FFXIV: Chocobo Companion Basics [Unlocking | LvLing | Stables]

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in final fantasy 14 you can summon your very own chokable companion to fight besides you in the overworld having one of these around is a huge quality of life improvement as they can help keep you alive with heals deal damage and they even come with additional inventory space too to start things off you'll first need to be level 20 and complete the main story quest up to when you can join a great company once able do some research into what makes each grain company different and join one you like after that you will need to do the quest my little chocobo from your respective grain companies commander during this quest you will be asked to buy chocobo insurance for 200 company seals you may already have enough by then to just buy it outright but if not the easiest way to get seals is by doing fates or hunting logs in the open world once that's all complete though you'll get your very own chuggable mount for the next step you'll need to be level 30 then pick up the quest my feisty little chocobo from dust set in camp tranquil in south shroud this will send you to the npc lucalo at bent branch meadows and central shroud who will teach you the basics of using a chocobo companion during which he'll ask you to pick some gizzle greens nearby as these are what you'll be using to summon your companion going forwards you can also buy these from various vendors on screen are just a few of the common ones after that he'll go over some more basics on how to fight with your companion and then have you take out a few broodsies up on a hill nearby with your new partner once you report back to luklow the quest will be complete and companions will now be unlocked he'll then have another quest available called bird in hand which will teach you about chocobo raising and training completing this will increase the maximum rank your companion can attain from 10 to now 20 and allows for additional customization as well so now that you have companions unlocked you also have access to an additional 70 slot inventory in the form of a companion saddlebag this can be opened right from the character menu or bound to a keybind and does not require a companion to be present to move items in and out of it however this cannot be accessed in duties it is worth noting that the paid final fantasy 14 companion app doubles the saddlebag storage as well as giving a few other perks too i've personally never used it though so i really don't know much about it outside of what's written online but if you really need that extra inventory space then it might be worth looking into anyways in the character menu right below the saddlebag you'll now also have access to the companion menu which you can also set to a specific keybind too if you want at the top of every tab in this menu you'll see a chocobo's rank experience and time left on the summit and speaking of summon duration you can use geisha or gizzle greens after it's summoned to increase his time on the field to up to an hour the first tab actions gives you all the controls you'll need for your companion and these can be moved to a hotbar too some of these actions though such as summon and withdraw are kinda redundant as you can withdraw it through the drop down menu one right clicking on your chocobo or through its targeted health bar freestance lets the companion do whatever it thinks is best for the situation defender focuses on aggro and cc healer stance focuses on only healing and does not attack and attacker stance focuses on damage all these stances correspond to skill trees in the skills tab which you can spec into as your chocobo ranks up and we'll be getting more into ranking up in just a minute now your chocobo can only use the active skills from each tree or stance one in that stance but these stances can be changed at your whim by selecting them from the companion menu or a hut bar if you put them on one the passives for each do carry over though and in case you were wondering you will be able to unlock every skill once the choke ball reaches rank 20. but until then if you end up not liking your current build you can reset these skills whenever you want by feeding a regan pepper to your chocobo generally speaking you'd usually want to max healing attack and then defense and in that order while taking some of the passives in each tree as you see fit however if you're a healer you may want to max attack and or defense first i personally get a lot more use out of healing stance than anything else no matter what job i'm using someone jumping into fights i usually start with healer stance then swap it to free or attack stance depending on how things go the third tab has to do with color and barding color will go over more when we get into stables but barting is a cosmetic armor for your chocobo it gives no stance but changes its looks there's lots of different types and they're all unlocked in many different ways so i'm just going to leave a link or two in the description to helpful pages like the one you're seeing right now as well as other companion related info moving on to ranking up the first and main method is by killing enemies in the overworld that are close to your level while your companion is summoned fates often spawn lots of enemies so while you're chokeable will not gain the completion bonus for fates they are still great for ranking up and even though you can sink down to lower level fates i've found that doing the highest level fate will yield the most xp to your companion per kill but just keep in mind a lower level of fate might be better overall xp if it spawns tons of mobs to kill so just use your best judgment we then have a few weekly challenge logs to give companion xp too these require you to dispatch 20 and