FFXIV - What is "The Hunt" And How Useful Is It?

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[Music] hey everyone mr. happy here you know what I'm streaming I'm often doing activities that people barely seem to know exist in Final Fantasy 14 somehow among them every day almost any day that I play I participate in an event known as the hunt it's an open world activity where you track down or even spawn specific monsters in large groups to earn a variety of rewards so this video I want to talk about it because they think it's something that a lot of new players in particular will miss so the hunt was initially introduced back in patch 2.1 by reaching the second lieutenant rank with your grand company and doing the unlock quest for the hunt while you're there you are able to accept hunt bills from the nearby board now completing these reward Gil and a variety of different hunt currencies depending on which board you're actually using a run were born hunts reward allied seals heavensward and storm blood hunts reward center EO seals and shadow bringers hunts reward sacks of nuts will cover what you can spend those on a bit later so there are different hunt boards across the game depending on which expansions hunt boards you're actually looking for after you unlock the basic one in your grant company around were born which is where the hunt bills will be you can unlock heavensward hunts in ish guard and idle Shire store Blood hunts in Coogan a and shadow breakers hunts in crystarium there's also other boards in other locations such as robbers reach as well as you'll more but it'll depend on which expansions hunts are actually looking for now the ones from heavensward and onward are excellent leveling tools offering daily objectives that you can do for experience points and weekly objectives for more hunt currencies these pretty much replaced the feature that you get at the low levels the hunting log that you might get as a new player think of these like the alternative to that but repeatable daily and weekly now new players would be remiss to ignore this or completely miss this feature altogether especially when I tell you what you can buy with these currencies now while these hunt bills are the most basic function of the hunt itself there are actually open world bosses that spawn under various conditions that reward currencies as well a ranked hunt marks are monsters that spawn every five to six hours out in the world discs or communities have actually come together to form what are called trains for these where players scout the locations of all of them in a given expansion and then chain them all together sometimes having a of over a hundred players players also hop around different servers in their data center and do multiple trains in order to participate in this content for hours on end if you'd like to learn more you're gonna have to look for discord groups for your data center and join them to get more information I'm on ether so the one I use is ether Hunt but there's different ones for different regions of the world and different data centers and all that stuff so if anyone has any recommendation it's in the comment section please put them there because it would definitely be useful and then you got the big money hunts the s-rank hunt mark so it's actually respawn every few days however unlike the a ranks which just spawned on a timer these actually require specific conditions to spawn some of these are really easy to understand but it's still kind of weird to explain so one example is the central shroud it requires rain weather to occur twice consecutively so players have no control over that players just need to track the weather and make sure they know when it was killed last and they can get an idea of when this will spawn however there are others that are hilarious and the player has to intervene quite a bit more tar chia over an armor rang requires players to use the blue magic spells self-destruct in specific locations for a chance at spawning it there's also like bone crawler over in the peaks which requires you to use the chocobo Porter and every time you use the chocobo Porter if it's available to spawn there's a chance it will spawn it takes a quick google search and you can find all sorts of weird conditions for these ones and there are actually communities for spawning these s ranks on the various servers and data centers and it's not even really done there because there's one grade above s rank but it's one specific monster that's available in the game some people call it s plus and some people call it SS rank but essentially it's a rare spawn in shadow bringers areas that sometimes occurs after killing an s-rank so sometimes it'll say there's like minions that are all around the map and there's a bunch of B ranks that spawn and so long as all of them are engaged and killed without the players completely wiping in the next five minutes then the SS rank will spawn in a set location that just rewards even more things than the S rank stuff so doesn't have any like unique gear rewards or anything it's just more of the various rewards that we're going to be talking about a little bit later now I've explained what this is but what is the point of all this I told you at the beginning I tell you what all these currencies did why even do the hunt well in my opinion it's one of the most beneficial contents that you can farm in the game now a realm reborn hunts drop allied seals and I think we should start with those because they're at the lowest part of the food chain and those can be used to purchase ether I tickets and I've made separate videos about that but ether itickets allows you to eliminate the cost of teleports which adds up over multiple uses IVA paid for a teleport in like five years and I've saved millions upon millions of Gil doing so one thing quality of life square-enix if you're listening can you make it so I don't need to press yes every time I want to use one or no or anything just give me like a lock in option so I don't have to choose every time just between us right now I'll talk about with allied seals you can grab stuff the level decent old Glamour's minions ventures for your retainers whatever floats your boat I just go with ether I tickets or ventures sometimes the riding maps are also there and these will actually increase your mount speeds for a realm or borne zones but it only works on ground mount speeds and this is true for all of the riding maps for all