Grow Your Own Mulch and Save Big: The Secret to Cutting Costs on Your Homestead!

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well well it's that time of year for me where it's time to mulch I don't necessarily have to but it's only going to help my soil life and it could help yours as well I'm going to show you the coolest coolest way to get your mulching done and cost you nothing at all I've talked about it a zillion times if you want your food life your soils food web to be jumping off the hook then you got to be mulching and you need to be doing a lot of it so that's precisely look I've talked about it before and now I'm going to show you exactly how easy it can be so when we come out here and work on things I'm like okay well don't necessarily want that there and my mulch ring which was all wood chips before was Plum up to here I kid you not maybe not quite that high but it was at least 8 to 10 in and then once again if we pull some back what do you see down in there this stuff has all become compost it's now soil whole lot of you know wonderful things down in there so here's why I'm saying the permaculture way of doing this stuff is not only going to save you a pile of money it's also going to save you a lot of time and probably save your back when you're considering okay I don't have to walk in here with arms and arms full of wood mulch I don't have to get it out of the back of the vehicle and then put it in here look y'all you can just grow it right in place that's exactly what I'm talking about and I'm very pleased today because it's about that time look I got a bunch of choices here I got comfrey over here I got comfrey over here I got Yaro over here but let me tell you the star of the show today is this false Indigo which is right here have you noticed that I did not move a a single bit I'm on my knees I leaned here leaned here leaned here leaned here not only do I want to be efficient it's got to be ergonomic too it needs to make sense so let me show you how I'm going to do this and it's really this insane and simple first of all it started with design as you can see my comfy is probably in this case I mean it's we usually have it all over the place but in most cases we got one right here got one right here one over here one over here one over here now why am I doing it comfy is a dynamic accumulator and good night man it it seems like I'm short changing it every time I call it that because it has so many incredible qualities but also we feed tons of it to our animals our chickens high in protein vitamin B you name it it's all right there in those leaves so when it's in those leaves I'm thinking okay why not borrow some throw them on top like so and then you know what the first thing is going to happen with these guys is that they're going to get really slimy at first if they're covered up but I don't necessarily have to take it all just take what I need okay this Yaro over here I mean medicinal on every possible way sheep love it just take my handy dandy rice knife by the way we sell those at the website throw that around here and then I haven't even moved off my path I can go over here there's a bunch of different ways I can go about it because this is a nitrogen fixer and look it ain't always going to be the case now I got black Locus that's down over there I don't want to use that here because one of its virtues is that it doesn't necessarily want to break down this is false Indigo I'm going to throw it down and you know what at the same time I'm pruning so and I and the cool thing about a lot of these trees is that when you and the cool thing is also I can use my rice knife to get it done the cool thing about these trees is that the more I abuse them and which I don't want to do but the more I work with them the more they're want going to be want to be going to want to be vigorous sorry so I know that this is a problem it's going to be growing into my fence before long okay so we'll get that over there too just like that I got myself and you're thinking okay well how good a mulch ring is that well I'm telling you what that's all you need that's why we think about where we're planting certain things and we put them in the zones where it makes sense now this is just one time mulching before this summer and fall is out just off this tree the comfy I have around it and yes the old comfy that I check chopped and dropped will grow up out of there this thing I could probably do two to three more times before this year's out so you don't have to buy all these things folks I'm telling you this is why permac culture really truly is my passion it's because it answers all these questions let's say the worst should happen things get stupid things jump off whatever the case may be well these are things you don't have to worry about because they grow in such close proximity I got my medicine in the form of country Yaro and a ton of other things around here that could also be used as mulch let's go look at another spot well well well well Heavens to margatroid here we are got a pear tree over here and it's got some pears kicking on it and you may have a different variety of things around each tree it's okay and then every blue moon you're going to have something like this where weed is in there and you got to take it out that's all right you'll be part of the mulch ring too but once again in very very close proximity to my mulch ring I got this comfy okay so I got some raspberries over here that Michelle's going to lose her mind if I mess with that's the beauty about doing it this way so I'm going to get it from another area like right here okay I started with a comfy before but here's another false Inigo now once again can I make the problem the solution that is a profound importance y'all the way this is growing and as vegetative as it is I got my driveway over here and I know that if I leave these unattended guess where they're going right dead into the driveway so I need to get rid of them anyway plus it's only going to make good sense so I got one I got two and I don't have to be fancy with these in fact if I wanted I could take some loppers chop these up but here's another way I go about it I kind of break it in thirds you'll see this here in a minute and then I'll flip them around I should have done that to begin with check this out follow me and then just like this I got something of a wreath around this tree okay well I could situate it a little bit better than that but I think you get the point the idea cover the ground feed the microbes that's exactly what we do and if I wanted you know what I'm just going to go ahead take that comfy that's why I love these rice knives so much man it just makes it a real cinch you know in close proximity this one I don't think I want to mess with because guess what the bees are going to be digging that so you you basically harvest the things you don't have to go out here and clearcut it look I left a few of them back you don't have to take it all just take what makes sense throw it around there okay does this make sense just just like that so still I'm not messing with the raspberries which like I said she would lose her ever loving mind and check out the proximity these raspberries are right here on the spot and they're practically I mean look at that and folks I'm telling you wow they're coming around pretty good I like that so not only am I growing my food in close proximity to these trees which is obviously the raspberry the tree itself and all the other the ground cover the strawberries all those things that are happening right now but I'm growing my medicine in close proximity too we just passed some time Rosemary all kinds of wonderful things um these raspberries like I said before fantastic wonderful and better than anything you could ever hope while you're at you know when you're in a store plus also I might do a little bit of corrective pruning while I'm down here these things that I don't necessarily want I'm already here so why not look at it and say okay there's things going on in this I don't necessarily want to mess with so I'm making myself more efficient all at the same time so I'm getting the mulch done I'm getting the pruning done if it requires any you know corrective pruning I'm looking at everything else out here I'm interacting with the landscape I'm being grounded and I'm getting food all at the same time y'all I mean this is why I love what I do and this is why I'm trying to evangelize it to as many people as I possibly can y'all so um hopefully this was a blessing to you hey coming up at the end of August remember August 29th through the 31st we have the first ever homesteaders United jamere we'd love to see you there we'll have links down below I'm going to be doing a whole lot of teaching out there a whole lot of other folks are going to be doing it too hope to see you there because it is going to be one of a kind if you need anything from us the comfy I talked about the rice knife bone sauce which is the world's best deer repellent we make it right here here um go check out the website y'all we sell things that help you on your homestead it's not going to be trinkets or whatever there a we sell the things that we actually use so if you can support us in any way go check us out at the website if not use this trick email me pictures let me know how it works out for you because it makes my day every time I hear from you folks till next time this is Billy Perma Pastor Farm where permaculture is my passion see you next time
Channel: Perma Pastures Farm
Views: 4,439
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Keywords: Perma Pastures Farm, Permaculture PIMPcast
Id: ErLLBs4WNzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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