Ferrari 360 expert gives buyers advice

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[Music] foreign [Music] magic we've now got ourselves stood in front of the 360 cars that you know incredibly well not just because you're surrounded by them here at Barclays every day but because you're actually in the dealer Network when when these came out I wasn't off sales manager in the dealer Network when these were launched so we've gone from the the sort of early mid 90s here we are 1999 2000 when this came out of the Millennium start the Millennium uh there was a three-year cue for these coals when these came out yeah allocation was quite small and you had to wait especially a 360 Spider you'd have to wait three years to get this car wow these are special cars yeah a long time and and quite a lot quite quite a lot of of change from from the 355. it was the 355 was a Quantum Leap from 308 three to eight three four eights in technology yeah then we've come into the next decade so we've gone again so we've got all aluminum bodies yeah Rose jointed suspension we're the next generation of sort of ecu's and the speed that things happen like like I said your phones have got better Car Technology got better yeah big things on this was drivability right we went into variable cam timing variable intake systems which transform the drivability of the car you can be in a roundabout at the wrong gear at the wrong time and it forgives you yeah and then when you open the Taps off you go off and it was technology that helped that happen which made it a much easier car to live with yeah and do they share any of the sort of foil balls of the 355 or had uh Ferrari by then sort of nutted all those out they nutted those out but then they'd introduced a load more right yeah the problems we were having with three five fives went away and then they found a whole set of new problems a whole set of new things wonderful so but a fantastic car yeah and if you bought this car today you wouldn't be disappointed yeah this they just don't age yeah well they look brilliant and then and they offer that kind of that perfect timing of that of that um lovely marriage between old and new don't they and they still get that beautiful analog uh experience so um again let's do the same as we did with the 355 let's look at look at some of the things which um we should be considering when when looking to buy one of these cars same I won't go through the basics again so paint work wise yes it's a fairly flat front so you are going to get stone chips so it will have been painted yeah yes there's going to be some like this one no a few chips up the up the Bonnet yeah some people ppf them but it would have had some paint work yeah this is again 20 year old calf so it would have had something done to it things to look out for options on the car you had the front grills yep you have we call them the eight boxes so he had the square plastic ones so you've got them standard you don't have the problem with the lights down here because they're all housed up in there they're all up which is great you've got a choice of grills or Square plastic yeah Xenon headlights or an option you can tell if it's got pop-up head lent wash yep and then you've got the headlights now whilst these are really good they do create a problem um if they messed up or get deteriorated which they do it's you can't get inside right so you get condensation condensation in there I've seen bugs in there or they discolor yeah you can't get in your side we've tried to get them off and I know some other people have tried to get them off you know warming up the plastic trying to split the lens from the cover it's very hard to do and I think some people have succeeded if if you paint the car you've got to buy new headlights right so yeah that's not gonna not gonna match and if anything happens to this and if they do go a bit off color or anything you'll buy new ones and these are thousands yeah you can't just polish these you can polish the outsides yeah but you can mop them polish them come up brilliantly maybe you can't do the insides and sometimes these are really good condition this is an old four car so the lens there is all good but then on the on the inside you've got some yeah if you get one that's if there's any damage on these headlights and someone says oh that's right we'll sort that out I'd say good luck yeah awesome that's that's good that's good to know straight off because again buying these are Ferrari to buy them to you have to buy them to body color right so you'd have to buy it not only find a light and the right side and be the right color for your car wow so yeah they're very hard to do yeah it's just that's a that's a again straight away that's the thing where you think gosh you know it's that in the design sort of thinking forward you know at some point somebody's gonna have to to replace this but I suppose you know that's that's compromise that's compromising the designers they don't want to worry about the thing practicalities like that later on down the line do they just used a softer sealer yeah you could warm up with the air gun and get off it's 550s are the same 575s these yeah so but I guess they sell headlights from it there we are something that's quirky to right hand drive cars is the wipers hitting the bonnet this one's doing it most right hand drive Ferraris do it look at that that's really close there's this right right on there the left-hand drive cars don't as they swoop the other way yeah the right hand drive right back to four five six days the v12s 550s these they all do it has anyone come up with a fix you know sort of remounting the brackets or yes there is you can play around with it Ferrari did Supply another arm you can lower the arm a bit yeah something try to raise the Bonnet so they all hit in some yeah severity but it's not there's not a magic fix out there God dear you can just imagine just imagine the uh Porsche Engineers right now oh it's just thinking what on Earth were they what on Earth were they thinking the thing with Ferrari is that we didn't see that on the 911 would you weren't here but only 10 of the production was right hand drive yeah right and it's the same though the the pedals are slightly offset on right hand drive cars over left-hand drive cars they're not thinking about us over here are they they didn't think they did no fair enough we're only going to make a handful of them so it was that we won't over develop that so yeah known problem on these yeah if we open the Bonnet yep foreign straight away so opening in a different way to the to the 355 so pretty much the same as a 355 you've got sort of deep Square loading area yeah still a decent load area quite nice actually you've got the tools again um slightly different design box but the same Theory yeah beautifully done by chidoni foreign spanners and bits in it so again a nicer tea to have and it's just oh and the little tow bars all tucked away in there as well very nice very nice so you've got you've got the tool kit again one of the factory options was a full space saver spare not a full size spare space cycle but it does sit diagonally across here heating up that space so you lose all your luggage space or you get the tin of moose like we've