FIAT: WYD 2019 | Sr. Bethany Madonna S.V., Bishop Robert Barron, Curtis Martin

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how are you doing why don't you stand up we're gonna get moving tonight who's excited to be here there is a river get you can't together we're goodness flows there is a fountain that drown sorrow there is an ocean deeper than fear the tide is rising [Music] crashing over us the Sun is rising [Music] we come [Music] [Music] staying up [Music] [Music] where are my Latinos [Applause] [Music] yeah this rain will stay clean got a nice little bit I eat oh the world my love we're scanned again and for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the God who comes to say [Music] [Music] let's go clean these words as one church amen [Music] who can stop the Lord Almighty [Music] can stop [Music] who [Music] I just want to take a second and introduce the band real quick we are the focus collective individually we have Sara Kroger to her right we have John mark scope on the drums we have James Roman behind me on the bass we have Danny ledger my name is Ricky Vasquez we wanted to thank you guys for singing with us and joining with us [Music] you love it Brady and Thomas [Music] laughs will surely please II and wildfire you seeing your name God [Music] [Applause] [Music] since with me you love your laugh [Music] mercy inside we can your life will surely [Music] like blazing fire senior [Music] [Music] your love is like Grady [Music] lazy a wild fine [Music] [Music] across [Music] please welcome to the stage your MCS for World Youth Day Fiat Center Carlos Garcia and Kelsey schoo welcome back how is everyone feeling it is so exciting to be back thank you for all of those still live streaming please continue to comment in and tell us what country you're joining us from it is incredible to see the amount of places we are being able to reach and just this afternoon alone so continue to do that it is a great joy for you to be here for those of you that are just joining us we've spent the day talking about our moments of Fiat what does it look like to say yes to the Lord and we've seen people say yes through different vocations and in different ways and the cool thing is that we have each a universal call to holiness every single person is called to holiness every single person is called to an adventure and to the life of faith and this is actually something that is close to my heart you see six years ago I was right where you guys are at World Youth Day in Rio yeah it was awesome and I was grappling with the big questions of faith and whether or not this was something I could truly give my life to but Pope Francis's words really struck a chord in my heart he said swim against the current I dream of a missionary option for your life navin kundra la corriente sueño con una opción mission era para su vida and sitting on copacabana beach among three million other young Catholics from all over the world everything just kind of fell into place and I looked at my crucifix and I said in my heart yes Lord I will be your missionary si Senor said to miss your NATO I got back to the states and I applied to be a focused missionary and had the honor of serving in the great state of California six years later Here I am never would I have imagined that I'd be standing here in front of you guys it's been never would have I remember some thoughts what my fee I would unlock the great adventure that say yes what unleash now some of you might have had an incredible Fiat like Carlos who's becoming a missionary or maybe it's to your vocation some of you called to religious life or the priesthood or marriage but oftentimes I think the Fiats that go unnoticed are those smaller moments where the Lord is calling us to do something to respond to him in an action way and these offerings are so small that we just think they're insignificant or they don't matter I myself had a smaller Fiat moment just a few days ago on my way to World Youth Day here in Panama you see on my flight on the way here I sat next to a young woman and she seemed very upset she was in tears right when I sat down so of course immediately I came to her and I said ma'am I'm so sorry is something is something wrong how can I help you and she turned to me and in that moment you realized neither of us spoke the other person's language and so I I made the sign of the Cross and I said I will pray for you because I figured that was the only thing I could do but then the remainder of the flight it's a four-hour flight she's still crying and I'm sitting there wrestling what could I do in this moment I just don't know how I can help and that's when I hear inside my heart Jesus tell me Kelsey I want you to pray with her I want you to pray with this young woman of course when that thought comes into my mind a thousand other thoughts come into my mind right like um that's not gonna happen that's a little awkward we don't know the same language so how the heck is she gonna know what I want to do and what I'm doing what if what if she's had a bad experience with the Catholic Church or with Christianity in general now I'm just gonna make a more awkward situation out of this all of these lies coming to my mind he's doubts these reasons of why I shouldn't listen to the call from the Lord and by the grace of God at the end of that flight it was still on my heart pray with her so I decided to get out my rosary from my bag and I looked at her and I said are you Kat and she nodded so I made the sign of the Cross with the Rosary and immediately she put out her hand so I grabbed it and in the next 15 minutes as we descended I got to pray with this young woman and bring to the Lord anything that she was struggling with in that moment now I'm not sure what she was going through I don't know if I'll ever know but as I gave her the Rosary at the end of the flight she gave me the biggest hug and it was in that encounter I realized there's something so much greater that unites us so much greater than our language our background what country were from and that is Jesus Christ Jesus Christ the Catholic Church this is what unites us this is where our identity is as sons and daughters of God and that's why jp2 had this brilliant idea this this genius to bring the world together and help us understand this to recognize we are first and foremost Catholics and sons and daughters of jesus christ himself amen and so it is in this moment that we can respond to him give him our fiat and transform the world for him in his love SC arto Kelsey OSS pensamos que NOS momento Sofia in a Kaiser mementos grandes montemagno mentality I can Tesco's de la vida Rasual meant a SN you're no spider silk casi el momento Scotty Diaw knows a momentos pequeno sa insignificant ace que es el c pequeno que se or tepid a en este momento de pronto is na sonrisa un abrazo palabras am always the moderator a Silesia argon kosis to Kenya's con un grande amore as I was thinking about that story I thought me to myself what finally gave me that courage to think that I could share my faith with this young woman and it's because of like Carlos said eight years ago I had a similar Fiat where I felt the Lord calling me to become a missionary with focus and so I had the opportunity to serve as a missionary on a university campus and share my faith of young people my peers to learn how to share with my friends and my family and is all thanks because of the original Fiat that our next speaker gave that focus exists as the founder of focus he was able to take a great call from the Lord and bring Jesus Christ to the most young and vulnerable in our world focus now serves on over 150 campuses worldwide and it's changing lives every single day although our next speaker would actually say his greater Fiat was that in which she said yes to his wife Michael Ann and then having nine beautiful children which now reside in Denver Colorado he continues to say yes to the Lord as an international speaker and writer two of the books that he's written made four more and his most recent publication making missionary disciples which I encourage all of you to check out please it is my honor to introduce to you and welcome Curtis Martin bienvenidos upon them on World Youth Day here we are welcome it's great to be with you I have only a few minutes to share a couple of thoughts with you and we're gonna go there very quickly but just to put this in perspective literally minutes before I got up I got a text from a friend of mine who's a doctor this is a picture of a 15-week little boy who his parents were gonna kill him and they changed their mind and praise God unfortunately they've already started the procedure chemically and so they're now going into reversal so we're gonna turn to our lady and pray for this little boy for his parents and for all those babies that are in danger right now you coming alive in Christ is a life-or-death matter and so let's pray right now very quickly name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen Blessed Mother we come to you now to pray for this little boy for his mother and father for all the children at risk we pray for world youth day we pray for those that are here right now and those that are viewing online we turn our lives to your son as we turn to you saying hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen Saint Joseph pray for us name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen all right so our theme for the week is be it done unto me according to thy word and I'd like to share just a three or four stories including my own and hopefully let you see that your story is wrapped up in this - that that God treats each of us differently and uniquely but there's patterns of the way that he treats us and I think well share very quickly of three or four stories how God is calling you to pray that same prayer be it done unto me according to thy word but if you're like me I tend to modify it slightly and say be it done unto me according to my word I'd kind of like you God to come into my life do some redecorating I want you in my life to make things easier and more comfortable to help me out in difficult moments when I'm driving to work too fast and all of a sudden there are flashing lights in my rearview mirror and I turn to you in prayer and say Lord if you'll get me out of this I won't speed anymore or maybe it's taking a test that she didn't quite get prepared for and Lord if you could get me out of this but I don't think that God wants to get you out of anything I think God wants to get you and me into something crazy and I hope I hope you'll accept his invitation I want to start with the story that gives us our theme the story of the Blessed Virgin Mary little girl at the time I don't know 15 years old give or take and and all of a sudden the angel appears and she's freaked out and she should be because see this is what God does God doesn't come into your life and make it better he'll do that but God comes into your life and makes it way bigger way more intense think about this this is a little girl who is praying with her family she's a prayerful girl 15 years or so and she's praying