February 13, 2022 Sunday First Service [Minister Rhamon Ramkison]

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uh is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] am is blessed i am so blessed my soul my soul is [Music] could we just lift him up and thank him thank him thank him everybody just thank the lord for everything hallelujah he is more than worthy to be praised hallelujah we give thanks hallelujah and as we're about to go to god in prayer right now before we do anything else hallelujah let's just reverence him right now and we're going to pray we i don't see any prayer requests but i'm sure there are many requests around if you need prayer today could you just lift your hand persons can just look around and see the hands that are up if you don't know the names just say lord you know that one hallelujah praise god just pray for each other and let us also remember our leaders our bishop that god will continue to bless him and to guide him as he you know do the bidding of god hallelujah and our leaders as they support him you know let's remember them also in prayer we want to pray for the proceedings of the service today that nothing else but only god will be worshipped will be magnified today amen amen praise god and let's just pray for those who are in bereavement those who are sick that you might be aware of and let's just present everyone here today in prayer and present the service in jesus name let's just go to god in prayer right now hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus god you are worthy o god to receive glory heavenly father we give your thanks this morning we bless your name hallelujah we bless your name jesus hallelujah great is thy faithfulness morning by morning the mercies i see all that i needed lord jesus your hand hath provided great is your faithfulness hallelujah jesus lord unto me lord we want to thank you one more time for bringing us here in your house one more day to worship you to lift you up we are privileged today to be in the house of god and lord because we are privileged god we just want to worship you in spirit and in truth because you seek it such to worship you help us lord to forget about everything else that has happened in the past week that might have made us upset or made us angry help us god right now to just present it to you oh god and to just lift you up and to look to you for your strength for your grace and for your mercies oh god we pray lord god for the proceedings of the service we pray for the moderator we pray god for the singers lord god we pray for the musicians the sound engineers the ushers the sanitizing team lord we pray for every aspect of this service we present to you lord and we pray god for your servant will be bringing forth the word of god that lord as he bring forth the words jesus we'll hear your words we'll apply them to our hearts oh god that in times of temptation god we can bring forth that word that we have heard oh god to keep us hallelujah in the o of temptation lord jesus and i so lord i pray that each and every one of us who are here today help us god to come with a heart ready to worship and to lift you up and to magnify your name hallelujah hallelujah anything lord god today that is not of you we pray oh god that you will just crush it lord god because god your presence is more important here today jesus just have then we touch those that are bereaved that you'll give them comfort throughout this time those that are sick we present them to you have thine own sweet way lord and we pray for our bishop god they continue to guide him to lead him our leaders continue to touch them lord as they support god and bishop just have thine own way and lead us here today as we worship you god we pray for the unsaved that god they will whatever is said here today that lord something will connect in their hearts that lord they will just reach out and touch you wherever they are in their seats or even at the altars god lord god i pray that something will just convict them have thine own way lord today as we look to you in your mighty name jesus in the name of jesus praise god could we just worship him and give him thanks for hearing and answering our prayers this morning lord you're worthy we thank you lord for hearing us and answering our prayers whatever we feel to ask god we pray god that you'll grant it unto us according to your will hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord praise god could we turn to psalm psalm 47 it's a psalm of praise and we just want to praise god today praise god psalm 47. praise god and i praise god see that majority has found the scripture and we're going to read together psalm 47 oh clap your hands all ye people shout unto god with the voice of triumph for the lord most high is terrible he is a great king over all the earth he shall subdue the people under us and the nations under our feet he shall choose our inheritance for us the excellency of jacob whom he loved god is gone up with a shout the lord with the sound of a trumpet sing praises to god sing praises sing praises unto our king sing praises for god is the king of all the earth sing ye praises with understanding god reigneth over the heathen god sitteth upon the throne of his holiness the princes of the people are gathered together even the people of the god of abraham for the shields of the earth belong unto god he is greatly exalted praise the lord everybody praise god our god is terrible and he's a god to be worshiped and to be praised amen praise god and we're going to go to song 195 oh i want to see him as i journey through land singing as i go [Music] everything forever [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] there [Music] oh i want [Music] then my lord directs my oh oh everything forever oh oh dancing forever forever be hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah are you glad to be in service today amen you could have been otherwise minded amen but you're in the house of god today and i believe that god has something in store for each and every one of us amen amen irrespective of what you're going through hallelujah i want you to just pull out all the stops right now amen and just give god everything that he deserves he said if he be lifted up on high amen then he will draw all men unto him oh lord jesus we worship you we worship you just lift your hands just lift your hands amen we bless your name jesus oh yes we give you glory we give your honor for there is none like you lord jesus none to be compared to you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen hallelujah clap your hands unto the lord yes jesus just give him my way of offering now just give me my way of offering hey jesus we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah just worship with me just worship with me unless you hallelujah [Music] jesus jesus jesus there's so many songs that is running through my mind right now amen amen just worship a little bit hallelujah let us just find the mind of god how jesus yes jesus oh god oh god i think this one coming over and over it says your goodness is running after me i love you lord oh yes [Music] i've been held in your hand from the moment that i wake up until i lay my head will sing of the goodness of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've been held in your hand from the oh oh [Music] oh [Music] for my [Music] is all my life all my life [Music] i will all my