Animal Room with 150+ ANIMALS...YOU WILL SEE ALL

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hello my friends i'm petco and i welcome you to the dark dance [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so starting from here all the way over here over here over here then we quickly go over here and over there and here and a little bit over here and also all of this everything here it is a dark den and in case you don't know dark then is the name of the of my youtube channel where i feedco make videos for you about animals and other stuff yeah mostly stuff even though a lot of you that will be watching these videos already know a lot of about this channel about these animals and about dark i'm going to make i'm going to record this video as if you have no idea what is dark then and you have no idea about anything about the animals here so yeah just so you know this is felix and sometimes he grabs camera but of course not now are you having a stage fright phoenix oh phoenix felix go up there yes there he goes there he goes okay we don't really want you to fall but this is felix and felix is a panther chameleon and he is kind of here in the center of the dark there as you can see even though when someone new enters here and goes around the dark den to check out the animals uh usually they never spot felix because he is just standing there observing like a security camera watching every move and even though people don't see felix felix definitely sees all the people all right let me also define some some stuff majority of animals in the dark then are spiders tarantulas to be more exact and tarantulas they are kind of reclusive animals i think that's the word but they're hiding a lot and also on top of that they are more of a night crawlers so that means that during the day they are hidden inside of their holes or some similar type of den dark dance and during the night they will come outside uh hoping that some prey will stumble upon their lair so because of that majority of tarantulas i won't be able to show you majority of tarantulas that i have but for every tarantula that i cannot show you i will show you the video featuring that tarantula and that also includes other animals that i won't be able to show you i will show you the clips while i'm showing you the cage or yeah something like that and also i have a lot of small tarantulas in these cups in these cups i won't be going through them i will just write you the list of all the species that i have so you can pause if you like and read the whole list yeah and also another side note for people that are followers of the dark den this is despacito by the way in case you don't know we are soon moving out of this space into a new space that will actually be the permanent dark day and the final dark then because a while ago together with my wife we bought house together and in the basement i am setting up everything needed for a permanent dark dance so everything will be nice and close and convenient and i cannot wait for that but of course i want to have a full collection tour inside of this space because i never did one as you know we have been here for less than a year so i never actually managed to record a full collection tour because of i don't know i just i'm just not a fan of making these videos because it is so much effort at least it feels to me because i want to cover everything that i have and i don't know it is just overwhelming yeah but it needs to be done and it is going to be down right now so with that being said i think that we can start with this yeah promotional petco here with quick promotional message new shirts calendars for next year stickers are all on the webshop available for the pre-order and pre-orders are open for next seven days so if you want to get them go there and get them order them now back to the video let's start with despacito um and then we will return to felix so this is despacito and this is his huge mansion you see he got a really large enclosure and in case you don't know despacito is a bearded dragon because he is a dragon are you dragon yes he is and this is his beautiful beer beautiful beard you see he can often be super cheeky with his behavior i have a hard time feeding him healthy food because he only wants to munch on roaches and all the green stuff that he needs to eat because you know together with insects they also need to eat all sorts of vegetables and also some fruits but he doesn't like vegetables but i cannot blame him meat is meat i guess right the proteins above everything but he recently had some really really bad seizures and i was afraid that i'm going to lose him that i will lose him but thankfully he recovered from that and now i'm kind of forcing the more healthier food yeah all right despacito thank you for your time enjoy the rest of the day now down here this is a a temporal setup for eight and eight is authorities you see a sleepy tortoise his enclosure is actually outside in my house but since it is super cold now i am preparing him for the hibernation i mean he will soon go into a hibernation so for now he is being inside of this until i move him into a more colder area okay then this leads us into this and if you're watching my videos you know that i'm not keeping this enclosure right here it is actually moved over there but for this video i want us to have it displayed as it is intended because originally this is supposed to be a 360 enclosure that you can observe from all sides from all angles you see no background and yeah and inside i have these tarantulas this is the monocentropus balfouri i'm creating the shadow but i cannot get a nice shot this is one female and also there is one another female inside for sure and maybe a third female that i'm not really so sure so yes i have multiple tarantulas inside of this setup but majority of tarantula species are not communal like this