Ferrus Manus & Iron Hands - ft@WarriorTier - Understanding 40K Lore (Iron Hands) ​

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I watched this when it premiered and its the best video of ferrus on YouTube without a doubt

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/That_ginger1785 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

If you’re looking for an awesome lore video check this out. It’s long but the Amber King does and amazing job summarizing the chapter’s history.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Braydexx7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great video. Really goes in depth and even though it's long it doesn't feel like it drags on. I'd highly recommend.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OtherwiseInstance698 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I absolutely love this. It touches on a lot of the big defining moments of the legion very well and I feel helps showcase the heart and legacy of them. The music and voice acting was amazing as well

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Allshouse10 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
these are not my hands I rely on the augmentation given to me by the metal gauntless so much so that the flesh beneath them is now little more than a distant memory a day will come when I will strip it from me at least I lose the power to master myself forever the flesh is weak but Deeds endure foreign [Music] [Music] unending in our strength the emperor did not make us for such mortal concerns as Hearth and Home vanity or contemplation we are his engines of war is hammers beating out the fabric of existence into a vessel fit for mankind to inhabit the iron hands are not saviors nor should we be a man who cannot save himself is weak and the weak do not deserve to be saved for such a man only death is fitting this we can provide the flesh is weak sickness injury mental anguish all failings of our mortal coil oh the pride and projected strength of humanity how we seek to protect ourselves from the truth of the fragility of our existence The Event Horizon that is our death but where the flesh fails Withers and rods iron can replace that pillar immutable powerful an augmentation for our weakness a journey walked by the tenth Sun the Gorgon of Medusa the Primark Ferris Manus Father to a legion whose very identity encompasses own in a struggle on the path towards strength and the ambition to grasp it all under the crushing Embrace van Iron Fist to the 40th Millennium the sons of the Gorgon entice fear within Humanity the image of the Union between the blessings of the emperor of mankind and the omnisiah but who are the iron hands who was Ferris Manus the Gorgon of Medusa their Story begins in the 30th Millennium Terror the Cradle of mankind scarred and damaged by the very actions of species had inflicted upon it for Millennia but Despair and death was not his Destiny from the horrors of the age of strife the Millennia of darkness and rampant Madness we had survived in the Himalayan Mountains lay a fortress a palace within the foundations of an Empire that would spread to the Stars a child vulnerable and weak lay inside a gestation capsule growing destined to become something more than human a future under the tuteligent training of a man that would unite the Lost colonies of mankind but that future never came to pass the gestation capture was torn from the ground cars into the sentient realm of Madness the warp claw scraped upon the glass and ceramite as creatures of nightmare desperately try to get in the capsule with its treasure inside tossed and turned within the wall finally spit back into real space in segmentum obscurus hurtling toward a planet in the Thor sector the capsule began to heat up the edges searing as it collided with the atmosphere and with a thunderous clap it crashed onto the surface of This Strange World among smoke and fire a child emerged his survival proof that he was more than a mortal man air filled his lungs he took his first steps feeling the dust and smooth the dark stone underneath his feet it was upon karashi the ice Pinnacle the largest mountain upon this world where he had landed that he had no light his eyes as the Gloom of a dark chamber surrounded him he was inside the mountain locked deep inside a chamber which his capsule had punched into no Panic crossed his mind only confusion and the desire for information upon the remains of his gestation capsule he discovered a mark an x a symbol a name his name he did not know the child began to venture out exploring further seeing through the minimal light with eyes were Beyond human shapes and structures there were two precise too clean to be natural he saw runes all around him was carved orderly dark stone an electoral conductive stalagmites dotting the walls and ceiling he did not know where where he was he did not know who he was but he knew what he saw was wrong it was alien drawn to it like a part of him yearned for the understanding beneath feeling it resonate within his core but something was wrong from the corner of his eye he saw it a beast Slither out from the chamber it was enormous a silver body was segmented plates and sharp towers that gleamed even in the darkness of the cave a biomechanical frame that moved with the great and Venom of a beast thrashing violently as if it awakened from a deep Slumber the child immediately attacked it each primitive lunge or strike leaving not even a single Mark upon the Beast as it slithered out of the chamber what had he done what had he released the thought racing through his mind but worst of all he couldn't stop it I was weak the thought ran cold in his mind following the path of the Beast the Superhuman child crawled his way to the surface dust and soot under his fingertips for the first time he looked out towards the Vista before him a world of gray skies mountains of black stone and withered life stared back Medusa a world that still showed the scars of Relentless mining from Humanity in Prior Millennia gutted of nearly all of its precious metals and minerals life itself was muted as if the color and vigor had been purged from it all of this was taken in by eyes the color of dull silver upon karashi the ice Pinnacle shaped in the distance caught his gaze Silhouettes had looked like his own but smaller others like him humans no he told himself his path lay with the Beast he had just Unleashed the creature that had bested him the one that had shown him how weak he was he was curious but how could he present himself to others like this without even knowing the concept the boy made an oath a singular purpose he would slay the silver Beast the shadow lands a place even darker and harsher than base Medusa is where the boy Strode creatures and beasts of nightmare stalked his unforgiving place and as the child began to grow at an unnatural speed he hunted them he was simply one more monster in the mosh pit one by one they fell Monsters of tooth scale and Fang under the tally of the child from the sky each battle each near-death experience evolving him from his own mind he fought forged tools and weapons the knowledge and skill innate to him as if it was in his very blood he bursted a storm Giant in a feat of strength and he scaled once again karashi the ice Pinnacle with his bare hand he swam deeper than the horned Behemoth of the sutherian sea all of it accumulating into a being of strength a hunter one with a singular purpose of testing himself improving himself constantly a man who cannot save himself is weak no weak do not deserve to be saved all questions of who he was why he was here on the strange world was buried it was that silver Beast the one that he had been too weak to destroy that plagued him the great silver worm a siren off after years of battle and Improvement the now young man finally set his sights upon the Beast that had almost killed him he stalked it for days hunting it across the land until he finally caught it the battle had begun he threw himself at it striking it with fists but even then he couldn't make a dent upon land and see the two fought bitterly all of the young man's equipment forged by his own hand breaking even his own body was pushed to the limits as a monster of Flesh fought one of metal in a Valley flooded by volcanic magma the young man lifted the enormous silver worm into the air above his head and then plunged it into the flow his arms were burning the pain was excruciating but still he held it as it thrashed he held it below the magma until it melted and when he removed his hands there were cold in the living metal of the Beast it was flexible like flesh it as hard as any metal he'd ever seen like from all he had hunted before he had taken the lessons of strength and bounded to him but a Seer North his greatest enemy his purpose for living was bound to him forever emerging from the shadow lands the humans of this world saw an enormous figure clad and rudimentary armor the humans of this world had seen sightings over the years spreading the rumor of the hunt in the mountains what stood before them was more than a man a being with a face that was Stern and brutal as if it had been carved from Stone itself a man with iron hands the technobarbarian tribes and Medusa would find a new apex predator a man who would bind them all to his will a man they would call Ferris Manus he was clad and tattered chainmail strong with a harness of sore Edge medusan steel blood streams down from his trembling hands as he forced himself to rise before him should a warrior in gold he was the light pulsating energy he was sovereignty personified his armor was masterful the craftsmanship perfect he was so far above him they had fought for days ferrous giving every ounce of strength he had but it was nothing compared to the being before him he was looking upon the most incredible and horrifying thing he had ever seen his creator his father the Emperor of mankind Ferris Manus it was a name given to him by the people of Medusa he had no need for a name perhaps the X on his gestation Pond was it but the man with iron hands had become more fitting the technobarbarian tribes of Medusa roaming around as Barren black and gray planet in fortified land crawlers from a more enlightened age if the shifting landscape violent eruptions and swelling Seas were not enough the constant inter-clan Strife made for a brutal existence the people of Medusa were a harsh stubborn and ambitious people their rugged features matching the hearts Within one by one they were challenged by the man with metal arms each battle a test as pharaohs had been tested before until all of the Clans across Medusa were brought under his Iron Fist atraxy burkhar felg carderon low copt more goal ongar vorganon sorghal averney garzik and Carl Golem it was an Overlord ship created from violence but also Mutual benefit the iron fathers the half-man half machine spiritual leaders of the people of Medusa for Millennia bargained their own long kept secrets and technology for the Brilliance locked within Ferris they had tried their best to kill him many times but even they were brought into an agreement that mutually added to each other's strength with the people of Medusa under his sway Ferris also led the bravest of the warrior Clans to delve into the Frozen Realms breaking open long sealed vaults and salvaging the majesties of Technology from Humanity's golden past but the era of Pharisees rule was not just an expansion and innovation never ceased upon Medusa battle had made very strong it has made the people of Medusa weed out the weak and so conflict between the Clans continued all under the wattle dull Silver Eyes of the demigod silver-armed man seeing the life and death struggle as a whetstone to steal each piece of technology discovered the people of Medusa looked on an all as Ferris seemed to unravel its intricacies was just a look like the blueprints were etched onto his mind he did not know why but Ferris felt the process of dissection and understanding always well up it was innate like recalling a memory did not know you had forgotten it was decades of battle self-improvement ruling forging and then Innovation all accumulating to the day a golden eagled stormbird descended from the sky a being of Golden Light Strode forth too beautiful a form for a world like this the Emperor of mankind his creator his father had come for it had known all along he was different someone like this world and its people an outsider in his heart and now the answers had come he was utterly outmatched it was like when he was a child pounding on the metal of azirinov's body his best was nothing compared to this being broken and bloodied Ferris submitted to his father the Emperor of mankind it had been missing for years a goal a target a singular purpose a challenge a new a Seer enough to push himself forward to build his strength and there he stood a being so perfect because it was purged of all weaknesses the ideal the end of the path he walked submitting to the strength of the emperor first found that his Horizons would take another hit as his gaze was dragged from Medusa and turned towards the Stars the Imperium of mankind the Empire born upon Terror the sort of bring truth an Enlightenment to the Lost colonies of mankind Humanity had suffered the aid of strife an Old Knight but One Singular being would not let us slip into Decay and ruin once again Humanity would achieve a golden era and Mastery of the universe the great Crusade but for such a Grand Vision it needed Warriors it needed generals it needed ferrous perhaps in his heart he'd always known he was created for war thrill of Battle of testing yourself against worthy foes he was made for this the storm Walkers the adapters are starties superhuman Warriors created from the gene seed of Ferris himself Sons to him as he was a son to the emperor a legion of Warriors that would be his but before that he had to be trained to fight amongst the Stars under the direct tutelage of the emperor Ferris was gifted with arms technology knowledge military Doctrine the best the Imperium had to offer it was a pollen Terror the world of his origin where he had returned decades after he had been cast adrift now it was the bustling heart of a growing Empire beneath Mount narodinya inside the greatest Forge of the urums ferris created an birth new wonders and Creations alongside the Ford Masters who had once served for terawatt clan all were astounded by the primark's innate understanding and Brilliance of his technological mind and the miraculous shaping wrought by his metallic hands but Ferris was not alone now in that category of the extraordinary there were others like him other primarks his brothers the first he had met Horus first found son of the emperor again a Tang hit him the emperor was so far above him that it seemed like an impossible mountain to climb to his level but here stood a brother an equal a still unnerving feeling for one who had become the apex predator of his wound he was not sure he could ever quite accept it but here in the Fords of the oral he met another a face of porcelain with a long silver white hair a slim physique that resembled a dancer's Grace his face was a thing of beauty as if it had been cut from Marble the Primark fulgrim it was as if he was his