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let's feed some tarantulas so yeah this is the range of them and we are going to do a special - 200k calibration feeding video everything brother we have the wax worms that we'll use for the feeding and that's why it's special so I will just be bringing stuff and you will be reacting to it awesome actually it will be really interesting because I never felt this one it's really cool you can affirm and say me really squishy but they got really cool little little suction cups if you took like if you touch them like they like to stick to you like like suction cups they got suction cups works were no no problems so first one we have one old old male I bury the female any with him and he's still alive and kicking I will start first okay this is something new something different something great I think it's a little bit unsure you come on you must be hungry not doing anything being patient I don't like that really you're going to tolerate that Jesus not know not bother lizzing nope so I guess we will go to the next one now as much as silkworm Transylvania yeah it's cool it's not not a PD video but you know these guys want to see so next one the end of her mother's and it's actually this one seems a little bit more lively it actually did not eat for quite a while and I was convinced that it will mold but then just it start eating and without mold or anything so possibly when we know yes that one didn't didn't last very long did it it's none yeah none do that's what they do and I knew it fantastic oh no that was my female I'm on my own you have one female no I have stink at the moment like a female 8 the male female she died about like a year ago also how old she was yeah as you said you often feel my favorite of my favorite pieces of Bucky Palmer yeah absolutely their force I got yourself out see can't find one that's quite Lively right the back legs so gentle yeah yeah and this is will be the first time that she's had one of these yes this was the first time for all of them says he's quite a treat quite we get over to although I bought her recently so maybe during her life somewhere else yeah well this is a better she's been enjoying a special yeah yeah it's just the last person didn't have a special YouTube video did they definitely not 200k special feeling video about me but she didn't eat last time when I was recording the video so I'm not sure if she will take it now she's a good sausage yeah [Music] No okay bhai keep them there they're good Brava good sorry about that not having enough called hair tomatoes tomatoes species I don't know why dad speeches no hello oh you can do it awesome here you go thank you the thumbs are yours interested no yes thinking about it look the pinch but not really a pinch release no he always gets aggravated when I remove this so he usually eats but not like that when I remove them what is happening they're having a kiss I think this cocaine watch it yeah remove it then yeah we won't be bothering you anymore Linda this will definitely be the first wax bone and no less one silk work so far it's already three - whatever is this really eager any patient didn't even said - it's like three - yeah but she took it like yeah Linda does not mess around that's decent solid meal for words well yeah I think it's it's a bit too much bad for the video surfer so they would take down yeah anything let's carry on the business we have a one dead one one he's not he's just he's just playing dead - geologist top you know Hannah's relatives female that it is now she did web quite a lot so I'm not certain if she's in Fremont or not find out why not yeah let's find out the reaction concea he's coming up I think she's gonna come out to try and get it if she does want to get it yeah I think you just doesn't wanna she just doesn't know how to approach it I don't think that she can persevere yeah she'll probably just pull it inside yeah what's the world doing doing the woman's let me help you out [Laughter] yeah you know he actually is still dancing but I think that's the agony dance because know that she would like purely drag you through there yeah yeah hocus-pocus yeah you see grammar school I said the girl was taller gamma Stella yeah I think people that say exam for the poopies Americans Americans know someone is calling me no you're ruining the video there is a sound oh it's coming I'm dinner bell yeah this you know oh it's coming come on dick no this is actually a ginger rose this is rose because she was holding on to him ladies first where is rose going that's in the direction those waking tubes I just I just put it here come on another super come on my patient tranche Allah does she run is doing good not ignore it like that she's moved yeah I mean I'm concerned I think don't even think that's a real ranch life like could me just be a model for now you put it on your Christmas come on move I mean honestly this whole collection they're all real obviously defend my name fake it all nah see it's moving but really minimum minimum movement this is just ridiculous yeah we are taking the Guatemalan last video I asked subscribers to suggest the name for her and I know I picked a few that I liked but I forgot to do the Hobbit and to write it down so next time next time I promise yeah take it outside take the roads outside but put her outside so we can use her once again I just my orders can you since you are doing such a great job she looks like she'll be I don't know what's up with this this wasn't there like two days ago the webbing one lucky pick you I wait for the queue to do it good be careful with rose I'll be careful with her always being very careful with her she wasn't okay yeah those guinea coladas a lot of them this is the spillage she's talking about oh my God look okay do you think that she'll run inside or not I don't think she will I think she knows I'm here she's going to do the feeding I will I was a shield around inside told you she was only picked it up those scooty mean moving yeah but look there's a lovely bit of a silk ledge there that we can can place it there right yeah it's up there yeah you like that or how do you say I say po cliff area poop I say polka theory it's Olivia there's the right I think you should comment below do you think my white or pick goes way okay comment on down on the video do you think it's pronounced bit soft area or pocket area strip I can't see I think the jet will survive a little longer the idn't I have Formosa but she will not come out this is the owner take the jack and we will do it from here okay I'm not sure if we pick that up on camera but she took it down she took it down definitely multiple mechanical best ins she actually eats I will be so confused maybe because it's something different maybe just maybe or not no she's not having it or come and surprise us entertain us will Jack be lucky or not you can do it jack escape twice oh no oh she just headshot it's just beat it you see yeah it was like instant kill we will leave it like that maybe she'll take it later she's so weird or strange