they do not tolerate each other and if you put them in the same enclosure you will just get one really really fit tarantula but these species the monocentropus balfouri for some strange reason they function as a community yeah originally inside of this enclosure i mean not this exact enclosure but i started with originally nine monocentroposable 40 slings tiny tiny tarantula sling is actually a terminology for a baby tarantula so originally i started with nine of uh these tarantulas and then on the first house there was just eight of them it appeared that one sling died but that is not a strange thing for a small tarantula for a sling and then as those slings grow as they matured i ended up with five males and three females but males their lifespan is much much shorter than females so all of those males eventually died even though i actually gave some to my friends for uh breathing and some of those breathings were successful so in the near future i will be bringing a couple of those babies and putting them inside of this enclosure and that will be cool let me just close the enclosure because i will most likely forget if i don't do it immediately now down here under the table where i'm recording majority of videos you see over here in the corner this is where i put the camera when i'm recording the videos and this is the angle that you are usually looking at so underneath of that table we have another lizard and i'm not really sure if we will manage to record him let me just remove this yeah this is kind of broken dark then quality what can i say you see that lovely looking face that is thor and i'm pretty sure that i can take one roach and lure him outside so let's get one and while we are at it i will show you where i keep all the roaches because majority of animals inside of the dark den loves to eat insects and one of the best insects that you can get are actually roaches and this is one colony of roaches these are lateralis roaches but you see once again i have a problem with knots these tiny flies but you see i have this sticky tape and over here and also the mixture that attracts nuts and i'm successfully killing them now because i spotted some nuts and within two weeks the whole colony was flooded with them so it is really annoying how fast they can reproduce and how their population just explodes if you don't deal with it as soon as possible one roach so let's see if we can get thor outside and i'm not really sure if i said it but thor is a oh my god thor is a leper gecko and he's also kinda friendly sometimes yeah but he's cool and lovely little fella and he loves roaches of course okay that's it now we can return to felix and also i'm not really sure about in case i didn't mention felix is a panther chameleon a male painter chameleon to be more precise and he might seems super super friendly now super friendly little bugger but that wasn't the case just like i don't know nine months ago he used to be super super afraid and hiding all the time not wanting to eat when i'm when i'm near and look at him now making recording of this video a bit challenging so if you are looking at this video thinking how panther chameleons are super friendly and super easy to handle just a little warning and disclaimer it is a really really hard work to achieve that and also you need to give them a lot of personal space and make sure that they have a lot of hiding places and also places where you don't touch them when he was in his old enclosure there was a certain spot when where he went there i never attempted to touch him or anything and that was like his own personal space and i wanted to give him some spot where he can feel secure and safe and yeah i think that that definitely helped with getting him to be so friendly as he is now and so interactive you see he's just trying to reach me this whole time he's just trying to get close to the camera you see and close to my hands and everything he's definitely awesome guy although as i said first two years of me having him was basically with minimum interactions okay with that done should we go over there or over there over there i have frogs and crabs and biggest tarantulas in the dark then but over here i have some sweet terrestrial tarantulas that are almost always outside and also in these plastic boxes we have tarantulas that we can easily see and observe so i think that we will go here and that way i'm also keeping the biggest arrangers for the end of this video tactics tactics you see these cups contain smaller tarantulas but first we are going to go through these glass enclosures and then we will go through that and then this shelf and then this shelf i will also put this camera here in case i need it but this will still be main camera so let's start from the bottom but now i actually remember that i didn't mention one thing all of the enclosures that you will see in this video and also all of the furniture and shelves and everything i built all of that and that is a huge part of this channel so moving forward when we move all of this into a new space i will be adding more stuff that i will be building by myself so if you are a big if you're a fan of diy uh that is also something that you can expect on this channel in case you didn't know just in case you didn't know so with that being said let's continue the tour and that medium-sized tarantula that you are looking at this is brahipalma classy as you can see and let's check it out up close this is one cute little father as all of tarantulas are but these tarantulas on this shelf have a tendency of destroying the backgrounds that i made for them you see all of that white stuff that is the styrofoam of the of the fake background that i built so disrespectful but let's continue to next brahipalma and this one is brachypelma hobbits also a cute little father and by the way prepare for me saying a cute little father all the time