Fellowship: Vision Sunday: Part Two, Albert Tate

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[Music] get glory in his [Music] well welcome to fellowship at home we are so glad you are tuning in and joining us here today it is no accident that you are here uh with us today my name is sam i'm the youth pastor here at fellowship hi friends and my name is angela and i'm a life groups pastor here at fellowship welcome to church so good we say this all the time at fellowship because we mean it to the depths of our being we are a gospel-centered multi-ethnic intergenerational church and we exist to make disciples that's right and when we say that we're gospel centered we just everything we do is about jesus really um and so one of the ways we express that is through our connect groups which are open now so if you want to get involved in community plug in now join a connect group jump in online you can find out ways to do that on our website yeah and then we also say that we're multi-ethnic and so we want to celebrate the incredible national hispanic heritage month going on right now we want to celebrate all the incredible culture all the societal contributions with the history of our rich latino and hispanic brothers and sisters there's so many stories to tell and so if you want to engage in a meaningful way in these stories visit visit our center for racial reconciliation their facebook page their instagram page they're going to be telling the stories all month of people in our congregation who are who celebrate their heritage this month so be sure to check that out so good and we yeah we're a gospel center multi-ethnic and also an intergenerational church so we got kids uh programming on demand for you we have uh live actual like gatherings together for our kids which is amazing on sundays we'd love for you to join us there for youth uh we have wednesday nights at 7 p.m i'll be there every week so you know it's a party but uh at mhs we'd love for you if you are a middle school or high schooler to join us but really for our church we just believe in valuing kids like that's a huge value here at fellowship and so uh we're so excited for what's happened in uh in the life of our family ministry yeah so good um it is vision sunday part two y'all we are so excited to be able to continue hearing from our incredible pastor pastor albert and really the vision that god has given him in regards to being a part of this church so as you hear is and as you participate today and this week wherever you're joining us we invite you ask the holy spirit like god how would you have me step in and be a part of what it means to be at fellowship and what does it mean to be a part of a church on the in between and so we invite you to ask the lord to do that as and and that the lord would speak uh through pastor albert we're so excited to be able to celebrate this vision sunday and one of the ways that we're going to celebrate and that we continue to love to celebrate is through worship so at this time fellowship let's prepare our hearts prepare our minds to be able to give glory and honor to the one true god fellowship let's worship together [Music] come let us worship our king come let us bow at his feet he has gotten great things see what our savior has done see how his love overcomes he has done great things he has done great things o hero of heaven you conquer the grave you free and recapped and break every chain oh god [Music] [Music] you've been faithful through every storm you'll be faithful forever more you have done great things [Music] and i know you will do it again for your promises yes and amen you will do great things [Music] [Music] oh jesus have done great things oh we bless you jesus oh we've come to give you praise and we say hallelujah above it all hallelujah god unshakable hallelujah you have done great things you've done great things hallelujah [Music] you've done great things [Music] [Applause] you have done great things [Music] [Music] [Music] or not you have done great things we dance in your freedom awaken alive oh jesus our savior your name lifted high oh god you have done great things oh you have done greatly you you have done great so [Music] oh you you have done great [Music] things we're grateful [Music] so grateful yes [Music] worthy of every song we could ever sing worthy of all the praise we could ever bring and worthy of every breath we could ever breathe we live for you [Music] oh [Music] jesus the name above every other name jesus the only one who could ever say you're worthy of every breath we could ever breathe we live for you [Music] god we live for you and holy there is no one like you there is none beside you open up my eyes and wonder show me who you are and fill me with your heart and lead me in your love to those around me [Music] worthy of every song we could ever sing you're worthy worthy of all the praise we could ever bring worthy of every breath worthy of every breath we could ever break we live for you oh we live for you and jesus jesus [Music] jesus the only one who could ever say and you're worthy of every prayer [Applause] [Music] you open up my eyes in wonder and show me who you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is [Music] leave me with your [Music] you're my firm foundation i will not be shaken you're my firm foundation i will not be shaken yet you're my firm foundation i will not be shaken you're my firm foundation oh and i will build my life upon your love it is a firm foundation i will put my trust in you alone and i [Music] it's my first foundation oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Music] there is [Music] who you are and fill me with your heart and lead me there is no one like you father there's none beside you open up my eyes open