FFXIV Solo Challenge Stream! How much can you solo Synced?! #6

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] good evening tonight we're back in the solo challenge so um last time we spent quite a while trying to make the magic of getting into my ear it's male duck hold happen now it is genuine it is possible to Beat It in synced at the very least I believe it has been done with Warrior um but it requires that you are really good at spinning the final boss extremely fast oh there's Coco um and I simply could not do that um I believe you would need a controller to do it quickly enough simply simply put it when I attempted it the boss hit me with its abilities which is what you try to stop by spinning the boss the boss would hit me every time I change direction so even if you use Legacy controls which allows you to spin around the boss simply because I'm using a keyboard which has a slightly more jacket movement pattern than like an analog stick in it isn't possible for me I could like grab a controller but I never played the gamer controller so I would instead lose because I don't know how to play the game so it's like I had to give up I could not do it however we have previously managed to beat content with a Healer that a tank couldn't do and one of the reasons why the boss beats us is because it outpaces outpace is my myself healing um that's like that is the key problem if you're a tank if the boss can outpace your self-healing then it becomes a DPS race and because you're alone you will not win that race unless there's something extremely interesting going on here however there is a possibility that it can be done with a Healer on the other hand it is also very possible that we managed to like grind our way through the entire dungeon reach the final boss which again hits like three times harder than everything else in the dungeon for some reason and then we can't do it instead we could spend that one hour plus trying to do dungeons we haven't attempted before and that would of course start with Ultron Vale I'm presenting this because I'm going to give you guys the opportunity to choose would you rather see scholar it's going to be scholar attempting to mail darkhold synced not minimizing level but sync to see if we can do it or would you rather say well you beat it with blue Mage last time that's good enough let's move on let's try something else um and then we would go on to our unveil now I presented the case now I will make a poll hmm and skeleton Orchestra asks a very very good question do you have any realistic hope scholar will succeed or is it just to see it fail I don't know if it can do it what I know is that scholar might be able to heal but the boss technically has a ranged attack that it will use quite frequently so the kiting trick that you might have seen me do in Carter's cry will not completely nullify the fight it is very likely that it will beat me anyway and so the point is that I don't know if we can beat it with scholar it is very possible that we spend an hour doing an attempt and getting nowhere but if you would like to see me try then you go that if you think ah we've already seen it after it's male barcode then you can vote to skip it and here's the poll um also a lemon and gelato and kale and Haitian and Coco it's been a while since I've seen you in the chat [Music] um and lemon sisters blue really count is the question yeah exactly um that that is really it is is does it count do you feel like it was cheating to use blue Mage like for me when we beat a boss with blue Mage I view it as you cannot beat it or I cannot beat it with a regular job hence we're using blue Mage to Showcase that well that blue Mage can do it like someone can do it it's not a normal job but someone can do it um it's still better than saying it cannot be done like for example with Titan we're just like oh you can't really do it synced except blue Mage can actually outpace Titan to the point where not only can blue Mage solo it they can do it searched and the normal job cannot do that simply because Titan will kill you instantly after a certain time and the only job that can do enough damage to do that is blue mage um but exactly I I was talking about this a little bit on the Discord earlier today is I know some of you feel that seeing blue Mage is really interesting but for those that came to see like a challenge like see me beat content that is genuinely challenging it might not be as entertaining to watch me just shrouds bosses with blue Mage because in most dungeons blue Mage alone can easily beat it like I know that I know that um the only way to make it a challenge for blue Mage is to like add restrictions to Blue Mage itself um this is all I want is 6.45 to add a way to solo susano well it might happen given how often I put out a video saying something only for the following patch to invalidate it however then 6.4 should have added that because I believe I said that susano cannot be soloed in 6.35 [Laughter] um also who is Elsa here who's this who this hmm right so we have a pretty strong majority saying gunbraken or unveil oh it is your EU L skeleton I see in that case we are going gun breaker in Orem Vale and now they now that of course leads the follow-up question why gun breaker um as Haitian said earlier Warrior myself healed beloved um the reason why we're going gun breaker is simply because gun breaker at level 45 get Aurora which helps immensely with self-healing and I am pretty confident it is significantly more than Thriller battle and Warrior was already only barely beating Dark Knight and Dark Knight is not beating Aurora and so I'm pretty sure gun breaker has the best chance of beating dungeons solo at this level but yeah I'm actually pretty happy to see that that result because my perspective was if there was some if there was like a majority hoping that I was jumping back into The Fray with the male dark old and then I didn't then I could understand I'm not gonna understand that [Music] um and I would like if that was the decision then I would of course gone back in but I also understand that it might be extremely boring to watch me go back into this male Taco for another hour and have nothing to show for it Milano says we can copy the limitations and challenges they made from mass carnival and I'm going to using rank 1 spells I don't think there is such a saying as a rank one spell um the Restriction I was thinking of when I was thinking blue Mage was actually the Restriction of saying like reducing the amount of allowed spells for example like technically I'm pretty confident you can beat something like sastasha with five spells like Basic Instinct a Serial mimicry Mighty God wide wind and one attack oh rank I actually forgot that it's a that there's these Stars we could do that like that that would be a challenge but the thing is that certain spells are basically a requirement to be able to solo anything with blue mage um like for example as I said Mighty God Basic Instinct and a heel like white wind um would be necessary to do it um but yeah that would also be a way to do it to say like certain ranks are only allowed I feel like the ranks are a little bit weird um like a little bit random like uh what's in rank one why is shoko means you're on rank one why is ethereal spark in rank one why is ultra vibration is in rank one um a little bit strange um but we could try that at some point for now um as I said my uh my thought process was that you don't need 24 spells to beat most dungeons as a blue Mage so it might be interesting to try that and lemon also has a good one no missile cheese like that that one would be pretty pretty significant no missile no Ultra vibrate like no death moves is a pretty pretty simple restriction because death moves I don't think that is like well actually yeah it is these are all One-Shot moves like it well launcher and missile technically doesn't one shot anything and neither does tail screw but you know you get the idea they do uh obscene amounts of damage at some point forces and regular moths even I think start big to like just resist it especially bosses just in general entire dungeons when none of the bosses can be attacked um by death moves which of course make that restriction kind of mood but in lower level dungeons it is a little bit significant like the boss on the male dark hole might actually be challenging if you couldn't completely skip 95 of the fight by using missile anyway hmm for now we're doing aurumvale with gun breaker mm-hmm what happened to the music there yeah let me just check my uh schema here for my HP amount we're supposed to be using X Potions man the blue Carnival is interesting in its own right I feel the thing with the blue Carnival for me is that it itself pushes [Music] um I could have expected I could have seen that coming it pushes the blue mate to the to its limits to a point where it didn't need to have extra restrictions like many of the fights require something extremely specific of you what it has an AOE attack interesting you know hazian the thing with our unveil is that there are two common ways to pull this room and basically no one knows how to do either one correctly so that's typically what goes wrong either you have someone that pulls this like these mobs alongside with the the toad that we just thought or you get a group that uh that you get a tank that tries to pull basically everything into the next room which could work I think I'm not going to survive this if I don't uh focus on the healing right now three mobs is a lot and my potions have a long cooldown now hmm oh it's because they have an ability I think that tends to be the the cause of mobs that hit really really really hard is that they use an ability when they get in range I think I'm not going to survive this though yeah the Capcom what like I got I got to try the menu [Laughter] I didn't even know I didn't even know that you could do this like I did I didn't know this would happen I I don't I have never tested that yeah they this reminds me of the skeletons in the male dark hole that uses like a an ogcd attack on top of their basic attacks it's very fun not living dead the Living Dead you wouldn't have indeed the DSF stools are ridiculous yeah that is the awkward thing exactly a lemon that is also what the what the cocoa is sort of referring to uh a long time ago we did the I believe we did leveling roulette with small Kai and Coco was tanking it and we got Auburn Vale something like that um and we got we pulled a little much and I desperately suggested that Coco should use Living Dead forgetting that you don't have that at level 49. you're not leaving this place alive you just see the asean symbols appear in front of the F's tools um these mushrooms to plants and then pull them into the box from behind the other side yeah that is also what I typically do and that is also the common um blue Mage uh pull like if you're trying to Speed Run for Moodle uh Mughal tombstones that is sort of what you do hmm the real scary part here is that we have to really like choose between health or damage and some of these mobs are going to outrun our healing if we don't get rid of them so it's a it's a tough choice and also through mirror level 47 I think this gets a like the trash packs become like indirectly a little easier once we get out of this first room simply because this first room is like disarming a bomb technically just just for the record I am aware that I could probably have skipped everything in this room by just sneaking carefully through it but if we wipe on the first boss for any reason then I'd rather not have to do that that trick again like I don't want to do it two times so it's better to just clear a path but yeah doing mass carnival for um Allied tokens is a good idea the reason why I don't bother is simply because takes time and the top like the tickets I actually for a while I put my tickets in my chocobo saddlebag because I didn't want to click that extra key press to teleport everywhere um ah yes don't you love the uh Sutton uh no warning tank Busters but that before they added the teleport budget menu the what I don't know what that is oh boy this is going to be really hard can I kite this I I don't think it matters that much because it's just going to do that that is an insane amount of damage am I missing something hmm yeah the problem is as it often is that I need to get close to heal and I can't do that without it smacking me [Laughter] this is a I I actually I I feel like this is a I think this might not be the Tank tank run um maybe you could step through the center of the boss to dodge it maybe the problem is that I don't know when the boss is doing it I don't like by the time the boss like starts the animation it is probably already snapshotted me so I'm probably already hit by that point and there is no tell for that like tank ball so the only way to make it predictable is if I run away from the boss for a bit because if I do that then it's going to use the instant I'm in range but if it if we do it that way it's going to hit me because I can't make it under it is an option to only use the ticket if the teleport costs a certain amount of kill when did they add that option and where is that option but it wouldn't surprise me if we can like cheese it by spinning it or something as we discovered when uh when we previously actually well that didn't work it feels like it snaps to me the instant that it chooses to do the cleave thank you um yeah no no that doesn't seem to work it seems like it just snaps to me and then clear and then does the clap [Music] um yeah the the dot doing a ridiculous amount doesn't help either [Laughter] in teleport menu when when was this added exactly lemon I was thinking of the escaping cheese where we discovered that it actually like snaps to you but then it gives it a second um in teleport menu but like I can't access that from here I don't I don't think I don't think gun break can do it we can try with a Healer I