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today we're hunting scammers in Beverly Hills California at night we've rigged this house with hidden cameras inside and out get everybody in the position and there are multiple scammers on their way right now to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from innocent victims it's the same car it's the same car it's the same car hey hey hey hey hey hey okay okay somebody's Crossing somebody's Crossing they here these scammers are committing fraud and tonight they think that they've conned an old man out of his life savings we have two people you know what to do but unfortunately for them this was all a setup he's coming from the back okay he's coming to our car to catch these cash mules in the act and confront them face to face I have this feeling that they watching us I'm so sorry sir apologize to your other victims you piece of I'm not going to do this anymore apologize I'm so sorry I'm a piece of SC I'm not going to do this anymore please sir it's a true nighttime cat and mouse War and the prize are you crying Vengeance our targets tonight are cash mules for a tech support refund scam out of India it's a very common scam that begins with the victim receiving a fake invoice from someone impersonating a company like Geek Squad or PayPal once the victim calls the phone number to dispute the charge they're connected to a scammer on the other line that manipulates them into giving them remote access to their computer and from there all hell breaks loose the scammers will pretend that they're refunding the disputed charge but what they're actually doing is manipulating the computer screen to make the victim think that they've been refunded way too much money then by demanding that that money be sent back to them money that never existed to begin with that's how they're able to steal tens sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars from susceptible victims but if the scam is in India how are we confronting people in Beverly Hills well that's because these scammers utilize what are called Cash mules their local co-conspirators whose job is to physically collect the money and then launder it back to the scammers overseas they have to do it this way because the scammer bosses want these transactions to be as untraceable as possible and when electronic payments aren't an option having the victim go to the bank to withdraw the cash is the next best thing our time at this sting house is limited so we're scam baiting from all angles we have modder Paul and chappy baiting from the computer side of things Z is and zebra and the number eight and we're even doing some of our own live scam baiting from right inside the sting house I'm doing what you told me to do our first Target is perhaps one of the scariest situations we've ever been in the more that we do these videos the harder it gets for us to get face-to-face encounters with these scammers with all the exposure they become more skittish than they've ever been but with that comes a much more terrifying approach in this case two cash mes working together hiding in the bushes in the dark trying to steal $95,000 from a man named [Music] Walter Ray from Moder Paul scam baits is playing Walter and this scam actually went down a little bit differently instead of a fake invoice it was a fake virus popup you've probably seen these before it's a scary looking message telling you that your computer is locked and infected with viruses and you have to call a phone number to fix it same destination with this scam just a slightly different road map they still remote Connect into the victim's computer but instead they run a bunch of bogus commands to convince the victim that there are hackers in their Network and they have to move all of their money to a safe account the sad thing about this scam method is that they tell the victim that they have what I'll call illegal things in the network as in types of media that people go to prison for they want to create fear in the victim especially those that aren't tech-savvy to get them to not think and act fast and since these scammers typically work in groups from call centers they'll pretend to be different companies along the way to help sell the lie like in this case the popup comes from fake Microsoft but then they'll transfer the call to someone at Walter's Bank to tell him that his money is in Jeopardy they didn't transfer the call they just handed the headset over to the next head but in the case of this cash pickup they're pretending to be representatives from Walter's Bank Cypress Credit Union and they're sending a bank representative to pick up the cash and little did we know it would be more than one once Ray tells the scammer that he has the cash ready he passes the bait off to chappie who is playing Walter's sister-in-law she has his cash and conveniently lives in La so chappie takes over the communication with the scammer while we are rigged up inside the house waiting for the cash M's arrival hello yeah who's this yes this is Mara I was trying to reach Nolan oh hi uh yes this is uh Nolan I believe uh you are a sister-in-law of Mr walto Scott yep that's me uh you mentioned that you will give me a call at 11:00 uh your time so I was just uh no I was just about to call you okay now I had a break I just had a break in uh I'm out here in training oh you are in in training yeah tell me like what exactly happened with Mr Squad because he was uh you he was about to travel yesterday to Napa Valley yeah he traveled to Napa Valley and I met them at the airport but I could not go on the trip so I was in Napa Valley for a wedding and I had to come home and they were heading up but he lost his phone it's a nightmare and he gave me a box of he says important documents and asked if I could give you a call when I got back home but it was a little bit late when I got home so I am I I am back at my house now because I tried to call Mr uh Mr Scott but I told you he lost I don't know but like like I was not able to like you know like call him I was not able to get in touch with I just told you he lost his phone did he left some package with you like which is regarding like uh to the bank like to us yeah he left the Box yeah yeah he left a box for you um he told me to call you to have you come pick it up we can arrange someone to pick up the uh package over there where which Mr Scott has left but uh the thing is we our working hour is still at from 9:00 a.m. till 5 p.m. in the evening so you mentioned me like in the in the message that you will be a you will be free at 8:00 uh in the evening right yes like today Y and tomorrow you will be right correct so till 8:00 your time like La time and like our time is like there's a difference so I won't be able to like you know sit here in the office like in the bank and then do the paperwork and everything so is it anywhere possible that you can like if when you have when you are in break like uh how long like you have like can I send someone from our band but there will be a secret message which I will I don't know what you're talking about you're kind of all over the place send somebody where I I'm in training the box is at my house okay the box is at your house yeah is there any way possible like what time you will be reaching your house yeah around 8:00 at around 8:00 is it any anywh possible that it can be done a little bit earlier no or can you like how far is your house it cannot be done earlier I doesn't matter cuz I'm in training so I will be home around 8 I can see if I can get there around 7 but it definitely won't be you know I mean it won't be early because we can't leave praying this is way too important is it possible like uh any way that you can reach your like if you if you don't mind did you hear what I'm saying you you keep asking me the same thing right so I'll be there at 8:00 I'll try to see if I can get there at 7 that's the best I can do how far like the distance between your workplace and your house no because according to that I will arrange someone to like go to the location which you send me near the gas station address which you sent me yeah but it has nothing to do with my work no no because like once you will leave from your H uh work and I will try to be I'll try to be home between 7 and 8 right now I'm saying 8:00 I can check and see if there's any way I can get there a little bit earlier if in any case if you are early then you can drop me a message yeah in this in the same number right y so that I can arrange someone from our bank to collect that package from you okay okay yep I'll let you know time um and then if we're doing it when I get home I'll send you the exact address I just don't like to give out my address when I'm not even home I completely understand with that right that's gas station which is right near me yes ma'am also ma'am I would request some uh help from you as I have mentioned in the message also if you because that box contains some sensitive documents inside it so if you can wrap it up properly and if you have extra card box yeah I don't but it's already in a box it's it's in a box all taped out okay no problem please do text me uh please do send me a message if you reach early okay okay what was your last name Nolan Walter didn't tell me my last name is W that's an interesting name oh yes ma W okay I like saying it all right I will uh I'll check and see if um if I can get there any earlier and I will um I'll either send you a text or I'll give you a call at lunch okay ma'am I understand that thank you very much for your cooperation yep thank you thank you this is Nolan hi Nolan how are you this is Mara I'm going to be home in a little over an hour well that will be fine ma'am so uh basically like I have uh arranged someone who is already in La okay good so that person will meet you I'm going to provide them with your phone number they will contact you and in that location once they will reach there okay but so you can simply what is their name uh I do not have the name right now ma'am so because that is someone who is working for okay but they work with you provide the phone number yes ma'am they are they are with the bank they do work with us all right I just wanted to make sure cuz Walter was a little nervous she said it was important documents and I should only give it to you or somebody from your company yes ma'am they do they work with us only man it's just that they are in LA and we are here all right so as long as they say something like I work at Cypress or can I give them like a password so I know we'll provide you with a code um okay that person will contact you that person will meet you that person will probably going to ask you for a code you just need to provide them with a code and then you can hand over the package all right if you send me the code and then I'll send you my uh address I'm only like 2 minutes from the gas station that I sent you uh okay ma'am yeah I'm right down the street so I'll send you soon as I get home I'll send you my uh my house address so he knows where to go actually the person uh will not be able to come to your house okay well that's the only way he's getting it I'm not going to the gas station okay no problem right he's not going to the gas station he's going to me where I live yeah because the thing is like uh ma'am because we are they are not allowed to like visit you know the