FFXIV: Endwalker Conjurer/White Mage 1 to 90 Leveling Skills Guide

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welcome to the white mage 1 to 90 leveling skills guide in this guide we'll cover all of your skills as you train to pray to the heel bush better than the rest of them but also hopefully kill your enemies along the way much just go from this i don't want dps i just wanna heal to this holy holy heel bush holy this series is framed in the microsoft play is completely new to final fantasy 14 or the mmo genre in general or generally still inexperienced in that same vein this will merely be an overview of the actions and how to use them optimal rotations are better left to their own in-depth videos just due to how much complexity is involved in perfect openness and overall rotations this is not meant to be a purely optimal guide if you wish to be optimal at level cap there are further places you can research your job on we will however be crafting rotations as we go to help new players understand what goes through creating openings and give them a forward to push themselves into being able to do it on their own the goal is to draw players in on the ground level so they can make strides to improve themselves all tool tips will be shown at the level cap for each section level 50 for a round report level 60 for heavensward skills level 75 storyboard stuff level 80 for shadow bring his levels and level 90 for end walker i also recommend all players add sprint and limit break to their hot bars both found in the general tab of your actions menu and as for how my hotbar is build it'll make sense at 90. just put skills on your hot bars in a way you feel comfortable using as you are leveling everyone has their own way of doing things if you want more info on how i set up my ui check the description or the card for a video on it and keep the following in mind patches can change jobs still be sure to check the description for any patch notes for minor potency changes or skill changes or any other special notes with all that out of the way let's begin white mage is as simple as it gets for healing big heals and big damage when you put it out you tend to be less flexible in what you put out but anytime you do put out healing it is big heels you're even the only healer with a heel that guaranteed heals a player's full hp your main focus is pure heals and heals over time or hots but you do have some minor shielding capabilities aside from big numbers the big gimmick of white mage is mostly inactive slowly gaining resources passively for abilities you use last in the priority list but better use than your normal heals they also allow for some extra movement for using them over your normal spells and you are encouraged to do so for yet more big hits and big damage so even the extra bit you have to manage is pretty low effort compared to any other healer to play a conjurer you either start as one or pick the class up in the gridania conjures guild after completion of your level 10 class quest as your first class let's get into the finer details of each skill level 1 stone we start off with a basic destroyer of glass houses it has a 1.5 second cast time and costs 200 mp it deals 140 potency of damage to a target there isn't much to be said about it other than you want to spam this button a lot all the way up to level 90. level 2 cure this is the basic healing spell we have it heals 450 ponzi to a single target it also has a cast time of 1.5 seconds and cost 400 mp don't think you need to be using this button a lot take note of just how much this heals you when you use it if you're healing yourself for half your health with just one cast you don't need to be healing yourself for every slight bit of damage the same goes for any allies in party if they are taking scratch damage you don't need to heal them be smart with your healing a good healer will make effective use of every cast they heal less not more all without letting people die thanks to efficiency in their heels level 4 arrow arrow has no cast time and costs only 200 mp it deals 50 potency of damage to an enemy then places a 30 pouncey damage over time or dot to the enemy for 30 seconds dots work on a servatic which occurs every three seconds divide the length by 3 for 10 dot ticks for a total 300 potency 350 including the initial hit it takes 9 seconds to be as strong as a stone and any damage beyond that is a nice bonus before spamming stone on enemies put arrow on them up against three enemies put arrow on each one then cycle back to the first to spam stone until it dies this takes down one enemy at a time while still giving you better damage output plus since you're a healer you can handle being attacked by a group by healing yourself in party content when the tank is pulling groups of enemies you can further use this tactic for even more effect tanks often end up pulling multiple groups of enemies at once groups of enemies have walk times between them even if you use sprint it will take maybe 5 10 seconds to reach the next group of enemies that's time you cannot be using stone but can use arrow while running between packs of enemies put arrow on each one if every enemy has arrow on it and you're still on the move keep using arrow 50 potency of damage is better than none rotating through all the enemies also keeps the dot running through the entire encounter also speaking of through an entire encounter bosses will take several applications of arrow if a boss takes two minutes that's four uses of arrow keep it running through the entire boss then get back to spamming stone and so we begin to earn our role actions at level 8 we will get repose at level 10 will be esuna some of these role actions are extremely important i will however not be going over them here in the corner and description is a link to a role actions video if you need to know what these skills do go check that video