just done in the 355. okay yeah um yeah again color codes same satin sort of coating yeah all the way around same sort of finish around the bottom here so you can see consistency again aluminum now so different bodies yeah so there's a there's a join here so any any cracks or movement yeah much harder to fix aluminum than it is steel yes there's very few people out there can do it well yeah so any repairs are going to probably show up more yes um service wise pollen filters on the top a lot of people say the pollen filters look dirty they never change they come through with the sort of charcoal coating on so even if you buy a new one it still looks good still looks like that yeah so other than that I have a usable car we had an Enzo in the other week and you look at the spaces over on the Enzo there's nothing you can't even got the toothbrush in there so you can use this car it's it's got space for for touring and what have you so moving up through the coal things that are a factory option on this one we've got um split Rim Wheels which were part of the factory option yep if you look closely this has got the proper scooter issues scooter rear Shields with the recessed wings the wings were stamped like we said on the 355s yeah so it wasn't just a sticker it was a proper enameled badge yeah yeah I expect there's probably quite a few sort of aftermarket stickers go going around you could buy a sticker for tank those are lovely though these are hundreds of pounds each and then the wings to to recess I suspect before I'd be very happy to sell you one of those if you need a replacement yes if you need a new Wing so but uh but a few hundred quid yeah so already we're halfway down this car and we've got optionals in on lights we've got optional Wheels we've got red calipers and we've got yeah um really says badges so someone's ticked a few bits on this yeah which is a nice spec for the car this little bit here and this is a reasonable Factory one it's got little Cuts in it the amount of people that don't reproduce that properly yeah or just paint over it they've painted the seal because it's got a bit of gravel rash yeah so and the the air intakes are obviously on a different um different place on the 360 as they are to to the 355. so um you've got these Scoops up here yeah we've got this with this one down here and obviously the water is able to sort of it's not going to be sitting in there so you don't have that same problem as the three or five you do to a certain extent because you've still got all the radiators at the back at the back so you've got the fuel tanks here and the radiators but it's not you can see there's a plastic diffuser in there it's not on the 355s it's straight onto the core yeah just shoveling the water on this it goes around the corner and gets ducted so there's still a thing to have a have a look at but less to lesser these aren't a known problem everyone knows that 355 radiators rust out yeah that's what I don't think these ones don't not not a problem with these good to know so stupid little things on these um a little cable when you when you open the door the window drops you're pulling the the door to open with the handle yeah and there's a little cable that goes in there and the cables break okay so if that's all floppy and loose and it doesn't open the door properly yeah again it's only a little cable it's about four inches long yeah but you've got to strip the whole door out to the door lock to get to it so it's not a five minute job no nothing's easy to fix on these things so yeah and again when it goes up check that that guy has a glass glass goes back up again yeah and um the roof on these much improved from from the three yeah I mean it's it's a very uh much more complicated because obviously this part lifts up we'll show it working yes this I was at Ferrari when these came out it took them about two weeks to write the course to teach us technicians in the UK how the roof works there's a lot of stuff it sits on like a roll hoop if you imagine there's a roll hoop that goes down to here yeah not a roll cage in a race car comes up goes over the top and it lifts out as an entire cartridge wow so it's a complete self-contained cartridge but there is a lot going on this was the first time Ferrari had done a one-touch roof yeah whereas the 355s you partially back and then another bit this you pushed so there's an awful lot going on so you've got Motors that drop the windows you've got Motors that work these little Flats you've got a lift the hood out the way you've got to bring it up over here you've got to put the class in yes but it's so much tidier isn't it I mean oh it just it just you know they've managed to do it in in and package it in such a way that it doesn't interrupt the rest of the car and then of course got the beautiful glass to see to the engine which will will come on to but um generally speaking just something to check check that it's all operational check that it works check that it works that doesn't work yeah it's a big thing big thing yeah you're always going to get when we put it up shortly you'll see there's a little crease Market it does get a bit squashed yeah and there's always a crease and tiny little to the wear Mark about there yeah you can't audit that and I always say to people always always leave the car with the roof up yeah so it's all stretched and nice don't leak because it will be like a dish rag in there yeah it's all been squashed into a little compartment okay so and the other thing is it means you're always working the Hydraulics yes if you're working all the relays and all the switches then it's going to keep going if it's been looking through left squashed under there for months or years then chances are it's not going to work okay so always always leave it in the upwards position still quite simple on the inside but but then these seats look look like quite quite a significant upgrade don't they so you had two options on the seats you had carbon seats again like 355 yeah or you've got electric seats yeah so you came into electric seat territory now and you also had the Daytona inserts yeah which look really nice um going back from the the old days of the Daytona in the 60s so they've got the ribbing across here all the little holes in yes I've seen those yeah so that was an option no it was a bit more on the stitching but it looks really good so the options you could have you could have two different sites of seats you this is the first time you could start to color code things you could change the stitching so you could have different color leather different color stitching yeah you could have different color roll Hoops with different color stitching yeah so some were black some um you could have in the moderners you could have leather headlinings or cloth headlinings yep um diff Dash tops with the stitching so you could really start to there's a beginning of the tailor made as they later went on to call it yes of you could say right I'd like this and I like that and I want this stitching and that stitching yeah um not really a lot of problems inside um the silver panel work here it's prone to getting scratched a bit drones are getting scratched and again it's a slightly textured finish yes it's not a