eyes and wander and show me who you are fill me with your heart lead me in your love to those around me you're my firm foundation i will not be shaken you're my firm foundation [Music] i will not be shaken you're my firm foundation i will not be shaken you're my firm foundation [Music] i will not be shaken [Music] hey fellowship family it is so good to be back together together to sit in god's word we are celebrating around here vision sunday uh every year we start the fall off we're taking time to intentionally celebrate and remind and remember our vision and why it is we do what we do and to kind of get a sense of where we sense god taking us how god's leading us we're also celebrating the impact that god has made through our church family through our ministries particularly our center for racial reconciliation um and the work that we're doing to help bring hope and peace honestly in a very divided world and season in time and that division hasn't skipped over the church so i'm so proud and excited about the opportunity to continue to have hard conversations even this conversation is the easiest in the world because we're talking about having vision uh in a time honestly in our world where there's just a lot of fog there's just a lot of fog and i want to encourage you in the midst of foggy times situations and circumstances that are hard and challenging i believe in the midst of times where there's high levels of uncertainty i don't know what's coming next i don't know what's going to happen i don't know what's going on in the midst of uncertainty in the midst of fog i believe there is vision from the lord and he will show us how to navigate this season last week we were in exodus we'll continue in the same passage exodus chapter 16. i'll remind you i'll read first few verses there and we'll pick up there in our time together as we seek to define vision in a foggy season in the meantime in between time lord what would you have us know see and do exodus chapter 16. hear these words the whole israelite community set out from elim and came to the desert of sin which is in between elam and sinai on the 15th day of the second month after they had come out of egypt in the desert the whole community underlying this grumbled against moses and aaron the israelites said to them if only we had died by the lord's hand in egypt there we set around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death then the lord said to moses i will rain down bread from heaven for you the people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day in this way i will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions on the sixth day they are to prepare what they bring in and that is to be twice as much as they gather on the other days let's pray together god thank you so much for this time and your word god thank you so much for your goodness for your kindness i pray that you would uh be with us um speak o lord your children have gathered to listen so father we thank you so much tune our ear to your voice so that we might hear you ever so clearly turn our hearts toward you so that we might experience the fullness of all that you have for us god is to that end that i ask that you stand in my body think through my mind speak through my vocal cords those things that you would have us say know and do may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight o lord you are my strength you are my redeemer get glory in this place in jesus name amen the children of israel find themselves in this dichotomy this tension this in between time they are no longer in egypt but they ain't yet in the promised land they're in between their their past slavery and their promised destiny they are in between what used to hold them bound and what ultimate freedom and deliverance will look like as they possess their own land they're in between and as i think about our church and i think about our families and i think about our communities our neighborhoods our culture and our world i feel a lot of that same tension um we're in between not where we once were and normal is is back there and i don't think we're gonna ever reclaim normal but at the same time we ain't out of this season of uncertainty and lack of clarity and high levels of tension we're we're not on the other side of the of even the pandemic in in all the dynamic we just say no no that's how we're in this in between time so how do we deal with schools and travel and gathering and community and doing life but being safe and navigating risk and navigating arguments about what's real about being safe and what's real and what's real about being a is a time where a lot of us may find ourselves in a level of uncertainty and that's created for many anxiety children of israel as we look at their journey as we look at their story as we look at where we find them last week we talked about how this was a great opportunity as we're trying to get vision in the midst of the fog in the meantime in the between time as we sit in this in this crux of a position here's a good place to expect god opportunity to see something you've never seen before here's a good place to trust him to to trust him to take to receive the bread for the day and trust him for the bread tomorrow here's a great opportunity to rest in him to find the new rhythms that he's called us to manner in the morning meet at night come on man in the morning meet at night there's a rhythm of his provision in this season that you need to tap into but today can i i want to talk about the elephant in the room and i'm not talking about republicans either i i want to talk about the elephant in the room the hard thing about this text and the underlying emotion that's in the passage because i think in order for us to trust god and expect him