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put all my time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in this box even though it seems like I have popcorns these are in fact the special feeders that I bought on Tara Plaza and the intention is obvious we are going to fit some terrain choice with them heck yeah but it is kind of problematic because if I open the box then there is a huge risk of them jumping outside which is not the most practical thing but I think that will manage as you see girl that there is darkness behind us because it is 9:00 9:30 p.m. and the lights go off at around slightly before 8:00 p.m. so they are off four hour and a half so hopefully some of pokies that are usually hiding maybe they will now be outside we will see I will still turn on the lights just so we can record the tarantulas easily because you know I want to record I want to try and fit the Rachael's over there because if I take the enclosure and bring it here then there is high chance that tarantula just hide if it's outside so in order to prevent that we are going to record at least half of the video over there then we will go here and I will bring the plastic boxes that I have under the table so heck yeah let's go there by the way do you want to see sleeping Felix there he is you can see that his eyes are closed that is so hilarious I don't know why this is his sleeping spot from the other side no we cannot really see him because he has some light from this angle he's so cute over there and also this Pasiphae is sleeping but I don't know if you can see him I don't know where he is oh yeah hmm let me just grab the light from here there he is also eyes closed okay we'll leave him alone but you know who is outside cheeps is outside oh and he doesn't like me approaching with the light hello chips but I won't be taking him outside because you know how crazy he gets and I can turn on the lights by reaching here where the timer is just need to find the right button there we go I press the correct one end right off the bed you can see this is the one that we cannot often see outside this is propel MA or Syria Prager pools Libby doom and she's almost always hiding but now she's not is there anyone else outside the view luckiest female but that is not a rare sight oh this is petite area species lowland she's usually hiding behind the Kornberg but now she's outside sweet anyone else I don't know I think that's it Katie's usually outside so nothing weird over there also petite area of Asiata she's usually out like that anyone else nope just usual stuff well I'm disappointed Oh at least Linda is outside maybe we should start the feeding video with her they also started less feeding videos and others recording over there they also started with Linda I think I did I think and Oh showing of the wide dark Dan t-shirt very nice need the grasshoppers and also I need the tweezers and popcorns today guys it is not your day unfortunately let's grab one or maybe I should open Linda's enclosure first hopefully she will stay outside didn't know Linda don't run stay there please grabbing the cricket I mean not cricket grasshopper okay now where oh I wasn't looking at it I don't know what happened hopefully I got this shot but oh my oh my being action did she jumped and grabbed it from the tweezers or oh I need to see that am I'm quickly going to check the footage I need to see this yep she jumped and grabbed it from the tweezers while I was checking out where exactly I want to drop the the grasshopper and I wasn't really paying attention because I didn't expect that she can feel it's being so kind of far away from her she they can easily detect prey but when it's touching their webbing and sending vibrations through their web and everything but apparently they can sense vibrations in the air much more accurate than I initially expected or thought whoa what is the art of video what a feeling' clip now we will feed I can to school again quite a female and you remember she was in a promote in when I was recording the first feeding video in the dark damn so she refused to eat but now I think that will change oh and she's already on the move I need to close Linda and now I need to open her enclosure but I'm not really sure how that will go can you like move wait please please go hey hello hello please please go behind go hey yes yes yes go further away come on please she's kind of stubborn but I think that she is figuring out there we going you see she's getting bigger and bigger and bigger we're going to drop the grasshopper behind her because I don't want her to go out no hey don't go out quickly quickly get it it will be here can you sense it it's there no no no not there now be behind you please ah grasshopper go No please go away now for oh yes it's moving he's jumping I think that she figured out doo doo doo doo doo any time now any second or not what are you doing come come on watch your legs this is not working out as I wanted grasshopper please more action it's being so pissed oh he moves we're going to allow this grab him come on I have high expectations from you I want the good feeling clip come on this is so disappointing where is she going once again what is going on No move it move it I don't get it she's usually crazy at least she used to be crazy oh ho what was now you are not the same guinea colada that I remember such a disappointment I don't know and look once again she will try to go out and there is the grasshopper I can tell he's behind no that is not allowed go back that's first or second I don't know next contestant maybe sashenka but I need to close up Guinea Cullotta because I don't want her to fall outside let's see if sashenka can fix this but I dropped the grasshopper sashenka are you hungry yes yes yes interesting grab grab grab it you see feeding videos are not that easy to record when tarantulas are doing stuff like this such a shame next contestant or should I try more with a Shaka I think that first feeding clip was just too good for this to continue he jumped this time come here did you maybe change your mind she's like I'm not really sure I think I wanted but I don't yeah now she doesn't want it for sure Parramatta Parramatta no questions maybe she can fix the situation please I need this yes even though she usually disappoints now when we needed it the most she didn't and she grabbed it heck yeah and it looks like she beat him right at his head hoo hoo yeah awesome finally her mother pelézinho besson's feeding clip you know that usually review to be it especially on camera and what do you want you are not the music see you later now let's do some art board or tarantula and we will start with some bells Canberra gave email and once again she's being outside in that corner which is great for us to make recording a feeling clip much easier than usually when she is inside rainy to feed her through this hole that is what I usually do do we have volunteer are you all interior looks like it it's not like you have a choice I dropped him to jump it here you fell right into her trap oh no no you need to be sure that environment where you are going to jump is going to be safe because this time you definitely didn't do that and yeah and I think that this is her first grasshopper so yeah enjoy it I hope this a bit tastier than roaches you know the usual feeders next one are we going to continue with our Boreas yes because she is really good eater the mmm happy now hey nice watches female beautiful female yeah yeah and we have another grasshopper right here waiting can you get you to run oh I sense that this will happen I said that she