person house well what do you want me to do then that's if you want you're going to have to go to my house that's where it is no because you said like earlier in the text message that be wrong what I said to you was my house is right near there when I get home I will give you my house address I said I don't like to give my house address out if I'm not there so if he wants it'll be at my house okay ma'am okay ma'am because we have to update update the address so as long as soon as you reach your home like please take me it's right down yeah it's not far from the I just wanted to give you an idea so you could figure out how long it would take you to get here I'm going to send you my home address right now just let me know when you're near and I'll know to open the door all right man' let the games begin real fast that's a l hey that's what here the entire time and nobody on my road I didn't I'm not hearing any word you're saying right now what I hadn't get a single word you just said well he BL you he BL you does anyone understand ly he's lying to you lying maybe she's talking to a camera maybe she must be on the phone with his camera yeah and he blind you I know you can keep saying that but I'm I'm standing outside right now I was on the phone my nephew standing outside waiting might you might want to go in the car okay Conor Conor Connor he's here go get your your stuff and let's go he can come he can come right to he can come to again let's go to your car you have your keys my house is not keys my house you have the you want a picture of my house I can take your picture of it does he use GPS he doesn't use GPS he doesn't use GPS hello hey are you there yeah it took me about 45 seconds to realize you weren't talking to me he's parking right yeah okay this beat up car is parking okay a little bit yeah it's like one two it's going to be a third car from our house from the left your left uh I cannot see sh yeah I can't see sh either I can see the car he hasn't gotten out yet okay he's still in the car he's still sitting in the car I don't know if there's a passenger so maybe just keep looking to see if you see yeah yeah I'm going to keep looking he's still sitting in the car right with the lights off y still sitting in there all right little red is you know night creature is doing what doing the best it's getting Shady getting shady and feeling comfortable in dark oh there's two people two people yeah two people in the car all right two people you can't tell white Toyota oh white Toyota yeah that's the one yeah yep that's the one we have two people okay Connor you want you you know what to do yeah all right get everybody in position now we have to chase two little creatures are they getting out of the car yet no they're not all right be careful Conor so they would not spot you yeah going your side so you then Connor you stay in the car okay roll your V window and okay yeah they turn the lights on they turned the lights on they're backing up yeah I'm going put yeah put the camera down put the camera down the car is living oh man they're driving very slow no they're reparking no reparking okay okay okay that's actually good yeah flashlight okay yeah they're parking down the street which is which is good because when two of us were going to get out they're not going to see us okay if they come on yeah I'm now I'm watching I'm watching I'm watching but your car is tended it's like like you cannot see anything I see silhouette coming back towards us actually he's coming from the back okay he's coming to our car yeah he crossed he crossed put the camera down put the camera down yeah put the camera down put the camera down yeah you see it right yeah yeah okay okay yeah get eyes on him he's doing a circle okay you look for him I'm going to you know you know why he's doing this so we would not know where he Park he little you ready to run no no no no it's only one and I think he was the driver because he got out from the driver's seat so in this case if he's playing these games and he's doing these like in circles on the stadium uh he going to do a circle and he he going to come from the right side like he you know okay from theci side that he was originally a park earlier so no he going to like red going to show up yeah the creature going come from yeah oh yeah yeah yeah he playing game the car is driving off what the is going on dude the car is driving off very interesting maybe maybe one get out and the other one is reparking the car I'm telling you they snooping they they they trying to snooping it's a lot of money 100k they snping around I'm going to tell scammer before I'm going to choke you I need a pee okay choppie is saying want me to come out want me to come out so they this yeah they s they they afraid to come to the house if it is possible to just go outside to just step outside your from your house what where is he he is outside ma'am he's out I don't see him outside tell him to come out what are you kidding me no ma' see listen ma'am okay this is come tell him to come up to the door and I will give him the box and he will give me the password and I can carry on with my night I totally understand that ma' but ma'am as I'm as I'm saying ma'am this is a sensitive case ma'am that's why I'm asking you to do this okay so come get the box I have wasted my whole night ma'am the person is just outside but there there are some other people as don't see him I don't see him ma'am I have sent you that he is in white white car I don't see him ma'am can you just uh step outside while I am oh my God are you there are you here are you here do you see me I'm not out I'm not exactly so neither is he he is over there ma'am over where tell me where he is tell me where he is do you see him let me do you see him let me call him bye Cananda open the door holding package we can do that Amanda right you okay with that yeah yeah yeah okay so Amanda is coming they're from Cypress Credit Union cyp Cypress Amanda's coming outside with the Box tell Amanda to take the box here we go I'm on out outside yeah I'm going to take a picture of these here let me see why I have feeling it's going to be a runner I don't know why I have this feeling these these dudes like a they two too well organized okay um maybe come back in and shut the door and she'll and she's going to call she just can't call while you're standing there in case they're watching you hello he's not here I stood outside for 5 minutes uh yes ma'am I'm I'm talking to him okay so just give me one one quick moment ma'am I'll give you a call back I'm back in the house so you tell me what's going on this is crazy I understand that I stood there for 5 minutes I don't see any cars there's nobody on my street okay man all right I don't know why but I have this feeling that they watching us I do too I want to be so much um chappie just sent us a message saying mule is freaking out yeah of course because like yeah of course it's it's it's it's our uh funeral situation remember when he was on decisive Beach mhm yeah yeah going back and forth back and forth get inside outside get inside and that's how you know you that you guilty as it's the same car it's the same car it's the same car hey hey hey hey hey hey it's the same car they here they pulled around did they leave they took a right but real slow so did they're probably parking down there yeah okay I shouldn't figure out this ation when we can bring when we can bring Amanda with a box outside yeah wait wait until chappie says so I think the scammer yeah yeah yeah I so it is put on a threeway with the MU or something hello okay Miss Brady my guy like person came from the back actually his his daughter B an accident what you talking about this makes no sense you just said that there was somebody at my house so the person is just near gas station he he told me that from from there there is a way to take right turn and if you take the right turn there is your there is your home address right your your house is there but he's saying that he will take the U-turn from there because he had to go back home it's very late and he came from a long way all right so he went all the way home instead of picking up it's not it one way he could have pulled around the corner he never showed up at my house that's fine so he's just over there man just near the gas station so is he coming or not ma'am can you just is he coming or not I have things to do okay he's online with me can I do a conference call oh my God is he coming or not you have my address I need to know if he's coming or not okay ma'am I I will ask him to call you okay don't bother I forget it I'll go to bed I'm not going to play this game all night you don't want you you don't want this right okay ma'am I'm putting a conference ma'am so you can just simply talk to him okay I'm just putting a conference can you hold the line so that I can get get I I don't understand what we're doing here you you're picking it up or not like you wasted my whole night okay understand ma'am just give me a moment let me dial his number' uh hello yeah hello hi uh hi over here like I'm speaking with the customer over here um her her name is uh Miss Martia Brady so can you just tell her like where where you are actually I'm here uh near 170 South rely Glenn Boward okay do you have GPS hello do you have GPS U ma'am actually what happens is like my gases about to no I don't have a GPS map you know uh I my gas is about to finish and I have to go back to home my daughter is in the hospital so you I'm little getting L I really appreciate so it ma'am I might if I don't I can lose my job you know yeah well you have to come get it I will be very thankful okay I will wait for you here you got a few minutes and then I got stuff to do uh I understand ma'am I really appreciate like you know so if you want if you come over here Absolut no I'm not coming anywhere I took an Uber home I'm not going anywhere I have to go back to home man please right so you don't want it I hear you you don't want it I understand I can see over here it's near by the gas station I have to fill the gas as well so you don't want it all right I understand you don't want it I get it I don't getting late I understand right so you don't want it so you don't want it right I mean I've wasted my whole night here I have things to do then come and get it you are 2 minutes from my house gosh if you want it you can come pick it up it's that simple M that do there is you want it come and get it if you don't want it then don't get it I know there's important documents I know yes ma'am I I know that so come and get it I'm not going anywhere if you want it come and get it I'm not going anywhere I don't know what the big deal is you're 2 minutes from my house I took an Uber home I have no way to get there get that come outside the house I was standing for 5 minutes ma' try to understand I'm already frustrated that's why I'm I don't really care you wasted my whole night if you want it come and get it I stood outside for five minutes okay ma'am he will he will be coming outside okay y all right okay ma'am bye they do not know that we're here otherwise they would not come for a second for third round exactly okay okay somebody's Crossing somebody's Crossing all right banana Pence go go down go down he's he's coming the same direction coming the same direction he's not moving he's not moving he just he stood he's in the