her own son the angel shows up and it's not as though the angel came and said hey Mary everything that you've been praying for I'm gonna make everything in your life better no he said Mary I'm gonna ask you to do something that's almost crazy to be the mother of the Messiah and and so she's response be it done unto me according to thy word and it's an all-in proposition she says I don't know what this means I'm pretty sure my simple life as a girl in a peasant village is about to change and it did and it wasn't all better it was much much harder think about it she's 15 and betrothed to be married but not yet living with her husband and she's gonna have to explain that to Joseph and then she's going to take a five-day walk in haste to go visit Elizabeth and then she's going to give birth after another five-day walk or ride on up on the back of a donkey and there's no room at the end and life is crazy and you can imagine just for a second it's real sweet when we put the little manger scenes on our houses at Christmas it wasn't sweet at all that first night it was oh my god I'm gonna have a baby Lord I need your help and there didn't appear to be any help oh well you can go with the animals and then a few weeks later she goes and for the presentation and the Prophet turns to her and says the sword of sorrow will pierce your heart and then of course the last of the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary the finding of the Child Jesus in the temple but before you found Jesus in the temple you had to lose him there's this real really really hard what she's being asked to do to be able to sit and step in and say there's a drama a story that's going on it's so much bigger than you and it's so much bigger than me and God is inviting you and me into that story into a part that is not completely comfortable that if we were to accept the role he would do crazy thing in our lives but through us would achieve amazing things he wants you to play a vital role in the most important story in all the earth the story of Jesus Christ saving the world and he does that by drawing people together let's look at another story let's look at Peter and Andrew there at the the lake and you can go there today and see their house right by the lake and they're out there they fish all night and all of a sudden Jesus comes to me and says I want to step in the boat for a minute he teaches for a little while and then he says let's put out into the deep for a catch and Peter says he's a professional fisherman he knows what he's doing he's like Master we were out all night and we didn't catch anything but at your word in other words let thy word be done not mine and so he does they put out and they catch the biggest catch they've ever caught they have to call their partners James and John to come over their boat and they catch the biggest one to the point where the both boats are about to sink now if Jesus functioned the way I would want him to then I would say if I was Peter I'd say hey Jesus I got a great idea how about you me the guys we go into partnership will do this fishing thing amazing you could make my life as I know it better if you just be here and tell us when to put the nets down that would be amazing but that's not the way Jesus works Jesus doesn't say I'm coming to make your life better or he's inviting you into his life and he turns to Peter and he says no no you're gonna be a Fisher of men and here's the deal Peter's life that day was amazing he's a professional fisherman he had just had the best catch of his entire career it's an amazing high point and he quits that day now Peter didn't have to quit Peter could have stayed and he could have fished for the rest of his life not gone and fought with Jesus and Peter I'm sure would have had a good life and would have had a nice family and then when Peter died he would have been completely forgotten by the death of his last grandchild no one would even know that Peter existed but Peter chose to walk with Christ to become the first pope whose successor is by the way here in town with us at Panama City that's pretty cool we'll Pope Francis and so to be able to recognize this that he stepped out his life became much bigger much more intense much harder he suffered many many things to follow Jesus and here's the amazing thing his brother Andrew was right there and watch what's going on but Andrew had already encountered Christ earlier in John chapter 1 Andrew probably with John the Apostle were already following John the Baptist and when Jesus showed up for his baptism John said behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and Andrew and John looked at one owner said we thought you were the guy but you're saying he's the guy and they have to make a decision in real time are we all in for this guy cuz we thought he was the guy and he just said he's the guy and so they follow him and Andrew tells us and John tells us that they can remember the exact time of day when they encountered Christ and it's my prayer for you it's the Holy Fathers prayer for you that you have one of those moments this week in Panama City to be able to recognize that there were moments and here's the deal and you encounter Christ that day at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and then encountered him again at the sea with it's brother it's not just a one-and-done in fact if you look at the scriptures if you look at them it's just one story after another after another you can almost imagine that Matthew Mark Luke and John are in prayer in their life oh yeah I remember that time they write it down oh yeah I remember that time - that was awesome and they just remember the times that Jesus broke into their life and did crazy works that amazed them and astounded them and at the same time called them to a path that was challenging the call to discipleship to let it be done according to God's Word not your word and my word is a call to be able to encounter Christ to recognize that he wants to take you on adventure for me it was a similar situation see Jesus hasn't changed he still wants to break into your life and into my life he'll be here in just a little while the Eucharist you'd like to talk to you in your heart of hearts tonight to call you maybe he'll use a scripture verse that you remember maybe it'll just be the realization that the Eucharist is amazing and if we Catholics are right and that little wafer that looks like bread is really the body blood soul and divinity of Jesus Christ then everyone should worship Him in the Eucharist and if it's not none of us should there's no middle ground on the Eucharist and I remember years ago not knowing whether I should be a Catholic or not sitting in a church and they brought the Eucharist out just like they're going to tonight and I sat there going I know enough about what the Church teaches to know that they think this is Jesus and if it is I should fall on my knees maybe on my face and if it's not I should really get out of here because this is crazy and I didn't know and I I wept Lord I want to follow you I don't know if you're calling me and headed some amazing moment that I'll remember for the rest of my life but I want to back up even more and say it's not just one and done with our encounters for me after squandering my Catholic life raised in a great Catholic home I became the prodigal I ran away from my faith I didn't even really know it I just all sudden turned around and my Catholicism wasn't there anymore I had made hundreds of decisions there were like poking holes in a bucket of water it just began to leak out all sudden looked in there was nothing left in the bucket so I started to read the scriptures and it was the New Testament Matthew Mark and Luke and as I was reading I was sitting back going oh my goodness this is amazing this is absolutely amazing Jesus is the most compelling person in the history of the world and it was almost like watching a movie maybe you've had that experience when you're reading this experience of kind of watching a movie and I was having that experience and all of a sudden I got to Luke chapter 6 verse 46 and Jesus said why do you call me Lord Lord but you don't do what I say why do you call me Lord Lord but you don't do what I say but see the interesting thing is in my imagined I didn't fear any extra words but in my imagination I did I heard one extra word Curtis why do you call me Lord Lord and you don't do what I say and I had no answer that's pretty convinced that he was the Messiah that's pretty convinced that if I had been fishing that day and he had said come follow me I would have wanted to get to go get up and go I mean I really would like to live that life I hope you do too to live an extraordinary life they would have maximum impact on other people to protect the baby we prayed for and millions of others that would care for the poor that welcome people into a meaningful life all those things by drawing close to Christ and to Mary why do you call me Lord Lord and you don't do what I say I'm pretty sure your Lord and I don't even know what you're trying to say I haven't been paying attention it's turned into myself I guess the Lord just in my heart of hearts talking to you what do you want from me and I started for about I don't know two or three weeks trying to be the most self improved I could be I was on my best behavior the problem was I just wasn't that good at behaving all that wealth because they hadn't been practicing and I talked to a friend I said you know I don't know that I'm ever gonna get good enough to be able to give my life to Christ and he said something that changed my life he said Curtis you're never gonna be good enough to give your life to Christ give your life to Christ and he'll help you become good that's what he does he wants to be in your life not because you're perfect tonight not because you haven't made mistakes he wants to walk into your life the way that he walked into Peters life and into Andrews life and James and John and the Blessed Virgin Mary in a very personal way where he'll look at you deep in your heart deep in your eyes to say come follow me to be able to sit back and say what if you were to live that adventure to be able to be willing to say I'm not afraid well I'm kind of afraid but I'll do it anyway actually I'm scared to death but I'll do it anyway because I can't imagine life without you we only have one shot one life and then for right now you and I were writing with God's help or maybe not with his help right now but where he wants us to have him help us write our own autobiography every day is a page for the rest of your life let this week be a time to rededicate yourself or maybe to dedicate yourself for the first time to have the courage of a 15 year old girl who would say let it be done it to me according to thy word not my word to be able to recognize that this call on our lives is a powerful invitation and it takes a form of this as I found myself after my friend had said no you got to give your life to Christ I realized that I didn't exactly know what that meant there was no memorized prayer for this and I just remember being