FFXIV - DSR Ultimate Phase 6 Guide EXPLAINED (LPDU Strats)

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tricks [Music] in all right how's it going everybody welcome welcome welcome this is going to be the phase six guide for Dragon song using the LPD strats lpu is the Discord server for the light data center focused on ultimates if you want to get in on that down description below you can join in uh all the strats toolboxes are there I'm going to put them in the description as well for you guys to check out yourself to navigate through it but basically I'm going to showcase the toolbox explain the steps as well as showcase my own in-game POV and kind of talk it over very slowly explain what's going on um and that's basically how this is going to go so hope you guys find this video useful and let's get right in all right so you just finished off P5 and now you're going to basically step into this Arena it's going to be like a square shape and essentially what's going to happen is two dragons are going to spawn nidhog and race valer nidhog is going to be on the West Race valgar will be on the East group two focuses ra valgar group one focuses nidhog okay that's the basics of it and essentially you want to keep both these bosses at 3% HP difference um when they cast akafa so that's going to be pretty major uh throughout the fight just make sure their healths are balanced um you a lot of people refer this mechanic as hand of pain because that's basically from T so it's kind of the same idea um so we'll talk over the tethers real quick and I'll show you guys the in-game POV of how I move and stuff and what the tethers represent but basically if you're a healers healers or DPS um you three people are going to get red tether and three people are going get the hor valer ice tether So Fire and Ice and this is how you want to position um the tethers uh basically M1 is going to be up here um H1 and R1 these group one members are going to Anchor so you have the melee one the R1 and the Healer one they're going to Anchor their position and the group two will be the ones adjusting based off the tethers because you want to have two different colored tethers in each of these positions so for example if your ninja with the other guy you can't have two fires standing here has to be Fire and Ice so that's where the group two member here will adjust accordingly all right the melees are up here healers are here rang are here so essentially exactly the the safe spots to stand by the way um this ice block right here if you count two tiles and then two tiles to the right two tiles up it's in it's generally in this area uh where there's a dark pit down here it's along this bridge line this bridge line count from this tile right here and then stand towards the bridge line same thing here two tiles towards the bridge line all right and if you're a tank you're going to get completely different mechanic which I'll explain in a sec but first I'll explain the tethers okay so the tethers are going to go off like so it has to be stretched out and basically the reason you want Fire and Ice together is to cleanse each other's debuffs all right you're going to get debuff otherwise and that debuff uh the ice tether is going to give you a frozen debuff basically where um after a certain period of time and when the debuff runs out your character will simply freeze in place and the fire tether you're going to get a pyretic which basically makes it so that if you use an action um as the debuff runs out you're going to take insane lethal damage and you don't want that so that's why in the beginning here we actually cleanse each other's debuffs fire if you with Fire and Ice together will cleanse both the debuffs so that's why we this so for tanks if I'm going to summarize it uh both tanks they're going to pop CDs and they're always going to stand Northwest and Northeast right towards the boss hit box unless both nidhog and race valar's mouths glow fire um in that case you would need to stack together and take both the hits essentially so by default you're going to go Northwest Northeast if you're tanking and this is kind of how it looks so in this example uh R valar's mouth is glowing he's going to shoot this AOE going across the middle like so and nidhog would be the would have the basically the tank Buster on The Dark Knight in this example right and this is how it would look like if nid Hog's mouth was glowing he's going to shoot like this and raise valgar tank Buster goes here just like so so that's what the tanks need to do in this in this uh scenario and in the final scenario for tanks when both uh nidhog and R valer mouths are glowing you're basically going to stack together like so all right that's pretty much the beginning I'm going to show in-game POV of how this goes all right so here's the beginning of the mechanic of P6 so as you can see I'm positioned on the east side because I'm M2 for on group two I'm going to focus Race valgar So pumping all the damage on him the tanks got to tank their boss so if you're main tank you're tanking nidhog if you're off tank you're tanking R valer and here are the tethers so in this example I have a fire tether and I have to watch my other melee okay so if