and arrest in him in the meantime in the between time there are some words that we're gonna have to carry that normally we struggle to carry and they're words that really don't go together they're they're things that don't go together what we do what we love doing here at fellowship is bringing people together bringing things together that normally don't go together to have people that don't look alike don't live alike don't vote or like come to the table and sit in the bigness of god the bigness of god's love the bigness of god's character i think our differences pulling together his character and his bigness can handle the deep divisions that we walk in so i'm gonna give you some words today that that may not seem like they go together but in the bigness of god's economy they do i think it's a discipline for us to learn if we're gonna navigate this next season let's talk about the children of israel and their experience let's be honest they had a lifestyle although it was slavery they knew what to expect they knew what to look for they knew what to do they knew what was coming they knew what would happen it was familiar and sometimes one of the hardest things to do with god is to leave what's for what's familiar to follow one who's been faithful one of the hardest things to do with god is to leave what's been familiar to follow one who's been faithful to leave familiar over faithful and you see that with them they're familiar with egypt they say they liked it but at least i know it some of you are like i'd rather have the devil i know than a god that i'm discovering come on let's be honest come on let's tell the truth that's what they're saying in the tech they said i wish we would have just died in egypt at least we knew that at least we had meat there at least we had to prevent we knew what was going on we out here in this wilderness and there's such a level of uncertainty the uncertainty is is is causing me to question god's goodness questioning his faithfulness yes too but really his goodness because because pharaoh had consistency at least we had pots of meat out here in this level of uncertainty i don't know what god's gonna do and it's requiring a level of faith a level of faith that that threatens the level of my familiarity and some of you would rather walk in what's familiar then walk behind one who's been faithful some of us we just like what we know in uncertainty and navigating new things in the unknown it unravels our faith because our faith wasn't there our faith was just familiar faith is the evidence of things not seen so that's why i know it's not unraveling faith it's the evidence i think faith is built on what you don't know faith is built off of what you don't see faith is built off of what you don't understand but faith is built off of the hope of the one who says he can do it all faith is evidence of things not seen it's it's it's the thing hoped for it's the it's the hope but the evidence ain't what i and what i see the evidence is what i hope in and so as they've been yanked out of what's familiar they start grumbling they start grumbling about a place that's marked with freedom but it feels like bondage because it ain't familiar and they start grumbling some of us are in a season where we're grumbling and i would even extend that grumbling to grieving we're grieving the loss of where we once were even though it was an amazing place to be at least i knew it at least i understood it at least i knew what was coming when it was coming but i'm out here now in this in between time and there's no certainty there's no dependability we don't know what things are changing at a high rate and some of us are almost willing to compromise our faith for this season to go back and grab what was familiar in the past season i'd rather be in egypt and know the pain i got coming than to be out here in between time and not and not have the confidence in the comfort of knowing what's going to happen next see we got to be careful because really what we're doing as we're saying is and it's very true i'd much rather walk according to what's familiar than to walk by faith although the very the very crux of the christian belief is built on the sense of in this idea of faith but it's amazing how much we don't believe what we believe i i think it's fascinating to me the things in my life that i say i believe that when i look at my faith and as i look at my walk i don't believe it because your walk will tell on you every time you confess with your mouth but you believe in your heart your heart will tell on you every time i believe that my body's the temple of the holy spirit but i didn't believe it when i put that stuff in it so so it's a push to believe it's a test of their faith but it's also the reality that they grumbled and they grieved and here's the word that i'm trying to get you to understand god was okay with it it's okay to grumble and grieve it's not advantageous long term but you can grieve it's okay to grieve if we gonna go on this journey and if we gonna sustain and see visions of god in the midst of this fog in the meantime in the between time the first word i want you to take and pack along the journey is grief grieve sometimes we look at god as though he's this oppressive dictator that doesn't allow us to have a bad day that doesn't allow us to have hard times that doesn't allow us to struggle through this season permission granted you can grieve you can struggle you can be frustrated you don't have to love what's happening we look at the children of israel and we think how trifling y'all complaining about being out of slavery but the reality is they've been traumatized they didn't know how to navigate this new way of faith they never been here before slavery they knew but freedom hey it took