think that might be better we're going to take way more damage from the um from the claps but I know that a Healer can actually solo coin counter because I've already done that by accident um I think I think scholar is going to be the stronger option actually simply because of ruin anyone uh remember ruin 2 in Carter's cry [Laughter] now the real difficult part is going to be actually while while we're here oh there how long has this been in the game I don't think I've ever noticed that [ __ ] wheel genuinely I've never noticed it yeah well isn't that something um but thank you I learned something new and it has nothing to do with soloing even it's incredible but you know what yeah Orion says you can use that card wheel to automatically use teleport vouchers yeah that makes sense that would remove my specific right with it hmm well now I am actually pretty happy that it was the first boss that was like nigh impossible because if it was like the second boss we would have had to be here for way longer also on a completely different note what potion do I need makeup potions yeah I believe before end Walker the maximum price you had to ever pay for any teleport was 999 which became a little silly because like 80 percent of your um of your teleport destinations were 999 regardless of where you were in the world um so it was a little ridiculous so they adjusted the price formula but then also increase it increase the loft and purposes is that monoton 100 brightness no no no no that's my spreadsheet it is white that's why it does this you can see it like I switched to the spreadsheet because spreadsheets be like that mega potion hey cool page yeah that is a very long time no not now that you mention it very very long time hope you're doing well no no no no no no no don't join me bro don't join me all right we we have we have instant lustrate heels like I'm completed completely forgotten about this this is a wait it resets what what what's This World of Warcraft what that's cheating that's cheating just denies me the option to kite it but just going nah nah nah I just reset if you do that the yoink is technically a knockback that is true but apparently I managed to cancel it by just outranging it pretty smart also why Am I Casting ruin one I'm in melee range am I doing more damage than I did on gone breaker okay it says real life got me well I'm glad to hear that you're doing better now hopefully [Music] um um not doing well I'm good to see you again yes who forgot to put repos on his bus one guess that's who ow meow nope nope I'll relax relax Bros what was that how about I just focus on the one foreign you are not leaving you're not what was it what's the quote again uh you will not leave this place alive you know on one hand having my pet follow me around actually causes it to lose casts like Embrace casts because it has to chase me down on the other hand if I place it somewhere I have to actively like command it around and I'm going to forget that I guaranteed I'm going to forget that and then a pet is just standing somewhere or worse it just despawns come back just coming chase me around going I need to wiggle my paws at you to heal you hmm and hey ravio hope you're doing well oh boy don't mind me trying to read chat while just running just running into a wall point one really right um around us there are two side rooms and cover build that people always want to pull and they're like one of the few rooms out there that leash actually I don't know if they still do that after the copper Bill mines rework but uh before the rework before the rework like some of the first packs in um in uh in Copper build mines were actually leashing for some reason and hey welcome to the cult of the pink Mario Knight thank you so much and welcome to the stream I don't I I don't recognize the name but welcome glad to see you thank you so much I'm welcome yeah leashing just in general in MMOs feels really weird honestly uh in it is funny in World of Warcraft uh at least in like vanilla you could uh leash mobs for like miles if you just kept attacking them like that was the only requirement for them to stick to you was you had to ow okay they hit really hard this might not actually be a good idea apparently they hit way harder if you get up close ow ow come on come on Repose please thank you now you come with me come come on come on don't don't reset on me now don't reset on me now hello is that right can you glad to see you hope you're doing well you're about to cast Resurrection on yourself I need I need some I need some uh some resuscitation after all this damage you see I'm doing I'm doing the bunker mode here foreign you thought this was Final Fantasy 14 but it's actually like a uh World War II shooter game choose your like choose your pick which whichever one preferably one where you can hide in a bunker or behind like a sec like a sandbags or something right I think we've cleared everything we need to to reach the boss now the question is will the boss just smack me and I'm dead and also will you move mate can you may have not exactly what I was thinking not exactly what I had in mind and also that but let's see if I can make this work [Laughter] you know the the very smart maneuver here was me putting Repose on my bars in the middle of a fight now that is big brain you know what would be really cool like a circle that indicated in the range of embrace that would be pretty neat can we have that we have that then I could just buy kite the balls around that I'm going over here no no no no no no I I oh I dodged it I'm going this way bye bye have a real good time I'm going this way ow oh my goodness Wham [Laughter] Wham don't do that please that's painful do not do that please and we can we make that a rule locksmith why are you here locksmith oh oh this is going to ow drink a potion am I in range I am not wonderful [Music] I'm running this way bye give me an ow L another one of those uh thought stacks yeah please I'm good don't you better not oh boy imagine if I had a stun yeah that would be pretty neat ah don't do it locksmith you better not don't don't taste me bro ow leave me alone oof I think we've gotten further than we did with uh with gunbrager it's not much I'm pretty sure we've uh we've beaten our record I I think I'm going down uh do they fruits keep respawning it seems like they do oh I dodged it again nice I'll take this real quick that was a unnecessary damage to put it put it lightly ow hmm [Music] that is ridiculous range locksmith you know you know that that is cheating it doesn't like that's unfair that's not how the game works you can't just cue up a cone attack and then just act like it has infinite range that's not how this game works you know that oh I took a lot of damage I could have avoided there so many potions this is reminiscent of ow ow of uh many other dungeons we've done as a scholar where I literally had to kite endlessly because I was always one single hit away um from like literally mops that could two-shot me it's so so hard to do that like imagine playing any game and you only have like two HP oh yeah like basically like oh I think I think this might be it can you stop chasing me thank you and then it did zero damage because I didn't see I had a crit wasted illustrate hmm I'm forgetting my DOT hmm [Music] ow that's ridiculous damage can you can you can you maybe not chase me thank you perfect I'm just gonna eat this when I can manage to actually point my cursor correctly it's sorry I'm not uh responding to chat right now it's a it's way way too long of a fight for me to wipe because I wasn't paying attention for a second yeah can you it's not exactly what I was hoping for but this might work just stay over there let me just uh joint that oh [Music] it's so painful it's so scary like when I'm at like 80 HP or less it could just end me in a single head like just oh surprise you're dead it's so so scary wait I didn't eat it eat it thank you thank you yes get confused please stop for random reasons boss that that makes it a lot easier for me you do that just one final time foreign wow well we got him we got locksmith I believe coin count is a lot easier let me just uh scroll back through the chat in Orion with the kind of dragons from tosfolo bash I mean there's some bosses like raid bosses you could kite to storm with and the skeletons skeleton says imagine if it leashed at one percent oh um how to generate the charges again I'm assuming you mean the uh ether flows it's just you get three every minute from the either flow ability uh gambles as you can move and cast with Summoner and we can with Scholars Summoner lost the ability to do that with the rework in end Walker um but someone who technically has ruined too it's just it goes around one then it upgrades you're in one zero and two but it's a different room too and then ruin two upgrades three and three but it's you know it's just not great and then Rune four is a separate ability or actually spelled but it's not an upgrade it's really it's really really weird and Coco I said don't tase me bro you know with a taser and I see that lemon also said all this and also again uh welcome Mario Knight you were quiet before um but welcome to the cold of the pink um I'm soloing dungeons to see if I can there is uh no practical benefit to doing it it is better to just do it without scaling your level down the only reason that they're doing it is to see if we can because it's entertaining and it's funny um and if you open your Duty Finder menu like you know there's like the menu over here can't see it while I'm in the dungeon up in the top left there's like a Coke wheel if you click that you can choose options like unrestricted party that allows you to enter a dungeon with no one else and that also lets you not scale down if you don't feel like it now we just have the rest of the dungeon that was uh inefficient how much damage do you guys do I wonder if it's the hardest boss because the final boss also has a um a tank faster with no warning did someone else beat the boss we just did with an exploit solo what what is that exploit skeleton yeah thank you I'm pretty sure we could not have done that without kiting it gave us so much less damage taken and I'm pretty sure we skipped a lot of tank Busters so incredible amounts of damage foreign but the bright side is if I remember correctly the final boss it's debuff that is removed with the fruits it just makes its the boss's abilities hit harder it doesn't actually have a DOT attached to it unlike the first boss so if you're not expecting an attack to come in and hurt you a lot then you don't have to eat a fruit on the final boss uh stock on Terrain skeleton says there's a bit of terrain that the boss can't path around so you can pop out slap an attack and pop back out of line of sight invalidating the fight ah I see I didn't know that it just like how in the male darkhold I gave up and said I can't I don't think it can be done um and then after the fact I learned it well not after the fact but I was told right then and there that someone else had done it by spinning the boss like a Beyblade just running around it um within like one jump distance which I couldn't do so I changed my uh my statement to I can't do it um I'm glad to hear that skeleton thank you do these guys um I just I just want one pack come with me come come this way come come on come on come on down let me show you around the place we're going on a little little uh to the aurum vale because you know there's this big room down the hall here that is really easy to kite mobs in you know you know what I mean foreign might be might be your senior actually what do you think you want to move in the range is pretty high so maybe maybe it's not in your price range but um pretty pretty roomy isn't it there's tons of uh golden puddles of things on the floor you like that don't you 720 crit I'm telling you scholar would not be able to solo anything if it wasn't for kiting [Laughter] I might I might as well like turn the turn the boss back around and run back to where the mobs were save a little bit of running time hmm I mean a coin counter is weirdly easy in a way if you can out heal his his basic attacks everything else is avoidable as far as I know hey hey what what is the big one doing are you is he not coming oh these guys have OG CDs awesome I love it when they have that is precisely why we're just indiscriminately kiting everything not even taking a chance to see if we can fight them fan Square because we can't ow seems like everything in this dungeon has like an Amelia oh Jesus diesel soccer punch you with that does explain why things hit so hard even on a tank [Music] oh lemon is composing a song what's this song about and will you tell us about it and you are also correct multitasking is effectively not a thing if I remember correctly I read that your brain does not do multiple tasks at once it just flips between multiple tasks very quickly I don't know how how valid that is but that's what I heard ow oh that one just smacks me for 500 per swing that's cool that's fair that's nice will you join me in the in the big room being mate imagine being able to not run at your enemies that is a really good one like that is also very true the brain is the most important organ according to the brain the brain is also incredible and perfect and does no wrong according to the brain thank you oh gilano says in 1.0 there was gas in these rooms that applied the dots even if you didn't step and go or anything and you had to eat the fruits all at once between pools oh boy that sounds like a terrible time but I think in 1.0 the like even a regular mob out in the world was intentionally a lot harder like even a regular mob was intended to be a challenge which I think is a good thing um are you kidding me oh he finally did something nice yes I plan to do that don't worry about it okay he can't he he do be smacking though it was an eight man aurum Vale was a basically a raid but I don't know if raid