FERRAN'S 10th BIRTHDAY SURPRISE!! | The Royalty Family

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this is gonna be the best birthday of your [Music] under the life line all right so tomorrow you cannot leave your room the whole day until i tell you to come out what you can't leave i need you to stay in this room yeah you gotta stay in this room your mom and i have a huge surprise for you and the royalty fab has a big surprise for you but you gotta stay in this room just within this room you gotta stay in this room and you you cannot leave no matter what no peeking no looking you got to stay here but that's not fair yep if it's my birthday tomorrow oh yep good night have a good night sleep oh my gosh they have arrived let's go good morning guys i can't be too loud right now birthday boys still sleeping hi guys they've arrived let me let them in they'll say hi to you it's eight o'clock in the morning in beautiful los angeles welcome to the royalty palace we are about to have a good video guys real quick before we start make sure you guys subscribe make sure you're part of the royalty family hit the subscribe button give this video a big thumbs up we love you so much we're almost 10 million and today oh they're actually calling me hold on a sec hold on a second oh no gucci come back gucci no no oh no hi how's it going thank you guys for coming we're super excited gucci stop gucci those are not for you we're so excited to have you guys come all right so how are we going to do this in the background we're going to want this set up and then we're going to set up all right so we're going to set this all up in the backyard today's farend's 10th birthday and we have a huge surprise for him and we have a huge surprise for you guys too so we want you guys to stick around and have fun with us we are going to convert the whole backyard i know it's a nice backyard already but we're going to convert it and make it even nicer so stick along because you guys are going to have fun throughout this whole adventure as well you know what if you guys have board shorts or swimming shorts or a swimming t-shirt or a bikini go ahead and get changed because you guys are officially invited to ferran's 10th year old birthday party so let's have a blast together you guys ready i can't hear you guys are you guys ready well then give this video a big thumbs up and make sure you guys are already subscribed to the coolest family on youtube the royalty family we love you let's go so this i was planning on putting it right here so we need about 40 feet right okay so they'll start right here the kids will run they'll jump and they'll slide all the way to the end it'll fit right i heard that's a fun one the slip and slide is fun all right so that's gonna go here and i was thinking to put what do you call that machine the one where you throw the ball and the person falls so hit the bucket is there enough space to go right here that would be pretty cool guys wait till you see that one guys that one's amazing and then last but not least the foam pit i think we could put the whole foam pit from there all the way to here yo guys wait till you see the foam pit foam pit's amazing super fun we're gonna turn this backyard into a huge playground thank you for helping us [Music] out [Music] so yo this backyard is looking sick i'm honestly tempted to go in there right now and just try it out but i'm gonna be a good father i'm gonna wait for my son and went what just happened to your voice hold up so here's the deal as you saw from the very first clip ferran has no idea what's happening he knows there's a surprise but he doesn't know exactly what's going on he promised he promised he was going to stay in his bedroom until the surprise was ready so let's go check up on him make sure he's still sleeping i don't know if he's still sleeping i bet he's super excited that he probably woke up whoa gucci bro why are you oh my gosh bro what are you doing outside man let me in let me in i'm ready for this what is wrong with you no but you got to stay inside you got to stay inside man i can't trust you outside no man catch me if you can but we're not doing this right now catch me if you can let's go now you're too slow dad you're too slow gucci come back gucci bro right now we're bro this is an important vlog stop it bro i'm so sick and tired of this i said stop i'm so sorry guys i apologize let's not put this in the vlog it makes me look bad okay let's come to an agreement man you never celebrate my birthday all right let's talk about it what did you want me to do for your birthday and i wanted friends to come over too oh come on yo come back bro you're lucky i'm too old let's go upstairs good morning oh someone's awake and prince milan is here hi guys happy birthday he's laughing oh he's laughing i'm tickling him he's laughing well it's great to have you guys right here in the vlog we just want to say happy birthday to you today is officially your 10th birthday how do you feel i feel good and i feel so excited right now do you have any idea what's happening no uh milan you want to tell ferran what's happening yo he's excited for the birthday party as well all right here's the deal you cannot go outside you could not leave your room until i tell you so okay fine no no i know i know no no you can leave you can leave i know milan you can leave it's fine so i can't even go to your room you can't leave this room period we have an amazing city you can no you cannot go to milan's room not even to the kitchen to eat something bro if you hungry you call me if you go my grandma's making me a quesadilla exactly so you guys stay in this room the whole time until we're gucci would you stop bro like you'd be so annoying stop give me those give me those those are mine it's my birthday it's not your birthday stop it stop it all right so your mom is still sleeping because she was staying up all night so