some getting used to so yeah in moments of weakness and moments of vulnerability in moments when they weren't their best spiritual self they grumbled they complained they grieved now it ain't a way of life but it could be your way today and i'm just saying we've got a god that understands that i i love it it's subtle in the text but they say that they grumbled they complained and you know this is old testament god so i kind of get ready for the other shoe to drop on them i kind of get ready for god to say and he rained down thunder and destroy i'm ready for old testament god to wipe them out like shut up you should not be look at what the text says god says he responded to their grumbling their grieving with manna with with mata in the morning and meet at night he says y'all complaining y'all having a hard time i'm not going to give you judgment i'm going to give you grace and he gives a manna he provides what they need for their grumbling souls he nourishes their souls he nourishes their needs for familiarity and says i'm gonna get you familiar to me being faithful that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna help you get familiar with me getting faithful so i want you to set your clock mana in the morning and me that night manna in the morning and me that night i want that to be so familiar to you i want you to get to know it so good i want you to get it i want you to get it matter in the morning me that night manna in the morning me that night manna in the morning i want you to be able to set your clock to it because i want you to get familiar with my faithfulness you see that so can i just tell some of you in this season give yourself permission to grieve give yourself permission to be discouraged give yourself permission to be okay with not being okay some of you you need to call the therapist stop messing around call your therapist most of you got insurance they take your insurance therapy is not antithetical to the gospel therapy is how you do a lot of the outworking of the gospel one one one sweatshirt i saw it says jesus and therapy they go together jesus jesus and therapy some of you just need to go sit with a therapist some of you just need to sit with your friends and just tell them the truth about what's going on some of you need to stop pretending that you got it all together and that you're so happy and you're so excited about all the uncertainty and everything that's right i'm just so so excited just shut up you're not you're screwed up you're depressed you're discouraged you're grieving you're lamenting and guess what it's natural sometimes in these religious circles we make people feel shame and guilt for not walking in the fullness of the spirit of the living god every single second of the day you ain't got to have it all together for your faith to be all together in god did y'all hear what i just said i said you ain't got to be perfect you ain't got to have it together the children of israel was trifling they just saw they just walked they literally just saw jesus part the red sea and now they complaining about some chicken they complain that they ain't got some meat what like like that's ridiculous right god says no that's just my kids come here here's some man in the morning here's some meat at night as we go through this season in between time in the meantime pack grief you're going to need it you're going to need to be able to grieve what you lost even if what you lost wasn't even good it was still a loss and it's okay to grieve it watch this in the presence of god it's okay to breathe to grieve it in the presence of god it's okay to invite god in to that grief the second word i want you to take is believe in the midst of your grief what would it mean for you to in your grief believe to bring belief in belief in god's ability to use this season for his glory ah this is so good belief in god's ability to use this season for his glory although it's a season of loss although it's a season of grief although it's a season of frustration although it's a season of more questions than you have answers you need to believe that god can use a grieving season for his glory he will do something supernatural and significant in this season for his glory he will advance you enhance you thrust you into a new season of of maturity in your life right here in this grieving season so in your grieving he's growing you he's maturing you he's stretching you you're walking more deeply in faith although it feels like you're walking more deeply in burden he's got your back he's doing something so supernatural so see so deep down you may not even be able to see it you may not even feel it but i'm saying you need to know it you need to believe that god is moving in this season you need to believe that god is working in this season although it's dark outside child a sprinkler's still working the landscape is still growing i know it doesn't seem like the sun is shining but he is right there in the midst of it all he'll do something supernatural right here in this season right here in this season as a matter of fact i think there are things that he uniquely that he that the things that he will uniquely do in this season that's different from another season don't waste your pain because god never does don't you waste your pain god never don't you waste a difficult season god won't he ain't gonna waste this season he'll use this season to teach you something honestly that you won't even learn there are things that you learn in the valley that you ain't gonna learn on the mountaintop there are questions you ask in the valley that you just don't ask in the mountain top there are questions and things that happen in the midst of rain that just don't happen on a sunny day so i say to you like the r b crooners