were eight man back in 1.0 days but that is really cool It also says a lot about a lot of things they decided to change maybe that it's a four man now Dodge just genuinely difficult dungeons that aren't meant to be beaten in a single setting sounds really awesome to me like like if I could like make a checkpoint in a dungeon or that we could or like in some way we could easily go back to um like the final boss in the male dark hole I would be a lot more likely to like test things by the way just speaking of the fact that um many a boss fight has a like a checkpoint in the middle I don't feel like an ultimate is the same as an eight-man dungeon it's just a really really really really really really really really really long boss fight ah apparently that attack only happens when he's below six below 70 apparently back in 1.0 you used to be able to change jobs at any time outside of combat you know that that sort of makes sense in 1.0 I believe you could also like I'm pretty sure I read that you could wear any equipment as any job like if you were too low levels away or something it just gave you less stats and if you were the wrong job for something it just gave you less stance so that would um make it a lot less of and like of a disaster if someone were to switch job in the middle of a dungeon I just really want to underline the difficulty difference between coin counter and locksmith I'm not using lost rate I have just been I've only been using energy drain on this fight also speaking of skeleton says how did that work with cooldowns if you actually take um like if you're logged in to Final Fantasy 14 right now um try well if you're locked in on your old that you had placed in my house that might be a little difficult but if you try and use a cooldown on the job you have currently equipped and then switch to a different job there is an extremely high chance that some unrelated action on that job is on cooldown like certain actions just share cooldown across jobs it's especially weird when uh the action on one job it's like a two minute cooldown but the job it but the cooldown it shares with on a different job is like 30 second coolant with two charges or something like that really really looks weird when that happens oh yeah yeah my um my intervene is on a two minute cooldown somehow I did that recently I got a 30 second cooldown on Paladin there you go that is actually a really good example you know I was really confused because I was thinking of that time when we did the Cotto's cry and I ran completely out of MP like entirely dry and we don't run dry in this dungeon but I forgot the part where in Carter's cry we didn't have either flow that does make a huge difference and yeah I agree with that Orion when when we think back to the old days in an MMO a huge part of that experience was the people we played with and the like the place you were in mentally at the time so even if you had the game in fact even if you had the game and the people it might still not be right it might still be missing something which I think is part of the reason why [Music] um like for example classic well and that started but it didn't like it wasn't the same because basically everyone is in a completely different mindset nowadays um this has been one hacking chunker of a boss like despite it being not even remotely difficult compared to locksmith or scary for that matter it feels like this boss was nearly as long as locksmith just because the boss has so much HP is it just me or is it actually that chunky you're a big coin counter that's what I'm saying you're huge you're a big boy I've only did damage like a big boy hmm like that age people was incredible because when we're on that bus for like eight minutes what is yes give me those thank you oh they reset wonderful that makes this really complicated [Music] hmm I think we might be able to skip the rest of this room oh yeah hmm I hope because if those mobs also reset I don't think we can kill them skeleton says ragnarok's healers are awesome placing tiny circles on the ground that block a certain number of either physical or magic damage and being expected to use that to protect every party member from AOE that is insane it reminds me a little bit of uh the silliness that was um the fact that monks in World of Warcraft when they were rather new you could um one of the most efficient ways to heal anything was to um just place down healing spheres you just place them on the ground but there's nothing that prevented you from placing them on people like the intended use was that you placed them placed them so that people could run into them when they needed them but you could just just place them directly on someone and they were in extremely Mana efficient because you weren't supposed to use them like that excuse me excuse me excuse me just sneaking by don't mind me this might be a problem I think oh wait this this guy well that does sound really cool that you had like options to uh prevent damage in that way you know the scariest part about the bosses being basically a a test of endurance or endurance is that we might actually be pressed for time on the last boss are they just two hey are you just do oh it's immune to sleep awesome um apparently the big one never sleeps it's just immune to that hmm this is a really really awkward hallway to Kaiden foreign to sleep lemon if we were if we were mobs in Final Fantasy 14 we would all be bosses oh Bane might why do you hit so hard obey might hmm how okay that is that is that is a lot that is quite a lot you're pulling oh boy I'm very scared of my Dash through these boys excuse me excuse me the train train switched Lane don't worry about it oh that that is cruel Orion Ryan says I would want a girl talk blood boil mechanic be immune to taunt but also require tank switches [Laughter] that is uh meme but you know that would actually make it very challenging because then the tanks would really have to manage their threat or enmity just shirk well you can do that but if one tank is significantly better at damage than the other then you might be in trouble because sherp is only 25 remember it's not like a complete tank switch is only 25 percent [Music] I'm pretty sure it's 25 percent no no still 25 it's not been changed they buffed provoke as far as I could see I don't think it was mentioned in any patch notes but in shadowbringers I tested and found that without a doubt provoked it's somewhere in the ballpark of 2000 enmity like 2 000 potencies worth of enmity in end Walker it's not two thousand I'm not sure how much it is I didn't spend nearly hour that is an insane Auto attack I didn't spend nearly as much time testing it but my estimate said that it did 4 000 enmity 4 000 potencies worth of energy of course um so yeah provoke is crazy but if taunt doesn't work then presumably it would be immune to the enmity applied by provoke as well hmm and that is also true skeleton the main tank could just turn the tank stands off until the off tank catches up but the T the thing is that in like combat where you need two tanks it is not uncommon for the off tanks just turn off their tank stamps while they are not needed um which wouldn't work in this particular scenario because then you would be so so far behind the hard part with these gold Vines is finding an opportunity like how big is that damage range ridiculous [Music] hmm that also reminds me it's been a while but so so blue Mages have this spell I believe it's called malediction of water which actually pushes allies like it pushes both enemies and allies um but it only works on players that are in combat just like rescue for example um but um I believe I discovered you can put a friend in combat by having the by having a so you you have a tank smack a strike like a striking dummy they all pull together oh boy you better not reset if I run out of this room because then we're in trouble please hmm But yeah I believe you can use um so you have a tank smack a striking dummy and then you use shirk on your unsuspecting victim which puts them in combat because you gave them enmity and I'm pretty sure it works regardless of whether you're in combat or not and then once you have the person in combat you can do all the shenanigans you want which which does include but are not limited to [Music] um using rescue to drag them across the entire Zone and using blue Mage malediction of water to push them any way you like and if you plan if you if you come if you use like a pull timer if you well actually you can't do that because someone would be in combat but if you if you time so that you can use malediction of water exactly right you can have like a line of seven blue Mages instantly transport some 170 yards down the street which is just funny in its own right there's no there's no particular use for it it's just funny so also keep that in mind the next time you do some blue Mage content that uh if someone seems to be only using 23 spells there might be um some Shenanigans of it they might be bringing malediction of water now I don't know how you would actually identify that they're only bringing 23 spells but let's say you could count them then you would know everything is so tanky why pain might why or why do you have so much HP they call him big and speak the Scorpion step one turn on animation step two go blind yeah also you have to count the Spells of one of the blue Mages in this presumably eight Man Group of blue Mages so figure out which one of the blue Mages used sir panaka four times in that very instant when everyone uses their Moon flute bursts together finally [Music] um now we've just had the boss and we have 35 minutes to Beat It now the question is skeleton Orchestra says what's next after this that is a good question the question is whether we do the msq roulette things wait I don't even have a food buff s not exactly helping me but yeah I'm not sure what we're doing after this but we'll figure it out um hey wait I thought did you see that did everyone just uh take out your notebooks I I dodged the tank Buster because the boss missed me like I actually just stepped as a stepped aside and it missed oh Miss now the question is how long will this take oh I might get hit by that one nope that is a really slow tank Buster that is impressively slow and the bad breath is actually really scary if I get hit by that it's basically instant wipe oh right because it will do that they respawn right hey Kalia how are you doing Okay the reason why I was worried about that is because in the uh locksmith fight it repeatedly gave me like actual announcements in the chat saying oh the the fruits have respawned but it isn't actually telling me anything in this one so I can't know for sure and you stop with that those hooked bars to test off your reflexes indeed oh I'm getting hit by that one hey Coco and did you did you go away well you're back for the boss so you didn't miss everything oh yeah it says new mobile troops have spawned hey Carlos is okay we had fifth healers Warrior now we also have fifth tank you could say that I got interrupted um I wonder if that actually counts though we're not really tanking we're just kinda avoiding Duty we're just choosing to not to not play that is true there's still this so mechanic we don't know how that is going to play out that does mean I'll have to come in close now I'm wondering when it starts doing that oh there it comes there you go that's how that's done laughs you just need to get in close for three um three apps of war and we're good I'm going to guess that we're going to see a lot of Souls and if it starts doing that at 50 percent hmm oh this is going to be painful did it just use Vine probe and I didn't realize I thought it was using the Burrows hey Mia how are you doing we're doing very well we tried uh orange Bale with gun breaker turned out that locksmith is too strong meanwhile guess who can do it of course who else but scholar [Laughter] the master solo job oh uh come on stop paralyzing me survived oh boy and that's why you bring Echo drops you haven't missed all The Stream I mean we're doing more after this all the quality content of ruined too spam it is a little finicky to dodge the vine probe in melee range like that I think most of the time I've dodged it by just being so far away that it just I'm like already miles from here when it actually starts like there but if I'm right up in its face it's a little harder [Music] there you go 67 minutes thank you that was uh that was tough I really thought it had me um on the uh on the on the bad breath there that was a that was the sweaty hand certainly and every single time I almost had an assurance like oh paralysis like I think that was as bad as it could be so um if you ever needed a reason to bring Echo drops there you go like if I hadn't had Echo drops this would have been over a lack of out of wash man yeah that is an unfortunate reality of um of solo content the tanks don't use a Wii because it doesn't heal them the healers don't use AOE because they it's raved and odd ranged um and the like the reason why scholar is better than Sage is such a specific thing because if Sage had ruined two then Sage would have been better the reason why scholar is better is just because of ruin 2. the reason why Sage can't compete with that is because Sage while they can heal for slightly more purgisity if they're attacking they cannot attack while running [Laughter] and like the big deciding factor for sage is that you can use your creation diagnosis while running whereas you can't use that lucarium like most of the time I used abaculum either because I had to or because this the boss stopped to cast something um because in any any other situation it was actually dangerous to even put the shield up in the first place hmm oh and I'm outside the house now let me just get back in the house yeah Can You Solo or unveil minimum level yes oh elano's here now but yeah yes you can and thanking me who else for helping us out with the pit with the with the