you're a Healer you watch your other healer if you're ranged you watch your other range see what they have so in this example my dragon has the same tether right it's not fully stretched out that's why it looks like this but it is a fire tether cuz it's coming from nidhog and essentially I know he has it so I look behind me immediately and I see okay who has same color tethers and they're standing there and I notice okay there is the dancer they have ice tether and there's the Black Mage with ice tether so I have to go here let exactly what we do so I move over to him I stand right here boom just like so and then I Target the boss again I'll just kind of show this again the Dancer by the way is moving towards the melee like we're basically just swapping position and here is where we stand so as you can see here the healers how they're standing they're standing basically across the bdge line here's the White Tile I was talking about see they just count one two they stand on the bridg line U you can also stand where where the Black Mage was standing he's not dead center on the bridge line but this is generally fine as long as it's two tiles away um but this also is just fine as long as it's towards the bridge line you're good so and then I just damage uh nidhog and here there's going to be uh someone getting a mortal vow so in this example the dancer got it and here you want to immediately be spread out so that's the next mechanic we're going to be talking about so what's going to happen here is Mortal V is going to be given to a random DPS okay so players need to be spread out here if anyone's accidentally hit by this they're going to get a 50% maximum health down which is basically going to hurt like anything you get hit by is going to hurt a lot cuz you're just going to have total less Health um and the one thing you want to do here is regulate both their health bars like you can't have high Health on nidhog and low Health on Race valer they have to be 3% Health difference so make sure they're even and here's what's going to happen next after the motal vout is given to a random DPS group one is going to be north side group two is going to be Southside and here's here comes akafa uh basically they're going to they're going to be casting akafa and you want to use uh mitigations here you know reprisal soil keratol you want to give Shields all that good stuff and then then you want to hit nidhog if there's a purple tether or hit race valer if there's a white tether the white tether basically indicates like okay this white tether going across means we need to hit race valer because the HP difference is not 3% so the game basically tells you that but you also want to like just make sure you regulate both by like clicking their health making sure that there at least 3% HP difference so make sure you regulate that after that there's going to be the basically there's going to be damage going out on this group and this group that's what's going to happen and if it's not within 3% HP difference it's not going to be a fun time and also just know that if you if one person dies um like if herce valer kills someone he's going to enrage if the Mortal vow is is given to more than one player he's going to enrage keep this in mind these are the enr enrage conditions because you're going to be passing mortal vows to one person um later on in the mechanics you cannot give this to more than one person all right so now I'm going to show you guys the in-game POV of this so you get a better idea all right so here we go mortal vow is given to the dancer in this example right and so now we have to make sure we hit nidhog because there is this you see this purple tether going across it means they're telling us the game is telling us to hit him because the HP difference is basically not around 3% so we hit nidhog here and just like so their HP difference is good now and so that's basically going to what's going to happen is you're going to take this damage as a group okay so next thing after um aafas are done essentially the next thing that's going to happen is there's going to be the first dive and the tank Busters and basically uh nidhog is going to dive and he's going to cut off either west or east side of the Arena like vertically right and so ra valer he's going to do a hollowed wing and he's going to cut off North side or Southside of the Arena based on which which of his wings glow and there's going to be only a single Square um that's going to be basically available to use whichever one it will be and basically the party should always be around the middle is um for this mechanic just so you can quickly get to the places you need to go so just stay in the middle and keep dpsing as normal um and in this example nidhog is going to dive like this H wi is on this side and you're going to have the tank Busters go off like so but based on ra valgar um if his head is up or down which I will demonstrate in game POV just to make this very clear clear but based off that he's going to attack the tanks either far or close uh it's based on distance of any player so you're going to have to play around that so in this example um his head is basically down and in this example his head is up so it's going