now because all these tarantulas are cute little farther and now moving to next cute little father that is currently not here it is uh tilt alcatel kalembergie but that used to be brachypelma kalinberg let's see if we can pull the enclosure out so we can see her oh she made a decent hole over here you see this trenchers sometimes do stuff like that and there is nothing that you can do that is the reason why we usually get multiple tarantulas so there is a higher chance that some of them will be outside and not just buried in the dirt now next cute little father and this is the standard one that you probably seen in some encyclopedia or i don't know documentary and such uh this is brachypel mahamori and this girl actually got a name and the name is minera by rc because a while ago she managed to escape and that's how she earned this name all right carrying on and it looks like we caught this sneaky little girl doing some nasty business of destroying the background you see this is brachypelma atom and she comes from mexico as you see all of these brachypelmas they come from mexico but can you come down from there so we can see you a bit better and so you stop with this shenanigans of destroying the background no she doesn't want to do that you see how sometimes tarantulas can be really really passive ignoring the pokes and such and that brings us to last brachypelma on this shelf and that is brahipalma banganterni and what is amazing about this species check how black this part of leg is super black super dark crazy let's see if she is also passive pom-pom so dramatic so dangerous let's continue up here we have gramostola herring and she is actually from brazil and she is cool and now a spotted look where she stored her eaten roach that is interesting come on the open oh she's actually grabbing the whoa she thinks it is a food come on let go look at those fangs oh that was a bite and she figured out nope that is not food i am no longer interested another similar looking gramostola but this one is gramostola acte on and her abdomen is a bit weird i don't know i don't know what is up with that you see that feeling response super fast super fast but such a pretty looking tarantulas right i mean all of them are pretty but ah it is a hard pick now this this is one beautiful black tarantula this is gramostola and she also likes to bite straws oh over here you see how beautiful she is man oh man also destroyer of the background nothing new over there but with a pretty face like this you can do whatever you like let's carry on now we will be looking at some arboreal tarantulas and unlike terrestrial tarantulas that as you see lives on the ground level these tarantulas they are actually living up top and this this is avicularia avicularia not sure if i can get her to come out their common name is pink tau tarantulas and you can actually see why they are called pink toe tarantula because those are kind of pink those i'm not sure kinda yes and now you will see the theme when it comes to majority of arboreal tarantulas they are all hiding you see now the single one is outside so all you can do is observe the enclosures that are kinda pretty i mean they have live plants so at least there is some color to them but now i will need to resort to showing you the old clips of this tarantula and the tarantula inside of this enclosure is ibirapora diversifest and she's kind of similar to this tarantula inside of this not so pretty enclosure we have caribena versicolor also she is hiding somewhere inside of her web up here we have absolutely poor hair female i didn't even mention all of these tarantulas are females when you are in hobby you prefer to get a female because most of the time females are bigger prettier and they also live for significantly significantly longer for example males can live for like two to five years depending on species while females can live from 15 to 30 years it definitely makes sense to prefer having a female right yep yep so let's continue with this oh this arboreal torrential is actually on the ground level maybe we can lure her some bite action you can see her leg this is some appeals come brigay and it is a really tarantulas yeah as i always say she likes to bite and she doesn't like my pokes i'm trying to get her out oh there now you can have a behind the close look so yeah so people come to gay another psalm else inside of this enclosure we have some peos redunkus also female now we move to tarantulas in these enclosures some of them aren't as pretty as the ones on this shelf but it is what it is so inside of this enclosure unfortunately i cannot show you now or maybe i can poke anybody there nope but inside of this enclosure there is one really really cool tarantula the one that is really infamous in the hobby and that is the obt the renovo their common name is orange babunta range also that is where the obt comes from but people also refer them to as orange bitey thing so yeah you can assume what is their general mood in this enclosure we also have a perinoji los murinos but this is the different color form and that one is also in the hiding yeah oh you see how defensive these guys are those are slaps and tarantulas are doing that when they are not happy i mean i cannot blame her because i am ripping her webbing but look over there the fangs and thread posture oop that is the standard obt although we intentionally pissed her off so yeah now in here we have another pterinogenus but this is terinoculus lugardi you can see a little bit of her booty i will try to poke her but i'm not sure if she will come poop there we go also immediate thread posture they got some attitude for sure oh will she come out or not i'm going to give you some action look at that that could easily be your finger oh yes can i get my straw now please i apologize i apologize greatly for the oh no or maybe you can just have it although now