clip on Discord and uh welcome to the Stream so for anyone just tuning in we just finished soloing or unveil it took 67 minutes and we tried doing it with a tank the first boss had so much damage that it was not possible just just to put it into perspective on the first boss I basically used potions lost straight on cooldown fail elimination and I don't know how much that actually helped but also Whispering Dawn basically on cooldown used every single tool I had I even used swiftcast to use adelocillium on me every minute and sometimes it would stop to cast at lucurium to keep myself healthy because the tank Buster did like 80 of my HP every time and the tank Buster had no warning and it could not be dodged we tried um but we beat it then on coin counter I use nothing I simply just ran around and attacked it I did not have to use lost rate I did not have to use that mercurium I didn't have to use Whispering gone I just let my pet here man it was fine on the final boss we had to use lost rate sometimes and I did use avocurium occasionally just to be sure because there was an attack that could hit hard but the final boss I can't even remember what is it what is this name the miser's mistress um each tank Buster was avoidable it was genuinely just avoidable we just dodge it um which means that if if you could beat uh the locksmith um if you could beat the locksmith with any job then you can presumably beat the rest of the rest of the bosses 30 for free says did you record the Run um no no unfortunately I didn't um I guess I guess it'll just you'll just have to take my word for it and not rewind the stream to like um like an hour and 20 minutes ago I keep I keep the stream bots on the channel so if you ever want to see any stream any stream they will be on the channel if the stream certainly disappears from the channel it is not because of me um so yeah it is here if you want to see the run you can now the question is what do we do now 30 for free says no I'm asking because you would might want to upload the Run separately or not uh I don't know if I would um I haven't uploaded the clears of other dungeons like they're in the streams but I could do that um I might make a video out of it um but it would of course have the stream quality part of the reason why I don't record my stream separately is both because that would take a an a mind-boggling amount of disk space that I don't have um specifically that I don't have and I don't know what I would do out of the streams at the moment imia says did you say anything to me after I left yesterday did you ask something you didn't get an answer to I think I might have said good night imia but yeah I might make a video I don't know if I will I have considered making videos on whether you can solo the different dungeons that we did um but I haven't at least not yet and if I did I would almost certainly be using stream footage because I will not solo sastasha again from start to finish in just to have a nice recording of it for some reason when you download YouTube videos even like as the Creator There's an actual like download button you get it in like 720p and not 1080. it is fun but the key key thing is that it's fun to do especially on stream because then I'm not sitting there alone Orion says you didn't get roughed up by the owl what do you mean huh we were talking about a good starter job for PVP right [Music] um for front line just to finish on that one then the front line most jobs are fine the problem yesterday was saying oh Gary Oak is here the bot Gary Oak wow I didn't know Gary was into Final Fantasy 14. um most jobs are fine for Frontline to learn with but specifically gun breaker and Machinist and to some degree I would say astrologian might be really really halves in frontly front line because of different reasons gun breaker because you actually need to know what does strong Junction do depending on who you use it on and machinist because while you're ranged bioplasta forces you to come in close regularly which is not nice um and and astrologians box only works on your party and in front line you might not be with your party um so solution is very very weak if you're not queuing with friends like over voice comes or something so that you can like coordinate with them um so like gun breaker machinist and astrologian I would say don't don't stop with those in Frontline they might be good they might be good in front I'm not saying they're not I'm just saying that the choosing to start with those is a bad idea because it's going to make it very hard for you to learn the content um most other jobs it's a matter of try it see if it works for you and that's probably okay um in crystalline conflict it's a completely different story but there I would say try some jobs in Frontline see what you like and then hop into crystalline conflict with that job uh skeleton says I like Sage for PPU stand back use your cool guns and lunch on anyone who gets small by your team and blast them yeah Sage is like a weird melee job in a way foreign was alluding to the Duolingo out pressuring them into studying I usually I do my Duolingo lessons shortly before stream because I might miss the date and you know what sorry let me just uh let me just uh check the app just check something Oh I thought it was a lot closer like I'm just saying I have a 937 streak um of days so that would be a shame to lose that wouldn't it 937. I blinked twice as the Duolingo owl is holding you fall Stitch it's not I have a a I have not received any mean reminders from Duolingo I get reminded anyway on a more I I don't know what we should do um so let me just check something here so and an extremely interesting uh Legacy next dungeon solo so the question is what are we doing next so if we look at this the next dungeon is Wanderers Palace so we could try that one the question is whether we want to do it like that we want to do how many are there 19 dungeons and all of these trials or do we want to take some best offs um and uh have a little bit of fun with that hey Riku thank you so much I really appreciate it really do thank you and welcome to the Stream skeleton says wonders Palace has not been beaten solo because of the last boss's last phase because of the plot because of the bosses left hmm [Music] are there any bosses in if someone slashes that one shot you from range if your DPS too slow that would make that impossible then make it impossible um so let me let me let me try to paint a picture here um if I go in at minimum item level which is the general strategy of course then we would be item number 45 if you're trying to distinct we get the item level 110 um if it can if no one has managed to beat the the final boss in wonders Palace because of a DPS solo because of a DPS check then it cannot be done on minimum item level it just can't um and I don't know if it can synced either now I can go in and try um we can do that but if you kind of know already that it's probably not possible the question is whether we should do something different only seen attempts on tanks oh uh if anything can kill you from range then healers will not be able to do it like if if a tank can't do it and the tanks are probably like if you're doing it with Warrior Dark Knight you're probably doing more DPS than a scholar will the only reason why scholar could beat Orum Veil is because I could kite things if the mobs um if you go in melee range they skip the DPS check in one shot yeah well that's true but if you know that they that you can't do the um if you know that you can't meet the DPS check anyway then a Healer can't do it either and I I wouldn't be surprised if it can't be done why are you inviting me to party Coco the thought is that if you kill the ants with ranged attacks it might cancel the BPS check hmm we can't do Odin right um I think he's also itemable why it's supposed to be a bit later Coco don't don't like just cue for something like like that with anyone in your group that is really really mean like imagine if it actually popped I'm mostly saying it for your sake Coco because for the future I'm not very confident I'll join your group again because you don't want to do that and yes that is seed of sacrifice and it's 2vh playing remember we try uh Wanderers Palace just see how it goes Earth's found recommended ice level 95 to 105. where's the 105 from so the important thing now that we have finally reached level 50 content is if you check any of the level 50 content there will be either there will be an average item level that is the minimum item level and then there may be an item that will sync if there is one that is the item level that we go to if we do it synced if there is no itemable sync then we will drop to 130 which means for example that if we were to go in Earth's Fount and try to do that at like it would be 95 to 130. um so that is like a pretty huge difference that's also why I'm saying if there is a really rough DPS check in wonders Palace then I'm just saying what is that 45 level 45. [Laughter] well we can try it let's see how quickly we we might actually um exactly it's like you're level 45 job gear we'll see if we can even like because Wanderers Palace has a has a very interesting gimmick right at the start you need to escape from a mob and we might not be able to do that foreign there's also this excuse me wait what huh oh well I guess we're fighting these then oh boy are you serious they have a they're very fast Tom berries are supposed to be to be walking at you menacingly what's happening [Laughter] um yeah no no no I can't do that we can't do that oh they're tanky [Music] um nope wow they just they just showed us the scholar who's boss guess who runs faster you want some more can they be can they be slapped I I'm guessing the answer is no I didn't manage to do it let me try it again they literally just peer down the hallway lemon and go oh someone's coming okay hey wait wait what um they're immune to sleep however somehow I managed to pull one with my DOT however I cannot hide it very well I I think I think maybe perhaps mayhaps they have um made the mobs run fast at this point is there a point in kiting yes um every time the mob wants to Auto attack me it will check like as you as you can if you if you look very closely you see there now it's just standing there and then it starts running the reason why is that mobs will not actually chase you if they don't have an attack ready like they won't actually bother to check whether they can hit you or not before they have an attack that they want to hit you with so this actually like this like if if you have if you're tanking a dungeon and everyone in your group is ranged then you could technically you could technically uh Kate everything if you wanted to it would cause you to lose an obscene amount of damage but you could do it um like just stepping away from mobs can uh make them lose like an auto attack every so often I think what's going to happen is that we're going to kill this kill the other Tom berry and then we're going to run into the brick wall that is um that Turnberry stalker when we try to kill the birds come on down 30 more to go that is actually a good point later in the dungeon there's going to be Tom berries just like this one with abs hmm yeah this is um sort of what I expected um I'm pretty sure that I would have something in the ballpark of twice the HP if I went into this dungeon unsynced which would make these home berries far less scary it would also hit way harder I heard like Tom berries so I got you a ton of berries Berry so here's the Strat I will try and pull the the birds past the stalker excuse me laughs oh man they hit us hard they actually hit harder than the boss the final boss in uh actually all of the bosses in aurum Bale individually I can't do this I cannot do this [Laughter] hmm [Music] I cannot stop cast any heels on me and I'm out of heels well wait I might be able to do the cheese again let me see I don't think I click raise fast enough so the reason why for anyone wondering the reason why the single Tom berry came running for me after I died was because there was a thought still ticking on them um which ticked while I was dead and it didn't disappear so that meant that I could basically pull it from Beyond the Grave uh oh yeah basically that is actually a good point skeleton now the important thing is that I have to be alive while there's only a DOT on one of them I believe the guild tests are picked up from the Smith [Laughter] I think I think we may have um Unleashed ultimate cheese we have um we've reached Peak cheese like the only way there could be more cheese here if is if I was actually using cheese you will run out of time yeah I will I'll kill this guy and then then we'll figure out something I just wanted to see if I could do it I haven't I haven't intentionally managed to do the dot like dot single mock pool before whole wages of cheese perhaps with giant apples yes and a whole loaf of bread it helps replenish your ether very well you can vote leave uh you can you can leave I can I can safely leave I don't have to stay because it's an unrestricted group there is no penalty for leaving I just want to kill this guy I just I just want to kill this guy listen we're here for fun and I'm having fun running circles around this buzzard this is Prague there you go so two things the first one is the minimum item level on these level 50 dungeons are clearly very low I am pretty confident oh look that's me who else um I'm pretty confident that none of the level 50 dungeons can be done at minimum item level none of them now the key difference that causes this to be the case compared to leveling dungeons is that if you're doing sastasha synced in level 18 right losing three levels is not that much let me let me actually let me let me show you real quick how big of a difference it makes so level 18 we don't actually have any spells like any extra spells or anything we have 437 HP now that is the important bit the defense is also a