bushes oh mother I'm going to you up he's in the bushes behind us yeah he's behind our car he's hiding over there try not to move cuz then it'll move the car yeah oh these wasting mying time and my battery he just he just he lean to the bushes and he just stays there and observes the street okay he just standing okay second guy is there as well okay one guy is's in a phone behind us he's on the phone I can see him I can hear his phone in the bushes what a creature choppy saying stay hidden 31% okay he is he's pacing he's pacing next to the tree he's bacing back and okay we're going to send Amanda out now yeah Amanda go to the door say hello maybe go to the go to the door Amanda so he can see you leave it open close the hello here we go yeah here we go here we go come on bite it bite it he sees her but he's afraid to come he just stays over there and watch Amanda he's just staring at Amanda come on come on he SE here he's pacing he's so indecisive man the darkness it works against us and with us they just standing in the bushes and observing Amanda I'm telling you night creatures dude okay how about we leave it on the porch let's leave it on the porch what do you think yeah telland go inside and leave the Box leave the box on the porch Amanda leave the box outside come [Music] in that's two of them they're both standing in a bush as mother as soon as they pick up that package it's go time but I can't see it so you have to let me know hello hello Miss Brady okay Miss Brady the person is coming okay but for my documentation because I have to upload each and everything on my system okay because I got the information from my manager also care I don't really care the story you're telling long stories if you want it or not the person is coming but I I need the picture of the I don't give a what do you want I need the picture of the Box manam you just need to take a picture Corner tell them to come around the corner I'm holding the box in my hand ma'am if you can send me the picture ma'am because I need to update it on system he can take a picture when he gets here can he he can take the picture I need to MCH the picture so hav take the picture we need to MCH the picture take the picture then ma'am we have to match the picture man have him come take the piure instru from what I don't know who your manager is literally this has become a joke M I completely understand that you're trying to do a favor but right and I'm not going to keep doing anymore I have stuff to do even I need a picture to then come take a picture of it ma' you can take a picture ma'am if I was there I would have taken the picture and I would have done everything even the W knows everything tell him to come get it he can come take a picture when he gets here I thought he was around the corner okay ma'am the person will come if there will be any missing documents then we will not be responsible how you know how would you know there are missing documents from a picture of a box that's closed explain that that's what I'm saying man how would you know what is explain to me I show you a picture of the Box closed and you're telling me that there might be document it's missing do you have X-ray vision you can see through them what I'm trying to say explain your logic what what I'm trying to say is when the person will deliver the package to us over here in West Jordan if the document will be missing so what's the difference of the P he's going to take a picture when he gets here right he can take the picture man right okay so he takes a picture he sends you the picture I'll be standing here with him but I'll be standing here with him like we can take a picture together we can hold hands and take a picture okay I will send you a picture and then you've got five minutes okay okay ma'am but you will send it now or you will send it after oh my God what is in what what documents are here that is so crazy that you guys have to I need a picture of the bo they going to stand outside they got to do all this it's just freaking paperwork he said ma'am I completely understand but as you also know that I cannot share the information which is I know that's why I'm trying to find Walter because I don't understand why running around I will text you the picture okay okay ma'am all right thank you she sent a pick and said I'm leaving it outside so that's what she said to this camera okay okay they start moving one start moving okay probably he's getting direction from a scammer Conor keep looking keep looking the straight Direction so I do not see the box so you'll have to tell me as soon as it's time to go I know I know I know I will I will so it's night time and we're inside a house that is surrounded by criminals and we have no idea what's going to happen also it should go without saying but don't ever try any of this at home the details of these scam baits are often quite exaggerated and ridiculous but don't ignore the fact that this happens to real scam victims every single day this is a very scary situation both for us as scam baiters and for real victims but you know what's even scarier knowing that every single day without any break-ins or threats scammers are creeping into your loved ones lives virtually as our One exclusive sponsor guardio is the whole reason we can continue making content exposing scammers but more importantly they are the best to for you to keep yourself and your family safe online stay house right [Music] now two mules on the way as we speak possibly three actually could be impending danger at any moment but never too busy to talk about guardio they're not moving at all they blend it like a creatures of the night they blended with the night and they're staying invisible in the dark you know all of this could have been prevented if your family would would have installed guardio in their phone in their computer guardio doesn't just have the best real-time browsing protection that you can find stopping malicious links and fishing scams in their tracks 24/7 while you browse the web but they are an affordable all-in-one solution for all things online security spam emails spam text messages remote access Trojans like they use for this refund scam all blocked and alerted in real time with guardio don't let your family suck into this situation this scary you know one single subscription covers up to five separate people simultaneously and you get a big discount just for using our link which is guard. i/ Trilogy get your whole family hooked up with instant online protection it's 9:00 me and Conor outside of the car Ashy and Amanda in a steam house operation there are two suspects two cash Mills observe the car there is a package seating on the partti on the front porch $100,000 two criminals been playing games with us back and forth all these could have been prevented if you would have guardo being installed in your computer on your phone what are you waiting for I would not be sitting here I would have been with my family tonight with my dog with my wife with my friends maybe even having drinks with Ashton but I'm right now in a car next to two cash Mills who's trying to steal $1,000 from the old elderly person what a shame when we're watching scammers work I can't tell you how many times I've seen scammers spy on victims for months on end let's say they tried to scam your grandma last year even if they didn't get any money depending on how far they got they may still have access to her computer and they'll spy on her they'll steal her credentials and they'll look for that perfect moment to try to scam her again and perhaps the best tool that guardio brings to the table is dark web monitoring for data leaks many of us get scam texts like this and a lot of you can identify it as a scam right away and just delete it thinking that that's that's enough to protect you but it's not getting these texts is a sign of a much bigger issue your data has probably been leaked somewhere and is now being sold on the web thankfully your subscription with guardio will tell you right away when something was leaked and who leaked it so you know which passwords you have to go change right away very alone but with cardio you're not alone I can't think straight when we're impending anything can happen at any moment so I don't have a I don't I don't know I don't know to tell you makes sense of everything by getting guardio it'll fix all your problems our personal discount link for Trilogy media is guard. i/ Trilogy use that link for a big discount off the subscription and you can try it for free for 7 days without any risk and they'll alert you 2 days before the trial expires which is great you can do your data leak check and your browser scan right now for free and find out what the hell's going on with you guard. i/ Trilogy she's calling them again he said she said uh keep your eye on them and they might they might start leaving but we're just going to run after him if they do hello what is wrong with you nothing is wrong with me something is wrong with you I want nothing to do with you okay so and neither does wter you want theing box go get it it's outside number no no no because you're too stupid to remember he left it on the plane right no that's why I ask you like if you have his new phone number want it or not I'm about to bring it in no no they don't want to talk to you they are on vacation I understand ma'am right so you're all set right you don't need it right you don't need it okay ma'am talk to the person I'm not talking to anybody I'm not talking to anybody so the person who came to pick up the package that person is out there ma'am out where talk to that person I don't see him out where he's over there ma'am where over there what the does that mean I'm over there where M he's near by the gas station I just told you earlier I'm not going to the gas station you fool so that's why I'm saying man so you don't want it goodbye no I'm not talking to anybody you're all set goodbye you can speak to the person yeah no I'm telling Walter you don't want it bye ma'am you can tell Walter that don't want I told them you don't want it will I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care if you want it you can have it you wasted my whole night okay one started moving little by little they don't want to cross the street and that's the thing if we approach them before they've admitted it they can just deny it you know I know exactly yeah they're going to say like no I'm not exactly so that's why we need them go for the box that's a that we need to wait until the end it's okay we have all night they don't okay he start pacing again they sit on their asses they sitting they're not standing anymore they sitting both of them wow I can see reflection of of the screen in his face you I don't know what I want the most right now pee in Corner's car or choke them pee in your pocket pee in your pocket pee in my pee in my pocket okay jappie said the scammer says they're at the gas station they're not coming it's a they're not I see them clearly with my eyes they're not moving bring Amanda again all right Amanda is about to walk out okay okay sounds good Conor look at Amanda I'm looking at these [Applause] [Music] cameras okay I see cameras okay beautiful lights on okay okay I see him I see him he's still he's still he he's still extending what does he want he just stands and he look at I can see he looking at Amanda he sees her what