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hello everyone welcome to selena's world i'm selena and today we are going to be making serrano hot sauce and what you'll need for that is for one batch you'll need at least uh 24 peppers about one pound i am gonna triple the batch so you'll triple everything that you that i say to put in this so for one pound of peppers you'll need about two i'll save one fourth cup or sorry one fourth teaspoon of garlic and one four teaspoon of onion since i'm tripling the batch i and i'm using regular onion and regular garlic instead of powder so i'm going to put that in my blender here i've already chopped it up i'm going to put that in my blender i gotta put that because after we get these peppers all seated and everything we'll put them in the blender and we'll blend them up until it liquefies there's onion and your garlic and i just finely chopped them even though the blender is gonna do even more i just want to make sure that it gets finely finely chopped okay now i'm going to deseed all these peppers if you want more of the heat then by it means leave the seeds but i'm going to be making more of a mild pepper sauce so i am going to take the seeds out okay now you can do this with your fingers by deseeding it or you can take a spoon which i'll show you a small spoon and just go like that to it and take out all the insides of it okay and put it in the bowl it is easier to do it with the spoon but just push that aside and be sure to wear gloves because these peppers are hot and the oils from these peppers will burn your hands so wear gloves i want to cut a few of these up and then i want to deceive them you can always add the seeds back if you once the process is almost done and you don't think it's hot enough then add some seeds to it now i've already got my jars and everything there's soaking on the stove because i'm going to bottle up two bottles i will can the rest put two bottles in the refrigerator and put the rest on the shelf once you when you can then then it will sit on your shelves for a couple years bottles will only stay in your refrigerator for about two to six months okay now that's how to deceive them i'm gonna finish deceiving these and i will be right back okay i'm almost done with these as soon as i get done with this we will put them in a blender and we'll blend it down to liquefy it as much as possible just wanted to bring you back to show you again how i defeat them i just take a spoon and i bring it all down the pepper and i take the seeds and the membrane out of the middle of the pepper and then i'll wash them and make sure all the seeds are out this process can go pretty fast and get in the swing of it these ain't near as hot as those ghost peppers that i did you see that video i did ghost pepper sauce and those things were hot my hands i had gloves on then too and that's oils from the ghost peppers went through the gloves and my hands burnt they felt like they were on fire we're about a week if i touch my eyes or anything oh man that was horrible but i enjoyed making it because that's what my family wanted so and that's the last of these peppers so i will be washing these off i'll bring it up here and then we'll add it to the blender do a little bit of the cube still get to you now i got the onions a garlic in there now i wanna add just a little bit at a time i'm gonna bring you over here now since i am doing a triple that i will leave the ingredients for a single batch in the description below but since i am doing a triple batch i had it called for 1 4 uh apple cider vinegar 1 4 cup of water and 1 4 cup of lemon juice put a little bit of that juice in there and it calls for which i need to get this out it calls for a teaspoon of salt so so i'll have three teaspoons one two three since this is a triple batch now we will blend this until it's very very liquefied and it can take a while okay i'm gonna get all these blended up and i'll bring you back for the next step okay okay now what i'm gonna do is i blended it as much as i can and i'm gonna strain it in a cheesecloth i've already strained some of it and getting as much liquid as i can out a little bit in take a cheesecloth and bring it all up and i put another strainer underneath it okay see if the pulp comes through then the strainer will catch it now i'm just gonna squeeze it all out all the juices you can leave the pulp in it if you like but i don't want the puff with mine be sure if you do strain it like this you straighten it twice i put it back through the blender after i strained it and i put it back through the blender again and i straightened it again this is the second time that i'm straining it because that holds a lot of that liquid squeeze it all now just keep twisting and squeezing so i'll lay this back over my straightener now if you had a juicer the juicer would be wonderful i had to double my gloves because the oils were going through the first pair and my fingers were starting to burn so i put another pair of gloves on yes i do sell these sauces so if you're interested in buying any i'll leave my email in the link below in the description below and just email me 8 ounce jar is uh six dollars and if you want a bottle it's a five ounce bottle for four dollars so i will show you how to do the bottom stir it's simple you just instead of putting it in a jar you put it in a bottle and but when you put it in the bottle it has to go in the refrigerator and it will last about two to six months and if you process them in the jars through the