we can have a closer look that is no hustle guardian hell yeah come on give me that straw now oh she just butt she's definitely a girl with some attitude you see i'm gonna blow lightly if you need to move tarantula blowing on them it is usually a good thing to do the easiest way these three girls are actually african together with this girl although she is not terrino hills she is at saratogiros darling and what it is cool about this species is for some reason on their carapace they have horn i have no idea what what is it for but it is there you see that is her horn interesting for sure just like the orbitis she also got some attitude just like majority of african tarantulas and ancient rangers unlike these tarantulas they are new world and more often they are calm unlike these they would just destroy the world if they could now in the rest of these glass enclosures we have some pearls pujars salopes cambrigay and some peos redunkus and those are the same tarantulas that i showed you on this shelf so there is no point into showing them again and they are also all hiding you see none of them is outside and they are kind of smallish that means that we are done with these enclosures and now i will show you all of these small tarantulas but that will need a different approach and that is to record on this table and just so you know we will go quickly through them because we have a lot and we have a lot more to go so yeah no time to waste first one is this holotella longipes but i also have another sling in a smaller cup it is a smaller sling of course then this is one brachiopalma amelia but also you know we have one huge huge female that i'm going to show you over there then this palm for better species mascara it's got beautiful abdomen and huge abdomen and also i think that it is in a primo so soon it will be slightly bigger then this is another gramostola you know the beautiful black one that i already showed you this is one small small sling this clumped up sling is another perforbertos and this is palpabeto's auntie knows then this one got really funny name and that is boomba kabukla i mean who names the tarantula genus boomba it probably means something but it just sounds hilarious this sweet looking one is trixopelma prurience then we have a plain looking there in the palmas azim iceland and i have two of these then this is a cantos curia musculosa nando colorato villa sus and we also have one adult male this is la sidora para hibana but again we have one bigger one although i'm not sure if it's male or female then i have two of these cereal cosmos giganteos i have male and female next one is this beautiful effembopus sianognattus and it is beautiful let me just poke it and you will maybe see no but it got blue things i will show you a picture now beautiful then next one i have two cereal cosmos paris milasi females almost a heart shape on the abdomen the holotele exhales i have two of these you can't really see how well maybe the other one yeah you can see this one better it is outside although under a layer of silk so as i said the hotel excellence next one is salvo pearl's pool hair but you already seen that one no no no wait i have a wrong label this is not so purse pull hair this is sanoteos armenia strange that i didn't notice that mistake but you can see some legs over there and that is everything better luck next time uh next tarantula is insane gold and you can barely see her down there you see there's the tarantula right there that brings us into another avicularia although this used to be a avicularia metallica but they changed the name you see cute little fella next one we have one non-tarantula spider and that is a huntsman spider let the name is oh i don't have it written it is heteropoda species flores i think but it is a cool looking spider and it gets really really fast so i will close it i also have uh two more individuals so i won't be showing you them then i have three of these this is la siodora de fitsilis in here we have one pethoterius meaty you see this ball of feet is pizzotteria tigrinoveselli all right almost over with these enclosures next we have three uh hilobrachis fimbriatus you see it got really cool abdomen and in here i have another hello brahes hilbrachis discolors but there are the legs and that is all that i can show you but this one you can see well and this is formicoptus atrijomatus and i have two of individuals of this size in here i have one that i never spotted outside this is the enclosure in which i got her originally so i don't even have a footage of her to show you but the scientific name is for me forming a gilo severetti these legs belong to omotimus siete well this one is all out on the open and this is formicoptus species dominican purple although i don't see a purple coloration for now i have two of these another territory is darling but i showed you bigger female that i have in glass enclosure this is the one with the horn you know then here we have another african with horn you see but this is terratoguiros marsali yeah different species but also for some reason it got horn hilarious concept now this one down there it is a stromatopelma called sea atum unfortunately a male even though it is still not mature and we are finishing it off with palinobius multicast although i have a mature male in other enclosure that you will soon see yeah so we are done with these enclosures now next one on the menu are the ones on these shelves so i also will be taking them and bringing them on the table where we will see them up close but before we start with that let me just show you this enclosure because this one i won't be bringing on the table and in here i have actually a experimental communal enclosure these guys over here and here and also somewhere i cannot really spot the third one these are giant african land snails but also in the substrate there is a lot of sun