she's probably got a couple more bro man let me get up stop it stop it could you stop all right so you don't have any idea what's happening no at all are you excited yeah bro this is gonna be the best birthday of your life all right milan stop bro okay whatever he wants to get up all right i'll tell you what though all i can say is that today is gonna be an amazing day you're gonna have so much fun and it's gonna be a party to remember okay okay but you can't leave all right i'm gonna go see you later i'm gonna go see if your mom was awake yet because your mom was taking care of milan all night and she didn't sleep that much gucci bro i've warned you so many times milan what do you think about your brother turning 10 are you excited for him this is gonna be your first birthday party that you attend oh we gonna have so much fun look at him uh he looks pissed off right now but it's okay all right gucci who's biting remember what i said gucci stay here bro no no no he likes it right there all right i'll be back remember let's go check up on andrea make sure she's still sleeping like i said guys she's been staying up really late and not getting much sleep so bear with her she will be in the vlog pretty soon hey royalty fan one hour later alright guys so now i'm here with baby milan and we're gonna wait for fran's friends to show up we only invited a handful of them we didn't invite too many of his friends because of the current pandemic going on we didn't want too many people to come over but they are going to show up pretty soon and the moment they show up they're going to go to the backyard and then we're going to let ferran come down right milan right yeah exactly so guys stay tuned this is gonna be so much fun we love you guys so much you love the royalty fam you love the royalty fam yeah he's looking at you guys like he truly loves you by the way royalty fab what color eyes do you think milan is going to have i'm a little confused between hazel green blue brown we'll find out in a couple months with that being said guys stay tuned it's about to go down all right guys i think andrea is awake she should be awake by now but let's go wake her up babe hola buenos dias wakey wakey wakey how are you tired you didn't sleep much huh i know it's gonna be tough it's okay hello so what is good gucci's been driving me crazy all day literally like i chased him for about what what what's going on yo this princess stop yo they get they're always oh no you're heavy boy what is wrong with you man i've been eating donuts clearly all right babe so i went ahead and got everything set up outside do you want to see it huh i heard you talking and going crazy around the house but to be honest i'm so tired i know babe but you can do this get through get all your strength together because today's gonna be such a fun day let me show you what i did to the backyard watch this are you ready by the way for ryan's still in his bedroom oh my god i told him that he can't leave what's all of this we have a playground outside this is so cool i know i know this is crazy we just took we just took the backyard to a different level here oh my gosh what is that okay right there is a foam pit okay there's gonna be a bunch of foam in there people are gonna be jumping around it's gonna be fun that right there is the slip and slide basically you run you run you run you jump you slide and you fall in the pool okay that right there is a bucket of cold water you see that right there yeah basically you throw the ball someone's sitting on the other side you throw the ball if it hits something the water spills on the other person oh my gosh isn't this great i know so go get ready we're going there i know we're all gonna go in there i need you to go get ready because his friends are coming pretty soon okay let's go baby are you excited yeah you know our son is 10 years old oh my gosh i can't believe i can't believe time flies time flies time does fly oh look who's here look who's here already what's up as well let's go let's go bro come on in come on in come on in all right we got decoration let's go uh this is very important we want this to look super pretty and it's gonna look gorgeous so we're gonna have the decoration in this little area what do we got we got cake what else balloons what else do we got we got popsicles as well okay we got a lot of things we got a lot of things you have to check out the video all right guys let's get going let's do this two hours later the kids have arrived to ferran's 10th birthday party let's go you guys ready yeah thank you guys for coming for ryan's waiting for you guys actually he has no idea you guys are coming but thank you guys for coming today is going to be a spectacular day you guys like the backyard all right let's go surprise for ryan so right now babe what's the game plan let's go bring for ryan we need you guys to hide somewhere hiding spot guys come come outside come here yeah yeah hiding spot go outside oh we're gonna blindfold for right here all right all right hide somewhere hide right here hide right here all right be careful with the cake don't eat the cake do not eat the cake all right when farron comes i want you guys to say happy birthday for rent okay well yeah i'm gonna make a condom all right cool thank you love you guys this is the moment we've been all waiting for for ryan is anxious he's been waiting literally like five hours and it's time to bring him down make sure you're blindfolding now all right yo you honestly please i give you so much props because you've been waiting patiently we're not too patient but you're patient you waited you waited and we're gonna show you that it was well worth the wait are you excited yeah just please like don't put me i'm gonna die you know what let me carry him let me just carry him yeah because we got stairs all right good honors baby i know he's 10 years old but he's always going to