program that i'm thinking and praying about doing it's not another doctor's degree it's just another master but it's some big deal i don't think nothing of that but i thought something of that one that one phd i thought about that and here's the thing for the for the program for the program watch this for the program you had to do a verse by verse commentary of an old testament book and a verse diverse commentary of a new testament book and and when you complete that because you're basically doing a commentary on those two books i said right up my alley i said i love and and god wouldn't free me to do it wouldn't free me to do it church was exploding with growth and stuff i was so busy i could i i didn't have the time and here it is 20 years later god just brought that back to my mind i said nope god knows us he knows us now i don't i don't share i don't share he's definitely degrees and diplomas and stuff i don't share that with with you i only shared it for the sake of showing you my own insolent heart insulin the word insulin means violently arrogant heart so my own my own heart god wouldn't let me do it because of pride i'm just saying that if you know why if you're pursuing things and god is blessing you on the job and god is promoting you and you're going up and up just to stay low just just stay low don't stay low you don't have to sign your name without with 50 titles and letters all in front stop just stay low stay humble and god will humble yourself in the sight of the lord and he will lift you up that's that's what james 4 says 4 10. so just just just stay low if you're pursuing those things and stay humble i'm please don't mistake me of saying that you shouldn't pursue higher education or trying to quote unquote as we say today better yourself there's nothing wrong with that but just always stay humble just stay humble so samuel continues in uh verse 17. what's so amazing in verse 17 it shows us that it was really samuel because and i bring this up because there there's been many speculations from scholars was this really samuel that came up was this a demonic spirit was it what is called a familiar spirit there are demonic spirits out there that are familiar with mankind that are familiar with individual people and he will mimic things it's just like in in certain seances some seances are fake some people are really in touch with the demonic world and they will call up a familiar spirit of your quote unquote dead relative and because they will say things that maybe your dead relative knew then you say that this is really true and all all the time it was a familiar spirit so so the thing is is that there are many people saying well this is demonic uh it wasn't samuel it was a familiar spirit it was just fake well we already answered that last time if if it was so fake then why did she freak out when samuel came up she she's a medium she's a witch so she does this all the time so why why this time did it freak her out because it was something that was beyond her control beyond her doings that god in his sovereignty allowed for the real samuel to come back spiritually now the thing about it is i bring this up because samuel this was really samuel because everything that is said in verse 17 samuel told saul these very same things to him earlier in chapter 15. the very same things now he said he said when he was still alive in in in first time you're 15 for you notetakers verses 27 to 31 the only difference the only difference is in first samuel 15 28 samuel told samuel said that god was given the kingdom to a neighbor of yours who is better than you now in this verse he says that god is giving it to david showing that david was the neighbor spoken of in first samuel 15 28. now saul knew this and this is why he constantly tried to kill david he knew some and many scholars you know debate over how he knew but he knew he said you remember he said in first samuel 24 20 uh when david spared his life again you remember david this time he saw saul sleeping and and and all his men around him he went and took a jug of water and his spear and he took off and he said look hey you know he got on the other mountain and yelled out to abner hey man you know joe absolutely and said you're not watching your master and and all of a sudden you know uh uh samuel said oh is that you my son david he that i've sinned i've seen he and then he said that i know that you're going to be king someday see he knew all the time see when we are constantly living in disobedience we be we become just like saul jealous suspicious envious of people better than us that god has given some kingdom to we do all we can to kill the davids in our lives speaking evil of them to people leaving nasty grams on social media or in their private media thing and we just and you know this is a terrible place to be in samuel told him in verse 18 king saw sin because you did not obey the voice of the lord nor execute his fierce wrath upon amalek therefore the lord has done this thing to you this day this once again takes us back to first samuel 15 when god told saul to destroy amalek from off the face of the earth and this is what god said and i'm going to explain it kill both man woman infant nursing child or sheep camel and donkey according to first samuel 15 3 now don't you dare speak evil of god for giving this command god gave amalek and the other the malachites and the other uh ammonites and the other all the other ites gave them 400 years to repent think about it like this around 1609 1607 or so folks started rolling over here you know uh to this land not you know i don't know how you say you discovered a land that there were people here already but that's another subject that's another subject but they come over here right around the 1607 you know 1609 somewhere around they come over here just think from 1607 1609 to the present day it's about 400 odd years that's how long god gave all of these people a chance to repent and get it right see what leadership is influenced whatever you influence it's just like watch this it's just like when adam sinned he plunged the whole human race into sin because he had dominion over the earth that means that when he fell into sin everything under his dominion fell into sin too i mean the the animals used to be vegetarians eating leaves and stuff off the tree once they sin they start they start eating some meat and start killing each other and killing man and just going nuts because man sinned everything over his dominion fell into sin as well now why did i say that i