then 100 enemies close to your level you'll likely complete this very fast if you're actively fighting with your chocobo but i figured i'd mention it anyways starting at rank 10 whenever your companion reaches its current rank cap through combat it cannot gain experience towards its next rank unless it's given 8th avenarian onion you can get these onions from the market but they are a little bit pricey alternatively you can get a few of these from the quests landing a stable job and a hunter's true nature though they both have some prerequisites i'll be sure to put some links in the description that go over these quests too lastly you can farm these but to be honest the whole farming process really confuses me so i just buy the damn things to feed the onion just walk outside town summon your companion then use the onion right from your inventory to clarify your companion must first level up through combat to its current rank cap then eat the onion when the xp bar is empty this then unlocks the rank cap by one allowing you to continue leveling it up for another rank the last way companions can get xp is by trading them at a stable however you do not need a stable to max out your chocobo whatsoever they merely make things more convenient and offer a few other perks too starting off to get access to a stable you will either need to purchase an apartment join an fc with a plot of land that has a stable or get your own plot of land and purchase a stable for 125 000 kill at any of the housing merchants in the housing districts opening the stable options up top you'll first see how many chocobos are stabled and how clean the stable is below the first options we're given are to tend to someone else's chocobo stable or tend to your own chocobo or clean the stable keeping the staple clean rewards more xp for those training so be sure to keep it clean if not for yourself for the others using it too you will however need a magic kit stable broom every time you clean moving up when stabling your chokobo you will not be able to summon it to fight with you until you fetch it again and when interacting with the stable again you will see the option tend to my chocobo where stable my chocobo previously was if it's stabled selecting this will then give you a few more options starting at the bottom again and working our way up fetch will again remove your chocobo from the stable and you will now be able to use it in combat next change name lets you do just that above that is the feeding option and this is now mostly used to change your chocobo's color so to put it simply when feeding its specific snacks within a six hour window its color will change according to the rgb values of the snacks luckily for us there's a few websites out there that can help with this just pick a color you want and they will give you a list of feeding instructions of what to feed and in the order too i should warn you though that it sometimes doesn't always come out the way you want it so if it comes out wrong just try again or try for a slightly different color the last and or technically first option back in this list is training which we alluded to earlier this can only be done once an hour and when first selecting this you'll get a prompt asking you to produce one of the following foods listed on screen as a reward to present to your chocobo when the training completes now they all give the same xp towards your next rank however when feeding certain foods to your chocobo in the wild as in when you summon it in the overworld they'll gain temporary buffs and if you use the same food as a training reward 10 times in a row that food will become its favorite doubling its effect whenever you feed it that outside the nice part about training is that even though it can only be done once an hour you can retrieve your chocobo as soon as the little cutscene ends backing out to the first menu tending to a specific chocobo allows you to train someone else's chocobo in the same manner you train your own so with this you can technically have your companion trained twice an hour besides that there's nothing special about it i just wanted to explain how training worked before getting to this feature was all wrapping things up there are a few more things worth mentioning first off you cannot access your saddlebags during duties i know i mentioned this at the beginning but it really bears repeating secondly you cannot use companions in zones like eureka baja or zadnor or anything like that and lastly your chocobo will stand in every aoe possible so you might have to do some minor adjusting when out in the wild to get them to not get clipped all the time there's definitely more little tidbits like that that i probably forgot about but i think i covered just about everything you need to know to get started with your own companion i honestly can't stress enough just how much better of a time you'll have in the open world once getting one of these things so go get your chocobos and if you already have one please feel free to mention anything i missed thanks for sticking to the end and take care
Channel: JackSplains
Views: 10,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guide, basics, help, simple, short, quick, guides, west, new, beginner, ffxiv, final fantasy xiv online, xiv, ff14, ff 14, 14, ff, final fantasy, fourteen, ffxv, mount, quest, msq, housing, apartment, fc, furnishing, purchase, buy, gil, cheap, easy, forever, chocobo, market board, summoning bell, chocobo stable, stable, free company, grand company, apartments, color, feeding, feed, onion, thavnairian onion, thavnairian, stance, attack, defense, free, healer, barding, skills, rank, rank-up, rankup, coloring, raising, companion, saddlebag
Id: DoBGBJQ4q1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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