beetle grubs or larvaes that will hopefully turn into beetles soon so yeah that is what is going on in this enclosure while you will see rest on this table this is our recently rehoused cereal pagopus lividum as you see it is a beautiful tarantula beautiful blue coloration and everything while this ball of feet is an old old histocrates gigas male he is actually a father now because i have ton of babies that he produced together with the female i'm going to show you all of them a bit later then here we have bunch of scorpions you see these are called titius stigmas and they are awesome because all of these they are females and they just keep reproducing because they are i always forget the word when there is no males around they have a ability to clone themselves i mean not literally clone themselves but females can produce more females without males that brings us to another tarantula and this is non-duchromatus i actually have three of females maybe i'm not really sure here is one that is one of these is confirmed female and i have another female in in bigger box i think but anyhow i have three of these and this is another mahamori but this is a male next on the menu is this hilo brahe species vietnam blue you she is out and about she actually had a tunnel but recently she destroyed it she digged it up and now she's like this then this is pamphobetus mahala female but we also have two males that are far far prettier than this female which is not a common thing amongst tarantulas as i already said females are usually bigger and prettier oof i forgot i have another brachypel mahamori male totally forgot about that and this is that palin obvious motika smell that i was talking about but you can also see this is an older dude unfortunately i don't have a female for him and i think that he is going to die soon and also i mentioned this one this is la sedora para hibana a bigger one although i'm not sure if it's a male or a female oh this is an interesting one because this is monocentropus balfouri you know those are the ones that i showed you the first tarantulas that i show in this video this is a juvenile male and once he matures i will put him with my females inside this is oh she's gone kohiana brunipes oh she's back and she's not happy about this this is now holotella in say mature male next we have three of sicario's tomi soydes females and where is the spider huh there's the spider really cool right and if you're wondering what happened to male that we had and that we bred to one female i put him overnight with another female and next day he was dead so it seemed like the other female got him unfortunately under this cork bark we have mega for bama robustum although i don't think that we will see her nope next one gramostola pogrepes male and you know we also have a female but unfortunately yeah i will show her later she's not doing well i already mentioned this smell to you this is nandu coloratuvilosus mature male now this one is a treat you see these are the histocrates gigas babies that i was talking about there is a lot of them inside when i put them inside of this box there were around 50 and currently i have no idea how many there are but there is a lot when i move they just spawn out of everywhere yeah and apparently you can keep them this way so i will be putting that to a test and this is nothing special this is just a colony of springtails that i have in case you don't know springtails are these tiny bugs you see they jump that's why they are called springtails because they just fly like a spring but they are the cleanup crew of the enclosure they usually feed on nasty stuff inside of the enclosure like leftover food fungi and mold but unfortunately not on all type of mold the most common one that i'm having problems with in some of the enclosures they don't feed on that unfortunately and that means that we are done with this shelf i showed you all the enclosures so we are moving into this last shelf firstly i am giving you the list of all the animals in these tiny cups because i won't be going through them so you can pause the list if you like and these these are slings from my first exec uh slings there is like 30 inch of them and the last cup over there that is the baby from this girl the caribbean versicolor the only surviving uh baby from her unfortunately but thankfully it is still alive so i am going to continue to say oh no no also i'm giving you the list of all the animals in these cups so here is the list there we go we are going back to table now where i will be bringing these enclosures smooth move it almost down with that side and then we can go to the biggest tarantulas in the dark den even though these are also cool like this davos pentaloris i have two of these and this is a female i believe and this is xanastic species megascopula then we have this awesome looking pseudo hypolopus species blue check out this abdomen it is out of some other world i don't know and this one is similarly cool although you cannot really see that very well but this is hilbrahi species electric blue and you can kinda see the things right down here we have one that is kind of hard to pronounce this is ornithoctonus aureotibialis nailed it i think and then we have this crazy pair of two theriopagopus minox male and female this is something that i set up recently maybe maybe it is smarter to close them this is the pizzoteria metallica communal setup that we uh set up recently i mean rehoused recently oh but check out how blue this guy is the other side is super blue actually i didn't even spot that in in the video when i was rehousing them and in this cd enclosure we have one big booty girl but yeah i cannot show her because she always hides there are some clips that i can actually show you so you can have a really really good look and now in this recently set up enclosure you should recognize this we have none other