holistic and thorough I remember being shaken that I just wanted to make the gift and I don't remember the exact words but I do remember the sentiments because they've been with me for 30 years since then and I found myself down on my knees you don't have to be on your knees but I found myself on my knees and I was looking up I said Lord and I was thinking of the prodigal son and I just said I've absolutely made a mess of my life I broken every commandment that I know I've ruined my life I've I've ruined my relationship with you I've ruined my relationship with my family and friends even with myself the Lord like the prodigal son I want to come home and if you would allow me to come home I'll give you everything you gave me everything I will give you everything I will go wherever you want me to go even Panama City I will say whatever you want me to say I'll do whatever you want me to do I want to make my entire life a gift to you to do whatever you want and the more I've looked at it the more I realized that while she did it better because her heart was pure Mary's yes was exactly that same issue of Lord I recognize that you have given yourself to me totally dying on the cross suffrage me rising from the dead and Lord I the only exchange I can make is not part of my life or asking you to help make my life better but it is a total gift of myself back to you as we move through this evening we're gonna have an opportunity to hear some music to pray and hear some different talks from people that I think very highly of and I hope that it moves your heart but I'd like to is we begin this just to close this final minutes of us of our session together to just pray with you for all the pilgrims not just the english-speaking pilgrims for all the youth and for all those that are watching online we anticipate that there probably could be many more people watching online than ever before and we we welcome you to be with us United in spirit but it would like to pray with the Blessed Virgin Mary for each of us that we would be able to live radically in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen Lord God we come here tonight there's a thousand different reasons many thousands of different reasons represented in this room as to why we're here many of us can't even quite figure it out but we are here and we want to give our all to you we want to give ourselves to you we want to give our lives to you to live radically not to to sit back and and have you decorate our lives but Lord rather to radically reconstruct our lives to live in us in through us Lords and make us the type of men and women in this room that you would make men and women who will become great Saints that will inspire people centuries from now by the way they live their life in the here and now we thank you that in every generation you have not disappointed and you have called people and this generation is no different tonight Lord we're asking you to move in the lives of each and every person as we give ourselves to you and allow this World Youth Day to have the impact on us that you desire to have we love you Lord and we desire to love you with the rest of our lives in Christ's name Amen Father Son and Holy Spirit amen thank you [Applause] [Music] I wrote this song from the perspective of Jesus as a little boy promising his mother that when he is king he will make her a queen now I have three little boys and they promised their mother all sorts of things like they brushed her teeth or they clean their room they usually aren't telling the truth but Jesus was perfect so if he promised his mother the Sun the moon in a crown of stars he can follow through I am a king I will make you a queen and I will sing songs that will pray choirs of angels to lift some their wings not crowd before my mother microphone [Music] you are queen the youthful the god of reheated folder life for the king and the yes of the Queen His grace falls on everything [Music] when I am King Oh generations I see blessed are you and proclaim that the girl with the Stars and accrued wheels [Music] she brought me to you they'll say she brought me to you man aqui [Music] [Applause] let's give it up for Danny brother thank you so much for sharing is the gift of your talents with the the church and with all of us here today it is such a joy to just hear your beautiful song and have a couple questions for you if you don't mind sharing how has your faith impacted your music it's impacted a lot I guess when I was younger I always wanted fame and fortune I want to be a rock star I eventually discovered a lot of emptiness in that life and after a profound encounter with God the Father I I just I knew I was supposed to use my music to bring people closer to God and and so now my music flows out of my prayer life and so like for this song when I'm King it was after my wife and I we made a Marian consecration and the fruit of it was just this new perspective of letting Mary lead us to Jesus just like her holding us by the hand well I'm so glad you said yes to just pursuing your talents and and your gifting I'm so happy and I'm actually would love to hear if you have a moment of Fiat that you would like to share with all of us here today um can you guys hear me now a moment of Fiat I think the biggest yes in my life was a leap of faith as God was calling me to start a new ministry and nonprofit that that called hope of the poor I think God gives us these leaps of faith that we can take these little yeses and they keep building gives us one opportunity after another to say yes and if we make that leap of faith that jump into the unknown and then he gives us bigger ones and bigger ones over and over until all of a sudden you have World Youth Day and but the biggest one was I've got I've got five kids and to make a leap [Applause] to make the leap from a full-time parish ministry job to to fundraising my entire salary to support my family and then working with some crazy missionary down in Mexico City we worked with a homeless it was a huge leap of faith and but God has done such amazing things the way he's provided for us and and it's just amazing bill to use my gifts now to be able to bring people into an encounter with Christ and the poor into encounter with Christ in the Eucharist and to use songs and stories inspired by the poor to evangelize and parishes across the country and it's just been amazing and to be here it's just amazing blessing it's beautiful well let me tell you I've actually had the opportunity to work with hope of the poor and I can tell you lives are being changed dramatically thanks to your Fiat so thank you brother let's give it up for Danny who we cheer one more time for Curtis Martin how awesome was that you know I've heard his talk over and over again as a pocus missionary and every single time I always walk away with something but one thing that he always says he always quotes in Catherine of Siena who said if you become who you are meant to be you will set the world on fire I think I can say that Curtis is yes is setting the world on fire and I believe that your yes can set the world on fire and change what we so dramatically need to change nuestra siguiente presented as original meant a lesson Luis Potosi in Mexico [Applause] Ferdinand Obispo Parel arteriosus is the Detroit en el dos mil on say if a lowest ohm Bosco en de los Estados Unidos complete o su dr. Alan Ellen Haley come and Roma in Solaris Co Desiree and una pastoral para Latinos an Estados Unidos Acedo realmente impact on teh Inspira laura a visa presidente Elkington Cointreau de lys católicos latinos Estados Unidos un encuentro patron or des e ste r EK realmente me como yo muchísimo hermanos Y hermanas es con un gran goes mi corazon que las presento lo visto arturo Cepeda [Applause] como estamos panama welcome everybody it is good to be here with you bienvenidos a todos a Panama la capitale de la Juventud kimonos recuerda El Santo Padre Francisco que esta aqui tenemos la oportunidad de compartir nuestra fel con un corazon Hoeven we have the great opportunity our brothers and sisters to share our faith with joy we are making history here in Panama and in our church today we proclaim Panama to be the capital of the youth to be the place of joy to be the place of mission and under Our Lady bajo el Amparo de nuestra senora maria le paramos que NOS ayuda por que ella es una mujer de FEV es una mujer de mission es una mujer de servicio y eso es lo que tenemos que hacer nosotros también Hoeven s Mascoutah muy bien tenemos que cambiar el mundo con nuestra fare Maria cambio nuestras vidas decir Lacey adios mismo ella ella ella que dijo addison me según to palabra yeses mismas palabras son las que tienen que salir de nuestro Corazon as hace me según to palabra Cinco puntos que me gustaría compartir que nos a dado El Santo Padre Francisco para hacer verdaderos misión arrows go soso spell Evangel Segundo a Maria Westra Madre lo primero que tenemos que hacer esto mar el primer Paso primary are we need to take the first step with faith and you know what you've done it so far we'll come all the way here to Panama gracias adios you have taken that first step you know what and by taking this first step you already make him you nervous and that's great you are making us nervous just as Archbishop who you are was just telling us last night we won you our youth to make us nervous you have the great opportunity to change our church our world according to God's will because we want to take the first step you are doing it down number two we engage with our people knows Sir Thomas and Westridge Entei estamos con nuestros hermanos y nuestras hermanos y esto significa tal como Luisa Maria cuando fuera bear a visit our a supreme izybelle Yasser v-ray lo que tenemos que hacer es que tenemos que Rico no cirno's a todos I want you to turn to one another now do it please you know each other well I hope so your pilgrims we are pilgrims and as you engage with your brothers and sisters we take the third step we accompany de los accompany ahmo's Paco la luz del evangelio de proclaim our algo so del evangelio cada uno de nosotros para el Amparo de nuestra senora Westra Madre Maria tenemos que accompany Arno's en las ruinas en las fallas tenemos que scooch our new estrus Astoria's en esta experiencia de la Jornada mundial de la Juventud tenemos la oportunidad de poder escuchar nuestra historias donde esta california [Applause] [Music] to understand mobile Mexico do we have the house let's say Walter Houma [Applause] I can hear you say hi I am just trying weathers Minnesota thank you now you know we accompany Chava dosa company ahmo's y tenemos que scooch our new estrus Astoria's en el centro de nuestra storia esta cases yes osaka mariano sensei no compartir la fille nuestro señor a los demás congo's y que lo que vamos a hacer despues way no tenemos que tomar el cuarto paso kimonos lo indica esto Santo Padre Francisco tenemos que dar fruto we are called to bear fruit with joy you know our Pope has a very practical wisdom na wanna share this with you quiero compartir con ustedes de la ceiba Duryea practica de nuestro papa francisco que NOS dicen la manera