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now for the folks who follow me you know i've been playing a lot of crystalline conflict i have finished the msqs but other than the epscus i've been playing crystalline conflict i'm recording this video on day 2 of launch and i'm not a god at pvp i'm only silver rank on day 2 but a lot of pvp pros including platinum level people have been coming into my stream to share some really helpful tips and advice with all my viewers which i personally found very helpful and i've been taking notes religiously so here's the 10 tips you need to know for crystalline conflict i found this immensely helpful as someone who has never pvp in final fantasy 14 before so hopefully this will help you too alright tip number one always fight for the objective it's so simple but too many a times i see people ignoring the crystal which is the objective and instead choosing to fight or chase someone down somewhere off in other parts of the map where it really doesn't matter remember the goal is to win and to win in crystalline conflict you need to push the crystal to the opponent's base the goal is not to top the damage meters the goal is not to top the healing meters on that summary tab at the end of the match always play the objective i'll give you a real example in my matches it's a 3v3 situation two people are waiting to respawn on each team and the opponent's crystal is almost at the final checkpoint they will secure them to victory against me basically i'm one of the three alive and my team sports that's a low health enemy member and the opponent that is on low health starts running all the way back to their base probably to pop and elixir when it's safe and two of my teammates sensing the kill sensing the bloodlust immediately starts chasing the guy all the way to their base which leaves me in a 1v2 scenario against an oncoming crystal that's about to touch the checkpoint and naturally numerically disadvantage 1v2 i cannot hold down the crystals advancement by myself and hence we lose the match even though the three of us have advantages because we have our lb gauges up so this is a good example of not going for personal glory always favor the team objective which is to win as a team let me give you another example some go into crystalline conflict with the mentality that i want to top the damage meters at the end of the summary tab of the game so in a scenario where there's an opponent on the other team that is low versus he has now the ability to do some insane big aoe damage he or she might opt to do the big aoe damage because it pets his damage meters at the end of the summary tap rather than using a single target ability there is heavy hitting that deals less overall damage to secure the kill and if you haven't known by now numerical advantage in crystalline conflict is really important and that's why when you're outnumbered you never fight head-on you always retweet regroup and then you fight head-on never attempt to 1v5 it's not about personal glory always think about the team objective and that brings me very nicely into my second tip do not overextend or get baited into bad positions and this tip applies to multiple scenarios if you ever notice already at the start of the match there's a very strong tendency if you are caught out of position for you to get bursted down from 100 to zero really quickly especially if the opponent team is stacking millies and stuns and crowd controls i've seen this a lot to start a match someone has a leroy jenkins moment and charges head on into one v5 thinking that he or she might be able to pop guard in time to make a retreat but the thing is if they ccu immediately or crowd control you immediately you have only one purifier let's say you purify and you're hit with another crowd control well then that is basically game over for you because they all have their burst up all of them have their abilities up at the start of the match and again numerical disadvantage is a big thing in crystalline conflict immediately you put your team on the back foot 5v4 scenario if you die and that's a bad situation to be in so you always want to try and bait at the start of the match for people to commit first you don't want to jump head first into 1v5 situations it's a bad idea not over extending also implies to situations where you actually have the advantage and i'll give you a good example so i've actually lost matches where we were having a strong lead and let's say we are pushing the crystal very far into their base and some of their teammates is respawning right so let's assume it's like a 4v2 scenario and we feeling overconfident the four of us pushing the crystal decides to have two people depart from the crystal to go and hunt down the remaining two folks who are camping near their base near their respawn point because obviously you feel overconfident you feel caught up in the moment it's like this is my opportunity to win i want to capitalize on it and they chase the remaining two opponents back to their base the problem is when your opponents respawn immediately the two people who chased all the way deep into their base might be caught by the folks who just respawned and is able to help their allies immediately numerical disadvantage if they do not purify any for a defensive to get out or any form of mobility to get out then essentially they have just thrown our lead because the four people will wipe the two and then they'll come and defend the crystal against the two of us pushing the crystal so while it's tempting sometimes to chase for people who are low sensing a kill that might not be the optimal play at all times and i am personally guilty for this as well because i play a dragoon i can jump i've great mobility sometimes i see a guy that is on the far end very low only to jump in and then realizing that that was a bad