than [Music] rasputin in case you don't know this is the roach that escaped certain death that scared the way linda one of the biggest tarantulas that i have he scared her away and then managed to escape and hide in oops and hide inside of the dark then for like a month or so so that's why he got the name why just dropping man that's why he got the name rasputin because rasputin was some russian guy that was really really hard to kill he's uh hissing roach the exact species i will write it down but i also have a colony of males here for feeding but you see with his shenanigans he earned himself this mansion just for himself and in the future we will get him a female here i have another roach colony let me see if i can get one they are deep down oh here's one i will write to the species then because i don't know which one is it i mean how they are called but they are cool because they dig a lot they bear like crazy you see he just goes down and i have a lot of them but they are way down here these are the sitala jorida babies the spiny asses bugs you see there is like 15 to 20 of babies inside and they're actually an offspring from the adults that i had while in here we have some small colony of isopods you see they are so cool i'm trying to raise them for some bigger enclosures to have them as a cleanup crew in some bigger setups and in this enclosure i have a heterometro scorpion this is actually a baby from the female that i had so this is the only baby that i have left i gave away all the others and now i have only one but regardless even one is enough yeah with this we only have one enclosure left on that shelf and let me go over there to show you because we have a specific situation over here inside we have that gramos total pull repairs female that i mentioned already but she's not acting well i'm really not sure what is up with her i put her hair in some sort of quarantine i removed her from other torrential enclosures you see she is not in close proximity of any tarantula at least not super close these are all the roaches and stuff so i'm not sure what is up with her but i am fearing the worst the time will tell the time will tell now we are done with all the enclosures on this side and before we move on to that side i have three more enclosures here that i will bring to the table first so let me do that because in this one here we have something super cool and that is a centipede the scolopendra centerpiece check her out she's growing and growing and getting bigger and bigger she used to be a tiny tiny centipede that now look at her i mean she's not super huge but she is almost as long as my finger i am so glad that she is doing well i'm so glad check her out such a sweet looking centipede and i love how the tips of her legs are black or just dark i don't know i definitely miss having uh big centipedes because they are so awesome inside this enclosure is nail hola telling say gold mail under the cork box somewhere and inside of this enclosure we have just a regular hotel and say female this is the female that actually had an exec when i was opening this enclosure but unfortunately nothing happened with that exec and therefore i think that it was a phantom exec and that leads us to all the enclosures that we have here but we will still be bringing some of them to the table because i have some scorpions here that i need to show you also if you're wondering i have a heat lamp here that is keeping higher temperature on this shelf because these are the desert animals and in order to grow they need some additional heat and since i want them to grow i definitely am providing that this one is really cool it is the fat tail scorpion and it is called a fatal scorpion because it got you guessed it a fat tail and this is a tale that you don't want to mess with because these scorpions are highly highly highly venomous and if i got stinked i probably wouldn't die but i definitely would feel terrible terror check out that tail it is so massive in comparison to the scorpion even though the scorpion is pretty thick i must say that and when it comes to dealing with these scorpions tweezers are must i never use my hands for them now this is a different species of fat tail scorpion and this is also a baby you see a small small scorpion but still a deadly dead little guy here i have a scorpion that is now bigger than the last time when i showed it so i would like to show her now although it seems that that won't happen unfortunately ah damn maybe i can get this one to go outside oh yes yes now you see this was also a tiny tiny scorpion and it still isn't super huge but it is definitely bigger than it was when i put put it inside of this enclosure pretty neat looking killing machine am i right and also on the shelf i have this enclosure that should contain bunch of dead stalker scorpions and i see one you see that scorpion booty yeah there should be a bunch of them inside but i don't see them outside quite often so i'm not really sure what is happening the only way to be certain is to destroy the enclosure and i don't want to do that just to count them and on this shelf we have less scorpion in this video uh haduro's arizonans is inside but yeah it is buried under this clay looking thingy and over here the arcadia products that i'm using for my reptiles i need to show them off right they are awesome uh in this enclosure sierra pago species hearty hearty but she is never outside so yeah that is all that you can see underneath we have this awesome looking enclosure but since it is kind of late at night now the frogs that are actually inside are all hiding i have two frogs inside but none of them is outside oh there you can actually see uh a back of one frog but unfortunately it looks like that is everything that i can show you but do you like the enclosure it is kind of lush but not so much i'm kind of not satisfied with everything but