opposite in every way the Beauty and the Beast his brother had to come to the forges proclaiming he would craft the most perfect weapon ever made a bow said Ferris could not let go unchallenged stripping to their waist the true Brothers began their first June for weeks the two demigods toiled at the forges the sight living mythology to those who gazed upon it Banta and jibs were traded as often as Hammer met Anvil bells ring to the toll of challenge each looked upon each other each pushed more and more to outdo the other for three months they toiled the brothers told each other everything of their story their ideals their philosophy their Mutual pursuit of affection of expunging weakness finally after endless toil Ferris looked upon his work a master crafted Keen Edge blade filled with a fire that his arms knew fondly Fire Blade in the hands of full rumor Hammer of perfect weight proportion and form the brothers smiled and laughed true both in awe of each other's pieces declaring the others work was greater a rare display of humility and without a word they gifted their perfect weapons to each other a pact of Brotherhood and friendship to last until the Stars faded he was his first friend fulgrim all he had known was battle and the fires of the forge but now Ferris knew Brotherhood he was not alone in this universe it would be with Ford breaker hefted upon his shoulder the promise to purge weakness and pursue Perfection that Ferris would do battle amongst the Stars across numerous battlefields against horrifying xenos and non-compliant colonies of mankind the Primark of Medusa battled under the direct tutelage of the emperor until finally he was ready to become the general he was born to be returning to Medusa the tenth Legion the storm Giants were remade swearing the ranks with the people of Medusa Ferris remolded his Legion the clan system of Medusa was integrated into the tent autonomous cells unified by one Apex Ferris again the rivalries of Medusa were encouraged Less open Warfare but competition and each of them specialize in their own way eat on a different path to expunge the weakness within themselves and bring a unique strength to ferris's Armory the terrenbornness were adopted into the medusan Clans a symbol of unity and submission to the Creed of Ferris the tenth Legion claddinford black armor set out to the Stars ready to join the great Crusade Ferris had conquered a world and now he would conquer the Galaxy at the head of a legion of his sons his Warriors his iron hands [Music] the flesh is weak eradication of the weak is all that will prevent Humanity's backslide towards heresy and Extinction and like necrotized flesh it must be expunged amputated replaced by the strength of iron and do my brothers not suffer in similar adverse conditions or are they somehow able to overcome such deliberations Ferris pressed I do not know my Lord the Primark grunted an address Santa do you concur with your fellow Captain I am as frustrated as you my Primark ferris's eyes narrow to Silver slits before he turned his back to regard a broad stratagem table that has manifest in the wake of the hololith I doubt that he muttered he passed a shimmering silver hand across a geographical representation of the desert continent to magnify the view projected across the glass slate several potential node locations were identified by flashing beacons as well as two further markings a red and green dotted line but it feels the answer why we are so far behind said Ferris glaring at the red line as if doing so would will it further across the map unsurprisingly it did not my Lord if are my disarm began and santal groaned inwardly for he knew the mistake his fellow Captain had made even before he'd made it perhaps there is more slowing our efforts than merely Sun and Sand speak blindly brother captain sorcery my Lord I can put in no plainer than that our efforts are thwarted by Elder witches is that your best excuse for failure his silvered fist clenched at the edge of the trash gym table birthing a web of cracks that would have Riven the landscape with a catastrophic earthquakes had they been real tassan felt the imaginative tectonic ruptures all the way up his spine it would explain why our efforts have thus fought Forest man as his fist slammed against the map arresting the floundering Captain's words the resulting Smit almost broke it in Tomb I am not interested he said and it was as if the air in the Stark chamber grew colder cold enough to burn the Primark folded his arms father must silver pulled across his immense biceps shimmering and refugent the sun who had seldom being this close to his Lord for so long found his sight drawn to them do you know how I came by this magnificent aberration asked Ferris noting the captain's interest the sun hid his confusion at the line of questioning well like most exceptional beings primarks were occasionally inscrutable have you heard of my Deeds of how I best in a storm Giant in a feat of strength or how I skilled karashi the ice Pinnacle with my bare hands or perhaps you are familiar with the day when I swam deeper than the horn Behemoth of the superior on sea do you know these stories the sound Supply was not much louder than a whisper or have heard the great Saugus sorry Ferris wagged a finger lost in monologue and nodding sadly as if he'd just come upon the answer to his own conundrum no it was a Serena he was called Silver wind and the greatest of the eights and Drakes no boy it could pierce his metal skin no spear Lance that I possessed he paused as if reminiscing I burned it held its writhing body beneath the love of those a Medusa until it was dead and when I withdrew my hands they were he held out both his arms like this I saw the saga's speakers would say uh my Lord Santa wanted to intervene the lesson was being imparted the tale was simply that a story crafted by bards and the tribal orators of the Clans as related in the canticles of travels it was told differently every time the first Captain had heard it no iron hand could claim its varicy for none have been present during the lightless days of the Primark arrival of Medusa only Ferris manners himself knew the truth and he kept that inside a lot cage of his memories do you believe such a warrior would allow himself to be undone by a witchcraft do you believe he could be so weak he asked the sun was shaking his head trying to atone for a transgression he did not fully understand no sir get out the words Escape ferris's lips in a rasp before I throw you out disarance saluted and turned on his heel santar was about to join him when Pharaoh stopped him not you first captain Centaur stood his ground and straightened his back have I erased weak Sons thoris asked when they were alone again you know that is not the case then why are we confounded the Primos collar cooled as he took to pacing his ruined stratagem I've been away from the Wolf Run too long my brother's draining my attention you become malleable tractable I perceive a weakness of purpose in our ranks a failing of will that holds us back from our objective eldar's sorcery is not my concern finding and destroying the notice we should have the mental fortitude to overcome tricks I am leading this campaign and I will not be bested by my brothers we are strength an example to all the reputation of this Legion my reputation will not be besmirched no more delays we press on its speed leave the Army divisions behind if you must nothing must prevent us achieving Victory Santa frowned at this all resolve turned to Melancholy on ferris's face serves you unshakably as we all do you have forged strong Sons my Primark ferrous relented his hand was heavy and crushing as it fell upon the echary shoulder you make me tamper Gabriel I suspect you're the only one who can santal bowed his head respectfully you honor me with your praise my Primark it was well earned my son Ferris released him leaving the shoulder numb beneath the guard Gerson is a good soldier I shall tell him you said so no I'll do it better come from me as you wish my Primark there was a long pause as Santa considered what he was about to say next Ferris had his back to him again voice your concerns my eyes might be cold but they are not blind very well is it wise to abandon our auxiliaries we might have need of their support first his head came around to regard his first Captain swiftly the Primos calmed and mean a scorched at Ash as something molten and unpredictable burned in his gaze are you questioning my orders a query unlike his less experienced Captain santar did not falter no Primark but you do not seem yourself anyone but Santa would have been struck for speaking so candidly as it was the first Captain experienced a moment of disquiet as his Primark considered his reaction Santa's fists were clenched the lightning claws poised for release as his Warrior instincts took over ferris's Fury ebbed as quickly as it had fled and he stared into the darkness oh something I need to tell you Gabrielle Ferris met the first Captain's gaze it is for you and only you to know but I must confess it and warn you speak this to No One an implicit threat refer to the periphery of the primark's trailing words and a nerve of tremor in ferris's jaw flickened the first Captain waited patiently I've had strange dreams of late Ferris muttered it was utterly unlike him to do so and set Santa on edge more than any threat of violence ever could in the desert of black sand and have eyes watching cold reptilian eyes Santa had no response he had never seen his Primark vulnerable before ever should I summon an apothecary my Lord he eventually asked when he noticed Ferris rubbing his neck under the gorget just visible above the lip the skin was raw an irritation nothing more it is this place this does it there's something out there now Santa felt a real concern and wanted to end the campaign in short order and venture to Fresh theaters of war the legion can destroy the node unassisted flesh is weak my Primark but we shall not be slaves to it and like a shadow moving from across the Sun Fair has brightened and became his old self again he collapsed Santa's shoulder in a grip that was painful for the first Captain most of the legionary captains I will lead us to our enemies and show them how strong the sons of Medusa are my course is set to query nothing will stop me nothing with Gabrielle santal gone Ferris returns to introspection nothing not even the promise of battle could shake his Bleak mood like an anvil hung around his neck it dragged him deeper towards an abyss fulgrim could lighten it he was sure but then the Phoenician was not here you are all my sons and the fires of the forge burn as hot in your hearts as they do in Mine Chain them Master them and you shall wield a deadly weapon but allow them to rule you and you shall be lost the flesh is weak a Battle Cry that had been screamed raw from the throats of the iron Hands Across thousands of worlds in the galaxy to be Warriors and the great Crusade was a duty and path had required the iron hands to become the perfect Warriors and a perfect Warrior was one who had expunged all weaknesses from him Ferris knew this rather than join Humanity on Medusa he had turned to the shadow lands seeking to purge himself of weakness by battle and survival he hated weakness it had no place in the Utopia he and the emperor was building the weak made mistakes the week failed and died a Creed pass on to his sons who despise weakness with equal Zeal as they crowded themselves into stronger wiser and greater Warriors but on that very journey to purge oneself a weakness there was a roadblock a weakness they couldn't overcome their flesh flesh withered flesh was susceptible to disease and injury flesh tires and fails the flesh is weak the legion looked to their Primark and saw his arms The Shining metallic Beacon of strength a badge of honor is the corpse of azir North coated his own flesh Panzer could mold and Forge without the heat of flame so when their flesh failed them to replace it with something more reliable something that wouldn't get sick or decay augmatics iron and like necrotized flesh it must be expunged amputated replaced by the strength of iron bionic hands became common amongst the legion as a decade's part in the great Crusade a part of Ferris approved of his son's dedication to the eradication of weakness for yet a part of him despised it were these augmatics their own strength or the strength of a machine could it be truly called theirs but what could he say his own arms were not his they were not his hands he knew deep down that he wielded the strength of something else but he would never dare voice this display of weakness to a lesion that required him to be a symbol an inspiration iron did not Bend so nor could he some had even questioned why the lines and the metal at his shoulders were so so clean almost like it had been dipped rather than plunging a thrashing beast but the truth would only be known to Ferris launching with a 50-second Expedition pharaohs in the iron hands Legion continued to battle across the stars as more worlds and colonies of mankind were brought into the Imperial fold the Mortal humans of the Imperium would turn to see these enormous Warriors clad in cold black armor to see them fight was akin to watching living myth as demigod Strode across the field of battle pharaohs and his Legion strength a skill that they had sharpened like a West Stone to a blade crush the enemies of the Imperium the decisive hammer strike in an alliance close than any other Legion the iron hands and mechanicum of Mars filled with the greatest equipment and artillery the Imperium possessed battles that would have cost millions of lives were spared as far as in his iron hands projected the strength of more than tenfold their number their very strength spared lives the gray Crusade had earned Ferris honor and victory experience to add to his self-craft at the perfect Warrior the perfect Legion for something gnawed upon him as a great Crusade progressed his brothers his equals his rivals learning of his father had humbled him but learning of his brothers motivated him adorning years of the gray Crusade furrows had been found before many of his brothers there had been a time when there were few primarks but after decades more and more of his brothers were rediscovered each of them raised upon different wounds and masters of their own different Creeds there were those he admired fullgram Gilman and Vulcan fulgrim a true friend and a brother to walk down the path of perfection with the one who gave him the nickname he cherished so dearly the Gorgon Gilman a master of a skill that had been alien to those of Medusa diplomacy but beneath that Visage lay a ruthless mathematician in bureaucrat the makings of not just a conqueror but a ruler too Vulcan like him raised upon a world of fire and smoke both Mars of the forge and craftsmanship but unlike Ferris his brother's core was molten kind-hearted where his was iron again that feeling came to him the one he dared not admit to himself that he was no longer special no longer the strongest in the room a feeling that at times motivated him and at other times a crunch decades into the great Crusade The Campaign on 1544 was not going well pharaohs alongside his brothers Vulcan and mortarion found himself