Tesla Model S PLAID v Ferrari SF90 v Porsche 911 Turbo S: DRAG RACE

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which is quickest in a drag race a Tesla Model S plaid a Ferrari sf90 or Porsche 911 Turbo S well we're gonna find out because I'm racing them over a standing quarter mile because I'm Mark Watson and you're watching car wow Buy sell car wow now let me tell you about this Tesla Model S plaid it has three electric motors one on the front axle and two on the rear axle combined they put out 1020 horsepower and 1420 newton meters of torque this car is quite heavy though it weighs 2.2 tonnes plus it's rather expensive it costs 113 000 pounds it's been led to us by loud loss performance in Germany apparently that means silent performance I probably butchered the pronunciation really badly anyway thanks to them because they drove all the way from stutt cart yesterday to be here today let's check out that sf90 and we're going to go to Carlos Nick hello car wow Nick how are you I'm doing especially well today Matt I'm in a Ferrari this doesn't happen very often yeah I thought I'd you know let you have a go in a lovely sf90 because it's really quick it's the Benchmark for Supercar performance but Nick have you done your home work do you know the stats on that car so this has a four liter twin turbo V8 and three electric motors so two at the front one at the back combined they make a thousand horsepower 800 newton meters of torque which is a lot in a car that according to Ferrari weighs 1570 kilos it also costs quite a lot it's 380 000 pounds this car well that's the starting price of that car that one you've got there is probably more because of the paint and so on and so forth however I want to say a huge thanks to always turn left who lent us that car thanks for Lending us your car I think the weight of that is also a lot more because Ferrari and Lamborghini for some reason quote dry weights don't they they certainly do and dry weight would leave you with a car with no oil and no fuel so it'd be uh well you'd be able to drive it in EV mode I guess for a short while but yeah pointless weight really that car is 1700 kilos isn't it to be fair Ferrari aren't the only ones that are kind of massaging their figures Tesla when they're quoting acceleration figures use something known as foot rollout so they don't start measuring the time until the car has already moved one foot we don't do that here on car while we start measuring the time the moment the car moves anyway let's find out about the Porsche hello car Wows Rory is on your car hey Matt yeah so it has a 3.8 liter twin turbo flat six produces 650 horsepower 800 newton meters of torque which goes to all four wheels via this eight-speed dual clutch gearbox Porsche says it weighs 1640 kilograms and it starts at 180 000 pounds do you know what Rory you just reminded me of something that Nick forgot what's the gearbox in that Ferrari no 100 for me on that homework yeah the gearbox 8-speed twin clutch gearbox you got that bit right in the end so yeah you've been downgraded it's a B plus instead of an a which is what Rory got teacher's pet anyway if you want to compare these cars stats side by side just pause the video now [Music] anyway if you haven't done so already make sure you subscribe to this Channel and hit the Bell icon to turn your notifications on that way you won't miss our next upload which is going to be really cool I'm filming it later today and it involves this car again but you won't believe what we're putting up against so make sure you're subscribed okay now before we race we're gonna do the custom econ wire sound check so I'm actually going to let the Ferrari go first [Music] that sounds pretty good let's have a listen Rory to your flat six okay that sounds pretty ungrate now let's have a listen to this Tesla Toy Box boombox yeah it's about as funny as SpaceX blowing up if you're thinking about changing your car you can do it through car wire not only can you buy your next car new or used through car wire you can sell your current car as well by just uploading some photos giving a brief description then dealers all across the country will bid on your car dead easy anyway if you'd like to do that now click on the pop out banner up there or follow the link in the description below alternatively you can do it at a later date by simply Googling help me car wow and we will help you change your car anyway Let's Race just do another one of these this is my favorite [Music] whoa It's like Wheeling it wasn't putting its power down then oh I'm ahead of the Tesla turbo it's got his head than everyone else and this is so close on the line I tell you what you cannot fault that Turbo S for its ability to launch it hooked the way it hooks up is incredible it did really really well there Ferrari what was your launch like launch was well I thought the launch was brilliant and then I looked to my right and I saw that Turbo S ahead of me which should be impossible but pulled him in got ahead of you and oh that was close to the line wasn't it this didn't hook up properly cold tires it can do better and I reckon if I get the proper launch that this can do I'm definitely going to have