smooth paint quite hard to replicate you can't just paint them smooth silver because they look terrible yeah it's a sort of satiny thing um you've got things like upgrades the heater was a little bit better the air conditioning obviously the next Generation on stereo you had an option of a you had the standard stereo with the door speakers or they did an upgrade which was a sort of box speaker between the seats beautifully done all trimmed in leather really nicely done yeah none of these calls sound like your your Audis or your BMWs with surround sound and everything it's still a fairly basic stereo well you've got something else you should be listening to quite frankly haven't you exactly so that's that back here no Ferrari stereo is ever gonna think you're not going to sit there and go wow this sounds great it's a bit like the sat nav this was the first one they put Sat Nav in yeah you'd be better off just getting your phone or something get your iPhone out yeah by the time you'd sit there and and program the thing you could have driven there but that was what it was like in the early 2000s so yeah that was so um well they're trying to move with move with the Times Obviously and and you know it wasn't you know people wanted to have these bits of Technology they're starting to look a little bit aged aren't they but let's face it we use our iPhones for a lot of the nav and things like that that wouldn't that wouldn't turn me off off one of these at all I wouldn't be focusing on that um you know the condition how it drives and of course um just enjoying that wonderful sound again are you looking for no the buttresses and things how how it looks does it look consistent so we've now got a consistent car with a few Stone chips consistency again does it follow through the car does it look right no door rubbers all worn things like that yeah so the big one is the sticky switches yes okay right now these go on to another level of stickiness when these go it's really it is they it goes everywhere the um door switches on the doors go the the grab handles go yeah the all the switches in the middle go okay are we getting to a point now because of the age you know just because these cars are sort of you know 22 years old now um where lots of them have been already been upgraded they've been done um and so if you're lucky enough to sort of be getting into chances are you might be able to find one that's had it already or if you've had it already done it is getting expensive to do now there's some I notice people that have said oh you can just you know wipe it off and it's fine there's companies in the states that you just we just take them all out send them to the states they come back all done beautifully done all the white letterings all back in them they look brilliant but it is not cheap the other thing you've got to allow for is it's going to take an amount of time to take you to all of all our all these round Bullseye things so you can we've got one we can show you so you it's going to take several hours to take the car apart yeah you've got to package it all up you've got to insure it you've got to send it somewhere they do their bit it comes back since the change of um brexit you have to pay Customs so we get a customs bill so when you add all of that lit up and then you've got some labor to put it all back together again get all the electrics working and then finish the car off Yeah it's you're talking yeah sort of a good 5 000 plus now to do these switches to these things yeah when you add all that up yeah so if you can avoid for for a part of your ownership at least not having to do that yeah on the get-go that would be great to save yourself a few grand and we we spoke to a balloting company the other day we had a car in that clearly someone had tried to do it and we finally great if you've got a fixed for wiping it oh they said no we tried they thought they'd do the the wiping it all off they spent three days on it trying to clean it all up and do it and they said we gave up again I'm not surprised and it still didn't have all the little you know etchings and numbers on it so yeah end of day value of the car you're only going to do it once but yeah okay it's like everything be aware how much these things cost do your research don't just oh that's fine I'll sort that out and end up with a massive bill right let's let's look underneath here then because we've got this beautiful glass gallery view um to the engine which is which of course a really nice feature because after all let's face it that's the bit where all the all the effort and energy goes into uh developing that beautiful engine so let's let's kind of I think it's great that they show it off well that's it I think if you're paying for it you might as well have the opportunity to to enjoy to see it so in the modernization the 360. so now I don't know if you heard that as you open the door there's a pump noise that happens yes everyone thinks that's the fuel pump that's the F1 pump right so the idea of that is you by the time you've the pump's already purged so by the time you've got in and started the car the system's all up to pressure and you're ready to go so that happens every time you trigger the door every time you trigger the door that pump goes and that's that's only for the for for the f1s yeah it primes the F1 system for you big thing on these is is closing it yeah people don't go slam because this is a just a toughened glass it will shatter same as the modern as the hard top car it's a it's a more sloping glass so just push it down very gently and just click it gently I'll open it again yeah that would be an absolute disaster to have that smash wouldn't it and a tip for all Ferraris always close the hoods where the catches yes so when you come down and push there yeah you push just gently there you don't push either side Central to the catch some of the big cars with catches either side click click yeah on the front you'll notice that it's it's Central so you just put the palm of your hand on the Ferrari badge yeah and just pushing correctly yeah so so yes engine wise we've still got so now we've gone up to 3.6 yep from three four three and a half liter we've still got our five hour for cinder because they stuck with that because that worked yeah um manifold issue now there was a few issues on the manifolds on these um on the early cars but I think that most of them have been done they it wasn't as bad as the 355 systems of they do break but um there was a few of them that they were sucking up bits of cat and putting it back into the engine 430s started to do it as well so that was a mod out so check your your body number your assembly number down here number so with the chassis number and an assembly number you can ring up Ferrari inside use my car to do any updates right because all all um recalls have to be done by official Ferrari dealers Network okay so they record them off the log yeah now the way recalls work if it's dangerous you get a letter from the dvla yeah if it's just your general upgrade or a general service it's down to the dealers to find the cars and do them as they service right so some of those would have had to be done because the dvda will catch up with you and and assisted it yeah some