said it to say this this is why god said kill everyone man woman nursing babies because god in his infinite wisdom knew that these kids would grow up and be just like their parents so kill them all off kill them all off god is all-knowing god is the god is not like well what how why didn't he get a little baby a chance little baby couldn't change not not a little baby would grow up and been just like mommy and daddy just terrible human beings they would have grew up and just been terrible they would have been they would have perpetuated the amalekite way so god said wipe them all out now king saul if you remember back in first samuel 15 he partially obeyed and left some of them alive and the best of the sheep he blamed the people and the people they did this you know how they are they blame the people terrible leadership when you blame the people he saved watch this the king of the amalekites king ag we already talked about how this will have grave ramifications for years to come all the way to the book of esther some approximately 500 years later haman wanted to kill all the israelites and haman was an agagite a descendant from king agag that sen that saul left alive i mean samuel hacked him to pieces but it's obvious that that he um um that saul left some of them alive because all the way some 500 years later there's a guy named haman and aga guy so the ramifications for years to come this is why god said wipe them all out now watch this he wanted to wipe them god said wipe them all out he didn't do it and left some alive and look 500 years later the israelites were almost taken off the face of the earth genocide because of the disobedience or the partial obedience which is whole disobedience of king saul in first samuel 15. so god gave king saul plenty of time to repent but he didn't and now he is wondering why god isn't talking to him so let this be a lesson to all of us if it seems like god isn't talking to you either through sermons your own bible reading or other christians take serious hit the breaks take serious inventory of your life spiritually and do business with god one sign that god isn't speaking if you lost your appetite for reading the word watch this the main way god speaks is through the word so if you lost your appetite to read it and you wonder why isn't god talking to me i wonder why because the very way that god speaks the primary way it's his word you lost your appetite for it and that's normally when we have reintroduced junk food back in our lives when i don't have an appetite for my wife's wonderful cooking it's because i've been fooling around with some junk food and some cookies and reese's and other foolishness so when she said okay dinner's ready i'm like i'm not hungry why aren't you hungry you love my cooking it's obvious look at you you love my cooking well i don't have appetite for it because i've been pigging out on junk food the junk food of this world see when you don't have an appetite for reading this word it you you've been pigging out on the junk food and you lost your appetite the bible says this as newborn babes desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby first peter 2 2 desire the word desire the greek word is is an intense craving it's like the connotation is a baby warning his mother's or her mother's milk that's the intense craving that we should have for the word of god so if this is happening either repent to god or to print to whoever it is you sinned against and or both get right with god now samuel delivers the death blow in verse 19 when he tells saul that god will deliver israel with you and your sons into the hands of the philistines this is the fulfillment of verse 16 when samuel said that god has become your enemy god was israel's enemy and the human instrument he used was the philistines the one saving grace is hebrews 12 verses 5-11 that says god disciplines those he loves and even though he disciplines us and becomes our enemy he does it in love god uses people to discipline us like we will see here god did this in my life over a decade ago god became my enemy through my disobedience and he used people to discipline me it was a very sad time for me very sad time for our church all because i was being a terrible human being like saul was here and god became my enemy and it was a very sad time i don't want nothing to do with that time ever again even though i've been terrible human beings since you know off and on but not like that not like that crazy stuff i never want to see that again look at verses 20 to 25 so we can wrap it up immediately saul fell full length on the ground and was dreadfully afraid because of the words of samuel and there was no strength in him for he had eaten no food all day or all night and the woman came to saul and saw him that he was severely troubled and said to him look your maidservant has obeyed your voice and i have put my life in my in my hands and heeded the words which you have spoken to me now therefore please heed also the voice of your maidservant and let me set a piece of bread before you and eat that you may have strength when you go on your way but he refused and said i will not eat so his servants all together with the woman urged him and he heeded their voice then he arose from the ground and sat on the bed now the woman had a fatted calf in the house and she hastened to kill it and she took flour and kneaded it and baked unleavened bread for it so she brought it before it saul and his servants and they ate then there rose and went away that night now in these verses we see these events happen rapidly with the first word of verse 20 immediately immediately after hearing what sam or what saul samuel should i say had to say to saul he fell full length on the ground not to his knees in prayer but prostrate on the ground in anguish can you imagine hearing these words god is your enemy you and your sons are about to die tomorrow and israel will be defeated all in one day proverbs 13 verse 15 says the way of the transgressor is hard or as the new king james says it the way of the unfaithful is hard when we are unfaithful to god in his word our lives will be hard i saw this in my own life it's hard we will find ourselves many times falling down full length on the ground in anguish with no strength no appetite to eat like the end of verse 20 says the woman or the witch of endor sees saul in this condition says in verse 21 look your mate servant listened to you now it's time for you to listen to me then she goes on to tell them to eat some bread so you can