of the 1990s sunny days everybody loves them but tell me can you stand the rain hey oh sonny okay okay i'm sorry i'm gonna come back okay we'll get back in the spirit hallelujah okay listen there's some things that he does just in the rain so the question is can you stand the rain sunny days everybody loves them but can you stand the rain can you believe god in the midst of a storm can you believe god when the rain is coming down on your head can you believe god when the thunder and lightning are striking and it's dark and you can't see your way sunny days everybody loves them but can you stand the rain believe in this season don't just grieve in this season in the midst of grief believe believe that your god is still able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that you could ask or think believe believe that greater is he that is within you than he that is within the world believe believe that no weapon formed against ship shall be able to prosper believe that he is that was that is and that is to come believe that he is god almighty outside omega beginning in the end the first and the last he will never leave you nor forsake you believe believe that god is still god even in the fog even in the between time in the meantime god i still believe i was up in the mountains and a tour guide friend of mine was showing me around and we found ourselves in the midst of the sequoia trees but sequoias are these big huge trees that are hundreds of years old and he looked at me and he said albert do you know how new sequoia trees grow i don't know he says he says the seed of the sequoia it's interesting it sits but it doesn't uh fully i i say germinate it doesn't doesn't fully um produce until it's in the right climate huh i said well what's what's the climate he says oh you're going to love this he says you know how california fires i always get a lot of big news what people don't talk about a lot is the education and understanding of the necessity of fires and how it is used to cleanse off mountainsides and the sequoia which we celebrate and we love and we take pictures of and we point people to and we look at all the time sequoias the seeds only germinate in high temperatures required by fire so these beautiful things that we love and celebrate that provide so much joy to see are only come forth by fire they only come forward by fire ah if you get it early i won't have to preach as long i'm telling you there's greatness that is yours there is victory that is yours there is a peace that is yours there's a destiny and a purpose that is yours but some things that god does in you are only released when your life is at the right temperature so when the hell comes on your track and when you feel the heat and the weight of the reality of this world know that you've got a god that specializes in releasing greatness in heated places know that you've got a god that ain't traumatized or freaked out by the level of fire that's in your life he's saying she has no idea what i'm releasing in her in this heat he has no idea the thing that i am birthing and unearthing in him in this heat in the midst of the heat don't be so consumed by the heat that you miss him and his holiness and his power of what he's doing in this life in the heat don't miss him because he is moving in the midst of the heat believe grieve in this season but oh i need you to believe in this season he's germinating your seed whoa he's unleashing greatness and promise and destiny through your life and some stuff is only going to come out of heat sunny days everybody loves them but can you stand the rain can you believe in the rain take grief take belief and his third one y'all it don't even make sense it don't even make sense but i gotta say it take doubt take doubt they saw man in the morning they saw meat at night but they still got more than what they should have they still didn't take his word there were parts of them that still didn't believe although they saw the man in the morning they would go out on the seventh day when god told them don't you go out there on the seventh day rest on the seventh day but they went out there you know why because they still had doubts about his provision they still had doubts about his goodness they still had doubts about his faithfulness how can you walk and see all these great things that god is providing and still have doubts because you're human and this ain't a church where we gonna make you feel bad about your doubts doubts is not the time for you to run away from god doubts is an opportunity and a compelling space for you to run to god he ain't intimidated by your doubt some of you got some of the biggest doubts about your faith about god about his goodness how can such bad things happen to good people you got a lot of doubts and you may think that it's evidence of a lack of faith i'm telling you your doubt is evidence of faith atheists ain't walking around doubting god they they could give a care you doubt because of your belief so your doubt is a testament that belief is still in there that hope is still in there god i still trust you i'm out here on this seventh day because i don't i don't know if you're gonna come or you're gonna i gotta i'm still working it out and i'm telling you come on with your doubts this year come on with your doubts don't let your don't you let your doubts drive you away from the church let your doubts drive you into the church and into the presence of god there he will do a supernatural thing your doubts don't repel him they attract him he's drawn to your doubts so it's okay to struggle with doubts and questions there was a man in the gospels whose um whose son was demon-possessed and demons had thrown this boy and the power of the demons had thrown him in water and tried to