FFXIV The Advanced PVP Guide To Monk The Roll To Inner Piece

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after the white match I think knocking them off and awesome he's dead send him down he's not more from Full damage are down not back nice to get a chainsaw on him now as well slide on a little bit you little bugger ah oh you are so punched him [ __ ] this I got the kill welcome back everybody it is finally time for my Advanced PVP guide on the monk a personal favorite of mine and a DPS that excels when brawling alongside an ultimate that can be used in several different manners be it to confirm kills shut down someone's guard or to generally deal huge amounts of damage make the monk a pure devil to those range classes if you're a regular to Frontline particularly Borderland runes I'm sure you've seen a monk or two throwing your team from The High Ground to their deaths I also want to say a big thank you to everyone and hello to anyone new thanks to your help I recently just passed 450 subscribers and I am just happy to see you all enjoying the content thanks for clicking on today's video and without any further delay let's get into it [Music] thank you [Music] the monk is one of five midi DPS roles firstly you have the reigning King the Dragoon plus is capable of some amazing burst damage which comes at the cost of taking more damage and having a fairly lengthy downtime until cooldowns reset unsuspecting players can quickly find themselves on the respawn and their ultimate Sky shutter devastates entire squads helping secure their place as the king of DPS and up next we have the ninja while also capable of some decent damage their true shrimp lies within their survivability they are also the only hybrid midi job that could stay back fully dealing range damage with ease and their ultimate while not the most powerful with the right situation can rack up many kills getting your ultimate refunded should the target die within a select time period thirdly you have the reaper possibly the hardest DPS to learn amazing at disruption they have one of the fastest ultimate charge rates out of any class applying High stereo to anyone struck and forcing players to drop their guard and lose control they come equipped with a shield that once shattered applies Regan to themselves and nearby party members and to top it all off with enough patience and prep Reapers can deal so much damage so fast you will die within a blink of an eye next we have the samurai notably the most feared of the DPS jobs out there thanks to their ultimate ability to One-Shot any Target struck under the right conditions high damage alongside their stuns and mass bind allow the samurai to punish players caught out in the open so you're probably wondering where does the monk fare to begin they have the best movement out of all the mini jobs able to hold the free charges of their dash at any given time dashing also applying shielding to either yourself or a team member depending on the target you dash to being get party member or an enemy and yet you have a long main rotation but this allows for continuous pressure while timing for large damage Combos and your ultimate is by far the best of all the midijobs out there fast charging and devastating to single targets capable of shutting down guard and immobilizing players and depending on how you use it it can deal up to 36 000 damage and let's not forget the knockback allowing for cheeky play Maps to begin the monk has the longest main combo rotation boot shine true strike snap punch Dragon kick Quinn snakes demolish and then finally into Phantom Rush Phantom Rush being the strongest of this skill rotation using the action called Rising Phoenix you will increase the weapon skill damage by an additional 50 you should aim to combo your Rising Phoenix with Phantom rush to hit that sweet 15 000 damage however depending where you are in the rotation as well as how weaker Target is you yourself need to decide is it worth boosting another skill in order to secure a kill next you have the Thunderclap it's your means to engage and disengage this will firstly reduce your weapon skill recast timers by 10 now if you dash to an enemy you yourself will be granted a barrier if you instead bash to a party member they receive the barrier in the front line This is best used for yourself however within crystalline conflict keep an eye on your swishes the barrier you could give Can Be life-saving Rising Phoenix as I already mentioned or both your next weapon skill by 50 if you're looking to maximize damage combo these with Phantom rush and Enlighten them and for your ultimate you have the Meteo dive the best melee ultimate for securing kills thanks to its multiple of uses and combos I see a lot of monks fail to achieve anything when alting to break it down firstly meteor dive deals a base damage of 12 000. now this is where many players get confused if you ought to play with guard active firstly their guard is removed and for three seconds they are unable to move while dealing that 12 000 damage you would do this to ensure the targets don't escape especially hard to kill targets such as tanks and ninjas now if your target does not have guard active you will deal an additional 12 000 damage on top of that base 12 000 for a total of 24 000 again another great way to burn down a Target however there is a third way to use the ultimate and I see very few monks doing this strike your target with Enlightenment should that player successfully get knocked back the moment you see the knockback the target without delay pop a Meteo dive this ensures another 12 000 damage the base damage of 12 000 with an additional 12 000 to the no guard active with a third to twelve thousand for the knockback deals a huge 36 000 damage and there is a God combo you can do with this firstly you need to be Phantom Rush ready Dash to a Target Rising Phoenix into Phantom Rush followed by six-sided star for the stun follow this with your second Rising Phoenix into Enlightenment their Stern should only just be wearing off at this stage so the knockback is pretty much guaranteed as soon as your target is being knocked away hit that meteor dive in crystalline conflict this combo was amazing within seconds you can take out pesky backline targets letting your team up one in the battle and your final action is the riddle of Earth you want to activate this when you're getting aggressive as this will begin compiling any damage you receive once you follow up with Earth's reply you strike for 2 000 damage thus 25 of that compiled damage you received alongside a cure for 4 000 and 50 bonus of that compile damage sometimes being the very life threat you need foreign you have extremely high