life i will [Music] with every breath that i have i will say is right now i'm here is [Music] [Music] your goodness is [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] oh jesus hallelujah anybody glad to be in service hallelujah hallelujah [Music] all right just sing this one with me you know it all right sing this one with me says glad to be in god's service [Music] yes [Music] glad to be one more time it didn't have to make me live you didn't have to make me live but i'm glad to be my servant one more time one more time one more time one more time one more time one more time one more time one more one time time i'm glad to keep on serving one more time one more time one more time one more time one more time one more time one more time every time every time the chance to praise him i will praise him every time i get the chance to praise him i will praise him i'm glad to be god's service one more time i will praise him every time i get a chance to praise him i will praise him i'm not serving one more time one more time the lord [Music] i don't know what all these people let your voice sister plumber come and give me a testimony come mr plummer come give your testimony [Music] i just follow the holy ghost just take one on this and just wipe off the mind give you a testimony i'm overwhelmed thank you jesus to be one more time in his presence in his presence there is fullness of joy and at his right hand there's pleasure forevermore praise god i'm truly thanking god to be in the land after living where the blood keeps running warm in my body in my veins and i'm walking on top of my grave praise god today i can be clear that jesus christ he is lord he is a mighty deliverer he is a provider ah jesus our god he is our king oh god i need ten thousand tongues to praise him just help me give the king the highest praise oh bless the lord jesus hallelujah hallelujah he said although the fig tree may not bless her hallelujah the field shall hear no meat not hurt in the stall the laborers of the olives shall fail the hair shall cut off from the stone but yet [Applause] god is god and he always will be gone god is god and he always will become is is and he always one two three four who you gotta shop for jesus [Music] we are going to is foreign [Music] is huh [Music] is she's trees she is [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh jesus jesus is his name amen amen amen somebody said tell me his name again one songwriter says tell me his name again another songwriter says sweetest notes the serie of songs oh jesus jesus jesus jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah one songwriter said where would i be if jesus didn't love me oh where would i be if he didn't sacrifice his life oh i'm so glad that he did amen amen once i was in sin i was wretched lost and undone oh jesus when i wasn't even looking to give my life to jesus he came and he knocked oh jesus he came and he knocked amen and when i resisted him he came and he knocked another time oh jesus and i answered oh god and he filled me with the holy ghost i got baptized in his name hallelujah hallelujah if you had known me before i knew him then you would understand oh god why i love it oh jesus oh jesus dick and o'shea you know i remember when i just got saved when i just got saved oh god and i was going to church somebody stopped me i said is wish humania church no oh god but if only he knew that i met someone jesus i tell him look here he's not in a woman i'm going to serve the lord it's just so good anybody ever testimony anybody understand what i'm talking about some of us were so mush upon ugly oh jesus but god beautify you with salvation [Music] oh jesus i couldn't trip my ears alone i thought i looked so ugly [Music] my hair was high with the kid i'm playing jesus but look here oh god she enjoyed this change yes man yes amen amen you may be seated that's going to ask big and to come minister bushey he's going to agree this house will have faith and greet the visitors [Music] praise the lord everybody come on praise the lord one more time i don't want you to do it because i ask you i want to do it one more time praise the lord everybody let's lift your hands and us worship him hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus praise god praise god it's a beautiful day to be in the house of the lord amen it's a beautiful day to to give him glory to feel his presence at our felt and us want to greet the spirit of the lord here this morning that has been with us richly we felt his presence amen come on man amen we felt his presence want to greet him and give him glory for that hallelujah i want to extend greetings to our bishop and our ministers and to everybody here today god richly bless you you're looking so beautiful amen you're looking so wonderful god bless you i want to single out our visitors here this morning we're the first second third time once your visitor can understand we want to see you we want to acknowledge you and give you a special welcome visitors come on don't be shy oh god oh lord amen amen amen hallelujah god richly bless you god richly bless you all we want to say thank you for taking the time out to come and to worship with you god bless you keep coming in god bless you i don't want to convey also a special greetings also to those who are tuning in overseas wherever you are once you have visited your children in god richly bless you we love you and continue to tune in god is good let's just worship the lord virgin you know don't get mechanical and lift your hand mechanically because the moderator asks you but i want you to just pull out the stuff let us worship god in the beauty of holiness that is the last day you're on earth it might just be the last day the rapture can come today also amen so we don't want to take it for granted so just worship the lord god richly bless you before i take my seed there's two things i want to do before i sing this song there's a request that was sent for jody and grant she lost her baby recently online um person to send this request that she wants us to pray for her i don't want us to stand just for a brief moment and we're going to the spray for jody grant she have lost her baby recently and she wants us to pray for her because she's going through a rough time you understand don't it you understand the feeling amen so guess what let us just cry out to god for jody grant and our family for god to give our strength and grace before we move on let's pray heavenly father we thank you lord jesus christ for affording us this privilege to come before your presence we thank you lord for this spirit that you have felt and for your presence lord lord god we want to present jodi and grant right now into your hands in the name of jesus that your grace and your mercies will encamp run about her give her strength god give her favor oh god express your love to her lord oh god massager dismantled your mercies lord but she and her family's lord going through a difficult moment lord the loss of her baby lord give them strength lord give them courage lord and draw her even closer to you i must help her to just worship you cubs with me oh god bless her right now touch our lord from the tip of our head to the soul of our faith both shear no how soul god bless her and keep her lord as you ask all these and more we say thank you for your blessings upon her in jesus name praise god while he remains standing while i leave i