of those are just things that people may have not done because they've never done I mean we we have a good relationship with our local dealer so every car that we service we check the chassis number and assembly number with them to make sure there's no outstanding recalls yeah so that's something I could simply do by having those those bits of information their chassis number assembly number cool Ferrari check there's anything that's outstanding that hasn't been done and you should also be able to tell that from from the service history presumably yes and that but sometimes you don't get an invoice because it's a warranty repair yeah and it's paid for by the factory you won't get a copy of the invoice because do you come across on some of those that haven't have things like that have not been done oh yeah yeah yeah there's there's stuff out there's wishbones on three Wishbone yolks on three two eights yeah fuel pipes on three five fives yeah but it takes them years once the cars disappear into the sort of ether ether and the Specialists they're gone Ferrari when we were in the dealer Network it was the biggest challenge to try and find the cars and get them ticked off the list yeah yeah so and certain things that change on assembly numbers making sure yours has been done yeah so that's an easy one to do so engine wise again pretty bomb proof If you look after it it will look after you yeah they don't break but if you blow the coolant or whatever you're going to have problems um Things That Go wear out so to speak you've still got hydraulic tappets the other big change on these was the variators so going back to the old days when you had aggressive racing camshafts in a car it would work brilliantly at 7000 RPM but at idle it was hopeless so you either have a road setting or a race setting and you can't drive race cars on the road because you can't drive around at seven thousand revs everywhere So eventually technology caught up that you had a system that you could adjust the cam timing why the engine was running yeah it's a really clever system but it took until the no 2000s for them to develop this almost so the exhaust cams have got a variator on that's oil pressure driven that moves the exhaust cam timing yeah so you get a really smooth idle and then a more aggressive cam timing when it yeah opens up the really early cars and again these have been done the variators used to break yeah so it was only on the I think the 99 and 2000 cars there was a problem then they got sorted so that's one to check likewise the cambelt tensioners the wall of the cambelt tension of one of the brackets was too thin and they used to break so again that should have been done by now if not it would have at least I mean a 2 000 car would have had at least three or four cam belts done by now so someone should have picked that up yes yeah so making sure that those things just being done the other thing that these have got is variable intake trumpets that they're they're two channels you've got a set of butterflies down the middle so you can have a long journey for the air or a short Journey for the air and there's a valves in the middle sometimes the valves a bit like the 355 exhaust valves the bushings where and they rattle yep if it rattles anyone who knows can put their finger down the side of the plenum and lift up the linkage there's a little linkies down here yep the only mechanic will find and if if it's rattling when it's idling and you put your finger on there and it stops you know it's not terminal engine it's the little bushing in there okay in the valves in the in and the top yeah and you can adjust those out and is that something you you have to feel rather than you can just hear it or if you hear a rattling you can put your finger down there at night and there's a little there's a little linkage under there and you can literally just stop it yeah and someone says oh the engine's had it no it's just warm butterflies in the right tank system yeah so again it's knowing the product so working through again F1 system went up another level so we've got a faster thinking F1 system which was good um power steering is the same [Music] Bosch electronic engine management went up another level yep we can get into more of it now with the sd2 computer yes so you can find faults and it'll record faults okay on the 355s it was an early system you had to go into each ECU okay individually yeah and it was okay but you'd get there eventually now you can put one plug in it'll bring up the whole car so you've got the history of faults as well which is quite interesting only once they've been cleared yeah okay but if you can get someone to plug it in it'll say if you've got any thoughts with it yeah okay once they've all been cleared yeah so again it's worth knowing yeah and um with the clutches on the F1 quite quite robust on on these or right there's the clutches are fine yeah what is the operators that wear them out yes I can imagine because certainly you know this the you know still fairly new fairly new technology even in even in 360. I can imagine some people being quite quite overzealous with these when they first it was an understanding of how the system works that when you put your foot on the brake it overrides all the system how to handle them in traffic and you could wreck one of these in a weekend I've seen it done but if you look after them then their last 10 20 000 miles quite easily some people it's it's not their fault it's just I mean I've had people with sort of steep drives or a really awkward garage yeah every time they get the car in now you're slipping the clutch another one will just drive in so it's not always no yeah this is the circumstances sometimes cars that have done a not very much mileage but have spent their whole time being shunted on and off lorries or gone to shows or gone in and out of storage a lot of it it wears it out in the shunting around it that kills it not really the driving yeah less of a problem of course with uh with with the manual some of us prefer those but interestingly um you know my my sort of go-to would be oh I want to drive the menu but as as you were saying to me just earlier on off off camera actually um there's a whole load of fun to be had with the with the f1s as well isn't there I personally like the f1s yeah this was where where Ferrari had really got going with the F1 system in the 355 they were really pushing it this was the gear Mansell was running you know from a little while and they were really getting into Formula One F1 technology so they're definitely trying to push it in their road cars so if you wanted a manual you wait three years for this and if you wanted a manual you'd have to wait longer it was even another special order so it's really hard to get a manual which is why there's so few about but the to change gear on these this is obviously quite acceptable the change on these whereas you've got the cable off it's about the same the difference is you've got to be pretty quick with your feet yeah the engine will rev up and slow down quite quickly yes so it's quite a to drive them smoothly smoothly to get that smooth transition rev matching it takes a bit of practice yeah now the other big question is how much is my clutch warm