tranquila yeah yeah I was thinking maybe we can maybe we can throw it they can take it down like a group group these two but they usually fight over food so put it's over behind yeah yeah it's too big interesting you wanted to just touch like one of the link homes I think it's coming this one is potentially it will feel it no no the back to sort of walking around the on the perimeter mm-hmm I thought they were walking you see all them are really active Oh he's not messing around we have a fight now the second one right what are you doing this I've seen this optimal I don't know I think I'll pair no you see they are doing so I think this one is trying to make it you see what is it's not the case special the worm is not joking oh it's back on it in this one over here is coming over now he noticed the commotion ooh that won't really go for today that won't do though their names the names of the Beatles yeah oh hey you in about after one one game they're called Natsuki or Issei Ori and Monica they're just slowly nipping on it but that's not a pretty way to go oh no no they thirdly but the persistence of that one is yeah it doesn't stop me neither wonder the sort of watching like quite the hard work yeah nothing I assume this is a girl because yeah the other ones ready to mate the worm is really giving a fight and you see it you see how they are chasing each other also I think she's trying to take it down he's not like her donor whoa they kind of bite each other now she's got a good year so here's why the bowl nasty jak2 is not having a good day he's like interesting is squeezing his intestines out yeah I have never seen this but the thing is those four names are from horror game which and doki-doki literature club okay but horror game yeah now you see why it's suitable it's really suitable because the horror is happening here all the time inside of the bowl yeah it's actually water ball but now it's a football this was such a strange take down yeah it's super this is one another one that wasn't interested in eating it to you fair no what is this happy dance I don't know I really don't know this just bizarre let's take Sasha damn I'm under the yeah it's quite quite graphic maybe I should just blur this clip completely he how sweet is a commentary no oh so gentle thank you thank you for doing that mm-hmm she's very gentle with that compared to oh it's here oh they he is coming up okay unfortunately but still it will probably live for a long time many years yeah not really time I think in comparison to what we just witnessed like that's like fine dining yeah it's some expensive restaurant yeah at the bar for a communal although they won't eat it now a small object on both forests everyone is always asking how do my freak update my furry update what's up with the inventory but that's the update here they are whoo so much stuff greenhorn lots of silk lots of action I think if you drop it to the right down here and maybe maybe let's see how lucky we are but they don't like light so I could see you want yeah yeah that one was outside action yeah so soon once we move everything to the new place the new space I plan to rehouse them into new enclosure so we will see what's up with them and how many are alive yeah hopefully still over all of them eight eight I believe eight it should be to like tip over yeah you're not coming to me I will come to you please don't don't eat my both worries are you kidding me yeah put your butt in the air butt in the air so be such a strange video please don't go outside please with them but light the team even come outside no how how this one is called but razor okay but maybe it's because of the light maybe because they are light-sensitive like they can sense light I think this isn't happening no so I will just put another one for them to take it later if they want yeah why did they come to the entrance that's what confuses me so that's the M before II update oh so I think I send it there you have anything to say ah do you maybe want to plug your channel look like channel yeah I guess ro if I mind just very quickly I could begin by thanking Petco for inviting me over to Croatia to come and stay with him for a couple of days it has been amazing I thank you a lot already but I can't do it enough he's been amazing with me so huge thank you to Petco for that feeds my ego please yes more no he has he's been unbelievable he's honestly as nice in real life as he appears in some of his videos occasionally so well no it's awesome yeah this occasionally but yes so if you don't who I am my name is Tran shut down I do also have a youtube channel I do very similar to what pakodas not as good a specter of course again more yeah I do sort of some the usual kind of stuff that we T keepers do and all you've done quite a few videos with Petco I was a sort of couple of days attended Budapest we did forest adventure yeah which was that was good down up in the dock then update yeah the camera stops recording yeah they can we had the doctor update my did a video when I was there the truth already be up yeah it should have the time featured melt and subscribe if you aren't already and of course as always a huge thank you to echo for the work that he does on YouTube because it is awesome and also as congratulations on hitting two hundred thousand subscribers I don't have the something to take my t-shirt blow it yes quite a milestone curve someone in the transfer hobby to do so yeah congratulations on that thank you let's wrap it up yeah I hope you enjoyed this video if you did thumbs up and comment something if you want to support this channel even more there's a patreon page if you're new to this channel make sure to subscribe to me in to Daniel and Apple there Monday and Friday and Wednesday and see ya soon this is just starting to look more bizarre and bizarre they are three now and look it's creeping actually eating that tiny part you see eating it's gonna be really careful because they might yeah but the thing is I always like crush them and throw them inside so I don't know I didn't even know no but but the fact is he is much faster than they are so if he is alright they just can't catch him so he's using that look how look how slowly he's gripping a brave lonely can look at him okay I'm reaching questioning his life [Music] here just the stuff he's trying yeah he's so careful you can see like he knows that this is danger yeah well well hold on to him
Channel: The Dark Den
Views: 388,263
Rating: 4.8957386 out of 5
Keywords: the, dark, den, tarantula, tarantule, tarantulaguy1976, spider, fast, spiders, care, sheet, how, to, unboxing, transfer, escape, beginner, live, feeding, animals, Ants, Canada, Brave, Wilderness, Tailor, nicole, dean, Brachypelma, albopilosum, emilia, boehmei, Theraphosa stirmi, Tapinauchenius violaceus, pulchripes, Grammostola, Acanthoscurria geniculata, Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, Anthia sexmaculata, Monocentropus balfouri
Id: Lp84zNK_j1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2018
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