to hit the furthest targets uh away basically with the tank Busters and that is primarily it I'm going to be showcasing the POV now just to kind of better explain this okay so here we are after the aaas go off now we can see nidhog flies away you keep hitting uh ra valgar and here we go right you have Hollow Wing being cast by her valgar nidhog is going to be cleaving this side of the map and you can see her valgar one of his wings is glowing like so and his head is up right now so his head is up if it's down his head will basically be like visible here but because his head is up um he's going to be basically hitting the furthest tanks away like the furthest two people and so just like so we position ourselves like this the dive goes off here we stay around this area and the tank Busters go off like so kind of show this again real quick just for clarity sake here's the Hollow cast and here's ciz ceriz is nid Hog's cast you can see I'm doing damage right here ceriz goes off that's nid Hog's cast boom and then you can just keep back dpsing the boss and here is where the first mortal vow pass happens as you can see the dancer has 3 seconds left on it so the dancer because it was given to a random DPS the dancer will need to pass here first and I'm going to I'm going to tell you guys the order of all right so the better kind of demonstrate the Mortal Val passing order throughout the fight um essentially you're going to be giving it to multiple players across the fight like you want to keep the ni up and you need to pass it to someone right so firstly it'll be a random DPS that gets it like we mentioned and the random DPS is going to give it to a main tank the main tank then gives it to off tank and then the off tank gives it to the M1 but if if the random DPS was M1 M2 will take this so if you're M2 pay attention to the party list see who gets it and then play around that essentially but M2 doesn't have to take anything unless M1 the random DPS who gets the first moral vow unless they get it that's when they snatch in and then finally it's the caster for the last mortal Val pass so that's going to be throughout the fight okay okay so here it is basically the first mortal Val pass is going to be given here to the gunbreaker so the RDM is the DPS that got it and they're going to give it to the tank so after the first mortal valve pass happens it's going to be Roth flames and now we're going to be talking about this right because there's a it might seem overwhelming but I'm going to show you in-game POV to kind of also explain this better but essentially there's going to be four people who get dark debuffs and and two are going to have white debuff Stacks basically the two white debuffs means stacking with a another pair so it's Twan stack the dark debuffs have to be spread okay so harise valer basically he's not going to be targetable at this point you're just going to be hitting nidhog um and you're going to see where ra VG flies to so in this example here right here comes the first orb spawn there's going to be multiple orbs spawning in like let's just call three it's going to be basically three so you're going to have one here one here or one here it's going to be diagonal or it's going to be either way you just all you care about is the third one that appears I'm going to be showcasing this just to kind of better explain it um you want to basically go tldr you want to go to the third orbs set across from nidhog okay so in this example here one spawned here one spawned here the third one is going to spawn top left side okay so that's going to be here and what we end up doing is checking where R valgar is and going either towards nidhog or away from nidhog okay it depends where rce valar's dive is so let's say the third one appeared here top left but ra valgar is going to dive in this area we would not go here we would go here opposite side as long as it's on the third like line think of it as a line so each each one is a line you have a line going like this you have another line going like this you want to go to the line where the third one appeared and either go towards n hog or away from nidhog depending where his V is so essentially um this is how it looks uh you can see here in this example nidhog and ra valer Hager is basically diving this area so the group ends up going here okay and there's going to be bunch of uh aoe's happening and you need to move in like a j shape like an arc and here's the the exact steps for it so you have the first one second one and then third one and then fourth one just like so and then you're going to end up here okay just keep in mind that after the first one goes off immediately step forward and go just barely outside the first puddle so just like on the edge of it and after the second one goes you want to keep moving so generally after the first two it's normally just find to just hold Del just keep moving forward until you end up in the middle side just make sure you don't stay inside this puddle just not not for too long after it goes off immediately step forward and now we have this last final aor and as that resolves you know the orb 3 will explode shortly after that and hor Val her valer will come back and he will appear so now