level 10 medica this is our first aoe area of effect skill it has a 2 second cast time costs 900 mp and has a 15 yard range you and all allies in range will be healed for 300 pounds of healing once again no real need to heal any scratch damage but if there's a bit of damage missing from multiple players rather than throw out two three or even four heals of cure throw a medica to heal people up as you progress more bosses will have raid wide damage that hits everyone so you'll definitely need to be using at least a bit of aoe healing if you want to survive with more extreme cases of it you'll be doing multiple heals for the group don't expect to use this much at all outside of bosses though trash mobs your goal is keeping the tank up over anyone else so america isn't going to help you too much there it's very basic and we'll be seeing much more interesting options as we progress level 12 raise with an insane 8 second cast time and 2 400 mana cost this revives a fallen player be it your fault or someone else's people will die things happen mistakes happen lessons get learned this will be one of those lessons before committing to a raise make sure everyone else in the party will survive while you're stuck standing still then start casting and get the dead player up as soon as you can the best case scenario though is you can use swift cast this turns the 8 seconds into 0 seconds you still have the recast time but you're able to move and get back to healing the rest of the party sooner or mentally preparing for healing the player when they get up you do need to heal them after they get up they do not have a lot of hp after raising and a stiff breeze will knock them right back down you'll need to give them at least something before any form of raid wide damage comes out or before they get themselves killed again the good thing is there's some leeway that you can inform players of if they don't make use of it there's about 5 seconds of invulnerability after raising a player almost nothing goes through this involve meaning you have time to heal the issue is if that player does any action before you heal them that involve will end prematurely if they immediately act after raising and just die again tell them about the involve and maybe you'll save yourself and all future healers they get some trouble aim to keep people alive but sometimes it's just not possible make sure everyone else lives then fix whatever mistake happened we have two more role actions coming in here there's lucid dreaming at level 14 and then the previously mentioned swift cast at level 18. level 18 stone mastery and stone 2. this is an upgrade to stone it has become stone 2. it now does 190 pounds of damage arrow is now only stronger than it after 15 seconds but that's okay just place arrow on every enemy you come across if just for the practice enemies do quickly start getting good amounts of hp to survive long even in party environments level 20 maim and mend this is the trait that passively increases all damage in healing you do by 10 your numbers are very low at this point so you're likely not going to even notice a difference it's more just the base level of numbers have gone up across the board enemies have gone 10 up as well when you think about it level 30 cure2 this is our first class quest bass skill all the way at level 30. i hope you've been doing them and will continue to do them into your job quests those will give you a lot of skills very important ones this will be the only time i verbally mention this requisite the top left will otherwise denote when something is quest locked this is a separate skill but essentially a replacement for q1 it has a 2 second cast time costs 1000 mp and heals a single target for 700 potency it has a slower cast time and 250 percent the cost but consider what i said earlier you want to heal less but more efficiently the power is much higher can heal a huge chunk of even tank hp bars and the mp cost isn't a cost if you aren't running low if you're sitting on a full mp bar what really is an mp cost between normal regen and lucid dreaming mp isn't a huge worry in most cases making as much use of the full power of kier2 you'll be using less heals overall and have the extra mp to spare start shifting to using kir2 over cure 1. kill 1 will see some fringe usage when needing a slightly faster cast time like if you need to move and heal or if things are going poorly to the point of running out of mp but otherwise has served its purpose in a decent group you really shouldn't see the mp issue to obtain the white mage job you must first reach level 30 and complete the level 30 conjure request additionally complete the main scenario quest self-management which is at level 20 in the story return to the guild and the quest should be there for you level 30 presence of mind this is our first ability as a white mage it has a two minute cooldown and lasts for 15 seconds for the duration cast time recast time and auto attack delay are reduced by 20 percent this is a skill that often gets relegated to openers and using it for dedicated damage 20 faster attacks means to getting an extra few attacks which means enemies die faster this can also be used for faster healing when a lot of damage is going out you may need to cast multiple heals quickly or maybe some movement is involved cutting down on your cast times means you can stop for a second to throw a heal then get back on the move this is the harder way to use it but is still quite effective using presents for just damage is a very easy trap to fall into by all technicality it is optimal but it loses you out on some flexibility on an already inflexible job besides used for healing you'll still have a good half of the duration for throwing out damage instead and uh our opener is done there is one more skill we add at level 56 but it doesn't change anything really so let's just go through it and talk