play because i didn't notice people respawning at their base so tldr be very careful at the start of the match do not get baited into 1v5 scenarios there is no circumstance where a 1v5 scenario actually is a good play unless it's a hail mary play when the opponent team is pushing their crystal into your base and it's the final checkpoint they're about to win then maybe it's a hail mary where is 1v5 all your teammates are respawning they're seconds away you pop guard and you go and hold up the crystal for at least three seconds to buy your team more time to come in and if you have a defensive lb you might as well use it because anyway you would have lost a match if you don't stand on the crystal and try one v5 that is probably the only scenario where you should do a hail mary alright the third tip is very specific it's regarding your heart or your user interface when it comes to pvp so a lot of people have been asking me how do i tweak my unit frames and make it so big for the enemies how do i position the unit frames for the enemies and my own party members they can't seem to find it under the hard configuration it's really simple toggling to the hud configuration in final fantasy 14 you actually need to toggle for duty and that's where you can see the overlays for the crystalline conflict unit frames and then you can drag and drop it you can increase the scale of them and i find this immensely helpful because by default the crystalline conflict unit frames for the enemies is actually to the right of the screen and pretty far right actually so it makes it really hard to read the opponent's health and you do want to read the opponent's health to know what's the situation like also i believe your team members health pools are generally fixated to the left of the screen so if you're a healer that's also a bit awkward so definitely configure your heart make it more optimal for crystalline conflict play you also probably want the crystalline conflict lock one of the components basically displays the kills who killed who but there's a very important component especially for the third map the cloud map where periodically they will send you up in the air and you take 30k full damage so for that one if you're able to place your lock or your heart near the center of the screen you can actually see the countdown towards the launching of everyone up in the air a secret trick here that some people don't know is you can actually guard and if you're on the effect of god you will not be sent up in the air and take the full damage and that's why configuring your heart is really important because you need all the information you need to make the optimal play and speaking about the hunt speaking about the unit frame that brings me to my next tip you always want to be watching your opponent's lb gauges and that is why i position the enemies unit frames near the center of the screen because you can track who has lb on the enemy team why is that important well if you know someone like a warrior or their white mage or their dragoon or their dark knight has a terrifying aoe limit break that is ready to be unleashed you probably don't want to clump up as five people on the crystal or you don't want to clump up as five people on a target because chances are that is a bait and there's a chance for them to reverse wipe you i've seen this so many times we are in a leading scenario we're pushing the crystal we're about to win and we get reverse wiped because we clumped on the crystal and we died to an aoe lb so you always want to track the opponent's lb when you see the lb gauges out well number one you should always make sure you're topped up don't ever be too aggressive number two don't be clumped up you want to spread out spread loosely around the objective don't clump up and just be ready for counter plays if you have any for a defensive lb you probably want to think about counter plays maybe you preemptively lb when you see someone coming in it's kind of an instinctive thing really hard to put into words but definitely track the opponent's lb another good example is if their machinist lb is up he has a 50-yard snipe immense damage you probably want to be topped up at all times you don't want to run in with half health because 50-yard snipe can get you from all the way back on the back lines so that's tip number four watch people's lb gauges and that also applies to your allies by the way if you know that your allies have a defensive lb you can probably play more aggressively alright tip number five since we just spoke about a hut earlier let me just tell you that targeting in pvp in final fantasy 14 is pretty unreliable if you use tap targeting and also in the heat of the battle it's really hard to use your mouse and click on individual players so the best solution is actually to click on the unit frames of the enemy which is why you see in my heart here the enemy unit frames are actually scaled to 140 percent because it makes it easier to click on them and why is this important you say again numerical advantage is king in crystalline conflict which is kind of a no-brainer in pvp so the objective is always to focus someone down if you see someone low you should definitely switch targets and go for the person and try and bring him down i think this is hands down the biggest trick in crystalline conflict you need to be aware enough to switch targets and this also applies a scenario where if you are sitting on your primary target he pops guard do not continue hitting the guy unless he's like super low and you have a chance of taking him down because naturally if he has guard on every single ability you throw at the guy for the next three seconds is taking 90 reduced damage so that's not efficient use of your potency output at all you should probably swap targets and then save your movement abilities to swap to the person