and his Legion struggling falzinos the eldari that vile ancient race who didn't have the sense to bow down to the rise of mankind upon the desert Plains Ferris disan Shadrach medusan Amadeus Duquesne Gabrielle santire Bayern henricos and the iron hands fought a slow steady wave of iron and Bolter versus the Swift Venom strikes of the eldari it boiled his blood to see how he and his Legion were hampered whilst his brothers seemingly performed better had he raised weak Sons his temper the heat of the forge boy something kept at Bay by his will of iron faulted he raised his voice as a hint of disarm's suggestion that the great Pharisee Menace was thwarted by eldari witchery he was not himself his quickness to anger was far above his usual demeanor only fulgrim was capable of lightening his mood but his brother was far from him alone with his first Captain Gabriel santal Ferris confessed I have had strange dreams of late of a desert of black sand and of eyes watching cold reptilian eyes something had been toying with him but he dared not appear so weak in front of his entire Legion or worst of all his brothers it was his weakness the weakness of a human the flesh was truly weak taking to the surface personally Ferris and his sons plunged into the eldari's desert stronghold leaving behind the Mortal Imperial contingent too slow and hampered by the desert conditions again the flesh had been proven weak the foul xenos had been waiting for them ambushing Pharos and his forces clad and coal Black armor with a face hewn from Granite cold Fury radiating from his every paw Ferris battled the eldari but he became isolated cut off a storm of psychic origin tore through the eye in hand creating a barrier from them and their Primark to approach it all bionics and electronics malfunctioned and died for a very Legion almost half machine half man their greatest strength had become their greatest weakness Ferris was on his own as his sons held baited breath and anguish at their weakness for not being able to Aid their lord Ferris looked around himself his doll Silver Eyes gazing Upon A gloomy Cavern system he pushed forward and then began to feel an intrusion into his mind visioned images of screaming dead the sensation of a blade slicing his head from his shoulders a memory a Vulcan gifting him a sword himself letting his pride get in the way of accepting it graciously Barbed an insult echoed around him until one cut deeply unwanted Sun this last Barb stuck in his throat Ferris was remarkable upon Medusa he was a king of kings none could match him but when his father came and brought him 17 remarkable Brothers he realized his place unlike Vulcan who had accepted his position gladly and humbly Ferris railed was he not the equal of his siblings when faced with the glory of Horus the Majesty of sanguinius or even rogal dawn solidity it was easy to believe that some Sons would wait in the wings or that chosen fewer enacted their father's grand plan for the Galaxy greatest fear of all was to be the runt of the litter the weakest the one left behind from the Shadows it came out the cold reptilian eyes the vision a serpentine Beast that moved at a speed that was beyond even his stalking attacking him as he moved further into the cavern eventually reaching a bizarre decrepit Throne Room complete with a rotting corpse upon a throne how much was real he could not tell a half serpent man Beast finally revealed itself and so the Gorgon of Medusa threw himself at it obliterating the creature he was Victorious but with his wounds pouring his head pounding with rage he threw open the doors behind the carrion throw ready to confront the masses of his suffering and manipulation thank you have power over your mind not outside events realize this and you will find strength a gem cannot be polished without friction nor a man perfect it without trials Ferris Strode out from the storm alien blood slick on his torn battle plate his sons were Overjoyed their Primark lived Gabrielle Santa asked his Lord what had happened to him but Ferris told him it did not matter for how could he tell his sons of what Visions he had seen the serpent man Beast of how the conniving eldari had tried to tempt him by speaking of Prophecy of how they had drawn him here to warn him of a great Doom an angel exterminatus of his future death Ferris had defied the xenos Roaring back I know I will die just as I know my place and Duty it matters not if it is upon some blackened world I've never seen or the very Crags of Medusa itself I am a warrior king alien but I'm also something else human unlike you Elder we humans would not submit to fate we shape it but Ferris dare not tell anyone of what he saw or heard the very idea that the eldari had seen the possibility of manipulating him that they perceived some weakness within him burned in his thoughts pharaohs and the iron hands finally left 1544 compliance had finally been achieved and the great Crusade required their attention the aftermath a sobering experience for the Legion for their greatest strength their iron had become a weakness and the warnings of zenos left unheeded the decades began to pass for Ferris in the 10th Legion spreading out to the stars in Conquest as more and more colonies and worlds are brought into imperial compliance eventually Furs and his Sons answered the call for aid from an ultramarine and Emperor's Children contingent against the non-compliant pocket Empire of Gardena 11 worlds under the iron grip or the totalitarian regime the so-called laws of garden arm it was an Empire of genetic manipulation All Humans genetically bred for their specific roles each crafted towards traits that would allow them to excel at their permanent role in life they were designed to be perfect there were billions upon billions of them a tide of engineered humans whose compliance was now ferris's responsibility Perfection it was demanded of him and so the work of compliance began the iron hands ascended down to the surface of garden Isle Prime the imperium's genetically Advanced super soldiers against the hordes of that grown people of Gardena long it was a Slaughter for every iron hand ultramarine and Emperor's Children there were 500 Cardinal soldiers but they kept coming the enemy was literally throwing themselves upon the 10th Legion until their ammunition ran out and their weapons clogged with meat but the Lord Primark had not taken to the field there had been rumors circulating the many fleets of the great Crusade that his father the emperor would be leaving the front line and handing the responsibility to another Ferris knew the rumor and the possibility of one of his brothers being chosen to take up that responsibility again his Minds turned to his brothers fulgrim his closest friend an orator a symbol that inspired or Gilman an administrative Beyond his abilities and then Horus they were all the same age yet to be in the presence of the lupacal that's Charisma it was as if he had been cast in the very light of their father Ferris new war the path towards Perfection an expunging of weakness his Conquest record was exemplary but he knew his name was not spoken in the same reference as Horus Dawn the lion or Gilman the prosecution of war against God and now had to be different he had held back from his usual Tendencies he was capable of being level-headed and diplomatic like his brothers he would prove it the battle upon God null Prime was a slow grinding Affair testing the patience of pharaohs as he remained upon his medusan carved throne in orbit he wanted desperately to turn to his old ways a battle within himself trying desperately to keep it in check finally the gardener requested to negotiate once again and made their way towards the Primark and his Flagship miles of coal ceramide corridors the Diplomat Strode finding themselves as dwarfed by a vaulted dorm with all the brutality and cold efficiency of medusan design inside a warrior King's Chambers the representative Lords of God are now looked Upon A being whose genetic design was far superior to theirs pharaohs equally assessed them looking upon one house inside his own powered armor he took it apart in his mind the shielded coils the energy reflective materials he assessed the power of its cause and the hidden energy weapons his sons had missed he felt a sting of annoyance at his son's ignorance and weakness in missing these facts but his face remained Stern and iron leaning forward in his throne he asked the Lords of God now if they had come to surrender they had not they replied they had come to kill him the chamber door mechanism locked as one of the garden all sacrificed themselves in an explosion Ferris was locked within alone Ferris felt a presence touch his mind as one of the two Representatives locked his gaze upon him the Gorgon of Medusa left from his throne charging his would-be assassins forgebreaker tightened his metallic grip the great hammer met sword an energy field as he began to duel the equally enormous Garden all prime powered suit and then the room shifted around him he looked around to see lava flows and medusan rock a howl echoed in the air one he knew all too well the haunting scream of azernoff the silver worm more Visions came his brother Dawn standing over him with his fists soaked in Blood and a face of pure anger oh he remembered that day when he had pushed him that far and he had reveled in that sensation more Visions came the time he scaled karashi of the great battles he had fought this was not real the other Lord of God and all he was a psycha trying to put him off balance as he Jewel the mechanized warrior in front of him the battle was brutal Hammer blows that could level mountains pummeled against energy fields vibroblade and plasma shot glanced against his majutan Forge plate his own men outside were attempting to crack the very Vault doors built by a Primark no help was coming again the psycho attempted to distract him showing him visions of his defeat at the emperor's hand they laughed the claim that they had already calculated his death that they knew him you have power over your mind not outside events realize this and you will find strength they knew him he thought even my own father doesn't know me even from his earliest days his greatest weapon had been his mind his will to grow to become stronger he had power over his mind and that very strength drowned asirenath it led him to conquer a world and even challenge the strongest being in the Galaxy they knew him no only he knew himself and what he was capable of the Sakura tried to throw his past defeat at him believing it would dishearten him but they did not know him not ferrous because to him they were not defeats they were fuel on the path to War's Perfection they were gifts first exerted his will the power of his mind and forced himself into the present with hot rage burning in his veins he lunged at the mechanized Warrior and tore him apart with his metal hands oh his brothers had known rage but Ferris was apocalyptic and now victory was his with his head thrombing with heat from the rage Ferris walked up towards the psycho words began to spill forth from the Mortal human but he didn't get a chance to finish as far as rocketed Force breaker into the Assassin who dared try to kill the Gorgon of Medusa Ferris emerged from his throne chamber but the mood amongst a fleet was solemn the assassination attempt should never have happened or have nearly been so successful the efforts of ferris's diplomacy had backfired and now he had made an error he had looked weak it was a sensation that had to be quashed if the compliance of garden all was to succeed order and discipline needed to be revived and so Ferris chose a conduit an example for the legion to Bear witness tomb I've never been able to find a challenge amongst my own Sons Ferris remain distilled as a mountain as the third Legion serves clattered into the cage pushing an arming dummy in case in awkward juwan's magnificent battle plate piece by piece they began unbuckling his training leathers and drilling him into his War harnesses ignored by the Primark as he spoke even the legion's Ancients can only match me so far I built this cage myself for my brothers akaduana held out his arms while his Source machined on plate and engaged the seals and These Bars could tell some stories fewer than you might think my brothers are surprisingly reluctant I could do on his eyebrow arched the armor is moved to his legs oh fulgrim would joke that he would die with shame were his sons to see him defeated Vulcan said that he did not want to hurt me me I told him that I would make a finer weapon than that I gifted fulgrim and if he would try and and These Bars have few stories to tell but not none ferris's eyes glinted like daggers his smile did not blunt their Edge I am honored Lord the armrest pulled and prodded at ARCA diwana's seals the ranking surf worker processed with his helmet akaduana waved him away he was about to fight a Primark and he intended to savor it I do you no honor your birth father fought the emperor he did my brother speaks highly of him I know he says you have no equal to one is Shrugged but felt A tingle of Pride not so much in the fact as that it had been spoken by a Primark The Emperor's Children boast many fine Swordsmen reverse Cario has the potential to be great and there is a brilliant young legionary in the second company called Lucius who may yet reach my standard if he can tear his face from the mirror but they are not you I know how that feels akatawana pivoted around the waist made some practice punches testing the Armor's work the power servers whined as he drew tumor and Athea the serps had rebuilded his scabbards over his power armor and the two China brawl Sabers emerged from their silks with the most expectant of size an unmodified mortal at the farthest part of the hall would have felt it first his eyes flickered with self-hatred Ferris Manus attacked before the command to begin had left his mouth given his Goliath physique his speed was staggering unless a doulas and AKO dewana would have been pulverized on their spot and even he was forced into an admiring grasp as a smoldering metal fists thundered past his eyes the Primark was holding nothing back and with a roar he came again other in combination of Terror and exhalation feel like dewana as he docked between blows under them away fed by a lightness of heart he had not felt with a sword in his hand since the first time he has stood before old Corinth before the unification had been won Ferris bellowed and swung with his left akaduana bent under it and allowed it to clang into the bars he rolled back always back he did not bother using his swords to Parry it would have been like blocking a Beyblade he ducked and weaved danced and slid slaws a blur of faint and misdirection his movements were intuitive faster than Gene and Hans thought but compared to the gap between the audacious youngster and the grizzled Thunder Warrior that between legionary and Primark was a yawning one he grinned he was going to have to try with sheer bludgeoning power Ferris forced him up against the bars his swords bit of the vulnerable points in the primark's armor Pharos ignored them stings from a persistent insect he fainted with Teemo drawing the primark's eyes and then used the lengths of athenia to stab