Felling a 500 year old Douglas Fir Tree

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every year so we get a big tree up there that we get to remove something truly exceptional this one was 180 feet tall about five and a half foot diameter and four to five hundred years old we decided to document the process because this one we had to climb and brush out a majority of it before we fell it because we were falling it into the lake basically this is wound wood and it's showing signs that something's going on inside of I don't know what it's probably a vertical crack full of pitch or resin it's probably fine and it could even be an old lightning strike that's years ago and it's it's sealed up was on the side I'd be a lot more worried and if it was here okay all right you two trap right here whenever we have to drop the tree precisely to avoid homes septic tanks even other trees will often pull strings or tape measures to mark the corners of our face cut those corners create a hinge and the hinge is actually what steers the tree like the hinge on a door if you want to learn more about this technique pick up a copy of Jerry bionics book fundamentals of general tree work it's the most comprehensive book for our industry want you to give the same tension in Travis's somewhere in this vicinity [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's my bunch the black line is the gunning site from this side of the tree you got a factor in parallax error because we're aiming at one point in the middle out there but we're not aiming from the middle of the tree we're aiming from one side of the tree so you get this parallax effect when you aim from both sides well the further out you can make your gun sight the better and we couldn't go very far which is why we we broke out and did the string trick on it this this line is 90 degrees to the bottom of the bar aim small miss small so I'm shooting for the gap and I'm hoping to protect this little dog hair trees along here but that's just trying to be precise it's not a huge deal if we take some of those little guys out no but this is why the Forest Service likes us up here because we try [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the reason we fill this in the lake is because we're on the steep side of the lake and we couldn't get any equipment access to it so we wanted to get as much of it in the water as we could take it across the lake where we had heavy equipment to pull it out in bigger pieces [Laughter] this is a high use lake for fishing and waterskiing and such activities so we made sure to get everything out of the lake big pieces of bark branches and everything so that nobody would be injured you
Channel: THISisCarpentry
Views: 822,757
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Id: tx0vv4nhamk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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