little important and mainly huh is the stream still going okay uh the statistics page YouTube which shows like a graph of how many people have been viewing just decided to just leave just disappeared for a good 15 seconds I was like that did something break thank you and so 437 HP the 85 defense is also mildly important but the 437 HP is the the big thing right so we do this then we go in again we lose like 20 HP and I didn't close that and around 10 defense right but we lose like 20 maybe even 25 HP like that is that is the big pain Point here now if I do the same in Wanderers Palace how much HP did I have in water's Palace did anyone notice anyone that has a moment to look back you know what we'll we'll just jump in again I have a duties to spare for this uh daily log out 102 and 233 defeats um so 2800 HP is the important bit we hop out remove those and again 5000 HP and how much defense did we have was it 2233 so we have like 33 percent more defense and like 80 more HP and we're not even thinking about how much damage I'm going to be doing now it's like we're not even thinking about damage yet that's just like the defensive portion of this calculation um so that's why I'm saying I am pretty confident that yeah that is full craft is it uh we have a um a relic weapon though um but I'm pretty confident like bordering on 100 certain that none of the level 50 dungeons can be soloed minimum itemable um and I'm going to base that argument on how incredibly handily this dungeon beat me immediately skeleton says what's the priority for disabling minimum item number than silence Echo um so silence Echo I'm pretty sure doesn't really do anything here it's mainly for trials and raids I think um but I just turn on both to be on the safe side like I'm pretty sure that if I set a silence echo on it doesn't change anything yeah same HP so it's mainly like if we go into duty and it says that we have Echo then silence Echo matters and then just toggle them both to be sure might be possible hmm wooded what what that is really low huh that also for what in the world only 60 I thought I thought it had like no sink weird so parts of the commander cannot be soloed because it has a DPS check that is designed to re it's designed to borderline require um require a limit break at limit break three from a DPS it doesn't require it but it is close enough that if your group is kinda weak you need it [Music] um I will not be able to do this as a DPS and alone I will need that limit break to do it so there's a DPS check that cannot be met like it's a similar problem to the Wonders Palace one like if there is a like if there is a DPS check like an enrage of some sort it becomes do you need people um water was soloed at level 60 . uh yeah yeah that's where that's why I say that that's um that's where by my rules it says you can't solo it like my rules say that by that point we would have to do it unsynced and then it doesn't really count anymore that doesn't like that is still good data can you solo at level 60. that is interesting information um but that's not what I'm testing I can't I am not capable of testing whether you can solo at level 60 because to do that I would need a level 60. um they were looking at a free trial angle oh that is pretty interesting but yeah if you then did it on shrinked um yeah then a while back I don't know how many of you have seen this but a while back I did go through the motions of figuring out if if let's say that one day you pick up Final Fantasy 14 but it turns out the game's dead and it's been for years there are no other players how far would you be able to get in the game and that of course implies that you would use Duty support for example um which means that all of this all of this is immediately trivialized because of course you can of course you can do that with no other players right of course you can do all of this with other players you know when the first roadblock happens it's in in thornmash because you can't you don't get NPCs and phone notch and the only way to overcome that is to extremely over level it and I believe the second barrier I ran into was um was Bismarck um because if you have if you have opened the cookie jar of um what if I was level 90. doesn't matter with the gear what if I was level 90 and wearing like full Ironworks magic Tech for example then basically all of the mandatory fights in um in A Realm Reborn are doable every single one which means that the next one that is actually hard is like Bismarck because Titan heart actually no not really not really because if you're level 90 in level 50 gear you're actually still have the ability because of the echo to survive Titans jail you know the Rocks I believe they do like 20 000 damage but if you're doing that unsinked even in like level 50 gear you still have like 80 000 HP it is very like I I went over this in my video the thing that that um that the the uh that Bismarck introduces is that you basically need to bring like Reaper why Reaper because damage and they would have better gear then you would be able to access otherwise and yeah Crystal Tower was also required um that one would be impossible to do um by that logic you would either say you cannot reach heavensward or you do as I did and just quietly keep that part out and say they would probably not have Crystal Tower be a roadblock that you can't even enter it um if the game was dead um but that of course is a completely different separate story but the one fight that you cannot beat solo regardless of your gear like you still can't as far as I'm aware you still cannot beat susano normal solo unsynced with level 90 gear you can't because his intermission is unbeatable solo if however you can get over 1 million HP then you can what about extreme same deal the same information exists the exact same information is just harder I don't I they require D for blue Mage to do it is that it needs to One-Shot it like it needs to be able to bring susano from like 60 HP to zero um and I'm just saying I'm not ruling out the possibility remember in shadowbringers when blue Mage was level 70 and they still are you could one shot Shiva extreme with blue mage at level 70. easily by the way you just had to use final sting and then you needed it to crit but the probability of that happening is like 45 percent in critique I think right so should we try a a duty [Music] hmm I think what we're going to do with the level 50 stuff is because we can't really do much of it minimum itemable anyway it's going to be it's going to be a lot of that and I feel like the leveling dungeons are more interesting so I feel like the best way to spend the time is to like try a few of them um how about this I put a pole so Wanderers Palace synced option one option two is just to Castro Melody I think I misspelled that meridianum um we will try minimum item level and then there's e freed hmm give it give it a moment so that people have a chance to vote also because it seems to be pretty close [Laughter] oh yeah there's the unskippable cutscenes time take down kick down because that would actually have an impact [Laughter] [Music] skeleton says I'd vote costume without minimizing that lives it was an option you know what it it looks like customer is winning so how about how about I make another poll if it wins um and then we can decide whether to minimize member or not I just feel like if I added two castrums it would like weirdly split the vote so it would be complicated um and it also keeps it will also have that a little bit of that feeling of so um would you like me to do Wanderers Palace or castrum or ifried or Castro like it feels like I'm like make it like deciding the vote for you if I do that he runs into the night right there's a living boat I think that's fine about two minutes about let me try that again then thank you gotta Ross and run off into the night to buy Glamis oh nice make sure remember to not invest too much in hacks they might not work what in the world how are you doing more damage with your auto attacks than I am what [Laughter] there's a weird weird detail that black Mages cannot do more than one damage with their Alto attacks um like they can do a critical Direct Hit with their Auto attack and it will still hit for one I believe astrologian has the same for some reason which is weird I'm pretty sure like a paper paper card hurts like like wow I feel like the msq dungeons those few were like an interesting idea I think what they what they've done since is that because they feel like cutscenes in dungeons tend to ruin the flow of the dungeon they typically adjust the cutscene or the story such that they can place the majority of the cutscene before the dungeon and after the dungeon um for example there are some boss fights like even raids where there is like a solo Duty that you have to do but story wise it might make more sense if that was like a door boss like Faust which lemon I believe which is a lemon brought up earlier um it would make more sense that way but we don't do door bosses like that anymore um which is why uh the uh The Savage raid Farmers have decided to stop calling the phase one of the final boss of array tier four bosses instead Matthew says if you equip strength equipment blackmage can do more than one damage it only does one damage because it has so little strength it should actually do negative damage oh that is an interesting point and I'm pretty sure astrologian has uh actually astrologian has like 20 extra strengths so they might do more than one two damage incredible incredible right so it's just synced we're doing Castro meridianum just synced now the question is whether we go with a tank or a Healer I'll I'll decide that one for myself though um I don't I don't know if gun breaker is actually a good idea because we ran into the issue in in aurumvale that if I focused on healing myself then I did so terrible damage that I got overwhelmed by the mobs anyway which means that the fact that Warrior and Dark Knight can heal slightly more while doing their 123 Combos and that means Warriors better it might be better than the fact that gun breaker has Aurora and the alternative is more scholar um I think I think scholar is the it's an AOE fight that's true but that makes scholar really really good and tanks can't it tanks at level 50 cannot actually heal while doing AOE pick your pose we're we're going with scholar I think how much HP do we get oh boy cutscene don't you love cutscenes book smacks activate hmm oh boy we are in the really awkward uh Health threshold where mega potion is technically best but it's really bad several cutscenes for plain sequence it is recommended to set aside sufficient time to view these scenes in their entirety that is a lot of mobs oh man that is a lot of mobs are you crazy that's a lot of mobs and some of them have ogcd attacks as well so that's really fun [Laughter] are they sleepable uh I don't think it matters because sleep only applies to one at a time with the Healer version thank you um so I would have to sleep them like one by one by one half of the mods here are immune to slow how weird yeah I would say there might be a higher chance that I would bother trying to sleep them if my sleep was AOE but it's not like that would help me immensely with like then I might be better able to just book smack one of them down what we're doing instead is uh as it is taking me 40 years to kill the first pack in the dungeon um I need to maximize my damage so I'm a multi-dodding as best as I can and making sure to spread my single Target damage as best as I can so that they the remaining mobs die around the same time skeleton says after this pull would you mind muting or turning environmental sounds way down that alarm really gets me is that it did have you put the alarm as your uh as your um as you're like a wake-up alarm in the morning that is a bad idea I can reduce it a bit I think we might not actually be able to do it because of time like this pack took us four minutes is this good here we go you can still hear it very very quietly wow there's a lot of things wow there are many come come with me to the uh kiting area please oh and there's ranged in between them that is a that is a problem which ones are the ranged guys can't see them but there's one that is a pretty pretty big issue how many Mages are there there's three yikes man yeah so we have a pet we have one group that is just like two three Gladiator guys right right right and then then we if they beat that we'll send in our Mage unit wait so you have three tanks right and then separately you sent in three DPS that's right hmm I really have to maximize my all of my healing to survive this or maybe not now that's that there's only two of them they're having quite a lot of a harder time keeping up with my healing somewhat at least hmm now I think I can safely multi-dot everything and we'll be fine running in circles running in circles yeah I think the big constraint on this run is do we have enough damage to uh kill all of the all of the trash I get this it's not even about whether we can beat the bosses it's do we have enough damage to kill the trash because of the timer and you think that is an interesting restriction on soloing content is well you only have 90 minutes so it doesn't actually matter whether you have the biggest cheese wedge in the Galaxy ready on the table because um you can't do it in 90 minutes then you won't be allowed to do it give me it says I healed a few times in this dungeon it was not fun oh and imia adds the tank didn't understand what mitigation meant he was a perfect Legend yeah I think I've heard that some players um like so there's a few reasons why that could be the first one being um he might have bought to the kill whether he did so for Gil or real money I wouldn't be able to tell you but that happens the second option is that he did it as a DPS or a Healer and he has never in his life played a tank ever so he just like this is the first time he's ever had to consider how