drown him throwing him in fire tried to kill him and jesus jesus comes upon the boy and talks with his daddy and he says you know dad i can heal him but do you believe it if you got belief i got the healing all you got to do is bring the belief and i got everything else but but he had he said something so honest in that moment and i think it marks a lot of maybe where some of us are he says lord i believe but help my unbelief he says i believe but i don't believe i i got some belief i put i believe you can do it but but i've been through some stuff and then and i got i got questions i i i've seen that demon tried to kill my boy i got some stuff that i've seen that makes it hard for me to believe but i believe but there are some things in the way of some of my beliefs you that i'm saying god is fine with the tension he's fine with the tension he's okay he's provided a way for you with the tension some of you say i believe the children of israel i can only imagine that god i believe moses moses i believe god i believe that he can do it but i was a slave a long time and i prayed a lot of prayers that didn't get answered in the time frame that i thought they should have been so yeah i walked on dry land across the road the the dead sea yeah the i the red sea i walk yeah i i've seen god do miraculous thing i saw the man in the morning to meet a man in the morning i saw all that but i was also beat a long time i was a slave a long time so yeah i believe but god helped my unbelief i saw my boy thrown in water and almost killed him i got some unbelief because i've been through a lot and what i want to tell you my brothers and sisters some of you got unbelief because i know you've seen some things you can't unsee you've gone through some things that you can't un-go through you you've carried some heavy stuff you've been through a lot so you've got areas of unbelief but can i just tell you what if the enemy's number one job wasn't to take what you had but it was to take your belief because he knew you would get to a moment where jesus was ready to bring a miracle and he says i'm bringing a miracle all you got to bring is the belief and what if satan is used this season to chisel away your belief so when it comes time for god to do miraculous things in your life you ain't even got enough belief to believe that he could do it satan wasn't after his boy satan was after his belief because if satan gets your belief he can easily get your boy he can easily get your stuff he can easily get who you but if he get but if he don't get your belief if you still believe god in the midst of all god says i'm gonna do the miracle you just bring to believe i love it he says i believe but help my unbelief thomas says the same thing thomas who's known for doubting although he wasn't the only one doubting they was all up there in the upper and in the room scared worried about what the romans was going to do to him thomas was the only one brave enough to tell the truth about his doubt y'all remember what thomas said he says okay he rose again tell him to show me the hand the the holes in his hand show me show me the holes show me the holes in his hands and i believe he had doubt how did jesus respond to thomas's doubt jesus shows up in his glorified body now you got to know his glorified body is a glorified body i don't crucifixion is a is an excruciating terrible sight of physical trauma and distortion to the body body ripped all over skin blood it's an ugly terrible devastating sight i don't i don't believe that he shows up in a glorified body looking as though he was tortured i believe that his glorified body looked glorified it looked healed it looked redeemed so you gotta ask yourself a question if if the angels have come and ministered to the body and redeemed and healed this body why does he still have holes in his hands i can almost see them healing his body in in into the holes he's like no no no no leave the holes leave the hose look no jesus this is your glorified body why are we going to leave the holes and jesus says yeah thomas what y'all you know you know thomas thomas is going to need to see these holes because the way thomas's belief is set up in this season of his life in maturity he gonna need to see these hoes so so he goes to thomas and thomas says let me see and jesus says here although you got doubts and you should have believed it but i knew you had unbelief and i got a grace that will help your unbelief so here are the holes thomas's doubt jesus says i got a grace for that your doubt don't worry i got grace for that the enemy tried to chisel away your your belief yeah but he just don't know if you still got faith the size of a mustard seed you could still move a mountain tell hell no you changed your mind tell hell they ain't gonna get you just because you're struggling with doubt you're living in little grief and you're struggling to believe no hell got to do a lot better than that because jesus christ has got a grace for every doubt that you bring to him he's got a gr a a grace for every grief that you bring to him in every struggle every place of suffering he's got a grace for that he's got a grace for that so yeah they went out there on the seventh day jesus didn't kill him he had a grace for that he knew that they'd been enslaved a long time and it was going to take him a little while to get familiar with his faithful so in the meantime in between time bring your grief i challenge you bring belief there's some things he's gonna only do in the valley there's some breakthrough and some things in you he's doing in you right now that are designed for this season so believe that he's moving in this season because he is believe and yeah bring doubt it's okay for you in this season to say lord i believe but help my