is his problem Ash I don't know what the what is his problem I don't know what to do unless you just want to aost him walk up to him and be like hey got to talk to you I mean it's it's it's the the the last case scenario you know because if I'm going to open the door because he he he going to seize me immediately yeah he is not he okay he got back on the phone the scammer is telling chappie that they're not coming why this is here he still here he's not moving maybe they're waiting until she can go to sleep to steal the package what is the what is the goal I don't know did she leave the package on the porch say say it again it's on the other on the porch closer to the beam it's on the porch closer to the beam okay maybe that's why maybe that's why maybe that's what the game is to say that's not coming not coming and he going going to swing by and he get that package uhhuh he's still on the pH he literally somebody giving him directions what to do swear dude my right leg is num my my my right leg is useless right now well you're about to run so you better stretch it well I know I'm already seating like I'm doing I'm doing doggy style right now in the back seat I'm putting I'm putting my ass in next to Connor's face dude they in the bushes they're in the bushes they each other in the bushes all right guys what are we doing are they what's where what's their status now my my GoPro is Dad Dad they they want her to go to gas station right well they keep changing it then they then they said I'm going to come in the morning like they keep changing it chappie is asking what we you want her to tell this gammer right now just say that the victim is going to sleep and she going to leave um uh she going to leave the box that's it and if they want it they can pick it up okay okay you know what I hate right now everything that we had that we had upper hand on him because we saw his location now we we lost him now we have to wait until he going to show up again so you don't see anyone now no no no he laughed he laughed he took off how about I turn off the light lights in here like going to bed you know mhm yeah do that yeah yeah yeah okay okay I got the second guy so the first guy passed by now the second guy passed by and looking at the house they they okay we're back to the game they they're looking they're not even looking at our car they're looking at the porch they're looking for the Box yeah I just wiped the back window both of them are gone yeah they like sharks they're circling they cannot let these bugs go it's too much money there's a good chance they parked at that gas station and you're going to have to run there Chie I have to catch it you know what chappie just said I hope you guys don't have to pee I think they they they they they they train to regroup they I think they're working on a plan I can guarantee you they did not leave I will give right now 100 bucks to somebody to open the door take my dick suck all my urine from my dick and put it back in my pocket all right guys let's do like this let's do 15 minutes and then I'm going to get out from the car I'm going to open the door and I'm going to crawl out and I going to go to the gas station U uh I okay I didn't really fully comprehend that plan but if you're confident about it I'm I'm game so are you crawling to the gas station cuz that's what it sounded like no no no not crawling I like I'm going to crawl out from the car so if they observing us and it'll pretend like I'm not in this car I'm just going to go opposite direction you're going to walk to the gas station yeah did you see anybody no clean how about that guy yeah it's a homeless one it's not the same car this light is so off the one that [Music] has yeah what car right now [Music] green after all this to top it off even though these two snakes got away without a fun Q&A from Trilogy media we can remain satisfied knowing that they spent all night trying to get this money listen to this voicemail that the scammer left at 5:00 in the morning uh hello ma'am could you please come outside like can you can you just open the door because I'm just waiting outside and if you just if you can just open the door that will be fine I'll just come and col it the package and I'm extremely sorry for whatever happened yesterday okay please do this favor for one last time after that I I won't be disturbing you again now we were long gone by then but knowing they were watching us and spying on the house the entire night is a terrifying thought now even though we weren't able to identify these two for brains we have another bait with a face-to-face confrontation coming up right now so keep watching for this bait I'm playing old man Felix Fleming and I did the entire scam bait over the phone no computer connection whatsoever as you've seen typically this scam is very convoluted and requires many hours of phone calls and remote computer connection to convince the victim of this over refund but for this bait using my old man voice I called up the scammers and I said I've got your money what do you want me to do now I was able to make them believe that all those previous steps had already happened allowing us to FastTrack this scam bait directly to a cash pickup so we're diving right into what is essentially a social engineering competition and it all starts with this exact invoice a fake bill from Norton LifeLock for $450 and of course a phone number taking us right to our targets well thank you for calling support this is Daniel how can I help you can I speak to John please you want to speak John John okay uh hold on let me check it out I have his cash here I'm sorry I have his cash here John sent me to the bank and told me to call him once I reached back home here okay and when uh did you speak to Mr John it's been a few few times now I was talking to him yesterday and told him I was going to get the cash this morning when my caretaker comes here and how much uh cash of Mr John is there with you oh well he told me to get the 45,000 here and why Mr John's cash is there at your place oh God I don't want to rehash it all here I there was a whole thing about the refund going all haywire here told me I had to return his his money for Norton did you visited your bank yeah are you listening I told told you I spent all God morning at the bank I got the cash now I'm back home here do you have your computer with you no the computer's in the other room I shut it off what is your name son my name is Daniel Wilkins how much Cas do you have right now how many times you going to ask me that Daniel like just $45,000 so you know the answer why are you asking me again here okay uh could you tell me do you have a car right now no oh I'm 94 years old what I don't what are you talking about here right now what is the balance on your account which one I got several accounts here do you have your Android mobile phone I'm talking to you on my mobile it's a flipper flipper open up the Play Store application on your phone oh I don't know what that is son okay just give me a moment right now is it possible for you to like do you have any uh like a store nearby you a departmental store well I got stores all over the place it's Los Angeles what why are you asking me that here okay I just wanted you to um get inside your car and travel to the nearest and the closest departmental store which is nearby at your home okay Daniel you're not a very good listener I told you already I don't drive I'm 94 years old here okay can you tell me do you have a a box oh yeah why you just need to do one thing you just need to uh put all the cash inside of the Box okay why I'm going to uh let you know what you have to do with the cash okay could you do one thing can you try to be with the computer I'm not going back on the god computer am I am I are you I not saying it right I do understand that sir but it is important to get you with the computer because we need to resolve this problem right now no then how will I be able to help you out sir what do you mean how I spent all God day on the computer yesterday I'm done with the computer if you want your money then come get it I don't know what else to tell you over here so the thing is that uh you are not able to be with the computer right no uh absolutely fine okay absolutely fine there's no problem with that I know that you have been tired a lot so I I will uh let you uh leave and take rest okay you just need to remember one thing that you don't need to speak to anybody else apart from me okay my name is Daniel Wilkins I'm the person going to take care of all the problem whatever is going to be happen Okay I just take a few moments with this okay sir no no what are we doing here early morning I'm going to call you till then you don't need to speak to John you don't need to speak to anybody okay apart from Daniel Wilkins you don't need to speak to anybody sincere afterwards because I'm the person who is taking care of all your problems whatever is happening okay you get that man I speak to who I want how are you getting this money I'm done with this situation I don't want to go on another stay here with the cash sir like you have the $45,000 cash with you you need to take the cash with you safely okay don't do anything with the cash but you need to keep the cash safely okay you keep giving me things you're saying a lot without saying anything what are we doing so just do one thing sir uh let's make a quote in between me and you okay so that you can recognize me that uh this is Daniel that you're speaking with right now okay so uh could you help me with your first and last name please yeah it's Felix all right it's Phoenix 69 Daniel is the code okay it's phoenix69 Daniel is the code no I'm going to make my own code I'm going to make my own code okay the code is a nickname I have for a friend of mine named Connor it's a little unorthodox here but it's a a ass so that's that's it's a little weird but that's the code no no one will guess that uhhuh it's ass B right yeah so you just need to remember that if I'm calling you I'll ask you for the co like I'll provide you the code you don't need to tell me the code okay you don't need to tell me the code ass okay so I'm going to call you tomorrow morning somebody will get to your doorstep tomorrow and uh it will be done by tomorrow okay well I I I sleep very late in the in the day so they have to come after 4 o'clock after 4 o'clock in the morning no at not in the afternoon okay okay I'll uh send it after 4:00 so if I'm able to provide you the security code ass only then talk to me I don't understand why you even did this to yourself This major looks so stupid okay can you help me with your address please 103 yeah I'll give you the rest tomorrow I don't want anyone coming by today no one is coming today sir the person will go there by tomorrow I'll hang up the call you just need to remember the security okay I'm so glad that you asked for the security I'll call you back hello hi sir uh good morning this is Daniel how are you what is the password in here it's ass okay just do one thing what is so urgent could you tell me the okay the Urgent is that the person is going to move for your place okay you just need to do one thing sir you told me yesterday that you had the cash with you and a box with you right yeah you need to just pack the cash inside of the box and my person from our department will get to your place you just need