a tank plays in the first place um which is absurd I know but I knew a uh um like a legend of some capacity players that had beaten multiple ultimate that didn't know that if you use Sprint while in combat well rather if you use Sprint while not in combat it lasts twice as long like the I discovered that they didn't know that when they watched my warrior starter guide way way back and they went wait a minute what really they had completed ultimate right now the thing is they didn't maintain so that was the reason why [Music] um but they still had basically all jobs maxed out so they should know this right a pretty reasonable expectation they would know this so these kinds of markets of information can slip by anyone but not knowing what I am mitigation is Maybe a little bad um imia says this gun breaker had the weapon and his Adventure plate was all gun breaker oh in that case he probably doesn't know what it didn't know what mitigation is because what he did is he read the guide that said use this cooldown when the boss does this and then he never figured out what that means but he clicked the button or maybe maybe he bought a Kill you know it is a possibility oh umia in that case you were dealing with a troll he got mad at me when I said not to Greed so much uh since I'm new still new to Sage and he said I'm not paying his sub well we've talked about this one before if someone tells you uh that they will not he as much just try to do something you requested them because you're then you're not paying their sub what you do especially as a Healer is you stop attacking you stop attacking and you stop using real holy you just only use diagnosis and when the tank says where's the heels you say well you don't pay my sub so I don't want to do any more than just basic heels I don't feel like doing more can you use mitigation then I might start attacking again I don't know what cardia is um I'm spending too much of my of my effort thinking about how I will pay myself which you aren't paying I know India but sometimes that is the only way to um to combat these kinds of people yeah that's my advice uh just play Dom right back at them because that's what they're doing when they say you don't pay my sub they know that that is a ridiculous excuse they know that they just don't care it's it's about as good as when people say who asked because someone typically asked there's a reason why you started saying this thing hey Molly oh boy which one is the ranged uh the menu is um let me see if I can do this while doing a pack here display name settings General under character configuration but it was added like super super recently it also allows you to color um player names based on role by the way we've been here for 15 minutes and I haven't seen a boss yet I just realized there are two arches running around at the speed of a scholar I've got I've circles to map thank you lemon I have a feeling you might make it back unless uh because I think I'm going to be here for 75 minutes normally I would like be ending the stream in around 20 minutes but um now we're doing this congratulations you have found the secret code to get an hour of overtime on the Stream [Laughter] when they use expedient well actually they just run as fast as a Sprint they just run for a little longer than usual you thank you wait one of them is like a mini bars guy with more health so I just dot the other guys and just focused fire the bigger guy the guy with a gun blade it's a guy with a gun blade also a lemon I hope you have a good day wherever you go the guy with the gun blade he does not have a half stopper the proto-gunbreaker did them anyone anyone that played in 1.0 or even 2.0 was hard stopper ever an action that lenses and raccoons actually had and if yes what what did it do because it seems like every single Lancer In Like A Realm Reborn and heavensward has Heart Stopper Talia asks do we have any tips for getting good at barrier healing are you healing in Savage or are you healing in casual content is my first question like are you are you doing it like in like Savage groups or are you doing it in like your daily dungeons the weekly normal raid players and stuff like that maybe doing the msq more casual content I don't do Savage um outside of Desperate Measures this button this button and this button so at the purium physic and soccer are supposed to be used when you're not in combat um if you can make if you can get by so this of course doesn't apply when you're low level if you're level 30 then you have to use these a lot more a lot more right but as you get to a higher level barrier healers actually rely extremely heavily on passive healing from their pets and um abilities you are level 90. um I have a um a video of me uh going over an example um an example uh run of a uh of a dungeon pool in a shot um and if you have seen there are these stream okay how many apps are there going to be made this is um very very worrying to put it mildly at least they don't hit very hard um if you have never ever played scholar before Kalia my advice is um either go into duty support that is a lot of mobs it's ridiculous amount of muscle wow wow let me see if we can catch up if I am a bit more aggressive it seems like the black F itself doesn't spend very much time attacking yeah my advice Carlia is um have you actually first have you ever played a Healer before cardio oh is scholar your first healer um he almost made it to the last wave those uh Giants are disturbing they're very scary um because of course if you have healed before Kalia that might have an impact but whether you have or not my advice or trying a Healer for the first time is actually um go into sastasia like ronstas Tasha as scholar with a group whether it's Duty support or not is up to you but run it learn the toolkit at level 15 or 18. then when you've done that then run either up to you either um Brave blocks long stop or how Hawk Mana opt for your preference and get acquainted with the level 30-ish toolkit we've done that do a level 50 dungeon of something maybe a 51 dungeon if you like there's the dusk vigil um is this the last wave skeleton so they hit like a boss we need more reinforce are you is he getting he is getting more reinforcements oh my goodness are they all melee no they're not oh they get a damage bonus wonderful that uh that explains why they got me so good earlier wait it's almost dead I'm almost dead yeah I don't have any more in me oh [Music] yeah um Orion scholar Ken solo says Tasha minimum level can um so it is the straw like scholar is the strongest healer by a significant margin until you get um like lost straight then Sage starts to be able to keep up because it doesn't have to stop healing um if if your tank suddenly needs extra like you don't you don't have to stop attacking because you just use the video recording right this boss is currently uncleared well I think that if we can beat this boss we will run out of time before we can do the rest of them so I'll try and see if we can beat just this boss then and give it a few more attempts see if we can do it and if you're wondering what on Earth I'm doing right now I'm fishing for a crit thank you now keep forgetting to place my pet it's quite important it's actually losing out on heel cast if it's chasing me mm-hmm it is ridiculous the amount of damage I'm dead [Music] and that is not what I needed yep one hit away it comes but dump [Laughter] oh man hmm it's really close is if that is the red if that is the last pack then the problem the the thing you need to do to beat it is so you may notice that I was actively like targeting the the people in the pack and that's because the dudes in the pack they do like 80 damage per swing um but then after a while they use this ability called Fortis which improves their damage to like 370 per swing and like just add 300 to every swing the colossi do like 250 per swings somehow that's survivable like the Boston 700 but it often distracts itself doing other stuff so it's sort of almost doable and but the dudes need to be killed before they do the Fortress thing the problem is that I can't cleave them because um like is the is the day are the apps based on the boss's HP like what causes the apps to spawn is it a time thing in laughs I could try and cleave them a bit more the first three waves are timed hmm foreign check is on that I was cleaving them from the beginning and they still started casting forties hmm oh there it is it appeared to happen right when one of the girls I dropped to uh like 50 HP could it be an HP thing I'm way behind on damage oh man yeah I can't do it I can't I can't do that I'll try I'll try one more time did it come out earlier this time or later skeleton a whole lot of cardio today yeah I know right basically the solo challenge streams is a Kai's um workout they because it always falls back onto blueberry well blue major scholar I should say um it might be a time thing than a skeleton I think there is a lot more value in killing one of the colossi quickly then having two of them at like 50 percent because one less colossi means like 250 less damage every three seconds or so so if it's time based and it might be time based then there's no reason to split the damage too much okay and just to be clear if we beat this boss we will not we will not have enough time to beat the rest of the dungeon we simply won't um so I'm not going to try but it is nice to know whether it can or cannot be beaten because if it can be beaten then there is a point in someone later down the line uh attempting it for the full dungeon with for instance scholar elses we are having Altos it is on I'm trying my best at least it might not have been on when you asked sorry hmm and then they I get to go out of range because they're just huddling over there in a corner that's really really annoying and I missed my uh Whispering Dawn because I was out of range because it was chasing the dudes that's really really annoying skeleton what are you being with you could poison a Colossus do you mean bile hmm the poison potion um the potions that I tried previously they capped out at level 35 and the poison potion itself does like like the high level one quote-unquote high level one I believe I tested it and it did like 300 or 400 damage it's so little that it's not worth the hassle of trying to use it due to how finicky potions can be um that's partly why I stopped bringing them in the first place because it felt like it was really difficult to actually get them to even activate in the first place and when they did they didn't really do very much the blinding should work on a lot of stuff that's true um but the specific mob that would be most helpful to Blind would actually be the Black Earth himself because he does like 700 damage per swing [Music] foreign [Music] a normal dude the reason why blind works on so many mobs in A Realm Reborn is because blind used to be a thing like used to be a thing that you actually use defensively and like that was an actual thing to do um so if it didn't work on something that was actually pretty problematic if you think about it with the limb suppose shouldn't be better of it would heal for slightly more than the mega potions that I'm using it wouldn't make a huge splash I don't think not enough that it would really be worth it but it is a good suggestion hmm I don't have anything left hmm hmm I lost a lot of healing to um or I lost a lot of HP to the fact that I forgot to finish the Colossus I was trying to kill um so that was a little bit of a bad attempt but it is really close I think because the thing is we die because I can like if if I can kill like just one of the spear Ben guys we might actually be able to like like turn the tables one more attempt eight attempts later oh I'll see how much we can try I'm not going to go into the dungeon and clear all the trash again that much is certain so we at least have however many attempts we had in 48 minutes or when I'm tired or I give up hmm yeah I could imagine you would be dizzy I'm just going to focus one of them foreign [Music] nice a crit ically shooting that thank you yeah palms are sweaty and it's very very sweaty right now this is uh blank if you better not have some enraged timer or some secret bonus mechanic I'm actually going to get really mad if you do mm-hmm just anyone wondering I am aware that my ether flow is ready I could spend it I'm considering whether it's better to have five lost trades just in case um or if I should dump it on damage because I I'm willing to go and just run around that's what it takes hmm wow he has a lot of HP should have been called he should have been the black if he should have been the thick if the biggest and the reason he's named the big EFT is a the black f is actually because when you see how much HP he has you go f he's a boss he is still unreasonably chunky like look at this how many shots do I need to throw at him to get him to drop one percent if that's my extremely freaking thick nice that's good that that works for me it seems to take around two ruins to get one percent and that's of course including the bio taking so that means at least a hundred more uh ruined twos and however many bios that takes um and a hundred of those would take four minutes so that would take like eight bios hmm out of war no I'm staying away because if I if I let him hit me then I'm going to need to heal myself more and that's going to cause me damage and out of War only does 10 more potency than than ruin two so it's not worth the risk if I have to cast add locurion on myself once then because I was casting out of War then I lose the equivalent of 15 hours of War well if 15 hours of War basically in the damage gain I would have gained from spanning ruin 2 instead like it's very little and it's not even 10 it's 10 like 140 versus 150. and if it if it ends up requiring me to use healing more then I'm going to lose out on energy drains which are 100 potency so I just don't think it's worth going in for it but it