at the primark's groin the master crafted saber pierced the heavy male only to become wedged between a pair of crushed Rings Ferris gave a snull I'd smack the blade with his wrist the ancient Greek and blade shattered roon inscribed metal shards daggering the floor at arcadillana's feet the force of the blow splinted his gauntlets sent hairline fractures running up Aqua diwana's van brace and almost pulled his shoulder from its socket he cried out in Glee why do you laugh Ferris Drew back even unarmed he had reach akudawan could only shrug in folding Timor in a two-handed grip [Music] because spitting with anger first drove his fist at ARCA diwana's chest too big to avoid too fast he cried out in shock as his breastplate caved in splitting the palantina color into frayed halves Gold Leaf flutting around the hot little quince's on Knuckles ground in his rib plate cracked then shattered before he had even registered the pain he was flying crashing into the bars with Force enough to break more bones the bars themselves are made of firmer stuff built by pharos's own hands to contain the might of a Primark they did not Bend vibrating with a metallic basso profondo they flung him back into the ring sprawled on his chest and crying out for the pain of his fractured ribs a great weight pushed into his shoulder eliciting a murmur of pain then closed over it to haul him off by the golden fret work ferris's eyes burned into his consumed them in his his expression incandescent as he drew back his arm to deliver a finishing bloom all right too once fought the Amber he is a greater being than you could imagine how did your mortal father manage itawana could barely see the fist before him his eye had swollen this face puffed and bloodied he wished to give him every opportunity to yield he gave a laugh coughing it up in gurgles Ferris frowned tell me why you laugh do you do you not see first grip tightened a splintering of ceramite I could do on a chuckled winced and then chuckled again this this is what we were born to do both of us to fight and eventually one day to lose it feels good some of the aggression left pharos's eyes and one thing at least I was right now Legions have much to learn from one another he lowered akudawana to the ground with a captain proceeded to fold bonelessly over his knees what is now verse was your War now commences shall be mine there will be no Feast of Celebration no proclamation of victory I do not claim worlds I conquer them my victories are their own Proclamation I will present my brother gilliman with Ash around a bear and star that shall be my Proclamation and the God and now shall forevermore be remembered only for the manner in which they fell his gaze passed over his Warriors silent before his scorn for what they had just witnessed was not a contest it was a lesson I've sought to lead as fulcrum or Gilman would have led but that is not my way and is not the medusen way the garden now have had ample opportunity to yield crumbles of agreement swept the hole akatuwan a swayed in the spot blinking up at the Primark and it fell to sirius to speak out the emperor desired these worlds intact the guardian I'll rule over 11 worlds I will give my father 10. the 413th Expedition will not act in defiance of the emperor you are derelict chapter Master Syria straightened against his wedge spear I serve the Emperor of Terror the ideals of his great Crusade my father and his brothers in that sequence I will not defy the first of my masters by ordering the destruction of cardinal Prime for a long time Ferris glazed down at the old submarine and then a smile found its way across his face perhaps if you were the 413th where you belonged then you would have known you are no longer in command of the Expedition Fleet of that Authority Gilman can restore your command once he arrives I'll be done with you by then until that happens your orders come from I and father more he knows what I expect of my Warriors [Music] that's the problem with the path of improvement the delusion of superiority of purity you lose the ability to listen from such black and white views of right and wrong you become unreceptive to the wisdom of others they both knew what this was they could see it in each other's eyes an unspoken truth that did not need to be verbalized inside a fighting cage designs to hold primarks Ferris glared down upon nakaduana champion of fulcrum's empress children Legion pharaohs had challenged the legendary champion of the third it was a display an unfair fight but one to unleash the legion's shame and unite them okaduana was the best a symbol to the third whose very own father had the honor of dueling the emperor in the early years the great Crusade akaduana was the best he knew there was no arrogance in that statement being the deadliest in the room was a sensation that Ferris knew all too well the duel began Ferris let flow the feelings of self-hate and shame he roared with rage as his error his weakness a lunged bear fitted agaduana it was like a man fighting a wild beast as akaduana tried desperately to dodge the Furious attacks of the metal armed creature the champion of the third lasted longer than any legionary before but he still faced a Primark the Champion's body was crushed his ribs shattered as a living weapon nearly beat him to death but where Pharaoh's features were of snarling hate akuduwana was smiling he was laughing tell me why do you laugh Ferris spat and his victim's face don't you see this is what we were born to do both of us to fight and eventually one day lose it feels good the words cut deep the anger melted in an instant it seems another understood the gift of being beaten it seemed another understood the gift of defeat he was a Primark triumphs and Glory were common but defeat challenges that pushed him to the edge of his abilities they were precious that day the Emperor of mankind that golden Beacon that perfect Warrior handed him such an utter defeat he saw the new possible Heights he saw the lesson and potential he saw what true strength was he saw his own weaknesses and how to eliminate them that's the problem with the path of improvement the delusion of superiority of Purity you lose the ability to listen from such black and white viewers of right and wrong you become unreceptive to the wisdom of others the emperor had humbled him shattered his self-delusion as a strongest being and had shown him that he was not at the end of his journey to War's Perfection he had only just begun it perhaps there was things at fulgrim Gilman or Horus could teach him but he was not them he finally saw it now the path not to be the best Primark the one Lord like his brothers what he needed to be was the best Ferris madness he gently placed the wounded akaduana to the ground and looked to his sons declaring the garden all rule over 11 worlds I will give my father ten he was the Gorgon of Medusa he was no orator or Diplomat he was a conqueror Gardner Prime fell under the full weight of Ferris and the iron hands Legion no longer holding back destruction and Devastation ground the garden all into submission and compliance for nearly two centuries Ferris had been at war in the Stars long had been since his early life on Medusa but once again the balance of the Galaxy shifted the rumors were true that the dawning of the 32nd Millennium upon the world of all and all the Emperor of mankind his father declared his stepping down from the great Crusade he would return to Terror to consolidate what the Imperium had gained it broke the heart of all of the primarks ferris anguish the thought of not seeing his father for a long time but the great Crusade would not be leaderless one brother would be elevated Above the Rest War Master Horus Ferris could not begrudge his brother for he had earned it he knew he was a symbol the Imperium needed will the emperor returning to Terror a new era of the great Crusade had begun again the second Fleet Ferris Manus and the ironed hand set out to the Stars bringing thousands upon thousands of Worlds into imperial compliance it was in the Years following the coronation of War Master Horus that ferrous in the iron hands found themselves on the tail of a new phone orbiting the Sun of a desolate system was a nomadic Fleet containing Colony ships from Terrace ola's expansions Millennia before but to the Imperium Scouts disgust they found a confederation of humans and xenos living together side by side the diaspora a society not permitted in the bounds of the Imperium the humans were offered a place inside the Empire but they refused leaving only War for months Ferris and his Legion chased the shadows of this Fleet finding themselves outmaneuvered by the faster Sleek vessels Ambush after Ambush had begun to take a toll enraging first at the failure of his captains his temper only once again sued by the words of Gabrielle santar but the situation had become clear the diasporas required the iron hands to be the hammer but they needed their Anvil Forrest declared to his sons that their brother Legion the empress children had been summoned and would join them soon in purging these xenos the roles are most deafened for chamber as the two closest brothers and Legions had once more joined in battle aboard his brother's ship pharah Strode onto the embarkation deck the Warriors of the third looked upon the enormous Primark his face like granite and his features Stern and brutal his nickname the Gorgon earned Ferris looked up towards his brother fulgrim and a smile so warm and honest beamed from him they embraced like family for what felt like the first time in decades Ferris relaxed truly comfortable the Warmness of his smile and his tone a shock to his accompanying iron hands battle plans were made immediately for the two primarks retired to fulgrim's private quarters it had become more of a gallery than a warship the Gorgon remarked art was a distraction to him but yet he respected it as part of his brother's path towards Perfection the Galaxy had changed since they had last seen each other the era of War Master Horrors had kept them apart for too long each of them reveled in the time they had together but they had changed too the title of prominence among his brothers tofurus had seemed less enticing he saw the weight of responsibility on horace's shoulders realizing that being the best Ferris manners the path of perfection diverged from the path of War Master but the change in his brother did not slip Ferris he knew his brother better than anyone his usual bravado and confidence a facade he knew to be a performance to inspire her others seemed like it was becoming the real thing it unnerved him but yet his love for fulgrim was blinding the hunt for the diaspora had begun Ferris let loose The Moorings of his Fleet and roared towards the hybrid human and xenos Fleet they'd always been on the back foot but now they had them pinned the battle was fierce but angered in one place the larger Colony ships of the diaspora were overwhelmed the lighter cruises unable to retreat and engage on their own terms with a corridor slick were human and alien blood the third and tenth Legion had purged this filth the humans choosing to fight rather than giving up their xenos allies the battle had been won but something had felt wrong to Ferris he had placed his Flagship in front of his brothers in the midst of battle shielding him from a barrage but this gesture was not reciprocated arriving aboard fulgrim's Flagship Ferris and Gabrielle santor and his morlocks arrived to what felt like a gauntlet of fulcrum's Warriors the ceremony of fraternity had been conducted in haste uncomfortably formal for what should have been the closest brothers and Legions first understood that the legions had not left as friends shielding his brother's ship the idea of being saved for a man on the road to Wars Perfection he knew this may have wounded the pride of fulgrim he had known him for centuries but still this reaction surprised him it would be only a few short years after the destruction of the diaspora that fulcrum sent word that he was making an unscheduled visit to his beloved brother that warm on his smile cryptocos ferris's face as he welcomed again fulgum into his private Forge eager to hear the word that his brother had promised could only be spoken in person I made that revoke in more than 150 years ago said Ferris so why is it still here you know what vulcan's like he loves to work in the meadow and he doesn't trust anything that hasn't had the beat of a hammer laid upon it or the fire of the forge in its heart Pharos held up his shimmering Mercurial hands and said I don't think you like the fact that I could shape metal without heat or hammer he returned it to me a while later saying it should remain here with his creator I think knock turns superstitions on his forgotten as our brother would have us believe fulgum reached up to touch the weapon but curled his fingers into a fist before they touched the warm metal to touch such a perfect weapon without firing it would be wrong I understand that there is a certain attraction in a handsomely made weapon but to apply such Artistry to a thing designed to kill seems extravagant said fulcrum really chuckled Ferris hefting forward breaker and pointing at a Fire Blade sheathed at fulgrim's hip then what were you doing in the Euros fulgrim drew his sword and turned it in his hands so that it caught the light and threw dazzling red Reflections around the forge that was a contest smiled full Grim I didn't know you then I wasn't going to have you outdo me was I Ferris circled the Iron Forge pointing his Warhammer at the Magnificent Creations he had wrought and which hung upon the warm there was nothing in weapons Machinery or engineering devices that obliges them to be ugly ugliness is a measure of imperfection you of all people should appreciate that then you must be perfectly imperfect said fulcrum his smile robbing the comment of malice now we've been pretty to you and sanguineous my brother and I'll stick to fighting now come on what's this all about you speak of the future of the great Crusade and then want to talk of weapons in old times what's going on fulgrim tensed suddenly anxious at what he was to ask of his brother he had hoped to approach the Mata circuitously feeling out his brother's position and the likelihood of him joining them willingly but with typical medusan directness Ferris managed to come right out and demanded to know his purpose how artless and blunt when did you last see the emperor asked fulcrum the Amber when does that have to do of anything indulge me when was it a long time ago admitted Ferris Arena Septimus on the crystal headlines above the acid oceans I last saw him on ullinore at the war Masters coronation said fulgrim moving towards the great Anvil and trailing his fingers along the cold metal I wept when he told us that he believed the time had come for him to leave the crusading work to his sons and that he was returning to Tara to undertake a still higher calling a great Triumph nodded Ferris sadly I was on a campaign in the key law nebula and too far distant to attend personally it is the one regret I have not being able to say my farewells to our father I was there said fulgrim his voice choked with emotion I stood on the Deus next to Horus and Dorne when the emperor told