i am enjoying this plant because it is growing like crazy and right besides the frogs we have the crabs but i'm pretty sure we won't be able to see them although as i'm saying that i spotted one so quickly quickly this is a vampire crab and i have six inside of the enclosure they are kind of pinkish let me try to get it closer oh my god what was that dude when i unboxed them they weren't so fast what is happening now holy moly he just jumped outside i hope that he's all right but from over there just woof and i just wanted him to come here on the open this was so unprofessional but i'm new to keeping these guys so i don't really know what to expect can i spot anyone else not really well okay spotting one is more than enough but the enclosure how do you like it huh i'm really satisfied with the outcome now we are moving to the left and this this is chip's enclosure and even though chips is not outside we can still kinda spot him inside of his hole you see chips if i can focus on him he is a crested gecko and unlike the other reptiles that i have in the dark then he absolutely hates me and i'm not able to handle him so i just let him hang his his enclosure and i don't really have any sorts of interactions with him but his enclosure is at least looking nice this is the plant that i took from the crab nut crab frog enclosure and i moved it here now going up inside of this enclosure unfortunately i cannot open this door firstly before they hide i have a lot of these guys these are called headlight roaches and they actually made holes inside of the background and everything is covered with them when i come here at night when the lights are out the whole ground is sworn with them this is one guy you see why they are called headlight roaches because they have these two yellow spots that kinda look like headlight so i have them inside and of course i have a jungle lymph inside you see this is one big female mature female up until recently she was the only jungle nymph inside of this enclosure because all the males and other females died but now look second generation of babies is hatching i mean babies are hatching you see here is another one and over there i see another one so the jungle lymph babies are hatching which is awesome and over here i can actually i think that i can grab one egg of theirs you see this thing that looks like poop or something is actually a jungle nymph egg fun fact there you go and now we are moving here to biggest tarantulas in the dark den i will go from top where are smaller tarantulas and we'll be going down where we have bigger tarantulas although majority here are hiding so first one is this better species mahala male and i have another one that is even prettier than this one so i will be focusing on him and this is everything that you will see from this male we have another nando haramatus this is a nando hermatus female and she is just the same as the the nano hermatos that are already shown to you just a bit bigger now here we have kiwi the tiny jumping spider although for a jumping spider she is big i have some better recordings that i can show you because i don't want to disturb her right now she sleeps now at least she should sleep now in this tunnel we have um i don't remember the species name look at this this on top this is actually tarantula poop so what this tarantula does she comes to the edge of her tunnel turns around points her abdomen i mean her body in the air and just does that so rude and her neighbor is one pretty pretty girl but unfortunately she's not outside so i will need to show you the clips but you see this blue part this is a part of her leg actually a piece of mold but you are seeing the mold so you can get the picture of how she looks because she looks stunningly good so so good in here i forgot the scientific name but it is something himalayana and it is also a cool tarantula pretty tarantula that is not outside now not being outside is the theme of majority of these enclosures so yeah brace yourself here we have pizzotteria fasciata then here we have a smaller female pethoteria regardless then next to her we have a pitot area miranda then next to her we have lampropelma viola teopes beautiful beautiful tarantula then here one tarantula that is actually outside whoa what incredible this is stopping now henny us violatio so though she's let me just poke her because i want to show some tarantulas now poking stick this is what we need there now you can see her kinda i believe that we can see her a bit better yes yes yes now there we go isn't this a pretty tarantula she's so shiny and everything okay we are going to close this enclosure because she has a tendency of going outside and in this last one we have a heteroscope macular also hiding moving down here pizzotaria there i wanted to show you this beauty because she really is pretty and also kind of big beautiful then in here we have petzo terria ruffilata one huge female she didn't like that but check out there's the girl right there nice yellowish coloration her neighbor is huge pizzaria regales female but i don't think that nah then we have cat metallica female even though she's usually outside now when we are recording the video of course that she is not outside now but i have a way of getting off she's biting the straw but there we go look at her look at her beautiful girl okay under her we have petselteria for mosta although i basically never see her as i said this is the sad reality of owning majority of arboreal tarantulas you just don't get to see them that often but then when you see them actually it is a glorious sight this is petzotteria ornata and i think that i can get her to show herself there just for you in all her darkness in all her glory her name is actually elvira so yeah go figure and she's also currently the biggest tarantula in the dark then she doesn't appear that big i mean does she and my