mas Affectiva la manera mas Affectiva Day proclamation jelly o de ser mission arrows de dar la buena nueva la manera mass effect Eva s con una sonrisa es si lo que estamos Llamados tambien mis hermanos de nosotros no somos un Pueblo triste we are a people of joy the joy of knowing our Lord the joy of knowing that our lady is with us she is working with us and it is with creat this joy that we can transform the world estoy seguro que cuando regression su spices cuando regresamos us trois do sesss con una gran sonrisa por la experiencia de vida la gente de soie preguntar what's going on with you what happened to you are you okay and we will say oh yes you better believe it I went to this encuentro in Panama I was with my youth with our people I engage with them I accompanied them I have been transformed by them I am bringing fruit that is what we are called to do with joy and finally and this is one that I really enjoy as you know soy mexicana oona Quinto passo a seguir kennefa cena es que somos gente que celebra nos gusta la fiesta eso es parte de sel mission aro es parte de ser discípulos elsinore somos personas que celebramos tada como lo estamos haciendo aquí el dia de olie euro ante toda esta corn allah vamos a tener la oportunidad de celebr are nuestra Fay en la krystia the celebrant Rafi Congo so en la misericordia de nuestro señor por medio' del Sacramento de la reconciliation vamos a tener la oportunidad de celebr are juntos nuestra fey Rico no siento que nuestro llamado hacer mission arrows tell Senor Congo so para transfer Aden transform are el mundo y transform our us trail Asia s l-jamaa DoCoMo's dancin or a con nuestra Santissima Madre lo vamos a poner hacer I seek a mere a gallon una sonrisa please say yes yes that's what the church needs that's what the world needs let's keep small into on another tenemos que seguir sundry endo nose uno otro pro kleh mando cada uno de nosotros da fake hemos recibido maria nuestra madre jano Ensenada tomó el primer paso le dijo see adios where a servile Suprema isabel Dondo knows a nosotros el ejemplo de que el encontrar knows con Dios se puede trans metier se puede que uno de nosotros podemos hacer lo mismo elsevier a los demás a Janis Encino upon party lie story adonde cristo mismo evita ella comparte su historia con cosas de compartir historia con supreme izybelle yella silicon party endows historia con cada uno de nosotros el fruto que NOS do s fruto de la salvation yeah continua donned odessa fruto a cada uno de nosotros cuando knows sin tamos que estamos desesperados cuando no centavos que kisses no tenemos una Esperanza poor seguir cuando lo sentimos que estamos simplemente Desperados por las in justicia x' en nuestro mundo trekker Ramos a Maria porque ya know seguirá upon pagando us tro fruit o es Claro estamos aqui para transform are el mundo estamos aqui para que dar dos Congo so us trophy esta nuestra celebración es una celebración de who-ville Oh para que el mundo SEPA que ustedes holiness son el presente el futuro de nuestra Glacia [Applause] son el presente el futuro de nuestra Sociedad ustedes tienen en sus Manos el go so del evangelio para transform our nuestras vidas porous estamos aquí en la la la sonrisa el mundo entero los Estados couch ando a los esta bien doh the whole world is looking at you now and I want you to keep smiling with great hope to be able to call and transform our world because we are people of faith Congo solo para lo queremos problem our ester Manos hermanas cada uno de nosotros tienes oportunidad de la moda a nuestra Santissima madre que nos Eagle a Nando days ago so que NOS ayuda a decir SI que NOS ayuda resear agus a me según to palabra que NOS ayuda congo so a dar al mundo entero la alegría bel evangelio El Santo Padre que hasta aqui con nosotros empezar ma t Negron Esperanza gran Esperanza en todos ustedes con una gran sonrisa la famosa dar la bienvenida yo una gran sonrisa no vamos a regresar a nuestro spices con la gran sonrisa NOS vamos a transform our us tree Glacia kana grands on Risa vamos a seguir Dondo nose a los otros a los demás el evangelio Congo so por que somos Llamados hacer testigos cos Osos Delavan head so now mr. Munoz hermanos no pueden regaleira na sonrisa move en otra res quiero verlos we get us yes can you live in the up [Music] [Music] using what I know is true is nothing that I won't do won't waste another minute [Music] [Music] thank you so much the Knights of Columbus and Thank You Bishop for your words and your service to the church let's give it another round for Bishop we have had an incredible opportunity tonight to hear stories of people's Fiats their yes to the Lord and for me most often the question I get is Kelsey tell me about your Fiat to your marriage to range to John Mark and I think people want to know this because they might have heard that we have a kind of untraditional story right most people look at marriage and they think oh you just go and you meet the man of your dreams you get engaged you get married and it's perfect well if you know John Mark and I and you'll know that we actually dated for six years before we ever start officially dating and in those six years John Mark asked me out a total of five times and I think the reason why I had such difficulty coming in to accept this fiat in my life was for two reasons the first is because I saw marriage in the way that culture oftentimes does and that's what I saw the idea of marriage as something that was gonna infringe upon my life and what I thought was gonna make me happy and so for my life I really started to see my career my job and making a ton of money as what was gonna make me happy what was gonna be the most important thing so getting married having a family kids that could go in my 30s maybe later I wasn't too concerned and so when I met John Mark in college I kind of put him in that box but as I started to have a deeper conversion with Jesus Christ when I started to realize that the love of Jesus Christ the selfless love this this gift of himself to another is truly where our happiness lies I knew I had to do that I knew I had to engage my heart in a different way than what I was currently seeking but that wasn't enough I think that was the first way that I was holding myself back from my Fiat but the second was a great fear of the unknown I think a lot of times we're so afraid of saying yes because we're not just afraid of that yes we're afraid of what its gonna mean down the line all the other things that will come with it we think we need to have all the answers we need to know exactly how it's gonna go before we can say that initial yes right and this is huge within marriage I saw so many of my friends with their parents and difficult and struggling marriages my own personal family it was hard to see people who once said that they loved each other struggle and so I thought I needed have all the answers know all the answers but I think in this situation we too can look to Mary and her example of her original Fiat oftentimes I think we'd look at her and we could think man she had all the answers she was perfect for one so she probably just floated through with this just undying trust and didn't struggle at all father Mike Smith's likes to look at this a little bit deeper and he looks and goes really was it was that the case because if you look at her Fiat she says yes be it done to me according to thy word but then does God actually come to eat I mean I would love for this this conversation to happen after that right God comes to he's like okay Mary great now that you said yes this is what's gonna happen in a few days Joseph isn't gonna really believe that this conversation went down so in his dau and and mistrust he's gonna probably want to quietly divorce you which will cause you some turmoil right you're not gonna know what's gonna happen in your future of your life you'll have no idea but don't worry cuz I'm gonna come to him in a dream and then he'll realize this this really didn't happen and it'll be totally fine he'll stay with you and then um as you guys go to Bethlehem for the census you're gonna go into unexpected labor and you're not really gonna be able to be let in because of your situation so um you're gonna have to deliver Jesus in a manger in all this hay poking you these smelly animals all around it's gonna be kind of gross but don't worry cuz in two thousand years we're gonna have little manger scenes in people's homes we're gonna sing Christmas songs it's gonna be it's gonna be really magical and then after you deliver Jesus King Herod's gonna want to kill your child you'll need to flee to Egypt and you won't know if you'll ever be able to return home to your friends and family ever again but don't worry I'll kill King Herod in two years you'll be fine you'll be able to be back with your friends and family it'll all be good and then after 33 years of falling madly in love with your son I'm thinking you can't love your son any more than you possibly do right now I'm gonna make you watch him walk to the most gruesome death humanly possible watch every step of the way up Calgary and watch him nailed to a cross but don't worry cuz in three days I'm gonna raise him from the dead he's gonna redeem all of humanity all of our sins from now into the end of the age right Mary gets none of that but Mary does get one thing she's told by the angel Gabriel that Jesus will be with her every step of the way and it was this comfort and this realization that if Jesus Christ is within your relationship if you're taking this relationship to your prayer and you're making sure that he's at the center that you can trust he's going to lead you in the right direction these Fiats are huge moments and I'm very excited to introduce to you our next speaker who also entered her vocation with his radical yes trusting in Jesus and wherever he was going to take her she joined the sisters of life at the young age of 22 years old she loved the sisters of life this is a community that helps young pregnant women they lead retreats and they walk with college women throughout their day and they also help so many women who may be of going through the suffering of a previous abortion she is a heart for so many people and her yes to this order didn't stop there because the Lord has continued to call her continue to ask her to say yes as she's become an international speaker bringing this joy and love of Christ to each soul she encounters she is personally one of the most joyful women I've ever encountered I don't think I've ever seen her without a smile on her face so it is my honor please help me in welcoming sister Bethany Madonna [Applause] thank you good evening hello Panama hello pilgrims tonight we're speaking about our moment of Fiat and I thought I'd start with a story we have this little friend in Manhattan his name is Benedict and he's like this urban mystic I mean he suffers from this genetic disorder that has required countless surgeries through the course of his life but the kid is brilliant and he's got his eyes fixed on Jesus so one day little six-year-old Benedict comes over to the convent to meet our new sisters so as he met