Feature History - War of the Roses

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ah domestic disputes like an elaborate episode of Dr Phil The War of the Roses offers us a chance to watch and enjoy some good old family squabbles it's all funny games until 50,000 people [Music] die hello and welcome to feature history featuring The War of the Roses an epic century long Civil War that pitted brother against brother father against son and fifth cousin once removed against fifth cousin once removed all for the grand prize of the English Throne because it was very very comfortable it brought dynasties to an end impacted Wars that would change history forever ended the Medieval Era and had two absolutely gorgeous flowers I hope the edge of your seat is extra cushioned because we're going on a ride of drama Our Story begins in the late 14th century and Carries to the 15th century these two centuries were characterized in crisis famines plagues and the start of the adorably named little Ice Age would bring Europe to its knees with near apocalyptic like destruction at the hands of Mother Nature war and Revolt would become common place ever since William the Conqueror indulged in his namesake and conquered England in 1066 the ruling dynasties of France and England had been closely interlined it would typically lead to Skirmish but in 1337 the game would change King Edward III of England believed he was the rightful heir to the throne of France and when Philip IV challenged England's territorial claims Edward responded by attempting to take the Throne of France beginning the 100 Years War Edward III's eldest son Edward the black prince was heir to the popular King and made good and prussians with his success in the war against France those campaigns would take their toll though and kill the prince in 1376 by giving him a nasty case of the shits not too bad though Edward III had three other living Sons to take up the position of King John Duke of Lancaster Edmund Duke of York and Thomas Duke of Gloucester Edward III died a year on from his oldest in 1377 and the throne was left to Richard II the son of the black prince passing an entire generation imposing a middle finger to the sons Richard was 10 when he took on the family business and the Suns deemed him maybe not the best choice for this kind of thing his Reign was considered by most to be the work of a child which is exactly what it was as well as not being a favorite with peasantry he was hated by the nobility Thomas attempted to undermine the king and he led a coalition of powerful Nobles against Richard in 1388 which saw the king's power significantly handicapped this would set a trend for the nearest century to follow one notable Noble in that group was Henry son of John and so naturally carrying on the name of Lancaster he Thomas and the others were satisfied in their Victory and so would rest easy for a decade well not too easy they were still at war with France Richard would inevitably strike back against us and he did in 1397 by dissolving Thomas's Coalition and arresting him and also probably getting Thomas de morry to murder him too Henry was spared the prison time and good old medieval shanking despite Mercy Henry was not happy with this turn of events and came into conflict with morry eventually challenging the man to a jewel of Honor morry accepted but Richard intervened banishing them both and upsetting the nobility fearing there with losing their rights to the interventionist King whilst Henry was banished his father John passed away in 1399 Richard held John's Holdings and titles keeping them from Henry Henry was sufficiently fed up with Richard given there was no hate sh to file a complaint to he decided he'd instead a mass an army and invade England while Richard was campaigning in Ireland seizing control in his absence upon Richard's return He took the Glorious route of giving himself up and going to prison and dying Henry became King Henry IV and the red rose of Lancaster was established on the throne despite minor unrest Lancaster rule injured passing on from Henry IV to the fth who then indulged the whole Death part of war in 1422 leaving his only infant son Henry V 6 to take up the throne the young boy spent his early years in the Regency of several noblemen most importantly Richard the dukee of York the great grandson of Edward theii when the weak willed Henry became of AE he was convinced to marry the stunning beautiful and power hungry French Margaret aanu when Margaret arrived at Henry's court she distrusted York and would constantly attempt to separate Henry from his staunch General she proposed instead the talents of the dukee of Somerset who happened to be one of her supporters and also Lancaster she continued to push York out of the pitchure removing him from the front lines and instead to Ireland where he could not play any role in the proceedings of the court she instead gave York's former poster Somerset who one could terbly say was not that good the mounting failures of Margaret and a cronies mixed with excessive corruption left them widely unpopular by 1450 and what have the man meant to actually be running the show Henry was viewed as Beyond incompetent York would return and prematurely march on London demanding for somerset's imprisonment York was imprisoned until he would finally humble himself before the court and swear loyalty to Henry in 1453 civil discontent grew to uncontrollable levels and those responsible would have to be held as such York and his York's faction strided for Margaret Somerset and their land C accomplice power to be revoked and their influence removed that opportunity would be offered to them later the same year Henry's failures led to defeat in the 100 Years War and his rational reaction was to have an absolute mental breakdown a Regency was set up in the king's mental absence and the popular York was to take up the title of Lord protector York quickly got down to business and placed Somerset in prison and began to implement reforms before he could appreciate his work though Henry managed to recuperate to his wife shrieking of how York is ruining everything York's position was revoked his reforms reversed and Somerset released York alongside his ally the wealthy Earl of Warwick knew the queen surely had it in for them now and so Rose their armies in the north of England in hopes of deposing lancastrian Power by force The War of the Roses would begin on the 22nd of May 1455 when the white rose of York ComEd the red rose of Lancaster in the first battle of St Albin the battle would end in a decisive York's victory in somerset's death Henry was captured by York and his release was negotiated on terms that York would have his title of Lord protector return return to him Henry being a poor loser would once again suffer a bout of mental dysfunction for a period of months he would recover once again to his wife's demands for York's proposal and would once again comply this would cause York and Warick to fear for their lives as this