now nidhog is going to cast uh either hot tail or hot wing if he casts hot tail the middle is not safe in this straight line from where nidhog is and if it's hot wing that means the sides are not safe his wings would not be safe and the middle would be and so basically with the debuffs that you have you're going to need to spread out based off what you have and this is how it's going to look so in this example we have 1 2 3 4 standing like this from nidhog and then if you have ignore one ignore two you're taking this stack together and if you have chain one chain to you're taking it to the wall chain to the wall ignore is to the side of it okay so there is a way to mark yourself um using macro which which I will I will put in the description if you're not going to use am so just so everyone understands in LPD in pf everyone uses am it's Auto markers so if you want to do this without am I will be putting in the pinned comments below you can copy paste it as a macro and basically what it does it's going to mark yourself by just clicking it and it will go down that it's like 1 2 3 4 it applies to the ignore and the chain as well so make sure you check your debuff see what you have if you don't have a debuff you're taking the pair stack with your partner so in this example the gunbreaker right uh the gunbreaker and the RDM who don't have the white debuff they're taking that pair with their partner and you'll know who your partner is based off the marker when you mark yourself basically all right so that's how it goes and as for the spreads one two three four one goes closest towards nidhog and then as you keep going outwards the last one is going to be basically dead center so this is the example of hot wing the other way you can do this by the way is if you're not going to mark yourself just know that the priority from going from nidhog to the middle is melee ranged healer tank so if you want you can check your party lists see who has the debuff and line up accordingly to your role priority um but yeah that's one method the toolbox actually does mention this or you can just use your eyeballs and just don't overlap the other player you have plenty of time to actually move and spread out but yeah marking definitely makes this more consistent and here is the example of hot tail so after you do the J movement and hot tail is not safe you're going to keep running down and you're going to spread out like so in fact you can even spread out in this square like this so you have two people in front two people in the back and you can still keep damaging the boss and you can also after this AE goes off you can walk into it and drop the AOE here cuz the AOE goes off right after hot tail goes off so you have time to kind of walk into it if you want to have more room and it's just something to consider so now I'm going to be showing this um ingame POV okay so where we left off the dancer is giving their mortal power mortal vow pass as you can see in the middle that's how it went off and that's the animation of it and everything once it ticks down to zero um now the Paladin has the Mortal Val pass okay and Dancer has this debuff which basically means uh they cannot take another mortal Val pass and so here we go Roth Flames Begin you're going to be dpsing nit hog rce valg flies in this example the mle orbs show race valgar is on the away from nidhog so we're going to go towards nidhog by default here so now we either go up or down based on where the orbs spawn so let's see here one spawns here the other one spawns top right so I immediately move my camera here because I know this is going to be the safe spot because this this um row is the safe row cuz it's where the third ball spawns so I immedately run here here we go we stand just around here one go to the edge two keep moving while the other ball AOE are going off hot wing hotwing means we're going to stay in the middle since he's not casting hot tail you can see all the markers above our heads boom goes off just like so so on this example I had no debuff and I had to stack with a white debuff so here it is if you're if you have ignore marcker you stay like this if you have chain you go to the wall like we mentioned and you can see how they're spreading out here on the right the AO go off this is how the AO look just like so and that's Roth flames and then right after Roth Flames there's going to be a mortal vow pass happening so in this example uh the Paladin as you can see they gave it to the gun Breer the Mortal vow passes happen in the middle basically and so you want to make sure to know when your turn is cuz you need to pass it all right so continuing on after Roth flames and the Mortal valow pass uh the second mortal V pass happens here it's going to be the second aafa just like the previous mechanic you want to pay attention to the HP difference it has to be 3% HP difference between them so if you've been going to Ham on nidhog make sure that when you go back back and you need to damage her valer make sure you DPS him so pay attention pay constant attention to this and just know that if you're ranged job you can DPS let's say you have spread you can still DPS ra valer from a distance if you need to keep this in mind so this is