each one of them he made a comment about their patron saint who they were named for but then he got to sister Fiat Fiat he looks over at his mom stumped he goes whose Fiat and his mom answers him with another question she said Benedict what were God's first words in the book of Genesis and he answered let there be light and she said yes in Latin Fiat Lux and what did Mary say to the angel Gabriel when he came to her and Benedict thought about it and said be it done unto me according to your word she said Fiat me he exactly and Benedict tell me do you remember what Jesus said to his father before his passion he said not my will but your will be done correct again Fiat voluntas tua that's what Fiat means Benedict well little Benedict could hardly bear this and he turns and meets sister Fiat in the eye and takes her hand and gives her a handshake that went up her entire arm like you have the best name imaginable okay Fiat our moment of Fiat this yes be it done it's not just about entering into our definitive vocation it starts now it begins with a yes to Jesus in this moment that is coming this day let's entrust ourselves and this night and our hearts and our vocations to her Blessed Mother we turn to you this evening we need you we need you to be our mother please be a mother to us take us by the hand walk us to Jesus we ask all these things through your intercession mother and in your name Jesus amen my spirit amen God the Father spoke a Fiat over you he said let there be you a yes was spoken over your life over your existence over your heart over your love you were conceived in the heart of God before your parents knew that you would ever be it reminds me of the first verse of my new favorite song I hope you don't mind my sharing it's a little awkward with these terrible acoustics to sing to you but I don't mind before I spoke a word you were singing over me and you have been so so good to me before I took a breath you breathed your life and me and you have been so so kind to me oh the overwhelming neverending reckless love of God for you it's yours he doesn't consider the cost to himself in loving us he gives himself freely to us the same God who set the bounds of the ocean who placed the Stars and the planets and the moon in their courses the same God who had a thought and it became Niagara Falls a snowflake a strawberry the God who crafted the kangaroo and and the leopards and the peacock I mean that bird has a six-foot train of Technicolor feathers behind it and if it wants to get your attention it's like what bad like whoa I mean all of creation is bursting with creativity and color and beauty and tastes and sounds and textures this God made you with more care and more purpose I loved fingerprints fingerprints identify you as the only you that ever has been or ever will be out of all of the millions and billions of people who have ever existed no to have had the same set of fingerprints now if God is gonna take so much time to arrange and design the invisible circle patterns on the end of your finger to be totally unique to you how much more time did he take with the love inside your heart it's yours it's totally distinct it's unique it's precious no one can love like you and no one can love God like you love God and no one can receive his love into their hearts as you do there's no replacement there's no substitute he longs for this he longs for this exchange with you when God sees you he looks at you and he says I made you you're very good you belong to me we're made for love I remember realizing this as a freshman in high school I didn't want to miss out on anything that made life fun or exciting or made anyone popular my older brother was on the football team and so I as a freshman had access to a lot of partys through him I started going and I witnessed a lot of regret and a lot of darkness it didn't take long for me to make the decision this is not gonna be my scene I made a little commitment to myself and that lasted me through junior year of high school then one night I was over at a friend's house we were getting ready for a night out on the town you know the mall the movies ice cream go home more movies talk all night this sort of thing suddenly a call came in one of our friends his parents were out of town he said hey I've got a keg mom and dad aren't here bring your own alcohol whatever you want are you coming and my friends were like we're on our way I was shocked I don't know where your conscience is but mine is right in the pit of my stomach so I was like I said hey I'm yeah could somebody take me home I uh I'd rather go home they're like what I didn't have a car so I'm trapped like a rat and I'm ruining the night with this detour so we get in the car and let me tell you it was tense is the longest car ride I've ever been in you could cut it with a butter knife of a so tense in there silent and we arrived at my house and I always claimed the grace of this night on my confirmation the day of my confirmation I was just very concerned that another girl was wearing the same dress I was I was like what oh why me meanwhile I'm receiving the Holy Spirit the seven gifts and the 12 fruits and their fullness in this night I experienced that the gift of fortitude is a strength that's beyond what's normal or natural to you and I got out of that car and I looked in at those friends who had been my best friend since sixth grade and I said do I need to find a new group of friends and I was like cool I wanted to take it back and they looked up at me and they didn't answer I was like all right close the door turn towards my house and if my life for a movie scene this is like we're all the black billowing clouds like come out of nowhere suddenly it's raining I'm drenched I like walked in the house my parents were like whoa you're home early I was like whatever I went into my room I found my saddest CD I found the saddest song on my sad CD play repeat lights out laid on my bed and I just let the death of my social life sweep over me like the ocean it got out my black eyeliner I'm like drawn teardrops no just kidding no I didn't I didn't it felt like the end of the world but I tell you this beneath the wind in the waves and the tears of that night I felt a peace and when a it was a piece the world cannot give and I went through a lonely time a lonely time where I didn't know who to sit with at lunch I didn't have anybody to call when I went home no one to go out with on the weekends and time pass and a friend in one of my classes reached over and she was like hey what he doing Sunday want to come to my youth group I was like people I would love to do that and the Lord opened up a whole world to me this new group of guys clean-cut good funny he's women who loved to do what I did just this group was different they did Bible study and they went on retreats I was like I can try that if there's people there so there I was 17 years old in Eucharistic Adoration on a retreat in our youth minister said you need to ask God what his plan is for you I had never heard that I never thought to ask him so I was in front of Blessed Sacrament and I said Jesus how did you make my heart to love and suddenly I was crying I felt God so close to me I knew that he knew me he knew everything about me and I knew that he loved me and I heard it was more as if my heart heard consider being totally mine and I was like you want me to be a nun or something cuz I'd seen nuns but they were like in the movies are from Ireland so I mean I was gonna get married to someone wonderful I mean someone who was madly in love with me obviously and we'd have our own litany of saints for children you know Peter James John Paul Thomas Philip Bartholomew Linus I realized diving into prayer Jesus wasn't asking me to give up the deepest desires of my heart he was telling me that he would be the one who could fulfill them I dated I opened myself up to marriage but the Lord continued to invite me and to pursue me I heard him ask would you love me with the love that you're saving for a husband would you love me with it and would you let me love you as your spouse when I asked well what about the kids he said would you be willing to love every child as if it were your own child of flesh and blood would you love in that way and I said yes and I couldn't have dreamt a being happier the Lord doesn't want to take anything away from us but our sin and the loneliness that we feel he wants to give us everything in his own heart I remember saying yes in that moment but I tell you that every moment is a fresh moment of Fiat to receive again the gift that I was given and to respond and renew with the gift of my love in my heart every moment is a moment of Fiat and he has an invitation for each and every one of you each heart here he brought a very long way to tell you his desires for you now there are three things that can hold us back from our Fiat from making our yes from following Jesus and entrusting our lives to him the first fear we can be overwhelmed with fear of losing control of missing out of commitment of intimacy of failure but perfect love casts out fear let's ask the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit come show me what I'm afraid of what holds me back help me to give my fears to Jesus so he can cast them out the second thing that holds us back his distrust we can distrust God we don't trust that he's present we don't always trust that he's good and has good plans for us we don't always trust that his yes is unconditional and won't be taken away the Catechism says that after the first sin Trust died in our hearts but Jesus came and he came to give us new hearts he came to restore the trust in the good father that we so longed to have he came to give us new life everything in his very self the third thing that holds us back is sin sin it clouds our vision it distorts the way that we see ourselves and the way that we see others it keeps us from being free from being generous from being selfless drug use alcohol abuse we need to say no to anything that disables my will that enables me from choosing the good from being totally free in saying no I'm actually saying a great yes a great yes a Fiat impurity it painfully skews our vision but Jesus is the healer Jesus knows what we're bombarded by there are great resources out there and freedom is possible for you have you ever heard of Audrey Asad the singer and songwriter she shares her testimony online how she stumbled into pornography as a teenager and was quickly addicted to it this led her into habitual masturbation and suddenly she was just wrapped in shame couldn't break free she shares delicately and honestly how Jesus came to her in that and drew her out into healing broke the chains Matt Fred witnesses two men about his freedom from sexual addiction and Jason and Kristalina Evert they give witness to the power of love to waiting and to starting over and beginning again you deserve the truth because what's portrayed in shows and movies and magazines as romance falls very short those lifestyles leave many hearts devastated by the lies I want you to close your eyes for a second and imagine your wedding