unbelief because in your unbelief god looked at the man and he delivered his boy because your unbelief did not disqualify you from the unbelievable power of god working in your life i'm gonna say that again because your unbelief does not disqualify you from the unbelievable power of god working in your life so may your prayer if it has to be in this season lord i believe but help my unbelief god says i can work with that i can work with that that's how we see vision of god's glory in the midst of fog i think the bigger biggest the biggest celebration in the point of praise is god's grace how the grace of god walks with us in this hard season is so significant this old song we used to sing at our church tears so sweet to trust in jesus just to take him at his word just to rest upon his promise just to know the saith the lord and it says jesus jesus in the meantime in between time how i trust him how i prove him or and or over and over over and over jesus jesus pray just jesus here's the line o for grace to trust him more o for grace god grace implies there's some failure in there because god's grace is in response to my insufficiency and failure so in response to my failure my doubt my grief and my struggle to believe oh for grace that daily i might trust him more for his glory amen [Music] you're a firm foundation yes and i will be i will build my life upon your love it is a firm foundation i will put my trust in you alone and i will not be i [Music] is [Music] and we say [Music] my eyes [Music] me let's pray together god we thank you for your love god we thank you that you are pursuing us wherever we find ourselves today god we thank you for your love that goes to great depths to the places the hardest places in our lives god you love us even there and so god we thank you for the word and god as we even process and think through god what's next for us god we pray that you would initiate our steps that you would give us something right in front of us to go and take this word and spread your love into a world that needs it so deeply so god we pray just over each person tuning in uh god would you just confirm whatever they may need here in this moment god we love you your name we pray amen fellowship family we're so grateful that you tuned in with us today and again it's no accident and and our prayer is that you would take a next faithful step whatever that may be we have pastors who are here ready to connect with you and i would love to hear from you we got a number on the screen if you need any help in this season as well i would love to just connect with you and just hear about how we can come alongside and support you hey man here at fellowship we ask two questions every single week where are you serving and who are you doing life with and these two questions are really important because we believe that these questions can lead to conversations about what does it look like for me to follow jesus faithfully with my life what does it look like for me to live out the gospel right now right here in this time that i live in and right now we have alpha um a class that is amazing it's an amazing eight week experience because you might have people in your life who are like man they need this this is this is for them or like what god spoke to the pastor this weekend that was for them but maybe that person is still really wondering about some of the bigger questions in life so um in this season right now we invite you visit our website check it out and if you know somebody who could benefit from a class like alpha from an experience a communal experience like alpha go through it with them um it's you know it's sometimes it's so much easier to say hey would you go through this thing with me let's wrestle through some of these big questions of life together you might not be there yet but let's let's do this together so be sure to check out our website and invite someone to alpha today so good and one thing we'd love to invite you into is a way that we worship here at fellowship through our giving we say that we don't uh give to fellowship we give through fellowship and it's an act of worship together every single week and so we love to invite you into that uh you can give online or through our app uh yeah we love for you just to participate in what god is doing in life fellowship that's right and fellowship we want to stay connected to you so please stay connected to us um you can text us you can call us we literally have a pastor who is ready to receive you every single day of the week so regardless of when you're listening to this i want you to know that there's somebody on the other line on the other side of this email address on the other side of this phone number just waiting to connect to you so please stay connected to us uh we would just love to be able to receive you um and at this time fellowship we just want to bless you we want to send you often to the rest of your day the rest of your week wherever you are with the blessing of the lord upon you may the grace of god cover you may the peace of god fill you up and may the goodness of god drive the way you live the way you care for others the way you care for yourself and may it continue to propel you into a deeper more satisfying love in jesus so fellowship we love you so much and we can't wait to see you soon take care [Music]
Channel: Fellowship
Views: 624
Rating: 4.5789475 out of 5
Keywords: weekend services, Albert tate, midweek service, worship, fellowship, fellowship church, fellowship monrovia, midweek message, weekly service, fellowship worship, fellowship music, jesus
Id: W3sJdI3_kS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 38sec (3638 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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