Ferrari SF90 review. Is this 1000hp Ferrari PHEV the future for all sportscars?

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well welcome to a new harry's garage video and today's car is the ferrari sf90 first appeared may 2019 so it's been around a while and i've taken my time before actually you um getting to drive this car because i've insisted that i would only test it on my usual rows etc and i'm very lucky to say i've had this for a few days now and guys a car to get your head around there's so much detail on this car but the headline figure is obviously the thousand horsepower the first thousand horsepower ferrari and it does that with its turbocharged v8 and three electric motors there's so much to discuss in the car let's go and have a closer look because i want to deep dive into the tech on here it's almost a tradition when i get a ferrari press car in to discuss the price on it this one lists at 374 420 pounds but with the extras on this car you'll be amazed to hear the actual price on the road of this example 523 thousand four hundred and sixty pounds huge uplift thirty nine thousand three hundred and sixty pounds on the optional extra is the assetto firano kit that's fitted to this car and there's quite a number of detail changes because of that kit the most i suppose on the outside you do get some extra carbon but you also get this sort of gurney flat aggressive rear spoiler and when we look inside carbon door cards rather than a sort of fitted door you also get titanium suspension springs on it and fixed dampers rather than the magnetic adjustable dampers with the bumpy roads setting and that sort of thing but where do we start on the technical side of this car what's got me when i've gone through the spec on this the the v8 twin turbo engine we've seen before in f8 etc but on this car it's actually grown by 82 cc to 4 liters and produces 780 horsepower to make up to a thousand horsepower 220 horsepower is delivered by the electric motors and there's one on the rear between the engine and the eight-speed dual clutch transmission and then there are two motors in the front and they work independently powering each front wheel so this car has four power units powering it down the road can you imagine the computing power to sort all that out the other interesting thing i thought on the electric motors if i get my spec sheet i'm sorry i'm going to need a spec sheet right through this car because there are so many numbers it says 220 horsepower from the electric side but if you look at the individual motors it's got much more potential power from the electric motors the rear electric motor on its own this one between the engine and the gearbox is rated at 205 horsepower and the front electric motors are 95 kilowatt motors either side which is equivalent of about 270 horsepower so 475 horsepower is the potential of the electric motors but the battery which is a 7.9 kilowatt-hour battery in this car cannot deliver enough volts to max out the potential of the electric motors then it goes even more complicated because they can it could do 250 horsepower but ferrari rated at 220 horsepower it's just this new world we're ending but basically think of the electric motors they've been supplying power fuel if you've got an engine but not enough fuel electrics to actually produce the full potential of those motors why i've no idea but something i think we have to get used to in the future but what it does say to me if they do max the battery power on this i could see another generation perhaps of this car with a power from the battery that can be enhanced this car could be a 1200 horsepower sf 90 if the battery power is upgraded in a few years time maybe that will happen i don't know all right there's obviously a lot of error going on at the front here super aggressive shark nose this is the new look of ferrari this is slightly odd this is like a blade and a separate sort of spoiler sort of that comes across the headlights and it and obviously air can dive down there into the brakes if i look at under here these grilles the it's full of radiators but they're almost lying horizontal so i presume it must vent a lot under the floor there i think these are extra bits you get with the ascetic ferrano kit there's a more aggressive splitter there the other surprise it seems to be sitting quite high you cannot get nose lift if you go for the set of firano option on it because they are fixed dampers if you go for the connector one you have nose lift on it but i am surprised at the clearance we measured it against a few of the other cars here and it's relatively high if you ever see this funny little see-through prancing horse here that means that ferrari's fitted ppf to it it's their sort of signature of how that is you can get carbon wheels for your sf90 but this has got conventional 20 inch wheels on it then when you just look into the cabin i can see it's got heads up display on this big scoops for engine intercoolers etc carbon sill on it and then i think it just gets weird here on an sf90 i just can never quite work out what the design language what was the eye in the designer's head when he made a bit of a window here that sort of stares at a sub chassis and where you put the oil in and then the engine is hiding under there i'll lift this in a moment because it's incredibly low but what's what's this about and this sort of other window into the cabin there i just think it looks messy to me you also get two fuel fillers in effect because i can charge this fryer this one and that one you can add fuel to then assetto firani option this is much more aggressive this rear spoiler that actually when you're driving it sort of blocks out quite a lot of view from the back you also get with a kit titanium exhaust with it and just more aggressive rear diffuser etc and there's i can spy various coolers in there as well so there you go it all lifts up i really can't understand why the whole thing isn't actually glass or put i think it's let's see this rather than that full of carbon fiber in the back of there and obviously a dry sumpt 90 degree v8 that's hence the registration on this particular press car and sat right down there now there you go there's electric motor going this car is so weird but i think it's pumping water around the battery or something i can just hear i don't know if you put the camera no it's gone there but just so odd it just has a life of its own but look how low they've managed to get that