day ladies there you are standing in the aisle you're in your white dress it's perfect it's gorgeous gentlemen there you are by the altar looking all dapper in your tux and you two meet each other and I want you to listen to the wedding vows I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad in sickness and in health for richer or poorer until death I will love you and honor you all the days of my life open your eyes wellhow there's someone to say that to you and for you to say that to someone else on the night of that couples honeymoon when husband and wife come together for the first time their bodies make flesh the vows that they made at the altar the vows say I give myself to you freely totally faithfully and fruitfully freely totally faithfully fruitfully see sex is not a commitment in itself sex is the expression of the commitment of wedding vows to have sex with someone without having made vows to them is like telling a lie with your body I don't give myself to you freely I might not be free I might have had too much to drink I might be caught up in the moment I might be afraid you'll break up with me I might not be free total I don't know where I'll be in five years I don't know where you'll be this isn't a total gift faithful if I can't say no to you this weekend and you can't say no to me I don't know where you'll be next weekend not faithful and fruitful no fruit no child is welcome sex is never meant to be this way shameful or secretive or filled with fear fear of rejection or abandonment pregnancy fear of my worth or body image no God and their God intended sex for spouses to bind them together but it would be life-giving and joy filled for them that this would be the sacred place where new life comes into existence we have to refuse everything that tries to convince us to settle for less because your love is good and worth fighting for [Music] Jesus is with you and he is within you he's in this battle he's fighting your fights he's in your suffering he's drawing you out of darkness and loneliness into his light and communion you know we haven't always made choices that are good or beautiful and without Jesus we're not able to but we always have the choice to trust him with our weakness and to let him lift us up and give us the strength to love with his love confession the sacrament of reconciliation relieves us of burdens we were never meant to carry I want to tell you about Annie one day we received a call from a pregnant woman in crisis who was being pressured to abortion but in her heart of hearts she wanted to choose life Annie was extraordinary she grew up in the streets of New York City in an Irish Italian neighborhood and she'd been baptized she'd made her First Holy Communion but that was it and she'd come over to our convent for tea and let's just say it was very different from the other things she was doing all week given the NYPD a run for their money but one day Annie looked at our sisters and she said hey sister how old are you and sister got a little embarrassed and she tried to change the subject by bringing up GK Chesterton the great wit and author who used to tell people his age by the last time he went to confession and was made new in the sacrament so he was either 20 minutes old or two weeks old or five days old whenever the last time he was born again in confession well Annie laughed but she was also fascinated by the concept that you could be made new so a few days later sister gives Annie a phone call to set up the next tea date and they're about to get off the phone and Annie goes hey sister wait a second um just wanted you to know that I'm a six hours old sister goes I'm sorry Pardons and she goes yeah I went to confession this morning I'm six hours old it was her first it it was Annie's first confession in over ten years since her First Holy Communion and sister was like Annie how did you feel when you left she goes I felt the weight of the world lift off my shoulders I feel brand new six hours old and the priest he walked me through and he wasn't surprised by any my stories we were so proud of her and so grateful when they hung up the phone sister ring the bell that's reserved only for prayer like a madwoman and all the sisters came down to see what had happened and they jumped up and down and rejoiced with the saints and angels who rejoice more over one sinner who repents the ninety-nine who don't need it and that next week when Annie came for her tea date we threw her big one-week birthday party cake candles presents the Happy Birthday song it marked a new beginning and a restoration of her innocence we see this in our hope and healing mission for men and women suffering after abortion Jesus says yes he says yes to you he says yes to you from the cross he says yes to you and His mercy and he does it again and again as often as we come to him your love is a treasure and you are a gift meant for another let's rise above the paltry standard that's been set for us you're capable of greatness yeah love is demanding if it's gonna be real and there's nothing more worthy so ask Jesus tonight how did you make my heart to love we need holy and committed husband's we need good fathers who are present to their children we need holy wives holy mothers who will nurture the life entrust it to them we need holy priests we need men after Jesus's heart full of integrity spiritual fathers good shepherds who know how to swing their staff if the wolf comes too close we need holy religious sisters brides of Jesus who will say I'm all yours and you're all mine who will tell their spiritual children I am totally available to you Mary's moment of Fiat changed the world forever her yes was for you into you ask her to walk with you open your hearts tonight and say Jesus choose me I want to give you my yes I want to receive your love I want this love to change the world amen [Applause] sister outlined three things that keep us from God that really stood out to me one fear to distrust and three sin she also mentioned that perfect love exists tonight we have the opportunity to gaze upon perfect love on this altar and so I ask each of you in your own hearts will you renounce fear tonight will you renounce distrust tonight will urine down sin tonight amen we have heard from some incredible speakers and it's not over yet because we have to get to enter into this beautiful night of adoration for those of you in the fog alley center we have an exciting opportunity as Curtis Martin has brought copies of his book making missionary disciples that will be available for free for each of you at the back of the Vienna please wait until after adoration and as you leave take a copy only one per person as we want to make sure we have enough for those who are here no mementos vamos Antron in our asean ce que les pido que NOS cal memos okay a fresca most este momento de Silencio irreverence iya Raquel Santissima Sacramento Stella con un momento por favor cuando pass a law profession drops through endless corridors Baraka Stefan vamos a sacar las luces también los que se encuentra una trash por favor when Posada Masum frente para que se zerkin I'll try a Santissima Sacramento so a few housekeeping things before we can enter into a night of prayer for those who you might be sitting in the back we ask that you come forward and fill in all the seats so that we can really be united together for our prayer also please keep in mind keep the aisles clear for our procession we want to make sure the priests are able to bring Jesus to each and every one of us we will bring you the house lights down as we set up and for the remainder of adoration so for safety if you need to use your flashlight please do so and make sure to take note of the bathrooms and exit over here on my right thank you guys so much for being here we've had an incredible day and it's not over yet I see dome grin plastered estar aqui con ustedes it give Yerevan diga let us now take time to enter into a night of Prayer [Music] can you hear me there we go sister Bethany's saying a little bit of a song that we're gonna sing in a few minutes and if you're if you know it sing it with me goes no shadow you won't light it up bout and you all die come in after me [Applause] the wall you won't kick down lie wall tailor down coming have to be see it one more time come on sound good no shadow you all died Mountain you won't climb up coming after me so while you all get down liar all tear down coming out to me I don't know why but there's something about that song that just reaches into my gut you know and that last line that says uh no wall you won't kick down no lie you won't tear down coming after me and the thing I realize when I sing it is that most of the time what's between me and God are the walls that I put up and the lies that I tell myself are honest-to-goodness the lies we let Satan whisper into our ears and we have a God that loves us so much at my catechesis today the bishop slammed his hand down on is Bishop Cassio Cassio no he slammed his hand down on the altar while he was talking and said right here right here heaven touches earth heaven touches earth out of chairs to pray I'd go to the Holy Land I prayed in the tomb of Jesus a place Christians have been praying since the first century the people who walked with them and talked with them and I laid my head on that stone and I just cried and I came out and I went to confession and I told the priest I don't want to I don't want to leave like I believe these things my whole life and I'm touching I'm touching Jesus and he said this is this is Yorkin he was Portuguese he spoke no English is a thesis piece is your penis he said get on your plane and when you fly away breathe like this and he lifted my hands to my mouth and he had me breathe do me a favor wherever you are just one time just one time so you feel what I felt in there just breathe and he said you wait till your plane is flying and you remember as close as your breath is to you God is this close to you always no matter where you go amen so my favorite part of math maybe because I don't pay attention all the time at mass do not judge I have forgotten to look and I forgotten to listen to the homily and there's a moment right after the consecration when the priest holds up the Eucharist and he says behold behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world happy are we who are called to the supper of the lamb and ice I promise I just wish I could push the pause button say wait wait don't keep going I just want to look at him and say I love you I need you to show me the lies and show me that's what we do tonight we open our hearts and we let God come in and transform us a God who touches earth so don't just be a spectator tonight bring everything you are everything you are tonight and let the God of heaven be the god of you tonight [Music] are you hurting working within hold around by the weight of the scene Jesus is calling and have you come to the end of yourself do we thirst for a drink from the world Jesus is calling who come to the altar the father's arms are open for years I was borrowing the press he's fine [Music] there blasts