will just grab jump and grab it she's usually crazy like that yes bang action that is also what we like it is like a bonus when you have a really good feeling clip oh yeah but I don't think that she actually grabbed his abdomen or anything she's just holding him by his leg or wings maybe you should secure that a bit better I don't know don't let it escape but we are escaping into onto an extra Angela and that was supposed to be cat pet Soteria Metallica but she went inside maybe just maybe we can lure her I will try to do that Oh more action here oh oh Cooper is trying to escape but I think that she secured him now definitely okay I will close it once again and we will get another one yeah just coming at the right spot very nice yet do want something new something tasty ooh oopsy I bet but we see that she just pulled him inside oh and there is her booty very nice very nice very nice can we light I need more light there we go you cannot see a lot but you can see more than enough these last three takedowns were real nice I mean really good oh and this grasshopper is still struggling yeah you see but no escape no no now I would like to try it again with the what's the name I always forget you know tell a tell you this yes that is the one you know the one that is not torrential about a spider that seems kind of like tarantula but he's not trust me and it is right there down there but hopefully when I drop the grasshopper here on top it will come I mean she will come it is also a female do we have another one oooo stop stop stop look he got caught up there come on jump down drop down thank you I'm getting you Oh with one hand I need to now let's see if we can lure spider yes yes just continue to move like that she's coming [Music] nice oh wait that was a sweet sweet sweet shot as I say almost all the time when we have a nice thing down a sweet thing down yeah I am satisfied with this and I think that n is also interested unless she runs inside when I opened the enclosure no she's still there so maybe this will work ne ne nd what about the grasshopper didn't had one in a long long long time she's not really reacting and the grasshopper is almost Oh almost touching her what you don't it seems that Ellie doesn't want a grasshopper okay neither the grasshopper wants you don't worry maybe your neighbor will take it this is graham hasta la jolla pests and oh don't you dare escape hey stop good luck now did he actually bumped our enjoying her abdomen I think looks like this also won't happen all my luck in the clothes of any any talk at all our clothes in case you're wondering the ex Brahma Baba callosum but it since we need to feed someone else Spanish lesson guys hmm now I only have two adults left but I think that they will be interested there they are one is super fresh recently molted and the other one is a really really old one I'll just need to grab the grasshopper from her maybe change your mind no okay never mind how about you no he missed come on try again oh holy don't stop grasshopper don't you dare hop looks like he is afraid of it now but you tries to get it try again okay even you disappointed me do we have anyone else that is outside no everyone is just hiding maybe pencil area or not that maybe she will be interested although her abdomen is kind of fit for a poky we'll try it anyway I just need to see through where I want to approach it maybe like this ooh I think I wanted to say the right thing that she won't grab it and she just grabbed it so hard but unfortunately I didn't get it on the video and I'm sorry about that but yeah there she is so they are not evil Elvira it is her actual name and she is currently the biggest tarantula in the dark Dan okay this wasn't super awesome but at least it was a takedown I won't complain too much but I think that we are done here we are going to move on the table and over there we will also feed some other trenches that we have in the plastic boxes you know and chips is still look he's still on this spot let's see he will be spooked if I open his enclosure chips how you doing you don't mind the light huh if I touch him he will go crazy keeps chips chips okay there you see this is just normal chips going crazy all the time okay now I need to turn off the lights I can reach it and we will continue this at the table because there are still filtering shows what I would like to try to feed especially one tarantula and that is this one the main inter-dimensionally if you remember this is the hill abraha species vietnam blue and we recently tries to pair her with male but she unfortunately ate him but we are hoping that he actually did his job because they were made him for four times and on the fourth time she grabbed him and looks she actually designed her enclosure her burrow is you know impairing video she only had this entrance only one entrance and now she made another one from this side interesting i wonder if that means something but i'm going to grab one verse copper and we will see if she is still hungry I mean that meal was really small so it was a small meal for her so there should be more space for this guy or no she's actually retreating but you were hungry for a tiny tiny guy that was really really trying so hard to impress you for him you were hungry but now when I offer you a proper meal now you don't want it huh well thank you we need to remove this webbing so I can see her I would try to drop him again but it seems like that this won't work yeah she would already grab him if she really wanted how rude of her stay there okay I have three enclosures left here we will see if that will go down this is not the tip of the guy and I'm pretty sure that he will be down for business maybe he can also jump tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu we didn't get jumped but we received an instant grab we and you know what so far no happy dance in this video that is kind of disappointing right we usually receive at least one happiness from just at least one tarantula not this time in these two last two enclosures we have to curry benefit seeker voice so maybe they will do a happy dance if they grab the grasshopper but I'm not really super sure that they will actually be interested ever since they mature that they aren't really super hungry maybe today is the day no wait wait wait I didn't say that you can go out on a stroll I offered you a grasshopper and you are just going okay this whatever thank you for your lovely performance but no not today hopefully the other guy will cooperate let's go let's feeding attempt of this video make it a good one it seems that we are getting the same reaction oh well there were plenty of really good really oh he jumped myself and the table got him no freedom for you but you live to see another day again I think that this is everything for this video we had a couple of really really really good take off so I am really satisfied and I also hope that you are satisfied because if you enjoyed this video make sure to thumbs up and comment something if you want to support this channel anymore there's a patreon page if you use the show I'm forgetting my also Apple their mother in Friday so see you again soon bye [Music]
Channel: The Dark Den
Views: 358,128
Rating: 4.9283724 out of 5
Keywords: the, dark, den, tarantula, tarantule, tarantulaguy1976, spider, fast, spiders, care, sheet, how, to, unboxing, transfer, escape, beginner, live, feeding, animals, Ants, Canada, Brave, Wilderness, Tailor, nicole, dean, exotics, lair, face, reveal
Id: 2W2q25qR8Bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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