Geometry Nodes "Fields" 1st Look Blender 3D Tutorial

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hey guys we need to have a serious talk about the future of blender all right just kidding the future looks really cool this video is about geometry notes of the future of geometry notes the wonderful people at uh blender just decided on a new sort of way of creating geometry notes no trees for the future so what i'm gonna show you today is very experimental and it's just like there's a prototype build where you can try this stuff out just a few demo notes so this is very unstable it keeps crashing all the time but um you can we can look at sort of what's fundamentally different to the way that we work now with geometry notes if you're interested in that stick around we'll jump right into blender and look at it quick [Music] all right i have two blender versions open so we can look at the old and the new way this is going to be the new one the one with the green background and then i also have the old one here and that's i set this up to have a white background and we're going to do a donut tutorial well it's a donut demonstration or we're using a donut for demonstration purposes and that's exactly what they use for the example i'm going to link to that by the way down below so you can read up a little about the two types that were proposed and then they made like demo implementations for both and then they decided uh to go with one of them and they called it fields so whenever you hear fields in combination with geometry notes in the future basically this is the way to do geometry notes coming to blender probably three so i have blender launcher and if you want to try out different version versions of blender blender launcher is awesome because you can go to the experimental you can go to downloads and you see all the experimental builds that are available then you just hit download then it shows up in your library over here and you can see this is the one with fields and you just click launch you can see i have one running and then i from the daily builds here i downloaded the 3.0 alpha from august 13th and i have one running so i think we should start by trying out and maybe making some frosting and we're going to do it in the old version the old way with the attributes and then uh we're just going to jump over to the new way and do the whole donut the new in the new system right so this is the old way how would we go about this first we need a note tree and then how do we pick out just the top vertices where we want the frosting okay so we want to sort of move the top vertices out a little we're gonna need the normal and the normals that have ec value that is positive are the ones on the top of the donut okay so attribute um we're going to separate xyz we're going to take the normal and we're going to separate that out you just take the c and then we need in attribute math if it's greater if the c is greater than of float zero then we call this mask that would be the mask for the uh frosting okay so if c is greater than zero and then we need a vector attribute vector math and we need to multiply multiply our normal with that mask and put that into something new like an n and then we need to do another vector oops we need to do another vector multiply no we need an add we want to add to the position of the vertex our n and plug that back into the position okay it's already doing something cool now this is way too much obviously first of all you know what i'm gonna go into edit mode and subdivide just once so we have a little bit more resolution on our donut okay so this is way too strong so in front here uh we're going to do a vector multiply so let's just copy this one and we're going to multiply the normal with a vector and put that into the n and then over here we instead of normal we're going to use that n and then over here and now we have a factor here where we can say how much do we want the frosting how much bigger should the frosting be than the donuts so all of this is just to create like a little bit of an extrusion right and when you look at the note 3 you can't tell what's happening you have to start at the beginning you have to think like a computer okay we're gonna take the normal multiply that when we use n and then goes from here into here uh we're gonna take c and multiply that or def or figure out which one is going uh pointing up and that's our mask and then we take our n from here and our mask and we multiply that so we're only selecting out the top ones and then we add n to our position which means we're just basically pushing it out on the normal because that's the n is the normal and then we have this so this is uh like super complicated i personally think i think the note 3 is like not readable at all and i've said this before in other videos so enough of that let's see what the new no uh geometry notes uh bring i'm gonna go in here as well and give us a little bit more um oh you know what i should have done that with um smooth so we have smooth subdivisions okay here we have the dollar now how does this new thing work well when you think of no trees you definitely first think of shader node trees and in shader note trees we have all different types they have different colors you you can create very nice looking note trees based on the object that the material is on as an input so we don't even have this input node for shader nodes right now the new way of doing this is exactly the same it's almost exactly the same let me show you first of all there is a node in here that is the extrude node mesh extrude now look at that that's a new node and you can see we still have geometry in geometry out uh and then we have this thing here top faces side faces and we have selection and then we have the distance which is just the distance of the extrusion so what can we plug into selection well we want the part where the normal points up that's what we did before and that's what we can do here again so how do we get the normal well and this is where it starts to be uh completely different and i don't know where i can find these nodes yet um input ah here it is input face normal right so this is a node you can see we're not plugging in the geometry this is a node just like like a the geometry node in shader node trees let's just go over to shader node trees pick this in the back there here we have texture coordinates and here we have a normal output and this is the texture coordinates node for the object that this material is on now here we have face normals for the face normals that this uh geometry notes modifier is on cool so we don't have this super long like line of nodes just to get the normals and multiply and do stuff with it this is just it's an input node the phase normals for this object so uh of course then we need to separate xyz next one is here we take the c and plug it into selection so now what does that do so selection is sort of like true or false or zero and one and everything other than zero is basically true so if the c or greater than zero is true so if the c is pointing downwards it's false zero is still false and as soon as the c is pointing up it's true and this is our selection and then with the extrude node we can extrude this selection with some distance so this is exactly now look at how much nicer this note 3 looks already and this is all we did with the the other note tree all of this is necessary to do just that and this makes much more sense take the phrase normal we don't need to find the normal attribute and do stuff with it and we have our frosting now what can we do with this so this extrude node gives us top faces and side faces now when you think of it um let's go back to 3d view quick put in a plane put that up here just for demonstration purposes insert it maybe a little bit if i hit e and pull this up now uh this up here this will be the top face this and then these new faces going around here these will be the side faces uh let me get rid of this and let's just delete this object again we had shader nodes up here and here we have