FFXIV - DSR Ultimate Phase 4 Eyes & Rewind Guide (LPDU Strats)

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tricks [Music] in all right how's it going everybody welcome back to our DSR guide this is going to be for phase 4 we'll be including rewind as well and basically we're going to go over this step by step same as we always do with our prev guides although this will probably be shorter of a video compared to the ones before cuz this phase is a bit more straightforward um keep in mind that this is LPD strats for the European data center um and so a lot of this is going to be used in euf you can also use it in your static but it's also used in na um this really isn't very different compared to na there's a few differences though with the lineup around the eye and and the pry is a little different so just know that this is LPD uh method and for your data center you'll have to look for example Aether they have APD you'll have to check there and see that they do it differently it's going to be strictly LPD and if you guys would like to join LPD it's down description below without further Ado let's dive into the video all right everyone to just kind of simplify this I decided to make a quick rate plan to explain what the debuffs are you just killed Nan and your ENT during this phase and you have both the eyes what do you do so first thing you need to know is the group will stack over here towards the South uh south side of the map because you will all be receiving these debuffs here well debuffs but essentially you need to receive these you will stack on top of alphano uh aan is going to be in the middle what these do is these allow you to actually damage the eyes so you really want these what's gonna happen is as soon as you receive the debuff the DPS are going to go towards the West Eye and the tank and healers are going to go to the east eye all right so that's the main thing you're going to do at the beginning and just so you know that eventually um after some time passes we'll explain the debuffs and I'll go over a step by step with my POV but firstly just know the debuffs if you have this debuff showing if you take damage it damages the left eye now left eye meaning East eye this is in the perspective of esian looking South so it's the left of aian and the right of aian who will be in the middle so if you receive damage it damages the eye but if you receive damage and you have a blue tether it will heal the right eye West Eye basically this one right here and so you want to avoid receiving damage while having the blue tether and you want to receive damage when you have the red tether and you'll know immediately what tether you have because the debuff will show as well as a tethered uh kind of you'll have like a tether around you and you'll know exactly what color it is and so basically this is just the beginning of it and now we'll go to the toolbox and I'll showcase my POV to kind of help explain this further I'll showcase both povs for DPS and tank so I'll show both sides okay so here's the LPD toolbox you can find this in the description down below you can see this is the blue eye and the red eye and essentially the first thing that's going to happen is four people are going to be tethered with one color and the other four are going to be tethered with a different color the main thing that you want to do here is based off the color you have you will go to the center and receive a particular tether that's you that you need essentially if you are a melee in the beginning you want a red chain if you are arranged you want a blue chain if you're a tank healers since they're going east if you are a tank you want the red chain and if you are a Healer you want blue chain okay so let's say you don't receive the thing that you want what do you do you go to the center everyone that doesn't have the thing that they need will go to the center and it's an automatic swap because treat this like n if you're in contact with another person who has a different colored tether than you it will change you'll have their colored tether so essentially once you get your color te colored tether you'll go to your positions this is what you need to do here so as you can see they group up middle they take their tethers if needed if you already start let's say your melee and you already start with the red tether you're going to immediately go out to the towards the Golden Ball on the left here now there's a golden ball here and here West and East side and on top of both the eyes north and south of them what you're going to do is you're going to you're going to pop the golden orb once it expands and then you're going to basically walk into it and soak it essentially so I'll showcase this in my in-game POV as well for clarification but essentially first thing you want to pay attention to is grab the tether you want then you're going to run towards your position Fizz ranged are going to uh the range DPS are going to stand like this R1 being up here R2 being down here H1 being up H2 being down here and of course main tank is going to go here with off tank with the their red tether and they're going to pop the golden orb once they pop the golden orb the main tank will go North to swap the tethers and the off tank will go south to swap the tether with a skolar the melees are going to do the exact same thing okay so here's how it goes just know that the mes and tanks are popping the gold orbs and the range DPS and healers are popping the blue orbs so here we go once it expands you'll see the golden expansion and then you're