to confirm me your address yeah but I told you don't come before 4:00 I got some housework to do here it's going to take the person to get to your place so it's around 4 hours so we have to make them known that about your address so once the person is going to leave the place so it's going to take 4 hours to reach your place give me a call back once you have to all right [Music] answering hello can you hear me yeah okay uh did you put the cash what is the password over here it's a ass yeah good boy okay so did you put the GH in the Box yeah you told me to do that like seven times what are we doing here okay sir see uh I'm so sorry sir but see what happens that uh we need to be careful okay why so uh could you do one thing could you send me a picture of that box Dani we've been over this 7,000 times told you I don't have a god camera here quit yanking my chain going to the spank and wank over here I'm doing what you told me to do let's get this done here okay I'm just waiting for the response from my senior so that I can uh give a green signal to my agent [Music] okay Danel yes sir you and you and you disappear like that you got to tell me the password again here oh okay okay it's re it's ass good boy okay sir uh I'm going to send uh our agent to yourself okay so are you ready with all those all the things so that uh I told you after 4:00 he can come by no no wait wait restarting this I got to start from the limp are you are are you going to like safely uh s give the parcel to our agent no I'm going to give it to him with spikes on it of course I'm going to give it to him safely quit asking me dumb questions Daniel here okay okay so I'm going to send the person hurry up Sir uh I have already assigned the agent and uh the agent is going to come around your home when and uh you just need to step out the house and you just need to give the parcel safely to quit telling me what I need to do this is your problem that we're fixing in here so just come to the the door and get it yeah he will be out the place he will be uh parking his car uh outside of your uh home and uh you just need to walk by there and you need to just safely handed over the parcel hey I'm 94 years old I'm not going to be running errands like some kind of road runner up and down the street here have him come knock on the god door okay uh assigning a person who can I'm assigning a person who can I thought you already assigned a and have you got any another call getting ready to evolve a third nut here how long is this going to take here around uh uh like gobl oh my God I gave you the address 5 hours ago what are we doing here sir please be patient it this okay yeah I know yeah I'm so sorry sir I know you are tired I know you are exhausted but I'm so sorry for that all the things okay I don't want you to be in trouble okay I just wanted you to take you out from All the Troubles that you have you don't need to stroke me you just get the guy here so we can get this over with already here okay so okay the thing is that uh the agent has been uh assigned already and uh he has been uh going to be at your place around like a couple hour or like just for an hour okay which one is it be at your home place I need a time I'm not some kind of uh instant walk-ins only hooker here give me a time frame okay like uh after 1 hour 30 minutes he'll be at your home place what is he is he coming from Tiana why is so long just have him get over here we are just waiting for the response no I'm not waiting for so figure it out here here we go what what happened sir why did you hang up the CL cuz I'm losing my patience here get him over here now okay he's going to be at your place okay when he is going to be at your place when today oh youve got God today how longing incompetence here 30 minutes he'll be at your place oh my God I might be asleep by then here I'll talk to the person okay I'll talk to the person I'll ask him to uh be as soon as uh it is possible to be at your place okay yeah hurry up here me sir there's like a a thing is asking by uh the agents okay that uh whether the they want the pro like verification for the package okay they want a picture for it I told them that you are not yes don't care what they want if you want the money back come get it I'm done playing your games here okay like they just need a verification for the like a photo for that like their ass but I that's the reason I told them that uh it is not possible because uh Mr Felix is very retired I told them about that but they are telling that uh I don't have a camera phone stupid I don't have a camera to take a goddamn picture of her you do you have like uh any another thing Gadget attach with the camera like the no and the phone that you're having that's a flip phone he's High dude he calling [Music] me give me a moment okay wait wait wait wait wait you called me to tell you to give you a moment okay uh the thing is that sir uh uh my uh agent is already leave for his place and uh he'll be there at your doorstep any moment okay so for the any moment can you what do you mean any moment how how long like in one hour he'll be there in one hour okay well you say any moment and then it take oh my God you suck at this sir I do understand that you're worried a lot okay but don't panic okay don't panic my agent is going to be at your doorstep any moment in 1 hour okay in 1 hour he's going to be at your doorstep so can you inform me the color for the box that you have packed with the cash what what difference does it make what color it is what what do you mean it is for the verification sir the ver to verify it's a brown box like any other box kind of question is that here it's it's a brown box right yeah so he'll be here in 1 hour just let me know a few minutes so in advance so I'm I'm not in the bathroom here okay I'll let you know in the advance and you need to tell me the price that what is the price that you have uh put inside the box is that a joke Daniel no sir it's not a joke uh it's just for the verification sir it's on the verification line verify this God he asked me the same questions over and over again so goddamn annoying long oh my God I hate when they they've asked me how much money I have and if I have it in cash at least 35 times I'm over it uh Felix it's just for the verification that password okay the password is ass yeah okay Felix you just need to let me know the one last time okay the cash that you have put in the Box okay this is just the one last time and after this I'm not going to ask you about this please don't worry about it okay this is just one last time for the verification Daniel I don't know about this Daniel I'm I'm just asking you for the one last time sir and I promise I won't ask you again about it I want no more questions from you it's 45,000 and stop asking me the same goddamn questions over and over again here all right sir let me know when he's 5 minutes away so I'm not in the bathroom here I I go to the bathroom often okay I'll let you know okay hey Felix the runner has like sorry uh the agent has been uh left the place and he'll be there in half an hour okay so till uh that one thing just can you grab a piece of paper for what here I'm going to provide you a number a serial number for what for the person to verify that see the agent is going to be at your doorstep okay the agent is coming at your doorstep so he'll be with a code okay and I'll provide you that code and he'll provide you a code okay so you just need to see that whether the same code that they are having or not okay and once they are having the same code then you just give give him the password just make it EAS make it easy pass no no no no it's not that one write down the code just give him have them have the the password here no no no it's not that one it's the printed one they are having the printed one it's on the dollar sign it's on the dollar number the serial number for Dollar they are going to provide it to you they once they are at your doorstep they are going to you need to ask like they're just going to Simply provide you a $1 there and inside of the $1 there's a serial number okay that serial number I'm going to provide it to [Music] you what is it okay the number is L like and Linda and make sure that you uh write it clear okay it's like Linda yeah number zero number seven number eight number three number three number number six number two number nine PE like in pencil yeah the person is coming at your door step in half an hour okay and you need to just simply verify this number with that dollar okay they you need to take you need to keep the dollar $1 with them okay like the person who is coming there you just need to take the $1 sign like $1 uh currency and and then you just need to take it with you I get it and make sure that you keep anyhow you keep that dollar with them okay you need to have the dollar once they leave your place you should be having anyhow okay and before before giving the parcel before be giving the box to them you just need to take like match the number match the number that I provided understand yeah I got go to the bathroom again here I got it all right sir yeah 30 minute dollar bill yeah yes sir uh can you tell me like uh the house that you're living in right now is that uh like a how much floor is there in the house there's one floor what are you what what are you talking about here just the ground floor or yeah you have he has the address just come to the address and the there's a 25 years girl is going to be at your place huh there there is a girl the agent is the girl that is going to be at your place okay the girl is 25 around 25 years old what is her name you need to ask the name I'm going to tell you the name you just need to verify that person with that uh serial number with the dollar you don't know her name here do you have a f floor as well on your house or you just have the ground floor there again you're asking me the same goddamn questions over and over again please tell me sir because I didn't understand that's why I was asking you okay oh my God single floor a single floor like just a ground floor or it's just the first floor oh is this the same thing dumbass I don't I don't have time for this here what's her name providing you the name hold on when he's calling me yeah hello yeah hi sir how are you fine okay the security code is as yeah and the girl is going to be at your place her name is Jenny Roy Jenny right Jenny Roy is going to be at your place and uh could you confir me one thing is it an apartment or in house oh my God own house oh my God how many times do I need to tell you it's a house with one floor how far away is she here how far away okay half an hour she'll be at your place you said that half an hour ago I I told you that it's going to take 1 and a half hour the last time we talk W what I'm so sorry sir uh okay I'll call you okay I'll call you like uh once in the runner like once the agent is like getting to your place I'll call you before 5 minutes okay yeah fine okay sir thank you so much he's calling me hello yeah hi sir how are you fine okay the security code is as yeah and the girl is going to be at your place her name is Jenny Roy Jenny right Jenny Roy is going to be at your place and uh could you confir me one thing is it an apartment or an house oh my God your own house oh my God how many times do I need to tell you it's a house with one floor oh my God how far away