just wanted to sing this song and i wanted to greet at least two person with an elbow greeted while he remained socially distant he said clap your hands all your people i don't know what you came to do but i came to praise the lord praise god i want you to greet at least two person before you take your seat praise god come on singers clap your hands come on holy people let your voices ring i don't know what you care to do but i can't depress the lord voices ring i don't know what you get to do but i can't praise the lord i amen you may be seated hallelujah bless the name of jesus you know we are in building full mood somebody praise the lord no man we are in building fun mode sounds a little bit good we are in building fun mode sounds better sounds better look here i want you to be enthused i want you to be excited you know because we serve a god that is able amen no mountain is too big for the god that we serve amen and as the building from committee you know we met last week and we you know plan and we strategize and because we're pulling out all the stops you know because look here we want to accomplish this thing amen and we just want to invite bishop daley to come you know and he's going to just speak to you on behalf of the building committee amen praise god can we praise the lord everybody come on we praise the lord everybody put your hands together and give him a crap offering of praise the god that we serve is a good god amen we are on a journey and we by the grace of god expect to be a man amen at our destination at the given time but to get there you know we must do what we must now it is a big task as we had said before major massive it's a long stride it has taken a big heart amen for all of us a mental move to do what we have done and if it is going to be i want us to all take it personally and say it's got to be me we have a role to play we have a significant role to play and i thank god for what we have started and what is already in motion we are hoping under god that by we meet again god's willing on sunday we will have a thermometer what we call a thermometer so that we can feel the pulse the temperature of where we are and what that simply will do is just to give us an indication yes what our target is and where we are as at next week sunday and so we will be indicating to the church exactly what we have pulled together so far and we will show it on that image that imagery a trend that we call thermometer you'll see if we're at a dollar and if we have to reach a hundred dollars you will see it so that we have a feel for where we are in relation to our targets and the time that we have to reach their amen and so we are going to be doing that god's willing next week so that we are fully fully aware now our committee had has put together some things and we recall that there was a bottle drive can i tell us that that is going on in earnest just yesterday amen elder went down to waltham park road and picked up a whole set of bottles i don't know how much we have so far but we are stacking up over at 29 and the bottle drive is on in earnest we'll give you an update on that later on but i want us to know saints of god it might seem insignificant in light of the fact that we are aiming to raise u.s five million dollars odd it might seem selling battles is a joke but it is not we have got to put our feet in the waters we have got to do what we can do and then we are going to see the hand of god at work later i'm telling you in this exercise that we are doing saints of the most high god i'm looking for miraculous things it is only a miracle let us not fool ourselves and i and i wanted to point that out to us from early you know you think i am crazy to believe that this small assembly can raise 5.5 million dollars you know what that is in jamaica but we're not going by the bugle opera mines and so forth someone could just keep it at 5.5 million us you know what that is i am aware that just among ourselves we can't just do that i've been around long enough to know that but i've been around long enough to also know that the god that we serve is a major mighty massive powerhouse and we only want to do our part and make the move and then we are going so this campaign is going to show forth the miraculous power of almighty god and i want us to have our eyes and our ears and our hearts open we don't know how he's going to do it but he's going to do it and i want us to collectively believe god or can we praise the lord somebody with faith can you praise the lord i want if jesus is amazed about me it is that he's amazed at my faith in him not my lack of faith but my plenty faith oh can we praise god can we praise god so we are we're we are in earnest amen moving with our bottle drive and if any of us wherever you are wherever you live yesterday we went down to i'm not even remembering the place of waltham park road and we picked up those bottles and we brought them over today we are going down to the washington boulevard and we're going to pick up some more and just just tell us where they are where you have them and if i could ask you to check your neighbor over the left hand side or over the right hand side look at the fence behind you just knock them up amen and if everybody checks somebody you will be surprised and so the target is a million battles and i want us to work together to make it happen praise god then i was talking to one of our ministers yesterday and he said what about the coin drive coins so you're looking to raise 5.5 million us dollars and you're talking about coins what kind of crazy people are those thank god that god is a god of the impossibility and we only as i said before we only have to do amen i was talking to minister bill and he told me that he had a a box of coins in his saving plan at home say sister joyce you watch so the world is going around well if you think it's you alone have coins i was i have a big a bucket to see with twenty dollars i brother bring your box bring so here's what we are going to do bring the box come brother there's a box that they have around the back where i'm going to ask brother everton i spoke to him earlier to get the box at the front and it's a bigger box than this because you know the coins are plenty if you have coins that you know i was one time i several coins that when i carried to the change exchange um facility i got eighty-four thousand dollars eighty-four or forty-four some something four thousand dollars holy because i was able to do a lot with it and so i started to save again all right so minister is saying he loved to get about a million dollars worth a call and of course you're gonna get it set big targets just put the box here you can take your boxer coin and and you just drop it over there sister joyce you have your box you can take it and open it yes open it and it might seem insignificant sins of god in light of the target that we are moving towards it might seem insignificant but just like the priests when they were about to go over the jordan and to go into canaan god told the folks listen just watch what they do and the priest didn't know how because the jordan separated them from the promised land but as soon as they put their feet in they had to do something and they just stepped in the water and all of a sudden the water from coming down the hill just stopped and that was in the middle slowed off and the children of israel went over a dry jordan and we