time they felt Margaret would come down hard on their descent and so would flee the country and go the separate ways in 1459 Margaret had them labeled as traitors and attempted to seed to their arrest York would stay in hiding as Warick took the grander approach of Defending his Fortress in Cala and launching raids against the lancasters and 1460 Warick turned it up a notch by straight up invading England and taking London and Kent to much Applause York and Warick were far more popular than the corrupt Margaret and obedient Henry the Battle of Northampton soon after War's Landing would see him meet the lancastrian challenge and defeat it capturing Henry again York returned to England after Warick did all the hard stuff so that he could assert his claim to the throne having himself and his children designated his heir to the throne upon Henry's death Margaret was lied the only reason she came to this godforsaken island was for her beautiful child Prince Edward to become king Edward she struck a deal with the King of Scotland for an army and once she had that Army she raised hell across the counties of England York and his second Elders Edmund met their end at the end of a pike when attempting to face Margaret Scots in the Battle of Wakefield and late 1460 she continued her campaign Southward beating back war in the Second Battle of St Albin and discovering her husband sitting quietly beneath a tree after retrieving the bargaining piece that was her husband she retreated to the north to consolidate leaving London without any King the late York's eldest Edward would meet with Warick and his surviving men and enter London the bishop of London would talk with the boy and then ask the people of London for their judgment the crowds would shout back King Edward as deao King Edward I Four's goal was to remove Henry from Power he and Warick would pursue Margaret's Army and meet them outside York in the Battle of ton on the 29th of March 1461 they fought a brutal battle accompanied by a blizzard and a dramatic Narrative of Revenge in the end 28,000 men laid dead and Edward stood the Victor it appeared as if Edward had finally ended the War of the Roses and a yorker's victory but if that would so I'd be rolling pictures now and talking about how the war was significant or some fath but I'm not Warick started negotiations for Edward's marriage to a French princess early seeking to secure power for Edward he was betrayed to discover that Edward had fallen in love with a widow and married her in secret Warick knew that Edward was far too ignorant of politics and deemed that he must write the wrong he had made he threw away his ties to the Yorks and decided to instead side with the lancasters war reached out to Edward's envious brother George and sailed to France to create an allegiance with his former mortal enemy Margaret on the request of the French King after multiple marriages and several handshakes a plot to depose Edward IV was in place Warick invaded England in 1470 as Edward attempted to suppress Lancaster rebellions catching his former friend off guard Edward was forced to flee he chose to accompany himself with his youngest brother and loyal supporter Richard dukee of Gloucester War decided to now tow the part party line and use Henry IV placing him back on the throne and offending George George's whole motivation was to take the throne for himself not to bring back the Old Guard make no mistake Henry might have been on the throne but it was Warick calling the shots Warick had England befriend France and was tempted into a war against burgundy which proved to be a fatal mistake Charles of burgundy would offer the estranged Edward the funds to take back his throne and so Edward would go to war Edward invaded in 1471 and would meet his brother George who would beg for forgiveness begin he would be given Edward then confronted boro's Army in thick fog and using the confusion to his Advantage defeated the outnumbering force in the Battle of Barnett and slang War Margaret arrived on the aisle at the very same day only to hear of War's demise she decided to cast her lot and her men and confront Edward in the Battle of cherbury Edward proved the superior Commander Prince Edward the cruel child was killed and his mother taken captive by the Yorks it was only by a ransom paid by the French King would she return home the father would meet the same fate as a son Henry V 6 was murdered soon after the battle finally removing the Lancaster problem York power was restored and the War of the Roses has finally ended in a York's fix psych whilst the remainder of Edward's rule was fine the problem of succession were bound to crop up upon Edward's sudden death in 1483 his son's succession was prevented by Edwards once loyal Brother Richard see there was a point to me mentioning him Richard claimed that due to Edward's secred marriage none of his children were legitimate and so had the princes conveniently disappear so he could sit his behind on the throne of England Richard III's mad and blatant power grab shocked onlookers but surely no one remained to challenge his claim that was the case until the discovery of Henry Tudor a lancastrian descendant of Edward III raised in Exile on the sunny shores of France Henry would cross the channel in 1485 and confront the defrauding King in the Battle of Bosworth field Henry managed to defeat Richard's Superior Army and kill the man himself leaving Henry the only one to claim the throne to extend the Olive Branch or to stop a bloody Rebellion probably the L he would marry the daughter of Edward IV finally uniting the Two Roses to become the House of Tudor and bringing a little bit of peace to aanal island called Britain with the end of the war also brought an end to the Medieval era in England the power shift caused by the Black Death in part had finally ceased and England became far more centralized under Henry iith Henry's Dynasty would pave the way for the English reformation and the unification of England and Scotland under James the some say the significance of the War of the Roses is exaggerated and the war really meant very little in the grand scheme of it all and to them I say so that's that episode 8 done to the archives it goes like usual thanks to the patrons I'm sure this thank you was feeling less genuine every time personal mentions to Zeda and the scrubbings of the rectal variety next episode should be when I can be bothered to
Channel: Feature History
Views: 1,625,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Feature History, History, Education, Entertainment, Academic, Presentation, War of the Roses, Wars of the Roses, Lancaster, York, Tudor, Battle of Bosworth, Henry VI, Richard III, Henry Tudor, England, Renaissance, Medieval, 15th century, Hundred Years' War, War, Conflict, Knights, Medieval War, Edward IV, Henry IV, Plate Armour, Battle of Northampton, Battle of Towton
Id: 8usSAMpuSVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2017
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