have some strength so loss of appetite when you're in this backslidden condition is not a good thing so saul refused her request to eat in verse 23 but it wasn't until his servants with the woman urged him to eat that he was persuaded to eat now the hebrew word for urge is pat czar and it means to push or to press and they were urging and pressing him and pressing him to eat and he finally ate let me say this to to the parents out there if you see your children especially your daughters in this condition you better intervene and investigate immediately because something is seriously wrong with them either it is the constant teasing or bullying or it is the heartbreak of some boy or something like that my point is investigate investigate and investigate again because sometimes and i i get this from mark chapter five what i'm about to say because secretly they could be cutting themselves and when you ask those some boys do it but i've just heard just just nothing but a case of just girls doing this and they said is it why are you cutting yourself uh they said to relieve the pain now watch it let me let me show you how demonic that is i cut myself no it's causing pain it doesn't relieve any pain i cut myself i'm i'm hurting i gotta go see somebody at the hospital can i uncut myself they got to stitch me up or dermabond or something put some glue glue i'm hurt and that's why i said it's demonic because in chapter five of mark it said that the maniaca gudero the two matthew said that there were two maniac two demon-possessed men mark focuses on the one who was the main speaker it's not a contradiction it was still two once spoke the most and one of the characteristics of those they called the montiac the the the demoniac cadaro the reason why the reason why they they were demon-possessed is the whole story behind it however one of the things that they did they were taking rocks and cutting themselves they were demon-possessed but they were cutting each other now i'm not saying any children cutting themselves are demon possessed i'm not i'm not saying that what i am saying is that is demon influenced because it is a characteristic of demonic activity happening this is why i say if your child is in deep distress like we see in these verses you better investigate don't just brush it off just being a teenager well sometimes it is you know just teenage years can be just very terrible years for kids this is terrible and awkward the body's doing weird things and they don't they don't know how to handle it they just you know legs this long torso this video and they just kind of gangly and just you know glasses pimples all over the place and they don't know what to do they don't know what to do with themselves they're struggling man the teenager they leaving being a child and becoming an adult and that period is just weird it's a weird time and peer press it's just weird so investigate investigate if your children are exhibiting some strange behavior because i'm telling you with that little device that's called the phone that you got them so you can call mommy or daddy when you're in this they are doing all kind of whatever with that device and you don't know what they're getting into what they're looking at and it's not like when those who are my age and older we we didn't have that we didn't we didn't have that kind of stuff we just we just did weird things just weird magazines just we were just weird so but it's a different it's a different ball game today and so just know it's called the world wide web for a reason it's called the internet for a reason it can get folks caught up so we just got to just be mindful of that and be mindful of your kids and those of you who are my age and older being mindful of your grandkids as well so just just because i just look at my grandkids they can work a ipad and a phone you know look my little two three-year-old grand granddaughter she's looking at the looking at her dad's phone and some notification come down and i just see her flip flip right on up she just keep watching you know also on the phone messed up and she's flip flip go back to the video i'm just like you too you you you you you too who told you how do you know how to do that i'm just i'm just blown away i'm still getting tutorials on how to work a phone i just came on the dark side of the iphone and i just came on the dark side it's still dark i wanted to let y'all know i'm a droid guy but it's still dark over here i got a new iphone and i'm like oh how do you do what how you what what do you do how do you download what you just push this and i'm pushing real hard nothing's happening and hit my little granddaughter so the woman had a fatted calf in the house that she hastened to kill in verse 24 and she took flour and baked some unleavened bread and made a kind of last supper for saul i i was i kept wanting to skip this this this is amazing to me how did she know about a fatty calf how to make unleavened bread those are jewish things so she knew the right way and she just still gonna fool around with demonic stuff i mean she knew how to make unleavened bread and told this man killed the fat account so obviously she knew about jewish things she she performed it right here it was no one saying okay now which you got a fatty calf around what about some flour no nobody was instructing her she did this on her own she knew the right way and she still fooled around and dabbled in demonic activity and there are many people around us who know the right way but they're still fooling around with that which is demonic that which is worldly and these people are alive and well today so he ate it in verse 25 and he slipped out into the night what a sad story for the first king of israel what a sad story let me conclude with this in the second message of fighting the wrong battle we saw the message of doom from samuel to saul he and his sons were going to die israel will be defeated all because of king saul's disobedience to god let us keep short accounts with god when it comes to confessing our sins to him don't don't wait don't try to hold it in why because if we live in constant disobedience to god he will become our enemy and something is going to die in our lives which will leave us deeply distressed not eating and prostrate on the ground repent today please listen to me you don't want this to happen in your life i i've had it happen to me repent today you don't want god discipline those he loves and and you know we we all if you're my age and older you we all been spanked and it's gonna