us he was leaving and it was the second most heartbreaking moment of my life we begged him to stay to see how what he had begun but he turned his back on us he he would not even say what his great work was only that were he not to return to Terror then all that we had won would crumble and fall into ruins Ferris Manus looked up at him his eyes narrowed you talk as if he abandoned us that was how it felt said fulgrim his tone bitter how it still feels you said yourself that our father was returning to Terror to preserve all that we had fought and bled for do you really think he would not have wanted to see the final victory Of The Crusade I don't know said fulgrim angrily he could have stayed what difference would a few years make what could be so important that he had to leave us there and then Ferris took a step towards him and fulgrim saw the reflection of his heart anger in the mirrored eyes of his brother the Betrayal of everything he and The Emperor's Children had fought for over the last 200 years I do not understand what you imply forgram said Ferris his words trailing off as the import of fulcrum's earlier words came to him what did you mean when you said it was the second most heartbreaking moment of your life what could be greater than that fulgrim took a deep breath knowing that he would have to come flat out and say what he had come to say what could be greater than that when Horus told me the truth of how the emperor had trade us and plan to cast us aside in his quest for godhood said fulgrim relishing the horrified expression of surprise and fury on his brother's face shouted Ferris what in tear is wrong with you betrayed us godhood fullgram took quick steps to stand before Ferris Manus his voice passionate now that he had taken the final step and confessed his true reasons for coming here seen the true things my brother the emperor has already abandoned us and even now plots his apotheosis he lied to us all Ferris we are nothing more than tools to win back the Galaxy in preparation for his Ascension the perfect being he pretended to be was a filthy lie Ferris pushed him off and backed away his Ruddy craggy features pale and horrified knowing he had to press on fulcrum said others already seen the truth of this her moving to join Horus we will strike before the emperor is even aware that his designs have been unmasked Horus will reclaim the galaxy in the name of those whose blood was spent to conquer it fulcrum wants to laugh as the word spilled from him the thrill of finally unburdening himself almost too great to stand the breath heaved in his lungs and he could not tell whether the Thundering he could hear was the blood surging in his skull all the Hammers are far away forges Ferris Manus shook his head and fulgrim despaired as he saw his brother's horror turning to Fury this is the new direction of the Crusade you spoke of yes cried fulcrum it would be a glorious age of perfection my brother what we have won is already being given away to imperfect Mortals who will waste the glories we have won for them what we have earned in Blood and Tears will be ours again can't you see that all I see is betrayal fulcrum roared Ferris Manus you are not talking about claiming back what we have won you are talking about betraying everything we stand for my brother a please you must listen to me the mechanicum has already pledged its support to the war Master as have many of our brothers war is coming war that will engulf this galaxy in Flames when it is over there will be no mercy for those on the wrong side he saw the color flood back into his brother's face a raw and bellicose read that he knew all too well Ferris [Music] for the sake our Brotherhood to join us Brotherhood bellowed Ferris our Brotherhood died when he decided to turn Trader fulgrim backed away from his brother as he saw the murderous intent in his blazing silver eyes and God is ready to strike and mortarion will soon be with us you must join me or you will be destroyed no snauld Ferris Manus hefting Force breaker to his shoulder and as you who will be destroyed Ferris pleaded fulgrim think about this will I come to you like this if I did not believe that it was the right thing to do I don't know what happened to you volgrom but this is treachery and there is only one fate for Traders so you you are going to kill me first hesitated and frugum saw his shoulders sag in despair I am your sworn honor brother and I swear to you that I do not lie pressed fulcrum hoping that there was still a chance to convince his brother not to act in haste I know you're not lying and that's why you have to die foreign had betrayed him he had betrayed the emperor and there were others angron mortarion and Horus in his most sacred Chambers Overjoyed to see his closest friend in the universe his Joy turns to Ash as fulgrim began to speak unfolding a tale for a new direction of the great Crusade Horus has seen the truth of things my brother the emperor has already abandoned us and even now plots his apotheosis he lied to us all Ferris we were nothing more than tools to win back the Galaxy in preparation for his Ascension first couldn't believe what he was hearing like each word was slowly killing the friendship he and fulgrim had for centuries hearing how he spoke of their father the Pinnacle of perfection the star the Pharisees world view orientated around this new direction of the great Crusade disgusted him his Hearts began to Quicken he felt his pulse pound in his head as his rage began to rise you are not talking about claiming back what we have won you are talking about betraying everything we stand for our Brotherhood died when you decided to turn traitor fulgrim pleaded with him telling him you must join me or you will be destroyed first did not understand what had overcome fulgrim but he had betrayed him and the Imperium and the only faithful traitors is death ferris's body tends as he prepared to launch himself at fulgrim so are you going to kill me the statement cut deep even now Ferris loved his brother a bond like no other but that was why it was so painful to have his complete and utter trust in a person shattered he would never trust again never allow himself to feel this pain again forgebreaker slammed into Fire Blade as the two primarks tried to kill each other tears stung ferris's Eyes For the First Time In His existence but the look upon fulcrum's face was a Visage of Twisted Delight it disgusted him with blows that were too fast of the human eye two demigods battled ferris's blows rippled vibrations through fulgrim's bones but his blade work was faster and he made a cut for his brother's head Fireblade once again returned to the hands at forged as far as caught it with his bare metal hands with his arms glowing from heat Forrest broke the weapon that he had forged the explosion is throwing both primarks off their feet fulcrum burned and his armor damaged Rose first he stood over Ferris as both of their senses began to return with tears still stinging his dull Silver Eyes First Look to the now stranger above him declaring that fulgrim had best killed him for he will kill him if he does not fulgrim once again pleaded with Ferris but his words fell on deaf ears the Gorgon of Medusa would never betray the emperor never forsake the Oaths he had given fulcrum whispered to himself that I will always be your brother and that he struck first in the jaw with Forge breaker leaving him unconscious Ferris awoke hours later finding his honor guard outside slain the iron hands Fleet heavily damaged once again the Galaxy had changed Civil War had erupted four Legions under the banner of Horus had risen up in Rebellion many worlds declared for the war Master xenos attacks escalated and warp storms began to ravage the Galaxy it was all chaotic everything in flux in his innermost sanctums Ferris spent weeks on the forge his place of comfort they say the emotions of all craftsmen's find his way into their pieces and so for us began to reforge Fireblade the one he had created in the Euros two centuries before once filled with love and admiration it was now filled with vengeance and hate a silver hands sculpted and forged as his mind drifted forgum had betrayed him had he let him live because of Love or pity why did he believe that Ferris could turn what did he see within him that was weak or his brothers questioned that tomb would the Imperium Look to Him and questioned his loyalty he had to face him he needed to purge these weaknesses from himself the weakness of being perceived as a traitor of letting friendship Cloud him once again defeat had taught him a lesson finally through the warp storms news came from Terror seven Legions were directed to crush this Rebellion at its heart upon the world of isvan five it had come to this two centuries of the great Crusade hundreds of thousands of Worlds brought into imperial compliance billions upon billions under the light of the emperor and like all Empires where it reached the sea it turned upon itself Ferris sat across from his brothers corva's Court racks of the Raven guard and Vulcan of the salamanders his enthusiasm was infectious he was hungry for traitor's blood ferret had made up his mind and once he had there was no stopping him Ferris Manus followed by the unified clans of the iron hands roared down towards a cold and bitter surface upon isvan 5. the Loyalists crashed into the Fortified positions of the traitors beginning the bloodiest battle in the imperium's history the skies were lit in permanent orange smorgan Ash choked the atmosphere as hundreds of thousands of superhuman Warriors fought like animals each side screaming cries of hate the Mortal contingents on both sides had become mad through the shake uncophany of violence this site stomach turning ear ringing pulse roaring furrows in his Elite morlocks charge the center a startise falling in their dozens to the demigod with silver hands thousands were dying every minute but pharaohs and the iron hands pushed forward the flesh was weak but the brutal charge of a legion of ferris's sons was not finally breaking through pharaohs and his sons caught sight of the third Legion and what they saw disgusted them their armor their features had been corrupted horrifying displays of sickly color extreme body modification and flayed skin draped over them for hours Pharos and his sons fought scores were crushed in his iron grip it was like discarding necrotized flesh they were cutting the weakness out of the Imperium with a mountain of Traitor and Loyalist corpses around him Ferris looked to the sky reinforcements the alpha Legion Night Lords iron Warriors and wordbearers had arrived the traitor's line began to break his brother's korax and Vulcan call to retreat to hand over the next of soul to their brothers but then he saw him fulcrum he had to face him no word seems to reach Ferris no reason or logic fatted into his mind just a rage of one who had been betrayed surrounded by the last of his remaining morlocks of Clan of Ernie first charged lean behind most of his Legion he scaled the hill before him and once again his eyes met the brother he had once called a true friend the sight of fulgrim was heartbreaking and unnerving he wore the smile of a killer you betrayed the emperor and you treat me the last words racked with emotion that he couldn't mask pain he hated himself of feeling the flesh was weak again fulgum tried to convince his brother to join them the emperor was a spent force and there was a new order in the galaxy first couldn't believe what he was hearing even now when Horus is on the verge of defeat but fulcrum smiled and as Ferris turned around horror ravaged his face second wave the reinforcements turned upon the iron hands Raven guard and salamanders ferris's Sons began to form carved up and butchered as a second treachery took place for the first time in his life Ferris felt true despair as everything he had built died in front of his eyes hate a rage so complete washed over him he was the Gorgon of Medusa the stubborn brutal warrior king but now he was a beast he drew the reforged Fire Blade the two brothers launched themselves at each other they hacked and stabbed as the Imperium burned around them Ferris felt the bone shattering strikes as he sliced fulgrim with his blade they moved at a speed Beyond mortal perception until they broke apart ferris's wounds were pouring never had he been pushed like this before but at this time there was no thrill only emotional and physical pain he began to overwhelm fulcrum ready to kill him until fulgrim drew his own blade an alien silver gleaming and sickly purple light radiating from the hilt diabolical strength caught first by surprise he was thrown back and his chest was gorged open Forrest fell to his knees in pain clambering for Fire Blade he looked up one last time seeing hesitation in fulcrum his fingers gripped the hilt of his blade but the silver Edge swung down fulcrum cleaved ferris's head from his shoulders blood poured from the remaining stump as the lymph body of the Gorgon of Medusa slumped to the floor these are not my hands this fact is forgotten by my brothers inexplicably and has always seemed to me the hands are strong to be sure and have created great things for us all but they are not mine and that counts for something they forget that the silver on my arms comes from a beast that I've vanquished it is the mark of a great evil that I ended and yet it persists Within Me I would struggle to remove it now and I will not remove the silver from my flesh because I have learned to depend on it the fault is with my mind I rely on the augmentation given to me by the metal gauntlets so much so that the flesh beneath him is now little more than a distant memory a day will come when I will strip it from me lest I lose the power to master myself forever already my Legions Warriors replace their Shield hands with metal and my honor and so they too are learning to doubt the natural strength of their bodies they must be weaned off this practice before it becomes a Mania for them hatred of what is natural and what is human is the first and greatest of the Corruptions so I recorded here when the time comes I'll strip my hands of their unnatural silver no one struck my Legion to recount their distrust of the flesh I will turn them away with the gifts of the machine and bid them relearn the mysteries of the flesh bone and blood when my father's Crusade is over it shall be my sacred task when the fighting is done I shall cure my Legion and myself where fighting is all there is if we may never pause to reflect on what such devotion the strength is doing to us then our compulsion will only grow bow to it he said hand in the Slate back it'll be quicker the man slowly offered him the bloody soul but Shadrach had already leaned over the side of the recliner and drawn his Gladius he set the edge of the blade along the clumsy guide cart that the bone saw had scored paused and then struck his ruined hand off with a single Swift blow it bounced off the side of the trolley and landed in the pool of blood on the deck the serve hesitated as though he felt it would be polite to pick up the severed hand and return this to Shadrach then he remembered himself dropped the saw and hurried forward to attend with clamps and wadding if it's going to hurt anyway said