do between sizes [Music] yeah [Music] the distance whatever be that this Tuesday that I - Jemma [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh God [Music] hey slow side [Music] please don't [Music] smile so long [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the altar the father's arms are open [Music] [Music] you it's all me we lift our eyes to heaven yes show us your bird this I trust in you [Music] Oh go get all to us [Music] apples Rizal from every side hates up [Music] [Music] we are sir nosiness [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Latinos yours oh no repress sanity Putin's teens [Music] yeah [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Thomasina me no no bees donate [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we were the word at the beginning [Music] what a beautiful name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see what a beautiful what a beautiful name [Music] miracle of praise mystery of faith Carlinhos to bang to the tea Thor Sanders as your grace [Music] and we become the love that we receive [Music] just with his friends told even never die five you're a true presence in this fall [Music] [Music] [Music] from the beat [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] so now this [Music] press star-one Davina baby Ivy duh [Music] - love [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry pal and happy [Laughter] Anika coma the step and normally da pan de vida pon de vida and asunto sacrificio see impressed us fun to be [Music] he was [Music] so [Music] for breath [Music] it's also [Music] now is your phone [Music] No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no shadow you all light up [Music] so all you won't kick down y-you won't no shadow you all died so all you all keep down you all down [Music] [Applause] [Music] keep down [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise be Jesus Christ what a privilege everybody we have to be abiding here tonight in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ Christ who was not simply a finally remembered figure from the distant past but who is a living presence among us when I heard about the theme for this World Youth Day Fiat let it be done to me I thought of course of the Blessed Mother but also one of my favorite text in the New Testament the opening verses of the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Luke and I propose that for our meditation tonight because I think it's a beautiful exemplification of what the Fiat fully means Lord let it be done to me according to your word the beginning of Luke chapter 5 deals with a moment when Jesus with his disciples simply gets into Peters boat you remember without asking without seeking permission he simply gets into Peters boat and begins to command it's the first move in the spiritual life listen to everybody the Christian spiritual life never begins with our achievements it never begins with our moral excellence it begins with what I would call the invasion of grace God enters our lives on his own initiative without being asked Christ gets in our boats what did it boat mean for a first century Galilee and fishermen like Peter it meant everything it was his life it was his livelihood imagine if someone just got into your car and began telling you what to do were to go Jesus enters into Peter's boat and begins to command now first of all everybody in this room is here because at some point we felt that invasion of grace we would not be here otherwise it's not you who've chosen me it's I who have chosen you everybody in this room has been chosen by Christ Christ has entered into our boats into our lives and once he's in that boat he commands you know we refer to Jesus as the Lord don't we and that term can be kind of maybe too easily spiritualize that's why I like going back to the Latin word dominoes dominoes jaysus Jesus the Lord because dominoes sounds like dominate and I think that's good because Jesus listen al wants to command every aspect of our lives remember he says does the key is the key has come down I'm coming to your house today CS Lewis said Jesus wants to command every room of the house what do a lot of us do I will say sure Jesus come into the little front parlor of my house but that's where you're gonna stay and I'll spend a little time with you maybe once a week dominoes yay xerus the Lord Jesus wants to enter every room of the house where we eat and drink yeah where we hang out with our friends yeah where we seek entertainment uh-huh we're married people live out the most intimate part of their married life yes Jesus wants to command every room of the house so once he's in your boat he will begin commanding you commanding the totality of your life listen now to the command he gives to Peter when he had finished speaking he said to Simon put out into the deep water and lower your nets for a catch how could I not everybody at a World Youth Day invoked the memory of Saint Pope John Paul the second Duke in Eltham there's the Latin for this a phrase beloved of John Paul go out into the deep trust me when I tell you when Jesus Christ the Lord gets into your boat gets into your life and begins giving commands he will draw you into the deep waters was that mean it means more deeply into self-sacrifice more deeply into compassion more deeply into a whole lifestyle of love see what's the problem here fellow sinners most of us spend most of our lives fooling around in the shallows think of little kids take him to the beach a little toddler we're gonna take him out in the deep no bill they'll play you know by the by the show or in the very shallow waters okay that's a start but when they come of age those kids have a sense of adventure and courage they're gonna want to leave the safety of the seashore and go out into the depths so it goes in the spiritual order most of us sinners as I say live our lives in the shallows oh we could be a big deal in the eyes of the world look at the money he's got look at the fame he's got look at the success he has so what spiritually speaking all of us just playing by the seashore no no don't mean us yeah Zeus the Lord Jesus Christ calls us to great spiritual adventure Duke in Eltham you know John Paul sends this everybody he knew it he knew the hearts of young people you're ready for adventure do not listen to the voice of the world which will lure you in a thousand ways to stay close to the shore have that same confidence in yourself that John Paul had in you that Pope Francis has in you took in altom go into the depths let Jesus in your boat trust me that's where he will command you then this from Peter master we've worked all night long but have caught nothing yet if you say so I will let down the nets I can't think of a better summation of the spiritual condition of most of us Master we've been added all night long that means listen everybody that means I've been trying on my own with my own powers relying on my own sense of my future my own projects and plans to find meaning to find purpose to find peace to find joy I've been at it not just all night long like a fisherman I've been at it all my life long and have caught nothing yep so it goes relying on ourselves we'll never go out into the depths sufficiently we'll never catch the life that God wants us to have but then see how beautiful having acknowledged his own powerlessness Simon makes the best move of his life to say master but if you say so we'll do it what are Mary's last words in the Gospels do whatever he tells you same idea here look I can't do it I've been at it all night long but lord have you say so I'll lower the nets for a catch obey the Lord Jesus Christ everybody in whose presence we stand right now obey the command of the Lord Jesus Christ and what's gonna happen listen when they had done this they caught so many fish that their nets were beginning to break so they signaled their partners and the other boats to come and help them and they came and filled both boats so that they began to sink what an image stay with it tonight stay with it throughout this World Youth Day I've been at this project my whole life long and I've caught nothing so it goes fellow sinners but but the minute the minute I trust in the Lord Jesus Christ follow him into the depths I am gonna find life so abundant that it overwhelms me and draws to me others who want to share in that life this beautiful little image is the story of every one of the Saints seems to me think of Saint Anthony of the desert that great early patristic figure follows the promptings of the gospel and goes out himself into the wilderness Duke in ultimately following Christ into the depths does he find life yes indeed but so much life that soon many come to join him in the desert now project forward over the centuries those many who continue to join him are all the great monastic traditions of the war of the Western world when you follow Christ the Lord you'll bring in life so overwhelming that many will be drawn to you think of st. Francis Duke in altum Francis living a rather superficial life and then here is the call of Christ to follow him in poverty and complete obedience Francis does so with a kind of reckless abandon and what happens practically overnight but they come to him first by the dozens then by the hundreds then by the thousands in his own lifetime so many that Francis barely knew what to do with them Duke in Eltham when you follow Christ into the depths you will find life and many others will be drawn to the life that you found Mother Teresa Dukey and Alton living a very decent a very good life as a teacher and a rather upper-crust Girls High School in Calcutta but then she hears the call are you willing she heard the literal voice of Jesus are you willing to serve me in the poorest of the poor she said yes and set out I've been there I've seen it set out into the into the most dire slum in the world and they came almost immediately they came to join her and then they came by their dozens and they came by their hundreds and now they are all over the world the followers of this simple woman who followed the Lord Jesus Christ into the depths life and life to the full you'll have it trust me so that's the first major move in the spiritual life everybody the invasion of grace it's not you've chosen me I've chosen you cooperate with that grace say yes to it obey it now here's the second move listen what Peter says when he had seen this miraculous draft of fishes he says go away from me Lord for I am a sinful man notice please the spiritual life does not begin with an awareness of sin when when we start that way we get off on the wrong foot if I begin the spiritual life with a sense of my own unworthiness trouble will come no no the Christian spiritual life always begins with Christ with the invasion of grace grace comes first and then in its light we understand that we are sinners you guys are way too young but Beck in the when I was a young man in 1970s there was a book called I'm okay and you're okay maybe some of the older folks remember that book I am okay you're okay or bringing up-to-date Christina Aguilera's song remember I am