who's low after guard runs out a long story short rely on the enemy's nameplate to switch targets do not try and tap target do not try and click on enemy players it's not reliable alright moving on to tip number six make sure you're using your elixir now if you don't know the elixir is a common ability that's available to all jobs it's a four second channel it tops up your health and your mp and i've seen some people complain about this in chat like why is it a four second channel it's so long it's so pointless to be used to put it into perspective though a dev respawn at the bare minimum cost you 10 seconds and as you continue to die in a game the 10 seconds will extend one second every death and on top of that if you use an elixir to save your own life rather than dying and respawning you save yourself time from running back as well so if you are very far to the enemy base not only do you have to wait for your respawn timer you also need to factor in the distance you have to travel to help your team again when you respawn by then they might have already gotten white because well they're down one person right so always abuse the elixir the best way i've found to abuse the elixir is basically go line of sight you want to retweet a little from where the heat of the action is make sure there's no enemy players nearby you try online outside find a pillar a corner to line outside so that those pesky ranged people can't put you in combat then pop your elixir because any damage that you sustain will basically cancel the channel if there's any dots on you as well it will cancel the channel another good example of when you should use your elixir let's say you just t wiped the opponent right and everyone is happily pushing the crystal so technically you don't need five people to push the crystal what you should be doing is if you are low on mp let your team push the crystal pop the elixir to get back all your mpe because anyway there's no opponents to be fighting and the crystal is moving by itself so there's no opportunity cause in terms of channeling your elixir so get your mp back because mp is important and that brings me to my next tip tip number seven make sure you recuperate a lot now recuperate costs mp but it restores 15 000 health points it's really strong it's the difference between a life and death scenario you want to buy recuperate to a keybind that's near your wasd because you need to pop that thing on short notice i often find it most helpful when you're weaving in recuperate heels or you're putting out damage on opponents because chances are when you're trying to get someone down you're also sustaining damage so what the pitfalls is you become over zealous on trying to take someone down and you become blindsided to how much health you have left so in line with this tip you should also track your own health make sure your heart is set up such that you can track the opponent's health and your own health and long story short spam recuperate if you need to another trick or recuperate is it can be used as a bait i've seen some really good players do this as well it's a risky maneuver of course but they stay half health they try and bait people to jump them and they keep retreating further and further in their own base so you're trying to pull people out of position right as you jump them they start spamming recuperate and start dragging you away from the battlefield or the objective all i'm saying is recuperate is really important make sure you keybind it to somewhere super convenient that you can reach at a moment's notice all right tip number eight purify this is extremely important purify is essentially the ability that gets you out of crowd control if you're stunned if you're rooted you can pop purify which is available to all the jobs in ff14 pvp and that will get you out of crowd control now why is this important to talk about because purify is not something that you should use on every single crowd control i'll give you an example at the start of the match i've seen some people pop purify immediately without being in any form of danger purify should only really be used in a few scenarios number one you are about to die if you do not break out purify you'll be bursted down from 100 to zero in that case you should probably purify to get out of crowd control pop guard or immediately pop recuperate or a moveable ability to get away because if you don't you're dead another good time to use purify when the opponent has you crowd control and you're in range of a kill of one of them who's running away in this case you should probably pop purify use your mobility abilities to get to the straggler and basically pick him off if there's no immediate need for you to be used around the battlefield you probably want to sit out the crowd control because purify can be seen as a resource if you have it on cooldown and you're jumping in trying to get a kill there's a chance you might get crowd control when you jump in and by then you might not have purify you always want to have that option of being able to get out of crowd controls so just take note of that now the more advanced player purify is also knowing when to time the purify because just note that crowd control chains are extremely hard to play against so what do i mean by that is there's five players on the opposing team let's say they use like three different stunts on you if you purify on the first stun then obviously you're sitting through the second third stun absolutely dead and it's really hard to explain when to time purify this is also something that over time you need to refine your own instincts on when to purify or when to get out all i'm saying is crowd control is lethal in this game and purify is your best friend so similar to recuperate make sure you bind that purify button don't click your purify button make sure you have it close