engine right down there just see the the orange cable so this is obviously the direct current coming from the battery which sits just behind the rear seats along the floor of the car but that's going to the electric sandwich motor in between the gearbox and the engine now let's have a look at the front so open the front you actually press a button on the door there and it opens the front but there's the carbon door cars as you can see there and just everything going on in here harness on this car the wide screen dash on it and the haptic controls on the steering wheel which we'll get to in a moment because they're not my favorite thing at all and under here well ferrari's version of a boot on this car in the front there really tight on this car and you sort of have to carry this with you because one thing you have to remember if you buy a modern generation ferrari with a battery you plug it in at all times i'll mention when we get out there about la ferrari some of the issues with la ferrari if you haven't plugged your car in but it's absolutely essential on these new generation cars you do plug it in but that's a pretty tight boot fortunately when i i thought i'd just check if you get a helmet in there and the good news is it just about fits there we are it does actually close with that in but that's your lot it does limit how you're going to use this car but at least you've got a helmet and also this you're wondering why this is quite interesting they've actually put it under per spec so you can actually see it magnetic morelli control unit race the electronic cornering set up a regulator that basically controls the two motors torque vectoring all on the front also carbon fiber there's a multitude of materials made in this car notice it has a carbon fiber bulkhead as well because they've tried everything they can to keep the weight down this car it's about i think it was 270 kilos added because of all the electric kit on this car and on the scales wet etc it's about just under 1700 kilos i think 1695 kilos about 1590 dry with all options removed anyway we're going to do now take it outside take it for a drive quite an aggressive chairs in this uh no seat belt regular seat belt just harnesses in this version that's part of the setup fiorano kit and i normally have a grumble about harnesses but actually in this car it's probably a good idea yeah sf-90s and this new wheel with the haptic controls thing right anyway press one press that all brings the car into life and i need to press it again to make it move there you go that is the new sound of ferrari as your little battery gets together and you'll see on here well you won't see you see a green h that means it's in hybrid mode i can swap down to electric i can swap up to performance and qualifying but they disappear on this side i've got the regular the switch to go through the menu on whatever slip control you want from wet where we got you know wet sport race and esc off and it'll go oh do you really mean this i'm just going to leave it in sport for the time being um and then obviously the gear change here now unusually with this because of the electric motors if i was to select reverse i now have a front wheel drive a ferrari because that's all done via the electric motors at the front to move forward i press a paddle and i move off and yeah how weird is that and and the fact that whenever you get in this car this is its default setting i move off in pure electric i'm still in hybrid mode at the moment so i have run the engine just earlier but it does do really oh there you go there's the engine kicking in and very quickly you hit 60 miles an hour on this car and it's no effort and it's that electric boost is pretty amazing actually now i've just seen the engine has died and we're now on pure electric we're in a sort of auto mode as well i meant to mention before i left there was 15 mile range in the battery i charged it supplementary charge it via normal cable we use on the pf range rover we have noisy bit of road this i did measure it 7778 decibels so noisy but not as noisy as a 911 and this car is actually on these new bridgestone tyres ferrari fitting which are run flat as well they would normally supply it on either michelin cup two or cup two rs but i'm at 15 degrees and the high ups at ferrari say that is too cold for um cup twos to be get up to operational temperature on road still got those indicators on the steering wheel which you sort of get used to looking around the cabin what what else is that well lots of carbon fiber this is where the sort of audio and nav and if anybody ever uses it on sf90 i don't know but that's where you do all that apple play is still an option on this car 2400 pounds but i can do plug that in as well and then i sort of control things by this sort of haptic thing on here and what gets me about that i i don't see the logic in making stuff disappear so cruise control i've got voice activation that's all hidden away if i touch that it will then come to life and light up someone at various seems to think it's a good idea i don't think it's a good idea at all and i can change what the screen looks like so i can go view max and it will change to sort of the well this is the whole thing or i go to another setting which i've sort of been using which just gives me boost and charge on the electric on the top line and then taco down below what else is there oh this flipping gear change it's meant to look like they're gated change and they've got these sliding switches i saw it in the roma first time i don't think it does it just looks a bit tacky to me i do quite like the key though you get there's no mistaking what key that is when you put that away um so yeah and uh yeah quite extreme seats as well i think there's an even more extreme seat if you want it even now i can tell the ride is firm but um i wouldn't expect anything less from a 1000 horsepower ferrari so i mean hybrid i mean sport on there engine isn't even running at the moment and i'm about to hit the limit [Music] acceleration very impressive how that engine lit up and and with that electric there's just no lag nothing even though i know this engine is turbocharged and four-wheel drive i don't know how much power it's sending to the front [Music] i mean i've you know it was weird because i've obviously spent those two weeks of that shiron as well and then to step into this both of them are quite extraordinary the amount of acceleration they offer in a funny sort