about what little there is pre-pull stone two arrow stone two stone two presence of mind stone two stone two and it keeps going we pre-cast a stone two to hit the moment the tank pulls this will often be hard to do in random parties so don't be too upset if you're unable to get this stone to win we then throw on arrows of the dot begins to tick after two stones we'll then use presence of mind we'll wait a little bit not because of everything we do in specific this is because of party buffs everyone else will be giving out debuffs to enemies or buffs to you this lets us fit in as many stone cats within party buffs timers just remember what i said though presence of mind does have other potential uses in later levels you may even want to use it for those situations openings are usually safe to throw out presence of mind but your mileage may vary that's it though healers are extremely basic when it comes to rotations on average especially white mage basic but strong healing basic but strong dps so let's get right on to the rest of the toolkit level 32 free cure level 35 regen okay not actually but also that is an accurate summary of a free cure this isn't something you really ever intentionally use every cast of q1 comes with a 15 chance of making a next q2 free if used within 15 seconds q1 has already been near completely replaced by kir2 as it is if you're using q1 things are probably already going horribly that 15 chance could maybe save you but it's 15 you're using a weaker heel for a low chance at a free cast of the stronger heel you could already be using thanks to a non-zero mp pool you can't rely on this and you should be trying to use qr2 to the best effect anyway especially when combined with your other skills level 35 regen this is our first hot heal over time it has no cast time and costs 400 mp it does no direct heal instead placing regen on the target for 18 seconds it will heal every three seconds for 200 potency 6 ticks of it in total that is a 1 200 potency heal that is a very very big heel but due to the time aspect of it slowly trickles in when combined with your other heals that is a good thing damage is more consistent than it is burst and you have plenty of tools for dealing with burst damage besides it slows the rate your tank loses hp as they take damage by trash or bosses it may even be enough to entirely heal on its own if the incoming damage is low enough this is where mp economy is firmly in your favor proper use of regen will give you much more to work with since you won't need cure 2 as often a way to uses that may be overlooked is similar to aero wall running between packs of enemies pop regen on the tank this comes with an asterisk though make sure you are standing next to the tank at all times as they are pulling you can move away once they are done pulling and have established full enmity on all enemies but while running from group to group stand next to them that is because if it wasn't already known to you heels generate enmity enemies will attack you for healing if the tank does not grab them standing next to the tank with a regen on them will negate this issue since the enemies won't run right past the tank to try and kill you it makes their job easier while you are still able to passively heal while on the move then you can throw on a fresh regen when you reach the final group of enemies and swap to doing damage until you see a q2 or such is needed if an encounter is long enough and you need healing to be going out you can throw out regen instead of cure2 less mana more healing and any consistent damage is mitigated or fully cleared away get used to feeling out fight pacing now you have a tool to heal players for cheap but over a long period if there is no damage coming out for the next say 20 seconds but you need to heal a dps player who took damage from something they shouldn't have you can put regen on them and ignore them until the next bit of damage it will heal them up way ahead of the next bit of damage patience is a virtue with regen just make sure the next raid wide is a bit further away if you overestimate it you'll need a second heel to top up their hp bar level 40 name and mend two same as at level 20 all healing and damage you do is increased the increase has been bumped up to 30 percent an extra 20. this is enough that you might notice this time but again this is more keeping pace with base values it's more intended balancing than any real buff level 40 cure three with a two second cast time encaustic a very heavy 1 500 mp this heals a target and all allies within 10 yards by 550 potency this is a very very strong aoe spell with some flexibility if for some reason you need to be across the arena from your party and they need to be healed you can target one of them cast your three and heal them all provided they are within 10 yards of each other that's five yards less than medica and that is significant it doesn't quite require point blank but people can't be too spread out in higher end rating this ends up being extremely powerful since players will tend to group up closer for healing and buffing in random groups of just main story or non-high-end trials it will be a little harder to use while you're trying to fine tune the difference in the range here three excels in stack mechanics everyone is already tightly grouped up for a big hit so the range is of no issue what is an issue is that this is a contradiction casual content tends not to hurt all that much so a heel as big as this isn't often warranted ametica medica 2 we'll see in 10 levels or even latest skills we'll get will most often be enough for the damage you take so it's a bit of a hard one to justify but also one i wouldn't say to ignore if you get into high end stuff kier 3 can be a key part of your team surviving but attempting to practice using it will be a bit overkill and also overkill yamana that expense isn't to be ignored