only want to make the move and do the best that we can and i'm telling us god is going to step in and do what none of us could otherwise do and so that was the battle drive you can throw that in for me that was the battle drive throw them in yes ma'am you public em praise god so friends brethren if you have a dollar a five dollar coin a 20 don't worry don't think it is too small in the scheme of things drop it in and watch god do the multiplication just drop it in and watch god do the miraculous praise god before i go you recall that last week and i believe the week before we indicated that i think brother elder bailey indicated that years ago we had done what was called an equal sacrifice offering where folks we try to get one month salary and we handed it over in relation to building program i know that that is going to be difficult and especially in this covered environment and in this time when folks are uh are being laid off and there are uncertainties etc etc now what we spoke about yesterday and we'll throw it out instead of taking a month and then throw it into the basket and you're not sure how you're going to go through the month we had planned it for months ahead when we did it years ago and so folks plan for it we're still going to allow us to plan for it but what we are going to do instead of throwing it one time we can spread it out over a number of months so that if for the eight months that we are planning for for example your salary per month is eighty thousand dollars then how is it now for the twelve months for the eight months it will be ten thousand dollars per month so you don't have to put it one time because it's gonna be hard and we are aware of that so if we could let us say your salary was fifty thousand per month then you will would do five thousand per month for the eight months you understand so you want to take the 41 day and that's going to be difficult even if you give you a long break to put it together so we're saying whatever so we want it to be equal because the man that get a million and demand that get 100 if he takes his 100 and give it is giving the same amount in dollar value figure it might be different but in terms of giving his entire it's going to be the same and that's why we call it equal sacrifice we're saying we're gonna do it but we'll spread it out over time and so i want us to bear that in mind we are going to we are asking brethren saints of god that we make plans and arrangements to do that except that instead of doing it one time we spread it to spread it over these eight months or so and that would be quite fine remember everybody watching that our target for each month is 375 000 us dollars for the next eight months and that is what is going to take us across the threshold now how is that going to happen we just keep giving our coins we just keep doing what we're doing and watch and see how god is going to turn up for us just before i go those that are uh online those that have access to your emails your social media i believe we had sent out uh an e card that allows you to make your pledges it was sent via google drive google and we want you to look out it should be in your inbox it should be amen on your social media platform i'm not sure i know for those that are on whatsapp whichever you should be getting those very soon so that wherever you are across the globe you can give your pledge whether you're going to do a one-time pledge or you're going to do it amen recording you know over month by month or week by week doesn't matter we encourage you to look at that and make a pledge towards this endeavor so we ask that you look at it and we ask that you respond quickly we want to make our plans check what is there look what we are up against and therefore we know what else that it is that we must do so you should be getting that very shortly respond to it as quick as possible and for those in the house this morning we're going to get a little piece of paper to you all you've got to put on it is your name your pleasure mode if you're going to do x each month or if you're going to make a one-time pledge just just make a pledge write it down and under god try to stick to it amen we are asking us that we're in this thing together and we are going to i believe see the hand of the lord as he do great and marvelous things for us but i really ask us just believe god don't lose fear don't don't don't waver don't doubt we're pushing at this thing together it is a it is a big task but i believe under god we can do it we will keep us informed and let's keep praying let's keep fasting let's keep trusting god amen as we move to accomplish this task for the glory of almighty god god bless you come on we put our hands together and show him that we we are trusting him amen amen it is all for his kingdom it is all for his glory god bless you in his great name praise god amen amen amen thank you bishop amen and one addition to you know what bishop said you know comes the 25th of this month amen we will be having mountain jerk fridays amen so we know it's all towards the building phone so we will have lunch ready 12 o'clock and you can 10 others or more we will deliver it amen amen so mountain drug fridays the 25th of this month and every month going forward we just want to remind us that this is eight months of sacrifice amen so let us as we go forward those think sacrifice eight months of sacrifice and it is for a worthy cause amen amen let me invite oshas to come just bow your heads lord we want to bless your name today we want to give you thanks god for your love for your mercies we thank you god for this offering that we are about to give lord jesus we pray that you will bless every hand that stretched forth to give lord even those who do not have to give today we pray that you will bless them that in due season they will give we ask you to modify this offering we ask you to use it lord jesus to accomplish what you will in your kingdom and let your will be done right now in jesus name invited him to minister [Music] could we just worship the lord let's just lift our hands as we worship with us [Music] bless the lord [Music] [Music] i will bless the lord oh my soul i know god is so good [Music] is god man [Music] oh my soul oh praise him praise him praise is is is jesus praise him let's praise him praise him praise him jesus [Music] and invite us [Music] hallelujah let me invite us to stand amen you're able to let me invite you to stand as you stand just lift your hands and just prepare your hearts to receive a word amen if you want a word so lord speak to me amen if you want the words the lord speak to me amen i want the lord to speak to me today amen just lift your hands one more time lord we bless your name we give you thanks oh lord jesus we exalt you right now amen amen hallelujah god oh jesus we lift you up amen let your will be done right now jesus oh god prepare your servant right now god let your will be done in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we come against every stronghold right now hey hallelujah hallelujah come on somebody come on somebody get in the spirit right now i believe that there's a word amen oh but there's a demon that is lurking to snatch the word out of the heart of somebody hey jesus let your will be done right now let your will be done right now jesus arise in this place lord and let every enemy of you be scattered right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus