Fields Introduction - Blender Geomentry Nodes

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welcome today we want to have a first look at the new geometry nodes fields for that you need the newest branch the 3.0 alpha and you can use the blender launcher or the website of blender and let's get started so the geometry nodes fields is basically the old geometry nodes but it works definitely more like the shader notes which is very nice so we want to try to make a little galaxy today it was not so easy in the old geometry nodes but in the new geometry nodes fields it is pretty understandable i wanna leave the cube here and immediately go to the geometry nodes here you can click on the new for a new node tree collapse the window for what we wanted creating we don't need the cube so we can delete the group input geometry so for the people who don't know it's like a modifier geometry nodes so you have the modifier here is basically the data and everything that goes out of here you can see in the viewport basically like the modifiers so we won't need the group input so we can delete it because we have mesh primitives so you have more control over your geometry we can plug that in the output and here you can see it's still the cube but with another geometry so here we can afterwards manipulate the data and the subdivisions of the plane so i maybe change it to 10 meters oh that was a little too much 10 meters and that should be good to go now what we maybe want to make is distribute points on our plane and for that we go to the points and distribute points on faces they've changed the name it's basically the old just point distribute node but the name is more clear now because it distributes points on faces as it is named makes sense so here we can define the strength of all points while the density [Music] and now you can see the fields now we have more sockets and this is basically everything that is the old noodle and the old socket is the geometry and everything that has this new diamond shape [Music] and this stripy noodle that is the data flow so only the data and that is new in the fields branch in the old geometry nodes it was going everything was going in the geometry noodle now what we want to try is maybe instant some geometry here because now we have only points you can see it when you go in rendered mode you can see absolutely nothing that's because we want to have on each point we want to have another object or a geometry and for that we want to use the instance on points node plug it in after the distribute points node and here you can see you have a lot more options so here is where the instance is going in the instance what we want to instance for that we want to use maybe a cube on the mesh primitives and you can simply plug that into the instance and as fast as that it works maybe a little big so you can take the size down of the cubes but what is if you want to make the scale of the cubes random because now we don't have the attribute randomize and we don't have other attribute notes either so for that you can simply use in the utilities submenu the random value node and here you have a vector a float an integer everything you need and this node has a diamond shape and a diamond shape is always can always go into another diamond shape so this is pretty obvious and now we can put this random value node into the scale and kaboom we have random scale over our cubes but you can notice when you play with the density it's awkward flickering [Music] like in the old days of geometry notes and that's because the random value node needs the stable id info from the distributed points so complex so you can plug that simply into the id of the random value and now it is stabilized so that's pretty neat right but now what if you want to have change the position of the of our instances so what you can do is grab a simple transform and you can manipulate this but what we want to do we want to grab a set position node and this let us control the position of our instances and now we want to have like a little sine wave from the middle so like a water droplet so and yet we have to think like shader nodes what would we do in shader nodes so for that i connect back the grid node and say that we want to use our texture our default texture so you can show what i mean and now we can go into oops now we can go into our shader nodes and here we can look what we want to do and go into rendered mode [Music] so now we need to define the middle of our plane and for that we need the texture coordinates and the middle is always the object texture coordinates and this is basically exactly the same note as in the input menu the position so what would we do in the shader nodes we don't want this grid pattern we want to use a vector a vector math node and we want to define the length so now we have the middle and now we want to use a math note and make a basic sign a math note before this with a multiply so now you can define how much rings you want and a little add so you can animate the whole thing so this is what you would do in shader nodes and this is what we have to recreate in our geometry nodes fields so what do we have to do we want to use our position into the position so we have basically the object into the material output and we want to calculate the length of the whole thing so we want to use a vector as here shown and we wanna convert it to a length but now it isn't a vector and this is a problem for us because when we plug this in here it looks strange it's only a line so what we want to do [Music] we want to make it so that the original position is added under this so now we can see it's already a result but it's not going straight upwards as we want to so for that so back in the days i experimented with with the vectors separate x y z but then it's a line and this is not working so a simple solution for that is you take a vector math node and multiply it but only on the z axis so you can define the height of the whole thing so the x and the y is completely zero and now it's already looking nice right so now we want to have the whole thing as a sign so yes we have to do the sign before the ad so now [Music] if we do this you can see we have a wonderful sine wave you can define this scale with the multiply and this is already looking nice right so now we want to maybe animate this so we can make an ad as here so similar before this is unrelevant so this is as you can see it's basically the same so we do add the geometry back in that's not but [Music] it's basically the same so here you can add this and you can animate with hash frame so driver but this is way too fast so you can divide it by 25 maybe or maybe 30. so it's more slower and epic now we can add another multiply with one so we can take the height down if we want to maybe we want to have more instances so we can see a little bit more like this but now we want to have a little texture on this so we have done the sign thing so we can close the shader window wonderful i like this ah i want to close please thank you and for that we can use a noise texture in the texture panel and we want to subdivide our noise texture from this subtract i mean subtract and the color ramp for a better control over the contrast take the scale way down it's way too big so so this looks nice actually but this is sideways [Music] because it's xyz [Music] so we only want that axis to be connected here you can [Music] change the effect of the noise texture so with that we have to create so the galaxy is like swirling around light like vertex and for that we want to use the length that we created again and we want to need a map because it is a float and a power of or minus 0.5 and we want to multiply this and we want to use then a vector rotate back to rotate node use this as an angle and the position back in and we want to create another position take it back here and now you can see it's already swirling around you play it you see how how it is affecting so this looks pretty neat right but we want to animate this so what we want to have is an add node [Music] that is animating like this create another hash frame and this is as always way too big so divided by 20 maybe 25 but we want to animate it in the middle more than on the outside so for that we have created the length so we only have to divide the length from this it's getting a little messy here [Music] this [Music] so now we can see this looks wonderful so i want a little more instances so maybe take the scale back down something like this and i don't want cubes anymore so i delete them and i want to have an icos here to be instanced so this is way too big as always so take the scale down like this [Music] so to make it more random so here you have a harsh line but i want to randomize the whole thing a little bit you can put here another add node no not here here i mean an add node and take another random value so with this you can randomize the overall thing so take a vector so you don't use everything and connect it back in of course and now you can randomize it a little bit like this so for the overall shape we have four corners that's because we have used a grid a grid so we can use a a curved primitive circle fill a curved fill of course not fit it and we have to make the size bigger [Music] so here you can crash your pc so be careful i don't want this whole thing to be this big because my performance is not that good and now you can with the resolution define how much parts you want three four five six and so on or a perfectly round sphere you can define this on your own i like three this looks some kind of abstract and with it i hope you understand the basics of the geometry nodes fields branch so i think interaction with the shader nodes it's it's not possible yet or i have no idea because we have no attributes now and thanks for watching maybe you can send me your results on instagram or twitter
Channel: HEY Pictures
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Id: _4CMu2SDBsc
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Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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