going to walk in and essentially you're going to soak it then swap tethers and then go here and then the ranged and the healers are going to pop their blue orbs just like so boom once that expands and so now you've done this part now I'm going to show you in-game POV step by step how that was done okay so here's my in-game POV of this as you can see we're stacked South and and here is how it's going to go basically there's going to be just like a little RP section here you're going to see you're going to walk here you're going to get that buff that I mentioned in the beginning and you can see in the Buffs it lasts for 1 minute this allows you to damage the eyes now you want to make sure that the left eye AKA we're just going to refer to it as East eye from now on the East eye you have to at least drop it to 40% you don't have to do excess damage Dage to it drop it to 40% HP and then when the Mirage Dives happen later since we mentioned that being damaged when having a red tether damages the other eye this is the main thing we care about so firstly you're going to have a bleed so you want to heal that through and then hate bound is going to occur and as you can see here I have a red tether so I immediately go in front of the gold orb and I get ready to soak with my other melee now remember it has to be with your other uh teammate the same thing happens with the tanks I will showcase the tank POV as well but just to clarify this okay you can see here the droon has a blue tether which means the Dron is going to go in the center and get his red tether everyone's going to end up with their tether that they need now once you see how the golden orb expanded there I'm going to Showcase this again see the golden orb is small right now it expanded right here and it expanded again this is where you pop it pop now because I'm M2 I'm going to go south and swap with my R2 you're going to swap and you can see you're going to get this debuff right here which basically means you've swapped it and then you cannot swap to another tether for 2 seconds so during this time even if you run it to someone that has a different tether color than you it's not going to swap to them you are safe to run through so I just run here I let my range DPS pop blue orb just like so and then I walk into the center of the eye to continue dpsing and the tanks as well come here and the basically the tanks and melees are being in in the center right now and the range DPS uh the Summoner uh sorry the caster and the Fizz range uh they can damage the other eye if needed from from the distance that they can be to make sure that the other eye is at least 40% HP this is the crucial part you can see the other tank also joins us here here I'm going to Showcase this now from the tank POV all right so here it is from my twitch vot I'm playing as a tank this is my repr progging with tank so I'm sorry if I don't play optimally here I'm not a tank main but I do the mechanics as shown here first thing I do is that you have to make sure oh sorry you have to make sure that you have your tank stance up and each tank has to take one eye so as a tank here I go on the left eye and the other tank has the other eye and he has AGR on it you don't want a tank to receive two two damage um two basic attacks damage basically it's really rough so here we go once uh I see my tethers I see that I have a red tether so I'm fine here I can just continue dpsing and just like so pop that take it move here and now they also pop just like so it's the exact same move set that I showed when I was melee and as you can see here I'm doing as as much damage as I can to drop the I to 40% and that's pretty much it it's the same concept same idea just a different place okay now for the next part here what's going to happen so now we're at a point where the melees and tanks are all in the center of the of the blue eye and then you have the ranged and healers basically standing like so so you have R1 H1 H2 R2 just like so from north to south and we're going to use from north to south whoever gets hit by Mirage dive there's going to be a swap order okay so let's say for example in the beginning here the dancer and the RDM both get hit essentially the tanks are going to be taking first so if you're a main tank you're going up if you're off tank you're going down since you're group two you're going to go on the second most South and if you're the main tank you're grabbing the first first one that that's North same thing with melee if you're M1 you grab the first North that's hit and if you're M2 you grab the second most South hit okay so that's essentially the the beginning of this just keep in mind that all the Dives are basically done looking North one thing to keep in mind here is if you're healer and and uh DPS range only the healers might have to flex North or Southmost the White Mage for example is always taking the northmost dive unless the dancer also gets dived by The Mirage dive skolar is always Southmost unless RDM also gets dived so keep this in mind you want to use this from north to south priority and who's taking the order of taking is tanks take first melees take first and the first two people that got dived they're the ones who are going to be moving okay so here we go now we have an example White Mage and RDM get dived the first swaps will be tanks so the main tank will take White Mage and the off tank will take rdms tether White Mage and RDM walk into the center of the eye keep in mind everyone here has blue tethers next up it's going to be the second swap which is melee dancer