Female Comic Desi Lydic Is Not Afraid of Controversy

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this is one-on-one [Music] [Applause] Fortin to the Daily Show I'm Trevor Noah and we are continuing our run of specials featuring the individuals that make up the best news team with me tonight is our very own desi lydic every category oh thank you what would you say has been your greatest achievement being up today's show uh probably not giving birth on air pretty proud of myself for that wait you were rainy pregnant yeah no I was really pregnant you don't remember that I thought it was like a stump other was like a long con you were playing now that would be a very very long time yes I was like that's what makes it impressive the very little payoff Wow so you have a baby now yeah yeah huh look at that yeah there she is I'm not pregnant I am not pregnant anymore this is PBS honey not you don't joke about I'm gonna leave here and I'm gonna go take a test right now just to be sure please doing desi lydic is cars finer with a great show called The Daily Show with that guy Trevor Noah and that guy is really good as well how you doing I'm great how are you I'm great you are causing trouble there is buzz about you everywhere because because I'm mostly almost getting arrested everywhere I go so what do you what do you do well I think I mean I I think they just burnt for a good portion of the show I was pregnant and I think they just thought send the pregnant girl out she's white she's pregnant she and get away with anything so they would send me into the dangerous situations well I find like trying to go to the NRA convention and filming inside which runner or not credentialed to do the National Rifle person my cold dead hand yes yeah you go there yeah to engage people an interesting dialogue interesting conversation and we the entire piece ended up being about the fact that I couldn't get in to the event they wouldn't it was easier to actually buy a handgun than it was to get into the NRA convention if you had a winner one man our cameras they knew we were up to no good we're stirring up trouble were you there to stir up trouble or to just actually find out what people are really thinking we were trying to find out what people were really thinking so did you have fun during the 2016 presidential campaign until election night it was super fun what would change on election night yeah we know we have Trump as president now where do you mean is coming more luck it's a joke the whole Trump presidency no no no but are you I want to be clear is it news is it fake news is it you're you're doing humor we are doing we are not legitimate journalists we should not be trusted okay but as you were leading up to the campaign you were having fun with it yes did it change on election night and there was no more fun for you well no it's still fun it's always fun I mean now we just it's the hardest thing about what we do now is keeping up with all of the chaos day to day we never thought that we would have this much volume of chaos or all evil always always tons of material tons of jokes T'Pol's you mind if we take another what would you have team I want talking with Donald Trump supporters and finding out why they are such fervent aficionados of President Trump take a look I traveled to the heartland of America Bel Air California to meet with the Trump supporter with real insight average American voter tony hole kramer trump is in his own way a blue-collar candidate I mean he appeals to the people founder of the Tron bed a grassroots organization started by women who support Trump Tony is the one who can best explain his appeal he is Superman in a lot of ways you know he's the spawn blue-eyed guy flying around up in the air right now looking down and going I can't stay out of this country the way it is I've got to fix it when you watch that the most of your mind uh how can you possibly have this point of view but I Tony's my girl I loved Tony Hall Kramer we got along very well I actually the first thing that went through my mind was how do you afford a house like this because it was decadent it was beautiful but you talk to these women in all seriousness who were they were not joking they believed in the president they're big supporters as we do this program in the spring of 2017 I'm sure they're just to support it did you let them know what you thought or were you just asking questions I was just asking questions it was you know we our show is to poke holes and certain hypocrisy zand so a lot of it was asking questions and books giving them facts and delivering jokes and trying to see what her thoughts were on some of those things but it it was it was interesting I I was sitting across from her and I did not agree with much of what she had to say but I liked her as a human being and I think she has really good intentions and we wanted a lot of the same things in life and from our country I don't know do I like him oh you like him well I don't like what he's doing with our country I was not a trump supporter I'm not a trump supporter maybe if I sat across from him there might be some commonality but I'm not a huge fan if he gets the joke no why not I don't think he has humility I don't think he I don't think his ego allows him to laugh at himself he you're saying he doesn't understand what's funny about his himself right which we all have ridiculous things about ourselves