either our next role action is sure cast at level 44. level 45 holy burn your enemies to dust holy is an 8 yom aoe around yourself with a 2.5 second cast time the full length of the recast timer it costs 400 mp to use for a 140 potency hit to all enemies in range on top of this any hit enemy will be stunned provided it has no immunity like bosses have the first stun will be four seconds the second's done two seconds and a third stun one second before the enemy becomes immune to stuns holy is a heel this is my motto it will always be my motto on top of damage just outright killing enemies faster and thus making enemies die and unable to hurt the team anymore holy stun is a driving force of why it is so good in dungeons more accurately would be to say holy is a mitigation since enemies cannot attack while stunned properly chained together that is seven seconds the enemies cannot attack the tank do the same thing you always did run with the tank and pop arrow in regen when you stop at the last pack of enemies do any quick topping up if the tank needs it then get to using holy for the next couple seconds the enemies will be doing no damage when the stuns wear off just keep spamming until everything is dead stop for a kia 2 as needed since you're already going to be putting arrow on all the enemies you won't need to worry about those by the time it's time to holy if there are three or more enemies it's time to holy it's stronger on two right now but as your level it'll be three enemies that holy is stronger in damage and two enemies that's pretty non-threatening learn the dance learn how much holy you can do and at least do the three holy casts per group at the worst used as poorly as you can holy is seven seconds of stun that is seven seconds of no damage no healing and the tank able to delay cooldown usage speaking of cooldowns though all tanks have an ultimate cooldown after level 50 that you are highly incentivized to not use wholly during ideally the tank will tell you when they will use their ultimate learn their differences react accordingly and hold on to using holy until after their ultimate is finished ultimates come with complete invulnerability so having your stuns during complete invincibility means they didn't help at all so go crazy with holy just hold a little bit when the tank graces you with a basic communication of i'm going to use my ultimate seriously super useful even if it goes against the basic instinct of being a holy mage level 46 arrow mastery and arrow 2. arrow has been upgraded to arrow 2. the base hit is still 50 potency but now the dot will be worth 50 potency per tick 500 total potency that is a total 550 potency once again after nine seconds arrow is stronger than stone otherwise same usage our final role action is here with rescue at level 48. level 50 medica 2. costing 1 000 mp medica 2 will heal you and all allies within a 20 yard range of yourself for 200 pounds of healing it has a two second cast time on top of this a regen will be placed on everyone healed it lasts for 15 seconds healing 100 potency or a total 500 pounds hot 700 potency heal much like here 2 is a strong but expensive heal and regen is stronger cheaper but takes a while medica 2 is stronger than and cheaper than tier 3 but takes a while as a note regen stacks with medica 2's regen they're not the same buff despite the name however that does not mean use this in trash pools the single target regen is what needs to be on the tank medica 2 could just be a cure to instead and will be more effective medica 2 obviously is for aoe healing if medica isn't enough to fully heal the party after some form of raid wide or stack damage medica 2 will more slowly but more assuredly heal everyone to fool and it has none of the downsides this is even bigger than medica hitting everyone within 20 yarms that's double the radius of cure 3. once again patience is a virtue there's one damaging attack and nothing coming for the next 20 seconds medica 2 and then let the regen handle the rest the cost is almost exactly the same as medica while being significantly stronger so you're even saving mana now by being patient two medicas or one slow acting medica too just be wary of those faster acting fights you may need to supplement medica too maybe a medica to cover the first hit then medica 2 to heal everyone after the second then sit back relax and throw some air in stones holy figures are allowed to do that right level 50 benediction on a three minute cooldown this will fully heal any valid target's hp 1000 hp 10 000 hp 1 million hp it works you might end up considering this only a button for emergencies but it can be used for much more gun breakers ultimate cooldown will always put them to one hp they need to be healed after and benediction is a one button solution if you wouldn't prefer to throw them some cure2 or other skills you have you don't want to holy while the involvement is running after all you can also properly time the skill usage to purposely let the tank get low then heal them all at once with benediction if an emergency never happens then you never used a very strong heal in your toolkit make use of it if nothing else in tougher bosses save a dps with benediction when they take avoidable damage before raid wide if you won't make your own actively look for opportunities to use it benediction is too good to ignore and again it's the only full heal in the game just beware the short animation before the heal applies it's maybe about half a second after hitting the button that the heel goes out that's how we round out the aroma boing tool kit for holy mage the most outright encapsulation of a simple but strong healing we're gonna see some more often used abilities going ahead and some real identity beyond power with heaven's word level 52 secret of the lily and athletist solas you now become a botanist and grow your own lilies on the lily gauge when