Shadrach as the man worked binding the stump tightly it's better that it doesn't linger too good advice he thought applies to so damned much gorgensen returned an hour later and inspected the wound do this yourself that seemed for the best Shadrach replied you're no surgeon said gorgensen never claimed to be but Romans there was intent on whittling me down until I was nothing but a spinal column and rictus gorgensen frowned we're doing the best we can given the circumstances well he made more of a mess of me in 10 minutes in the damn sons of Horus could manage in a week gorgensen glared at him don't even joke damn you Shadrach don't even say the words aloud you don't think I'm angry I'm beyond rage I'm in another place entirely white heat and boiling blood I'm going to Butcher and burn every one of the bastards and give me my new hand so I can get on with it gorgensen hesitated they had known each other for 24 decades like Shadrach Goran gorgensen had been a storm Walker a son of Terror they had fought through the unification Wars side by side at their ascendancy garan had elected to join low compt the clan that most remembered and celebrated the Terran aspect of the founding but he had changed his name to gorgensen in honor of the Primark anger's not going to get us anywhere Earth brother Shadrach said quietly except deader than we are already anger's a blindfold a Fool's motivation I reserve it only for killing blows we need cool herds and clear Minds this is survival repair rebuilding Terror only knows we're good at repair we excel at it so this should play to our strengths the calling a council who's they the clan fathers a clan Council for what in Terrorist name for this isn't a matter of bloodline and Heritage the clan fathers are proposing to assume command the clown favors are proposing to assume command Collective command I suppose so in the absence of gorgensen paused there were words that were going to be hard to say names that are going to be hard to utter the clan fathers take control for now is in their comfort and Assurance in that they are veterans who understand a clan council is the last thing we need said Shadrach command by committee pointless we need positive singular leadership I didn't know you had aspirations of command gorgensen remarked Shadrach thought about that for a moment the notion came as a surprise I don't I've never considered it I just know we need something now someone were dead without it just a shattered rabble Gorgons inside a neapothecary even the best of us will tell you that you can graft on a new hand but you can't graft on a new head then we'll have to learn how said Shadrach a servator besides corgenson was holding the automatic on a train nothing fancy said the Apothecary reaching for a scraper a neurofuser I have no juvenile packing left either so you'll have to let it bond by itself don't don't test it it'll be weak for months probably let it bed in and heal Shadrach nodded just fix me up I'm sure I'll have many weeks of calm and Leisure to get the healing done gorgensen started working is he dead yes you know this Amadeus told me it was confirmed from the surface Lord Commander Amadeus is dead too murmured the apothecary yes I saw it but his word lives a gorgon is dead and our stepfather Amadeus is gone too so we can lie down and die with them or we can learn the craft heads what are you playing at org asked Shadrach could feel the iron father's anger radiating out like a force field they stood in the caustic Shoreline of the sulfur Lake acid Vapor swirled like Battlefield smoke what we bite our lips now even now with this predicament Sogo has no Clan father here you shame Us in the company of I shame you Shadrach shook his head he's not really what matters now a shame of speaking out Fates above we are shamed enough the clan leaders are groping around trying to recover something we have lost forever by the time they reach a decision we will be discovered and slaughtered or if they reach a decision it will be the wrong one and we will be slaughtered anyway we need unification Shadrach said org for morale alone I agree but under one war leader with one purpose one leader org laughed bitterly oh you perhaps org spat and looked away no one wants it none of us not a single Captain not a single iron father that's why the clan fathers have taken the lead they are projecting a sense of security of unity through our blood Heritage a reassurance in this time of loss through the bonds of fraternity but it's a group decision so that no one shoulders a burden alone no one bloody wants it that's why no one has stepped forward and called the rally around him he looked at orc no one wants to be seen as trying to replace the Gorgon no one wants to replace Amadeus to Cain no one wants to be seen as I'm pertinent or disrespectful I understand it he paused but we need to raise the storm again no one wants to command no one wants to appear so arrogant as to imagine that he can assume the primark's role but it's not a matter of want or pride of a glorious ambition it's a matter of necessity this talk will get you killed terranbourne said org no Shadrach snapped pointing towards the monastery that talk will get us killed he lowered his hand the augmented graft had not fully healed and still ached abysmally the violence of the gesture had jarreded I have it on good medical Authority that you can't graft on a new head he said Jeffers orc uttered a dry laugh he shifted his flesh spare frame and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand you don't need to be a medical authority to know that he replied I'm not suggesting that anyone pretends to be the Gorgon I'm not proposing that anyone presumes he can command as well as Ferris Manus or attempt to be such a master I'm simply talking about focus of authority one mind one will one iron Drive strong enough to compel us long enough to to want [Music] done which is what survive no Shadrach looked out over the misted lake he turns to the iron father you can't graft on a new head but you can cut off an existing one Focus long enough to get Taurus to cut off his head we decapitate the traitors we do to them what they did to us we Shadow them and scatter them to the winds we end stretchery after a moment he added then we can die for all I care we have learned what it means to be shattered and the path we must follow to achieve our vengeance you must learn to Pace ourselves tactical restraint we must learn the tactics and techniques of those thrown in with us and respect them we must take our iron and alloy it with the strength of those shattered alongside us he was dead Ferris Madness son of the emperor the Gorgon of Medusa his headless corpse was picked apart by the empress children like wolves to a carcass each clambering for trophies his head was tossed by fulcrum at the feet of War Master Horus those dull Silver Eyes had been plucked clean the sockets Roar and bloody the flesh was gray and dead his jaw hung open and Bone projected from one side where it had been caved in the victory cries of the traitors rung out like a carrion call across the Imperium declaring death to the false Emperor and to led the Galaxy burn the iron hands Legion had been decimated Ferris was dead first Captain Gabrielle santar was dead Lord Commander Amadeus Duquesne was gone all semblance of unity fractured and the desperate remaining few attempted to flee the massacre and Fleet blockade the iron hands salamanders and Raven guard had been shattered two primarks were missing but the lord of the tenth unmistakably slain the survivors of the isfan 5 Massacre were barely in the thousands all of them wounded and damaged physically scattered ships held collections of iron hands Raven guard and salamanders all from different Clans and companies all disorganized the iron hands had lost nearly everything but worst of all something had broken with within themselves Ferris was dead their Primark their father the star in which their existence orbited around the primarkyard United Medusa and had taken them to the Stars they couldn't process it they couldn't reconcile that their Gene sire had been lost that he had been weak he had let his anger a need to prove himself override his tactical sense he had left them behind to chase his Vendetta and lost thoroughs had let his human emotions get the better of him the flesh was weak and they had been weak too they had failed to push through failed to save their Lord because they were weak Horus had shattered them because they were weak they hated them the traitors who paraded the corpse of their fallen brothers and Primark across the Imperium the anger was so complete it had come back round into calm and yet they saw that anger still as the same weakness that had got their Primark killed the hate was justified but was simply a symptom of something wrong within themselves many of the survivors across the Bernie Imperium began to meet in secret conclaves in the dark like Vermin hiding from the light leadership had been taken by the iron fathers around return to the medusan way of life before the Primark it was the safe Choice One of fairness but endless debate and subservient to tradition an indecision no one wanted it the responsibility they are going to claim that they could unite the iron hands of the Gorgon hand Captain Shadrach Madison the terran-born veteran couldn't stand it the loss of his Legion his Primark and now the indecision of the iron fathers hoping to retreat into the remnants of their Clan structure was useless why divide their strength now part of them couldn't blame them they were simply seeking to find a source of purpose of comfortable strength to fill the void within themselves but talk like this would destroy them all from such black and white views of right and wrong you become unreceptive to the wisdom of others they needed to raise the storm their Raven guard and salamander Brothers had their own tactics of War their own strengths they were iron but we must take our iron and Allure it with the strength of those shattered alongside us they needed to become steel strong but flexible the Gorgon is dead and our stepfather Amadeus is gone too so we can lie down and die with them or we can learn to graft heads it was a difficult ask to the stubborn sons of Medusa fiercely independent even as a legion of astarties in the stars to ask them to declare that the tactics their Primark had taught them was not good enough was a tough pill to swallow the iron hand survivors scattered find that their very own 10th Legion Cipher language had been turned against them they fell into ambushes another betrayal by The Emperor's Children their stubbornness again had cost them until finally many saw the need for a singular Focus one being at the top Captain Shadrach majusan alloying with a hit and run stealth of the Raven guard with the enduring will and close range Firepower of the salamanders the shattered Legion survivors began to reform themselves not 10th 18th or 19 Legion but astartes divided into cells the shattered Legions began to harass the traitor's supply lines ruthless Fleet engagement and boarding actions became second nature to them in the cold claustrophobic ceramide corridors of the startis vessels iron hands Clash against sons of Horus Empress children and Alpha Legion finding an outlet to unleash their hate and fury finding it difficult to stop once the slaughter had begun we need to focus long enough to get Horus to cut off his head we decapitate the traitors we do to them what they did to us we shatter them and scatter them to the winds we end this treachery then we can die for all I care the Horus heresy began to rage throughout the Imperium years of brutal Warfare seem to touch every system or force a choose between the Emperor or Horus but what have become clear to the shattered Legions was that there was something more to this war they are seen up close the new disgusting visitors of their once brother Legion The Emperor's Children but after each engagement they saw the trait Allegiance become more and more Twisted the warp storm that ravaged the Galaxy were easily traversed by the forces loyal to Horus chaos foul corruption that stemmed from the warp four dark entities that called themselves Gods had infected the war master and his forces Whispers and rumors of grand sacrifices and barbaric rituals were Rife across the Imperium Millions were dying or the more reason to despise them even as the thought of these so-called gods and the truth about the warp conflicted with the Imperial truth it was simply another situation in which they had to adapt the iron hands were not home but many have been renewed by the purpose of methodical Vengeance but not all fell into the weakness of human emotion during the gray Crusade slowly the iron hands had become their namesake as organmatics replaced the weak flesh damaged or scarred in battle Ferris had not approve of this but kept his thoughts to himself as one who relied on his own silver hands with the death of the Primark and the legion shattered there were some who could not bear the weakness that was their Humanity their anger their hate their sorrow their overwhelming sense of Shame and failure had haunted them in the moment of silence it needed to be locked away they didn't want to be like their Primark some even went as far as to condemn the Gorgon of Medusa a man who never truly understood the medusan ways an outsider others sacrificed the last piece of weakness within themselves the keys of Hell technology discovered during the Great Crusade that had been considered heretical by Ferris Manus and the mechanicum of Mars the foundation of faith in the mechanicum had become the form of the tenth Legion the holy Union between man and machine but for the bitters of survivors who only saw the path of the machine an iron as a way to escape the weakness of their Humanity they turned the keys of hell castigan uloch and his brothers became Revenant a Consciousness forever locked inside as a cybernetics took control they became parodies of men machines purged of emotion engines of War left with only cold logic never able to fall down the path of the Primark would let his anger be the death of him the flesh is weak the sight of these Gola disgusted their surviving Brothers but open War amongst themselves couldn't be risked when there were so few of them left the shattered Legions with a broken remnants that numbered in the few thousand their deaths would only be spent on one objective Horus lupacal I am not used to repeating myself primera's deck officer vackle this frigate is now under the auspices of the iron hands it is currently interfering of my mission and will move aside I'll demand to see the Lord Prater a rumble of hidden gears cause Kratos to turn in the same direction in time to see the huge portal rumbling open and a blaze of light from the adjoining Flight Deck flooding between the receding doors 20 Figures were silhouetted against the dark far bulkier than any normal Space Marine as his eyes adjusted Kratos recognized a Terminator armor but unlike anything he had seen in a long time the war plated the Terminators was Far broader and taller than standard legionary power armor and these had an exoskeletal frame carrying slanted plates of extra armor all decorated in the dark green Livery of the