you three two one come on oh it's still struggling for plumbing traction [Music] where's that Ferrari the Ferrari is dropped it was a very poor launch scrabbling all the way through first gear shift into second still spinning in second gear not good at all Porsche what about you was that as good as your first launch yeah that was as good as the first launch it's all very easy you just take your foot off the brake really this delivered I mean it really went crazy there that was so good right one each then Ferrari best two out of three let's do it that was much better come on I've got it that is an incredible launch that time is amazing woohoo Tommy Ferrari your launch was decent my launch was moltobene that time very happy well not as happy as if I'd beaten you but happy with this performance and Porsche what was your launch like it's just slightly more dither after coming off the break that time but whatever happened neither of you were gonna beat this because the time is incredible I'm gonna reveal it now and remember no foot roll out here so then what exactly happened well the Tesla one completing the standing quarter mile in 9.7 seconds the Ferrari took 9.9 seconds while the Porsche completed the standing quarter mile in 10.3 seconds now we have a rolling race from 40 miles an hour we're going to be in second gear should be nice in their power bands I'm always in my power band um well I've got kilometers an hour what's 40 is that 50 55. okay here we go three two one go [Music] not Ferrari gonna catch me I'm gapping him [Music] oh my God Ferrari you got utterly utterly dictum I couldn't keep up and Porsche was your excuse just another Power bet yeah I mean this car is so fast by any measure but I just watched you to walk away again final challenge we're going to break test from 100 miles an hour see which car will stop in the shortest distance Teslas are famous for having rubbish brakes Porsche is famous for having brilliant breaks Ferrari is famous for braking but not really anyway let's do this if you'd rather watch another crazy drag race with the Ferrari sf90 click on the pop-out band up there I'll follow the link in the description below if not get ready for the brake test hopefully this will stop before the end of the runway here we go here comes the line [Music] I am shocked at that I thought this would have been so much worse than the Ferrari and the Porsche granted the Porsche is like a car's length behind but the Ferrari is pretty close I was pushing that pedal so hard I swear I heard a Creak from the footwell Tesla that's a surprise it is a surprise but the thing is while it stopped okay on this one occasion I think if we did this again and then again and then again I'd get a little warning on the dash that says brakes overheating in fact earlier I got that little warning and I wasn't braking too hard I just did multiple braking so I reckon if we run this again the distance is going to be greater so we give it a go anything that gives me a chance to do better I'm gonna say yes get up to 160 kilometers an hour again here we are here comes the line that's more like it I've got it breaks too hot braking performance reduced and I've noticed the distance between the Ferrari has increased the bizarrely the distance oops I pressed the horn accidentally because of the stupid location of the horn I don't think the Porsche did quite so well that time no I mean from in here I pressed the pedal just as hard but it seems yeah the Ferrari did better this time now I would like to run that test again but I won't because you might be getting a little bit bored but I don't think the car wants to do it let's just leave it there anyway so impressed by the performance of this car and on single braking requirements it stops pretty blooming well it's just that if you're driving it fast on a Canyon Road you are gonna overheat those brakes really quickly anyway if you'd like to buy a Tesla through car wow you can do click on the pop-out banner up there I'll follow a link in the description below to check out the cars I hope you all enjoyed the video if you did give it a like let me know which of these three cars you think is the best in the comments below click on those windows there for some more videos and on that box there to get a car wow to sell your car the easy way just uploads of photos give a brief description then dealers all across the country will bid on your car which is the high stopper they'll come to your house take the car away put the money into your account it's easy thanks for watching
Channel: carwow
Views: 2,518,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carwow, mat watson, car review, new car review, car review 2023, new car 2023, tesla, tesla model s, tesla model s plaid, model s plaid, tesla plaid, ferrari, ferrari sf90, sf90, ferrari sf90 stradale, sf90 drag race, ferrari drag race, porsche, porsche 911, porsche 911 turbo s, 911 turbo, 911 turbo s, porsche turbo s, electric v petrol, electric v petrol drag race, fastest electric car, fastest tesla, quickest tesla, tesla drag race, porsche drag race
Id: EmuByrN_5qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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