oh jesus [Music] hallelujah bind your satan in the name of jesus come on somebody [Music] jesus jesus fight with the preacher fight with the preacher oh god [Music] oh jesus hallelujah hallelujah somebody just lift your hands again lord let preaching be easy right now [Music] let preaching be easy right now jesus i'm not delaying i just feel something in my spirit hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah can i just have somebody on that side just breathe our word of prayer for the preacher right now somebody on that side breathe order prayer for the preacher right now hallelujah without any further delay i invite to come and speak to us minister rankinson and the holy ghost [Music] hallelujah worthy is god amen hallelujah is worthy to be praised praise god praise god there's a song that have been on my heart um i was just looking for the number in the pentecostal imnal but my internet would not permit me um but it's a well-known song it says when peace like a river [Music] attended my way when sorrows like see [Music] thank you jesus let us all unite together and sing this hymn [Music] it doesn't matter your position this morning praise god when peace [Music] [Music] see oh [Music] me [Music] with my soul with my soul [Music] there's a verse that says [Music] let us hallelujah unsure hallelujah hallelujah [Music] blessed assurance it is it is well my soul with my soul [Music] [Music] just raise your hands i just need a few believers right now he died a criminal's death no way jesus should be punished the way he did just for working of miracles healing the body of the sick [Music] but he was crucified for my soul personalize it for my soul hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus [Music] could you open the mic for the the reader please [Music] hallelujah could you turn your bibles to philippians 4 6-7 be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto god and the peace of god which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through christ jesus shall we go ahead supreme jesus king of kings lord of lords conquering lion of the tribe of judah warrior god bombing gilead we come before even right now jesus tabernacle with us even right now oh lord jesus let your will be done even right now jesus touch the preacher giving an unction that makes preaching easy we'll bind a strong man over this region right now jesus take control even right now father jesus breathe our word upon us right now shake this place jesus even right now we'll be careful to our man bless you in jesus name amen amen god bless you you may be seated thank you brother demonic clark amen you see him about the place most times doing faithful work to the lord amen praise god powerful young man amen you see there has been this thing on my heart for the young people and believe it or not i do believe i have been placed in this generation to help the generation behind me and so i want us to pray much for our young people please help me by helping them when you see something strange and you don't know what to say just pray for them is not everything that comes to our head should be uttered let me just address that that's not the word from god that's that's just my personal conviction he says sometimes some things can be said which is right but it is said in the wrong way i know our bishop would agree with me when i say this that sometimes it's not what we say but it's how we say it and that can be a driving force behind whether or not somebody is captured or somebody will drown if you're not a lifeguard don't proceed in the sea to save anyone leave it to the lifeguard go get a lifeguard if i'm on the beach and i see someone droning believe it or not i'm running for the lifeguard because i'm not trained in that capacity so i just want to encourage our hearts this morning help us to help the young people cry out unto us and we will reach them don't tear them down with words from our mouth let me get the let me not go any further let me just ah let me just say greetings to bishop daley and his wife his family i know maybe joel and sister crystal my good friends are watching so i want to greet your family sir in the matchless name of jesus christ every elders and ministers i greet you to the saints i greet you in a matchless name of jesus christ every visitor sir thank you i see one more on the back thank you for coming i really appreciate you taking the time out i don't believe it's coincidence why you are here but i want to greet you in a matchless name of jesus christ sister grizzle it's such an honor to see you in the host of the lord this morning i haven't seen in a while praise god in person that is but i just want to greet you in the name of jesus christ to my support system my buccative my strength my familia i agree to you in no other name keep doing the job that you are doing without the foundation and support beam the building cannot stand amen so i give god thanks for my support system this morning hallelujah thank you jesus yes so let's dive into the word you know in the book of philippians chapter four verse six and seven you know paul writes into the the church of philippi it was named after the son of alexander the great philip amen that city was located between it's like a passages a commercial area located between asia and europe or china praise god and so i was there thinking about what it meant you see in some translation it says be careful for nothing in other translation he use another word be anxious for nothing and so in today's day and age that was written about 80 54 to be exact when paul the author of the book write a letter send it with this big name man to the church in philippi and so i was thinking that for a city to be in a a commercial era a church to be in a commercial era i would believe that many nationalities would have been present people of all walk of life business people little people any kind of people you understand if you ever take a trip to the market on a saturday morning you will understand what i'm saying because i see all these and i also see ladders amen i see hand carts hallelujah and i also see some nice sneakers on some feet amen sometimes you can't just look at a person demeanor and outward expression to judge them because the person like me who would walk with her slippers that have no root full bottom and a short sloppy i would perceive they would think that and i did that just so that they don't think i'm too rich because of my high color and my ear texture believe it or not the moment i open my mouth i have to make them know that yes i am a yard man because if they do that the price of yam will not be the same and so when i'm going to the market i try not to go with people with high accent because then my price will be very expensive am i in a church that i'm talking to a real set of people i don't want to share the story you know but i remember traveling to the market with a a particular person one morning um and that person asked me if i wanted an orange and i wanted the orange i thought that the orange would have been paid for but you know literally i know that they had tasted by oranges in the market and so you know i had to taste the orange before we buy the orange from that day i understood what it means to you know go and get your vitamin c without paying for it amen don't try those things with peppers because they do have taste and by pepper it will not