salamanders their hands were fashioned in a variety of powered fists Claws and chain Blaze designed for close combat anti-armor assault and bulkhead cutting and in the right They Carried an assortment of weapons ranging from simple Combi bolters to Triple barreled Auto cannons plasma charges and rocket launchers and one carried an immensely rare long muzzled vulcite culveran yet it was not these amendments that Amaze Kratos the iron hands had numerous experimental suits of Terminator armor with modified heavy weaponry and a blatif Shields what stole the curse from kratos's lips were the additional weapon systems mounted across the backpacks and shoulders of the Terminators a plethora of armor-piercing missiles last cannons multi-melters and conversion Beamers were all pointing in his Direction each was quite literally a walking tank the voice of ree emanated from the external vocalizer of the lead Warrior spearhead Centurion Kratos welcome aboard the Hearthfire suits were designed by Vulcan himself and we were about to Transit them to the surface of eastvan when the massacre began the Primark gave me a direct order not to allow them to fall into the hands of the traitors hence our Swift departure re swung first to the left and then to the right looking at the row of Warriors behind him you mentioned something about trying to take my ship from me if the situation had not been so fraught Ari might have enjoyed the moment of hesitation before Kratos reluctantly raised his hand in salute and bowed his head to the approaching pile Warden the salamanders Commander had not intended to humiliate his counterpart in this fashion it had been happenstance that Kratos had launched his ridiculous as re and the others were about to board their gunships in the neighboring launch bay I expect you to return to the four size immediately REI raised his power Fist and pointed to the storm strike and take your legionaries with you what a waste replied the Centurion he waved a hand at the Terminators shaking his head slowly Vulcan entrusted you with his work and this is how you use it even of these armored suits you cannot take the world eater's Fortress alone thankful that there will be nothing for the enemy once I have annihilated the city after your deaths is not the armor or weapon that makes the warrior it is the spirit you will fail your sentimentality will be your undoing the flesh is weak I have heard you say that phrase on several occasions since our first encounter I am not sure that you really understand what it means you may have spoken with the corkin do not think to school me in the teachings of my own Primark what you say the flesh is weak is only part of the same forgetting the end you have lost the meaning Falcon said it in praise the ferrous matters after the 184th Expedition when our Legions don't be liberated the orc dominated worlds of the shockshua cluster fighting had been fiercer than anything we had expected your Primark said in Jess that his arm was tired from killing so many Orcs And Vulcan retorted with the flesh is weak endure it was a celebration of what they had achieved and a remark that even primarks can die but what they do will last beyond their lifespan it was a message of humility not condemnation flesh is weak because it knows it must come to an end and so we must rise above the concerns of Flesh and leave a legacy that others will be proud to inherit Ferris Manus understood that he was a harsh Master an unforgiving ally but he was also a maker of things a builder not a destroyer krasos stepped back shocked by Ari's words in a moment he had recovered his confusion quickly turning to irritation another lecture it doesn't matter what you say the only thing you're going to leave behind impressed is our corpses Kratos spun away shouting for his men to Embark unto the gunship he followed them up the ramp and paused at the top he looked back with the last Shake of the head Ari returned to his Warriors and ordered the launch bay sealed again as they lined up to board the dropships Ari looked up and saw dark blurs descending towards the ground Torpedoes he muttered not quite believing Kratos had finally acted even the Terminator suits would be no defense against the ozone is designed to breach the hulls of battleships if it spelled the end for the salamanders it also heralded Destruction for the world eaters Ari contended himself with a thought that had he not taken out the shield generator the forces would be using mass drivers and anti-ship missiles rather than pinpoint laser strikes there would be deaths in the city but far fewer because of the salamander's actions the quiet confident voice of veshtar broke through the fog of confusion and disappointment that clouded Ari's thoughts as he washed the dark as much as glowing larger above the Citadel those aren't Torpedoes pinpress of fire became recognized sizable flares of retro Rockets firing the Torpedoes resolved into drop pods several dozen of them as they slammed into the Rock Reit of the killing ground some petaled open discharging flurries of explosive Warheads that slash bloody hole through the world eaters slaves soldiers squads of legionary Warriors poured from others bolts plasma and Laser fire adding to the torrent of deadly fire a second wave of larger craft hit the ground a few seconds later the armored skin shed by explosive charges to reveal Predator tanks Vindicator Siege tanks and a Dreadnought the salamanders parted to allow the iron hand armor to form an attacking Lance pointed directly towards the inner fortifications lasers Whirlwind missiles autocannon shells and a storm of other Ordnance conversion to keep lighting it with dozens of detonations and slicing beams a Predator Tank slew to a halt beside re and he looked up to see the command hatch in the blocky turret flip open helmetless spearhead Centurion Kratos emerged from the inside of the tank he raised a fist to his forehead and then he cupped his hands to shout down over the din of the garage engines and the crash of the Citadel War falling under the bombardment your thank is secured push forward no appraiser I should not have doubted the strength we gained from righteous conviction let us leave a worthy Legacy together my thanks for setting me back on the right path d enjoy injure [Music] you will never trust you will never dilute your strength by fighting alongside another we alone are strong Honorable Men a beloved of those who make Medals and those who dig holes in the ground for the Dead iron is unbeholden to honor Sergeant Kratos began his bombardment the world eater's facility was shielded but with enough ammunition it could be destroyed from the safety of orbit an action blocked by the salamander ree with his own vessel the salamanders numbered barely a dozen compared to kratos's over 200 iron hands the world eaters recruitment facility was creating more of these tormented astartes fit with that Abomination the butcher's Nails the bombardment that Kratos had begun would wipe not just their enemies but the civilians of this world too whose only crime was being born to a world garrisoned by a traitor Force the discussions were fruitless they were meant to be allies an re outranked his iron hand Brethren but yet they both knew the salamander couldn't do much in the end only the shared pain of istvan 5 and the bonds of unity had halted Kratos from blasting the object that blocked his guns re knew that Vengeance had consumed Sergeant krasos the one that had consumed all the iron hands in the years of the horrors heresy was their Primark like them were they akin to their Primark that characteristic stubbornness the promise to fulfill the path chosen by any means Kratos and the iron hands despise the traitors more than anything they would do anything whatever it took to burn them to the ground re Council Kratos that even now in this war against heresy that they had to think of the Imperium to come of how they would rebuild after Horus is dead the flesh is weak Kratos sputtered the philosophy that had been poured into him like molten metal into a mold from the black and gray harsh Skies of Medusa all the way to the stars all those born upon Medusa had endured that harsh environment the brutal Recruitment and training for a legion in the name of Ferris Manus the Gorgon of Medusa the temperament of the salamanders was alien to Kratos he could only see his counterparts concern for this compromised civilian population as foolish as weak Ari is Humanity here was proving to be a weakness his flesh was weak returning to their vessel with no compromise reached Kratos are waited for commands he knew he would not obey though he had no desire to destroy his comrades but nor would he suffer the world eaters to live to recruit kratos's patients wore out and he prepared to bore the salamander's vessels to seize it stepping onto the deck with his greater numbers Sergeant Kratos found that it was he who was outgunned as he turned to see a dozen salamanders armored in enormous chapter 9 Terminator armor the Ambush had been turned upon itself as Kratos with shock and then anger as he knew he was outplayed Ari and his brothers were going down to the surface they knew it was their Doom the illogical Choice once I've annihilated the city after your deaths it is not the armor or weapons that makes the warrior it is the spirit you will fail your sentimentality will be your undoing the flesh is weak Ari caught him there what you say the flesh is weak it's only part of the saying in forgetting the end you have lost the meaning the flesh is weak but Deeds endure it was a celebration of what Vulcan and Pharaoh had achieved and the remark that even primarks can die but what they will do will last beyond their lifespan it was a message of humility not condemnation flesh is weak because it knows it must come to an end and so we must rise above the concerns of Flesh and leave a legacy that others will be proud to inherit Ferris Manus understood that he was a harsh Master an unforgiving ally but he was also a maker of things a builder not a destroyer the words cut deep Vengeance had consumed Kratos all of the iron hands even those who had destroyed their humanity and become Revenant machines the Gola Ferris was dead and all his sons are taken away from his life was only half the picture the flesh is weak so pharaohs had spoken he had never been afraid of death but of never leaving a legacy during the Great Crusade they were building an Imperium for a golden age of humanity Ferris crafted he made engines of War but he also made gifts for those he cared for such as fulcrum and Vulcan the flesh was weak one day even he would wither and die so by his deeds he would live on remembered by the people he had built the future for the iron hands Medusa and Humanity armored in their saturnine Terminator suits Ari and his salamanders made Planet form like the walking tanks they were they burst into the world eaters facility fire and plasma pouring from the exoskeletal guns they reaped a heavy toll upon the traitors but slowly one by one Ari's Brothers began to fall the mission would cost them their lives but many others would live as they finally reached the shield generator and destroyed it re looked to the sky surprise Kratos had even waited before beginning the now targeted bombardment but the dark Silhouettes weren't missiles astarty's drop pods glowed from the heat of the atmosphere and rocketed down beside re Kratos and the iron hands chose the illogical but human choice they would fight besides their brothers I should not have doubted the strength we gained from righteous conviction let us leave a worthy Legacy together my thanks were said to me back on the right path Deeds endure to live by your own convictions and not those of your enemy that is true Revenge that would be the sons of Medusa's Vengeance the iron hands had been shattered their Primark murdered and his corpse a trophy for a starters that had fallen to creatures of the war but even with their weak human flesh they made the traitors bleed or taking a toll as Horus plunged towards Terror the Galaxy held its breath as the siege of Terror had begun the iron hands too far away to further influence the outcome the Legends such as Shadrach medusan by on henricos cybeck Weyland Amadeus Duquesne Gabrielle santor and many others will be remembered as Heroes of the Horus heresy a time of myth etched into the walls inside Medusa's innermost sanctums the Imperium had won Horus had been slain but the emperor had been crippled and turned upon the Golden Throne as a carrion Lord the traitors were scourged from the ravaged Imperium cast into the warper if known as The Eye Of Terror it would be now that the Galaxy would be cursed forever to know only War the remnants of the tenth Legion the scattered warbands finally had breathing room but before they could become a legion once again the Primark rebute giliman unveiled the Codex astartes each Legion was broken down into thousand man chapters never again would one individual be capable of wielding so much power like Horus had like a Primark could the barely few thousand Iron hands railed against it even if they knew that after the shattering each cell had Grown Apart some embodying the worst excesses of their core philosophy the flesh is weak others would alloyed with the strength of other Legions and tactics that could not return to the old ways it was with the return of the skull of their lord the Primark ferrous Manus by roguel Dawn that the 10th Legion agreed to the codex's startes the time of the great Crusade and the Horus heresy pass from living memory Millennia fell away like sand in an hourglass as the iron hands fought horrifying xenos and rebelling worlds across the Imperium for Millennia the legacy of Ferris Manus much like the Imperium itself began to rot you will never trust you will never dilute your strength by fighting alongside another we alone are strong Honorable Men in our beloved of those who make Medals and those who dig holes in the ground for the dead iron is unbeholden to honor the time of the Gorgon of Medusa to hold his son's Reliance on iron an organ Matic never came to pass all that was left the wisdom was the weakness of Flesh eroding with each Millennia the sons of Medusa began to lock away their Humanity never again would the iron hands be shamed by the failures of human emotion iron was strong iron didn't make mistakes iron didn't get angry iron didn't care for Honor or Brotherhood the iron hands aspired to the purity of the Blessed machine their flesh would Decay and rot but through the machine God and The omnis Sire they would become immortal it wasn't good enough his body was weak he had always known but attachment to flesh had made him resistant to the action required his encounter with lidric had provided the final push he needed he assumed that his friend had returned to his own ship possibly sharing an orbit somewhere on the other side of the blockade but in a way that no longer mattered in the photo bleach collar blotches that floated Out Of Reach above his flesh are he saw the red eyes of Captain Hazard closer to him than the ceiling lumens were now part of him recoiled from the memory but he made himself face it the son of korrax a death Specter he had later learned having made inquiries of the Cross Scythe emblem with