Feeding Cows! Life on a Farm Day 7!

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good morning and welcome to grock farms it is day number seven of the week-long series that i'm putting together showing you the day-to-day life on a dairy farm the ins and outs the good and bad and it's the final day of the series it's been an exciting week it's been a good week it's been a productive week i just got done feeding grain in that outbuilding i gotta hurry up and start feeding the dairy cows i hope you all enjoy the video stay tuned for a full week recap later in the video [Music] so we got my youngest brother malkin and mason and i are gonna move this cow that's been in the maternity fence for a couple days and put our calf in its own pen then we're gonna move ahead for this close the cabin into here uh [Music] these two decided to sneak in here too so that should be fun getting them back all right focus on one yep a little bit of a workout at least they uh decide to go back in for us so we gotta make a pen for this little cap for those of you wondering why these two are in here and we decided on two of them because they're showing which means their udders are swelling up and you know they're getting close to the point where they're gonna calve so we decide to put both of them in here now we gotta make a pen for that calf and move some hay uh [Music] there we go we got a nice little pen for him should be a good spot it's nice to have all that done i'm gonna go to that backfeed bunk and kind of you know push some of that hay down in there kind of clean it up throw out some of the junk but my younger brother he's uh grabbing two bales right now to bring back there so that that's topped off and ready to go for the week we took a short break from moving that hay i brought in all the switch cows and moved out four of them then we also brought number three in here and we're gonna bucket her right away so then we can use some of her milk to feed calves before the end of malcolm we use the same unit that i use down in the maternity pond on day two or three i think i showed you guys you know throw a strap over their back and then there's a big bucket underneath and that catches the milk instead of sending it up into the pipeline and into the tank her milk is probably okay to go in the tank it's still pretty rich yet i think we'll milk her for at least another day here with a bucket and then she'll go in the tank we got that bucket cow going my youngest sibling he's been doing a great job milking this morning so that we can get a lot of other stuff done while he's milking it's going pretty smooth this morning [Music] who's gonna be there first [Music] so it's nice to have that full i'm gonna head back into the barn help finish up milking and then uh start the wash cycle all right so right now i'm here i'm gonna feed this little guy he's been really stubborn this like past week and now we finally got him the drink and he's probably drinking the best out of all these calves and he just chugs it all right down and he's really good about it now and well we're gonna feed him hold on now as you can tell he's all done and he's very excited he wants more milk he's very hungry this is a huge improvement from last week last week he was only drinking a pint on these bottles there's little markers so that's a marker that's marker and these bottles are about six pints each he used to drink at the beginning of the week only until about my thumb and that's it he only drank a pint of two points a day really getting worried because this guy was being really stubborn and now now look at him he's chugging the bottle down he's doing really good so that's the news on the calf side of the farm today so [Music] [Music] i got the pile all cleaned up ready to go the chores in the barns getting done right now which is awesome we're being super efficient today getting a lot done in a short amount of time anyways the pile yeah i opened it up earlier this week really nice i didn't think we were going to get any snow there wasn't any snow in the forecast and then uh don't you know once i do something where you know in thoughts that we're not gonna get any snow and i don't have to worry about you know getting any snow in the silage then it's it's guaranteed to snow i guess but it's not terrible because it's been so cold so it's not really going to affect the silage at all you know it's not going to get it super wet or anything because it's just it's too cold for the snow to melt into the silage and and make it start to spoil so lucked out there just had to move some snow off the top gonna grab the tractor and dump wagon and bring that silage up here [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so all right so morning chores is done we finished moving that silage we moved that half pallet of lime along with some mineral and then uh we let the cows in it's starting to flurry out there but i don't think it's going to amount to much or at least i hope it doesn't i wanted to take some time and recap how the week went so right off the bat on monday we had a cow give birth to a bull calf and then by that thursday i ended up selling them really healthy calf the mom's healthy she's uh she's part of the milking herd now her milk's going in the tank nothing to complain about there we started off the week with that stubborn brown swiss heifer calf but she uh she learned how to drink for us and now she's uh she's drinking every single time we bring a bottle to her now just uh just to get her on pale that'll probably be a challenge itself too but really happy with that i was getting kind of worried the first two days but i'm super happy that that brown swiss heifer calf is drinking now and then skip ahead a couple days in the week we had that other cow calf for us she had also another big bowl calf and we just moved him today and then as you see him we also brought her up into the barn uh we'll probably bucket her and save her milk for the calves at least one more day and then her milk will be going in the tank too nothing to complain about there i was a little worried one day she looked a little off she didn't you know look as spunky as normal but i think she was just recovering from calving you know it's definitely not the easiest thing and she is a an older cow but i'm very happy there she looks happy and healthy and same with her bull calf he's happy and healthy we'll probably sell him on tuesday chores has gone really well this week the milk production has stayed pretty steady really happy with that my father's the one that's around the cows normally and and milking all the time so i'm i'm pretty happy with how they responded to myself and along with my brothers and i'm happy that we didn't see a dip in milk production all the young stock and the dairy herd the heifers the dry cows everybody seems really healthy and happy i'm i'm very i'm very grateful for that that the week went well we really didn't have any major breakdowns or you know anything crazy happen like that we fixed that gate it was nice to get that done it's crappy that i had to fix that in the first place but that's part of work and you're you know you're gonna mess something up as you're doing stuff something's bound to break you know you're gonna slip up eventually or stuff's gonna wear out so happy that's all i had to deal with this week when it comes to fixing things for those of you who have followed along through the entire series i apologize i didn't get a whole lot of evening chores it just you know it's one of those things where it's pretty repetitive you know the the day-to-day stuff here on the farm and in the evening you know there's not a lot of light to start with so it's not the best for filming and you know at that point in the day it's kind of like i just want to get done you know focus on what i'm doing and not really filming but i apologize i didn't show a whole lot of that but trust me it's it's basically what we're doing in the morning i also want to point out that my younger brothers have been a huge help you know i definitely didn't expect that from them they really stepped up i'm very happy and very fortunate for that i love that we're able to work together as a family my brothers have really grown up and you know stepped up it was really nice for me as an older brother to see that and it was a lot nicer for you know the cattle and getting work done you know we were able to get things done twice as fast whenever they had time they were out helping me and i'm super grateful for that so let's thank them for that down in the comments i think that's a wonderful thing i wanted to thank you all for watching and following along with the series we really appreciate it you know you guys and the feedback you're giving us gives me and my family motivation to keep making videos so thank you all for that and i want to say if you haven't already check out our other videos if you have thank you so much but we'll see you next time you
Channel: Gierok Farms
Views: 30,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Manure Removal, Skidsteer, Feeding Calves, Raising Calves, Newborn Calf, Baby Calf, Life on the farm, Day to day life on the farm, Cattle, Cows, Cattle Care, Cattle health, Dairy cows, Farm tour, Heifer barn, Dry Cow Barn, Cattle Barn, Barn Set Up, Dairy Farm, Winter, Winter on the farm, Winterizing, Cattle barns, Feeding Cattle, Grazing cattle, Barn Upgrades, Farm Improvements, cows, cattle, Milking Cows, How to Milk Cows, Dairy Farming, Milking, Milking on a small farm
Id: _8471kgnZeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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