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Friends, hello everyone, today we have another useful homemade product, I found it on the Internet, someone did it a long time ago , and I decided to test it and repeat it. And I hope it will be useful to someone. For homemade products, we need a copper tube, I have 6mm from the brake system of a passenger car, any jar with a lid and a bandage. These are the main components of this homemade product, in the process, you may need something else for little things, so let's get started. To begin with, I will saw off a piece of copper tube, about 25mm. Then we take a bandage and cut a piece of a slightly longer tube from it . Because cut with a grinder, then the edges of the tubes were clogged a little, I punched them a little with a homemade awl from an old drill from a puncher. After we take a thin wire and thread it into the tube, we clamp the bandage with a screwdriver and twist it. After that, we fix one edge of the bandage in the wire and stretch the bandage. We wrap the resulting structure through something round, as in the video, to get something that looks like a boiler, the copper tube bends easily, so the process is quite simple. Next, move the spirals apart a little. In the lower part of the spiral, first we outline the future hole, and then we drill with a 2 mm drill, but only one wall of the tube, that is, not through. Take our jar and remove the lid from it. Make a mark on the lid by attaching the spiral legs to the lid. In the places where these legs come, we make notes and make holes. It is necessary to remove the paint from the lid; any large sandpaper is suitable for this . Next, we take a piece of cold welding and knead it, here you can use not only cold welding, but also any other glue for metal for high temperatures. We pass the bandages with a spiral into the holes of the cover. And we seal everything up with cold welding. While the glue or welding is drying, we will make an auxiliary device for our homemade product, for this I took a screw lid from a regular can and 3 bolts 8 x 150. On the lid on the back side we mark three equidistant points along the edge and make holes into which we thread the bolts and fix nuts with washers. Done. When the welding has dried, all that remains is to take some alcohol and pour it into our jar. We close the lid with a spiral and set it on fire. As you understand, the alcohol burner turned out, but the trick of this burner is that after it heats up, it turns into a turbo burner, with the help of which you can very quickly heat food or boil water, for this the burner is placed inside the same device from lids with bolts, some you can put a pot or frying pan. Friends today I prepared such a homemade product for you, initially I wanted to check the performance and since the homemade product turned out to be quite working, I decided to share it with you, and you yourself decide whether you need it or not. So friends, that's all for today, put the likes if you liked the video and write comments, firstly, tell me whether you knew about such a homemade product, and secondly, write your thoughts about such a homemade product and what you can replace alcohol, write your suggestions, and I will check whether it will work on the proposed fuel. Anyone who is not subscribed to the channel, I definitely ask you to subscribe and click on the bell so as not to miss new and useful videos, thank you all for watching and bye.
Channel: Дельные Советы
Views: 5,492,630
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Keywords: diy, craft, crafts, tool, девайс, идея для самоделки, идеи для самоделок, самоделки, Крутая идея, Сделай и себе, полезное устройство, самоделка, приспособление, крутые идеи, крутая идея для самоделки, полезные самоделки, болгарка, в Домашних Условиях, самоделки своими руками в домашних условиях, самодельный инструмент, из хлама, сделай сам, самодельное приспособление, Инструмент, самоделки для гаража, из медной трубки, секрет медной трубки, отличная идея, diy projects, diy activities
Id: 50a4Ddf5Amo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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