in combat this gauge will slowly build up a glow after 20 seconds the gauge will fully glow and bloom a lily resetting the timer you can store up to three lilies after a full minute and then the gauge will stop filling lilies will be spent on athletis solus this is a gcd heal the same power as q2 700 potency the differences are that it is instant cast and has no mp cost you spend a lilly and that's it if you're in a situation you need a kier2 hit athletic solus instead if you need a faster heal even if it's weaker don't care one anymore use athletis solus 20 seconds is extremely quick and because healing requirements aren't linear even with consistent and constant damage you could end up having two or three lilies saved up before needing to cast a heal any mana issues you are having will certainly start to melt away now you have a very common completely free heal now again put emphasis on using lilies before cure2 level 52 asylum upon using asylum you will be given a targeting reticle click again or press x on controller to place the skill up to 30 yards away from yourself this will begin the 90 second cooldown and a bubble of healing will appear anyone standing inside the bubble will be healed like a normal hot the act of placing the bubble will also heal anyone inside every tick of healing is 100 pouncy for the 24 second duration that's eight ticks of the hot and a ninth from placing for a total 900 healing to anyone inside the bubble once again patience is rewarded rather than using a medica 2 throw down asylum and just wait for it to do all the work for you and unlike medica 2 you can use this in trash pools as the tank finishes pulling enemies plop an asylum down in the last group of enemies combined with regen this will handle a big chunk of the incoming damage from enemies if the tank gets low within the duration you can pop an athletist to bring their bar back up just beware that the time is limited it will run out eventually in bosses you can use this for just the tank or to cover the entire party depending on boss damage output you can rely on regens alone while they last or with raid wides as mentioned replace medica 2 or if extreme enough both but that's not usually called for but this one does come with a problem people just not standing in the bubble so many people will just stand outside the bubble right outside far away you name it what is wrong with people i don't know but also yell at them if they don't stand in your bubble but also nicely but they should be in your bubble when you place them down one final use is a non-healing use you can use this to visualize the range of cure 3. both are 10 yawms it can be hard to get the feeling of kier 3 because of the animation is faint at the edge of the range but this will show you the exact range of the spell level 54 stone mastery 2 and stone 3. stone 2 is now upgraded to stone 3. this is a 220 potency hit 12 seconds for an arrow to be stronger the given enemies are pretty strong now you will have no issues getting 12 seconds on an arrow timer level 56 a size on a short 45 second cooldown this is both an attack and a heal and also worth 500 mp regen to use all enemies within 15 gallons will take 400 potency of damage you and all allies within range will be healed for 400 potency note damage and healing potency is the same but the damage in healing numbers will differ much like a lot of things in the game it gets boiled down to damage use this on cooldown for a big hit especially in trash 400 times however many enemies that's a lot of damage but it's also a strong heal 400 pouncy is above america any raid wise that would be healed by just america you can skip the medica and use a size slightly more than a medica don't need medica 2 a size might be enough alone try and time-assise as both a heal and damage when you can wait 5 seconds and you can heal a raid wide wait 5 seconds and then use it nothing coming for the next 20 seconds might as well just pop a size to keep the cooldown running get some damage and heal just a tank in a boss fight trash mobs the heal is just about guaranteed to heal the tank a bit even when aiming for damage the tank stops pulling and plants their feet they're gonna take some damage so you can pop a size and then start your holy spam this gives you a bit of help to yourself so you can focus on them holies keep the cooldown running where you can you can get a lot of a size uses over an entire duty and this is the other skill for our opener yeah it does damage some decent damage at that so we want to slot it into our opener it comes in at the end after all the party buffs will be up the same reason as presence of mind simple super easy let's move on to our next skills level 58 thin air this is a skill with charges you can hold two uses of thin air at once the moment you use a single charge the charge time will begin the charge time is 60 seconds or two minutes total for both charges this has one effect for 12 seconds you will be given a buff that reduces the mana cost of any one spell to zero gonna use a cure 3 for some reason prepare a thin air usage and then use kier 3 for completely free for some reason need to spam heels on the tank and you're out of lilies keep your mp up by using thin air on two of them it's a really basic and obvious use any skill with a big ticket mp cost then air it the saved mp from using them for like holy won't make a difference you're not going to run out of mp if you're using lucid and a size from using holy it's those q2s and other heels that will do it level 60 tetragrammaton tetragrammaton is a big name and a big heal on a 60 second cooldown this is an ogcd kia ii combine this with an aphrodisolus and you can heal 1400 pouncy in half a second use it by itself for even a quick freak here too why use an athletic solace at all if you can just tetra did a dps stand in an aoe and you now have to heal them up for the raid wide