sure Groudon I mean I don't petal know I'm yeah I wouldn't perfect now but but the reality is that is part of it for you isn't it and that's what makes it funnier is that he doesn't get in trevor has a field day with that as well oh yeah there's nothing funnier than poking fun at someone who has no sense of humor about themselves do you think and we're talking my descriptive Oregon in the air and I'm fascinated by the Trump presidency in so many levels do you think he knows who you guys are and what you do at Comedy Central I don't think his ego would allow him to watch our show we're too ruthless for him ruthless I think so this battle in my life yeah but that's right you know you got Alec Baldwin doing an impression of him he goes Oh someone's doing an impression of me I got to see this I'll be the judge of whether that's good not good terrible sad you know maybe if maybe if we started doing like a full-on impression him he might tune in okay you grew up in Louisville Kentucky you told me right before we got on the air that there's some sort of connection between Louisville Kentucky and my home state of New Jersey across the river I'm curious well a lot a lot of people when I meet them for the first time in this sort of scenario go oh you're from New Jersey I say no I'm from Louisville Kentucky and I remembered one of the first jobs that I ever did was called they had this idea to do a show inspired by the movie the wedding crashers it was called the real wedding crashers and they wanted me to put together a bio so I wrote this like very straight bio Grubbs and Louisville Kentucky started acting at this age well whatever whatever and they go yeah can you do this again but just make it funny so I literally took Meryl Streep's bio you know nominated for an Academy Award 14 times from Summit New Jersey it was on this one website on NBC and since then it's been almost impossible to erase there's no no connection between they didn't get the Meryl Streep thing but just now people think I'm from Summit New Jersey it was a joke it was a joke didn't get the joke well it yet it citrus fell flat but in all the serious part is when did you know you wanted to be I mean I was a in the business but in fact I grew up in a house that loved SNL and my dad would watching reruns of The Carol Burnett Show and I was obsessed with sitcoms growing up and I think I laughed a lot we told a lot of jokes and I think I always knew that I wanted to try that but growing up the Louisville Kentucky that wasn't a thing people didn't go oh you're going to move to LA and an actor go to New York and be on a daily show but at 19 I moved from Louisville Kentucky to LA and I just started from scratch I started doing background work and I got an improv and I realized so I like to do and I was a huge fan of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart when it was on the air I would watch religiously and that was always a dream you got it right away and it connected for you with you I loved it I just thought it looked like they were having so much fun and I thought that what they were doing was kind of important are you political per se I mean I grew up in a very Republican household is the fact that I'm working on this show right now is tough when I go home for holidays you catchy yeah really yeah but they love the show I mean they're very supportive of what I'm doing and they're happy that I'm that I'm there but we have very different perspectives do you I'm on call yourself as a ridiculous expression do you consider yourself a feminist yes but not pull it okay what makes this show great tell everyone you may not know what makes it great I think we're just doing a lot of a lot of fun stuff right now it's trevor's doing an incredible job we have a great time together you know some things that we do are going to connect with people some things aren't but you know we just want to talk about what's going on in the world and find a way to laugh about it you know something I have a feeling that President Trump may find his way to Comedy Central he may actually check out the show and you would be surprised he could easily be tweeting about you directly targeting you and saying something very giving a review on your performance you would love that I would love it my ego would love it because you are a narcissist yeah it takes one to know one so business we are in show business but the pds brand um desi lydic yes who is a correspondent with a terrific show called The Daily Show with Trevor Noah that guy's career it's not bad not bad you're not right thank you so much one on one with Steve Adubato has been a production of the caucus educational corporation celebrating over 25 years of broadcast excellence this special edition of one on one with Steve Adubato is brought to you from the Tish wnet studios at Lincoln Center funding has been provided by i RWJ Barnabas health Delta Dental of New Jersey Wells Fargo Bergen Community College PSEG jag physical therapy and by New Jersey sharing network transportation provided by air Brook limousine serving the metropolitan New york-new Jersey area
Channel: Steve Adubato
Views: 210,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: female, comic, comedianne, Desi Lydic, The Daily Show, Trevor Noah, correspondent, controversial
Id: gsUUUdXQxTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2017
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