be a baby he's still our baby what do you mean karani's coming feron is gummy you can put on the floor now i like this you wait i like hair right here the baby is coming all right put your feet down okay let me wait hold on i got you don't worry relax don't take it off don't take it out baby so i'm gonna take off the headband in about 10 seconds before i take it off do you guys have something to say [Applause] baby say something you have anything you want to say ah you want to say something do you want me yes do you have anything you want to say before i take off the headband no idea what's that loud noise don't worry about it you guys ready yeah all right five five three two one [Music] [Applause] happy birthday we love you so much don't say hi to your friends you guys ready to have a good time we need you to put on your board shorts and get ready to go in the water does everyone have swimming shorts on or swimming gear yeah all right all right guys let's go have some fun [Music] all right you guys ready to go in yeah all right where should we go in first birthday boys pump it all right we are going in let's go oh my gosh get for ride get for run get for run i can't see anything all right guys let's go to the slip and slide slip and slide let's go slip inside let's go let's go let's go babe i'll race you i'll race you three two one oh my god there you go there you go let's keep going let's go babe you got this let's go let me help you out let me help oh my gosh where's kelly whale's color oh he got stuck let's keep going there you go my oh my god oh oh my god i fell yeah i just fell whoa this is too slippery for me i'm good i'm good what you laughing at bro let's go you guys think i could make it all the way you think i can make all the way yeah let's find out what happens all right cheer me on guys ali ali ali ali oh i made it let's go yo wanna race all right three two one psych you wanna race oh let's race three two one psych you wanna race you ready that's right three two one oh my gosh yeah i'm coming the wrong way i'm coming good no gucci no go back gucci go back it's not for you bro gucci go back oh my gosh what is gucci doing what is he doing man this is andrea's first time in the jumper she doesn't know how to open it let's go andreas first time let's go yo i can get up oh my gosh are you okay [Music] oh i'm so sorry get back up i'm so sorry i apologize i didn't mean to bump you there's a lot of water there's too much water stop i gotta get out you know i gotta get out all right so who's getting dunked first you're gonna get dumped first so we put ice and water in here so you better hope that they don't hit these two spots if you guys hit those spots with the ball guess what for ryan's getting dunked okay are you ready yeah all right who's going first oh let's go you ready go go miss who's next who's next oh who's next keep going babe you want to try yeah oh yeah yo when you're someone with good aim come on let me try let me try let me try i got this i got you yo babe go next go next go next you gotta go put some ice in there will you guys ready ready all right who wants to go first all right let's go let's go run um okay let's go skye oh all right i want you guys to each do a cool move in the air okay but when you're in the air look at the camera and do your move okay three two one go go go go go go oh he just copied him oh my god all right let's go my boy let's get it oh oh okay what was that will the best for last [Music] ah i'm coming in guys i'm coming in all right what's up ritchie fam i am going up the stairs okay ready i'm gonna jump back go go go go let's go i'm waiting for you whoa i think we're having a good birthday so far and this birthday was a little bit different because we couldn't invite all his friends we just had to select that like the one that he wanted to make the closest ones it feels a little bit weird right to have like such it's like just five kids but we had fun we had fun but wait wait for the birthday cake we'll see you guys in a little bit all right let's sing happy birthday you guys ready i will do the honors bro say to you happy birthday to you happy birthday happy [Applause] [Laughter] let's go blow the candle blow it just do it blow it blow it who wants cake watch cake veron got so many gifts and we can't wait to open them later on we just want to say thank you guys for being part of this journey he's officially 10 years old he's super happy he's in the pool right now having a good time yeah he's not gonna come back with us to say to say bye no he's not he's not he's super busy right now but we love you guys so much thank you for being part of our family thank you for supporting ferran's 10th birthday you guys are amazing with that being said wait let me try to get farrah to say bye oh okay oh my love you like i said bye too are you milan's sleeping okay let's let's try together all right hold on i'm going to try to get one before we go babe you are truly amazing and your birthday is coming up soon in about three weeks i know so we got to get ready for that wow i have a lot of surprises for you i'm going to give ferran to say goodbye to you guys if you go any last things you want to say to the royalty fam how was your birthday overall you had a good time are you happy to be 10 yeah all right one last thing that my beautiful son would like to say we out let's go you
Channel: The Royalty Family
Views: 12,183,919
Rating: 4.8720617 out of 5
Keywords: The Royalty Family, Royalty Family, Andrea Espada, Family Friendly, Ferran's 10th birthday surprise, ferran, ferrans birthday, birthday surprise, surprise, bday, birthday, 10th birthday, happy birthday, royalty, family vlog, ferrans, royalty family challenges, Royal Family, The Royal Family, Royalty Fam, The Royalty Fam, Realty Family, Roti Family
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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