a common dance imager archives had come upon him completely unawares if he had been hostile then stronos would be dead add to that is humbling before the iron Council and his Wayward actions on Thanos and it showed a pattern of behavior that demonstrated his fault the eye was an obvious Target it nagged him for decades and his replacement was an important step on his drive towards Perfection that it simultaneously deferred actions on the aspirations lidric had cast against the adeptus mechanicus he had noted and deemed incidental any action he might take now would be suspect in any event for all he had been discomforted at first he found that he craved The Surety of the clan into link now he desired the strength of his brother's will to brace his own the flesh was weak the brighter metal cabinets fitted against the bulkheads rattled as someone entered his first thought was that it was harsh wheeling in a terror Circle trolley but again his senses fell below expectation it was Aries the Dreadnought towered over the stowed Instrumentarium the restricted space making his heavy armored frame appear even more massive his blocky torso pivoted as if to survey the room thoroughly before entering his optic slips appeared to her light upon stronos only by chance strollos considered the silence but decided that he could keep nothing from the ancient I am defective I seek to rectify that also the Raven's son proved himself my Superior I must improve and adapt and adapt we record a time when iron hands were less like Christos I'm all like cardanos they were ruthless yes but adoptable not slays the calculus you should have said as much before the eye of Medusa stonos returned bitterly his gaze fixed to the ceiling plating costs are built as we saw right our word would have made no difference when you first stood before me you declared the iron Council would feel your rough for their failure to hold Thanos your Fury was sound what became of it such strength of feeling is difficult to hold on to in time perhaps will know this too strong the facial twitch lengthened the visual wavelength from into red to microwave the power conduits buried within the ceiling above his cot the game a shadowy smear of crimson you believed that the of the council to be errant argument s according to his ability said Aries it sounded like a quotation passionate and persuasive even went to brick wall flesh in place of iron foreign [Music] Creed as once we knew it Sonos turned his head to regard the Dreadnought the metal Randalls of his four chain bumped against the pallet and he resisted the urge to touch the automatic vertebrae suddenly bitterly angry irrelevant all of it irrelevant the iron council is ruled clearly our decision making that is an error not this I will not weaken my brothers by standing alongside them in this imperfect State we feel that we should experience contempt for such self-delusion yet we find that we cannot care how far from our father's likeness we have both Fallen Hearts re-entered by another door you are beyond my skills to restore venerable said the Apothecary bluntly as a headless serviter pushed a Medicaid trolley and a whippish thing in Crimson robe squeezed through the already crammed quarters the magos biologis rolled up long sleeves and rubbed his hands with countercepting jelly while the server to maneuvered around strohnos's bedside Australian wrestling carelessly over the tension with respect iron father your presence here serves no purpose he waited a moment during which Aries offered a blank wall by way of reply and then added you take up space leave the christocian question makes all matters subject to doubt Stratos said to Aries voice loan all will be as it once was once the arguments are resolved Ares turn from the Apothecary to him his emptiness seemed for a moment sorrowful speaks of the arguments what does he know of the question for there is only one Sonos made to formulate an answer only to realize he had none often he had railed against the waste of energy that the conclave brought on the iron Council but had never found the time to learn for himself want in effect it was all full he shook his head honestly he had been built to be a war machine this round voice to Medusa was a first time since his novitation that he had not been either in the thick of a war zone or in transit from one to another better to leave questions of Doctrine to the tech priests and the iron fathers said Haas moving to strawners palette and the waiting server to even as he spoke a dimension of his order the magos looked up but did not interrupt stronos frowned at the Mortal for every iron hand Warrior Medusa and Scattered across the Imperium there were thousands of serviters menials and adepts of the adeptus mechanicus to service their needs noticing his regard their death quickly looked away astronos found himself wandering what else the Unseen Legions on which the chapters so depended might see and hear a non-verbal burst of scorn rang from Aries vocalizer and you call yourselves strength even know how the conclave began I know little of Christos Beyond his role of honors said strawners stung I know that he was once considered an Exemplar of the iron Creed as it is now interpreted for you perhaps what do you mean by that demanded Hearts Aries did not answer directly it began on Columbus everyone knows that ha said dismissively then picked up a spoon-headed Implement from his Medicaid trolley and bent toward stronos such crisis Aries counted stronass couldn't answer he looks to hars the Apothecary that had a frustrated sigh and said nothing focusing instead on seanus's eye he had no answer either [Music] he's backed out of the chiragayakal bay and into the main space of the apothecarian with some reluctance Sono sat up on his palette and pushed Apothecary horse from him we will show you what happened that day foreign [Music] lest I lose the power to master myself forever already my Legions Warriors replaced their Shield hands with metal in my honor and so they too are learning to doubt the natural strength of their bodies they must be weaned off this practice before it becomes a Mania for them hatred of what is natural of what is human is the first and greatest of the Corruptions it is the 41st Millennium the Grim dark future with the god emperor of mankind sits upon the Golden Throne a necrocracy to a rotting Empire set upon all sides by zenos and heresy upon the world of Medusa lay the iron hands chapter who for over ten thousand years have fought the enemies of the Imperium across this world of dark stone and black smog choked Skies the sons of the Gorgon live in great bastions Fortress cities such as the Gorgons Forge a living example to the alliance between the iron hands and the adeptus mechanicus praise be to the omniscaya and the Machine gone the direction of worship for the chapter as they praised the holy Union of Flesh and machine Sergeant Cardon stronos finally returned to the world of his birth after Decades of non-stop War the muted Skies of this Bleak wound and all too familiar Visage drained of color life and vitality his forged chain an augmented vertebrae link each piece showing an acceptance into the various clans of Medusa a sacred piece of the sons of the Gorgon in the 41st Millennium an neural link to his brothers that left communication to the machine hatred of what is natural of what is human is the first and greatest of the Corruptions but that wisdom of the Primark Ferris Manus never came to pass for a chapter that had almost purged everything human about them astronos found no greetings as a cyber enhanced boots hit the Black Sands of Medusa once again for Brotherhood it had rotted away in the Millennia before the machine efficiency of the iron hands chapter accompanied by the ancient venerable Dreadnought Aries the two Traverse of the chapters innermost sanctums the eye of Medusa at the heart of the planet inside Wars of black volcanic rock carved with stories of Glory or the legacy of the Horus heresy decorated in brutal magician steel the two made their way to the home the iron Council the sight of the guards the hell fathers unnerved even him ancient iron hands who had turned the keys of Hell there were machines barely human aspects of death they said shivers down the spines of mortal men inside the council's Vault chamber strona saw it a senate of machine and steel 41 seats occupied by the iron fathers and the holy veteran dreadnoughts cabling and node attached their minds as they communicated using binary chant and neurospheric data blurts themselves locked into towering iron Thrones with spinal plugs and cranial tabs almost like human computers straw notes and Aries had come to partition the use of Full Force against the rebelling world within the medusan system not knowing that they played heart in a grander debate within the chapters Elite the Christos question the proposition of iron father Christos himself for the future of the iron hands the debate had lasted for centuries the irony fathers questioning whether to throw away the last part of their Humanity for is the flesh not weak though no longer elected chapter Master Christos had divided the council the various Clans choosing sides as ancient rivalries and Deals were struck the adeptus mechanicus has influence also evidence to strollos and Aries an endless debate on the interpretation of the will of Ferris Manus ten thousand years after his death all rooted in one truth stronos lay upon the apothecarians table his last human eye had failed him unable to catch the death watch DEATH Specter that accompany need is friendly drink in their conversations inside the eye of Medusa he had also spoken out in anger he had been emotional during the council's meeting as he decried the clear rigging of Christos and the mechanicums vote he was defective and so the flesh had to be replaced the truth of the iron hands in the 40th Millennium the truth was that they despised themselves the legacy of hatred towards their own flesh had rotted within them for Millennia they carved and butchered their own bodies running away from their own weakness ancient Ares remembered a time when there were more like stroners a man and machine Still Human rather than the cybernetic cold monster that was Christos a time when astartes were not dominated by cybernetics and the use of neural Inhibitors Aries began to show stronos the truth in the vaults of Medusa the two bore witness to the events on columnus reliving their memory through the recorded visuals of a long dead battle brother through the nauseating static and battle they saw the truth that has almost erased from history almost hidden iron father Christos bombarding the enemy and his own men a cold tactical choice of a machine that did not have attachment to Brotherhood this was what their self-hatred had wronged a chapter of revenants machine dead that inspired as much fear as any zenos or Monster of chaos the chapter became divided further astronos's actions had drawn the attention of the christianian's faction war broke out as two sides battle for the soul of the sons of Ferris Manus all leading to the revelations That Shook the chapter to the core the sapphire king a demon born from the psychic backlash of the death of Ferris manners upon isvan 5 had manipulated them it had fed upon the iron hands self-hatred and desperate need to suppress their emotions the action in itself an extreme that fueled chaos iron father christops have been corrupted centuries ago a pawn to unleash the machinations of the sapphire king it had not been a strength to suppress their emotions they'd only bottled them up compressing them down to the point that they exploded in a violent release as the chapter engaged in a brutal Civil War cardan stronos was struck by the Revelation that by cutting off their emotions his battle brothers were only causing themselves to fall to the corrupting influence of chaos their only chance to save themselves was not by cutting themselves off from their emotions but by embracing them and shackling them to their iron will the disgusting sapphire king accompanied by The accursed Emperor's Children and the corrupted custodians charged at the surviving iron hands the battle brutal and bloody stroners and all of them feeling the touch of chaos trying to break in and weaken them to make them push their emotions down until it exploded Sonos ordered his chapter no his brothers to release their anger lest their foes destroy them with it they were machine but locked within them was the fury of the Gorgon of Medusa Slayer of azirinov scalar of karashi uniter of Medusa and Son of the emperor of mankind their emotions no longer their weakness or shame but strength the battle brothers disengage their inhibitor protocols and loosened their Furious battle cries as the emotional floodgates burst open the iron hands turned upon the forces of chaos working together with feelings like trust and Brotherhood once again in their veins they outclass their enemies the sapphire king shrieked in Rage as they obliterated its form from the material universe the chapter had suffered numerous losses half of the iron fathers were dead and many of their numbers slain by their own hands but they were pure once more our chapter was driven to the very lip of the precipice we were forced to stare over its Edge Into the stingian Depths into the darkness that awaits us shall we ever fall yet for we did not what saved us from this terrible plunge Brothers what has proved our Redemption not logic not the desperate dogmatic Purge of all things perceived as weak it were our souls that saved us and the strength we hold within ourselves our courage our collar it was these qualities which makes us more than just Unthinkable steel that pulled us back from the brink the path towards Perfection was shaped by the gift of failure wisdom the Gorgon knew electing their new chapter Master Card and stronos the sons of the Gorgon would no longer suppress their emotions they would conquer it they would allow it with the strength of iron and live a legacy worthy of ferrous manners the flesh is weak but Deeds endure and to have courage to at times make not The Logical but human Choice required something the machine could not provide Humanity perhaps one day they will choose to strip the metal from them unless they lose their power to master themselves but the Imperium the omniscaya and the Emperor of mankind required perfect Warriors to destroy the enemies of the Imperium the sons of the Gorgon the legacy of Ferris Manus the iron hands [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Amber King
Views: 159,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, 40k, 40k Lore, Lore, Satire, The Amber King, Amber King, Amberking, horus heresy, Chaos, 40k daemons, warhammer 40000, total war warhammer, Primarch, The emperor, siege of terra, 30k, Siege of terra, audiobook, Horror, Games Workshop, sleep, collaboration, space marine 2, darktide, black templars, asmr, sangunius, the king in yellow, painting, music, perturabo, angron, warrior tier, narration, the lion, ferrus manus, iron hands, fulgrim, arks of omen, farsight, vashtor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 59sec (10199 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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