burst damage against single targets and with Thunderclap shielding and will above healing combined you can be very hard to kill thanks to your high Mobility you can very easily keep up the chase making it extremely difficult for enemies to escape you and your Ultimate Meteo dive is just amazing the ability to deal up to 36 000 damage or shut down Shields can flip battles and shut down problem classes fast thanks to your ability to dash to both enemies and party members escaping battles can be very easy additionally dashing to party members grants them shielding making you the ideal cluster jump back and protect the team foreign [Music] a big weakness is the long rotation time the damage has since received the buff but monk will always have that window in which they need to take it slow plan and then burst secondly you'll very often be diving into battle if you are not aware of what you're getting into regardless of your shielding you'll find yourself dead within seconds you can hold free charges of the Thunderclap but should you run out you will find yourself unable to make an impact in a fight also with no means of escape and finally the monk needs to be played with confidence but getting too confident will result in mistakes and early deaths always try to read the situation before you dive in foreign [Music] for monk players get creative with Enlightenment see or rock and Fields of Glory have select areas around the map in which players can be knocked off to their death rare opportunities also occur on sohakair Borderland ruins however is a monks playground get up top early before the Drone spawn in lock your opponents from getting up there and knock them off the ramps and that is everything you need to know to begin shining on the monk up next to the monkey action during some Seal Rock thanks again for clicking on today's video and I shall see you all in the next one there middle and North aha into the crevasse oh the kill got robbed by the enemy team didn't get contribution oh my God I stopped the board as well come on something else I got two clean kills but I got robbed by Blue I'm gonna push it off because they're actually in the cave do that while we're here hello Reaper okay goodbye Reaper and some right here cool one shot combo on the street that just walked in clean hello Machinist hey hey so you're going into death we're here the pressure point where you do like the Lord who couldn't punch I just did that on machine assassin went flying dead yeah a little bit a little bit about my knuckles that's a good thing it does a little bit oh that Dragon though beautiful this machine is the line behind and the one here it's got him yay walls start backing out swap meet his mind as well [Music] it's not Astro oh you still want the machine is here just play Escape this works his eyes and he can't guard either he's a free kill if in the flat team start joining yes I have a machinist oh I got him that's fine go for The Bard well I'm looking back to our online clear these offers first [Music] Ninja on him where is that team okay I'm gonna go oh no no more that's fine more Red's behind oh and it's in there following up on these hits we can't go out for loose we've got red still yeah now I'll use uh Escape you did what oh Dad you're always such a fine ultimate that doesn't want easily let's finish this dance already I put him on one ten times now come on finally I'm a genius send him he did Sage next huh sages half is critical see what I'm saying he did that functionist noise it's a free kill beautiful what are Reds doing they push us somewhere foreign let's go yes yes yes that's big I'm gonna spin this machines in a second oh Sage send him hey please four kills come here Samurai your fault your funny guy something about Ohio that's not right send them and back we go um foreign how could we go for blue we literally had red now spawn for the past three minutes now we can go for blue though and we've got better team that's funny moment number 12. after the dancer switching for already spending I'm getting ready for now Justice right to our team the limits breaking about it uh no I'm not in focused him that was a free kill for anyone could not get away I shouldn't worry about it [Music] on the way back now very nice very nice watching The Blues which is why Matchbox since this guy breaks it's got a little Monk it's not that I don't mind if I do um [Music] can't go push into the choke because we need to get Mob Rules is there any uh it's 800 in this one [Music] I do have a limited break for them [Music] oh I got my blood mesh to one I'll just set a limb by a White Mage are we Danish student intend to live in and that's what it's done kind of dead almost there [ __ ] I'd like to be able to control my character please and thank you yeah it's remember enough now getting ready for new zones start again not a very good uh you know okay I had that one death just because I used every Ultimate it started with White Mage and to dancer into Warrior oh forget middle as well that gives us a good chance of each one that one rage I've got the entire blue ones here yeah yes we should kill them and then go get the other two and then we're good actually what they're Machinist hi Robert let's get another check behind [Music] let's go Red's back into that choke foreign don't worry it sounds nice tell me about that no I have to be awesome if you did yeah I know the feeling yes on the board I'm assistant are you dead oh go for that ass we get that we can win sometimes you can get a spicy limit breaker going on you cannot use this action on others on this target this time it's just an AFK review I'm not trying to kill it all right maybe it's like that if you like how you better calculating doesn't it [Music] apartment but you need to live here and I'll get kills I'm a machinist yes big let's go some Warrior can you bring them down bring them down noise that's what this [Music] oh I got this kill genus oh I'm not very part of them five knockout hey we came back seven two forty six one point two million just show it 1.3
Views: 11,845
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Keywords: ffxiv pvp guide, ffxiv 6.3, ffxiv 6.3 patch notes, ffxiv 6.3 ultimate, salamanderyt, ffxiv crystalline conflict, ffxiv lets play, ffxiv lets play 2022, final fantasy online ps5, final fantasy online, ffxiv pvp tier list, ffxiv pvp 6.3, ffxiv samurai pvp gameplay, how to, ffxiv 6.3 pvp glam, ffxiv 6.3 pvp rewards, ffxiv 6.3 pvp tier list, ffxiv monk pvp guide, ffxiv monk pvp limit break, ffxiv monk pvp rotation, ffxiv monk pvp combo, ffxiv monk pvp 6.2, ffxiv reaction
Id: 7bpY_aTdc0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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