hurt me but it hurt you and they love us but they tore us up too so god loves us but if we are in constant discipline he will constantly produce with his holy spirit that lives in us constantly products get right this is not right this is not right and then after he's sin is dealing with us internally then he'll have other people hey i see why are you doing this why why are you with her and him aren't you mary what and and and and just then other people and then more people will start saying okay what's what's going on so the the inner voice god now is using people externally and then when we push all that away and plunge ahead in our sin because sin is pleasurable for season the bible says the bible talks about in uh right around hebrews 11 25 26 the passing pleasures of sin the sin is pleasurable for season after that season is up you got to pay the price you got to pay the price and god will do all he can to get our attention to deal with us privately personally with his spirit and when we don't listen then outside people start looking and saying what what what's with this pastor tony see they'll start doing that kind of stuff and you disa you keep plunging the head then god has to put us over his knee and he he's going and he use other people and he'll use people the last person you want him to use not god you can spank me but not with them oh and that'll be the one those will be the people because he loves us and he wants to get us back on track because he has a plan for our lives he has a work for us to do and we can't do it if we're fooling around with tomfoolery we're fooling around with shenanigans and with with mess he can't use us like that so he'll spank us to get us back on track i'm thankful for yeah i can't believe i'ma say this but i'm thankful for the spanking and for many of you you're thankful for your parents spanking because it made you who you are today made you who you are today let's pray father we do thank you for your great love for us thank you for discipline those that you love and you love us because you have a plan for our lives and so lord work that plan in us work that plan through us lord i just pray you forgive us lord for just continuing to plunge full ahead with our sin forgive us when we do that have mercy upon us lord and lord i just pray for those who are here lord who are struggling with something and lord it hasn't gotten to the place where you are bringing other people to them you've just been dealing with them in their heart about something and now i'm the audible voice speaking to them externally what you have been speaking in their heart i pray god that you would draw your people to you today draw them to repentance today and thank you lord that you speak these things to us and it's in your name we pray amen let's stand if i can have some of the leaders available for prayer maybe you need some prayer before you go and and you want somebody to pray with you about some of the things that were spoken about today don't leave here until you get some prayer uh by some of the ones that are up front and and and do business do business with god god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you everyone encourage you if you are here today or maybe you're online and god is revealing some things in your heart this is the time this is your opportunity you can come forward in the space if you're in the space to come and seek the lord in prayer if you're online and you need some prayer you can put the little hand emoji up and i promise you i know that there are folks in the chat there that are uh ready and willing to pray with you right there in the chat and for all of you if you are online and you're viewing this message and it's been a blessing to you we want to encourage you to share it uh there's some some great nuggets here that the folks need to hear and uh again and as always this is your moment seek the lord out in prayer let him heal your heart let him fight the battle for the battle of the lords amen the battle is the lord does anybody know that the battle belongs to the lords and because he is fighting for us he holds every victory [Music] we will lift our eyes we won't bear the bite [Music] of the one who's greater this one name one name holds every victory one voice that silences the enemy one king who reigns for all eternity jesus jesus [Applause] on the battlefield your power is revealed giants fall defeated [Music] we are taking around walls are crawling down one voice that silences the enemy one king who breaks for all [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] victory belongs to jesus [Music] but we know that every victory is yours every [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is one voice that silences the enemies [Music] jesus jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] buried in the grave [Music] there [Music] jesus [Music] oh jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] lord god we thank you well then you hold every victory you are our one king who reigns for all eternity so god help us to to refrain from such foolishness that we tend to engage ourselves in help us lord to walk in in the truth that you've revealed for us in your word in your son jesus christ lord let us carry that truth in our hearts that we may not sin against you so until we meet again lord let your but your word be at lamp unto our feet a light for our path your spirit to dwell within us and abide with us always for us in jesus name we pray amen amen god bless you have a wonderful week an awesome message from senior pastor tony clark thank you so much for joining us today if you made a decision to follow jesus click the link below we have a free gift we'd like to give you as well as some information about your next steps in following jesus there's also a link if you simply need prayer or if you want to share with us some encouraging things that god is doing in your life right now lastly if you've been blessed by the ministry at calvary chapel newport news consider partnering with us financially there's a giving link that you can click below or you can text calvarynn to 77977 your financial gift helps us to reach the world with the message of jesus christ god bless you and until next time continue reaching up in around and out
Channel: calvarynn
Views: 635
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: fap8k7rvKd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 37sec (4057 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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