February 7, 2022 Weather Xtreme Video - Morning Edition

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cracks in brick cracks in block sticking windows or doors settling or sinking foundation it's a fact foundation problems don't get better with time but they do get better when you call aps it's the weather extreme video this is the morning edition this is for monday the 7th of february on james spann alabama's weather pretty quiet for a while most of the state will be dry maybe a little rain over the next 24 hours for places like mobile and dothan here we go this is the upper air look across the country today and there is broad troughing located west of the state and again that feature could squeeze out a little rain near the gulf coast in fact that was the radar this morning shortly before five o'clock a little light rain falling over southern mobile county temperatures up this way not as cold as recent mornings although it's 23 at aniana 24 for gadsden birmingham at 33 with a partially sunny sky today we're expecting highs between 50 and 55. there's the watch warning map across the nation a few winter weather advisories for the east otherwise things are awfully quiet no thunderstorms across the country today tomorrow and wednesday convectively speaking it's awfully quiet as well here's the precipitation for the next seven days and again you can see most of alabama with nothing through monday morning of next week a little bit for gulf shores mobile dothan enterprise and again that's mainly with that feature that will be passing through here uh later today and tonight so model fans let's go here's the gfs this is the o6c run valid today at three troughing coming in but the air is simply too dry for precipitation for most of the state we'll call it partly sunny with highs again 50 to 55 today any light rain will be confined to areas mainly south of a line from near about mobile to eufaula this is tomorrow a sunny day i should be in the 50s wednesday we should see low 60s it'll feel pretty good lots of sun thursday pretty much the same thing and friday we're still dry highs 60 to 64. very pleasant quiet calm winter weather now saturday a cold front approaches the day looks dry partly sunny and again very mild with low 60s this is saturday night at midnight the gfs suggesting there might be enough moisture on the front for a few areas of rain over the southern half of the state the european says there might be enough moisture for a few snow flurries for the northern half of the state but really this is deterministic output if you look at the ensemble output both models are pretty dry and for now we'll leave the forecast dry for saturday and then sunday we're colder the high dropping to about 50 the sky will be sunny and a week from today monday the 14th valentine's day zonal flow and a dry air mass we'll go out 10 days wednesday of next week the 16th troughing to the north and a cold front pushing in that might bring a few showers toward the middle of next week rain for birmingham off the european ensemble the mean between one and two inches between now and the 21st of february and again if you're looking for snow this is the european ensemble you've got 51 members and just about only a half dozen show a few snowflakes this weekend so i'm not too concerned about that temperatures look at those mid 60s in here on thursday friday saturday then sunday the high dropping back to 49 once the front passes but then we go right back in the mid 60s by wednesday of next week so no evidence of any big long lasting severe cold snap through mid-month and the latest cpc outlook this is for the 14th through the 20th suggesting temperatures around here near or maybe a little below average that's it for the weather extreme video this morning we'll have notes on the blog the next video here by three o'clock this afternoon you can catch us this evening on abc 33 40 news at 4 5 6 and 10 o'clock thanks for watching have a great day and god bless cracks in brick cracks and block call alabama professional services leaning or boeing basement walls call aps sticking windows or doors call aps settling or sinking foundation that's right call aps it's a fact foundation problems don't get better with time but they do get better when you call aps call alabama professional services today
Channel: ABC 33/40 Weather
Views: 1,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: James, Spann, ABC, 3340, 33/40, Alabama, weather, ANCWX
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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