now with electronics there is a a way that it goes in and makes a judgment of how warm your clutch is I'm a bit skeptical of it it's a bit of an average now some people swear by oh where's my clutch where where's my clutch where and you put sd2 on it says it's 50 worn or 20 warm it's a guide what you're finding if you put one machine on it'll tell you it's 50 if you put another machine on it'll be 30 so it's a bit of a finger in the air so I wouldn't swear bites where bike it's a bit of a guide yeah okay and it's very rare they say they're 1890 they always seem to read 30 or 40. yeah it's not often you see one yeah and if it has had a clutch you have to tell the system that it's had a new clutch right okay otherwise it just stinks it just thinks it's worn how's the ECU going to know that you've just put a clutch in it so yeah you've got to tell it the the settings when you change the clutch otherwise it all goes out the window okay so while I was talking on clutches the on a manual clutch you adjust the clutch with the spanner you can adjust the pedal and what have you on that fast system you've got to do it with the um computer right it's called the pis value and it's basically the amount of slip it has as you drive off how long it slips for so on the challenge cars for example they used to bring it right up to nothing so you went off the line clutch went bang off you go brutal brilliant for challenge cars and racing hopeless for the High Street because you you'd just be yeah I've well I've driven the challenge of Starley a wonderful thing but it doesn't have thump thumps here in the thumps here in the back I mean it's a it's a wonderful feeling but um but yeah it's um not the best and not in the traffic so having a way of adjusting it um they have a self-learn menu on the on the Diagnostics which will go through all the gears clunk clunk clunk clunk work the clutch work it all and it usually sorts itself out something like this it's a 2004 car the technology all sorted out on the very first cars the 99s and the 2001s I think the technology you couldn't adjust it and you get quite long slip angles and you have to update the ECU to the laser ecu's right so if you buy a really early car 99 2000 see if they've had that ECU upgrade if you've got the early ecu's you can't adjust your clutch very easily yeah and you have to put up with a very long slip angle yeah that's really good to know so that's well well worth having or or factor into something that you might then want to do at a later date other Ian tip that not many people know this on the spiders the very first cars the 99 cars to get the gearbox out you saw your frame out yeah the A-frame bolt is underneath the roof right on the later on the first cars they didn't do a hole in the roof capsule to get that bolt out so you have to take the entire roof out it's a nightmare ah so on this you lift the roof up halfway yes there's a rubber grommet that you go through the hole and you undo the A-frame and you can access it there on the very first cars there's no hole okay so you're either taking the entire roof cartridge out which is colossal to do a clutch so that's running from what what year two it was from memory it was the really because it got flagged up fairly quickly fairly quickly yeah so it was the very first cars the 99s and maybe the 2000s but yes if you've got a spider without the holes in you're in for a Monumental clutch yeah job and it is it's ridiculous you've got to take the hole I'm starting to think that I'd prefer a late acceleration car if you could yeah but it's not until you you're there that suddenly yeah of course yeah absolutely not many people would know that no until they are we can't get the A-frame out no okay so that's gonna cost so again slightly later car better drivability yeah easier to service cam belts yeah we've spoken about cam belts we did and so um this is one of the one of the features that was a problem on the on on the 355 not so much on the on the 360 because the access is from from the tier isn't it so you've got a service hatch so what you do here can you see that from not quite we've probably got a photo you take that piece of carpet out and there's the box out yeah and there's an oval oval panel about or two foot long and about a foot high you can get to the back of the engine or the front of the engine and you can do the cam belts quite easily in situ yeah well that's that's a massive plus isn't it not having to sort of take take anything out um but that's it is and I suppose I look at servicing having done this for years when you look at the earlier cars we used to do all the points and the tappets and change all the oils all the time you've been on the thing for days whereas now you've got hot hydraulic you can tap it so you don't adjust those you've got electronic ignition so you don't sort those out you know everything moves on now you've got belts that you can get to you can access really quickly yeah and then the 430s went to change so that was that done yeah which is weird because that's where they were chained back in the 60s yeah I was going to say that feels like a step step backwards in in many ways but I'm sure there's so there's very good reason for it I'm sure um other quirks with these sometimes they burn out the F1 relay um there's a little gray relay behind the panel okay um and they had problems burning out relays but there's a modified relay out on those now yeah so that sorts that out so that sort of covers F1 stuff if it if it's set up rightly and someone teaches you and explains how it works they're not a problem yeah um moving backwards exhaust systems it looks brilliant this doesn't it you've got this sort of massive gold exhaust at the back and again quite quite rightly so don't put your hand on these it gets hot yes this is an original system now the reason they've got the sliding joint in the middle these do actually grow by about 10 mil right there's a sliding joint there yeah and when you go out in it it'll actually slide it'll it'll grow it'll grow yeah now what happens because you've got that sliding joint obviously there's things can leak and these are full of like a wadding when they get old now they're 20 years old it's not uncommon to see a 360 covered in like a white dust and what it is it's the warding out of the exhaust and is that then an indication that you you need to get a new new exhaust fitting in there it's not going to fix itself it's just going to keep blowing out white powder until it's emptied however many yeah handfuls of it's just breaking down again 20 year old cars yeah um work really well with the same as the 355 a lot of people put capistos jubies Yes sounds really nice you've got the active exhaust yeah um so I wouldn't some of the you don't want them too noisy some of the ones are a bit boomy and a bit annoying so if it has got a sports exhaust on one that's still got the valves connected that it's not booming all the time yeah um and if it's got the original with it that's nice that's great challenge rear grills as we said earlier was developed for the challenge cars always look good get help dissipate all that heat yeah so that works um engine wise silver covers on the spiders blacks on the moderners yeah nice touch yeah