be the same going out amen praise god and so this morning we can all relate the topic when the bible says be anxious for nothing that's crazy talk by mr paul or brother paul because our whole life is centered around anxiety so it is really impossible mr paul to ask me to not be anxious when the stresses of life are encompassed around about us different situation especially in today's day and age where we see not only the illness upon the land but we also see where people have become jobless where secular studies have become so difficult for our youth let me hear you say amen it is not as easy as one two three like before because now you are not able to visit the tutor or the teacher in person to look and correct my decisions in my book but no you have to be online and whether you're wrong or not that's how life goes and so when you turn up into class for a face-to-face activity the teachers are going to say oh my god we are missing out because the students are way behind amen and so it is very difficult in this day and age to ask someone to to to not be anxious i do believe that there are some exam goers and some exam takers and some test takers who are bombarded weekly or monthly or uh termly about what examines so they will end up in panic attacks some of our youths are so stressed out and they walk around sometimes with a smile on their face i remember asking one youth to you know to to to start teaching sunday school one just for 30 minutes i have been doing it since kovid every sunday religiously and um it is not easy but when i ask him he says sir remember keep because he is anxious about what is about what is ahead you can't find enough reasons to be anxious about everything you think of if you don't give it a logical explanation you start to get flustered about it somebody praise the lord the bible tells us through paul's encouragement to a popular church and i distinctively start by saying this church was located because i think that sometimes the location of a church means a lot to the people amen and so it is that this church was located in an area where it would have been busy in an area where it would have been much commercial people passing through you'll have visitors each sunday and paul is saying to this church don't be anxious but in everything through prayer and supplication let your requests be made known you see you will not have the peace that passes understanding until you fulfill a certain criteria but sometimes we tend to go around the thing to get to the peace it is not easy as i said before you can't find enough reasons to understand why this and why that you know many questions have been asking and so much of our questions have gone unanswered but i believe that the lord has spoke to my heart sir hallelujah to tell the people of god be anxious for nothing don't be bombarded with the stresses of life you know just yesterday i was talking with myself yes i do that from time to time because if i don't then i will end up talking and responding to myself and i was saying how hard it is for me to understand a saturday morning because a saturday morning i have to go to the market and pick up stuff and then after next time i have to help the kids them and at the next time i have to be cooking another next time i have to be doing this there are so much things much less a woman so anxiety is a feeling of unease worry or fear everyone feels anxious at some point in their lives but some people for some people can be an ongoing thing if you are with me praise the lord i do believe that in this day and age the spirit there is a spirit of anxiety that has unleashed on our world and in our society are you with me say amen but more so it has taken dominance in our church because not only that the people in the world are worried about what's happening in the economy but the church itself is now flustered by what is happening in our church many members are distanced in themselves from what is called the truth some have sat at home with her in a way because they are not watered and nurtured you see a plant can't go without sunlight neither can it go without water i believe i'm on a drive this morning and my old personal life to bring back a set of people who are hallelujah withered there are some people who have stepped out of position because of something or the other some form of anxiety they can't seems to put themselves to the harsh reality that these things exist it is okay and understandable when the world doubt god i would not expect the prime minister of jamaica or any prime minister in this world or president to call upon me and say i do believe that god can do this thing for me but the church when the church step out of position because of anxiety you find out that the world suffer at our negligence i'm here this morning to call a set of people out of anxiety so much people doubt the very word of god it's not that they don't doubt you know it's not that they don't believe i must say sorry but it is that the fact that these stress have come to their mind and the spirit of the enemy have flustered their mind allowing them to believe that things are out of work and out of control based on reality can i tell you a real truth your reality has nothing to do with the understanding of god many of us don't understand god and because we don't understand god and we try to explain god and we try to put ourselves in the position of god we limit now ourselves from moving forward i'm here this morning to trouble our faith faith chapel i don't believe that the name faith chapter was just derived out of thin thin air you see the opposite of anxiety is faith so if you are not if you don't have faith you will be anxious and so the devil wants to distract us just like peter is stepped out of the boat it's not that reality changes peter knew the situation existed god did not change the situation all god did was to ask him to step out onto the situation you see god settles the anxiety in peter's mind but don't believe because the faith is present in your life means that the devil will not try to bombard your mind the more it is given to you is more it is required of you and so when you step out by faith remind be reminded that the enemy is gonna throw every other dart that he can every grenade and every missile will come your way just because you step out by faith somebody said my faith will not absence my anxiety but it will subdue it my faith will put my anxiety into subjection just like how fasting put my flesh into subjection when you are fast and it is telling your flesh i am in control when you have faith in god you are telling your anxiety i am in control having faith in god does not tells you that you're gonna have your your your life be placed on a silver platter don't think because i have faith in god i must not make preparations and plans not because i have faith in god means i must not study whether the word or whether your school work put in the work and the end result will be victorious as the scripture says faith without works is dead even though we know that all things according to romans chapter 8 and verse 28 we're together for good that means we must sit down with our feet word means work don't just sit down young people i'm here this morning to encourage every last one of us and even scenes who are going to school some of us want the end result of the degree but don't want to put in the work and that's the reason why you feel