the next mechanic that's coming up it's going to be in this example it's going to be hollowed Wing plus Hot Wing from nidhog but it can also be hot tail so keep that in mind if it's tail obviously you're going to go to the sides if it's wings you're going to stay in the middle so the first thing you do here is you immediately pan your camera over to ra valgar see which side which side is safe and then you're going to see the cast bar of nidhog and see which area is safe again ra valgar might have his head up or down as well so you want to pay attention to that remember if his head is up tanks are are far have to go far if their heads if the head is down the tanks have to get closer to nidhog so this is the example here if it's hot tail remember keep paying attention to raise valar's head here if it's upward down after that it's going to be the moral V pass to the melee one or it could also be the melee 2 if the M1 got the first moral vow the first application of it all right now I'm going to be showcasing the example so here it is akafa 2 goes off you can see the white tether we damaging ra valer I'm constantly checking between their healths making sure and just like that we're good now here's what we do see I immediately look towards R valer that's the first thing I do cuz he's the first one that casts so ra valer casts hollowed wings I know that this side is safe and then I look at my enmity list which uh I have right here he is casting hot tail so I know that middle is not safe so we immediately go to the side see I'm dpsing nidhog in this example and I'm just moving away and just know that ra valar's head was down which means the tanks need to be close this is why the rest of the party goes away from her valer all the way towards nidhog so that the tanks can take their their tank Busters and then mortal vow happens right here given to the melee 1 which is the Dragoon in this example I am melee 2 so I don't have to take it but if the like I said if the melee one already got a first application of it I would be taking it here not the dragon all right so here he goes he gives it to him and the next mechanic this is going to be the worm breaths now I'm going to be showcasing this in the toolbox and we'll go back here and explain this in the POV all right so so here's how worm breaths work basically three people are going to get it's just like before the first worm breath the second worm breath is going to be three people getting ice tether coming from ra valgar three people going to get fire tether coming from nidhog and you need to stretch it out there's going to basically be five tethers North and here are the exact positions for them you have this going not directly on this bridge but outside of the bridge all right same thing with the RDM in this example they're going outside the bridge by literally one block the one going north will always be a Healer so they're going to go north directly on this uh marker unless here's there's one condition where depending what the other healer has it will vary so if the skoler and the White Mage both have the white ice debuff they're going to have to swap there needs to there will need to be a swap up here and I'm going to show this example right now here's an example where skoler and White Mage both have fire tether you notice the skolar would need to scoot over to this side and the RDM goes up here so if you're a Healer player just pay attention to your other healer see what they get and then you'll know if you need to move or not just remember that the shield healer is prioritizing North and the White Mage goes down so here's all the mechanics going off and just know that the tanks uh the tanks are going to stack middle if it's double tank Buster otherwise you're going to go Southwest Southeast just like in the beginning what we do with tanks you're going to watch their breath which one has the breath uh on their mouth there's going to be a glow on their mouth and then you're going to move so in this example um nidhog basically had the breath and hores valgar did not have the breath so the gun breaker took the hores valgar tank Buster and The Dark Knight moved here just know that if you're the tanks here make sure you're going a little bit more North instead of sharp intercardinal because you're going to risk hitting the White Mage in this example you're going to be able you're to hit them so as you can see the mark the marker right here just stay above it this way you don't hit the person itself South also avoid having melees be um in the middle you want to make sure the melees are actually close to the boss either here if there's two melees on one side you'll have one melee here and the other melee here and essentially this other melee uh will need to do some gcd for ranged after this mechanic happens you're going to get the debuffs that we talked about in the the beginning where basically in this example we didn't cleanse each other's debuffs we want to actually get the debuffs for the upcoming mechanic this is why we have the debuffs here three people ptic three people have Frozen and essentially what's going to happen is you want to stand on the side based off your debuff so if you have ice debuff you're going to go towards