um so if they've been if they've been replaced you know they're not not the originals the color's been changed biggest problem on 360s overfilling the oil right and they will smoke what happens on the 360s is it's a dry sump engine same as Porsches so it's 355s everyone's been familiar with dry sump engines big tank of oil on the side of the engine that when it gets hot it expands you know the whole 10 12 13 liters of oil or whatever so you've got a big tank yeah exactly the same the portioners would be familiar that you do it when it's runny when it's hot and everything because the difference between being on the bottom of the dipstick and the top of the dipstick is just temperature yeah it's exactly the same with these now the trouble is with these the this is your oil tank with your dipstick with your two marks minimum maximum you can see there I've just that's just it's barely on the bottom of the dipstick yep everyone go oh I need some oil so they fill it up to here what happens then when it gets hot you've got your two inches here it's up it's way up yeah it's way up so so if I'm going if I'm looking at the car then then I want to be checking that when it's when it's warm basically run the car first and then check it and then check it because what happens on these which is a bit of a flaw is the Breather for the top of the oil tank goes straight into the plenum Chambers so what happens is when you when it overfills it sucks it straight in to there inside here you've got all the all the lovely venturi's and I've seen them not swimming pools literally full of oil sort of that deep you know an inch deep or something in there it just sucks all the oil out and then what happens you get plumes of I mean the things really do smoke yeah if you're on high revs you're basically sucking neat oil in it makes a hell of a mess yeah yeah and it clogs all your cats up it clogs all the exhaust up makes a big smell and it happens quite a lot it's the biggest because people check they're like oh I must put some in it yeah so yeah just just a good tip there if you're if you're an owner of one of these or indeed if you're looking at it if you're looking at it run it check it check it do it hot but if you're looking at a car that's really smoking don't necessarily contain the engine no it could just be over filled with someone else could have overfilled the oil previously I mean even once you've sorted your level out you've still got plenum Chambers with half an inch of oil in because it is it there's like the casting mods it's about an inch deep in there which sits there until you drive it quite hard then it sucks it back in again so you literally have to take the plane and Chambers off wash them all out suck them all out yeah yeah so these if you get a smoke in one of these that's probably what's happened there right there and as you say just educating the owners yeah once someone's we show all our owners how to do it once you know how to do it yeah and that's the thing isn't it just just you know finding someone who you can have a relationship with you know um you know who know who knows all about them who can educate you on them so when you get into one of these uh you know how to look after it and maintain it doing the bits that you can do yourself um and understanding all the preventative bits that you then need to get on it is I mean we're here to help people enjoy their cars this is our mission in life so if you've got someone local that can hold your hand and just give you a bit of backup yeah because it's a big step some people there's no shame in asking questions you know that's the thing no it's it's little things like no where's the emergency for the fuel fillers and how to open the Bonnet when the battery's gone flat all the little things that people sometimes Miss on handovers yeah and until you're stuck at the petrol station and the solenoid doesn't work I know that the remote is tucked away in there which is can hardly see no you can't you and you wouldn't if you pull that the flap opens but you'd never find that no you wouldn't that there's a little lever in there God yeah you're in a petrol station yeah and the solenoids packed up or something's gone and you can't get fuel in it you you would never find that would you whereas if you knew where it was two seconds and yeah that's really cool isn't it but all Ferraris have got that I love that that's that's brilliant so this is all about when you do buy the car get someone who knows what they're talking about to show you around it to do the Handover so you know where that is no when when the if you turn the isolator off in the front and then shut the Bonnet yeah it's a literally you open the body how do you open the Bonnet yeah there's a there's one of those under the front yeah and you can see how it happens because hand over day is so exciting yeah you don't want to hear any of that you just want to you want to go off and enjoy it don't you but you need to take some time to learn those learn those things it is it's like the windows that drop if the batteries go flat how do you open the doors because the windows don't drop and you can break the windows yeah you know they drop at half an inch so if you're going to put the car into storage and isolate it yeah open the doors turn the isolator off and then shut the doors and it's it stays down and then you can open the door all these little things that you just learned over years have been around the cars well then someone ring it up and going in I've just broken my window because I've opened the door and it was all it didn't drop it was like uh the wheel the wheel uh locking nuts to the uh to the Porsches quite of often in the in the boot of course as your battery's gone you can't access that to always leave it in the glove box and little things like little things and I suppose being a garage you always you always deal with the problem of cars yes rather than the ones that are fine yeah but you get to sort of you know sort out someone's on on the side of a road you've had a problem and you end up sorting it all out so that sort of 360 is really fantastic cars we put it on the horse because the air I went on to another level now yeah there's about 30 more ground let's do that let's have a very a very quick look at that um and then um you can then take us out for a drive and just just give me some kind of driving Impressions and characteristics um between the two things and we'll get to hear some lovely Ferrari noise [Music] very flat underneath but all part of the Air Management so we've got pretty much the same at the front there's a few more Scoops going on here to get air directed into the brakes and things what you're looking for as a as a a used car I'm looking for consistency again am I looking for suspension that looks consistent with the age of the vehicle yeah of looking that that side looks the same as this side I'm looking at the condition of the underneath you've got the plastic bits but you've also got the metal bits yes plastic beats get broken just no someone runs over something metal bits some things happen so I'm looking here it's got lovely consistent um underseal and dynatrol that I used seals all nice and flat all the rivets in the floor look nice this is an