hands see but she's really leggy so her legs pen is definitely the largest out of all tarantulas at least for now you know linda she is the biggest tarantula and i will show you soon but she just needs to grow anybody home oh hello hello now i realize that i said something wrong this is pizzotteria fastiata and over there is pizzotteria hanuma vilasumika i just don't have it labeled so i always forget but look at that yellow oh this is so good so good i just love pokies inside of this the taylor swift scorpion diamond diadema but she's just heidi heidi although i have good clips with her this is petzotteria species lowland down here this leg that belongs to his terrocatus gigas female she is the one that recently escaped and i barely managed to find oh never mind i barely managed to find her but now i upset the security because she managed to open the door because the one magnet was kind of not enough so now i have two magnets and now even i cannot easily open it with one hand here inside unfortunately you won't be able to see her although she is really nice and really big it is the hilo brahe species uh huahi no not species just hill brahes huahini she is actually my second tarantula and right next to her it is species vietnam blue female but i already showed her she looks the same just a bit bigger this is a fun one ladies and gentlemen let me present you akantoscuria candy cola you see that thing how it penetrated the the straw cool stuff sorry that is not a roach maybe next time up here we have annie the little tocatel albupy lawsuits although she closed off her borough but you can kinda see her i'm including the the recording now right next to her hidden the afono pelma semania unfortunately she still didn't eat so i don't know what is up with her then here we have the the one that i already mentioned to you this is the bra pelma emilia pigfy oh whoo big female there we go i poked her with my finger actually didn't expect that she was that close but there we go emilia beautiful female and this one is even prettier this is the chromatopel material pubestones now check out this spectacle of color we have some sort of orange then we have blue slash greenish on that carapace and then to finish it off with some blue on legs um sweet tarantula and also webs like crazy you see and here above her another acanthus curry again colata but i already showed you one female so no need to poke this one out then we carry on into one little tocatal wagons although yeah she's nowhere to be seen so i'm including some recordings then we have sashinka the grandmaster is there i see her down there oh there we go but look how cute and fuzzy she is looking she's such a basic yet such a pretty tarantula um and next to her it is linda it actually closed off her burrow so i that makes me wonder is linda maybe in a primal oh okay i am sorry linda is definitely not in a pre-mold but this is the the biggest tarantula species there is although she is still not that big she will be bigger she will grow bigger she just needs more time and more roaches apparently okay how to deal with this linda that is not a roach so look at those things huge thanks goodbye here we have one nanta ranger this is actually a native to croatia full spider and i have a really cool setup for it because aragog the spider from harry potter the model for that spider is actually based on a wolf spider like this one so a really fitting team i would say right this is a harry potter car if you don't recognize it i think that it is cool really cool next to it we have a nandu tripapi nail a kind of large male yeah yeah he's alive oh no no no move those legs and that leads us into this no no i'm keeping this for last in here we have brachypelma may sorry about that sound but check out this tarantula isn't that a pretty tarantula amazing colors and shape and everything belissima or how would you say that if you were italian and now for last i actually showed you this one in recent video but still it deserves to be shown again ladies and gentlemen this is pampa betty who's mahalo mail one really mad for better's mahalo meal sorry for for everything but this is the last animal in the dark then this is the last animal in this video so ah ah this was exhausting uh checking the time i started recording this video oh sorry i started recording video around 6 p.m and now it is 10 p.m so you do the math this was exhausting and this is why i was dreading recording this video because i know how long it takes to go through all the tarantulas and all the enclosures and ah and now now i need to edit all of this even though if you're watching this video i already edited it it edited the video i edited the video yeah and my throat hurts from all the talking but i think i covered everything i'm pretty sure that i covered everything every enclosure and now i can be more confident into finishing this chapter of the dark then even though i will still record few videos here uh the the move is really really close so stay tuned for that i hope that you are hyped other than that i hope that you enjoyed this video i hope that you enjoyed this video as i enjoyed recording it if you did thumbs it up and comment something if you want to support this channel even more there's a patreon page if you're new to this channel make sure to subscribe i upload every monday and friday so see you again soon bye [Music]
Channel: The Dark Den
Views: 648,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, dark, den, tarantula, tarantule, tarantulaguy1976, spider, fast, spiders, care, sheet, how, to, unboxing, transfer, escape, beginner, live, feeding, animals, Ants, Canada, Brave, Wilderness, Tailor, nicole, dean, exotics, lair, face, reveal
Id: kxorZ74mMG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 42sec (3522 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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