anxious no let me say it again it's because you're not working why anxiety is taken because you are feeling like things are out of work i'm sure if i give you a million dollars today you will feel satisfied just for the moment but as soon as you start calculating the harsh reality of your expenditures one million dollar car one million jamaican dollar can't really do anything now if you understand what i mean because when you start to put up um versus what you have they start getting flustered and you just get a million dollars and that is why peter got flustered in the booth because he just saw jesus christ fed five thousand men beside that was not sufficient enough to tickle your faith oh glory to god it's just an emotion sometimes when you see some things happens in your life you get all excited and nothing is wrong with that but knowing and understanding that god have our lives in control makes a world of difference amen there are so many so many examples in scripture ready listen to me carefully there are so many examples in the scriptures that we can use to identify the use of great faith and small faith where miracles happen you see these great miracles are performed through whether small amount of faith or great amount of faith the bible says that he that cometh to god must first what must first believe that he what he is and he is a rewarder of them that diligently so we must first come to god believing you see faith is not obtained through sight faith is not obtained through sight faith is hearing and obeying the words of god so many of us hear things and it's not the word of god and so when you move out you you don't have the footing there is no solid ground in waters when you are not acting on the word of god peter stepped out when god called him it is me come so miracles come through what faith but don't expect the miracle to happen if you don't have faith many of us want god to move but our faith is nowhere many of us want things to happen in our life but the faith is not there i want to remind us this morning a few things that [Music] the steps of a righteous man are ordered by god with this in mind i want us to understand that when it comes to god he knows the end from the beginning there is no reason to doubt so i want you to shift now your focus from the problems and the harsh reality of our current situation and understand that god have this in control amen it is good to have a miracle present and still doubt god is it good to have a miracle and still dog god then why is it that peter was in fear on the boat because the miracle really does nothing much to the fear but you must understand that when god speaks he relieved my troubled mind it's the only voice i hear that makes a difference as i follow one day at a time and this is the difference between us and those who are flustered because we have faith in god you see faith in god can move a mighty mountain the bible says that if you have a green a small a faith as small as a mustard seed you can speak to the mountain and say be cast into the oceans and the mountains obey but let's see the thing is about faith faith is your obedience to god's word how you expect the mountain to obey when you are not obeying god praise god so we understand that faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of god you see when time you trust your feeling when anxiety is present it's gonna cause you to crash because your feelings is nowhere the gauge is off it don't make right decision he make irrational decision the other day i have to remind someone that don't make a permanent decision for a temporary problem they see quite often we have a situation where a brother or a sister might say the wrong things to me and i choose to walk out because of the temporary problem you understand what i'm saying and so it is that you make a permanent decision to do stuff that will affect you in the long run so you see while you're there i'm asking you not to make a permanent decision for a temporary problem don't sell your house because you have a thirty thousand dollar bill to pay don't give up on your children and put them out in the coal because they were impregnated unlawfully oh yes no you get silence in here i do believe that the love of god is a foundation in which the church was built i don't recall any of you went to calvary for me so who are we to sit on the throne of god i nullify every demonic attack on the people they say i'm on a drive not a bottle drive only but i'm on a drive to get the entities some of them might have red stripe on them follow me some of them might have guineas on them some of them might have oh glory ironic in and smirnoff but let me tell you this i'm on a drive to get the empties what am i talking about i'm gonna try to get the backsliders back in the house of god so god can do the recycling god will do the recycling all we need to do is to gather the entities shun the rubber high i feel the holy ghost when they have come they might have red stripe written all over their bodies but it's not your business it's got business to do the recycling god have committed unto me the words of reconciliation come as you are your mighty in red here you might entire plants oh i don't want to do it like this but let me just calm down a little bit [Music] if you are in the better fornication yesterday come as you are this is the house of god that's the faith i have in god retrieve the empties some of us this is us this is us we are filled to the brim cannot take no more but i want you to take the limit take the limit off you you notice the cap wasn't on the bottom of the bottle the cap wasn't on the bottom of the bottle limit the use of your head because somebody needs the life in this in this theme so water is life and in sunday school we are talking about pouring out i feel the holy ghost i feel the holy ghost this morning life is in the bottle a life is in my body it's time for us to revisit the empties and pour a little life in it the more i pour out of this is the more god can pour into this [Music] a little out a little in more out more in what am i talking about revisit those backsliders you might see something that you don't like it's not your business god do the work one psychologist once said that when they have to deal with anxiety they realize that anxiety is a feeling of everything going out of control and so because they can't control the environment anymore it's like the gauge of their emotions and their feelings start going haywire what am i saying is like a pilot flying a plane across the ocean at 40 45 000 feet in the year and when you look at the gauge in there it is saying warning warning warning you're gonna crash we're auto fluid we are out of this the wing is not operating and the gauge is out of work but you are still flying i'm here to tell somebody your gauge is off limits your gauge is broken but keep flying keep flying keep flying keep pressing you might be out and you might be off your gauge is broken but keep flying have the faith that god will sustain you in the ear god is the same god that said let there be light on the first day ah god and then create the sun on the fourth day what if you understand so god will do some things in your life that he will explain later [Music] god made the light on the first day but the very sun that distributes the light came on the fourth day what are you worrying about the same god that says step out will sustain