tetra then go back to worrying about the raid wide which you can probably just decide away the priority keeps shifting why kia one if you can cure two why care too if you can spend a lily while lily if you can touch a gramaton it's simple as strong as your main gcd heals and has a short cooldown keep using it keep the tank alive save the dps right after they make a mistake just don't completely ignore it for some reason again not just saved for emergencies you can prevent the emergency to begin with instead but that's again how holy mage ends simple but powerful this is not a trend going forward though there's going to be some slight complexities in our next level cap skill but we have some simple stuff along the way let's see it in action with storm blood level 64 stone mastery 3 and stone 4. oh man another stone upgrade stone 4 is 260 potency of damage to a target that's it that's the deal level 66 divine benecin on a very short 30 second cooldown this is a shielding ability you place a shield for 15 seconds on a target it is worth 500 pounds of healing you're going to be spamming this quite a lot 30 seconds is short cooldown and it can be used in a few ways throw it on the tank for free damage prevention that can be when they stop pulling enemies so they don't suddenly take a huge chunk of damage when enemies all catch up or it can be used for tank busters big hits bosses do that hurt tanks a lot rather than needing to heal them after just reduce the damage to low or nothing if there's going to be damage coming in just use it up or maybe you're preparing to use it and you see a dps take an extra hit they probably now have a vulnerability up and will take more damage from the next attack tetra them venison them and see them survive quite confidently unless there's like five phone stacks on them that will hurt and then they might only survive just barely thanks to venison but they did survive and that's the difference keeping people at max hp can only do so much a little bit extra of a buffer can make the difference though this will be less about making up the difference and more about just using it a lot aim for those spots but with such a short cooldown you can use it a ton level 70 plenary indulgence this is one that takes a bit of technique but will up our aoe healing power it has a 60 second cooldown and 20 yard range everyone within 20 yards will be blessed with confession for 10 seconds any aoe spells you cast will trigger the confession effect for extra healing 200 pouncey of it this is a short buff that requires you to be spending some healing time a size isn't good enough for confessing your sins you're going to want to bust this out for anywhere there's some big healing required mostly back-to-back damage situations everyone is damaged and there is damage coming up plenary throw out a medica or medica 2 get hurt medica or medica 2 or k3 if there's a possibility medica boosts up to a 500 pounds of heal and cure 3 a 750 potency heal when you add in plenary in more casual content you don't get much of that though you'll pop this just for a singular heal that's needed buff up the initial power of a medica 2 so people don't panic that they're not full hp the moment they take damage or you could even use it for the extremely specific case of you haven't healed the tank in a bit and so the red white actually puts them low on hp so confession will make the aoe heal you are already going to use heal the tank a bit extra for you like i said extremely specific on the plus negative side healing does get harder going forward due to intended scaling so the idea of using it for just a little bit of extra power isn't beyond the realm of commonly useful get the feel for if you're needing multiple heals to solve a healing requirement instead of multiple heals use your tools medica with an asylum medical within a size medica with plenary indulgence and if you have good timing along with the fight having quick aoe timing can even make plenary indulgence solve two instances of damage that's how storm blood ends like i said a bit less simple for a cap skill but once you get into the feel of it it can be a good boost to your healing it gets even better going forward thanks to one of our next skills let's go see it in shadow bringers level 72 arrow mastery 2 stone mastery 4 dia and glare we're getting more potency boost arrow is now becoming dia dia is a 60 potency hit and a 60 potency dot in total that's 660 points of damage stone will become glare glare is a 290 points he hit to a single target by now you know how to use these level 74 transcendent athletes and athletis misery and now we see why people say blood for the blood lily and not just because it is a reference to popular video game space series kerbal space program spendingoid lilies will nourish the blood lily on the right side of the gauge after three lilies are spent the blood lily will bloom when the blood lily is in full bloom we can use alphatus misery this is an instant cast aoe it deals a massive 1240 potency to an enemy and 620 pouncy to all enemies within 5 yards of the initial target this is a massive amount of damage so much so it's actually a dps increase consider the following glare is a 290 pouncy hit four casts of it would be 1160 potency to get a blood lily you must cast three athletis skills and a fourth cast for misery's 1240 potency you actually gain 80 potency every minute for using misery even better is the fact that you are likely spending your lilies anyway you're using lilies to heal your team and passively generating blood lilies for big damage and as mentioned it works for aoe it is unfortunately smaller than holy's range but is more than made up for by being over 600 pounds of damage per enemy you do hit since holy has only three stuns in it you'll easily be able to fit in athletic solace mid trash ball stuns are finished tank is taking damage you throw an