the donut so top faces side faces now let's do something with that how about we add some noise to the frosting part so to the top maybe just the top faces how do you add noise in the shader nodes and forget about how you would add noise with the attributes and like i don't know the cloud texture or something you just add a noise texture note right now i'm sure this is going to change and we're going to have all sorts of textures image textures and all that but for now we just have one noise texture node in the utilities and look at this we already know what this node is because um this is looks just like for example the brick texture node of the shader editor and here now we have noise textures textures and i think we will be able to plug in like uv maps and stuff but now we have a noise texture so we just want to point translate right point translate point which would be the vertices of our geometry so we're plugging into geometry which ones well we just want the top faces and we want them translated uh with this color like color rgb vector xyz you can plug a color into a x vector and now if we're doing this for our output now we're actually putting a noise onto just the top part of our donut okay this is a bit much so what would you do with shader nodes you would put in a vector a math node you would a multi no you need a vector math node vector math node plug the color in here multiply that by some factor and use that for the translate now we have a noise texture on the frosting part on just the top faces selection we have the scale here of the noise texture so we can bring that down a little we can play with the detail we can play with the roughness we can play with this value here oh by the way i don't think i want x and whoops i don't think i want x and y i just want some noise on the c or maybe this is even too much so let's bring that down a little i don't know yeah you get the point now we have noise texture on the frosting how can we make this look nice uh whatever but of course it doesn't look like frosting so how can we give it a new material well we need a new material first of all let's just give it a new material new call it frosting just so we know which one to pick make it pink now this is not assigned to anything yet um that's why it's still all brown but of course we can do a material a sine node so to the vertices we're assigning the frosting material to the top faces now this looks weird because these faces need to be added to they also need to be the frosting material right so how do we do that well this is boolean you can think of two or false or zero one whatever you just what's the logical thing to do you add top faces and side faces together so math add top faces side faces and now the side faces here are also pink right just the top top and side so this is really really cool and really easy to read i think it's i love it it's awesome so this distance is probably a bit much so let's bring this in and now for the sprinkles oh first of all we need to shade everything smooth right and the frosting needs to be more shiny cool i just saved the file so because like i said it crashes a lot so now let's put on some sprinkles well for sprinkles we're gonna need a point to point distribute right so we have to change where we have to do something with our geometry we need to distribute points onto the geometry and when i do that everything disappears why because we're replacing our entire geometry with points now so here are the points we don't want that we want to combine this geometry which is the donut with the frosting and the points do we have no drag like yes we do so we can combine join geometry the donut and the i don't want this point here and the sprinkles now we need to point instance we need to instance the sprinkle on to these locations so first of all we need to create a sprinkles so we take a cylinder scale c4 maybe does that look like a sprinkle and then we go back here we instanced the cylinder but it's of course very big so let's bring it down now we have sprinkles they're not that many sprinkles huh we need to increase our density and they're all facing the same way so we want to rotate them randomly we can do that by using eutils now input random float take the id of the point distribute plug that into the rotation minus five to positive five and we have sprinkles but we have sprinkles on the bottom that doesn't look good at all we only want to point distribute where where we have probably just on the top faces right so let's just put the top faces into the density remember zero one false true and now we have sprinkles only on the top faces none on the dough part but since i plugged that in here i got rid of my density value so what do you do in any other note tree in blender again you need a utilities math note you need to multiply your density which is just 0 or 1 by something like 80 and you have sprinkles now you just give it some colors and there you go that's that is the new way of creating geometry nodes no trees here we're using the face normals as an input and we're not piping in our geometry and then getting the normals attribute out of that right so i played around with this and by the way i love it it's i think this is awesome this is exactly what geometry notes needs because i i don't like this at all the whole everything looks the same it's all just it's basically just one line it's not a note 3 it just goes geometry geometry geometry um this is much better i think it's much better but of course now there's some things that we have to consider first of all these geometry nodes or these geometry lines going from the input through all the way to the output here these are sort of a separate thing now right you have two sorts of lines or noodles now in your note tree you have the geometry which is vertices going through and then you have all the other stuff so i would actually propose that these lines are probably that same green as the geometry sockets so that you know these are geometry lines going through and then all the other lines are just like in all the other node trees therefore attributes and fields and just values vectors booleans whatever so that that would be i think that would actually uh be good for usability or user experience in this case and then there's one other thing that i've found out while playing around so what if we want to subdivide this donut a little bit more well we could just go in here first of all let me save again first we can go in here and we can do mesh subdivision surface so we have a node now what happens if i plug that in here look at this this is what happens why well because this input if you think of it as being an input just like the mesh or geometry input you have the phase normal input this input is based on this incoming geometry and now we're subdividing the incoming geometry but we're not subdividing the geometry that the phase normals are based on and that's why we get this so we're just extruding we're extruding the geometry but based on normals which are not subdivided so this doesn't work we have to get rid of this however back here where we're using the input geometry and the input normals if we get a subdivision surface node and we plug it in here now we have a lot more so we have very fine uh geometry now back here it works just fine because we're using the geometry the normals based on that geometry we're doing something with it and then we can subdivide all right i think this video is already long enough this is supposed to be just a first quick look at what is coming to geometry notes i like it let me know if you like it down in the comments just write a hell yeah or no way or whatever i'm looking forward to your replies thanks for watching crispy out bye
Channel: Chris P
Views: 20,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cg, 3d, blender, blender3d, b3d, tutorial, how-to, training, learn, eevee, cycles, geometry nodes, geometry, nodes, fields, textures, future
Id: Llkf_pFr550
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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