is she here how far away jeny come on Jenny come on J where you okay half an hour she'll be at your place you said that half an hour ago like I told you that it's going to take 1 and a half hour 1 hour 30 minutes the last time we talk okay very well might be a girl choppie please be safe if they kill you I'll kill you what the Amanda you want to check cameras and see how much battery left GoPros oh he's calling me hold on hold off on that okay yeah hello yeah all right uh do you hear me yeah all right uh Jenny has arrived to your place uh a moment like uh just have been arrived just give me a moment yeah are you ready with the Box yeah have her come to the door here okay all right so Beach is coming is okay he said Jenny's here [Music] yeah yeah I heard it okay it's calling me again keep your eyes open yeah all right uh don't hang up the call okay I'll be with your line don't hang up the call yeah just you just need to grab the piece of paper yeah I have it here that you have written on the number yeah and the BR what happened nothing just ever come up here she will come up okay she will come up but you need to be ready with that yeah I'm ready just have her knock on the door here okay and don't disconnect the call okay don't disconnect the call fine fine yeah I see it I see it I see it that's her that's her hey she's here she's here she's here she's coming okay let's go I didn't see where she came I didn't see anybody behind us yeah from behind us but where the is the car and you know what to do right can you tell me what you uh what you have to do oh my God you're killing me yeah I know what to do here no I'm not telling I'm asking you I'm I'm are get get it I'm I'm not hanging up I'm just setting the phone down for a moment here okay you are not hanging up the phone but what you have to do with that piece of paper and the yeah I know I'm checking the code I know yeah yeah first you have to verify the I'm putting the pH I'm setting the phone down here yeah hi Hi how are you I'm good good good come on come on you got the um re here is it for the this yeah okay yeah I don't know if you have a yeah that's great yeah all right hello so how you doing looks like it matches okay uhar sir yeah I can hear you is this Jenny here outside the door yeah I know she's here say hello hello hello Jenny hi hello so what are we doing here can you check it out should I do you want me to take the cash out yes you take the doter with her and you just yeah but there's there's Cash In The Box you want me to take out the cash here okay when don't you come have a seat right here have a seat please come on have a seat have a seat who you talking on the phone all right just do one thing uh just check who you talking on the phone J what are you doing here who is that who's on the phone who's on the phone Janet Jenny Jenny who's on the phone oh my husband who told you to come here why are you here huh my husband give me give me one moment Janet there is no moment Jenny Jenny I'm going to translate this later so hello English please first of all do you know what are you doing here in this house do you know what are you doing in this house answer the question hello you I got the address here from from who from who you your husband sent you here to pick up a package you just said your husband you have the dollar bill my cousin he okay so husband or cousin we need to talk please we need to talk we're going to police right now you want to get arrested no okay then hang up the phone and let me see your ID I don't have IDE yes you do I really don't have yes you do I really don't have yes you do show me show me a wallet I don't have I need to I need to leave I'm I'm scared now you know who should be scared is the person who's supposed to live here that's having someone try to steal $45,000 in cash from their safe Amanda come here maybe she will be more comfortable over here come here so we can have a conversation that's option one or option two we're going to go to the police and bring them here and have them take you to jail which one is it I do you want to talk yes or no I do but okay then let's talk scar there's nothing to be scared of we're not here to hurt you I'm on listen explain what's going on hi so you're here to pick up a package yes no my uh I just looking for the my lawyer address my cousin said I to and he said he will be here so I just know that you were told that you were coming to the door um there was a gentleman on the phone that he was just talking to that said that you were going to come to the door which is why we were at the door waiting yeah because he said the lawyer will be here what lawyer dollar bill ask her about that do you have a dollar bill you have the we have it she gave it to us you have it so so you have this dollar bill here that matches with the gentleman he's been talking to all night who is a scammer and he has sent you to come and pick up a box let her explain please let her explain I have no idea about that I understand but you came here gave a dollar bill what were you expecting to get I I don't know I have no I have no idea you have somebody in your ear no it's my husband he's he's another city now so I'm just talking to to call Uber for him that's it uh-huh and who's who Dr who dropped you off Uber Uber they're just hanging out waiting for you driving past no okay I don't have any idea what's going on here Jenny did they tell you would you need to pick up in that box no not anything like that why did they tell you to come here this isn't your house I know but my cousin I I need to talk to a lawyer and he said this is the address so I just came in what yeah no so I I just know some lawyer so why did you give us a dollar I have no idea right now I what's going on come on trust me I have no idea what was the direction what was I just have to come here and I will I I will pick up the box no no no pick up the box no yeah that why the dollar bill for that's why there was a code what you just walk up to random houses and hand them a dollar on Wednesday nights how much money is supposed to be $45,000 supposed to be taken this is supposed to be a stolen money $5,000 whoever told you to come here is a scammer they are running a fraud a scam so what we do is we are journalists and we do doent how this is all going down and we broadcast it to millions of people we're not law enforcement but we work with them and we can get them why are you on the phone still my hband he he has just proba on his bank account so well this is more important put it on speaker so we can hear that's her husband cuz I can hear the talking in your ear telling you what to say take your earone out so um at least let us know what's actually about how about this guy yeah yes can you hear me yeah Jenny says she doesn't know what she's here for he's my husband okay thank you I'm sorry why who is Jenny cuz she says she doesn't know anything here and I have I have no idea what's going on here that's Jenny talk talk to Jenny hello can you speak in English what language are you speaking English please oh bang do you speak Hindi Hindi yeah no what kind of languages do you speak it's from which country Bangla Bangladesh Bangladesh yes okay next door so what is Jenny here for cuz she says she doesn't know what's going on you getting blown up my goodness and this is your husband hband yes he is my husband can I talk to your husband please what is his [Music] name asmin oh your English is amazing actually as mean can I put actually him on a speaker instead of this like this uh put on a speaker so everybody can hear it speaker phone yeah asmin yeah well he as me my name is Vlad and Ash and we from um Trilogy media and we investigate scams we independent journalists and we're following scammers cash Ms and your wife end up being in our sting house operation house as a cash M picking up 405,000 $45,000 how can you explain that I have no idea bro did you send her here who sent your wife to this house so I'm I'm explaining for the the lawyer for the for meet meet up this there is no lawyer okay listen unless you want your wife to go to jail right now you better start explaining to us what's going on here and how you're involved jail for the my account for the BL he doesn't know anything he help me just just that's it who sent her here and why uh sorry I'm so sorry say again sir who sent your wife here and why is she here uh he's like she she here for the cousin meet up maybe I'm not sure May well her cousin doesn't live here this is our house so why is she here you better start telling the truth or we're just going to go to the police I I don't know I don't know about this I don't know about this so this is your wife this is your wife is going going this I know I know that so you're going to let your wife take the fall you're not even man enough to tell us actually that you're involved and what's going on you're going to let your poor wife who's here by herself my wife my wife not involved yes she is cuz she's in our house mother doesn't know she doesn't know she's at our house mother so explain what's going on before she goes to prison she doesn't know bro well then what is it what do what do you know then what do you know she she she like that she like that only for the my help that's it what why does your story keep changing no nothing nothing a story bro nothing a story this is after dark you send your wife in a random person a stranger house to pick up a package with $45,000 I have no idea my o didn't know okay you know what you know you know TR me you trust me bro you trust me she's I trust you I trust you as far as I can throw you I don't know you hello so you uh which city you at do you you live in Los Angeles California where do you live I'm sorry bro what don't call me bro I'm not your bro where do you live which city which state me no your cat you I don't understand bro I don't understand wow okay where do you live do you live in Los Angeles California yes what about your husband you guys live together but he's not here he's another city right now which one which city you at right now where you where are you right now yes I'm the UT UTP kid cat what is UT no no no I'm I'm seriously bro I'm just UT a UT what does that mean Utah yeah UT the place Utah UT the state you don't know where he is I know the name but of what is the name Utah Utah yeah okay something like that something like that that Nar yeah it's nearby Arizona I just okay so that narrows it down to about a 800 square your husband don't know where you at and you don't know what is your husband what kind of relationship is that I know I know the place but I never been there so I okay what he's traveling for work he's scamming more people in different states sir I'm I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I can fluent my English okay your English is fine y English is actually amazing better than your wife so I don't know like maybe you only don't understand when you don't want to answer what happen what happened what happened the what happened here sir I don't understand what happened here well what happened that you such a idiot that you're not like man enough that you send your wife your spouse to a house to a Rob an elderly person to steal $45,000 you send your wife what kind of man you are she have she have you already like I don't understand yeah she she has a package with $45,000 what do you want to do okay we're just