is a good suggestion but there's also a little part of me that goes I can win this by just repeatedly doing what works I don't have to change anything I will win this through endurance alone during his cast you could ruin one that is true I could probably also run in for an art of War while he's casting something like this that is a good point that is a very good point since What I've Done previously has just been run further away while he's doing that which tends to not do very much [Music] ah didn't hit him [Music] thank you very good suggestion I don't know how much it will matter on the overall damage but thank you Remia I hadn't even considered doing that hmm we beat the black gift now I'm pretty sure we managed that both to a combination of I think we had like an an additional free critical ad look curium swiftcast in the middle of the fight like that one is random and I think we had at least one or two like life-saving critical lustrates as well um now there might also have been some lucky crit damage that made the difference but I did tell you like before that pool I said if we can kill one of the spear guys we might be able to turn it around and this attempt was the only attempt we managed to kill both both of the Mages and the spear guy and the instant the spear guy died I started to turn the match around like that was the instant that we started to like recover um so yeah that was the specific requirement you need to get all of the ads and all of the first waves down these colossae are not mandatory but all of the dudes you need to kill the dudes because when they don't hit very hard at first they do like five times more damage if you let them stay and the Mages arranged um I don't think this is possible with a melee job I I don't think it's possible with a melee Japan pretty sure you can't do it with any other healer because we needed ruin 2 to do this the only other one that might have like a huge maybe is like Sage because they have dyscrasia but uh Let's see we have 30 minutes we can see if we can if we can actually progress Beyond this if this is a never done before space with a solo synced character when we might as well see how much we can see before the time it drags us out right Medicus those are white Mages I'm pretty sure thank you everyone I hope that was uh entertaining to watch me run in circles for about an hour aside from the hour that you watch me run in circles in Orem Bale [Music] maybe we might just barely get an attempt on the second boss [Music] throw more dots more dots throw more dots you know isn't the Medicare supposed to be a Healer why are you not healing anyone like this would be a lot harder for me if you could heal but you're not hmm yeah the reason why I'm dotting everything and then intentionally killing off the Medicus guys first is because they're arranged so while I'm kiting they get a lot more hits in um so I would rather not have to deal with that risk um I would rather just take it safe and get rid of them first and then there's a chance that it'll lead to me getting more energy drains that is the reason like we could do way more damage by just plotting everything and then just letting everything stay alive but I feel it's safer to deal with the ranged mods first hmm hmm I might be able to just out of War 3 mobs not that kind of three mobs I don't actually feel super confident of that all right murals enjoy your night I just assume you beat everything within the remaining 29 minutes thank you for the vote of confidence I'll see how far I can get and then the timer will kick us out eventually but I want to see how much we can get I think we lost like 40 minutes on the blackaft but one thing I'm very interested in seeing is because I'm pretty sure the second boss has a stack marker I'm pretty sure the second boss has a stack marker and if it has a stack marker then I want to know can you actually live that because if you can't then there was no hope for this run in the first place like then then it didn't matter that we could beat Black gift [Music] and you should really risk out of War a bit more it seems like the mobs like in packs of three aren't particularly threatening especially when there's no ranged in them there's also the books Max to be had oh they just also pulls that's a little bit scary how hard do you hit how strong are you how tough are you okay that is that is pretty tough um foreign the whoops only had one that time trying to get as much damage as I can I really want to see that the second boss trying to do as much damage as he can he says and then he doesn't even do boob Smacks I'm holding on to The Ether flow so that I can restock go back in here hmm that's the last ones right these maps are really really weirdly weak of what we had to deal with in the very start of the dungeon like really really easy [Music] okay we can get the maximum out of War damage spam this dungeon is quite front loaded I don't know isn't the last room before the final boss in this dungeon kind of brutal or was that nerfed too heavily when they reworded it like in the old version you typically skipped most of it because you could just like go and do the like click the buttons while the tanks tanked the S and then everything would just disappear hmm right second boss and I forgot to eat food buff how long has that been down foreign [Music] can't remember what that does here it's really hard it was definitely the right move to uh hold on to my ether flows oh a tank Buster can I survive that I can thank you [Music] uh yeah sure you're kind of skeleton [Music] like they might find the stream themselves like there's nothing wrong with you sharing it whoops that was a wasted Whispering Dawn foreign [Music] thank you for checking in on the stream hope you have a good evening [Music] this boss has a even more absurd amount of HP it feels like nope it's about the same actually I think okay Mia good night and blue asks how's it going well we beat the black aft a little bit ago which supposedly is uh something that hasn't been soloed before so I think it's going pretty well now we're trying to see if we can beat this boss I know we don't have enough time to actually beat the whole dungeon because of the timer running out but I want to see if we can beat this boss just out of Interest I had to clarify it's been so lot but not so much soon I mean yeah I heard that it has been soloed in I heard that it was soloed at level 60. the warrior I think or the tank at least [Music] yeah I don't think we have enough time to actually beat the rest of the dungeon yeah this run is suit it's not minimum item level but it's just synced um and we might have been able to do the rest of the dungeon in time with the difficulty of this boss if we didn't spend like 40 minutes trying to get the black gift [Music] thank you The Scholar player was level 59 oh foreign [Music] but this boss seems to be very very very doable synced in the trash after the black effect is very very very simple to deal with as well so the big thing that's going to be up in the air that I won't be able to answer in this run is can the final boss be beaten and I'm pretty sure that has a stack marker so that one is uh is pretty important [Music] yeah surprisingly few mechanics yeah the the reason why I'm saying that it's more that I don't actually think I have enough time to both kill this boss reach the final boss and also attempt the final ball so that's why I wouldn't know but I'm pretty sure that the final boss has a stack marker and then it's pretty important to know how much damage that does man I don't know um and as I did mention when we killed the black aft I'm pretty sure that my kill had multiple like lucky parts to it like I had a uh like I started the fight with a critical ad aquarium that I forced to happen of course and then I had a Lockheed at aquarium crit in the middle of the fight and I had at least one if not two um lucky illustrate Chris that happened at a moment where I would probably die if I didn't get that in that very moment so like you you would need to both clear all of the trash up to the black if and like assuming assuming that you would need to like do what I did to beat the boss you might not need to do all that but then you would need to be lucky to kill it like you would still need luck to get it down and that might not be super fun when the trash takes like 15 minutes on it on their own [Music] all right what's the current eye level gear like well I'm just using a crafted set so like I don't have any material [Music] um I suppose I have a like oh right there's a pack here um like I haven't actually done a lot of optimization for this so it might also be a lot more doable if you like maximize the uh the gear I don't know how much you can do since uh you're dealing with item level 60 as the cap but maybe you would know better about that blue yeah the unsynced would have a lot more like if they're using like Iron Works gear they would have item of 130 at least if they're like level 50 59 and doing it but if they have the best gear they could have at level 59 and you they're just doing it for fun instead of um like limiting themselves to the Gear they would have available I don't know what they could possibly do um but uh me doing it soon to means that I'm a little sick ice level 60 which means that the primary thing is what stats are on my gear pieces since like that's the only thing that I have to work with High School 90 gear from boots well that might be slightly worse they might not have the like inherently so many steps on the gear that they would uh uh have both of the stats on hp's max out that might be a little worse than what I have depends on how good this like how perfect the steps on the gear are like that also plays plays a factor in that but if you're not using item level 60 here then you will you will not get the benefit of material should you choose to use that I don't even know if there's any half decent item number 60 gear I just know that we checked and Ice level 60 is the ice is the sync the important thing to remember when you get synced down is that if you're not using like max level gear then both of the stats on that gear piece will be maxed out to whatever it can be at ice level 60. so this piece would have as much crit and parts as it could have but if you could have a crafted itemable 60ps that was Penta melded for example that would almost certainly have like significantly more stats than what I could get from this so like if if you can I don't know if there is item level 60 crafted yeah I would assume there might be but that would be pretty significant [Music] foreign to kill all of these even if I have the damage I don't have the time a pack like this is going to take like several minutes I'm pretty sure [Music] mm-hmm I really want to get rid of the ranged first even even if I don't have the time because I'm kind of falling behind on healing my attack magic potency was 360 versus his that was 446 so right the the one that was level 59 right oh right I keep mixing it up the pearlsnip was level 59 technically did it unsubed so their eyes mobile 90 gear would apply whereas I'm in ice metal 60 gear the 23 more damage is pretty crucial actually because um the uh um the the crucial part of me beating the fight came down to me being able to kill the the human enemies before their Fortis buff overwhelmed me um so 23 more damage would make that basically borderline trivial like if we even if we completely ignore any like health-based advantages extra defense and stuff like that doing 23 more damage would make the DPS Race part of the black F5 trivial [Music] whoops that was a little bit wasteful imagine if Six Flags at AOE damage imagine if Sid could just finish it that would also be helpful if I could just kite them into his blast that that would work too it would also be easy it would probably be easy as a blue I don't know if blue would be able to trivially deal with uh the first boss actually um what's your potion is that that is a mega potion the reason why it is a mega potion is because with my specific HP threshold like some specific amount of HP I have it is the one that gives the most HP per minute if you use it on cooldown at least according to my calculations and it's because I'm in a really weird HP threshold where technically the next potion would heal for more but the next potion has a longer cooldown which makes it not better but yeah I don't know if blue Mage would find this easier I would imagine that the apps can't be stunned I might be able to do it if I had more time unfortunately we don't we can reach the final boss it is Casper meridianum soloable maybe soluble synced maybe can you solve the final boss hmm and sit over there not helping we have 30 seconds sit if you want to save the day or not um I can't kill them in time unfortunately skeleton right I'll be right back [Music] foreign foreign apparently Maddie was here in blue said I can't remember but I have the precise HP thresholds of each potion uh um to switch on I have that too mega potion is it caps out it's scaling at 2400 HP but the x potion doesn't actually Beat It until 3763 HP even if it if if it scales faster or scales more because those 11 seconds of extra cooldown heard it really badly Ben is the reason that I was using Mega potions because I was in the really awkward 3200 HP area where I'm like too far away from the x potion so the mega potion is kinda weak sauce in comparison I don't know if blue is still here there's another better plot I have the uh the Maelstrom one um but you only get to get you can only bring one of those if that's the one you're thinking of yeah we we did talk about that one I believe uh I can't remember if it was in your skeleton Orchestra um that brought it up um but uh I said I I said I actually I think it was skeleton that said maybe it was worth bringing it even though you only get one because that one might be worth re-clearing all of the trash just to get it um wait is it it is is it