water bath canner then they can stay on your shelves for a couple years so i will do two bottles and then the rest i will process in the counter look it it looks so good now we'll put this on the stove for 10 minutes i do have a little bit more in my blender so i will get the rest of that so you don't want to miss any of this delicious juices i'm telling you this sauce is amazing get all that a little bit not gonna take much longer okay that's good now we'll bring it over here to the stove and we will cook it bring it over here to the stove and we'll cook this for 10 minutes i think i'll be safe take my gloves off now i'll have to put them back on again to pour them in the jars okay the sauce looks so amazing now when you cook it it will change colors just a little bit to from a vibrant green to more of a dull green when it starts to boil then we'll set the timer for 10 minutes and i'll bring you back at that time okay it has been cooking for about 10 minutes now boiling so i'm going to turn it off now and i'm going to jar these up i want to bring it back now i've been uh processing my jars and my bottles in a hot water because you don't want to put hot liquid in a cold jar excuse me here so i'm going to get out two bottles so i do the bottles first and i'm using it wrong okay water pour out of that i'm going to get a couple jars out here i don't know what's wrong with me okay i'm working the hard way don't know why i'm working the hard way make it so much easier on myself there we go so much easier okay what we will need this now is the funnel and i'm going to bring these hot jars over and i'm gonna put some of this sauce in the funnel bring this to the rim of your jar to the bottom of the rim there we go it's at the bottom rim right there then we'll put our lid on it let that sit on the counter until we get to room temperature overnight it's best okay we go let's do just a little bit more there we go we'll put that over put that to the side now we'll use our big funnel and we'll do the same with this to the bottom rim okay so more jars out bottom of the rim okay now set these to the side a little bit okay i think i got another one more jar now the bottle do well that little bit right there perfect perfect perfect a little bit too much in that bottle so i'll pour it in this there we go now we will take a paper towel with a little bit of vinegar on your paper towel and we'll wipe the rims because you want to make sure there is no nothing on the rims of your jars because if there's anything on your jars on the rims then it'll compromise the seal and we don't want to do that okay take our seals out i've had them soaking in the hot water they are hot too and we'll put our lids on finger tight finger tight opening and then we'll put them back in the water balcony okay what i did forget to do is de-bubble it i'll bring it back a little bit because i gotta find my debugger and we'll take these back off and you can either go like this make sure you dig up lit mainly with liquids you really don't have to do that you kind of pick it up a little bit and go like that to it a couple times and that will take the air bubbles out of any of the liquid now put these out bigger tight there we go and a glass jar out that we didn't use and put these jars back in the counter and you make sure that water is about inch and a half two inches above your jars we'll turn this back on and we'll bring that back to a boil when that gets to a boil we'll do another 10 minutes do not start your 10 minutes until that is boiling rapidly we're going to put our lids on these bottles here okay and i already washed these two and we'll just set these aside and then tomorrow we'll wipe them down with the wet cloth and put our labels on them and put them in the refrigerator so when the water bath counter is done after boiling for 10 minutes i'll bring you back okay all it looks like timer is done then turn this off and let the water stop boiling for a minute because if you open that up while it's boiling it just flaps on you so wait a minute or two and open it away from you my grandson decided to come over so if you hear him that's my grandson he's will be three in december uh 7th so look at that nice and beautiful set them off to the side now we'll let these sit here on the camera we'll let these sit here on the counter for 24 hours before we touch them and put them on the shelves now this this sauce is best if you eat it let it sit for about a week and let the flavors marinate with each other it's even better a month from now but you can eat it now if you want okay so but it's even better next week so let this sit on your counter for at least 24 hours before you put it away now the bottles when they get to room temperature those need to go in the refrigerator and these can go on your shelves and uh store away and can last for a couple years so i'm gonna bring you back here a little bit i want to say thank you for joining me and please like and subscribe if you haven't done that already and hit that notification bell so you get more videos as i post them because you don't want to miss some of the ones that i've got to be doing this coming week so please like subscribe and hit that notification bell y'all have a good evening and see you next video have a good one bye
Views: 281
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: lvflWOQV264
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 3sec (2103 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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