the expansions going forward so considering a realm reborn is getting flying in 5.3 I wouldn't personally recommend spending the seals on these the next currency is Centuri o seals and these are jointly used for heavensward and storm blood if you want to spend these in Heaven's Ward areas you go to ich guards forgotten Knight and in storm blood you want to go over to Rogers reach heaven sword has more ether itickets ventures glam and minions storm blood on the other hand starts to reward things like grade 6 materia instead of ether I tickets as well as new minions and upgraded gear it can be really good to use these the level decent which you don't really need to anymore since the decent changes but it doesn't hurt if you just got spares lying around and you don't need any of this other stuff now for shadow breakers the currency is called sacks of nuts and yes it is just as great in shout chat as you might imagine now this being the most recent expansions Hunt currency at the time of this video means these are probably the things that you're most interested in now these can be used to buy minions mount some of the older gear but more importantly you can use it to buy things like grade 7 or grade 8 materia which is what I mostly buy when I actually have spare nuts finally you can buy upgrade materials for tome stone gear now this was true for all of the older currencies but because it's older expansion gear it's not really as relevant of a conversation topic still useful if you can find any items that you want to upgrade or you know maybe you need them for leveling but for the most part I think that's the most relevant thing that's gonna come out of these for any player who's just learning about it now now this video is being put out in patch 5.2 5.3 is probably still a couple months away in patch 5.3 allegory upgrade material should start finding their way into sack of nut exchanges giving you another means of upgrading your allegory tome stone gear outside of savage or just a weekly 24 man quest which usually get them as well for now it just has the 5.0 upgrade mats but stocking up on a few of these before the patch comes out and then maybe grabbing a piece or at least having a little bit of a head start towards another piece can be great for getting caught up even more in item level now hunts don't just reward these specific currencies I feel like I haven't been very clear about that at all they also reward all sorts of tone stones from poetics all the way up to allegory hell I kept my tomes every week on shadow bringers hunts since a ranks each give ten allegory they also dropped clusters that can be exchanged directly for materia now the shadow bring their stuff is again the stuff I'm most interested in where you can exchange these clusters for grade seven and grade eight materia I have hundreds of these things and I'll probably have thousands by the time the next item level bump actually happens I have not had to buy combat materia in years thanks to the hunts in fact I often sell XS for Gil why not I take excess tome stones and sell crafting mats excess materia and then sell that from the hunt avoid paying for teleports with either I tickets and fly around the world blowing up and eating sandwiches to try and spawn big bosses what a life I personally just enjoy the hunt because it's kind of just chill it used to be an incredibly hostile feature before discord communities really came together to focus on creating communities to track and spawn these things you should just be one big wild wild west whenever one of these things spawned and I'm sure that plenty of you have stories even that or recent to this day that involves stuff like this that just goes south shout chat just turn into things you would never repeat out loud or even type into the comment section below but man I just don't really pay attention to a lot of that stuff I look for the airing trains I occasionally participate in trying to spawn s ranks not as much as I should to be honest considering how many people I see actually making the effort more than me and it's just fun for me it's just very like almost low effort but not really it's just I don't know how to describe it it's just a chill fun way for me to spend a little bit of time in the open world and Final Fantasy 14 and avoid having to pay for material Ella ports or anything pretty much while still even making some Gil what's there to complain about well the monsters sometimes disappear because there's too many people there I feel bad for people of long load times and sometimes the way that these trains are conducted are a little weird I'll be the first to admit that as someone on ether but overall it's still a good time I get a good laugh even if I'm frustrated from it and it also gives me the chance to just hop on jobs I don't usually play and me him a little bit because let's be honest I'm probably not gonna do a real rotation on these things when I can't even apply debuff half the time but anyway I just wanted to make a video about this because it's something I think new players will miss and I've having done a bunch of new player related stuff and in the process of making more new players stuff ahead of 5.30 more born revamp I just figured it was a good idea to add it because it'd be a great feature for new players to look into especially when it comes to those hunt bills and leveling the extra kill from that the seals you get from that honestly just the break-up from the daily monotony or spamming the main scenario quest can be honestly a welcome change a lot of times and will probably do a lot of these new player videos leading up to 5.3 so those of you who may be finally trying after hearing it'll be cut back just know a little bit more but thanks for watching be sure to LIKE favorite subscribe and share and if you think there's a feature that new players really ought to know about then you might wanna put it in the comment section below anyway thanks for watching I'll see you all in the next one and until then take care [Music]
Channel: Mrhappy1227
Views: 84,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Square, Enix, Mrhappy, Game, Games, Gaming, MMO, RPG, MMORPG, FF14, FFXIV, The Hunt, Final, Fantasy, Final Fantasy 14, Final Fantasy XIV, Hunt, Hunting, Monsters, Overworld, What, Is It, ARR, A Realm Reborn, Shadowbringers, Stormblood, Heavensward
Id: S7FStYmTgc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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