in this tab or is it in this tab the dusken draft Yeah that would heal for one thousand on a 30 second cooldown which is obviously better in every way um can use it faster eels for more but the problem is you only get one um and I don't know it's 160 HP and two seconds that you save and I usually when I died it was not by 160 HP or even 300 HP it was typically that I fell behind so the mobs got too much uptime on me um if that is true if you're on a full solo account it is extremely expensive um to do that um since you won't have to go and Farm Grand companies would take a long time so I think we lost like it might be easier to check like by going back in the Stream but I think we lost like 40 minutes on the ift like the the kill try I think still took like 10 minutes but I'm pretty sure we spent 40 minutes on the left alone which means that like we like we we reached the final boss we were like if we had one more minute we would have been ready 24 minutes of wipes between first and successful pool so does that mean that we only spent 24 minutes there what do you mean that it's 24 minutes from first pull starts to last poll begins okay in that case we lost 24 minutes that's true but we then we would have reached the final boss with like uh with like around 20 22 or 23 minutes which would have still been pretty good like unless there is some mechanic on her that we needed to figure out um then it would be a matter of just doing it um I would assume that does she have does she have that let me check do we have the information on that hmm does she have a stack marker oh right she has the soft enrage um last phase might be nasty sensor spam might rtps embrace hmm yeah the the final bit is from 18 percent and if she has amount about as much HP as the other bosses then it would take around a minute of just spamming ruin two to kill her a little bit more than a minute I think um and if she can have like if she can out BPS Embrace and Allah straight every 20 seconds or so then you would need to use epicurum as well lemon says are you winning then we we did beat we actually did beat the black aft and then we beat the second boss whatever its name is Vanguard something or another and then we ran out of time like a minute before we would reach the final boss and now we're kind of just talking about is it possible to beat the final boss um but yeah it would it would pretty much require based on what we're getting to I think you would need you would need to kill the black if in your first try and then you would have to like kill all of the trash as quickly as possible quite aggressively um and then you might have like 25 maybe 26 minutes um to fight the final boss that would not work skeleton that wouldn't work how would I enter synced how would I intercept with a little 90 and so three to the 90s like I would need to go with a with a light party synced do the dungeon properly get to the final bars and do that that could be done and you're saying it wouldn't work for a submitted run I didn't know there was a thing in submitting solo runs I didn't know that was a thing I haven't submitted anything it would work for the to answer the question can you solo Catherine meridianum synced that would answer that question um but I would rather like do a full run now the question is whether it would be interesting to see me do this again on another stream and whether we would rather move on to a more doable thing um I only do these solo streams every so often but maybe next one yeah um but yeah the the big annoying part is that it felt like I beat the black if through luck you couldn't name the stream after that in one Quest you rock the cast from I could do that do you think that is a good idea hmm I think I think that is a good idea skeleton if we can get a light party together for it and then just go through like and reach the final boss or reach at least the bit before like reach to the final boss and then I'll solo it that could work for me um like so that we can get the question answered um because I I like we can even get the quit like figure out well how much time would you need um by just saying let's start the clock when we get to the final boss right how long does that bus take um and you would just need like a light pad to do it I don't mind doing that um is the best key like is the closest to its number 60 militia gear exactly if you have 20 23 minutes can you do it now the thing is that technically you just need to get one attempt where it takes less than 23 minutes [Music] that is really weird is there an ice level 60 gear in the game okay that isn't crafted this post Ultima oh foreign if it isn't crafted that like is militia armor is that crafted can't remember how to read whether you can over melt something indeed skeleton in almost all circumstances ice metal beats Up's optimal secondary stats the exception actually has nothing to do with getting synced and has everything to do with the fact that in the second rated of shadowbringers there was a gear set that used like a 20 item that was worth helmet for tanks and was like point one percent weaker than the best in slot and the helmet was easier to get because it was from an extreme so technically the answer is almost because there is a specific exception and this might also be an exception and she is crafted and mildable yeah so the important thing is can you over meld it um I I can just buy this and see how strong is that like what can what would be would we be able to do with that how how strong material can it get four that's also true healers often do weird stuff to avoid piety rings in this rate here tanks do weird stuff to avoid skill speed again Bayside level 70. it's material three it says material three [Laughter] um so that would be you just see right there is nowhere cannot be overmelted stipulation on these materials so it would just be plus three steps across the board so that would mean we could add 15 stats to this um so we added 15 stats to this militia row we could add 15 crits now it currently has 24 directed which is pretty nice and so what my chest piece that I have right now would have is 24 crit and 24 determination when it gets scaled down well actually we have slightly more because it would be item number 60. what is there a level item number 60 chest piece like any Ice mobile 60 chest piece blessed gown [Music] so 25 crit it will have 25 crit but the crafter wants work no that wouldn't work they have like completely different stats as far as I know let me just check you can see they have like 89 craftsmanship so it's it's not super but 25 crit and 25 determination is what this chess piece would have 25 crit and 25 did a determination plus it would have slightly more vitality and slightly more mind like maybe one or two points and very slightly more defense which is important because of the damage the mobs do meanwhile this would be able to get 15 crit 17 spell speed and 24 directed um which is six extra points of like secondary attributes like properties six but you're trading Vitality mind defense for it and also crit is typically more desirable than spell speed for instance um I don't know if it if it is as desirable at item level 60 um what food were you using I was using crits determination food I was actually just using the food I had on me um in retrospect I could probably add used better food for that particular occasion but I didn't hmm but yeah I I don't think I I honestly have no clue how food scales interesting stuff I know it gives you 10 determination Vitality or crit but at most 62 crit 143 vitality and 103 determination so if I hypothetically let's jump back in right that's the cutscene then I don't know why it closes my character's character sheet specifically every time I enter so it should give me 48 or 49 crit and 35 determination and 33 vitality but they do that that looks right loses to the same percent not sure how much the better food helps over what is fully solo capable um what is fully solo capable would probably be drastically worse um let me just hop out again I'm not sure what you can get because I haven't really like my holes in this race is that I think it's fun to do difficult content um so I would assume that anything beyond this would be inaccessible bacon bread is that the best one yeah that would be significantly effect it would it would be affected [Music] um if you have it high quality yeah if you have it higher quality then what would happen is you wouldn't actually lose that much vitality because I got 33 Vitality from my food bacon bread would give 28. so that's five lost [Music] um and I believe I got 43 crit so that would be equivalent to the 33 tenacity and you would probably get 33 tenacity because yeah um if you have tenacity on your gear as a tank of course um and you would get the 17 crit which is a lot worse than 35 determination like the secondary stats you would lose like a third but the Vitality you're only losing like five points that might be different for scholar yeah it would definitely be something that doesn't have tenacity on it [Music] it would not be that um if you can make this if you could make this this would probably be the best um especially because you would probably have directed on your disciple of magic gear that you're probably wearing thank you for hanging out gilano we're also probably stopping very soon we've gone way over time but it is interesting to to mess with but I would probably say Flint carrier if you can make flint caviar I don't know if you can I wouldn't be surprised if the reason you're making bacon bread is because those five materials are accessible and maybe those four aren't um but this is probably slightly better for a scholar this wouldn't help you because you're not you're not lacking MP you're not lacking MP so that isn't the problem um so the piety would be wasted like in that case you would probably rather have um the uh the slightly more Vitality on the bacon bread or the Flint cap why does the this one have less fatality weird yeah I would think this um and just uh while we're on the subject the reason I went as a scholar is because ruin 2 is incred ibly overpowered for soloing stuff um like that is not as impressive but I solo Cutter's cry with the final boss hardly hurting me because I could just run it around the room because ruin 2 is overpowered um and well we beat our mail without teasing it we beat locksmith by outrunning locksmith so of course if you tell me a boss is difficult my question is can you outrun it and if the answer is yes it was Garuda first the second try I think it was second try and that was also something we tried with the tank first but Scala can do it that is true um scholar is really silly like just straight up it's really silly [Music] um but yeah [Music] um I I think I I will say blue just because I I don't want to like put forth um like a false hope but I think like based on how tight the like the margin was on me actually beating the black ift um I think that it might be actually important that you have like actually like you're getting down scaled like that your gear is maxed out on those secondary stats and stuff like that which means that it might not mean that you can beat it with a solo account um but that is of course just just for the record not what I was trying to prove I was just trying to see if we can beat it suit um but it would not surprise me if if like I don't know woots gear sinked down uh lacking some of the secondary stats from being sunk down not sure how high an Iceman we'd need to Max cap the steps is wootsky a tradable tradable it was icemobile 90 right it would be maxed out yeah it would be maxed out if it is Ice mobile 90 it would just just barely be maxed out because I would have had 20 like we looked at that and I smell it was 60 gear piece would be have 25 on their uh highest secondary stat so if you could get ice level 90 gear just a full set of item number 90 gear that is high quality or a Dungeon Drop then you could then you would have maxed out steps now the problem another question is completely it will is it the correct stats does that matter I don't know but it's complicated um and I managed to do it once I don't know if I could be able to do it again now I think that is all I have in me for tonight we were supposed to end right around when we started the Run actually shortly after the run started and then I decided to be uh to be determined and try anyway yeah exactly we also did locksmith without line of sight on this stream um so yeah it's weird that it's a the mice's ministry studies on the uh on the stream thumbnail it should really have been locksmith with a Band-Aid on its head or whatever it is um on its flower um because we we did that too and it shouldn't even be gun break around with Dominator should have been scholar again um but yeah uh if you enjoyed what you saw on this stream you like what you see in the channel remember that there is a community Discord a YouTube channel makes it easy to find to catch um whenever I post a new video when you stream whatever it is there's a channel specifically showing you when there's new content and there is a channel where I post a week schedule so you can catch the next solo stream when there is one m and there's also a lot of cool people to talk with and if you liked the stream itself and leave it a like if you like you can also not that's okay [Music] um and that is pretty much everything I have thank you all so much for watching and good night or good morning afternoon depending on where you are in the world and I hope to see you all very soon good night [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Caetsu Chaiji Ch.
Views: 470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FFXIV, ARR, HW, SB, ShB, EW, Endwalker, Solo, Challenge, Hard, Difficult
Id: owdgWS1P4As
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 272min 50sec (16370 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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