and Dark Knight get Mirage dived M1 will will take dancer M2 will take Dark Knights finally the last swap is the first set of Dives that happened as we know it was the White Mage and the RDM and this example the White Mage will take the northmost and the RDM is group two he will take the second now if two members from group one get dived on like we said the White Mage will Flex would have to flex so so in this example I'll go back just for clarification purposes okay just for clarity just know that White Mage is always northmost unless the dancer also gets dived by Mirage dive okay this is important cuz they yes White Mage is a group one but there's someone above him so that dancer gets the priority for northmost and they take that but in this example showcase case White Mage and RDM get dived which means since RDM is group two and White Mage is group one white m is taking the northmost by default RDM takes the second uh most South one by default and that's essentially it after that once after the you take the third Dives there's going to be another Mirage dive happening here and no one will take that you will simply wait it out and at that point boss is dead while the eye is dead and here usually if you get the eye to 40% especially now with the DPS check with patch 6.5 this eye is already dead at that point especially if you drop it to at least 40% you can just continue damaging this eye as long as this other eye is 40% The Mirage Dives will do the killing basically since like we said if you're being damaged by a if you have a red tether and you're being damaged it will do damage to this eye by default and so that's pretty much the phase now I'm going to be showcasing this in the in-game POV okay so here is now the full showcase for this basically once we finished with the tether swapping and the blue orbs are popped and all that now we wait for the Mirage Dives they're going to start coming you want to make sure that just before the Mirage dive happens the melees and the tanks are in the center of the eye and then you'll see there is the Mirage dive two people got hit in this case H1 and H2 t are going to go and swap tethers why the healers walk in I as melee to go on the most South so I take this tether there's going to be another two set of Dives here the White Mage who got hit will take this one most most North Sage is taking most South since they're group two and just like so it's taken last set of Mirage Dives happen here no one needs to take these only three swaps need to happen in total after that there's going to be a cast called steepen Rage which is like a raid wide but we kill it here before it actually goes through and that's pretty much the entire phase next up we'll talk about rewind which really isn't that complicated we're going to go over it here it is literally exactly the same as before when you did it in phase one the only difference is there going lb I'm so here we go as soon as horon shows up as soon as horon shows up here the moment he shows up is exactly the time you want to use tank lb okay cuz here you're going to have access to tank lb3 so once horon shows up he will show up in the most uh he will show up in south of the map basically on the one marker he's going to show up right here and he's going to start running over to the middle of the Arena to basically block the spear okay so as he's blocking the spear the tank lb is used okay and you'll have the tanks use mitigations on the melees so as you can see here um I have mitigation I have the Paladin's intervention and the reaper in this case has a corundum so make sure the tanks discuss who's giving who what and after this pretty much it's the exact same as P1 you're going to do the exact same movements just make sure that we heal horon we need to make sure that horon stays alive so you want to make sure you heal him and if you have White Mage it's even better cuz you can use benediction but as you can see horon is totally fine here we just do damage to the spear at that point and just like that as long as you kill a spear before horon dies you pretty much go to the next phase if horon dies and loses all his HP it's pretty much over so that's pretty much the entire uh mechanics the next up will be Wrath of the heavens death of the heavens which will be in our next video so that's pretty much it for the eyes as well as the uh rewind which is fairly simple fairly simple and I hope this guy helped out make sure you guys check out our previous phase guides next up will be WRA the heavens and death the heavens which uh will be interesting um since it's one of my favorite phases actually in DSR especially because of the music it's awesome and PSR is my all-time favorite ultimate so I just I love it so much I can't wait to get into it and tell you guys all about it but yeah thank you guys so much for watching and remember nothing is true and everything is permitted peace [Music] out [Music]
Channel: Alninio
Views: 3,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy XIV, FFXIV, FFXIV Sprout, GW2 player plays FFXIV, Alninio9, Alninio reaction, Alninio shadowbringers, alninio FFXIV, alninio auditore, Alnino, alninio ffxiv gameplay, ffxiv new player, FFXIV raiding, FFXIV HW raids, FFXIV Stormblood raids, FFXIV shadowbringers raid, thancred alninio, zenos ffxiv, alninio ffxiv sprout, gw2 player plays ffxiv, gw2 ffxiv, Guild Wars 2 alninio9, FFXIV in 2021, ffxiv endwalker, endwalker alninio9, streamer alninio, alninio9 twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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