to wasd you need to click it very quickly when you're in danger or when the opportunity arrives to get a kill oh but someone is going to drop an lb on you and you can see it coming let's say the opponent dragoon just use lb you see the marker you probably want to get out of your stun and get away tip number nine use guard and this is probably my biggest mistake when i first started crystalline conflict i wasn't guarding enough now why is this important you see guard on first sight can seem like a really simple ability you pop guard you take 90 less damage over the next five seconds and it also makes you immune to cc however the trick about using guard is a lot of people including myself when i first started is i use guard in oh moments because chances are when you pop guard at oh moments it's already too late good example is you're on 20 health then you pop guard and if you're caught in a cc chain before your gut can even go through you're already stunned or you're already dead so guard actually needs to be used preemptively the moment you sense people are switching targets to you you need to be popping guard guard can also be used tactically to stall for example your five seconds you know your enemies are about to reach the final checkpoint your allies are respawning pop guard delay them for 5 seconds 10 on the crystal do not let the crystal touch the finishing line if it means that you have to die so be it but at least your allies can come and potentially save the match guard can also be tactically used to bait so i've seen some people do this at the start of matches where they would basically get closer into five people immediately pop guard praying for such a big reaction from the opponent players and if they somehow use their big abilities on the person using guard then that opens the opportunity for your team to basically hit them with heavy hitting aoe damage because they are already clumped up hitting one target so yeah long story short use guard guard is extremely potent it also can be used against the abilities on the map that you need to dodge for example on the cloud map like i said if you guard just as the cyclone is about to send you flying up you will not take any form of fall damage in fact you won't even be sent into the sky and i'll give you a scenario where i seen it work everyone is up in the sky and you're the only one pop guard you can actually push the crystal because you're the only one active on the map so you have a couple of seconds to push the crystal and if you are very near the opponent's base that could be the difference between a win and a loss likewise for the volcano map with the bomberman detonations guard can actually absorb the damage of the detonation and you wouldn't die when you eat the detonation long story short learn to use guard is really important the last and the final tip especially for the ranked players you need to understand that rank is a numbers game and i've seen this happen on stream which is it's easy to complain about having bad teammates like oh my teammate doesn't know what they're doing i just keep losing because they don't know what they're doing but the thing about team games be it whether you're playing mobas like league of legends or whether you're playing dota 2 or you're playing probability based games like hearthstone or poker you can never control the cards that you're dealt in this case your team members the only thing you can control is your own ability to perform how you're doing in a match and as all the great poker players say as long as you have more than 50 win rate over time you will be a winner you'll be net positive it's the same thing in climbing ranks for ff14 crystalline conflict if your win rate is more than 50 overall you will definitely be climbing you might fluctuate you might fall and rise but over time you will definitely advance through the ladder so why am i saying this well it's important to recognize that you should not be tilting sometimes we are just dealt teammates that potentially afk's or they're just kind of there to get a quick xp to try and level fast and they have no intention to really play the game sometimes without cuts like that but that's life right it's unfair it's ups there's downs sometimes you get lucky sometimes you get unlucky but all you can control is yourself so don't tilt recognize this as a numbers game as you continue to improve as you skill up your win rate should be able to move higher than 50 percent and obviously the higher you go the faster you advance on the ladder reselling conflict especially ranked is a probabilities game it's a numbers game focus on yourself don't tilt just simply enjoy the game just know that even if you're getting stormed the entire match is over in a few minutes anyway you have nothing to lose and with that my friends i believe that is my first final fantasy 14 guide actually so let me know if you found this helpful and if you'd like to see more pvp guys regarding crystalline conflict make sure to subscribe to this channel by clicking this button right here more content is coming your way if you missed my video on why i love crystalline conflict so much this video here has the recap you need to see with that said i stream everyday live on twitch i've been playing a lot of crystalline conflict on stream swing by say hello thank you so much for watching and i'll see you real soon
Channel: Quazii FFXIV
Views: 72,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy xiv, final fantasy 14, ff14, ffxiv, quazii, crystalline conflict, crystalline conflict ffxiv guide, ffxiv pvp guide, pvp guide, dragoon pvp, ffxiv crystalline conflict, ffxiv pvp, ff14 crystalline conflict, ff14 pvp, crystalline conflict tips, crystalline conflict guide
Id: tm9nPP1Vg4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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