fire you go towards n hog if you have the ptic debuff you're going to go towards ra valgar and you're not going to use any action when the debuff timer runs out just don't press anything press double tap escape and you're good as the tanks you're going to basically move forward and you're going to use your invol and be at the front you have to be in front of the boss so you have to stand uh in front of the boss on your side it doesn't matter of what aggro just make make sure that you're in front I'm going to be showcasing all of this now in my POV just so it makes better sense all right so here is now the warm breath mechanic I'm going to be showcasing the movements as you can see I'm moving here I got the fire debuff and here's exactly where you stand check this out this is the bridge line right and you're going to stand right here if you're on this bridge line if you are um on the other side it's exact same thing and if you're in front just standing on the marker or a little bit in front of the marker is completely fine see in this example the draon where they're standing this is completely fine you can go a little bit like just around the marker just not behind the marker don't go behind just either on it or a little bit in front of it is totally fine and it goes off like this and now we have the debuffs nidhog and ra Val going to fly and because I have pyic fire debuff I want to go towards ice I want to go towards Reese valer and I'm see I double tap Escape I let the debuff timer run out I don't do any actions this goes off and then you're going to go all the way to the edge towards north a marker and you're going to because it's going to be like proximity and you want to be right on the edge and if you have mortal vow this is going to be the final mortal vow pass the Dron is going to give it to the Caster so it was actually given to the sage in this POV but it should never be it should always be given to the Caster there was just a little error here that happened um in this specific PF but it should always be Caster by default just just know that this isn't accurate here this isn't how LPD does it it was just uh I believe the the one person walked away and basically that's what happen so don't be confused by this it should be given to the Caster all you need to do is basically stand on the very edge here and don't move if you have to be given the thing and if you have the if you you have mortal Val that's it and here's how it looks in the toolbox you're going to be North n hog is going to perform a slam it's like we said it's based off uh distance so you don't want to leave the north wall basically mortal Val pass right here and then you're going to damage and basically kill nidhog and race valgar and that's pretty much the end of the fight they're both going to be casting in Rage and you have to kill them both and just to show you uh this is how long the cast is it's called revenge of the horde we kill nidhog we kill ra valer and if it ever comes down to it you can cleave both targets if you use aoe's you can hit them both uh and yeah and then finally it's uh the ending of the phase but essentially what happens here is you're going to have a DOT being applied so you want to use mitigation you want to Shield you want to heal uh Thorn is going to show up he's going to have his little dialogue and there going to be shock wave damage the bleed comes up he's going to do a cast right here and it's going to be big damage coming out so you want to use your mitigations as you can see in the party list there's a lot of mitigations happening here cuz this one hurts this one hurts like a truck and the Final Phase commences and we'll be talking about this in our next video and finish off our DSR guide so hopefully this has helped you guys out I hope I explained things well please let me know in the comments you have question questions on specific mechanics remember you can always hop on lpu talk to people there uh if you're unsure about specific mechanics or if you just want to view the toolboxes yourself you can also check in the description below for the toolbox for LPD all that good stuff and we're pretty much coming to the conclusion of um our DSR guide um we're pretty much getting there there's just one more video coming out and we're pretty much done with this uh this will hopefully help you guys get get the clear and take care of yourselves thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you guys in the next video peace out take care of yourselves and much [Music] [Applause] [Music] love [Music] for
Channel: Alninio
Views: 2,341
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Keywords: Final Fantasy XIV, FFXIV, FFXIV Sprout, GW2 player plays FFXIV, Alninio9, Alninio reaction, Alninio shadowbringers, alninio FFXIV, alninio auditore, Alnino, alninio ffxiv gameplay, ffxiv new player, FFXIV raiding, FFXIV HW raids, FFXIV Stormblood raids, FFXIV shadowbringers raid, thancred alninio, zenos ffxiv, alninio ffxiv sprout, gw2 player plays ffxiv, gw2 ffxiv, Guild Wars 2 alninio9, FFXIV in 2021, ffxiv endwalker, endwalker alninio9, streamer alninio, alninio9 twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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