original car you just get a feel of it yeah and then moving backwards now the the thing you have on these is you can't you can't see much of the engine you know where's the 355 they uncovered it yeah so on on the 360 you've got this tiny little tiny little glimpse of the engine there now this is the difference on servicing because some people on the servicing that's your your engine oil drain will just drain the engine oil yeah so you can drain the engine oil you can change the filter at the top job done yeah I sort of think well you can't we'll meet in half the car yeah so we take them all off in the real properly so some people that sometimes it's like how much of these things cost to service yes someone who takes we take all the wheels off and wash them all take all the under trays off and have a proper look at it yes because there's not much you can see let's face it when you're when you're looking at licking underneath these they're all so well sealed up yes it's it's it's not until you take those off that you can really get a get a really good look I know right I've been to some service manager that you explaining what what we what people do there's not no such thing as a straight service so I can say yeah I can I can get this in I can take that plug out drain the oil put new oil in you'll be done yeah is that really what you want yeah no I want you know have inspect the wheels but this is how it went from pretty much these onwards no I mean something like an F50 you'll spend hours getting the undertray off it's huge right that's a great big carbon fibers so you've got to get these things off to see behind yeah and that's so some so talk to people about what's actually been done in service as opposed to how much it is if that makes sense yes yeah yeah um but clearly yes big engine Big Air Management we've got these wind shaped and they are winter it's quite impressive yeah they are aren't they yeah but yeah and you're looking again for damage and consistency yeah so the big thing underneath on these is ball joints right everybody knows about 360 ball joints right let's give a quick education on ball joints tip of the day right up and so three five fives and everything before that we had just a metalastic bush so all the wishbones would be bolted in with a metalastic bush Okay so for that to knock the rubber's got to be absolutely hanging yeah no it's really got to be they all crack and yeah perish so that to be rattling around it's got to be absolutely full into bits yep so then we went on to Rose jointed suspension which are these things so what we've got now is a stainless steel ball in a cup yes okay that's so that's fitted that's the outside that's the inside and you kind of just now this is is good for race cars because it keeps it nice and tight now Ferrari decided that they'd go the race technology in these road cars this is great it keeps it all tight but if that cup wears by about a millimeter it will knock yeah and it's it knocks so the trouble is whereas those would wear no 10 years or so and then you just change you change the rubbers and it would be years before you might notice it's a bit soggy but for it to knock it would be years yeah these go every five minutes and these does any does anyone go back to the the older technology not really no they just have to replace that you have to replace these so yeah Ferrari used to say that you couldn't buy these separately you had to buy the whole arm oh come on SO Ferrari's treat was the entire Wishbone yeah for the ball joint you couldn't buy these so an engineering pill engineer again did a fantastic job yeah doing these so you could then press press those out and put a new one in now the trouble is with these they're everywhere they're all around the front suspension they're all around the back suspension they're on the tie rods they've put them everywhere and it's a bit like the full Bridge you do the front and the back goes by the time the back's gone again the front's got so you will get knocking on your 360. you can guarantee it yeah and you just fit these okay and they wear out and some people don't notice it isn't it how how easy slash difficult is it to to the job to replace those and and what's the kind of cost around them um it's a few hours work these are these are pressed into the bottom Wishbone yeah so you you drop the ball joint out you you press them out yeah and there's some special glue and you press them back in again okay now Ferrari don't recommend it they still recommend that you fit the whole arm but ninety percent of the people will do that we'll do that yeah and they don't because I've never known one Fallout so sometimes if you've had one done two or three times the the arm might be a bit wall and the hole's too big so you have to have a new arm so but knocking so you got in depends on what sort of Road you're in if you're on a beautifully smooth tarmac Road you're never going to notice it if you've got a road with a few not just undulations or concrete road yes so if you hear that you you that's that's most likely what it's going to be but importantly you know if you are test driving a car then take it onto you know sort of some various different surfaces just so you can spot it if it has has got it and again it might sound like the front suspension it's not going to fall off unless it's actually no come out of them it's like that it's a bolted on component it can't can't fall off yeah but it is annoying yes it would be and some people go look I'll live with it there's something wrong I've never noticed it because I want a smooth road yeah you drive out of the yard here it's quite bumpy and you can hear them by the time you get to the road yeah yeah so that's the biggest one um another one on these because they've got such tight suspension geometry is crucial you if these aren't set up correctly they are horrible I've driven cars that have got odd tires on and literally they're all over the roads and cracking what's wrong with this car has it been an accident or what's going wrong when they've got no dunlops on one side and he's on the other something you just go really well you can stop you can spot that in in photography of the you know on certainly on collecting cars you know you can spot that a mile off when you when you're looking at the cars because of all the high-res images it's easy to spot if someone's not not put the same same Tire on all four corners yeah and it will really show up on these you would really think you're like crikey no what's going on with this car likewise the geometry is really you've got to be bang on on this yeah and again it's part of the service that some people just don't worry about doing so but an easy fix an easy fix it's awesome new new tires and then just get get the geometry properly set up and that's something easy to do but but um again when you're when you're first driving something you know that's something that you you could look out for and not to necessarily worry straight away because it might just be as simple as changing the tires and having that geometry done it is and so as I look at it and think it's back to the history and the how someone's looked after the car if you've got someone sensible who's looked off his car he's not