FeelFree PodMount

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what's up guys this is JT and we're we're kind of showing off this feel free Moken 12.5 version to that feel free just put out I got to tell you this boat right here for $7.99 all that you get I mean it's it's crazy I mean you get the pot area with the sonar pod that you can you know mount your traditional fish finder on or you can use that pot area like we like to do over it yeah gadget and we created the pod mount it's the only one of its kind out on the market this one pod mount fits six of the feel free boats now including this maken 12/5 the maken 10 I believe the mount contends got the got the pod the lure the new lure 20 2010 definitely has the pod the lure 11 5 and the lure 13 5 and the 13 5 10 Amanda Dorado this motor mount will fit all of those boats we've got a water snake SP 24 on this boat it's one of my favorite motors just because it's just lightweight easy to use but you can put them in Kota and they're thirty on there you can put anything you want that's thirty pound thrust or less he's really got more to do with the the size of that pothole but this motor mount system and this motor on this boat we're going to show you real quick you know people want to talk about how fast is a water snake a SP 24 we're about to show you right now this thing flat out in this Moken is so easy to paddle having that water snake on the front like that just really helps it take off he's already motoring down the water like it's nothing we haven't measured the speed on it officially but I'm calling it I mean he's definitely going over for I'm in the Johnny boat I've got my system here with a thirty pound thrust motor on the front but this holds big enough to put anything you want on it that motorways like seven pounds and it's producing a wake and it goes in the front and it takes seconds to install we sell this motor mount right now on the website or I believe I believe one think 130 149 or 139 I forget which but it's a great deal it's on our yeah gadget site it is totally available and it comes already installed I mean I already preassembled so all you got to do is put your motor on it and drop it into your hole we've got some great features on it we have the new front plate that locks in to that front area the way that your pod locks in traditionally and then we have our bungee strings that you can easily put an S hook on and attach to your stand-up strap area that keeps that pod nice and secure locked in when you put it in reverse it it locks it in really well so the motor itself you can kind of change how deep you want it to hang underneath the boat but we're less than a foot easy the way that we have it can right now so it's probably hanging probably like maybe nine inches below the hole so it's just a fantastic motor system that's just so easy I think you get one of those water snakes for like 150 bucks so you're talking a arm mount with that is $300 and you have a fully motorized kayak we're just using a regular aftermarket rudders we've got a hand steering mechanism on it we install that rudder maybe what I don't know 30 seconds so you so we've we've made it pretty affordable pretty simple for you to put propulsion on your boat having a motor like this is great because you can work banks put it in reverse still have your hand on your fishing pole be able to do all kinds of fishing all kinds of different different things as you see he just lifted it out of the boat within seconds now you don't have a motor now you got a motor it's the easiest to use a propulsion system on the market right now it's the only one of its kind we created it and we've also got pod motor mounts now for a bonafide and for big fish and some others but we just really wanted to take this and show you show you the power of our system and and this smokin 12/5 is such a great boat $7.99 then you can add this stuff to it and turn it into a boat that's moving on the water better than most $2,000 but boats on the market so check it out yeah gadget comm we're gonna have even more product videos I'm gonna do a distance test coming up pretty soon gonna do some more work on this here Johnny Boat we got some more cool gadgets that we've come up with and there's Charles on the return trip I think he's turned it into slow speed right there sexy oh no he just turned it off he's just coasting look how well that boat just Coast on the water it's so response really come and just moves like a champ all right guys we're gonna have more coming up soon this JT weeoo
Channel: YakGadget JT
Views: 12,825
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Id: 9g_vyTAc_5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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