of way this almost feels faster than the chiron because it's instantaneous there's no waiting for the turbos in the chiron as soon as you hit the pedal you hear that it takes off there's this stars as the turbos really get going and get pumping this the electric is there instantaneously so the hit comes quicker all right let's go faster [Music] yeah that's quite something i didn't expect anything less from this car if i have it in this setting so i think they'd call this performance it will do its best to keep the battery topped up it's not like your normal plug-in hybrid is desperately trying to go on electric all the time it wants that electric to boost the performance so you put it in performance and it will make absolutely sure there's there's good charge there so any chance it gets it's going to recharge that battery so i'm going to put it into manual i'm going to second turn it in there wow now this is really bumpy i'm impressed by the suspension how it's dealing with this horrible bit of tarmac [Music] i thought it would be a feel a bit more extreme down here than this and this has no options these these dampers don't adjust between smalls and boards and that they are fixed but they are very high quality damper and it really shows down here steering is so fast typical ferrari even with these tars and here we are this is the camber that's not actually moving around on the camber the only thing that's moving around is the sharpness and the directness of the steering but it is not following cameras no problem at all though that's impressive well here's the compression i'm sure it went ground out that again it swallowed [Music] oh yeah if you try and tap into the performance of this car yeah it's it's mind-boggling actually it's borderline frightening how fast this car is very definitely got all its horsepower time to start doing likes and dislikes on this car likes there's no getting around it a thousand horsepower is addictive when you experience it you will remember it forever and then on the flip side i love being able to go through perfect on pure electric only no sounds no nothing that mix of abilities i love and i loved it on the it was the porsche 918 was also the first one introduced it to me and also another light with this car feels very modern i like the way i am driving something that feels very definitely of the future this is a completely different take than ferrari no high revving normally aspirated engine v12 and v8 twin turbocharged 800 ports about four liter engine coupled with three electric motors two at the front one at the back and the back one absolutely mirrors their f1 technology i do feel as though i'm driving the future of a sports car [Music] now discussing some of the dislikes well i think number one i think the style is a mess i just don't think it's ferrari at its best i don't understand what's going on the rear it just looks awkward i think it actually probably looks better in the spider version than this coupe version and we'll see i think roma is a really good looking car and 296 gtb is just fabulous and this isn't a hit at all next the controls i cannot get on with these haptic controls i can see no advantage of them so having the only advantage i can see is having a super clean wheel from the design point of view but as an end user that drives me nuts and i can't actually control that bit on screen i've got an off button part of it is obscured by this strange thing here and this looks cheap as well here so audible together not good another dislike is the steering it's it's super sharp really responsive really quick if i was on the hairpins and the outs i bet my wheel my hands would not move off the wheel but there's nothing no info coming compared to that chiron it's light and day better this year off the field than this thing but the paddles are eight i absolutely adore ferrari paddles always there great big things beautiful to touch up just right around here i didn't like yeah i do like the sound it was like la ferrari was the same you could kid yourself you were just driving a pure v12 ferrari it's only when he sort of slowed down the raves move about oh i've got electric power but there is that override in sense of horsepower but do i like it [Music] i admire it more than i love it i think is my answer on that one the tech integration i can't fathom how hard it must have been to integrate that tech i can remember when those the trio the laughter are in p1 and the 918 try to get your head around that amount of time it's mind-boggling here it is in a production ferrari with a thousand horsepower unlimited um production line just they're gonna produce as long as people want it and it's mighty impressive but i have a butt and when i've pushed this hard it's slightly unknown of me because i couldn't predict what it was going to do under duress the suspense it slightly fired me away from my where i thought i'd pitch it into a corner and it wanted to suddenly went left and i think it was the talk victory and i think they've done an incredible job when you drive it up to eight tanks start going a little higher and you realize that they must be balancing the electric current of individual motors at the front and then the rears got a lot to do as well and i haven't got enough info coming through so it's almost it feels overly complicated impressive but actually if you want to drive this car hard i think it will spook you it spooked me and i think the 296 is actually a better solution i haven't driven it yet but they're all reports because it's two wheel drive and the electric motor is still going through those back wheels so i think it would make more sense than this but balancing things at the front and the rear and three motors and a little internal combustion engine as well so there you go drive it up to six seven tens leaving at auto impress your friends with a standoff you'll love this car if you want to drive it harder than eight tenths i think you're gonna have a moment every now and then and you won't like it so that's my conclusion on the car wonderful to borrow uh mighty impressive my god ferrari at the top of their game [Music] but i think this might be just a little bit too complicated for its own good so there you go hope you enjoyed this video if you have keep watching keep subscribing more videos coming on very soon you
Channel: Harry's garage
Views: 399,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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