going to put odd tires on it if you've got a car with advertising and cracking now what's happened here yeah unless there's a plausible thing that the guys on holiday and you're the only one and he said look I had to stick it on to get home you go fine but don't look at my car it's that sort of thing so yes ball joints tires Tire ages yeah all tires are date stamped yeah and if you know where the stamps are because again if a car only does a thousand miles a year it probably never wears the tires out but they go hard yes I've encountered that when when driving different things and some proudly tells you oh they're on original Tomatoes I think not necessarily a good thing mate so again these aren't they're not expensive tires they're big tires but they're not cheap yeah so you go oh looks lots of tire tread but they're 10 years old yeah it's gone hard it's gone hard and it's not until you changing People Go crank you that's transformed it so a car with type on something as sensitive as this tires geometry ball joints will make a massive difference to the way it drives yeah [Music] [Music] another main sort of characteristics of the sort of Driving Experience from the 355 to the to the 360s is it just kind of the 360 being a bit more sort of versatile little round of that I'm a three three five five is a bit softer almost the 360s are a more nervous Drive yeah a bit more skittish are they a bit more skittish so you know you can get the lumps in the road sometimes where the lorries have gone yeah they pick up the tram lines worse because of the way the suspension is set up and like we've said about the ball joints these are a bit softer um I mean they're both good cars these are fast cars you're talking no 375 380 in these 400 in the 360s there's not a massive amount of difference the biggest difference is the drivability at low revs of the 360. yeah it's far more refined these if you've got to keep the revs up right you've got to be in the right gear whereas because you've got the variable cam timing and the Very intakes and later system the the 360 is far more forgiving so now when we squeeze it and then now things are warmed up a bit [Music] there it is and that's what that's what you're buying into with a 355. um and it's a lot louder when you're following yeah I bet and it just once that opens up and once you've sort of got comfortable with the gear change you can do the little blips foreign there's a reason why these cars are so expensive yeah yeah because they are a very very good car beautifully done inside all the all the leather and everything I think that's what people are appreciating now I mean uh the small factor that they give you you know yes I mean we're very fortunate I mean the rest of this week's been pretty rubbish on whether the one sort of dry crispy sunny day in November and here we are out in yeah people must think it's always sunny on collecting girls foreign that is just brilliant [Music] and then you get a Beat bigger car physically in size yes still feels still feels you know um it doesn't feel like compared to what we see uh Ferraris of late I mean this is this is Tiny isn't it it is it's bigger than the 355 and you do sort of notice that in the cabin space don't you yes of course you can you can run it in in Auto rather than using the paddles yourself yes you do get the auto mode so you can put it in auto mode I'll be honest the auto mode is a bit lazy yeah you don't get the control when you're doing it manually you can back off a little bit pull the pedal and then go when he's in Auto it can be a bit Noddy and doggy it'll change up in a minute as soon as you you make that change your the auto cuts out into into your manual so you yeah as soon as you touch a pedal it goes right okay yeah so you've got two settings so you've got the auto which is changed gear for you and you've got the traction the slippy yeah that's his first snow what this does it it means you pull away in second if you're on ice or even well like wet grass or something it calms all the gearbox down and comes all the ecu's down it makes it go into Ultra sluggish mode so at least you can get off of whatever slippery condition you you're in yeah and it'll really try and help you through slippery stuff but it's it does it is quite sluggish to drive yeah so other things I'm looking for now is that is like all the crystals because whilst the crystals in the 355 are just one one panel is that little round control round piece in this it's the whole dashboard yes okay so there's a lot more to check so things like some of them that the fuel gauges lots of little green lines yeah whereas they normally you got to go so you get the green lines that go out or if anything doesn't work you've got to sit in the whole dashboard away so you can hear the bypass pipes opening not as pronounced as the sports exhaust yeah the field of you feel the suspension on this is a fairly smooth Road I'm sure you can feel from your side you can yeah it's noticeably more a lot of vibrations the wrong word but you can feel the road can't you you can yeah they uh they do sort of behave that much more like that sort of uh temperamental behavior of a thoroughbred in the sense that they they they they are a bit more Twitchy aren't they more Twitchy I can feel the road coming up through the steering up and feel that we're no and this is a fairly smooth road which you could in the 355. yeah so this is this is a Far More Alive car far more Twitchy okay you've got technology to help you so on the sport mode on this one you select sport mode what that does this has got traction control so it will back off the power if you start to slide it'll back it all off but what sport mode does okay it sharpens up the suspension it sharpens up the ecu's and it reduces the traction control slightly so you do get a little bit of twitching yeah without going silly um [Music] let's make it all the right noises that you'd want a Ferrari to make yeah that's great isn't it and it you know it it it does have that um air of a bit more sort of sophistication about it but I have to say you know that that kind of that rawness of the of the 355 bark is is intoxicating isn't it it is hard because I think the 355 is so good the 355 for this balls he's always it almost sets the bar of any car with any sports exhaust yeah it's hard to compare I mean these you can put tubies on and they sound nice but I think as a car to live with if you're going to drive to Cornwall then you wouldn't get out of this tide would you well that's been brilliant it's been been a really good insight into uh both the 355 and 360. so thank you for taking the time for doing that today and for taking us out for a for a quick drive we've um thoroughly enjoyed it but hopefully it gives people an insight and a bit of a bit of help and advice yeah well if not they definitely know where to come so Ian thank you very much be my pleasure cheers thank you James for more stories balance guides and to check out our latest Global listings head over to thanks for watching
Channel: Collecting Cars
Views: 74,065
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Length: 59min 46sec (3586 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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