going to send the police it's fine it's not a big deal if you don't want to tell us then playing dumb is just going to make this worse for you and your wife so that's all right who who is this from WhatsApp my where is my wife she's sitting right next to us this is who who's calling oh my my cousin oh is is the one the cousin who sent you so who sent you your cousin or your husband who sent you to this house my husband my cousin he said there here we can we will meet I will meet with the lawyer so okay okay so not your husband no yes my cousin your cousin cous okay does he speak English your cousin he does yes I know okay put him okay I'm not this cousin I just called on WhatsApp yes no not this one which so just so many cousins talking to at once can I all right is it uh kja is that your is this one it's your cousin no it's my husband no I don't care I don't need your husband just husband can I just talk to my husband in English only in English hello you put in a speaker and speaking English one La this is not English we going to translate it are youw yeah there but they said no lawyer is here it's somebody somebody else's house I don't I don't know this is undercover operation to catch bad guys criminals not my God this is a bad situation up for the lawyer you no there here is no lawyer here this is somebody else's house I don't know okay okay no problem coming back you problem look at that all of a sudden I thought you were an Uber why so you're the one that dropped you off I thought you were in Utah or are we talking into a cousin I'm so confused no not English okay you speak English they saying they are saying I'm here to steal 45,000 which that's why you came you Happ already what is no this is the man so why why why you are meet up for the lawyer okay you are meet up for the lawyer yeah but but yeah but they're saying there here is no lawyer here and I'm here to steal money okay he's useless he's useless send him home find another husband give me your give me your the guy the one who just called you well apparently he's supposedly on his way back out pick her up now oh who is they you guys from media yeah yes they are from media Trilogy media media what do you mean media journalist independent journalist yes investigating scam you don't have still right now the no no right you have money no so why you why you the asking for the claim for you I don't understand listen let me explain something to you one last time before we cut this this conversation is giving me Amnesia we are here documenting scams and everything that we have goes to the Poli shut up shut up and listen listen everything that we get goes to the police and gets shown to the entire world millions of people watch the only one we have in front of us is your wife and she's the one responsible right now until we get some answers so you going to make her fall for this or you going to tell us what's going on okay got it it's enough it's enough of your stupid guy give me the one who just called you where is that Miss call the cousin Miss call the cousin give me the give me the cousin the one who sent you over here for the lawyer call the cousin uh what's up it's what's up find me a cousin I know but I don't have his number let me he just called you he just called you on WhatApp he's he's not this one I mean what what do you mean she's saying it's a different cousin that call her he's not I have my cousin get me a person who send you here who send you who do you communicate with right now okay give me one moment I'm going to get his number I want his number if we can get who's responsible put in the speaker please we just need to number the person who sent you name and number so we know who to blame this on otherwise it's all on [Music] you yeah there is a Miss call right because he was calling you yeah this one 81 222 we need to speak English when we have to speak English here you said this is your cousin right one who's this number this number right I don't any any idea I don't any idea so who's this number listen to me they are saying they are saying they need the number the person who sent me here you you meet up for lawyer right there is no lawyer dip drop it who sent your wife to this [Music] address what what does that mean there this he's saying if if I got if I get you the number what what you going to do with that we're going to investigate it that's we're trying to find out who's who's responsible for this cuz otherwise it's on you you have a choice you both speak English come on I don't understand we're running out it I'm going to call 911 I'm going to call the police right now this is this is the man that you found this is the man who throw you under the bus and he's hiding the number coward you need to dump that guy I don't idiot your wife your wife going to go to prison your wife saying if if I if I get you the number you can do whatever you want but I'm telling you that you're going to take the fall for this on the video in front of millions of people trust me I have no idea no idea what's going on here how am I supposed to believe you how am I supposed to believe that you're not giving me [Music] anything no we're going to call police and we going to tell you we're going to tell everybody that your wife came came to steal $45,000 you have a chance to explain yourself if not you guys do whatever you want I don't have all night we need a number of person who who send you to this house so embarrassing talking talking to right now you both speaking English what he saying why why you speaking different why is this taking so long you you tell you tell me right now talking for okay not not disconnected your phone my phone okay what okay uh 812 so that's the one 8 one 2 two and they ask you who calling you said it's my cousin the 812 number yes what's their name it says what is their name ghf what does it mean ghf ghf what does ghf mean English English no he's saying me to give this number that's it okay call this number I want to call this number we'll call the number but what what did they tell you to do when you got here cousin number cousin cousin's number for the send send him okay send him okay this one you can what's her name don't ask his permission Ashish okay look at this we're going to do like this hang up on your husband and from your number we're calling to Ashish here we go boom you see how easy is it boom as sorry Ashish how you doing you little did you really send did you really send a woman after dark to pick up $45,000 from The Stranger house Ashish so so any 45,000 45,000 45 so she is my sister she's your sister so you send your sister to pick up to do criminal activity thought it was a cousin the money oh yeah we have the money yeah she got the money sir sir I have sent it to the lawyer who called you see the lawyer see see the lawyer for what what kind of lawyer at 8:00 at night sorry what kind of lawyer what kind of a lawyer he's in India I can prop lawyer I can hear the a property what kind of property lawyer sir who sir may I know who's this yeah this is Trilogy media we got your identity and your number and we're going to be coming we're going to be coming for you we investigating cyber security crime scammers and your sister is a cash mule so my sister is not doing like this well she's sitting in our house she's sitting right now in a house with a box full of money what do you want to do with his money $45,000 so how it would be possible sir look at is another dumbass I know you got a lot of dumbass men in your life who told you who gave you that $1 who told you about like this $1 who no I'm talking to you I'm asking you I just want you you guys need the number I give it to you right I need to go home now great you can do whatever you want you can do whatever you want but still going to be in police who give you this $1 and tell you to bring $1 him Ashish sir sorry sir right Ashish so what is going on what is going on sir it's okay Ashish we're going to be talking soon sir my sister we'll be talking soon so did you tell your sister to go to the house can you can you please can you can can you please give the phone to my sister she's holding the she's holding the phone you in a speaker I'm in the speaker yeah you in a speaker yeah we can hear you why did you why did you tell your sister to come to the stranger house sir I didn't send my sister to theer's house I have sented my sister to a a lawyer there is no lawyer here a lawyer there's no lawyer here who told you that there is a lawyer in this house let's go from this direction who told you that there is a lawyer in this house him my friend one of my friend okay so and what do you need to get from this lawyer why she's meeting with the lawyer for the property purpose for property purpose what are you guys buying house you have so much money that you're buying house that you need lawyer so we don't have that much of money sir but if I if if if a person can visit a lawyer it doesn't mean he's going to buy a buy a property this is all we're going to get out of this clown we'll talk to him separately and and we'll explain who we are all right did they promise you to get paid for for these that you're going to come no you're the only one that I like have like any trust left how much do they promise you I I have no idea no money nothing and I have no idea what's going on here so they give you a dollar and they said go to the house meet with a lawyer lawyer exactly and then what after that the lawyer only charges a dollar Che lawyer I I will get some papers that's it some papers they told you that's here it's papers I don't know I will get the box or anything I tell me anything listen listen listen and then you have to and then you have to bring where you have to bring that papers what you all are targeting but it's not like that it's not like that I must clear it the first your face is not like that your face should be in the in the restroom flashed sorry I can't listen to this guy yeah I know okay question for you okay this guy is gone okay another stupid man okay I just know my cousin he told me you have to go over there you you will meet a lawyer and he will give me some people are some people your cousin if what you're saying is true if you're not lying to us your cousin is a criminal because he sent somebody here to pick up cash from an old man a stolen money from Geek Squad it's a fake call center in India starting this scam and whoever sent you here is involved and they want you to take the fall so not only can you not trust them but they don't give a about you this is a crime and we're exposing it to the whole world he told did you pick up that that paperwork okay and to bring to who no he said bring take the papers and go home that's it okay go home to your home right exactly you live here in Los Angeles California yeah which part of Los Angeles Norwood in North Hollywood whatever you got involved money situation men situation all these men that around you are rats they don't give a sh about you you can hear it could have been FBI police you could have gone to prison and you will be served in prison in America not your cousin and not your husband who is in Utah right now okay that cousin he's a piece of your husband is a piece of you need to make better decisions for your life if you you're student for what where you study who you want to be huh computer science classic well it means you're smart computer science