athlete of soulless the blood lily blooms and you deal a major hit to the enemies and it takes only two enemies to be a holy on ten if you hit basically anything at all with misery you're just an icon of destruction anytime you have a blood lily use it all but immediately you get so many lilies you can get so many athletes casts you're healing your party and now you're actively gaining damage for it keep the timer running you can hold on to two lilies for anytime you need them but the moment you're about to cap out at three lilies spend one remember once you hit three lilies you pause the lily timer and potentially lose out on more blood lilies level 76 athletis rapture and spending lily should be extremely easy now athletic's rapture costs a lily and is 300 pounds of healing just like medica unlike medica though the range is a wide 20 yarms it nourishes the blood lily like solus this is obvious how to use anytime you would use medica and you have lilies you can just rapture instead especially when movement is needed on top of that this is what makes plenary indulgence even better athlete's rapture will trigger confession so that makes it a 500 pouncy heal now again you have so many lilies and athleticist misery is going to boost your damage you need to heal anyway so focusing on your lilies is going to be extremely useful level 78 enhanced asylum asylum has been granted a secondary buff any players standing inside the bubble will now receive 10 extra healing this can be useful in a bunch of ways you're already using it for the regen and trash pulse to keep the tank up but enemies are doing far more damage than asylum is healing the regen you throw on after the tank steps into the bubble will now be boosted as will all the heals you throw out to them for the duration of asylum in bosses you've been trying to do the same use asylum for some regen so you don't need to do the healing manually enemy damage in aoe's back-to-back situations i mentioned many times asylum itself may not be enough you can now throw down asylum to boost the power of the big heals you throw out between raid wides made it america too the regen from it and the asylum will take care of the second attack quickly or since hopefully everyone is standing inside the bubble tier 3 will work if the damage is that high in 8 player duties you can use this for your co-healer if your scholar friend is preparing a big shield for an incoming mechanic or the next raid wide hit you can place down asylum so their shield is 10 bigger up to now our toolkit has been all things we ourselves could do for our party this time we could do something to help our co-healer do things better level 80 temperance on a two-minute cooldown we are granted two effects for 20 seconds the first is that all healing magic we ourselves do is increased by 20 percent need a giant cure iii cure2 medica 2 or what have you 20 more with temperance the other effect is that you and all allies within 30 yards of you will take 10 percent less damage this is arguably your biggest skill next to even your level 90 skill 30 yards is huge unless you're standing at the edge of an arena or doing alliance raids this is going to affect your entire party for sure whatever damage the mechanics or basic raid wides are throwing out is being mitigated by a good bit what isn't being mitigated is going to be healed extremely quickly by your next aoe heal you don't need everyone standing inside of it like the 10 boost of asylum though that 10 percent boost does stack if your heel can reach them 20 ohms away for an atheist rapture they're getting an extra 20 off of it the hardest parts of a fight to heal the parts with the most mistakes from players this is your go-to button it lasts for quite a while so even some longer mechanics can be covered by temperance slightly more spaced out but still back-to-back raid wide damage can be taken care of with no real issue well maybe some in the higher end stuff both buffs are strong because you will need both of them in whatever you're using it on in the easier content use it any way you see fit couple boss raid wides a busy mechanic with a bit of damage or trash mobs i beat this dead horse because it is truly the hardest part of dungeons 10 less damage for the tank for 20 seconds it's a cool down they are forced to be using if you're unlucky enough to get a tank who uses few or no mitigations temperance is one they physically can't avoid and it helps you heal them just beware of that two minute cooldown it's pretty lengthy so you'll want to be sure you want to use it in this specific spot for trials and raids simply powerful simply helps in a couple ways any point you need to heal and is going to be trouble you now have a tool for it shadow bringeth has bumped up the healing difficulty enough that this will be the perfect companion going forward but let's see what additional we get with end walker now due to the nature of healers and it being hard to show how a healer works outside of content i'm going to show end walker dungeons i will specifically be picking and choosing footage as best i can to avoid spoilers but if you are at all afraid of any spoilers to this wonderful finale come back after you've seen the post game dungeons main story isn't shown level 82 glare mastery holy mastery glare 3 and holy 3 glare and holy are being upgraded to glare 3 and holy 3. where did glare 2 and holy 2 go shut up nobody asked you anyway glare is now 310 potency of damage holy 3 is our first holy upgrade to 150 potency 10 potency on an aoe is actually a lot more significant than a 20 potency gain on a single target misery is still just as strong as ever though level 85 enhanced healing magic this is a bunch of healing potency boosts q1 is now 500 potency with kier2 doing 800. tetragrammaton the ogcd version of q2 is still only 700 so you will see tetra being slightly less effective than akira 2 but still is