beautiful in every single way and your words can't get me down well trust me when I tell you people that say such things are moving away from the light because if you're it happened to me tonight by the way when that when the this bright light was on I could see that the smudges and bits of dust on my glasses but if I'm not looking in the light all my glasses are perfectly clear see how it's the light it's the light that reveals to us our imperfections good good in the light of grace Peter says Lord leave me I'm a sinful man Isaiah has the great vision of God in the temple and it's after that vision he says Lord I I'm a man of unclean lips among a people of unclean lips it's in the light of grace that we understand our sin what is sin we could characterize in a lot of different ways but what I see in all the great spiritual masters sin is a kind of attachment I get attached to some worldly good and I make it ultimate I take my infinite hunger for God and I hook it on to something less than God st. Thomas Aquinas who's my a spiritual hero says these four great substitutes for God and I found in the course of my life that that he's right about this that there's this is the trap that we all fall into Thomas says the for our wealth power pleasure and honor those four things we tend to get stuck on them now not that they're bad in themselves they're not nothing wrong with wealth nothing wrong with power in itself God is called all-powerful nothing wrong with pleasure we Catholics are not Puritans we like bodily pleasure nothing wrong with honor Aquinas says honor is the flag of virtue good but when we turn any of those four into the ultimate value of our life trouble follows as night follows day what should be a sort of integrated harmony in us now becomes a cacophony we tend to fall apart here's a really good spiritual exercise Christ has gotten in your boat Christ who called himself the light of the world he's begun to command your life good you're obeying him good now in his light see the smudges on the windowpane of your soul in his light see where you're stuck see what your attachments are what role is wealth playing in your life now young people I mean I get it I have the world and it's avatars are telling you all the time it's in almost every movie you watch almost every song you listen to it's an almost every commercial you watch they're telling you some version of this you're unhappy but you'll be happy if you just get enough wealth power pleasure and honor I just fill up what's missing in my soul with these things I'll be happy how's that working out for you listen now to every spiritual master but listen to to all the novelists listen to the poets listen to the Philosopher's and I'll give me one person let's do it you guys again are way too young but your parents or maybe your grandparents remember this figure the actor Don Johnson even remember him a couple of the oldies but Goldie's remember Don Johnson we know back in the 1980s and it seems like prehistoric times I know too many of you but back in the 1980s Don Johnson was like the coolest guy on the planet he had this TV show that was the number-one show all over the world his handsome face was on every magazine cover the clothes he wore set the tone for the whole fashion industry all the best and brightest people wanted to be with him I read an interview with him a couple years ago he's now a man in his 60s I'd say late 60s he said at the height of his powers the height of his fame and fortune he was hosting a party at his Florida estate he said there was not one not two but three yachts in his private Bay and on the yachts were cavorting all the glitterati all the best and brightest of the time he was looking out at the scene from a balcony of his great mansion and he said to himself all my dreams have come true wealth power pleasure honor he had all of it all my dreams have come true and then he said to himself then why am I so blank unhappy and a wonderful spiritual moment by the way wonderful spiritual moment talk about the light shining revealing the smudges revealing the attachments we know why he was unhappy because the soul is finally wired for God it's not a matter of filling it up it's a matter of emptying it out it's a matter of love ask yourself tonight everybody and the president of the Lord Jesus Christ as his light shines on you what are the attachments that bedeviled you Lord leave me I'm a sinful man Peter got it we need to get it to third and last move now in the spiritual life Peter acknowledges his sin what does Jesus do oh he leaves him squirming on the hook of the divine judgment no no too many people by the way sometimes in the spiritual order take a kind of special Glee in that pointing out the faults of others and skewering them on the hook of the divine judgment that's not Jesus move come from now on you'll be catching people here's a deny the Senate Peter he's glad he acknowledged it but now that same light that reveals attachment purifies him and sends him on mission just as Isaiah having seen the great vision then says Lord I'm a man of unclean lips but the angel brings the that brings the coal and he fears those unclean lips and prepares him now for his prophetic mission the Lord wants us to acknowledge our sin but not to be skewered on the hook of the divine judgment that's not the game he's playing but rather it's a game of illumination and purification and mission you know I'm from Chicago originally but a few years ago I was sent out to California as a Dilla Bishop and very shortly after I got there they were debating this great question of of euthanasia whether the state should allow for euthanasia and during that period I saw a billboard by the side of the highway it said my life my death my choice now that's that's the voice of at least some people California but what is the New Testament say here's Paul to the Romans we do not live for ourselves we do not die for ourselves if we live we live for the Lord and if we die we die for the Lord so then whether we live or die we are the Lord's my life my death my choice that is the voice of our culture I know it's not the voice of the Bible it's not your life your life isn't about you it's about God's purposes through you and for you it's not your death your death doesn't belong to you it belongs to Christ whether we live or we die we are the Lord's we belong to somebody else what's Paul say to the Ephesians there's a power already at work in you that can do infinitely more than you can ask or imagine love that lion I love that lion I meditate on that line all the time there's a power everybody it's called the Holy Spirit it's already at work in you and it can do infinitely more than you can ask or imagine my projects my plans bore me to death with my own projects and plans you know trust rather in the power of the Holy Spirit that can do infinitely more than you can ask or imagine Duke in Eltham go out into the depths follow the promptings of the Lord Jesus Christ you know some terms I learned and love from Hans arose von Balthasar it was a great favor to both the Pope Benedict and Pope John Paul the second he said most of us live our lives in terms of the ego drama that's the drama that I'm producing I'm directing and above all I'm starring in it right it's my show my life my death my choice ho-hum what's really interesting says Baltazar is not the ego drama but the Pheo drama that means the play that God is producing God is directing he's got a role for me and for you might not be the one that we imagine in our ego dramatic moments who cares who cares you find what God wants you to do you're gonna find life and life to the fold so much life it's gonna sink your boat stop messing around on the shallows of the ego drama learn to love the depths of the Theo drama just a last thought also from Baltazar he says notice how in the Bible people don't really know who they are until they found their mission Abram doesn't know who he really is until he's Abraham he knows how God is calling him Jacob doesn't really know who he is as long as he's playing the ego drama and he did for a long time but Jacob understands who he is when he becomes Israel the one that wrestles with God Simon did not know who he was until he became Peter the rock upon whom Christ would build his church Saul didn't know who he was until he became Paul the Apostle do you see how identity and mission Arco implicative when we discover our role in the field Rama we discover how Christ wants to use us and send us then we know who we are what's your mission I know he's gotten in your boat you would not be here otherwise how's he commanding you into what depth is he calling you right now what are the sins the attachments that you see in the light of His grace good expose them illuminate them and then let that that same luminous grace purify them and then finally what's your mission what's your role in the field Rama who are you grace grace grace and then our beautiful cooperation with grace that's what the Lord wants life and life to the full the glory of God is a human being fully alive everybody that's what happens when from the bottom of our souls we say Fiat let it be done to me and praise be Jesus Christ [Applause] [Music] Lord [Music] I [Music] now [Music] I've [Music] I [Music] the guys [Music] surprise [Music] but grease it's fine swear [Music] way [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow [Music] teach my song to rise to you when temptation comes when I cannot stand off just you my song teach my song to rise [Music] when I cannot stand dog [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] press it Phoebe [Music] to Jenny Tory Jen [Music] to be [Music] watch it is the sea [Music] you have given them bread from [Music] let us pray Oh God who in this wonderful sacrament have left as a memorial of your passion grant us we pray so to review the sacred mysteries of your body and blood that we may always experience in ourselves the fruits of your Redemption who live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit one God for ever and ever [Music] odd bless if he is Holy Name bless if he Jesus Christ true God and true man [Music] blessed be the name of Jesus blessed be his most Sacred Heart blessed be his most precious blood blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar blessed be the Holy Spirit the Paraclete blessed be the Great Mother of God very most holy blessed be your holy new masters Conception bless appear a glorious assumption blessed be the name of Mary virgin and mother bless appease st. Joseph or most chaste spouse blessed be God in His angels and in his Saints [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise God
Channel: FOCUS Catholic
Views: 14,360
Rating: 4.8307691 out of 5
Keywords: bishop robert barron, sr bethany madonna, sisters of life, word on fire content, word on fire, jesus, world youth day, world youth day panama, focus collective, sarah kroger, bishop barron
Id: FtVwMJxgZcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 0sec (11280 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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