okay who you want to be dat anist well you need to be more careful about who you're trusting this is supposed to be a family your family send you right now to something that you could have been in prison you understand that take this dollar go home and please make a better decisions are you student right so you're not working right you're not eligible to work when you when you you're on a student visa yeah all right from bangl from where Bangladesh and how long you've been here in the United States one and half year one and a half year yeah my stud is almost done like four more months don't it up then you go you're going back or you going to stay here no I'm going to stay here because after that I will get maybe 3 years SW fromit okay you're It Up by doing this is this is what you want for your future okay don't do dumb sh like they should have paid money and they probably promise you money fast cash don't do that anymore go home rethink and cut those people that family that's not family it's not family all right and take a calendar and make a circle because this is your second happy birthday this is your second birthday Thursday you could have been prison tonight for the that you're doing we'll be in touch okay have a good night how are you getting home over okay even I know didn't he just say I'll come back and get you yeah that's what it sounded like I don't think it's ch either way it sucks either she's the biggest snake in the grass or these men are just taking her through a for ride either way it's just so sick she came out of nowhere yeah she did really she didn't out car she it was not a car that dropped like she just came Uber up on her phone oh he's calling me the original guy somebody's blowing you up I think that's it's from a different number okay I'll take it Okay shh yes can you hear me yeah okay uh what happened I don't know Jenny came and she didn't she said she was here to meet some lawyer what the going on here I'm sorry huh I didn't heard you what did you just say uh there's someone else in my house here M all right Dan my agent hasn't been reach to your place Daniel listen to me your agent came uhhuh Jenny showed up and she's she's going to prison right now and you're next why you understand what happened do you understand what I'm saying I've got your location I've been tracking you since you started talking to Felix yesterday I know all of your money mules I know you're scam and this is it for you man this is it no that's not the person okay that's not the person that is with you right now my agent is not reached you right now that's what I'm trying to tell you Daniel the dollar bill matched you're we've alerted the CBI we have a raid in process your money mule is already going to jail and you're next because you're scamming people you piece of dog comprend what happened oh your worst nightmare just happened and you just got Trilogy mediate bad o you scrambling scrambled eggs over there in the call center H Norton Geek Squad whatever the pretending to be what is it Norton yeah that's it for Norton no more Norton for Daniel what happened are you stupid you don't even realize how badly you just got maybe you're numb what happened why all of them how these stupid people how do they run a crime organization they're too stupid to function that's my question it doesn't make sense you're so dumb he's stupid she's stupid and the two men she's talking to are stupid they're all stupid ass yeah password C him back okay I'll be I'll be Felix to see what whatever maybe he's I don't even know anymore I don't know what do you say to this hello uh I'm so sorry sir I'm I'm not going to do this anymore okay what is a password here I'm just going to quit this joke what is a password here it's ass you are so stupid ass really oh my God how dumb are you how did you get a job there I'm I'm I'm so sorry sir I'm going to just quit this job and I'm not going to do this anymore don't apologize to me apologize to your other victims you piece of sh apologize to the people that have lost their life savings or killed themselves because of you I'm I'm not going to do this anymore I want you to apologize to the real victims of this refund scam I want a real apology before I send the CBI to your office I'm I'm not going to do this anymore sir please this is the last time apologize I'm not going to do this anymore I am sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry say I am sorry that I'm a piece of sh I'm sorry that I'm scum I'm so sorry and I'm I'm so sorry I'm a piece of sh I'm scum I'm not going to do this anymore I'm please I'm please I'm so sorry I'm not going to do this anymore unbelievable I'm just going to quit this right now do you even realize what's happened to you I I do want understand sir that I'm not going to do this anymore well then quit quit right [Music] now are you crying but sir that girl is but that the girl is not involved in this situation sir what are you talking about is not invol you sent her at my house to Pi Mone anything about you sent her to my house she don't know exactly she just she's just a pickup person that she used to pick so you're using innocent people you're using innocent people to deliver your fraud you're putting the blame on innocent people is that what you're telling me I'm not going to do this anymore sir please forgive me I will you need a lot more than my forgiveness brother man how dare you please leave that what is your name I'm I'm no my name is Daniel what is your real name my real name is John johnan right I want to I want to video I want to video chat you I want to know that you're sorry sir I cannot video chat in if you are sorry if you're sorry you can video chat me sir I'm so sorry I'm really mean that I'm not going to I want a face to face apology and I will forgive you but I want it on my face to face right now so I cannot do that yes you can I thought you didn't work there anymore I thought you were quitting I'm I just quit that I just I'm not going then I'm going to text you a video chat link I want you to click it I want you to video chat me and apologize to me ready I cannot do that I'm just qu quitting it out right now if you're quitting I don't believe you I don't believe you unless you unless you video chat me very simple prise I don't do it again it's very simple I promise I don't do it again I don't believe you unless you video chat me I'm here I'm on a video chat I'm going to send you a link I cannot do that try and understand I'm not why can't you do that why not why not I'm not going to build this anymore last time that I was this a week ago and right now I'm Tex you a link please please trust me I'm not going to click this link click the link and I will forgive you and I'll tell the CBI to go back I cannot do the video chat sir I'm not going to do I Pro I promise I promise that I won't promise face to face prise promise me face to face and I will you yes you can don't lie yes you can if you really mean it then do it I'm right here you'll see my face right now I know you I know that but I cannot do that yes you can okay give me a moment give me a sir I cannot do that understand that yes you can but I won't do it again I promise you well then tell me face to face I can not use the FaceTime please understand this Daniel listen to me listen to me I have a lot of power to put you in prison right now and your money mes are on their way listen listen listen listen listen listen this is your chance okay I have made a career out of wasting time of scammers and helping those that truly want to fix their life okay I have the power to help you but unless you show me who you are you will never receive my help if you show me who you are I can help you make a change in your life for once do something good for the world otherwise you're going to end up doing this for the rest of your life and you're going to end up in prison or you're going to end up dead I'm not going to do this anymore then show me who you are and I can help you I can help you I don't even think you realize who you're talking to I've helped other scammers change their lives my company does this for a living we help people that have been scammed we help people that want to leave scamming and we spread awareness to the world I can help you I promise you but you have to trust me this is your only opportunity you're ever going to get this is the most important decision you're ever going to make but I would like to to tell you that that girl doesn't even know anything about this we will talk fine we will talk about that but not until you face and not until you click that chat link it's a Google meet link just click it and come say hi to me I'm on it right now come on but I canot click on that link well then I I can promise that I'm this is the most important decision you're ever going to make this is your last chance to change your life I know you want to I've seen people using vide like this if you help us to expose if you help us to expose this scam no one will see it but you're you for you to make a change in your life you need to take a step you need to take a risk otherwise everything that I have is going to be sent right now to the CBI I have them on the other line they're going to be sent to your location your mules your your the lady that just came here they're going to prison everyone's going to be arrested this was a sting operation and you got sucked right in make a choice to change your life and click that link right [Music] now please forgive me sir I will if you click the link not going to it's not going to happen again I don't believe you I can't help you and I can't trust you until you click the link I can I I can promise you that I I don't your promises mean nothing I want to face to face come on I promise I promise care your promises mean nothing your promises mean nothing I will give you my phone number my real phone number and we can talk and I can help you I can give you resources I can help you with some money if you need help to escape but you have to fit you have to say hi to me do you want to escape yes I can help you do that I promise you come on I'm just 19 years [Music] old thank you so much for watching for all the uncensored and extra juicy Stu you can head over to Trilogy plus.com there's a whole other scammer that chappy baited that sent a mule that didn't end up showing up but he got his time wasted and definitely got an earful none of that was in this video so if you want to see it head over to Trilogy plus.com or download the app and check it out smash that like And subscribe button and we'll catch you guys in the next one cheers nothing sir nothing sir nothing motherucker huh nothing sir I'm just thinking I'm just thinking who keeps swearing at me no no sir I want you to die motherucker nothing sir I'm thinking about you how you are managing your life at 94 you should not be living any any like day you know
Channel: Trilogy Media
Views: 538,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scammers, scammer, scam, scams, scambaiter, scammer confronted, confronting scammers, scammers raging, syskey scammers, scambaiting, payback, scam payback, scammer payback, scambait, scamming the scammer, scam revenge, scammer prank
Id: 4j2FiXAdWXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 6sec (6786 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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