free and ogcd speaking of though athletis solas is also 800 potency now so that still takes extreme priority still a freak here too medica and athlete's rapture follow that same pattern with both being boosted to 400 potency they are now equally strong in healing to in a size rather than stronger though tier three is also 600 potency region has been boosted to 250 points per tick or 1500 points of healing medica 2 is also a 250 potency heal with 150 potency regen that total is pounds of healing some of these ponzi boosts are small but others like that really big level 86 aqua veil on a short 60 second cooldown this can be placed on yourself or your party member to reduce all damage they take by 15 percent the effect lasts for 8 seconds remember how temperance was great for forcing a tank to have mitigation yeah so is aquafail the timer is short but 15 every 60 seconds means you'll get it for every fight or multiple times in bosses is the tank going to take a tank buster aquavale a dps is super far out of position and is going to take avoidable damage aquavale them to reduce it even nicer if they already have made mistakes and are sitting on bone stacks and increased damage taken it's similar to divine benison in that way anyway that skill is useful aquavale is useful smaller amounts of damage less useful though one or two boss auto attacks that's not exactly helping venison has a fixed amount of damage it will reduce with a pretty lengthy timer twice the length of an aqua veil you really want to stick to those emergency spots for dps tank busters or for the big constant damage of trash pools level 88 enhanced divine venison speaking of the devil divine venison has been upgraded to a skill with two charges this means you can store multiple specifically two uses of divine venison the moment you use one charge the cooldown will begin with a 30 second cooldown that's a total 60 second cooldown to get both charges back from nothing this ups the flexibility of this skill all the exact same uses apply but more or multiple ways at once some kind of mechanic might potentially kill two players give them both a benison instead of saving only one if that would be the difference and with such a short cooldown you can constantly be spending them with little worry you may even want to be spending the charges so that the cooldown is constantly running and you waste no charges the exception is if you know you will need both charges very soon like for back-to-back tank busters or tank busters that hits both tanks can protect them both with venison and even give one an aqua veil on top level 90 lithgy of the bell from this point forward just called lily bell this is a strange but interesting one on a three minute cooldown you were given a target market to place down just like asylum the chosen position will sprout a lilly bell for 15 seconds you will have five stacks of lily bell placed for the duration of the bush any time you take damage with a one second cooldown the lilly bell will send out a 20 yard aoe heal this spends one of the five stacks and heal anyone within range by 400 potency on top of this when time runs out or you press lilly bell again everyone in range of the bush will be healed by 200 pounds per stack of lilly bell so if you have all five stacks of lily bell remaining everyone in range will be healed for 1 000 potency that is a gigantic heal but the potential 2 000 points of healing from the bush is even greater the purpose of this type of skill is due to an increase of smaller but consistent raid wide damage often in the form of stack markers wall used to be relegated to only ark moines many bosses in the high end will now do these kinds of attacks lily bell is the perfect uno reverse card especially if your co-healer is also using their version of this skill rather than your team taking any real damage every hit will be automatically healed by the bush provided it is placed in the right spot it's a bit rough to use in dungeon content dungeon bosses don't often do these multi-hit raid wides and in trash mobs you won't really be taking damage there are extremely rare cases where enemies can do raid wides but generally you'll be manually detonating your bush for a big tank heal trash is forever more dangerous than bosses so a one thousand potency ogcd heal for the tank is nothing to sneeze at this is very much an eight player trial and raid style skill more than some of the other versions of the bush but even the worst use of this is a 1 000 potency heal try and start thinking of uses for this sooner than later though that 3 minute cooldown does restrict your ability to use this as often as you might watch close for those multi-hit raid wides and counter them strongly but that covers the full length of the white mage toolkit it's mostly just straightforward power you might be generally inflexible but the flexibility you do have is more than enough for your power plus you'll have a second healer in the harder stuff there to help out they handle the gymnastics you grow a bush somehow white mage ended up being the better botanist thank you for watching this white mage 1-90 leveling skills guide feel free to give feedback or ask questions on what might still be confusing to you i am always seeking to improve as should you don't stop with this guide even if i succeeded in helping you improve please leave a rating comment sub those really do help creators or even go follow my patreon have fun in the adventures across eurasia and may the power of animated hogslay waste to your enemies
Channel: WeskAlber
Views: 81,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ff14, beginner, learning, guide, endwalker, opener, rotation, healer, shield, barrier, WHM, CNJ
Id: UMq4VPBw60E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 42sec (2982 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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