fear chaplain closing some of us are worried about some things not being given to us god i'm praying for my driver's but for the life of me every time i go i feel the exam god i'm praying for a care a car and every time i go to the karmart the bunk reminded me of how broke i am that's the harsh reality hallelujah to god oh gloria feel like i like just glorifying god a bit sometimes i start dating i feel the holy ghost you start dating and by the time you must make the conclusion to the matter a break off hallelujah will you stop flying or will you go every time you reach a point it's like you're reminded by this old dragon but there is a part in psalms 51 where david said in his prayer to god of repentance deliver me from blood guiltiness oh lord you see there are people who are sitting here who are marred hallelujah in their minds because of guilt but i'm here this morning to remind you you are already forgiven you are forgiven come on shake off the devil and tell him back off you're not going to hold me in my guilt anymore i've already paid the death of repentance for my sins and so therefore i'm not going to allow you to hold me down i don't know about you this morning but when i sin and i come into the house of god i feel so convicted like jesus christ i don't want to do anything but then god called me and said man of god you see when god knew adam's sin he did not say a box slider he said adam where are those i feel like preaching now god has already forgiven you of your sting somebody said god has already forgiven me of my sting and why you put a little attitude on it god has already forgiven me you devil back up it doesn't matter where the guilt is coming from it could be coming from a church brother or a church sister you are up there and i preach and augusta yet to live a dirty life yes because of my mess i'm able to preach a message you don't know where i was and where god took me from such were some of us who are mongers ah dogs and sorcerers but god turn me around and plant my feet on higher ground i'm here to deal with the guilt not the sin the guilt are sending a word out there to every backslider right now i know you are watching this we're coming for you i'm coming for you may i pray for you i i'm not calling no names because i don't want to cross the offense because the situation sensitive but may i call for them there are some praises who are absent there are some planners who are absent there are some preachers who are absent there are some prophets who are absent there are some evangelists who are absent there are some almighty god there's some apostles who are absent there's an almighty god our nation could just get to believe us i'll call you in the name of jesus christ a binding spirit of confusion and anxiety some husbands are remaining in sin and your wife is saved don't worry wife they're coming back they're coming back some children walk out don't worry they're coming back some mothers are weeping but they're coming back they're coming back they're coming back [Applause] holy ghost anoint me with authority to speak in the atmosphere right now hallelujah to god and i warn every believer right now in the marchless name of jesus christ sure don't say anything to them when they come back just pray the prayer and ask god to deliver tell me which one are we can we feel red striped beer and it back tightly [Music] men look at all toward appearance but god look at at the heart let us have faith that they are coming back let us have faith i say faith is a complete obedience to god's word this is the first thing it says it's a he that committed to god must first it is a heart in god to tell me to believe one time the man did this me up it's a heart in god to tell me to believe when you normally have the money not a bunk it's a hard thing god to tell me to believe when i can't see the way out it's a hard thing when the tire seems like a mammoth one it's a hard thing god but the bible said he that commit to god must first believe he will reward you god is not a man that should lie he's not slack concerning his promises they are sure [Music] is there a s is there a soul here this morning who feel like you have lost your way you feel like are empty i've asked the money to pray this morning where is he demanding come back you see i believe god is going to do a mighty work through this young man come quickly the money quickly amen grab with the mic i want three or four empties to come right here right now i wanted three or four people to come right now you feel empty you feel like you have lost your connection you feel like you have lost your substance the money i want you to pray like god you are the closest this morning you are doing the closing prayer you're going to pray for them amen i know god didn't just send me thank you ministers help them honey please [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus amen jesus jesus jesus thank you jesus jesus jesus jesus hallelujah jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus oh god oh god jesus come before your lord jesus jesus oh god touch them even right no father oh god jesus fill them up god knowing lord jesus [Music] christ oh god you are the father the highest mountains and it flows to the lowest oh oh foreign in the name of jesus christ powerless right now over the minds of the people kill us oh god we thank you for your mercy oh jesus r [Music] you know [Music] jesus [Music] there is power in the name of jesus just about two times hallelujah rub out to this place to get ready for the second service praise god sing it about two or so times hallelujah there is power in the name of jesus yes there's power there is power [Music] break every chain even at this moment [Music] extend hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] break every [Music] [Music] peace [Music] my oh [Music] [Music] very softly when i dismiss it prayer [Music] thank you lord jesus christ for your great presence that your offense this morning lord we thank you lord god for the fellowship we thank you lord for your words that have gone forth lord jesus christ touch your man's servant lord let your hands be upon him cover him right now and his family lord jesus christ i pray oh god for every one of us here this morning lord that will minister to our individual needs i pray lord god forever backsliders whether they are being hosts or whether they are tuning in or wherever they are oh god in the name of jesus we present them to you speak to their hearts pull them back into your presence lord jesus we submit them to you lord god have mercy upon them we pray for everyone that have come to the altar lord continue to do a great work in their life have your own sweet way lord dismiss us with your blessings protect us as we go travel with us fence us around and help us to continue the lord to give the glory in jesus name in jesus name [Music] fellowship i don't change [Music] greet someone before you leave [Music] red [Music] is foreign in the name of jesus [Music] break every chain break everything [Music]
Channel: Faith Chapel of Faith Apostolic Ministries
Views: 2,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Chapel, Gospel, Good, preaching, anointing, Holy, Ghost, Ministry, bible, study, ignite
Id: XrnAbnNlB3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 33sec (7833 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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